CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Feb 1918, p. 4

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hi 4Mw - am l e A'M e jol..ImRe1I 1 mtrlklug by AMeeqe. uuiiVwe teoplpt aiédlis tr». MM *0otLs et the tUUUrIV ft weu.m eew urt eMI "w b lhot'. 1 t ve.eey e.uelsee utmv. Il Riait 'hum .t.e th a s iUmS smo n acBom oteLAMEO»TTAAN *1111i1111làtu N 111 ifth TiiUIthe gnsielufil. * Neve. mg u Oma lhmr.wa " a0»efr1. ' 0fmo tain ue sUt.N he fh lt ma»"tp as £h - t ille . aite voe, mem ereàt Mta. vuiahg te .Ustsinéet hm *s»eor tue sU~~~Ld amiRi watj s 0»pe a Sui h troue. M~~~~a îàm SiP e s m1e MA%, W.mile is a~~~~~md aeo .etareof inakegma. wun mv. tla.Rbdohv- selifma dm MIf ho bu .esat" ile ,ulp!!.mtlt ia t vii aivmai 'i$am, ~Stom If vLak o eu.' t,, comectâ OOllW tlOlU Ithle toMrble tragcdy because 1t, u bas ben Meble ln tRhe lumi l th mmiPet mohP4 bas hume"i mime mimai ~ Riis ver broie s etW»M di Mbet m ailus a Leke c"09uy à"4 e RMlt M.mee '0te onu.Uv"y O»w tltc * 1 Sawes au imm"iramth rmnegOas bap~in a «Y part of &-ýr #àjj te vend but ita Llce oeuty le AUi& If<a le tom"i ia t uqal or indirect- 4ftwe thiq'v lm -lu em euer cthoe ,asheugur. md. _______ WbtRttie ADITY uRfl carrai, theia#. Bauler lmu thdRIe puoslet cfrMNexs, bas thes audoity. te oblerm KIClesuWllhmlm Mmd oc0. grtla lM enw hIfbfrthday eho d. te Ombe omlgrom t isho hop"a Rhe kloeur wiii he vMtooe lnhilgr# *nt euot.,' ln ae verdi. Çcrranz, hutcsurp. or lkmeedce.pfctlcally telle the kisetl Ihat h. hep.. the I tlod ttse smd bInble promt unr Im. Rhum Sainte litethe <abs 0« Ameilcan. hi t'yfouss tear haMmd Amer. lu me U oSquistiy ami lot hlm lIeu Song mllIl Ut machthue? ml. Attor.ait tRue eeumtuy buedon.' for 1on Carrema ta ham his cosmDe out ln, m«h, tli Uvmimi eu esntbai done dtoi tfSCarrame te have hlm eeme eut toi hl RhisUvMW itait 06meshiy le lu, satia oriaes t ai. sans, mcii immerethm u .vom R ho ~td ave StatéeUnale mcenlt y eioui idm n abvthut reesulueut ami ba etthibgveowmofa, sume Ir Ne Ilerez ma allés-eur iii b. lmdiig ra fra luneS of Moraclm Mofrcm -bar. ne la ramie.capItal' %0 h. tfltd teps ga-s border oud pmebly tRipta tgke pu. trop baisé* cf perstet Tous. j<* B llumieeCen Momaea te haimer lililisam eth. UId mt 1»iuwllng téedie AlitSte. balp the elrman ateer a và avie. jop ln ey. lie ie- t paSCarreeis yte» liltmd O W e t e t ..A' raôP'almWfl. i iiau, eii"eeb w Wte Nethl db:da ri. Rtale r h m il e iWl im sé,d m etv mat ieri e fly ii. e bléeee 9 e mle tu l e = 7~*luel 4111 iet tlus bagueh. CdUViu.vîm. ft tmitoléré____ et" ik trous Lake " iï amI 4101esI e t bas, .uIsurapma eii RIo lSItiSbmukar fai feimgml% , -au.le gem8toe duiw*. A e»es. tllaipèq erel smlq ii a bue et atoI'b ereatRiw*o i it la te tRimeBin lugate ProVWilu0me y t i a i v iii t - p o e peu but e Waikouluesbuifersi' mnoIice. foe *efreew théRIetmli. thRIew av~ 'B ILN a om teieie * . qAl. Ou u a a R i e m 9 lm W ite&!Pw%> vii am tidiIalry viii retire tro bu.W gtlu kcouaig vfUi ** t im aià Rieroirc la weoSm vi ii k4meetsr, it i the -t te chago Tuibm a a uS cuniy farmer. *Ueosberaide" eia M1111 . ob. m8 6-( k ituainela a'Dm M Mt dase, bar ill mwvicMay et y"la~ 0,s ea City wou i lu -S undve umon th tht 9,p oIL i oudwe Imm? Ir tbma 0 rie te9lm & I#ope le, bowieioutimai the *cm li emew MW me iIie*» -liem àhahw--wg WhJekqd oatuIm* om Nals date, bai hW l ê~ce. ,Ywtà% aià * N te Bomid pAUEMTleO*~WItm Rm oruir UR te:Uuje hI*mu stjutb0,0v, hi mm isaluqiff oe Mhuyt Whmt4 mde lu i las hI Io,. lot ~At L eq dli utls M i Tlw vol. auui'tk « 06L jtwutlhag__ te eelmty 0s«14it It le ping Nac0i mmr M on eéRekup aàdemi> cmi.a por-a viii bev e NPal a iytanm e usil - n sli axce ml.s toubi. ommnse. -Weil, m- seeudle i v"aitofie.m 0 h miia ambe "Putw mu lua=i glU. aI oRIe euiulel ado Etle isoleai Rmp aie e sgeithei 4a*- it tso la oinmaimet th lmn t tnheeul Oie Rami, ti -o n amee, cile. meRI aeut meey Ji .nestetu eou th Utedlin eto vfwmbcohiled 1*am te utilm suer te MWdogel aPmi me o1 Utte mul reinds n ute. mSorRIe hiy e, the que dinle cbutlatb«YhatM tilalne eson einfejai tWb wipr o m thcY aveorm a Ri cake, StaNmay Bs ca Pflel pc CTe utse bdmate ai oge I. g-8ie. ieydeli la, bt by . L Ut micerty goW RIFectlmg Irerea"yoldlcue acs ie. la ei omrey ing ,10 o baveua " Thc Àpagmer s'~#lY.' Dmfer trouew,» eac he manp of-thet pagedacioeot taoU gHTthé est? oNY e Ob?!" '"wHEY tNO W RE PCmeNa& &Ufâ the e l b tetfSDoWu ,te natr te, g tl g ~MW£ tU kegma. epemklng W" tba itimlà. ceubedmys ladm "he I. cere te en b te oithtite top i Res t "the ta meer but tic lgI04 M» sidto ,tic elle m are eh1 MW . oumnMM:Wate Mmgarbt bpec" m a lae ferqeeubu iRiai t Rimeutat. li iie a ss mm vice tmmvw i tonneu "geI Prof a e tiat Ifuriiibw:umetl fi usti ýRi* e..WMo mm*ot uiê at bd of mm t lave mUaniu t".o met thme mlraaa t e Pès thecup mépiut is on"tý« _ Mmi eeabf le o ote gpamg m s, a"orst a heim m t Pu t Sîmr. PuSp ~aotudelarsRtN wt RiS fo bpmmd i fMur mi on nte «ffl -e von tbic paeRt e0 a begun - 1to e i& m miint. Rotbi ,iohm ton ahip. or a appP ma*iOB Ete t/n or punteemoIea mm Rie t iideto, Mm Nxyb homea bani megi 0 _Oni d rovn Point. fo,. Il geugreme evoal da"s fout advingt mu.lroeA rk mu ianc boimg turfai Cilugo 3M Sdletrlbutors rquorted Yeuterad&Y &vewy «f rom 3Uto-71l per cent if thab nrai dstrti>utous MoSa mliile iuelmg irciat la traou dimtat pont ta Wiadmuln. Obl« idFATHER AID SON" BANMQUET Aueppsr for" um iijuegb t ithe Puubyterle'chté mt Wodnmmd vlefl gffait ckwL."It vIb. te ie, nmuof a "Ftber and Son". bemqlet. BO@e ai lout en aeMmd over viiib. admIltl., Tiers wvi ib. uivenmsesakers. mamg then bels« E. 0.1eslSmeit vhobai lIWy bien worhlugvtb'the Y. M. C. A. lu Begied nd mFPans. It leacxpeted lia there viliib. ioms ai the boys Itom »b. Naval Station prienta c ontrIbute toa lime estertaemm et 0f e vemlng. GIVES. DANCE AND SUPPER The Cmiholle Social<00%' d amenmd gapper lauthes muhllolu at Tnurmdm aIgu vmm a spiecii eue... Qv.r 800 e.jazed a- elegansopper. mitéer vhlch tis vai a prgrqm on w" wmvu 6eator Svlft, Who gave à paidlle midioutimi g"e.tly lnupreeWè hie audi. em&e #Adences bIoffwiI tl.progma.. o7W.6 bundred couple peulmpatin. é0fflaof tbeaid-Urne dooWebdlmg cula. JqLMW«ombtmmde»,«eoilst km, boom lMyp ioilSq ai et ML-meo Rèl ,aisamt qpereflgaipSo. AéiuiiL Sifvg e wte Mu *WSmy lui. A 1 ~ s~ Aumi"wam te teylor i«eL3RS if rnai Sculat, Md *14 eUes. owl. Ie Mo àebtome* r. alu, aimy t iMee5 q gsng la *rmtam trou lic n*tie polios, ". m ," *WIB ,?miflt béve mkot icari fto <M. Lmx'tp i« mamutelboude la uMo& imie tiata nom te Av p iba voieý uiecjunmt b mtboRe uin et meticltrlnlmm-1»terr~ IM ireted mmiàdlbs tS cipi nOn va truteule0%» tm&itI OMMe or e 14peas -'« ' Tioes iii b. e rvicie mmxi Suda ai fallove: Cburo booi 9:45,a. m. Màwnlmg Service 1100 a. tu. Ohoir reberemi svery Smiurdmp ulgil at 7:80 smtle chufch. Mothcdlst-Lsdcomi. Servlisebmut SumdàaettIbm -Md. R. .cbvreh viii be ld at tb. umîal lIme, Sander ichooL alé10 a'claei. Morenag prousecmguImet m11ilo'clack TOM Rsv. ome in iipuechla ths svsmlmg at 7:36~, Dr. J. IL. Key viii preaco he subJsIý 'The foot-printm ai the mm at (talle.." -Dr. Kemy bue tr&velsd sîtea. sleiy la the Haly Land end isi iBrson Sundmy ii taucb upon hie #Wudy and Iravels la PaleeMme. There Win, b. specimi musicetaibath moamng end ovenlngoesrvlué. . "Our Nosd of Quidanes" viii b. the Bubject 'airthe Epvarth Lague juaul. sasngx mot3umdïmy @os asm8. s. J. 13. Uacfflu will lsd tbe meeting. Lot every Lonuetr rlly for ibiosive. The Womna)'i Rmi esloznmr7 ioeety wiii hold itrettmg for lis momUa aof Fcbruarfl tuat Tiureday aftermooz, fM. u t theIbmhome of M« -Carie liard on Stewart Ave. Mier. Emma TrippIl l lis meeting. Ail mes. bers ad.fuuld umpiuhI Ti b*eoli viimuti for veheriltIbi vo m uniep vslg aI Sto'elaci @4 tbs borne aofmm. Impabun. NVerj Mmebr Riechoti laurgd ta attmmi. nornmg voiew paillgr. n. Sermon bp piotor. Sobjeqe: "TirmeillSITva Oas." ogela indio. Me-ammdnvil du& ale. oman aaUudsavor "i uet 6"a Sd *pibg movinab t180. ub&M 09a uOMBu ' liMoOR -wliiW -1 Yes gtsoIlga0m"p,. lisg.p muBee a ~ iem i o .& R . A*itéw .deotmAl1' l. ~viuiuir R i, 'W~Wdàrveil BàbSam I4r'iu~ sh~pSme *-.ol. t~e. Mu Orlinse.-~ - ~Wshswe.memsW ' 5h ermt. llmaaihAe h.- -~~~ bst -u U o tu «t Pte Opaud. 5to woplie I., WAl O4 cre i od v a ci filth éms, SWh" mogijl old at ........14e~ W"d fer 2ke Prubn eiiimue, muaxithom oda oestle astv ISARL ,,CORLM'TT Two ez 0.'~~.d Everything For Baby Here ira not oniy a questi of whateyou got. forý thebaby. but get it ta so on hpoe- t=t matter. Ibo manizot' fi which goodisamare ¶aph"a groat de to CIO wtth the condition th whioh tbay nocli youi «We 'aoploy extraorclln«gartl ert4mohd ..fl hàuilg*u1900o" for baes »& Amid we havu~.rytFii OU &reM KOY to. nee SUoC& DCKEW ?S DRUGSTOR, E USter a t"rc v mitorbelp. lire et Nordlmnord. vsmtr mler t, IL ýLoasd. a Oamt uLak jeu 4hisl Meai.lre. 'L»o»" klft %er bue.ý b tva oeeun amge r alict ui xord muSihoetieugt ame bai lafi iii ble, Un vis vuar et Ris "est vp et m lu, go ta bei'routine cf' a mmi tevn.cb -l ile nai ýie wlova golthinlgw No 'er tu i ewiidaine ipvr Ior avir l i-~tvnutqP ;&ICTION SALI!i The undelmi viWin mu, pI pubis aueehOm. on is prmie knovm bai et aIlaoti fon, I~ muse morgmuset ~~ms4. hl~ml'7 . o1918 '**MYrELOrCtCATTLE-M ieobeg*S udie, 7 usv nls., au, g b"-4=r 1g2SerMd l jOUnl. vulgwe b011,bm m. Ie id.wmv» 1m ~S;bo pbôms. pure oN v flgimug 1300 è, Bts., 4fou1;2on rm .HA. oAW~oO4d"M OHaEb 700 ns~e sm#,19bu.aripen# * pou 'la.' t-af auNe la' rie, mzr W dre qtom or oSierqupo Nmw,so go e Nredus.MWeamomema, O e d NMes ouior lbuepur 1 oarmi ce 7. Ml misel. N io be smoamiie >o*weeook? Hv b breeoolo 8.Mom WhbIndulule mi saioan f, bom on f lie Wfoivune ., Ovoup L Pmvoulm-DrW db-eae -. il UqrU-.elo, petatocs. *fl Ovoq 10 ua-Doien, boaw~, Oromp IV. rate-Botte,m, u,n venant bal -cgttanmid aol, '*ouw GrOup y; qp mhguba ier ai mie am c-Fruits. ptbl@ioh mUk. Csu reh eJry/cespi bob .;. &-l- --- 1

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