CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Mar 1918, p. 3

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M - Mew~i alm vMe M W nisthavite ho bau bsf autvadi 9« a, ?. yalae bail mtxivél» Ni hm vor muciof Ç0 ti. tiri for Oie Put tiare or fou 5Im lne t1m W li ilsft t e lit 11151!rognonkflovVas 58*45! agihoule go * W b us m.necv bu,-AIs U buT d0W3U * AIOW.Os.111 M ' ve eW vsu afo r efva-to th ar* lA* Io suille " Meta 4w,' aivae thé 0mo ia t f h" la eo»in m ter b aI ààO uo â polo his40 o3 viè . II, 1M beniuea t taeir o i101 *tho ss lIm4. amie am.0fl . Ittmore lvii thb m X0 lo miii«ét eie ,d bmait iela , a taldM us le isf; l ewnam adlaé t bis <o pion O. Sm o *0 urope le gati uW>aIIOa8Ocilicei lad.à bele no«lle a W 1 15£vSS 114 oif. i t hat b 0*4hebà 8"outs ot th t&he hoWBaver beaua i't, rcg"«Keame w.~e1 MiFeoe. a&..e0-*os om nnd'ta vfo l*-hb. T~ues. haqvsr"Y ho t' aUI t al cM OO. oi i lle hs h r' 'w'-.beba cmeont gipm esIdamm,.b ie eno < é 50! .mU= »» tied atiortis litsm- 1n oliiud e dmts.Woula !>irli- v A los w oUon b ' for ~ ~ moo d«uia e iemos 1sryMl eS*ito il rm tr huoistre, ne, fiattbaiure lalae m0al afod»éei t Ob rfei - wvikmyoalc t Moinl.tgeae d to Lrne4d0 si te t lié lmssla Muvd i. " htiiUWM55 lIMMnlSUA b15 ne amU-i almuti bst osaSt Ke m y u baler iad.pmi~t5vbei loi avlm <W a t 0 LoU, <bmore "ilu MM*tW gi f ie-~on is -o aunde #0i m vahan f tec' »iac ic fmlî rliéneî chrs.è ,à *sî% e ï i vbgi a ig,*i u idio.tu é naver t .l e amui orcurab " p e& elloscek. ti îrtb tamia'. vIbe m iig i U s 7.Tet lfacl id- aJVUAll-qha wMet Th vlei si bu .dtd6inse1aii-lthé . Sm a pe t mWobd l wm eauCle» W bing .l~ o5 4 8110 abf lo nemtb bt if*-.,louas btlh p oandatebè & MIw e Ciude a fo. iota ellbliblockl! atfl" hellO * montAi; Ivo m6miMr*as «edwtae ie is'i' flan ISl-, t 350tvir as cden"Pesthe. Aa'ramagsd. - -I *A ,b lige. fvmnmî. I r el d in lim et utyelalavipd o hW im t e a of I Hard o o liu.c'nvticst it nhfuimmc agig rm *01 * omExpeeain d f wc .é 4b t .a imeca t récglita0 1. tntao" md. bff en& a lae htosrvrdmcie stW ta& t'slé ' ma ft :Z t md a ai.I pevni mm lteblibotoUet.t ,,, ai at <seDm os cm ciare iolv I sa adilinssymm oes rntreto ailipaa &» »Mn M sa isetà" m lidd f o uf irimu r o s 9 1 u0 st ail:o outira Cýýi bat ntral ounda are t bu fe*lent opar e Who , of0 va nantiion.olai*1a hé tm b' e o différent la th ond th*lima l " beln Mso.l;bgetughe n mpm«c w*4 a-nrmetsa er efl Usind for brotaem lnei te m hed a nce mopf ethe u ifr nt ire -- cane, lwtrshv l i l;reat 0 p.»d vle irs the a manlifor mdi- tue1. liob tb& 1 reasuri",@' hea -e it uub uotdNm vre Tillact roviso lamis mv a n i. er jSdi. tus«M ur aan . vvas e >oitb wg aventetviii a t au ie e Ibo mm iegua wde opat.c iSou clredi Amubr feamla cu l dets 0fmas mmm mo r ients1bi0 n tors . ,alecr lav ie uIohnpmv l.fis beomoo. b "Woe meU uo$8àmli. h l um eu ird;$1a s a otci iecnrut t te S54.60AON&bras&MISe f%@lg sIbNS i IN(ionsin AMava o ^ow - fe- ilre o hasfnt mmde t laybldn vitr mi hr Su p Jfl i h i bal *tii. rougian, h vea $16 bra the allFroe tel$36 *k out ; d o aalonch semleeaaslaeMaa,, eaM Mdren. 13M nd nohomgn tou iethllac la Navemiaor nor t rtety . - ecelvHowIdUnemO G et dti t111fli ii gam i e abl i ilH mn etb moe osup r nlm ram M iocla oIlher e e v od iuMent e ag13 aim r ue "h Crooks enwuo wt ted ehe m lie s ror 10 itoP. Pal 5 , co l iaInotice soo Ia éilg houle n o iev&m n ta is tai Uulais b ua fies.aid mlldaes1 et vee emoo ta"ab lpimâs aMdtfe"Jamsoéme 'e to5 o ieOhi , 100L%.eTAYLm&OR OFF00CIATES. vsRauu addiio ee piasseyil soer.ntarotmreaiotmaie la mml a - oral st, tlilenaturel i. lidoiCierm, dewimet jr«tà $10 Moüh fe act e c hor del m h toKm-,o01 iamet eto e mov caue morne ont. 2é emeh and fr uthr. c aloes&BhnaI eaetm ecause'elie atas.seon, but wtr v t I <1W s re ki %mdfl m.SA o nt1àfor u ias th htiar e resiurlghlontet r Mas uoiaf he l ea ar u Of ;F heaoist et l2atveu < e r#kTisYs rt»tlIA* ai a f5gyh M»t» sovrcoentwM e *r a dnt- es esdduteaflraoet liefoncieipAsu- ber of11cm 4r e hae hnn ilsA10 coiu et A"t im» 0mor e on"0a s . hie t 'es âBt mmd eth irtph mol b u mosh. ar. f' le<U i tk u tla10bf otfolatalsWaglh ire h es ntrantlIn the 'bes i viifac ienduisecar e tvthe lia is iffm eo m o DIe MON tramtic BAfIY 5INQ heboa-a . j b"& s& VamrS hbsi.flW$n l ~soue bo Esae e mrto ai ma" »e ~INJboa "l iFr- reno bacooamom1haokh.lEN fAVEluign, 4 cmcimsaiii o othrudu vf us as mmci ausai mn otu tb &ogted 41Uri c. as et aodr b talU vus admittor Tu ~ams f i~prusve.:<»3 4F Oa apetu t ia jwyTma wsWinoai loétha f, ,n SMnr ui, 8 EUi Rama'.io flf ,w te,@î :gtih l'h ywa mn ormrl' otei Inmmii ~ ai~boait 21m inter ýit-vit .. Ma D tch L-'-'1b.u Croks a r e dltbovH e tu. la tg ie tilis v t loalmu. l ler.a i icacaoM baflh:liws . bine c Sril abut ie arthen u ele Ry puat hw u e h aia t a seMe 0 und aidn h vas-u- bclu ocuie o uea ~o md hsavete.bas insap bu baga bme lfasie l le mt WAL. ITAYROunsliIATou ad uEShowInsu@MdPsds-wmarirg tolelacl" beelmi omite eitalte lv . les ccs . w51tctiiv e iiiima mm'leluls 1 .i teii t j4 ~ ~ ~ <. i ebtvs1rIq.i 1q e.«.gt eng wt .o Wa bau"' o AeI b'adpy_ Mr. W Mu ddonula fia n. vith 1< aemat v cou» t gvé tMe c,è aclan Outo lie 9aSuOtbi.ecsen.ItOumi n l d tuaiMay, bee the e is kv . t e s4 lIteUme la ameu th" a - oNSU M C1Wy eb Mafl 5 't u te odra att itià nd un M«n»b 811 t h etîv i e Md 10 l wenaa oorM *fcher.e ort D t b ~d-ai 9055 oetdw" imoncieur fug hemi « h liemssel Gc*at ar at lsyEsie6 amif<leimm etii.M tedta .ite 40w, em ua inotPi m*Ib.ysoi0~~t- wem os M M0 m b." doule cbis W tt tonoimliti h»mau r Bneto q tftomphl. . o ig is 1 bunaSit n . ec>a hlf jtbl tu uslà ifl IsnbtâomVe çl h lsel biatvt Mm b ut . e5114 id00. St bis uets te mii Wt b ont . Wai lâtUaee'UIY in ii Esne aD Iîteumuavrsmi ,,Te ho eu came ts rom ýo ibeo , tltralr i e vk»w ite iKuce hieur 1 e .frhsrsU laa- naîtthitboy eer mottee Imm mou rvent t iathdi et d %1 o, oiebuel o. 1saDtaSe n o svus ii uss »mu"taegla -issai m tr a emyi leiimoi Ef hto imaf h e*làae oa. <c'~ e1c io ad0j u gel, - O. -m- <W bia servie sa mch. azosse' it tilhm.» a pody i lI u e Anl tt:lu f1bf ila11*5~b Ih -- omm é~u~ ot the *ar - - -ere la6 hué t boW a liI tel ig e No Uug vaving a frm, tio Ielepal 1- eo « m»à-e « ,tes the faSS .dia-.In , >' The youag m0 e om mmwrd lu,~ o dheo"* mm h-" owr M.m Sj i kîubt O gPUW iilu theeffl ob WAS an WhiIU I hem Main- i taln*HWeIcReligious seukfsoà BWéeAway WADE" TU zLOTUS BEDS Lai~êEvanston. :home cd. t; nEvanson vam bo* 401B. N. Y. Hievas arly om l illa romuies & rioli A4~ bout 15 years he rtlwj1~business ail bai ce miiiUuJ5 'lit Gruess Lku vie-Wh * inch t. pa-ointe orealt tsi fý*WRO05lotus bois. be vide*, apbiGoedaugbterms ur. tIi. Gu*~r eI'b eriýy ofK~e i ~ 1! On, «laom l Wcuks. col. Vidvit 'i >eoe ii P toi Mm"slé 'e at i iOa me alet OA an md uMs lb. », vbu ie~@famous mai aundiS go oSa f the Ik Mcav hiles, ij M5 os WP*uea'iplace ai Gram b. ienb.ý.Uas.' tintes during l«W at 20 o'1 pmblrae log"a -eMontes bavel~e place bocaum *»a. imomoiSi uter col. Vidvut aght Id bisplS it a famoIa laP ci cilafclm Che . oulseau. lias, nisi la a goui .on tie PrOPerty'. ,Reft1iiig té th» umilaial ceremony iemosi uatlqiaé lél n Lake =sa ma clipSf Mg fiSU le lullraSut c iguit 12 u11,t telae of the Ph"m Ir o*e cf <ho bltgest of ltee ol- utiong heli b: lihe Irdiane. cure- mmiea vhb lotae yearý. wlti the "mtuc c(lie laUens. have not lien IleuMllaw . lb.dasilsof the arOt bief Louààspae 40 Indians. reprpaeut. kg tho Itlb W pitle Chippova, Sions. lmebagoes cad Ottawas. wilt gail- Son tiheuags et Grass Lako. aies, ne K<W &A,-C-Oppaulne îomarrv. la thcea&a" Mauiorial day of t1ha lorent rrhiSma i s i.là te o» me of tlm thlai lhe hardy, rei M"d ggrvn5 of lie pAIast tte- liher to w tibute, toi>te zàMsisU rticir ou.. overtul leaders. 'flu oremnmu'b ut wSutaclia eiri mcmei bai bondredmi Ot eople have 0caneI et fa-cmChiuo mad otier clles b* itnes lbhe peardance and fie 9. ri ssorl* - vilci mark thee irs ceébruba Tic grav e 0< liseau. mus» a Mo Gruat Cier"an 6é0"mut «W »m ubal hc imbu over svm s tmgif the latadam or ae.A Mtei uthe slapea overlê thn le kmama jlitus fieeforGiecs in a bietitul Ploueqéaa a DOL Vi&dradcfet e ale prs-erty bsC e.rls b uot am lie huabPlace cit 110 Obf pftbe .idifférent tribus .uailiemu vas a Winâebusaend Mma sovri eair lRed UOlas"tlie Pr@& m*-étet oC tic bribe.,AmaisP* DnUM ge he o mb cf tigisalm&sa W 10 commune vîllihAibe là" et bli eimmptor and ta s. liai GM <ris lu oapt. - cred from lte Wile in vho D&W posses« the piroperti., Uumdre& ft himbs avaeaoaomoi hýlm la th.r rears, but tua scr t ll su lonc the stope oi fibore kgocumi -M tisa 40 of the furass- leeidni f lie borens. It le< 0t1ilie hao Mm tb( enal e vu* *0 s omet returne to a es" tS &itmi SU "ay bovesaabout t», ouai tÇ mWOuvethe bomuaget 0 ats utybil §ove subjects. lo-JoMage lBalaise "Mpais Oeeum e-aw aMMuww .g0Woimls adea 0<1> lb.SaureC Stémoll- et heliemadbd a Mmau casryg m mmcOf lt e îUke ili «-i le tbe lhe rUH9ln4W *0< rIt. nMd - dalida-en ami" - vmI ,go Imd aiteu len* menumema- .à imrial sa- vii ý * atc aor 1W g rive of thOeepseie *M thi ciief viti bL:-= 04ea ~iof ahl mush, .b06* et lie sacrleffOC ie«s 4mra ebutthtAe gravé Ài bMiduh i.returu a - AMI. angad lir lie 1iifq0 b YMoa kâmliîei olier 1ia s15i~i4 lie ees-Mmonywu iii Il "?St Wob at ev Aui'VI 6cgeA <oplnmage la beoi l ah» ho MOny of tii. Itie liaro f tice ruf 1 cffl onmtahevlioti .0r L theroorei d.aa-b weu 41 1 g-ti« all owed ~ehce luadolu . S:g1U o eleba ie liopluta Ete ghe Manmnpil S.tar. b drmueania* t oeuesa.Their idmplc facs veetueceil ili coi or. Tieir soit blaci eyes bommed vth i pplmosa.T o m t vase ,Ma mmi of the. deail chief, ivue te Dov liimntimg spirit oBus. on a spiittborne beyond the clouds. la locateil o11 ptrty ovueil by COL. john p. Vidyard . TieCoclons[ vus an iattorostedim pettor 0ft the rites .00 vas Co1. Ulo ti 1e, à Ma amiAul f rbsd of Red star, Who kmevim ça thié plains, vien censwere acodrias. ity. Rod star la the medile mau» of <ho t$be. e . mous &UIl»j. £10? les, ami. ln is rayer. as traml*ited by Boulée jie. h. tolil of the days <bat bave gome vien bis gacestors roaued freal ntilthe sourge of the wite mm omm Ps4ayOll'YO flýotieed <bhat wih POi oa.nuraber plates s year, vm4mtgelt the limUe round al m- seramu wliich.vers endicss4 vlUm th>e -1017 plau Wwekio-woeb«W P" aflllbave stuok someviere la tie foot or cf ur car. l01fttay lot liai.Lovis ULnem sflOfldiêlmt fumath theni this yes* becaus. aof thé aky h prke et -lot ta& o Ummnatlubt year ley vue roSiMe4 amprotty good evtdmue amt 70' woreopsrmting a armlégal ly, tu the iront both tour tomber bites got kmOched or forn off. lmes aluminuni comst&0savami Mi la m»Ch a valuable var metal, Secre<.ry mriom bas mue. the vseslon fiat car 'ounems hrougi- ont the. qtate mmv. Ibeir semIsand turi fiieni o#er 10 the RoedCrac.. 11sre ver. 84000of tbem isaveil laut year-eonough tb velai out toaa Tie rondis between Wamkefan and Keoo@a hre ml 10 be ln gonid ealita otlcter 4&bant lnsummar bemumise ect u the lbmsaiarecm de, âme, bIs Oour(ney vas mmlmag-bis finrta& quaintanc. vitb a eat. Ater ezami- tau the efrm, noste lavman md tat. ho tUwned ie isattention 10 the muettebe ef Mr. Cet. After as ilent end tionght- tei inspection fie looked nup and sad. 'Annty, do be shaver, 0»se dm uing bWr moý 1401 bela theIn lcat %U ho vas rtia clim'i fl. Md alls'laura4. liai su e askud: 9 l PUE tWEnomm Lv M IRtAVaIM i -LlApoItoAC DWTK boy.Ne. 03- Damuve#&.7 dais. 30.12 PuMis buttpe-ea as . Pure Brod RUiS<Sed Hoaw rwnC*W- mie oe md cuatak> W* re on moomAm Of War audon. WOULD requçe tl tP..w pame nning <o Piam t e- blie prdpns (aukd evesYtnff lI u*hxe ane Matya) t. plac theirorcler for ailvgtbepat sso~a NOW is liot 100 em<y. - Y=u kimow uyof « u "are o oompe an1wtd-u~re malin tp yourm" etNOW *bd lot me»aue it Mmd i wlfeie-r it Wh= waMtad Avoiddiapoit ent lu.It Yeur. w ~ HILE 7011 ae abàut ilyou i n wif mt a, few Seesm mbnmnd your housti umnm oa a oe clude t6en in your ader. The U. &FS . FutA&maà mm a" s A wAfl c, cSavmid tWdcied tao 4l todmrm 1 iu e and t. avod wMst, Wxain m , wn t i hxe«ime A umt te oWn Ooi PUCE YOUR I OUtNDW. e"Ornouses on Clalcgo, Nos-tl $hore aad Mlahs~oS-cL Délvesa Lbertyrile and Rondout ýztII ma"

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