CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Mar 1918, p. 12

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-I ~1 QURNEE SMEN SOLD IMMA.j 11URE VEAL; AR E FINED $M6 AND COSTSI Twa putre fooI nspecters descend *- uipon Wataflas Tuesday end lie jan a seercbîng iptebe lato local con- ditens. As a resuît or thir inveBti- gation tfour men already have beau fined! for, vitdatiois and -others face .Lposautlflunles hey mend tlieir was a ntanter. Tirêee violations bai te deovîith laucliteriflg and selI- ing intature veat. Thosqe inei vere: ~W ANTON KREPEB, 774 Marlon àt., butcher; lhed four immature veal ln (ce box; paid à fine of $25 andt Cos HOWARD FLOOD, farmer ut Gur. nee sold immature vyul te Wmulcegasm butcher; paid à fine of $2 5ad COU. LYNN ViNCENT, fermner ut Gui * ee old immature veal le Wàuke. *gin hutcher; paid à fine 'f $2" and cotte. AUGUST CAPCES, 318 South Gen ese et.: unsanitry expoeUre 01 bak ery' gooda; paid a fine of $10 and -aet. Th,- men vlio are condtîctIng tlie lnnemtiga4ion ln aikî are: Ben ~~ni f- lb .and W. A. PfflaiIs imp~ectere ft heIlliisDelirtini of tAgriculture. Dilvision or oeu- a'nd Mlaries, The insperlors first descendedi up on tlie Krepes. This v'as on 'ruesday ftermioofl. ln respense te quesetienr bli Inistai ta he purchased al l hi meut et Swift and ceinpaity. - Tic bi spectors walked lto tIec ke box They stw four small carcassies bang loy iliere. -"Wliere did ut ogetl hes-e-not o Swift, andoi o-npany," tlie Inpecters waXeut. 'Ob. sorînetîmes t1 buy or fammers", wattq thse rani!. The Inspectera proceeded teo ag the- four carcaàsea, sloioxng tbav lad been condenineut. -What's thse nater-areO't lley bood.1lie demanded. "*Throw tîsin out theu-4q don't vent tliem if lbes aren't good." He protestadIinnocence W my deaire te oeil immature-veau. but woul net give Out tIhe nanne of the farner vhe bisolo tbem te *hm. Me protested tInt lie lia pur- chase t hase partiettar cali'ea et Swift ami C. Krepas uas arraignpd la Woe ncourt beforetPottes ies trate Wlter Taylor on Wednesay anui fnafi 42& end coulaon liiipipae of gulty.1 At auother locl mrkttle insper- los teund saven Iromature veal. Thse preprietar protete that lie bat purclmaed the carcasses ln geod fathl andidold the seas o e Iwo efarun- Pr atm , - ad stui thein te hlm. On the strengtm ef ibis warrants vas evermouOt for tlie arreat of Flood and Vncent and tbey wete breiig» te Wukegau for trial tiIs mornîng. Thes' pleadai gulty te violat ions, but idtley lai broken the 12w tlirouzh Ignorance rather titan tbreugli awt foi destre te do isometiitng vrong. ÏTIhe beteter vii. suppliai the n1 aines et the fermera who sold hlm flicheImmature veail mml 1ole'prose- cuai as thpetta Inspectera tedi tlmt le ta doing-lils part hy supply- me îlhe names et the ra&l rbolators. Foleving laitheîl iuture veal law * a"i'tg tînt future vlliâtona tusy recuit mucclmnie serlotîly for these founi gatlly: "Section i-lie Il enacted bly (lie People oetthe e Ate ot Illinois, tep- runtWeutinthIe Oenernl Auftmbly; that if any person kilts or caumýeR tg be eltteu. for the 1purpose ot sale. auty Immsature caîf, o n aflentan four wet5 old, or Icoovlngly selIs or bus bln itspossession vîit luleut te sall fer good lIma meat of an! lin mature taIt or'et auy calf leu titan tour veek lua ehle salall lia ulky of a insdemeanior. unidipon convlt4oi 'lsftaal b. punlahei liy a fine of net lm -t(ban $25, not more thsn $50, er by Imprlsoumeot inthe county jalf blt exceaiing 30 days. or liy bti fine asoilmPrtaonment, endut aItmch -meut exposai for sale or --cpt wîti latent It e sli.may ha acoei d dde. - arped b ysny bealhl ecr. torînnî oberiff or ieputy cliariff, constabile or police oeer."1 Tlh detruction et the jwtmaur Veal wbkicii s condaumieu as soon -M dlaeevered, alreaay lias taket place. ttas beint doue by piourini k«Ôsace 0.Olit and (han blrnlng At. 094«&. atoaoeiig te the inapec. tfes, b" ab60cm arnei batore evhs *OMMh hupen teéut lIncaise ha vii IM mire Kaee slaboutdisplaylnî *ebskery gouda la a place whre 'ver exioocu te( dut ami dls ler a. s ptcet fthiee vima - "~--~ LtBEUTYVU.J~E n *NTw>~!r. T tTRSD~A~Y. MÀRCH.21.; 1918.' - mgm>mmmmlZ2 fl When You're.out, in the field you want -good substantial work clothes; we b ave those, too; overalis8, work shirts, underwear, sox - the kind of goods that stand bard service and give you.good value.' Doolite&Wye * -4 lhmethe saine canditbom awêrý (Ouad et bis bakes'Ywben the. Inspettora visitai Man. 'Me uws aken ib bth iyttdle station and on lits plea of glIt was fined. 'iTe pitre food inspectors wasévt t4it iltey inlend IosP thai ail viola- dons are stoppei and will cause or- rests wh@-cever %lolatittns are foundi. 'rhey will rernain hècre untit coiýdl- lions are eleanci upi and will pu *v rpturn visita frein lime Io lime ta qee thitt their orders are betnLg fol- loVed. BRAKEMAN METS DEATII IN FRONT OF FLUER ½ Waulcegan, Match Zl. TareyRobstet. a braketoaf On 'ie Chilcago and NorthwoSlCfli rail road . met death îhnt Insltt ly Is mrnins, ashortly aler nîne o'clock wlien lie stý.Pped iia iront of a nprii bemnd 4Ise. t Zion CtY. 1Rohoier. wlur wag sinclé, resided lu Wisc'On %in. The accident bas beePn repîorted ta l)eputy Coroner Edward Conrad and the tuquest will lie held to>ror row. No one scenis te 'nnw exartly h0vw -he acident happened. Il «u'ms that Robster steped frein behi nd r frelglit train and tepped' onto lhe rlghl. of way Irhtp thli palli of ttle fyer whtch leaves Chlcîgo ai 8 s. ni 2md arrivéesln Waukegn àau 8:59 a mi. Thé train does net stop at Dion ('tty snd therw was ne limie for tl( éngineer ta stop lits train. Whent Robser saw bis danger i 'as tao lite fer hlm tae scape. - Ris reuainq were rem<wcd t b Seripte-r undevtnÉ ngruias wlere tiepaty tCoroner Conta -wm eoslai ta Mon C1tý flua afternebàn, ta residf ovei the inquest et an ehd lady whv ii sai ta have died et nalural colis- -9. '.\aphysiclan wvas 5n atténdance. ,eeensiatlng thse holding Wa an ln- quest. Cassel Drver an lulmolta. Im CiflaentdIrvera are lah"mel- Utem Who have U111e or nothitig to tlo with ther feilowa. Tbrough the tweve menthi of the. year tiey lies &md aleep in the open mmd t a it e là7Y Seqwirebroya ci atiuk of mes- lie and Ilmnewmad a taclternlly whiiCb rapelsad adymeca. Niue montha ofth(le Yes,' thes' are on tic rend, folowing the long, faint traita that lent a tO ie Places as UrgeUllasutat. luches- gIse, Kathut. Stalag and Daugar. Tbey never aeep under roets, but Carry7 , their owu tenta and beddlng. food and tltenalla and camp wherevtr there la C re grMzIngl; @M tKhsd et flay le Work. 00e o the bliet kinda of play la wOrk. Maur et Uic lementa et pla~y entes' Ito workr if Ittla performcd te thc rimt aprit. lb. mon tiafWylng fori Osf Play are thonse hiwhich Inter- ct la exelled; competition, wth delite te 8ucceed and accompllmh mornme.da- bite ccd, makes the. gamte worth plr- lut. Work la fatigung and distante. fui when It tu laelng ln the» et@i. NAETICKE[- IN QUIET PRIMIS Little Interest Shown as Tick-. ets Are Plaoed in the Fields in the County varions towmatupa et takse (iountv1 hei lhir primarles er eauc'uîsau ont Saturday andI la sena> here were -intests. white in others there werp none. li Avon, for (etance. bliere wuaa vacsncy te Mfo r justice. but nobody 1 -%mn. eut trIm e job and t bus tiey~ continue wth but on@ justice in tho& towa. Supervtaor Whtle mîjkp% the predictIen tluit Ile was the)lait eau eus held. thai. In future the tteltetsi výIl) aIltlie numed by peliion t Rcsf»ta i In the euntv: Supervîs4or-ýAl. Mapther. <'lepl----Cs. lHeralbrger. Asasar-OGeorge Wldener Commissiner-S. T. Foot-. liWctea- P>u MhkfIWL Coneable-Woe. Boeks :WS. IL.lMeyer wlfl epose Footel aut aIndependent tor comuInîloner j WARREN Supervisr-Oe. MeCullough- CeMMISSIonr-Johu Thoma iChlttendosu. Assessr-O. B. Whltmore, Truqtee-lVe Foed. Tt Li reportedIa candidatee yul op-, %oSe Citteo4sun by petîtion. CUBA. Superv!or-.l'rd Krchiner dierk-E. P. chale. Assesor-E. W. RDa'e Ctomnms onr-Wm. Habla. D3y çetton (hle ticket vItl o»eOs' tbsu ther: 1 £L.A. Superviqr-,EîilIcke, Clerk-Aug. Froelli. Agaffsor-Wm. ttili. 'rnast'-Wxo. Plume. Justlce-Frank Yeung tea C. W, By petitlen for Justice. A. G. Sclwerman viii oppose Youn.r AVON. RumervlIsor-(Holdover> Clerk-Harry Ricli. Assessor-A. W. Harvey. cosnmtaioner--Gob. Ranelian Justice-Nobdy voulut rua lion Wicks ta te oppose Renehau for cocemIstoner. ANTIOCH. The township of Antiocli had a bot town pirmary Saturday the big fIghlý belng that fer nomination for hWgh way comimssîoner. For thîs iOffIce Frank Dunis defeateut Barney Trelgeri 160 te 155. Mike Bennett, Harry 11mth, Ned'; Dates nad Hancock aIse, ran. For clerk CarIes Richards dteait., euI ly a big majority sud for asaesaori Walter Taylor, father er MagIstrale Taylor or Waukegan deteateut by a blg tnjority Charles Vau Patton. Coneiderable iotarat ta heing abya In the electlon et higbaway commis- "Pour inle tbownshitp of Newport. There are- two candidats, frnk Shea and Morris Lux. Both are wel known aid because thie highway coin-t mieseoner job this year f5 haods :,!eontmanotly there ta quI jceuipetitien te ]and the honor.1 The farmers are doing their share! You men who plow, plant and reap are supplying the fuel for our'fighters; it is your part in the war and next to the actual fighting, it's the most -important. We're trying to do our part, too, by serving you in- the best way we know hQw, and by selling the kind, ýf clothes you want' and need; clothes that wear a long time and always look well. YOU can be certain of all-wool quality; substantial tailor- ing; when you corne here. We recommend Hart'Schaffner & M=r clothes; -(Ederheimer 'Stein for the small boqy), made inthe spirit of'economy. We guarantee you satisfaction Polir

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