CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Mar 1918, p. 7

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28,19~B . - gem booO" !W w ew ~. lomIs v p mai léa ~ van" ed" M Imm ebogi, tir gbmouwuvi i N ota» oS*Ornais, N M. le oç.dbg . *nt » utte mt [sues GoÏM tls.' g,f Maeftyugil Moop O IL dý, te ab o.w t MiiW itÈ0111or c OS0U Oââît eeskbr callbrm tuob t oe o a lU. 8. PL .ldotud oas». ble 15 es essusto bare a ider berou Viséfor a sm et Mr.un i Ms.. M.UiavORcfLosa l*.« vW* . ij -SLIlots ofdy G I <syelako basket beon bois balve '~iIda gvm.»mi Wasco .a&toag urdaugbl (so-BwluS Mms.WUlb. SWa*on vu a Liberty- ville alteroasdur l -MIS. iam sielo. Mis.J. HayeS - Mi Mis. J. Sseubtd% aMi oInre. moisr VlOgMo viSSiors day4 l m esi. Mise Léreas ménui v@Wlsibr par. euat. am lbs*vUl.over "*&Wu. Mn Gl@aysLoambervIs taiaILiber tyvifle nl0- isuiay. Tb@h. halte foior. ugtptihe l'irfih14 a obttaa un Turs> seiov« Aàaoubsi ot dUsuuui Inugu, ai4c blid5ars e &oewcjosth" Ienbg le bers.Our rmade amset. wr1y aaiconu SI..end i laru re sable goaPpv o A sambor oh Chiesgo peroons. wbo bave ottega mmmd lbelax, cme out lae" m.ehla gi Ri Ady fooi eneliau- lt aMd Planinu. Halle Osi le building a nommer ca. tago, for ilu*Bsd metor. la lb H. Hoadrichm sud Sam Meredth Iran.-1 actad bouulneoolu Chfrqo Nonday sud isolored bock la a »wm Ford sedan. Ti. hlgb ater t la ggdame &round bi [adus md mam lb rodie are &boyo mater., A lbIter tram George Tweed,Ila Fraie, te hm. lalbr, Ai. Tweed, sud siter. ami.Mary Jackson. staSe.It hl belag fine aud at movkefsisydojoa ek. Hinot Robort,,mho bled b. U. . savy. receuy set bis pctur. sbomlng lm taluehlenomsuit, sud h. oo$e. Ho*i tras adersi laVriftaStation on bolMouday. i 'j ..1 j! j- E ,N. Ca tram Wan lave, b fth lohenlord arrvi flu " Mlii I<BI efbe ensd m. wu ePinel mme nsfy J. P. l'oi W oldbaS FuiaorKmbol péfhdUua nsi tom st0 Sio te. sba ild very - l'tu >Be d~y.tlb Goràuu fporation., Mr. modlà AnsMo ~ octa.bou.m oniayev.ulu, Saiuiday t ApufIl.b"thhae V.I.Ib aduaof X.xlb inidsu S ILvs dAau1rc1.isosasMr. aid for bath plâeofo! oulae. &ti nt A. K. si lbe vohat-d mitAbiu parte bis. h mm . imoAlpha la mis an overy$ l'Aprâol" obil for Mouday seutas. *,,"t a mis a rI. joboumote, aORCcgo, no MWhom1 vWsiSsia bv day. lot wms.h tbber Tseday moUM nt "uisplace. vs a aMi Chs webh Wvasa Chicago pameusu n i. A. K. Tbareday. mm. W. B. moCh uin io M vl,.al TbeTbbei ..aàmwst mlSb lire.W.M. Sd Zie«Weron Tht. .daY aitormo o f ltbol ay 0 msek. me. Anol Mr. am i .. FisiBartlblsud chiudrm 000"Moi merqikaopufegsr ua*. Mr.Md UIr. J k'mu', »61d ada4uge, linsIL-ho sudk..ti. eMu.u elais. Bt Ares raslh Paul l" 1 , h .e, ia.>@ l $t&,bumidAna ahemn sstlt Dr. un tu, lb, t' ,.Lim' ezallutod aS MosI ai daguli Wdsiy u le.hvSs reiatili.-.bée I. 6L .k. Mari KLick, of Fort Bnollfg, vistoi fuinis bore fat vek, Mr. and Mm. John Melburg roturuodg homo front florkia, laot vsek. vbor Sbey bave opu b.hepool Smo uontho. Min. Miidred BDembaus l0 vWo'g bar gradparetm. Mr. sud Mm. red lUtIl of Boloi t, Wl. ,* iIs weok Mm..John Andormnotf]lnadalo, vloflod ber parent. . an d Mr@ C. Bouchamof aisf.plèce, ao kv d&7@ tan meeh. L.AM EVILLA Mr@. A. M. Dominaé, OscarDug and Mir. sad lMrm.Lao O aitabio 1,rr Wauheau ioltors last Wcdunda., ,Mr.. .Barnstblo sud Belle. RIharde more in Wauhegau on babIne.. ifast Tbnraday. l'h. .11< oehool. Fi s»d Eaui ibosumsv s.rvod a 0i pisysi Uni Mage Mondai, crlolma. pregrcnt hg DOm. Tbh. thli mrs glir1 reee l aflbh gisit avrias. Partcgy. I Draîhi et Tb@ prf n lothe. la( The chul W. bavi "s$tore" w cigae, dhttlà home lrom iS d vIvih. f mm. W)fmr Hool movsd bossu tg, keW«'*muBook iloart, or Ob. ?au', uqfn. s " ffy, fedge w vi e l'o* Sime vlSh bis broËturs, I otber rofa*hW.& mgasm. theeovtotef, l. sPeni- Fday. fa tht ie idfsty as his rk. lib Vhse kit lots ouday for cu-Amorlehu hopISsifor mn ummuki NefSodoayfor a or uuetmel for& week. Wr.p. W. J. Wbite, 0t Wanke- evIsIetu bléu Sii .î alr- o0 De bar cbold goode i.m moyed StUiglW~ PaiL ,I«on Pubmo, ofVIuksgmn sable ond"M. .1 C M ié. A. IL Daba ld'publIe iay a matudu »sd ckaw- aimé ont of Ib otMoro. ?hs go ava, S". vsk to 11.1 f a New York staSe. uisulmig of tibs veek bis volt pwny givearoirM. sud B BslUn homi oftiry. and LeavarI S1LUGATUX d Vie. L Knox .utet.lue liiu nd famUly moisi Wl.-' bire. Ueue tertalieans- ah. Portât senday. mas vau a bufus entiler la e'hdraday. elovai lbé Navealiona, bas teVirgila. 19» Rad Cros atce.wh complta. * ucuOOL NOTS oai onjayoli s farmweil paily ab icday ellenoon, foi Ull1drsi Initia. Ai .baid lu lifus raI partiug $dit&. Mach vas piocs of cakte andgaina s rs au lime 50 go home. SMeEhIvk evaes scool baviffl bqs absent olMc o.Wo trust the ronde mli mot oer tram regalar attendun,@ id bi-monthl oamfnations m let vmeeh. Marilua Delioper 100% la arltbmetlc. I.labh oe iholiraink: auording la t.: Emil D.Moyor, Oseudo Emnma DeMepoer, Mary Poitcgy, chbreck. Willo Thomas. mary grades bave hnng up their dry ln lb. sand table. lirn haie been makfng mon. se ail sorte of thinge lua ur which boo £0 af i us.eds *.KKibl ma s" r "' re ' W. J.-Soborsansd daughture bave aing' Il>&V lavai Ilbu daY sud ,tsted moisi te Junctlon City, near Mr. The BDesowbrohes .maie qISe a trUOOiObOILSeorsparist, h. bas ohtalned tour 0of lm 0 8V linday um s Pomtian. -. NI Mrs. Bon Lusse bas Loue to a oin ber MaIuThelen vag a WàukegaU al- ubani s-r lnuomPOliît-..... MmC. k Tomeon ~a~ lb. 'h. laitil.Aid aoely viii useS ml CIO A Ur.C.l hosnvile Mevhelr.. Hocheosud Mn. Dougflas'esialy, 01 WU T ome af boeralelar, ie. 0. Homaia. April2, fai sswing ail day. A pbcma o ucsutiy. -dilar viibh. srvod. Vloltors arecoidi. Sao. Freund wm og ce.vntý "Y llviudi latatend. Orisi.san tabou for pWniaiseug. JD W A Iii l'h. C. Thomson t"niy, ojâW Tb@ DR"S Vos la* oemetery eacsly AI 'y Ul aa lwrmotoqed tamIlI mubstae ouavglI e sool boiu. ake ,*dâtm S"ari abrdayaflermo, Apili ed, toi lecon gan Cave tha,..dicatoI'y Mr. aM MW Slmon Davis. outrai et of odimfor lb omng A Adrm gU ifmoram «» boofaItwoi soubari am. crobellitetd yih ioaisinlus cou- J. humes sud bmllyhave movai ta ges.UL verpot me OOCH iS CHAIRMAN Wgaosda. ~~Mis. mil *âb mtlatud aylhfoitsSholtDlro- '10. &"d M*.. Arhober sud daughioe ihto'O*dayeu'se& e4slSsd ai lb home aofltla terle Mr. Andesea sd tumr, a of uslt Aopted by Co. Supt. of dragilaho Soaday. ' ure Uaiavsitais oPuant Haiee..Soho*ola S'i " 'GOopral Frool tThomson vIelb is Wiil7'ooir rlvà omeainhtuopWasb.A le50maddese pretbrm e u a. agosfaees Mtvo. b -pis'll, 'Who lit firh T y eaga Bd DOmu aiSd tmily Sud De[i oth labu en relsUvos la Cli OW er baurov owemomesuda ai boa? mmotoredio Ibertiyvile Sun. obule. MWisla b..,bat ozps.tso oultlHgbo D M 0no 9cutcfb~ b lIadé.Suiv, laiai l&k lotg eaOb iSa0'.-aImbhools- l __________- velUvi-Nr ~i es ototllI - tm u'^_I s ta le boe. the t. la g 1m10 homoela iflSVilla Tomes" ansd the ctae ']Xài sud 'O. . J'Dialusud degelmabard. lb *W a vory étau ou. lu e»Osrr *çt Iy. vIof tai MvQ. mtreS~uay lo, i pOseouleu bon. th à0oo Métai ftG obu@DUps baber hW UW-t ie bf f i< Sud 1015d mti. maam WbU .wes 0z céi Me a fes lerr l*bi Mein n nttl*ihmoue ula S. " " e. aleosp lb poos-4»"*ià b ý =ou b bi-ta mai eus i okmUObBL f "4 e@"qtu, Ruset '1tMjy o 'sdbandsWuoeu -eec @*WvbJon ribm.Iii l a veMiry letiug- n IM Mrer. . ef d4Iù Jaa r vie i aloug b~'b"tdoli le î v.drisMd mm MWi moUdou md C"m M sroà.' seen reoet tacl. isfa mné ÈJaà M itet arttahohome( oreIttIo ML or KptloevnPart course, tet" Crysll lÀ isnouée.buiding atlsaii as0griatr oetyeMr. MM". and.1001 an te oi teteto aube.a aprosm a bthf ea u nm er "e or waucoS. fahelugahi Af evect irairouged Nwdeua érue tÊlâprové- heub thei o~ qyaio fo b ufIllut«Llbostyvlalsitieod"Ut. bo e h O AILS DICT rtlett Case ïOn Dis- NO CRANCÉ OF GREEMENT Members et J "_h1form Court there la M) o~ f Ar. lrâWMWPM erci, S2.. Attor battir *1go tbSand up tei umtee lday. a 10158, Merru~ luietéesu heurs.tho Jury I eCareLux. admlted ta o Welâh 1her1? fuabflty tute Wlbroe1 exreesi 1 sui bat1r. vui vould b bale teAfer laour. Jumeolsr jt$ éA8dar e»O 050.aa~,fr~~# f iu heun thcm eut loegbr t>.âtho jury. the court om stibalballot stood1 7 te, inf*v«LUs. Tvooef1 ovorte >o sle f baveLu et 110 voery I bol flbt "Yog*bu% u WA B. HfIn of igllulFsý = "isu fth- contantly. t.ektaf a îxit at toait ouce au boue. Tbe, bas been but IUte change li th, iW.up ofthe jury ei be frut wM ptA oeptf on liat tvo Jue" Il .re ~the bal- lot Je toot5ulest . euOterfng the court o- 1 le-- êoéluleu tere la not the oljhtut tihaaeof an agréé- 3udgezete the rest of thc Juy piMd =u'p ja chorus of an- aots te tht s1SS 't mnuli. ots Lzma i*S4e0court rsa vheui lhe ' ifharged but bah ber atPÀý Otrvhd. nsd elhes Wver Prodýiboh sdmfttld 11er bai oPetu'i.g4Wnichti.. m" IAs leasai ta i#-urianod lu the cou0rt mM MouIL B 155boni F'rfdsy1 ulght la tebflia»MIthe jury vould arrvotasvU49Mt, -~The cam»u.üaua**ebly f. on@ cd tWi'mMo entSM that ever de. velopsi lu a oet.Mia Lez jpooImlstreso * psorth, oue JamueBartlett . v -ptock bya, charglug hlm vtth havint conneci ber uammowvIt that Ray ey Kify, lacksmti kt Wad«Orth. She aff $10,000 damagos. Barte put iwt flambe. on the Msand lu an effort te PrOvo that itetemeatu ho vas algei tu, bave repeaed, vuotrue. A nunw ber of lcments wveto luraiodd fui th. cas, vh mis Il evîdot tacs th. etait tut 15 vowu to bo ooy for the jury te, arrive et a verdict., It vas ase vhore the jury bei te de. cf do on thé credsbftty of vltnoeo 'fo OVideUe ~vrY cOntredlctory. Attorneys la the case vould mmlotas sert tadaY vttether or flot the «m wiii ho rstrlei. WITNESSES ARE GRIU.ED Waukega., Maivi '21. A efot o esteblish an alibi Sot S&y Kelly or Wadsovoh the is ht et Joue 1. 1917, when. aording ta »orts cirenlatei ln that community, he w va elathe Company aofMMas Clama Lux, wue maie by at4arnoyu ýfOi Umes Ju lu the' hearit g aiber 810.000 iaugatquit agiet 'James BWIWtet t ircuit court today. Tie IsovW8. of Ibis alibI Wouliho a body hiciv te tfedefouse of EsitieliWvo M voo.inâ' taprove that thc stchle.he te alléeod to Itave reletei bou1t Clsae l ansd TRay Kel yr lim Guy flletmeyeansd Clsyton Lues, the twao tar vlrtteosee for fthede- fOSSe MEt<heo vltneestand Thmre daY Oai tSufld h viflg soMsMisa lms lbh feogn y ofyaf MM t her belS4< I*rÏ- bvebon Kelly '**ls W« *hoot :15 aclock on â* ulubt or Ina. le 1917. &*ad« e Luscusin 0frMssUlmlr 1V.O9 "tued on the otui dpt at Abai dme )Lus vent t th bm m ot Kr. Mdi Urs. RAY> KellybuMlte MM gbt c Joue Iasd playei . dsU Wm t1à ùI " rM 7: gop. M.I.,MItI U m. e "sAithat not caeqj* Sucave Shom. 1Ur. fisdMa. IlrMd 39M r efly'efi 'ua àý' Ïài. Al denlél Shot4b« ou~e Me. ui udhe ly" WIli. MmuFaf waganother vitusos s9 o tarebat is emornlug sMW hall dithaà fIMettbai repotd os, GuegoPolif«r tbe defeuse, tariuOI hW mli' J lb... vtne.eOs, sdifa te, bIsA dcu e 1ealibi. At e:4f- oclock Ibis aitreffCu the Lazftrtiml eemne teo M M& At- l01o' IM Ifor th, efeu~ ios01 voï$mu bte sthe case Ofe ",lb. FSuiv.but 4h10 vas ienied WlJige WIUit>.lThe atturqyse m u»gm mh1rrcoamta te the li. EYE.WITtiESS TESTIRE wmr resuthle.Jury. theodersoo- Menaibtolg emutalS m daéWy Wbvilbyom; minecme blw,6 from :O t hu thfi ue pur»»ls fit bI- heUe iteavo If abeene eS » aud ttenWrom uid Wnot reWn A Vau e& eovo untf f they 'would ho eailod Tlar mef ota u the voiu je Tuady o Weaud. 'that of the orand Opora buse la or Wias.ey.AccfllOrig Pa ris. Tt la 100 foot vIde. ourly 200 their vvttton totimoey va. token foot lu depth sud' 80 feet 11gL b. e and res.d te the Jurr on Weoueoday. WMght le measured from the lêveJ.of This morulng Batlett hînif lbthetage te the "Mile." l'h. otq f veut on the stand sud ln respou t b the Metropolîtan Opera boue. Nove questions furîm bis aoy sud coo o ezauond by the qp0Ofig ouasol ho ozplaîned that h. tad moeoly reportod as remarka abourt Mis u xaud Roy Kelley that ho hhi board ou the treet. of Wadsvovth. si di motAt syt liune daai he ad mm, muy obectomable asitono ho. jvoe the pa, but that ho meroly visilth Iluegeh ad heard other "deis P*cqrng <hiy fetnyre moU knou Young mmn of Wadàvarth Wo u the lbstand Bud told of vIt- >mse* be s4ued oeurrenco in obkh Kller and Mi" sLui ver. prdes go e sotibedm ln det&N thde Inclimutft u «Bubon, gave meslure- meute oaithe dinancle vas rfom aoewme mui Md no »ftancY la ex- on theaU .dot"llu aokod he 1 ec*e Srb0f h -ode. _ mI -Ast hé IaMe *Wtbebo tsirut- In g ler . hem vu±obing Intently tbe cPmagb enlo thle face ce the quauiy*urf Wthe.mornlng .0.000 *m irefey, vifs of ue Manau me lu, hé Si. camWvu.oMMto go Up sud cDOvrsem itA 1" , fkLus Beyov"a otàev voues from a Wdsvorth vho verspreanot l he b.court rocu OcP- vpoed tutti ber durlng lbe varlous faim dfuag tHotria. The ooutroem VIw von ftlodvirltu um u am omen tbm mnoraine sud clau-f--eei.are attendfng the té lotang for, n*Moly. vorY, inue W"Wi tou Rockftc'. ithe pu'â"dg :V10laI.çcsd.clg thé M» WUtA l a u @ d udfor tlii kbd eticfsase lbviole proosàeimr ta Tory Oriog »sejfr m tho unifouce gam. ltorea nomctroqiunt fut. int orf la*~lre, vif ch f la s- mUflvcharadteraed luha a seft tbf.i Cbywtc. Lui., tlb Gt. Pal over- a t Wadvorth.okt ho vitmems *Otad tbl f.aternoeusd, Sol bi s @tor. .Ho Wu e o f the tvaoa" ullasesesfor th. defeno.. Hf. .tor cdrvboratod Ibat tld hi Dlelmayor. 199 «Midh aud Dietmoyer vers la setier ntthie lUmo they report Imvug ammnMies Lui. and %7 yKelly topth- -Bl. couplhnn atln oler. Ofarles removeis a gua on hi$ blrthdsy and premptly brohe s miiesi. HIo tîther oon mendedI il."Papa." ho Rai, "voeu are unarter thon âyou loffi" Specim York, Iu 101 foot vide, S6ft deop sBd 77 foot 111gb. o, ce a faohy. '5.'s a *ffl 111.50orne 1q ta b gý 0t Or î Bola mu robot LIUMBER FO'RýSALI AT LISERTYVILLE RACE TRACK 8-fn. . P. drop ddlog- 5-lu. - 6-ib. W. P. floortig 6-fn.. 8-fn. heo oc boourde 2:8'a. 12 tu 14 fret. 214,9, 8 tu 12teut. Wx's,tlo 8 lu% 618,% loto 12 wt 8-h. codai peste ffl-ln. bard pi» . mia 200,600 Y. P. IImbe0' 8,»0 *Ma, bugd 12-bot by 14sloqWUsiboola .seloa% $Mt"aho §W 0"o RUEL WRECK-ING CC SpecmnWoe' ANNtJAL TOWN -ELECTION Town Of Voeno. L&* CMMnY, .lUh»i, AprolZA .1 Q -By Pnon For Suipervisor, .For Superviior, Eli ALFRED G. MARTHZRQ For To'wn Clerk, For Town Cierk, E .J. Hug8oHBRE l_____ For Aummor, For Auseuor, ElGEORGE M.WEIDNER - For Commisuionaur of Highwayo, 8. T. FOOTR For School Truste., Gl(. F. MITCHELL WILLIAMIl. MEi For, School Trooteio, I ~ C. J. HMB8HBG& -Town nen. IMent a l t ANNUAL TOWN BEDCTIO)N Ditrict No. 1 (Ingleside), Town of Crant, Lk. Cotolty, Iflinis, Apri 2, A. D)- u REPUBLICÀN Q DEMOCRATICQ For Supervimor, EjWILLIAM J. STRATTON -For Towu Clerk, Fli JFN . LANEx For Amssr, SFor Supervisor, Foai Supovvieor, El______ For Town Clerk, EjMARTIN STOFFEL For Aumosor, El ____________ ElJAMES E. LARKIN For Canstable, (Ta Mu Vaemarr J. H. DALZIEL (TOM eauvmmce CHABLES SALA For Towu Clerk, O For Assomor, For C9uatsble. WALTEEC Il:Ïllxii District No. 1, Iogluide), Town of GranLt, 49e Ui,Ua April 2. A. D. o[0 PD1ANQI~I For Superisai, For supervisai, .er 8 Q WILLIAM J. STRATTON Q ________ _____ FoIr Tomn Clerk, JOHN E. LANE, For Aseosor, For TownGélerk, OMARTIN STOFFEL - For Aneesor, OJAMES E.LARIN For Tomwn lork, O For Asmoer ton"A i. E170mQe~ I 1- - 1 ;.ýý 1 A i

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