CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Mar 1918, p. 10

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Fiài. 4e:o aepai btb o lnec yof niulsm Sbof ti aomenoiid A mt*a (dho lii10t&t ny co Lt ot l us o n d-or lio th;b ta U.oh lno. a b"fore n 14 mv tln >taprisn."1 Mi "it a0ised hlm osyt of Mnie ng eyt. sn ëeMany Girlbe tarm et hInk at larh a y o lul oot. hi ls teenu df~o iti arw riai ten and ie avu reehd a o as on.disaivi1ieins o ont eI q9tui. -vel tu ~ for ~. k b bot ntdlly weH cmtoetlin, hat tho afor enecry plti li an d hool d ru toW.t-b , csMyi. h ~alt fo tui vry ir-tohvul tcrn u A ie u,treur ~do 5 eemso %liateubordu-is hsu , gprlya io sitoaty ilibI 11f Clie Whbaa . h t eene ma ienod vif ta.. îr, Cshpeu êeeu rîoo 4«M i. l ev iégtref imWÙ r sti a te-ire Witneases ait i. Arrvso. mnal il - ibrm U e taten t tlat is had lys olutrOt wtu Wameu s oer.Ifliae oene ayt 4haue- uri. V e±y et nerl Wu - j b eCladthe, Mot er &d M iiby an (ad y grl&firmie wuid es. fom p ris-v e nt Ilu; 40te a. l u in dà oor o sas ta ri 0 .*rt lte vuta Codhe re 18, ie waonl , rsiv c id slaeti seterm. he - Gtan e "u l. t ljk rmnnttn I éOt Har ie pteisat e t, s the go" a ebogaiplu itandlt e l uY aoeat pat iatii llur1 ~l 6 i se.tA i 50t b aeoSt ir W ,eo1~S hgD n. saia tatt.u. Dût-iaieranaaiig uhcoal (ii"ad ~> unLabo Y"atyt T l r- trehplnwoi te outi a t me bu y a n o s-o lias edhl i nanci as e n ht hoaf et herero _1:mst-e iti !!eWIer thtMec s a be e n t le" sal in. yg o ti d lie oeismrapa 4I lon g rta as. lu al on ymana (buat orrt beren ~oesfurlisfrt inoiht ue 1y,"t wvig re eing tb . mrdatelotad- t lm us a arate r ttoe adsoela pem ia lt o laas r bo t hbuel aoIa ieiii tOtbrcx s. tle Jory musring tva orat.irenr lt igueatiWsuugot a len ihhIlle i r. W a in th e r eoe ae ndith hl. haee.le h. tiraI tt e ot-o lIai et semt t oFndley atmnelae sonthea vire bwglbd. wt aienedstor.L Hepiee i3151at Re. pershe mode th ne rasthor tita bg L.i h rtlwe tcwt nr h lh usdywe on I~iatIe isrd aenoonte ha .lis lie & s nr&t th ey uys hon auret onerang thewuiw d e cio r ner auefltt- hle'èi sCla n-her hce a the Jdeyg- fon1evns RL ildteenar riv omg ioÎlocathen an b oel~ C - tr Lvaïne l c #r senwteay ii re I& thec wuma r s ul k of (lajref telogam b Hn l e b 1hosa" njiaut t"corer fotenigiti bé uctobere28ahiof verdict an ho ilieyat. aeg- bovn* bte hJury ItaIplcore . Tot that <me t ti ti m1e oil, lau iàdley om lavye.ator-s'ylMeahe atie ag inat mati il tt)àcoacnet (ta e flpeyaificl i a rr* e tak in htorfere thleraeraon roIs , vut a bs oe. nt litorn be o m ier e Wp ituret yîoul, e e m satis laieyni. t somue fehrve ff dtet doSestt oM th vealti s t is liat a . e 1 e b re inai b efor e itis Jury ! *tndfr is ia liai r ilrteand 14îen tore police iprtentan the car. bubenpt ous n kte 2co f ctoe liyu.' ha e ouitiathav ne to nthee nd r th oneematch M ya t n ti Loo rutMron l. oter eoleverdici.tloevrcath fast lit.t - m ee Wb m dr la h r cf y l W.Tianomte . lUieustJ. sdetof tle Immed truitly nta v ied ai sé -It Pearc e one Mrual atae cf! U~ rtai lieastoniidte- 1 e frth ae lu e ai ahrtaea àdrtehtit vtr ooe.ote, tmttle day tète e litamoult o money aloi Wima* lb vedicm as obroa n lnei apmdbsou ebfrnth3jiTvas nt lingout gooi.den lUth w l stii. l i=anti otie i se "aroti y "ecitoi bi h ie Juy.o .Ai h fe ondat bt thatta vbyho salt mincnho liti plntin t iat tèe ndobbae it E vrt" we otieu court a tlcviWhoubis cone in te Ji l enow anetdvIenhe av en nbie Io th e atacorer for te. nllbe lb.Jur led iectiti is tentuday nit.le get tedCham1 tn uli v eei i a addh aeayc u httsa î Wy St u I l . veictsule i hl m adut tia1.ri s ame d c oîl Ite t-uld bave sn th u yt titd i ce on te.mmy' lu the regt id ot mimIu &yla s er.itig ail cre bian t e loada bis arn case belOte ., otip e ueti li seE en ae tri seetaterèe iptho.rain r â e tt ohor isct a h urf uyanthi h suyo iefly untilis istnc. vad. T ldni timpa.esth ý ol o ebc o ecraitirhmnalfrIoe yD ai nde ni ht ro o111 etieu(i oll brndep e on does Mt w1e ttht ari* eg m lt.1 bAe ottrntty ma»tewol othveoIntes-1 orst *a le olti ho i ngort'mon wuu ues a tie ie Of daim "If I 1 te b re liwdury.make siids titflya b i yrPar wliUc l <anolt mae li ~>od i l l utii ase e t pon ad(lisuroIwb as or a nd misUnet livOingagocleas. ]i tchaeIn .thrtt t all s ui s or e th x "ia ma otions ho vouiti be I Jurymate aplI. os-at e'e a but ta awy'i ad@nesebi lnto htterbe i S* erdit. he ouon otrial, niettAk té,son sud I s- n ure IIi b caute helb wn o h i h opstg « ms nU 4» vas osmeote tbm on. be-, abuonet that n I ()v a ne atel eurti.F~bH o* Mtemn.i.tergee tat Md ctualexar"bas eor t." a reart ludeiis: 21 a rgarbie t hvis. aa e to21. Mraer wIi i b nvedlno &% d RI seglog atg.derWan ieaIs& iat ut n c asebfrer-'taIertlom elî e în e,e Atrif m dNast( * lar« &Ils cov is omati i dvre Avlp oiq$tms lo ~«, cot» be i aoc a iscague vs o n 4i; Gertrudo Vandenherg, anme,1. t oot ltla the CoWd ." ooi'j ttebasaaemo.IHaoy1hghbogn 5 Eu ,bW" ti5eS lt u.b =n1cet mde he cdm.u "Ilt1rbanled e alowp d tpa e iIVln a ine,21.cmph tr *ep o h I ~riadent o!fZVos Ciy *.lsra cmce, la 1910 àko Urne vlsen lier parécta ap' MWdIr vae vhule ilfoy sy that h. loch ativantago ! MMI vas hors. October. The halle%oghd Md M44luhf Ioundi butS te Moky 11111 cha: asti uela F et thie Snyder home. ýjg the Innocence of (lii wu pfitilo d momeo ar la cel eý &t. %t evea ber put e ah" vas le et their tto. Evetbiy - aout theun oem'oc ra ut tho d"Islia ives bYte her Inealment at. the bantis y.On eveyitband pliey bâmi dblar aeO sa adoter. panai (o te ptufy bis attire of. thé lb. uOb 4 tI*.Bii aSilO* t stausoti every- geâfhr (laI poosbly ho r-i &. reMoau m eUàc.but abat - oray. NaMe ephatie eMd dentl tisat ho coatrlbnte iii, tieitquoey vis ootb* 51Centrait le the t ha s b @ he bnacE! 4h h. Iinsel! Ltlrimeta *m emeateci. 114@slter Owt roasita the jury sud ce«. by thein la eonsiderlng lte SabidtisaI ho hati appar- hti er lu a manmer fluaI o*é egm pmection. And hW blé umaei as unable -tha pomooca cf hmis- ýt he (b.eonith -is sit -uni esopthoestad. »M inuebsti ail over thé lit Ilamiti bis hausSa) W ot is h.standard In &Il tiaitati States tram Cahi. AS EVER, SAYS" m hlel iquite ilice St - e <ev. E. F. Vindley ety psufit hkmonrnung 'OVmrsing dort bis cisooba. lly àd oi bat. ho ta-coanecton vîtIthel ýp@ jW l hm by au&n 'NlÇty a*m te vhieh ho ON Oé tSr- ea te et. Nul »aà prlobi et bié lu*, PNiley mi t.e .mpp mymuu ab far am bolega maint liwtidte b. asep@m 4meftamit yneuilty Il ce T HE increusing c18mand for quick perýional transpor- tation, cauises thousands to adopt thé timàe.saving Overland for more efficient living. J HEY had thoighU nnnmv o pnd ioçréini order to have beauy rÔ2 A oe convémiences. THEY now know the Operland bas ail of these essen- 'Ttials, for comfiplote «faction at a large'WainÈ it cost. T HEY aiso know it i. economical with fuel, sparing of tires, and lu easy te hanidie. THE ar people demand of themuelves, the more they T Emore p~eople demand of acar,'-the mOre thçy value T H~ IScr t~ beautifuli, comfortabie and desirable ais HOW MUCII MIIEARE YOU LOSING r IIEN ,dro n t.Our W éô* room at W-1 4 î U OÏêt 0dui a fbeauti- f friYs-Knwght d.Wozdh Pl6éédod4ft0~etyou the ea*y llg côftdàfôrs of these mode!. t any time. ~.e'luuia it-4l, lot 8. bmkU., Ummr.Agres 4ueuaA~Ir . fihn~uai4 Bb. Atma. Wà>, *1O. heo t l ele doprIap oVShs l. D. Kellog, 0,4hueinore, thne tIp" rdad not A hg O ise. ~ ~ ~ 1 savyai 6 ~ 1 t M. tlrown tut o couAld- tiiee il..1~ys uit. ~ J Dsp m wlfe tg AmAi'!ae E3. liet AaocI.WD8y ctk - e , i, .th ToMai ena somt.*est 1600 i f.i ft. iîc -<~ l fIVIM 4. Cro*OtVa Bab., Warnkosn, WV ll).i't i Benjamin A. R ammp.ele K ,IIed - 111.atma ati. boc 3Shoe Lt Thktgk MkaeaMwh2 . H ae n i.I .E o-tebe Benamin. A. Rnpele Kei lB a *u" bnr ouei, Wva ilei iaattatly' this * Mimng Kt 9:30 wocmk Wee1ha wua atrué by la , eou<bnd qNanha i itrain on te Chicago and N>ortht Weoterii rafiroati. Wtord bia bee wired to bis uzotber. Mr@. Pauline Rummele, at Sles cpy Bye.Mina. RImmel. vas oný bis way ta the Mai etation (bis imoralng mhes thie O ecitint occurrei. lMe 'usiti for a e or*boun4 train t. tpasandi thon 3 tqpoed almundthe ~ a«o!Meistrain sud direletly Into the pètit of a south- Tt (akbs. smueh nerve to string vire scld out. If the kldneys are eloggot >* oni! train. la tbe face oetlb.e eeny aà t does to wltb toxiepoisons j-ou suifer f rom siff. 1- & R. Richardsou'. mther seaman oceeUpy theofinailiii. trenchil neasa ln the bises la the morning on 8 iard. vaa awomana Yiimol- g%....__ . arn...... .r Jit.... luà o et tse lime. ne pecoved th. dan-' gar and yelled a veraing to lits frienti, but tihe sounti cf lii votce wus durued t i orarof tise rain. iummél ue tieti dlu clart" tti- t utckutley but As &truck by tha iton e li a th n e englue anti wua hIe&15 fte. Mtlbadwnamu (o the side of lh» friand and Ilet ihm ll is armas. Tis% victm vas dead »boever, teats ao. pametly boMrng been almoit milan- taueous. Rummel. enltltetila thoeîavy st Mtmmuelpo, iilan.. December 7 of lant year. fHe vsemployed à@aa slioe cdort Up te thaftins.& Coroner 1'aylor buai een Informnet andthe to Iquait wviii ld o tomois ion slternoaft. lo-e ntue aignalSservice or on t oe , 14M lsteare physieaily fit for mllitary service. beaus. anly about one Mau ont eofI&@ vas chouen ta endure thse hrtahtps of ibis fearful var. But ve jima ot ie onttth 20 per celit. lu physlcal healtb of aur Ameaa sZgoth. W. eà»timfa ifwd te ia e" teuflampout ef ave becamasof physîia itnas. Sncb veakuesami eau b. cunoti. Ms» limes the klineys are ta, blanc. If vo wtsh ta prevent aId âge comlng on tac soon, or If vo rant ta Inerefe our chances for a long lîfe, Dr. Pierce et the Invalids' Bote) anti Surgical in- stîtute, Buifalo, N. Y., says tht vo shoult drink plenty et rater daily b. Iveen meais. Titen procure et the Deareet tdrug store Anurie <double strength "lits An-urlc drives tèe oule -..i, -5'rjoinm Béent .CV - MOSJ Yeu May bae s heumatic vains, Pain lu the baSc. stiif teck. headaclies. semetimes aroilea fest, or- neuralgle pains-ail due te lte urge acîi or toie poisons stèed net he bloti and vhlch shouit bie arept out. SIf vo vish te keep o0w kidueys lu thie beat condition a diet Pf milb andi vegetables. vils ouhy littIe meat once a day, la the meat sultable. Drink plenty of pure vater. labo Anurie titree l1ines a day for a mentis. Stop Into the tirug store anddsaitfer, Anurie, or send Dr. Pierce tqrn ets fer trial package. Anurie, mon'y tinios mare potent than lîthia. ellint.o urge aciti as bol rater melts sugar. A sort trial wyul convînce j-eu. Siain cois ai agil dnrgglta r=S~iÇUaa ddInRvestents== t1 your dollars NVORKERS or lJOFERS? AMoney that isn't proftably investeil ii like graPn that isn't planted. lt hrings nù returns. Look back into the history of pracicaity' evcfy great fortunè and you'll finid îlat it %% irstàîrtéd b>' a good invest- ment dta paid big feturns. Every man or woman w ihii nonry slrnutrld seei< tu sake thet money era money. Jay Guîili once said that $100 invested ini the rigtitthingatthe right tiime wonl carui as iiutîcli as a mian steadiy emptoyed. You shoid profit by ihat sounhi advicc. n our business to advise investurs WHFIRE ani 110W lu in- vesi vherc their nioney cars earn a maximumiii of profit with a inax- imsum of safet-.. Let us tell youî about our plan. Brokerage Departmient The Securities Trust Cou. quotes prices on tisted andmiiîlist-c.i stocksanasd-bonds. M c invite inquiry wvhether you waîîî t, jbîiv o*r seli. Ve can often lave you înoney on the investiiient voui%%.islî t,) maLte. If you have non-dividend-paying stocks %vrite for our plan for excbanging themt for stocks that arc paying dividends. Underwriting Deportmnent ,w/e rigidly icrutinize and carefully investigate corporatitonts t let r apply tous for our financial services. Thcy have to ;.ass A-1 ini our éxaîsination beorc we utîdertake to present titeir sccuritjes fi inveaiment. Wlien onie passes the test ttc contract for the sale ut its securities. This type of investmént-whcn sound and .svell tat arel-le wbsî Jay Gould alluded ta as "The righî iling et the How to ýj2Scrte You can buay securities through thé Secutities Trust Comp~apy> either for- sab r on cair PfYMtet. We mnake a inioderate, charge for carrying the stbrcks tte buy for you on the deferred payi- ment plan andi you gel the benefit of ail distributionds of dividenids, bonuséis ctt.: màdé by thé companies inhi yhiilou bold this stock froan the day we rmord your (it payaseat. Let us tell you more about ihis plan. TWO U ? stment ive hzv aýi ettao oier two sopoolll, *ount o 1 etî I iti sô DO NOT DEL AsIk for out PPER B- Sécuritiès Trust Çoiotiny 122 boa* bmble» $&""d Pm in u itc -w*- yele- 9 - l* e 'r * t~ - iSecutite # tioay PI.asesenduiu+,'AT ONCE your sp îia1l, EP. 9.2. stdcfcâ set b*ndý.-Eti .s agreeti a'dndt' attOot d tii5 nequtsttin no val obiiîtet nme. ..N............. ...................... -Addrel.ç............................... antiS................ L.. W. LEWIS 110-114 Afad..on St. WAUKEGAN, ILL. .-imufflu, - - UMAUMIM94- 114 "9ý

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