CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Mar 1918, p. 9

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= VOL.-XIVL--NO. 13 TY VIL-LEINDEPE'NDENT Labo coitut-i Big Weehkly WAUKEGAN WWEKL SUN _ÇSo e ud Uui.w mIWin GM m :,,jj -. PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE INE?4ý NT, MÀRCH? 28, 1918 POUR PAGES $1.5OPER ~EAR IN *IM~ il i. ILifET PRISI, III Pseudo Arffiy Lïetenant Abie to be Taken to Camp Dodge Escapes HE IS STILL AT LIBERTY Paul Gil4e. te pmseudo îrmy J. l14,1.Who Ibis t i'<tl.tly paited Worthle8s, ihecits on Waukegao merchne nldm tIien iried the umento ttug inatilnea- toile, but waa eppreha'nded afler gel tîng rid ot sp%érai hiait made ise e cape. Ater bçing arrestedi n Mnnppalit *$Gildea, wtIo uued tht' naute Jtime M ileane hin Waukegan, w" a a b) federal offica,'m back teucanip Dodge fleur Des Moines, la, asitrv lie wa. confracM t wjîx thwo chargýs. FIROT-Dosertion as a private ir the army. SECOND.-bmpcvsonating an offh cor. And nos, bes il large axttain ast a res,îlt ut na'.lng his escape. 1Ia r' topotîse ta a telegrant or lîquiry, tise Daily Su a le TupAtday estnlng re ciid thIt message front Cainl Dodge, near Dtes moines, la. Paul Gldea, atlas Keane, de. serter and checkt forger, escaped from guard in Oaai Moines. while boing conducted le guard houme here. He his&flt hean appre. hended as yet. ADMalant I"atetence Offleer. Tihe wire fMm te aminailcer came la redpaase tetahiâmessage asont t>' thp Bunl eariy TaIPzdasu: Waukexan, ., ii. Mrai 2. <'ommandain, Ci ttpD<dgî-, Dca Moines. la. Can >you advise tirBs 10 the su tlinticill of a repart tlit Pautl(;Il des, allas, Jmes ian checkt torg -r , "cac'd-front*your prison. Wou kpeoan nmerdhannis ion-eried a" he nwindtod doir-. t'Ioa.,-'aIro ait ewra i n- Il apppea sesidi-nt Ihat ho fiai-r al i mors hail nel yt Rut (;tde i bauk triC <al) Detdgc asherfe ied# surteil but lbatllttey are thon p"n roule front ttinneapoliu.letu ho <amp wtritthim. tiat they gui itfar " Des Moinest, ebicbh f.,a h-w mile. tram te camp and thtiehomade is "sicatif)aimust aete hpgWn of tlite camnp. LAKE VILLA MANS AUTO STOLEN AT WAUKEGAN WEO. A svenpassenger liII>; mode] Chandler autoinobile OWfle(l Iy Fred Weber ot Lakte Vllat. sas stulen front in front t-.!Illte Aaeiy theater. Waukegan, Wednea;day nighl. mucli as thse John Fauhel car watt toien there seera ilcctha ugo.'lime Po. lio have no ciew lu lItle Ilieves wLto stole the Weber car. The Webpr famiiy drove lOtfo IVau- kegfan Wednesday evening, iarrlvlng at te theater about. 8:::') O'clock. rhey left te theaer about 10:40 %or 10 :453aclock and found the car gone. No one bas heen fotnd who oaw the car taiten aaWy. 'Weber reported the mater -te the týoIIce am soon as iehodiscavered lis Joas tud.not time wao but ln notlfy poice departmenta at~ Chicago and Racine andi ntermedi ate Points. Ia alit* of this Met lte thief made Sood hie escape. Thera bas not been an automobile robbery la W#Atsegu ln seine Une. There la the posibility tttat auto thlevea wlia have beau curbed ln AMbeogo tu laeonalder«ble exient hive ttrned 4Mielr attention to nearby citee. The tact Chat botta panes uf laue in the windsbleld were broiçeun blte Weber machine may serv, as a vatl- uable clew la locating the car. TIhe macMbla e malt!ta bave beent».ured! ustïut tboB.ý CIkL 4 IILI09RTYVILLE WOMANS8 1 OOTHER OROPO DEAD WED. William <apithortie 'worked an bard, ln ieitingubdtLog 'urttin- bi-us on his farin ln Lake Forest Weinîql y, .March 27, that ho auttrtd agit tttack of heurt lallure -whii<tcaisrd 1114 death. The 'CZ4;ittrne tarotisi 8aI <rt.i. Lay r-ad ai ei >epail it %;'br. <'apliaiorne watt btroing bruhitl-i.j oastur-e. it got bcyond ho corirol. thr*eatpning to upread te a barn. lit fttucceeded lu chcckIng' t1w hurnImf brufli, but t(-effort t081t itin uth Ile wwei known ilu ake Fort-i and vbottii . The well knawn resident waq fowdt daai ha bis daughter. who a pggt lt, IS IMPORTANT A ROBDRY MMlR ELECTINi À flet11,ÀASCENTI C ON. OF,*II4IWAYS' A DEEP MYSTERY Williamson County Highwayj Fox Lake's Puuzling Situation fln anl~it At@ntion tlu1, Whe'ire ga RîîBrnlarv a~nd Change 'in Law NOW AND 40 YEARS AGO Argued mtat at Vote on April 21 Voters Vote.for "O0ur Roads" Up to You Uullî'îln No,. ý or theo Wlliiaîîîsoiî 1 County ifighway Iepartnaeiit.print3 te t ollowing portk.taent commfent conct-rning the, coming electlan of the singte Vaghivay commls.onen pro- vtded ln a luev passe d b>'lite last rohbery or lte Krasny saîloon.NJ5WWU So te ai&ia jstlokd iCu*SRIXTE LM M DLL lier, Gérry anid Knawles anid they Ier harus 10orne uondaor wlact o,î*O & O weir e arelcasdconébonds 0f er 0, 1'K U T N I lte village constabulary baîs Ils tacts ready to preseot to, (lie jtîry. The LEAY E ON FRIDAY village marubai says he t-d a report Ihat Gerry watt seen aw-tht a sbat glin whJech resemsuip Uicdescription of the Kransy gun andi Lhat's une rç'am*o I lot t'iiithe. latvst lInCrernent ot lii FihiqAre Invotved wby ta watt ocked p THREE. MEN ARRESTED I UNTER HAS À Fox Lakte, March ilt t .i1 oi. CLOSE ESCAPE .dy-or traged ctl A S BOAT UPSETS cornes from Fbx lAite aad Ir u'ou can A O T U S T figure it ail out U'ben yot'rr through - you're somze "utderstander.' 1Whîle out huîtîn iita hiottg Nom- hera aretlite tact. r--mtvi îuîlDain the tîiddb t- fPlijakee la'ie. carefuIly and then straigbtrn u)"t the[ Tuesay atorncon, Jamue- 'NI atm'. m9 story youraelf: ia welb known resident of Fox Lakte. ACT ONE- while *rylng t0 faite a shot at a Emil Kappell a riant a rt---tort caild fik orf durits. t irued i is boat ocer the' yard tu see hua ti. 'as geîtittaeiItr:teKle>.Te ýou -ai. bu n o atfi tloé t ioii on flghing the fantes. Tte ltriXudy On t'a Up ta Vou. tiii'e roda tramt bis liome -ha woald go buthue lîîttoîîî. was made te more sud bof suie O April 2 wl] be hud t e titi' Tuesday nîminng hi disctt'ered uMoigla iItsicuuuî the tact taI3Mr. ('apithurn,'s son ligeneral election of lighway t"ontmls- 1tIsat bis saloon bad bien tibroken IlMabl nnîetoin hlnthall ii pohi- at Camp Grant' and ju about tu1 cionera under te single hignw- aihtt85'oU fwh-e n oi ae droalacti. bot i oa eavi' for te front. commissloner systelemInoth#- statle at shot-gain bad bien uiti % K appella W&Y he minansed Io gel h iai li te Ble,4des bis wifo u'la. e HrIaa.sotottal al.- heOte reIot- ngbt ho boat and hold iitelf uit for uvpr anl iisigiter d te sn Wiliaîu asasîiWll you taka advantagêoaf It? If hbdseec îwo manl i-tiplace, <D'te Iî<nr.lit lte moantînue hil, redicu as 6thase sisteru. Ent .51 aîc. FAycu afre alby lneauret aboutut t - wba hoknew, lte OihuŽr as ranIC- tent hecami- aserionsandîti laii Kenauhu: >rs. F. Dun. laite Poreat, mater or béter rt fo ot ~io.The anc be kj"w ma,sJousapibeen that 'lliliani Em n d 'la t bik9. Artur tlitcitfio-ld, 1%auitoganimuit>'. 'Do Yoaar Bit"' Corne Oit .,Cusulen. a well rItown (haraclîr ar lie Larsen. two. othcn Pua Lake rposi-1 and %Irs. E. Hitiman ofr i.bprtyvile. land vote and inelist tIat tour trionîl lite villiage. Kappt'lta nollfied te dents saw tht, oltect in 1hi'( latte. atitil and negbor do Iikcwiuer. Aitdi !uiai and! Ibe>'roundrdIll) us>Cîkt'r oit the troutbe I t ulandît ml 'ti RION R ~ Nvotiog rentem h-barla: who, wae badIXl ntoaictil. abat It va. Mariing autulîl ot bo t 'i PErU R aas oi t-ue'ttitifîr TIe marabal saile- cýli Wlii.t- been saved.AM il satllui hîîrried 1, A lDanme on a ticket. kry stoian. a man ttrmîuk alj> wa-, uot to sée witîthb objeýt w:i.t ini the' place tite nilht ttfîtri- [h- te mitdle ot Lite lake andl arrivlng, SENTRY issu 1 i-oedatp. Itaîl: Icio ei-dence of tlb.- bai rt te f dMannintg pî'iîtt icait t'- 'f C M A A T 4. Poiticul esuswowa ilivou," hutduIle')le iiii lvr AT C M5 R N . Tbhagti-in e'and lxnoraner. .aded thse marahal Of t~n Cus- baat, slgbtened bis boat sout and nattionî. lia-be mais. h vas tiakly pv b all flottaitu bis bomne and white not liki- Cap .rnt bb.3tri. 7-Pt- Th'.lie1ni fr-ot been with hlm utlal. but hall 1> to retain s'ny per%anrnt effeetb raie Wlbian C. Renteltit of Chlaîago.1 1. Better rostis. beau aI bis ownL homo alb the pre- tram the experiance. nes'erthoes 4t dujitand PrivaIt' Charles Kvac5tk. .2 Businoes bility. -vlan. avenlng and olgiat. And titis1 feels tisatIli wastt trillin>' enough>fo7 aiso or Clîlz cag.t i itse PhOapt, reler judgoteni. manis descrlaig" didn'b taly>'wth;tht' prestent seasonand lie' wonl be [ai suufertoc tram a slght gunshotý 4 Commîtaity hiterest't. thkt. given by ltraLnn of man nulmbe"' doing any more itunbing for bhe t-tie wound in iIN rlght ja- fllav.lng te . Investgatioantid ic t ae tutu vith Cuaker Motîda> aaenil'y. being. nrpt tragedy tIsat ha oecurrpd lu the" Ç. A tysbem ihat wîiltend b to ' ACT TWO-. diisin provenment sud sdva.cement. AI Reaee &W a man namcd.Gorry I Rentebdt, a prisuner whot was sent ,Remember April 2nd, î1% vote to. got ia a filitîtaat Inglesîde Tuesda>' to the guaa'd bousie trami contammy ,"Your Rouad." I'. nop to Yan. mornîng; Reeise got liclied and ho of the Threc Hundred and Fort>' I le thead bIî of Fox laite foutit infautîr>' sanie ima ago for 1 The -pWmr er imi!dolbboatelbp ios juntstîctioo exteods tu bole. absence vititout eava. was on tatigue 1 art! flrtd i t bs gisrd be buliet , e lld i dtatl lote tudîty as der guabl f ciî'atIng Kvaclk's a and étaggartoli o d Kvacîk. Wiie pas$itîg tee tw ut bitta. The guard ralleti fronRthlie t'temrha iurî1dt nln oficcni' <jarterstln rMttrîting ta 4he blow and, sent bis uyonîlt trOugli1 ln reply ta te cabb and ti %l&àashen ioard houa ttc ade aa utiden dasb tae pritoner's body'. Safari' lie tel. jha ara'ived ai the scenle ltai ho 'u- front tht' lino andi eiint'd thaý quar-! Renfeldt pulleti the Irigger Pgain. but ticed that, lu bis way oft thlinlg. tenu theabatventvid. paaingthrogitCharlesKnowbes, a a' Of te iîtit'b s otîtîse d te boo ual bru âqiit, ru jRece. answeri'd tbe descriptiona r ig Thn misbot'. reai'ho d Iboedtîtarer bs natbim mati numtttr two of lte MDndai -- r un is uoe racledelth i tic' inu 1tbhtr iminbins outhlIt' uard. mn-n itmg sisil lu the' Krasny sabeon. Th,-' taI Reoteldl lîsd discavf'rt-d lu thot, tawîd botit tatnuon ti- loor ititon taaa tur u aiî tn ls inst rouit la entPred. j tclous. Thtv werî' aurtied ta tlir te K Cuslci. tttuîst lt- lI eian abo sas The otherday sc Guard Shot, Wile Bayonet. haste baipital, aherc Rentlbdided. wlI ute .uiiî iuaifiti- - lIta ta s- two i l t.t i* about th.,- 4;c...a..f COMPARATIVE PiICES ON 700DB AS PAID1BY RETAILERB A»D CAP.ED TO CUSTOMERS. Fobtowing r- tair prices for foc i; dlnb aki' ceunI> tocrte entrent week, as deterrined hy te food ait mjilurat ion. Narmu'iof t1ahdelaers selingat Iprîtes outidu of thiisrang e ;hulbe arepore tolG. C' Gntdiey faderaI tod admialsîrator for LImke county, or te townshitp admitaliratars s-ho silIl aipthie pmopar action: FAIR FO0D PRICES MERE. trvîar-i ilie %Wntkcgsnfoondiiîiinietraliiian. tfeciso erek biegîn nlng Mlatch 2#,. 1918. Retail -prIee cueltorrfbouti psy for te ttaples nîtae shouud Dot excecdtimlta fullowiiig. TheCtet bu the retallar of ectItarticle allio la giscli. Cot te, Ret3iter Price te Consumer Granuluted Sugar................. ren 100 lbs.-$7.97 oc Baker>' Wrapped Bread ............Per IL. oaf-81,1. 10e White Fleur standard brandet) ...Par bag-$> $:.l White Fleur (standard brande)... Pr % 'airrel--ti.4.581.60 White Fleur (ther brandi)......... Per lia barre-$1.49 $162 White Fleur (other brande)----------Per 1. barrel-$2.91t $315 Bartey Fleur .......... ...........l'en 5-Iti. tag-31.9c 41c Rye Fleur........................ Per 1-8 arre-$t 85 $200 Witole Wheat Fleur............... 5-lb. bag-32 15e 7c1 (UaderthlIe Prsidén's proclamation retaliers must selb attd con« attotens muaItItuy wiit cach pouni! et white tour a peunti of gante suit stilute. Cunsumneru have citoice of corameas, corn starcit. carn fleur. henslny grils. barbe>'foeur, re, rica gour. oaalmct<, rollcd oats, bucit. viteat toaur, poatot foeur. sweet ptato tour, aoy beau fleur and! le- Icria tours and meals. Ry. four laefmot censîderai! a tiubtitut. for white fgour.) Rye Fleur ................... Z-lb. bag-38c 41U Graham Fleur ................. 51b hag-3.2c 34C Corn M*al <white bulk) .,......... Peor 100 lbhî-$6 71/2c Corn Meai (yellew huit) ........,... Per 100 bbi--$6 71.e Harna (whoIO) ..................... Per lI.-32c 37eý Bacon (boit grades) ..........Pcr b.-44r. 47e l3acon (medium grades) ....,....... Per Wh-39r, 43c Lard (boit grades, carton) .....""Per' 1-20<1 . 35e Lard (huit) ........,................ Per lb.-L,8c 3lc Chase.(fuli cream cut te order) .. . .Per ibh.-lI;2c I40 Cheé (full creamn, brick) .......,... Peor lb-2c 40£ Prunes (50 te 60) .......,........... per lbt-lc lic Prunes (60 te 70) .......... .......,. Par lb. 12e irec Prunes (90 te M0..............~.... Per lb.-loc 14e Hominy . ......................... pet 100 lb.-$6.0O 7%~c Rie (fîncy) ..................... per 100 lb.-810.00 - 14e lb. Rici (blus rose) ................... per i100 lbo.-49.oo 13elb. *nans (Diavy hand .pcked) ..... ..... Per 100 Jbs,-116.00 19%0 @mes (Lima).... ................. Pet' 100 ZO.-1.0 2elb. leàtO (Wsconsin and Miciigan). .Per 10t0 Ibe.-t$l.40. 20.23e pi. POtts (Western) ...............PVer 100 lbs-$1-50 JI-3$0c ik. MiIIi (highest grades) .............. Ice'SIc MiIk (medium gradeît) ......~........ 17e SOc MIN (evaporated, sot sw.etened) ...ii.150 Butter (creamory, extra, huit) ....., 43c 48t butter (coid storage) ..........~... 43a 4- 1 <.O. (" fnt higiter ln caftons 4lan In tuba) M0=t11" (tadui -ae. .le'o) ,Per lb-20o95 auteuine (anedbufj itd* " bàit, .Per 1b-Ile. Une (a<erbty friéullé,ad3)... Daa-8 3 SPIECI AL ASSESSM!INT 4OI [CIE OoCKE1' NO. 12' ss tlin: - i ittt hi'Cilt f (tri t Cluitgi.t. otutittotf kake and [talce Of Ilnois. u iitord "ted t bat. a loîcal! iniproement tut ntuIn bsaid City,1 tIti' nature. rîtatacter anad ocaity af That tIte- nadway of a Poltton aIl Marquobti. .Strvvtftilualci! ietweeni the' NorthliniiiortSecond Avenlue îand a bin exendt-uiutrus s alitMarqît'ti' Street, a( iglit aiglei thereto. at a pont 111ty ect S'ortha of lte South boundary litai'ouitpnofety owned by tht' North t*Ii.go Foundry Compiany. Iacbuding portions ofone analterîecting 04ce>'and six irivatO 'driveways ho- tween tiaiti points he paved vilt vit rlfied ve.rticat-tlibîr bricks and alter aise liÏîîuoveti. ahlu Inthe City 0of Nontt 'hicagou. Coutl'of Laite sud Stabe o! Illinot-, Thte ordtnai1c- furarame bing on! filae iteofte uofthe lte it Clark and having applicîl 10 the Ca'snty Court of Laite Counol' for an assegusment of tbe costs of saiti iMPITOMent accord- 1 lng lu tliti benî-ttit nd an auaes8mentl iboretoro tas luS been made soi! re- turned to -aid court; the final beuar.t ing thereon atîl hbcb at lton 'claclg A. M. on tlite i6tb day of Aprti. A. 1). 1918, or as taon tliereafter as te bus. iness ofthbie Court will Peribit. Said asùsentent la payable la savon iostallmentusîtnd sait!Instablmoats bear lnterait at lhee rate of five par cent (5%)t per anitunt ram aad after te date of the lrâtvouchog. Ail prsaons deirtiu. ]May. file aOb. jections in said court befote sait! day and May appoar on the hoaring and make Ibeir defanse. Dated aI Norlt Chitag% , ltîtîJsib~ Iis 28tIt day af Marc , A.'D,11 1 HAR.RY 1 KKNEy, Offîcer appoittd by the'Prettdent of the Board utf 1-0041 uMpmvemmltj teumake sai! msuaiîent. MCh 31 tpr 4-Wl -vve are iigui thru the Americ, 9 Mli ~JIJRy1 nîn front district oni'. Lake county .1 T o.d wttich.wilt bca a4at fil ROakford Io 1 Mtari 'Irainlng. Thoenmen wpre 00Rail-, fiei b> lthe board frontm ietyfî ~ lîeadqtrerg Tuesdav e venkug un di teo tollowlng arder:, -Rpport atiL b.rtyvibII4'-Thunrday at une ctoit icava Libertyville on lte St. Pauîl ai 8:27 Pridey for Camîp Grant,. Rilci ford" The menon lte laloat cijli.uarc. Rohorts Golloni. n igltia-,d. PraçW iWho Co"~ l'ienry Ntutneyer. Citerao theeinquency of. Roet .%rig!îî, LberIy'alIfi-. - GiWIgt o Edw. David Fay, Higlî.lstîd Park. iriil ot o *Ohaui. O'Noil. Laite Iton,"" Wm. Hopkuins. Canton.' JURY FIXES PUNISI Hilbding Gustafsau. fi. F-. No, 2,r! %Vaukegan iim , ..iu Timè the Ne*,w W.John Z el .F.tD., fMY%- 1917 Was Applied lhtitîi.Mim Case in Lake Cou Pletro.Alleni.tiligbialu h e.P .nde Reuboen lb. Sanüy. La.e Fuest Tt e- .V ldc lienry D. ScIittrqe. Itiglwomi. ilty ot rai.>et e flnectiou Aion MWasilouls, Ri'. Nu:..2.j barge made hy ftle sate ai Graalvit.outhe co mpiaint *,,t Clara1 (2îtav s. itaclitua. flarrii-oti. -*'.io:î l y. agirl Who Wb pr(ld w. :x. Sprug s , Vat,' ,y colritsrd ta, ber de Ch aqs i. itî'.biiý r io i . waà§bareiy 13 years of ai -jury which beard thea til p rogressei. in Circuit Cour IMPORTANT NOTICE, lIte 1*51 week r-,tlred at 1Tuesday cvening 'soi!W"a I" ur tht' tîaîiffle Of cu l V tt 1 mn haur. pîtate ut a deceaaed î'elive, t l 'o r lte traI lime 'a Li' address of Adamt ierbi-u n sud ab ths eDw îaw waa James A. lierbi8on are repuired. A:iY j1917 w1îîitchampaIslbtheJ itformitlon aasiggn te Ptc'4Utilit of nttid lbeu-' il ogre-ttly appr'- clated j litinere'.ed parti-es. Addre.. t2 Sun office. Waukiegait.Ill!. lth' pun "li.Mnt -lu case oj , aite cotisi'Jury bai! 10 sp $lmg ittersa tAta ateefni lit !nty a é. ' 72 lLl.1W I colat don ?au "..0,» ehýt buyn ,me big man said, Ling this "War" -an farmer. He is the base of supply. The nation is looking to him to get more out of his land than ever before andi he is going to get more in *return." But you men who farm also want to get more out of every cent you spend than ever before. ý-1n clothes that means buying good ones; clothes' that are ail- wool and tailored to give long wear. That's what counts-the service you get. By paying enough to get, Hart Schaffner & Marx you get se much more wear that your yearly- clothes expense is Iower, altho the cost per suit nay, be a little higher. When you are'ready for clothes, we. are rayfor, you, and we guarantee to satisfy you in every partlI. cular or you get your money back. C!ethe - te tii Doohle & WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS The Home of H*rt Schaffner &Y Marx UUPL. %pissib Jttviitiuil tu 1 le

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