s M~MC21,.1916 'Il m::::7 *s:ss::us::u.su:::&i, Now is th.te toIP len 'FERT ! ta, eatly maturity,, WE sELL TrE KIND Y'OU'WANT FOR ÉVERY CROP LIBERTYVILLE LUM&BER CO# D.wu by tisaOuI D"m t UMETYVqLE, DL. JAN ES VILLE ENGINE GANG Farm Machinery la goine ta be bard to get. Tis we are sure o;f. The price is goimg ta be higlu, oempomd With other eos. Von wiU bave to bing a certain annotet . , amis y"should order what vota will ued. end the repavra gaS will require fer old nnchies, ARLY, orgauwill t be abe toget theflm W.ltave Ix>ough eough, tools'for Our trade, if we get aIl of them. That is going ta lie the stiçker--IF we get all of them. Corne in and talk it over. SCHANCK HARDWARE CO. s -7 ---- ses, for Your "War Garden" *. . 0 . -SEEDS. ,. . . . 0f course, you are going ta 4'War Car- den" this year. Keep in mind that 1 have juat received a large Supply of SEEDS from several of the leading seed companies in the United States. Aiea have a fine of FLOWER SEEDS. EH.'CORLETT. MEATS5 AND GI<OCERIES Tut em -,3am84LI.tlle ila Just Raceved; a Complote assortmient of EAI.ON CRÂNE PIKE STATIONIRY Some Patriotic Nuiibers-.Very Appropriate - for Writing ta the Boys at the Enéamprnents Knight Block ~LOVELL CO.' -------------. eNews If you know of an itm > f 1ooeù tbrut~ kindly top bone No. 1 Ssad tb. Wst AUa CliariusKaiesi $Pent SuadaY la ciduenwuO <o.lNwoo UM aryv Jeitine @peut WedoMobda1 la Ciiewo. " Mr. sud Mr&is.api com . spMat sua.1 dey la Oblago. Mr. sud lia. Jobs Miteheil avens Tue«.1 al Wntega. tMrs.Wiliamu Doer w wu a Chicago1 vistai on Tueday. UmnBerthsa SwaeOnwustise ovre-1 enaday guet o f Umn D.ly Jochheim. Mmra . J. DoinWo q la upendlug ise1 wek ln scagoff, thse guset of Mis. M. E. paetz. Mms.Minerta MacOunfin ha# uold ber home. sud la dlapolng of ber boneebold goode. PauliLevi oCblcago, bas been @pend. log @@*oral Asdutai the J. Glildenherg home herm lndependent -ade. tis week are un. unualiy lutpr(-stiug and divero;illd. Bead thë. careftly. 1 . Mmre F. N. Sbepar&sssd Mie Eiaeth lugaharo were week-end guemtm of Mms. E. T. Langworthy. Rom, to Mr. and Lire. E. H. W~elis, Who resIde on the Melady feais, a sont, Tueedfay, !darcb 19. Mis Pearl Petermon. of leriield, wae the gueust of local friend@ fromn lasi j 'fburday ulitil Sunday. Misa Maroni Taylor bas return'ed trom a~ vîsît of several day with fripnde ut1 the NortbweOteru Uiverlity. Mile Besie ieCarbhy, of Lake Zurich, bas returned ta ber home, al ter a sev- oral day' vîit ut tbheHenry Refluer borne. Lirs. Sherman Davis, 'of Round Lake., returned to ber homne Tueâda3 evening, alter a two dabye' violt _wlth ber aloter, Mmr. leorge Trlggça. 0 Mle*Mlnule Wltmore l th. uew books- kesper ut tbe Firet National haut. Um Whtmore la taking tise position reeutiy beild by Dai@ S. Colline. Mr. and Umn Rmer Rogers, af Madaon, Wls., wer Weak-end viitore ut tb. J. R. Aleman home. The lattar Ia a aloter aoflMr. AUseman. I .andud Mia. (eorgç Cooper, M ra. M. 1A. Protine aud Mr. sud lire. L. B. Whitney wsrs ln Chicago Tueeday evening to uh.teud the Bflly Sunday meeting. caSi Hbfl on I*buIness 'C/,urch JerW;ces XM Ploisse Ge»Mberg wrau a weuis.I end riator ln Chi sttCstp»c.a ie. George Websaberg lu opendng Servlo e unuday, Mac.17Mat tise tise weat in PrmUvb5lW. M 1. huruh sl eub eid as iolowe« jMis. LesieWa"!rs, 01Wankelams, wm iiSulsdaychoil asi10o oclocis, lasses for a local riaitor Wadouda. aul <as.M àorsslng preae-hlng service i Mmr. Edu'. Seydu Mddson see e op. 11il 'ck; wseDIlsler. T. E. Ream sl pers a luWautagau osTOsedaY * pmmaclàa Pam Sunday sermon on tihe 141«C lapa iSodas of Vola, j@ cisrklng tapie: "Prain 10Wbaui Praise lu Due." ab tise S. J. Dalia b$ e tlsish'@ ee1jarth ise rulg at 7.80 Ber. A. F. Claa, ia. a.Trs,. atgu D. D., sl proacmîtise sermon. Speclal lis . gusapt ai localfratie ukTea. uusicaistisae seniug service. "l liera. WIlfla« uM W of Tusau, "- çr4Àrt OtLlrlug Wltk othea" sel Mr« pile ] lmd , 01wa.tff gutseeojec$ oftise Epwortb League le ~viltlug ber datgiter, Mire Charle metog nexi lfunday evening ýat 6:80. Jochisln. in anel uf uler sel lead the meetig. Mie, Georgia C s seacepted a pooi l ors cordlalflirtad. tian a uisà, in-ithe sAlex Hein tore On Fulday erni.éclà Jthias eeki, Match lu Waakegan.. 22, thers seul b. a very Important meet. Mra. F. Ufgbibody aud daucbter&, log of tise second Quarteriy Confereuce ies Facule and Arefeita spetut Tue@. of tise M. E. cburch hêld at ý4:30 et the day in Waukegan. churcis. 1ev. A. P'. Clark, litrk-t Supi. UAme Todd, Jr.. ruident manager . of seul preuide eit the meeting. MIl oficlalu tbe ludepeudeni. sema are-rsî îbusinessj are urged ta attend. visitor in Ckag.OunFuiter tinuday evi-ning the ang aitsev th-eL'M. E-. siursh e iii be a -Mie. P. L. Haugitôn, tl5ttt t-imitting Sc.lEpe csrts ~ss e ber auictc-r Mn UsaTrr.c- ti en heu' -nare belng lield i,[- t lie casis., L. A. t'ankem peut th- r-irf the w-k at IHcyworth. ',srerwe st ring his hasiumehoid goode bers. Mrs, 1F. Mitchell. oairrl% iw, i. Lb.' giiet of ber dauizlt. r, \1r,-.John Dlilenuiier for the week. %Isr@BOsa Lipplnatt rmion Monlay ftom sa tree moi,- , t- r wltb ber sister ut Franklin, Fa, Bert Faùlîtuer, seha bus-.1-- i, eIlii wl1th eriatlc rhsnmnatlea for il, .t tfeu'1 meeku@, le again able ta b..ount. John Williamu and Mie Es e ý slianta were lu Chcaga Tneeduy svpting ta attend tbe Bllly SuudaY imeet1ing. Mr. sud Mra. B. Oshomuati daugbier, Blanche wae lu Chicago Tu.'sday te attend tbe Blly gunday ms-tngo. liobert W rgbtlibas retu ris.- from St. iLouis la expectation 'of besng eallsd ont lu the neit draft. isegug MarrIs 291h. lire% Peter Numeun, Weho utdersent a serions aperation eabout tan weete mgOs la lusproving lu a satlefastory -maum. 8h. expecta ta roturu home trou ab Waitegan boopltal,seliisa seset or eo. J. B. Habertu bam reutiy-been appolnied larms advleer lor Madison county, hie cautmact extendiug ovore purold ottires yeare tMr. Baabko l& a gws!ad ofath iIe Agrulutral Cllugesa Amea. Iowea, and bas been upsullftsn-. Presbyterian. Te i er ie,-.4 w i ...tsl eH a u-susslthe psu ir prt.-uiiiug . as s i, - srnitsg aud ovenIug 5crisý. Tii' , uschoir under te diretisa i sfr..Pat il lfirmnit seul furneb tieýisal itisu:s e t ; s .r-r tries. Sulidav ,.c-bOOI i l ) . A placse lfor ail tut. nemlsers tif Iti,- fauasl Morninugworibip aut lia ot. Srmotn bv paimtor: "Pardon, Ppîs-. afid l'on er at the Crae." Mr@. P. Barmîsu wiii slow "The Plme.' Evenug'oervice at 7:30. Toplc of ser- mon: "A Neve tabe Formotbon Woutau" .Cssme and worsblp seltî ne, w. willl mate yreu weliom,.9 Sp»elal PrèEaeter services next week Weduesday, Thursday sud Friday. The Communion of tue Lord', Supper wlll be obsemved ou Frlday evenlugg. Ail the rueiiiberusud frieude of the churcli are lnriéed. WAR STAMPS ARE "IT" Neyermusnd the dlamouds and thewsatches sud the ringe, The gegawe snd tb. trînkete and itl thon uselesthînge; For lrthdy preseuts nom the lIttIa ear &temups are tise tisngu, ,. And a eacb one bite the kaiser ILt bit@ a blose that ulluge. Mura. Scott Durtssnd bsas roturued to ILke Bluff aliter %pending a few weetts iu New Orleànem. whsere Mr. Du- t-aud basA to go on business. James Longuardorna, a Grteut Lakes jackle, and Louis Cela. .859 Pullerton ave., Chicago, ou. fftday, were IselsA ta the grand jury on charg- e of etelUng 65 tubs of butter tram Fred Boces, 116 W. Illinois et., and a horse and wagon trom Andrew Bot-ns, 4411 Orleansa et. Thtbreday, March 7, Mm. William Loveit, for -many yeamn a edent et HiglileandPark Dagseed&way t An At-bar. Mol. Mme. Lovelil hed been lu 111 heaîtis for ueauty a year, and î g4te lest fai lissad beêD vleltug lu Il e eot. Four veeks agoa e. weut ta Ami Abor where aise ootld be seth ber dsasghter. Mis. W. T. Under- Wood. Mike MoGifreaemolng hie geutence tu the. county Jal,for IlUegul sale of lîquor, da getttg fat, butlie lise been suffering fer snlme t rous au St- tacS of rhsumittlm utiicis w hle te'. un a onnoreto floar. le sayz, h. oe't "iM bold et vêt-y ood." Haseever. other hat saI.h.declaros, ise'a get*_ il The àMrstlc Workerp selîl give a bas: !; den t nlbR. B. Sit fwmusfoi*tiapot kt socIal aud danetaer tisir egulai Itour ysars. meeting on neit Tnesday ersang. Tbrue' prilisewlîl hi given for the tbree be Mr@. Mary Jatte Joues. ofaieDrplaneo. loaklug baskets. Eseh member la 1. but well kuown iu ibis 00ol0nuly, lowed ta n6. a ns iriend. sehers o@ abs a.usatsand rearéd, dlod st Postoutr Alemn l lareclpto lier home ou Wednumday ai lasdsesek. Posmaser lieuanlu u rcelt a lre. Joues, wiso sas farty-uine pear. Instructions troin WabiDgton tu, the aid, seas a sister of Deunla Umb.rry, effectibtat *"day.çid ebclc" may.ha sent sbo atteuded the funeral. Interment hy porcai poqt. prorlding Shey are prop. seas ai Park Rdge ou Frlday. erly piepared for mailing. Hoseerer,_________ ciclke cnnaI b. lnsprad or sent C. 0. D., noi carlied ta destination more tison TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 72 boum ma&Wng distance. If yuav sr n phanograph recorda tisai cmn b. pared isare tis t Lovlla drug torslusmadlatelyand ilisy seul promptly b. sent ta the Llhertç. ville boys woebGaA a dtention camp t Camp Grant an Mcount ai meubles. Old recorde ai auy klud selli help ta hrlghteu tise bouta for lise boys, seio willi b. coufineà ab lesat msother seet. The hanse on Lakes sreet- occupiad by Thomas Doseden caugist ou are about 1:80 p. m. Tueday, but prompt sud ellienist tork on tisa part of the Rte department soon eîtlngulheod tise dames. sitisangi for a sebls lt, Iooked as Il thseesime roof seould biseen.u vsloped lu Dames. Ail theisoussiold goode wee r movad ta lbe yard. Tise tua appareutâj tarted troux a deacsoive .cbismuy. Barry Gleseaon wns the. pioprti. FUR SALE-Biset Ifurca 01W, 0100 p6r settlng of .15 W. H. GeBluge, Llbortyville. 12-2 FOR SALE-Turaey gobisler, and an .Edlsontalisîna machine. Plione Aiea 28-R-2. 1. PLEASE NOTICES Tour Taise tan hi paid uutllOlaturday, Mardi 2i, luclualve. Psy pouir taxes lu Lib.rtyvlla, fot Waukegan. 11-2 Lew Fflg, Clector. WANTED Wmuted, BIds sud stmabse o s a long dsep tltedltch at thseLaise CouaipP,ýoor a'.... Ù otIile e StI ~ gditlamut Miaraal Denan sLlmbsrry la luaVgOSpl a6COinty Farm, or Ch-seWebsi, Autdocl. o! a ltter tram Chiel ai Pollc u s"me.Chafrsps ai Cnty Farm. 1. Gordon, o! Late Foreit, lulormIng hlm thona Arthur Lance, selawusreesatly terned ovrita tisechie! l bnhémal .THEY MAKE HlMRE£MBLE bas been idetfied hy a Wluota drtsg- Lti gisi as lb. mainseho paad a bagua dtte rpe âosaer, chect-for $10.80 au hlm, the cecbsus as ite riso!md lug the signature ai "George Bmti." Matre the mlghtv siean Tise &tory telng base aur ctiar mar- And lise fertile land. sbia caugt Ibis esludi er l li bciouud Lttle thîit stanipa dallY lu the supplemeutotilsaisue. Bonglit tbronglisut tus yeur, Mais. the Kaiser tremble; At a special meeting oLSb.h Preshyter- ýF1 bie heurt WiLh isar. Ians, bld lu tbe church lat .venlog, the _________ rel ioof theiRtisRe. . A. Motanus, as ~ator, was reclvedad d Spted. lAlC Th Rv.Motise bu ao tp an lu-. WILL <iIVE DAM ~iiE vit»ionfron te P"by«t"cisurch at P lry owa, ik ciV ofabout5,000'The Mystie Workp- re seUl Ie a, dent@ populatioan, to becoma Its pasao, thelu lisp Ivanbas M. W. A. hallon1 Monday chnrc bebang s6Diensharinsa iseas avoting,.Aprili. Nuoililb.éfuruaised 4sdlçsted lait October -HO seul S55»uiO hy Hspte'taorchestrao. i5olovis la he h Msi ose pustorate ou April 7. _Du dnt coumittee: Cliarleséàbr.Llborty- tis pua supaslt1v MOataUM Ville- W. P. Stark, vabooJisMnseu» 'sud~~ ~~ Y blobrsm- eurMnde, Aye;Hoseard A mes, Grululke; .Lee bo* laind oliq-d93bi1hàUt e ia WpKasDluÎdLaebQr~4relrc vra sr1Av4TPU 1ll sidosWelf Fesat Coter; Claytou !q0my, Wau- la t 0-, g m btwom la t ew Wheuat,1s rovs romm$i Money to L!m Oni Improved Lake County Pnsý If you Intend to buy. to Improve or to stqck up a farm and need movisy. or liIyou haVt loans faIing due whlch you must reflnance do flot fail to secure our terms on Flrôi \Martga.ge Farm Loans. We also supply mortgage Ioansi'tt Investors. Now Sbowing Newest Styles in SPRING AND SUMMER SELZ SIHOl For Men, Women and Children Buy SELZ SHOES because they are aà leather and- guarànteed Call andl See My Diaplay of SPRING AND SUMMER FA] RICS AND FASHIONS. For Men's Fine Made-to-Measure Clothes It wilI be a pleasure ta show you my stock, whil you buy or flot RAY N. ~SMIT *07 Uho A Roarwrg Fire is an es you burn-the.sort of oal we Xi'. u elected. Coai, iras tram cltkers sud aulpisur, whiah makees k an ideal cai fur tisoq Who n@ partcular ta get the mant boat at tsa last ansI You Winl save money dealjigJ Win'F. FRANZEK!.i Telephono 5 LiboetVifl In aur line of "Little Folks' shoes, we offer a fine assotment of style* in sturcly, comfortable lasts foirthé growing feet. School and dres shoes for the older girls- are aiea well representedl in bath-butnon and lace. a ~In Ladies' shoes, there are several very dressy designe a i hlacedm boots. We hope to supply your shoe needs and will ho pleased to show them to you. See us alsa for Rubbere. We are stili 'wol- stocked in many of the styles. W. W, CARROLL. & SONS COMPIff ------------------- ~IId Ada, Pags Aik eeg UUat.01 Il S A - le il Lý - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- 4 à& 9W.4j