s '1 d-,F imat dr. thig 1Sd Fuwua~ Gwateo t ft 41 *LLEouU R*W i fteaam D.vav Oi OM upi *cYuJ l 11hbeLe~vl bv oule. Vwmt ur nes uidagdej~lhéeee50 hme ilWtIeee iueii Ioel I aer.viI.W etm d me e sumlcy for or oide" le sure et en lime. ma Y - t Oi 0«94 Imie vey m dang eer. i 'oa iSàold .C» le VUe Fr.. iL Ioe Ghdi .rugD.o.lrth ilaefblitOoge tan @uile.m .ce.ryforit.site. Thé boy ol âhou» Remember the Date Heg<1wuefo«i. home,, bea.u. gejgeci. bses feee.yumm . usplid Lie etenv Piaulel vin lyviNu goie ad. brot dog home ao d. lueerw dla The Independmat, Le > cous- ty a ut àaee1mm ou motidl aehy aseopm. - * the lesay we rofwred to a fermer who eod a I tar twzq«l s htileaflaied &&inlutepope. Éb aunaia il b. given on applIction. Todyweoite yautoanmother wntuad. thst bit th n ail on the hbu&L'Mr. J, B. Rsborhfvu am& a 11*01 ad. lias Vak o re.ovar his but l 111%MNMd vithin a te' hot teur hoiiImdped.nt vu oit lb. prou hIe dog vermevere. havlngbuta foumd bqtyoeu hm inàd Aresbya pison whoe. eyeomugit Mr. HebeoWs i nquring littie d. Tihe osatsEa utad. 's lyore en lYs II Moey t roy of an item oi ut ki»A1y t.Ihou. No. Yr - -- - -- -- NoelYumgeeml ued~,OaIqo. m vi saie » a#e. Bny Var Lot every veek b. Swu k IR SmvtngSteupe. Im01 e lvre. C. Melberg.. 01Chicago, @pont " C Goup Triage onet Tmday et ti u"d" noftdaId" il all 01U. 8. linW. B- we'lfloet th ut. M mmd Fm ledCroer IIIIIIIt SMua. mesfit duy lâ Coreol IGrant, visitedl uv. Éd lire.George TriwM aieCl -- k n UEO hitêS toay. ire.EauLOVdwpI "d -li. Floyd ne. Deipli Cle04 non vere Wcan u @epont Vîldau S bit bland Park. b besa IvIdeOm h$»"I. Mm Jobs mobi mad daugliter, 8 --Ur_--nd-MuiLL8. icst. llsIai le.de,.»wu localvWitre on 0 mUvauke.vtaon uemi51. - rdy. MM.. y. R aetOvgo. X . -. hbu Mr. Md unv. P"l aentertmlned the basa ImiSO à" m dvw& - 1 . 1. U, hIly, et Uauond Lake. on arfe@àl Lbii. yvlél iseKr.Ms.md Mre.Cbae.Sanborn Md À lie diiOSSi endJ, m iemberMar, iealSund&, vits lie &L .pi," Mmd Mm red oS OumefOie kdwo gîirf1e lepareij.ed.. gleioeent SUndai th rla Pul mialieW *1v .iId blé bock viii bor. Vit Svinge 8ésiae. Merle Aarçve*ereC~lega ieltore on- Steup viii 6sUI tW 10 lb Of lklnglie@ Tesia.kaieunitl Oie wvan baver. BaRat uMrceved a .upe ofai omi, th@ Th@ emmdy bd bu *dl.ppeared; hé Sfib echant re.oipened on Wedaeeday buls Ver Uav*o Sipe instemd. Thé S.Lavsieice gulldviimm*et bphlltellte, bas ho u t ltBlampe thé! p rem Eileorth mat iThnday alternon s ae blng uovmdae.& et 2 o'cklock Th@ local boord egmlned thlrty.ïdlne lire. .Duckvall, o09HiglanO Park, e.teria, " Ial i iihé ne. vjud"tvu d bond luijbq.léted thé feedhé1*BMfr -of men 6o Tub oncoplet. li la equto for neaiS Thé iermnanmuniton vorkeé r cml, vblei viiibo it Feb. 23. ewmulngforp-.. omeey o.lcoi C. Ir. Vrtgls. viai bubeen tu the by buries VarSlaviagestéllmpe. Vi6igtoe ioeplb.llx Cilega, inn Tbe Bey. W. E.LSUmatteuded'thebelore CiulOmmé néed on Mondai alternou on bb busse boe.He la tory Ltueola inemallnvetoi*e Iaga l mub lmproveil Sm héolti and hope. tii haleter. metlegun ouindai. tuaiv.upermt eiei17. "GI?. no quWI- ai' - Si s' Thé ladise gftUn Pue.y tort»nchoreli elogen. "Leud vour quésteore tO-our12eetWdedyutéana h e co.nry. leOUN lti Thlfs - ~Croee roame, eemgUferthe CIvillan le. Ur. mmd li. 'V. V. Carrau re pem&l Bd 1Mmd makug ipeptalsupplie.. Thé ing today Sm Chicago, thé gue.fta f bir lÎmisemade ihéir nddleIl>', maktag dangliter, filmKat. mnd UmeBalve» filtsa hopi~l lirtg, thre pair ofoP Balaie. .rating Iqgglng and tien garmente for SarI Loteland, of Milvaukee, @peut citillan relief, Vive Id1e verked aet Miondal ber. alter ýLIe* retuend el éminal due.letable. Thé box. witbh fl- TOU.daMoraine, to a . ilSaryvue hlghi bly laéd with théeiet Charge of an Ailante & Padlc store Sm jonés of thi de S&uod hopesj tholr e« thaO dty. aempleillI dem"ltei by other. Kemneth Bock returned tu Camp Pike, lire J. C. lieGreffor, formerly a trsi- Arkansas, the. latter part of lait veek, dentoi Libertyvllle. mud now tu oirn after a shoit t l&atiS parentil home Californie, bas héconié a booster for the ber. Ur. Bock le a member of thé su- National Otange bhov. one 0f C&li glnero' crpe. fornaWse greât vint.? Inetitatome .ield .Mlu. Addio Miler vas mald of honor st B-a Bernrdîno, Feb. 20 ta 28. Tus& at the mlltary v.dding of lient. Andy ÇzÇ<ioe10loa le aunuailY sought ont by Vardie and Mie. Boule Blair, at Stering, CàllforoWa'. inter, vistore, un om of it., faut Baturdai. Mi.o Blair vau theé1120et charming sightO on thé Paclflc Sormerly of I.oke county. Coast. ThéecI true fruit crovere of The Alpha Club met yeeterdey mlter. CWlfornis own tb..e: poslIon, and croate noun wlth Mi. B. J. Simon. Mre. . 1frain their orange@ and lemone a golden R. Mliler-presented thé queilion ofspctcl o dl@play the beanti. and the club partîclpating lu théesal of riche- of thé gardens mcd grove.. More Vear Seings clampé, vhlch vas ected on thauna mIlion oranges aIa. vîli ho fm$'orably. need to monld the worke of art whieh artise.bave found they cau maie from Edwin IM. DynI.vicz, Internat, revenue th. citrue fruit». The. National Orange inspector. von here yeuterday, and vIli Shov le halât In a beauttfOl gerden lu remalu today, eit the Commercial Club the peat vanley of Saienarmdîno, rouans, to have charge af the ftllng of vhere thére la no snow oscoeilehortages. lacolae tAI retoin. of the citizen@ of thie The Msee Kathértne BIacke, lEtelyn li  V It l Austin, Barit Roby and Minule and 11114LI AI 1111BR Boulde Whltemor.. and lMer. N. C. Cl manad Murill Suydamatteuded AÀ FIE ICCSS the. maiquerade dunce aS Orayelake on Frlday niflbt. gad lire. Ha. Lueh, vWi4ho pleaied taonwesetthe abiîorlui n ou e.ar huai of is promotion t Traveing En. nigbt ettrected the largmemi rd liai Sieer o ae diison of ie Chiego, ffl. hua.'baenlu the audtrlium for foui wause.& St Paul ralirood, hebi- " easM, et lboat lhat hIrvha apereon quartere heing st Perry. lova. If le an vbo va. thére sahd. ýAt .Wl raté, lt especally demirble pomieiLo. wu * abig cowd eand o ase., oet?) Thé ýllinol@ .Ieteil' lardvaeM«,body lied a fn@ time, dancing te the obl t'Ae.iatlon-wfl niietla OCilo eperb muelu0fthe t wlvO:P" eM oh on V.brnary 18.19-20 2L la ieeisugtva fi bomd boys. Thé mu bevlng ot hé omslialnoticeai the ma e. i, il vokei nomucla favoreýle Comment wua,at9dtb&t thé couvlaoe.vWIiia.patWoW nduileehould hé uives lé, oue 0f thé-mois important Meolgmever A qusi of guarde la omueniof hsl by retalhmdvemevebmst,,.ý. euL Hokeinvse bo om* drlli Dyro Pre.ers iata o> g~n vishibrougbt forth hearf# lugitar. nom for eIcup omet, 41* ecqlln vr bewflma no"to brepart m.mona. b. hé ont. * POsltioi mture. there blg Iplu se.tly ieoovered liom Mu&,ne. 1» 99mee. a"PIC"..or Unnl m kta b OhéUBri. Seglml bond. ra"t VOO viln4 ivhiiOt i te, m.le b e. *?Odj~ ' m "'ST. VALUNTINE'S DAY IL id! Keeiy lfO -ddr a. f NmevTi Oty. vier hohé me accueilmi m a sor leieoie ting thm tbthé vr ha.soi meat position viit te-tir IWWobp-te prha0aJ.V" fta bomhm lee.li. Keelfutu IpM .DU.. Lcïadealers report "hémie 0 ta1 lo 1 sr.e.t 0 m *»eaor, l.voueetse a.great, If Dot #"MaWe, tia orrVeulemme Loft. ama ndo, iii i. poii ea.one. 'Bu memelie mmnty un M 1affri ta.e k cdomai meme. a mliltavy cooime tuth hie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ê hiiclle.ttfttp bureaun reomueude thi kom a. . . lleanaiJulme70 tiber" es brIft 1uop m Fou BrettomJ.&" ov atend lb elotsf valume be h th useeom mmé vueow tt«w. w mbe r Ue Icéeait.iAuleine Mdii qit du l La"e OISIOI r ayar O&I Ooumlliee, si a sales, Sm Whoe. homos vwe teida heM Sm thée fcase 0ieW, M",CWWeagoabserve "Mgesor7's De,." Brdiveon FoudrYi ', nliméTIaiday.l kuvumoa elnncieoa va.mwaiMi Mr. GARD 0 F THANM4. hileman Inormel'Tbe Independant mmm 1Ïplar le Cauiiuiie, t!tue eMuotn W de eloepree.urbou s meee lau * Mi d iraSb bleIS tWuSal eltie my monde mcd nigibore Io gm~pe u hu éii wta o 01* jpatby&Mmdkinduesle Dar à tué~~~~~~ cOsmdJJ rpB~buesont befeeemttihe dsmii<el oui v0 Uri. H.1Doimes 4M uelv COAU SITUATION--- STIL ~EIOUS; A, tIo SJORTAOE Tb*. coldtuati" n Illlncle laovuw b! ti. lfl"vlng Iguis, e, h e approuuM, but..enear coret »lt le possib maie tbem: Tons &vvsenrml producton dmly lm DNbow . ................. .... 250.0 Iverage normal ehlpm.nt Imb . .......dm1................00 AV~ 1 preist productioni. .dowy ........ ............. 150,000 làiowaeomow sblppqd ont of ae Ivre bedm151 for- pucsi con- empton ....,............ 00' Lve~ dll~Coaumtlo 5 0.151 ehostae ff oa......... 10000 Thme.fgue. are hae.on300 vorn. mag dwra y a" cdare f rom estimate. *3uIle by Claxton F. Allen, depui fnl edudltatotr or Illinois. LIttié tael belng ehlpp.d lnto Illnois, rom Otier *t4kte& lutina on mc order fr0. Dr. Garfieli. Oie fbd edintration bai hegun vor: a planmto vlthbold cent f rom Illinois d=imil.tmoinouprserTed cite.. Wlth dall dm17nrmal mcomptln m ie h "Uaa ria tmd-04 200,000 ton., thé ieil producton et 166,000 tous, end no ventvMoeband, St vb@ polntdWbut thatnomeihlg wquid bate to be don. g quli ly tO.bld. counuruover thé pu.ei ce S listhea" eltuation. lObai heudecied toafppoIt a coin- altO.. la vboee bande should bhé plac.d Oie pover of declding viSé Industries @hall ree.le coal and vblecb eball not Tie committe. ptobably vwIS hun *mde op of Ohr.e members, eltbough Ste emin mal bc lncr@&.mi "Ve deelded that we prifer to adopi a flexible syseu rather than to attempt tu Ia dovn fRat rmie whbhmut cuver I11 Industrie.," éad JohiEL Willim*, fuel amdmloltrator. siter the meeting. «The committee probahi lll deal wlth Indivduel caes and vill take lot conelderatlon thée mount of coal on baud and other factors la théeltuation. Readng the abat. article, taken from Wedneuday'e Chcago Tribune, onatit to couvine enue 01 thenerloueneu of the coal situation. Furthormore, It ought ta prompt overtbody in thlscommÙunty to conserve comih b urnang as much wood ae possible. Our citizen@ should realice thst thé coal they are burning le just that much laien awmj from lnduatilen-and that vlth thecilooing of Induatries, vhlcli wili follow the action referd to lu thé article. many person. ylhé throwp ont o? employaient, and crainly none ofuns wleh ta hé e. contrlbutlng cause. toaay snchbhardehip. Paul IMacGuffi. Fuel Admînstrator. In j[moriam lu loving memory 5of George James Dyer. vho departed this e I.Feh. 1, 1 know that my Sede.mer lv. Wbat joy the bînst assurace gîal ne Ive., hé lite., Who once va. ded; B.olee, My evertàetjng Readl Beolite., ailgloîy tabie nemef n. live, uMy Bettour. etill the. @âme; Vbat loy tihe ieenrsurace gae. 1 inov ltai my BedeemerIlivuef LOTIn« Parente. On Impro ved Lake CuntyPI If you fa tend to buy. to lrnprote or to l= up a farm und need money, or If you '06"# loahs fallilng due Whlch you muet arfnanoe, do not fuIl ta secura our terme on Firet Martgoge Form Lbans. We aiso supply rrortgage lodnesto Investos. SPECIAL PRIMS ON. MAGAZINES and -NEWSPMP Attra&fve Clubbing Offers Way Below PublihsWPrim- Ask for my spedald price on any Magazine or paper teumMay wish, MRS. A. TODD, JR. 1odepmndet OffimeFtu -me Rra. STE*AN WUlO HA ÂCQUIEED TEE PITTSN COAL XW LT IS, TIE BEST 0F THE HIGH GRADE CO It "M a Ho4tterFu,%eHolà a Rt. Le. Leu. Aoh ad Never Fails t. Gfr SATISEA W.F.FRýANZE--N.e , RSSEs AND 'q Pat of our Spring pirchm o f was1b" <ament. Lhs anived sud w. are ready ta place on aMUea. iri*.saM5tmmt of Houa. Dmue% eà W.s DudsfSr b.t.rw r, APOshf an kiadsa * Idnswà ulu Drus, - tfl. Bsw isai Theitig"ad were -pumhaied bedore the rSmet bWC advwbm flllà kindaof cotton goodo a«Miw. beiee you wMfl 1 id h t ta purchase now am t"er.dy.made gammtsare i my "Lapeu thn you ca now make shere. W..Ww CARR< atm& ... . .. 1 ..................... 1 ......... 200,0001 -80000000» 1 avvwvVvv"