CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Mar 1918, p. 10

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SUT AS PEACE 'PAILEYS VANISI S I e he Smaller Dealers A utPay Wamer $3.10 fer Hondred W. E. Lamb, attorney fer te mili; division et thei fond iedministration, 'e»s-wîable Tuesday te gat manaers 01ai ?oiearies 40geiher for a cou- lefetce t le te latest dimpute over th rce te be iîiid te dairymen. While Nlr. Lamb was trllig ta ar- ranigsa pltiey. piducers, oudwaarm eud'd>atibltors wre raportad te b,- pltaing foraàfiniM i 1<1,t 'tre tanit tui <fiaMu etr ingeat mallt biaup Ch!- coga bas aver eglerienced. $3.10 pr bûndradweAgbt te tue dary- am., it le said (re lai-ger dealar.> aaw--rnegring do foiew O(bel- &M '>16 mdiOSitheyam -'ermaW.ed ta tt 13cenltsa aqtmrtla Clîeago. U *mi r belgmad* to delay kha pi) ujili litèr the refontor cary A. Wtieoer. noir li W#»hbn@om con. ferrin vlt r Hoonrer. Mn. Wlieei- ai- lue oelad a meeting of thre op- posead lutereâts or the miIunalit for Satiay. iSeme of thé deulerg )N&W.Iaken the stand (thM Sditions m e h toiemble and bava refusait ta copitrne under the Praient pl1an. Coesrs have eald rlvatelv that tAT er: I chie thein'plis itatot'. tbey.tiI suy$3.10 or any otiWrpice tlâtifs bidbW r th har-rive-W oui. ii etIseCblSatgadistrIct have to psy. Waukegan, .%farh 12 Mr..iH S. Magilit apokp thii ,urik ng balai-e -te lesebers -at thte lalca Feri meeting- thii aftiatoon heads- - drirneAj the studente lun te higIt selool: Hia httdreuiesln boat pines ucre suchb al ta-inspire auyoue 'wfth pS dépelove or our grmet etate sud touekeIjts peaple have a ieevremee Folowint are fair puces for fû0 de n Lake eounty for the curnt wcrký. as determinad by the:Smoud pAleUtion. Naires of ail deaiers ,@Ming at prices outaide litt lie buUb.reported ta (G. C. G(Idley. federai f ood admlnstrator for Laba r unty, or- tu townishipl adfllnlstrators. wbo vill take the prer acUai: (Praparçd lbe.the. Wueujo. dlhtaif.Effactive *eek begin- mine Marcit 16, 1918. Retall prices customer abould pay ftti staes nhmed sbouid flot tl exceod the followlug. The coit to the reidr of iehb art¶b)e éa la i givîen. I Grsiiuitid BOgir'................. P e, Prcita ;etu~ BalcrY Wrappu @rend ...... .....Per lb. Joat-8«% lot White Fleur (standard brande) ...Par bag-2.90 $34 White Fleur (standard brande)... Peri _ C l-414MIS1.à White Ploiir (Other*brMd*aa....Par 1-8 barre-IIl.56 $1.69 ti White Flur' (Othir brAndi)....... Per 1-8 bsrrel-41.66 $189 t *arliy Plour ......... .......... Par 5-lb. bg-38e 43e d Rye Flour .....»................. Pr 14-8 arrel-$1.75 $18if t WhoIî Whist Flaue .......... BIb. ba-40c 369 e>7dér the Pregdàbt>s relgtiton retellers muet oeil and Cou- Il sumxers muet buy wlth each pound of Whta Wamu a potwd of soine sub- sttute. Consumera have cholce "Iuk. 0isi c c 'n fur, homt i fs. batftee OIdr, rié, r'c ' '7-- .- - n>i.dcote, buci. Wbaàt ftour, potatoa floue. aveet potato ftpur. soy beau flour andd te- 0: tarl' floue@ anduinsl. Ry.é four lai fot ceusldered a subtitut. for p whlta ftour.) t rrhsrn lour..................... G-lb. hagf-3w Ulc Cat* ia i (white buik) ...........Per 100 Ibs-$67 h Cern MIi (yiew bulk>---------..Per 100 lie-SO 7Ich Hmrna(whoe)-----------------...Per lb.-.2<-rc11 Bacon (bst. grades)>............... Par Ib.-44c- 47ecl Bacon (medium grades) ........... Per 'b-39e tcw Lsid (hast grades, carton) ..........Fer I10-29e fl- Lard (bulk) ....................... Par lb-28- ecn Chias. (full cresrn cut t. order) .. . .Par 111-32c 40e- d Chue (full cresm;-brick) .........Per i1>-32c AoCcd P,'unes (50 to 60)-----------------..Per lb-13e 1 e r Prunes (60 te 70)-----------------..Per Ilb. ie trC Prunes (90 ta 1001 ................. Par lb.-lOc 14c -eominy ........................... Per 100 ibs-$6.00712 Offce (fancY)..................... Par 100 lbs-%lo.oo lie lb.A Rics (blue rosi).................. Per 100 ibs-4ç.oo013 c lb. Biens5 (navy, hand Picked)---------..Par 100 lb.-$16.ot, 19%e tl lSains (it.. .............. Per 100 Its.-t16.oo 0 b Petatges (Wiaconsin and Michigan).- -er 10 s-$.,i 0 ic pic. Potatees (wstern)............... per 100 ls-I9 5acp k.d 5411k (highest grades) .... ......... ige 22c q Miiic (medium grades)............. j7e 20e .Mllk (evaporated, flot sweetened) ...J2e n5e b butter (creamiry, extra. buik) ...47, 52e Il butter (ceid stoe§@g)............. 45C. li (One cent hlgher In~ cartons thon in tubs) Suttirine (standard grias, cittons). Fer lb,-30C35 Buttirine standard gradis, rolis) ... Par 1Ib.-29c 34C Sutterini <modiUrm) rolis and bulk. .Per lb.-.2So.33 KM . (strictly Ilresh, candlid) .... DaZtn-l(oc 3e for ite men wvIn luits pioneer dayi% »peaker. %fr. Magili Isa the dire-otor madie tiis -est ommonwealh a of tireIlIlinois Ceutenniel Celebrs.tlôn reallty. ami in eorsequelitly lu mitèhdli dand f MNI-. Magi -Iipk n - thezrOughout -the state. A sPIenètd anpileesof the Wamn'etVscub titis jProgrm n sibeau Prerepa-d and the evenIng lu the Parish Iîsbuiie. 'Fb. ladies are Isopaful that a large miu. Madies ara tob hacougtatulited qupn dance wil ha prasant te admiiloni thei.r succeas in seeuriug ad goda lfree. tuuuNteffLeat We Take Pleasure InAinaounding Our Sp rinig Openlng Exhibition. lIA MI22' -'23 'T'H a ngard -of - Spring Fashions- a superb presentain of authentic models for the new season and an occa- sion of u.nusual interest to which you are- cordially in- itô. It- wiIlinclude apparel aid; accemm~res for every purpoSee M.piefèrence, chos- en ýnhffllrMognîton of the ch-»Sb0ètthe i mes- wherstylé authenticity -has t inreÀàdaue, and-integrity of wÔt¶eiisW ~and fâbriks an'àadded aepa1. 1! - rM449f.ýarded; Invesmnts %'i A F& putr dd liar, W()R E1 <r I ( OAFE1RS? N, Muney thit isî't prîîtia1ý inve.ittetli;i like grain that isn't pl;itîted. h h rings titi rettîrns. ILocok bat-k into o itîvtf practically every gre:ît fortuîne and you'i <md th:ýt it i%:ir, started by a ibod inviest- ment that pid hig rrtrns. E;-ery mlar ior %% otii;,t\\cit t iim>r, ;li.iI wlk tp> inke <bat moncy cern moncy. .1 a y(,>nil 'nfrs;u la 10 î-qî i lit riht hît~a t!'-rizlit Utile \i'îi P ar,>. iîti> w a.a iniati stîaitily inloiyed - Yotu shun'!pr' >tit y thal ýia i ii-111 Iali',t.c. Tt iL om r iiiess le )arv le jtvCsl',rs \VITIERI V.îaI l1<Y >W le ;in ýct %% wlirces heir thîonecv can earn a nîaxitttttt M>profilt;',ith a ia;- imniuni of safetîv. 1I $t iîn tril ' i alînît îloir 1l i "l tritef rî I t'p l; prir. 'n h ' !o n i îtîl i-t s>" k-,an sot ")n'Ia '\Vein% t îe itlqtîrs w hl-thrr snmail tt)1,11Nor- Wrt'V r can >ftern %av e' i titunt-y on the tîn esînient %*,,iîl' t ,ltif, tti-ke. if yoiiî have non dît îdend-pus 'ng 'tttcks %vrite for -ir plait for exchanging them fo'r ttcth~tiarc çta: nit dis inîI-. \Nr îigidly saili ifn d iùl v iîveslti Itta t >-tht apui'Is't". is forcOr fi tai iil àrs .. :Th-v lia\ e' t'> î.aîss ,\ i (',it uahtti I'e-for( t 1< IIjýîfrrt leIsent t mcil 'v- tirî invesliîr-nt. Wlîen onc passe~i ?~.i ç'Onrlf' for tht- sale ol iLsesectirities. This t opfç< ùve fi-jù ,.. Jn s Il)and IwII 111>01- aged-ir, what Jay Gcia htdc&'foi as, âe righ t thing et the Hlow to I3u1j Securities Yoai eatu buy securities throtagh tbe Securit il» Trust Comtpanty cubter tfor cash or on eay y osn*i. Wité a amoderate chart ë or carryinu the stoc4s,ýyEbiay, fir 'oq On the deer~Pav- ineùt plan and yen ket the benefit of ail disýribUions oý d.videnis, bomui, s. 1. mrade by the cotnpeniea iii whfrli you bold tbis ùoick f rMmis he dey we're'cord'your f iret pâlaient. Let us tell yotî nore abouttttiis aaî Two aUm- Iiivéatment Wc he Itprëàaîl te le'rt.,.eerielly N DELA'S. Ask !f-ar c'jr FFER B Sini~ ~~s o~ % L' Ton Ca.nVn lie ýAi n Wrif n g 132 $owtq m in Boulest 1 and 3youï ci&h.or parment-.Plais et u)-iii ànd seling I stoclct and bisdî. ,t is igfeed and Undersocd that thi@ ie4uaat in nen way obligatas me. Add,-ess ............................ ..... ......... Cr"zli3a . .................. ............ i A vW-iSa army, 1* aftI, N in wim BiII a thé. sa refuge tcoli "w1-rg h.lp 1 =rde a-dayl T unes t made, coud words ~a delete If a 19 isimila would 1mff therfo their i for it takes =c TRi 21 ablioflh "'Wî en, Tuesdal t »Ill t 1lime lam f-îrrati ilioin, intpr-W ame 1i Lord i- F-'ndl tîrg a zion C Mou do liag i>' h 1>f11w ) ilootil< ,t il Y cnt dil lm id1i Zion ( IiLm ina aud -tii Aski, louged Io tha pline quar-te. Quarte th& t e lu si for de not lx jati S wtiltiJi I ente 11 epilo A sk' a mal aud w that I iÏ -7 ----------- i- n_-,* --ýi

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