TY VIL INDE~ENDENT L INDEPENDENT 's IgWeekly r Weeltkm a CotyComined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXVI-NO- 14 Mo GPRCEL FosT SIIPII3NTSAIMAI> TO SOLDERI BOYSI PostalDepartmentIsues New, Rtuling to ElImInate Trouble o f Transportation /IF YOIJR BOY REQUESTS Then, If HieIdas an 0. K. From His Commndlng Offioer' Articles May Be Snt 1 Yeu Vo cannot tend an>' mors pack- age te tise solder ho>'.lu France or ]Dngland. Wietiser tise> are reall>' ln the. army orý,vietlser tise> are doing civîllan voit vils tise arrny. I's al off. Amerlea las boon se generous vihs ls men ln tise service that the an>' bas made a requeit te thse gov- erument to discontinue asislmente of personal effects for be remaluder of ithe var. Tii. Igeneromit> of tise Aniorican public became se extensive tbat thse Vmy and navy lba been svansped >'llb packagesenid bondlea vielfs people bave been aendlug abroad te thbe meu ln service. The, postal de- partment does ui, handie tisa parcel post .ihipment. but it la turned oves' te te navy and army and thus. f rom lxty 10 aeveny thossand sacksa cf usalItare bandled veeki>' and lie army and nar>' has come te tise con- clusion tbat tise men abroad Beefi ammunitlon. guns, etc., and tat -tie wbole question bas rsolved 11*01! te liii. poni wviere these shileleta muai be dlsconued. The@ Poalmuar Allensan, of Lliery- ville, announcesa taMaipareil pont ashipments te the «epodtloumq tor es in Francs or PINgad bave bees iseontinued trou tis date on. 110v- ever, lier. le 10e exoeptlan te his nev osier, la cusm vere the sol- dier boy Maya have sont a reQuest bacii home for sou. persol af~c and he ha» lie 0. IL.et ieîscm- mander. tien tise Po"tedeprtument 7%e annouascouent furher lamade yeul oc6p sofpten men tlnskthd variona camps. itls»la added ta the canteensa ta have been estab- ilieesi fsrnisb lie mou 511h personai * tifflg much obeapor than relatives can parcel pont Il abroed. This nov order le effective ai once and people muaI roinomber tsaI tise>' are cisngelled te ailiers hteIRa ruling boueuse even liosagis yeontaise a vackie hoelii.pool office, the peut- maer vfiB hur It dovw unleosIt la acnmpanied b>' su official . K. of tise commandIng offIcer lu lio camp viiere yossr relatfve nia>' be located. -CIVIL SERVICE EXMIATION TO DIE IELD' 0 ERE kAu examlnation for clerk yUl be bl aI tthe pot offie la Libertyville on April 27. Age lhmit, 18 bu045 yeare on thse date o f the ozamination. no Marriod vouen vîli otbeadmithai te the ,xamlnafàoo. This problbltfou, - ovever, doma net appl>' te vomis visa aredlvoresd, but lise>'ae eligible for *appointmnent oaly sé ere. Applcaute mue% be phyla"ly monad sumd male applicante muet be net lmi tissuOve lest, tour bnci.., lu belgbî In -ban fat, and uelgh n et lma thon 125 -poundm vithost overcoal or bat. For appffiraîlen bikiansd lutla. 'o t ou relalvq te ex minaton, quai- 1100e.. doite., alria., vacalboss, @toîane., addreee lmmedtlil. Suner C. Kmbail, Sec. Iload of Civil OSer- vie Examiner", Pomiolce Llbert>viule, Ilinlois. «iT. IL WIRLESS PICIS UP BE3RLIN MESSAOE FRIDAY Boy tise ksiser'spropmadiets M atteuuptlng ho preai reportea hbrougb- out thie U~ni tte aorgret Ge. m-a v~ucresan amstld disuite vaadicbomibers Prida>' 1w the Gmt 1k virestaton. he VI-PÂE8LIBERTYVUMlàE AKE COUNTY, IL OF' TRI Tie flotghit w "*dtUdan b> JuaNaP. FolleM a Mot1n cdet, Meond AsVimceIm&t (bater, wth Amneuîcan Ilxv@Odouary Force la Franie, to ig penko. Md mmrea. W. Polletk MIe Msie dWe on februar> 19, but the. t u MmW«e 1ot1 avareof hme £rsst ulorWtuam hoeb. rote the lette,: ldarcis 1. 1918. Ilmret 11a0"nd IDad- lienI Sarnodhbe ntisa Scond Aviation 1»t. Conter alnot rocady t10 fi,? By be lime thile Imter rembse yjas 1mieh"pro- b&blj have bail mesraIboire tu the air. Day baor. getrday 1 vlth cme Iteébly otbmre, -vu leed my -"ftylog etlm"ote bsPleat evente la mi uilNoWi asnolmpslient, Waitlng good vmatbar 1taie iny 1"oy ridel", Marcb came la lait l1k. a lion viîh a là# 0f1mm'orall fthme of. ano w. Todoy le beasî i sd tIi anov lfu ttdis- bopartm-vlpobablY b. il gone la twmty.fbur boum.- Lter-Juat a"r lunch, ase I wa writhlAg th above, th4re wu a grest but sid cry--the chef pilote had decared tlsaIt wlu lvig u'ehrlirdjpen vun Ibrovo 10 ose aide and ln tbe millet ai unbelevable matI. 1 'dreaaed lu my fiYing lotbe-Masber Dont aud trou@era, ha,'y bots, sweaters, bit helinet,q mullera. goglmsansd curk aafety Islmet.1 1 bàd theas al 10 put on. Carrylng my, lice varm gauntiet gloves, 1 raedi (rtber vaddled> for lbhelReid. Tii. anow bhi pracllcsll ail dlaspmedW, but a ratàmr eoid vlsd wvublowlog îhough tac aiiy ovu clee. 1 va.tse ontoflts sa v audeute ho or vltb Our "moniteur" today. but W.orf 1 vastu, go op. tour otlsmr older u#Pirate mueeab ogosp for a flemu mimIaJ4e. WiuI. vo. vers atslig, ir 6 ' s%,l mcvery or Ivo peamd ove, s a" ve belu 10bkr tIsaI Our **lo ide v'oold be pooponed. lual>', &il foîr bahd*tir voyage. sud I vreut 10 Ibm machItne exclted a bit, I eonfeég. sud atarted to cllmb ln. Tbm moniteur, a Franchs», looked dowo et me a"d 1 ead. "Mon premier voyagal"' Thrmupon b» mld. "No nos1 jet; vaît a inute' antI t tie?'e "boa" over to M cbm rod of vagting 1elmvee pilotes"' vii..ho cafldfor the card on vblish ach mma' record le, plscd. Jiter »tWmfyt« filmeel thst 1 vu next on tbm fliaI sud Ihat a&U vifollovsd me vere beaeue aImg. lbemotionmd 100Doseetb'. cm«evpupls th **tai1" themamebîne over1 to0o Ibhagar ers o lied viwtbeass (luol»ansd ducendl e 0tbi grod ho emoke a cigartte snd reut up a bit,j 1 etood n.aby valtlngsencamly se poseible for Ibm rtors of Ibm machIne. Aller vbaî aaemed su cg te bm utamlc, or hangar mmn or vhoevq Irl vu, Bnimbm thelr vork sud alloaed t4- cmcine 10 bu texia hak t1 the -"cake OU." Mymoniteur vbom for cnei @Dne1th MDhl al ", clmedi sud motloned 10 me 1015k ibetem aat la Iront of hlm. I clamosbrmd la (conscouolns>' m long 48 anad general avwkvardeme), foud .ery 11111e opus e helveMuy mat sud tbe rudder controlsensd tien looked &bout for Ibm boit. 1 didest md It at ooonesd *toc, -"aceinturai,, ne topllm, lcoslcally, ."Nohilng.", Imtied bock to no"ice« much tiati heppNàMne epossible sud Ibm barklng magt ideévlcb lied baeumaklng a nolsa1 diuSMls tair malI.lm ahins.remlied arltis em» eneigan 10 j.oud fmar sud famer. W. on souovnsl W~er.maul. log atoutise gron. Tuore là tise Dm1 at MY rlgbt vu *9bm a ils lIsee a. We vae. olun ho go Ort ltby lm. WIIBI bad bappenai? TIbeoumm itii 4bis «agi wu bmov nen sd rapldly gvrovhgtuaier. Nov oeb.d pc... hi,, as M"'lait l a *eair aud ver. tMaddeblw n lier. ' I mssvffled h51IBikt moe »mstn of dissims., Dur vu tihe air "bs lu"s nmsueof Itmhellova vho h b lrea bae op hed asld. Thle vu glarloum, ridag on ailUnder ns>' wgbS basi ti" "eti" qulvered and movel thk e vy and tis«,remponmlve-10 lte)» lmbmofC, vso vasla ab&ote oloL tm No sud theu 1 rmalbd tisatise roidr vu belag- operaed by the movemmal of tihi radder control ondeimi' n b.' f h meand hie w0dt ruas nt air pot. My face van praoîlcall7 t!ls, 01117 uatoamho luse "bt 1 vas ln mollos throvmgh the air on a bmovlr-hiss-ar ma"m. Nov, thal I foal no0 analon of diaumIneeshleIbmpeuiee. ,I boomn 10 'ok w1th utersoet th fis elis spmai SEED CORN1 EOFOR, Co., Prospects Ooocl For Corn ln Lake County as Improve- ment-Assn. Comeslo Aid THERE IS NO TIME TO 105E La" MtUu>'erneraare setred' Of mcuriug a good eupply of aeed Mar for 1918.,xrolded tise gt tiser orders ln muffatly early. 8.04 CM S slould have tan prime requis- iten. it mbud gru- and Il siould CMtur࣠cM endes' normal conti. ties. Glodsi eed corn grovu loally la alUflYs bout. Over 70 samples have been tested by tiIs office durlng tise Puet tva montise 51h germinations verylng froo. uohhing to -85 per eent. OWY 'thrc,@samples teeted abore 80 Der cent.Thse average test vwu only about 3t per'cent. Testing tndlvld- U39 ears la thse onlY'ate metbod to tollov tifs year vith our local comu 75 POT cent of our corn ths year' viii have-to ho oecured outslde of tisa cOunt>'. AnYcme aetlfng saee abould b. able to lnform tise buYçer 'viere muols seod vas grovn, lis adaptation for cour conditions, tise ariet unio sud the germination test.Tise State OfflsuCil of Defenie taok oup tise seed corn question% for the, purpoe of lu- Parlng a destrableIe 51451'of senti mm afor lllfuslm iner tuis year aud not for the purpome, of Interfor- lag w"1h =7>'lefhniate buplnesm. The Lake 0conn7eSeemcorn cor- natte s u medi orierod 800 bueh- eh of seuh&roei the otate Couadif et flese. Ment t fe-$Wu eed u CMr mma fnmveon adaste, to iIs locailI>. Mr' Gea. I. Wagner bas be efflÏrov lng au carl>' yeflw. ivale-t>for tât.. Put 22 Years. Theisors never fsflei unuil1917 aMd Mature i90 te0 98 days. 1Mr. Wbgnier i.0 nome et Ibis ou orn àaafemer ln Mcc couty In,~ 1910. Themms e v wci e ae aocur- lug wuas grovlnlu Iacn county en.- 1>' one year. îiuy former vWho vaill tao re corn throisglsthse #e econne oru Defeuse sould moud la lis orner, - nnssdlately ta hbis.)oi ccommittes. mail, 10tfls offic or direct te, Cit state Conseil or Defeuse. 'lhe State Councll oft Defense.WITT Protect lise fausol'aIW preevatlnt cors belng aold lun1h tate uies nmsrepvesenttlou. laS alhe.1« ITT ho Iuveotgaed esudetisait mli a a var meam»ue Obtaiu ail tise nec. emdry tnalnaion concerning your seed com. _You a have g.s teste made b>' sendlng ampite 10 ths office or ltiith goverumeut labos. ator>' ah lsayethe, Indiana. Slver>' township bu a local »Me cors tamiuhttratS rfto. vbhom b. cau aecure informalon or vlithvaicu ise ma place ordens for seed coru. Iteiember that ire aboudi >owo liat our aeed oomu -ill gmu Mi tiat ftla teamitable Dh5 osai pisuteIf W* a"e to ecure good results iu U1,8. EWlves'oeshofid cooperate on a proposition of Ibis naturse s, MinS oniy amocnhfer m«er t is*b t. produce maximum food esia lk s, Uitedtai 015.. W. E Waiiu~s, oun>' vior. POTATOPRICES SLASlIEI> LOVI3R PoaDms are no' thse cispeet tem ouniotel sA" dlningMr en»ms. ?vo bggemilOu eMoud>amsouned a mnaxmma et 10 eufsau order on tbe&r M u , & 1.a 00 ho 150 Per -cent r'eductiois. ani thse leatift ho- teln are followfug., Tse Sk Teh" &Wsucis*%ng Mil miai»S.M etQI.Pablokthl amla- liva , Wlmousk Jaeoôta5 Ilobi- amansd DaOwta hSOboO »Ill &t @0 to 70 censa a buet of do pounds lu tise cliloaga sabt san a me*, doua"u900s1" 1 mm hdo. - The Offl ad m# bg s's!W tise Vos bt ioWomla 1sak ni rud TEMIRSDÂY, APRIL 4,1918 LÀKE CO. The 11m6etlm* held by the Ls'< Count>' 758e>fProvement associa- lion la thse &u&jilrumiin Libertyville on 19aata1Uafternotsn. was p4roi- lY attendod. Thte business meeting eoiiedule4 for the morning vas held In the *femoo, anid agIde f rom mou. Uine bissmtrlaaacted, the tollov. ing OW caers esere-eected: Prealdet-*, P. Rouse. Vice PresIlet-ft. B. Swift. Tr.seurr«-4eHuebach. Tii.e emtary will be chosen b>' the, directome W* V.- ai&cbia Of thë IUilversfty Of Wlecorah, dlvered an addresg Ou "IrerBMWl 5rl'He umade a pies for farners to cultiv&te ".Mlxed' CnnLee. 'roducing one thug coatlUUM9Y, at a pric'e too flxed takes awa>' be'% lndepeiid,-nce,,,1fr. l{sndpchln MUI. Pl'esum aly referrin« to the. mliii problem. By dierMftei iarrning the speaker ald he jaant. ccnducting a fsrm vbleh eutalied thre,- ù * ,r prodajc. tives enterPrisos; vîz: 1a o or more crope and smmverai kinds of lveetock. [Wile lie IMM' that Lak,- "unty can 110t compote vîth the cor-n section of the state ln raiaing corn, smaIl graine1 Sun bo Produced here as satisfactcri- lY as anY Place In th, mtd.ite vest. He aakted the. farnw'r-'to Taise more Qat», for titis county eau prce duce as good. if nolt be1Lr, quality of oats ta otiier part s or tle tate. He tlsought barleY 'erv proislng, ton, snd pald bis respects to epring wheat Vsiis h othrn.ght good kougî1 ,at norml Priea to include ln liber- al acreage. Tie couniv stanïs finst In thes tate as s natural alfalfa grov- fng section. and also Producea exel- lent dlorer ameed "YOU farinera are mili «too maaiY EOv-reduco * .vour herds at' lestose4-at; tisat wilil lo"#.syour farni troubles, by gîving yen &ad rour famliy more Urne for "ipCabe von and boali lllur." M Hetubuuidelared, wil OaeiUu " Th* averafe ferner lias 0,grudge Agalisat lilmgeof," he cmtnued, and Kt tbtispoiW ntue of bis auditors,ex. dmd.good naturedly, "1'Nov you're taisls advantage of thia aniall crovd." The. Op.aker refen-ed to the drugdez y of $U-producîng and advfaed farm- ors tsat thse Only WaY t10 have gond COve la to raise tie, for buying themn was 100 uncertaln. 'GrOv ibogs as a auppifflent tu your dahr> business; hogm requlre a hminmm &nount 0f lgabor," lie sald. "»d tisey 'bring home thse bacon'" s. l, ÀdSchln boOsad tise poUltry bsiness. He clalmed t1h5 after a tiiorouglinlve4tigatlonby the. Univer- m11V of Wj9consln, durlng vhich Ver- f0d boo'oe ere kept coisrglug lebor, .te« amsd even refit for hom houa., it1 v&g leaaed tiat ppoltry on Badger1 state Carma pald a ib Profit and he9 ,0u9g0d* I as belng a «ond unit ln di- Voemlteifarming.1 1 là hW ,state the mnet prftable faim 'Iavetgation sboved 10 be ef :su 40fe o!156ma. on vhieh1 vor epî 14 rour 15 cove, poullry, six1 or~ ~~B- egtbro wasud Morneemp.1 Th*. speaker said liaI W4gaconîn '1Amera are lteing edocsted to keop- lag COOli'ts Jmat theseme mneasi-1 oms men are suPPOsed tus do. Hîs1 *iqrsity laIss islg a lîttle booklet epecfrlly devised for farm accouaIs wblIC a411Yfarier - uke.p op ta date b>' giving Il legs than an isoar'.atou- tics ever>' veek. lt u fimning up hls arguments lt dl'rraed farmlng Igr. Handachin1 MaU Ut Induced rotatioa of cropethug MSluhalung fertilîty msd srodutlvlty1 o ftic soit. and furtlsemîre It en- âblOi man and hsome puver ta b. bett4r uff. M9tiur Page, eillon of a WeilC kâ=ov fa- paper. gave a brief talk.ý Ne claimed that ma local dmtt boni.e had terreil b>'rahuIMg bo greanroe.ds on tarin labor b>' cou- sudtiug men ofthtie fuel, but iu "me .Instances tisat duiger bad beau eéImnnaed by Plng farmner» on d*ft boards. 'Mfr. Page urged farmera te beaU,' tiisaseves and exert mmr political tnafmac, spealclng a Ceod Word for the Illinois Agrculturgl aaocltloas, 1t of -bicis Lake î-ountY îlea amember. Hie also pald trI bute te tthe Couuty Liveetock association, vblIeh fa nov bbing formned In the couftty. .Mter Mfr. Pagp's remaar'ca theire 'vas a genemIn discesefou 0fthse milki Problem, during wviîe one of thse arnmralamba.aied the, lan oft he furmera ho organise a gfganti. huIs- dred-wagon marketing Sampan>' in Chicago, a propoatonvisicis has been eapouaed hy saie « the .mem- bora of thse MlkProttucrés'saocia- tion.1 6 ftras adrîsor W. & .Wahklna made a f ew resarks canceaing tise aed corn ehortage la Iakd]<m et>'. "we need 8,000 busiselà a lu ke onut>'." lhe aaid. "and not neari>' tisaI uol la oumlsand. Do net wat; Place your orders at once: tishe soer, lie bet- ter 5.51 corn you wili .got. The. Lb«st"llle lusgspeqt bu, ONE TO. EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN«Aý NOT LIKLY TO - PATRIOTIC MASS AUTO ROSIERS 1)0 STATE Ail> - MEEINQ MONDAY LOOT STORE£.à WORI( TItS YEAR DREW 1h CROWI) #MÛWE apteechuea aud sIrrieu martial' State HihwnyoOficiai H re - Lîbertyville band andI Pai'khui'st and Bernard Friday Decares'Shipment Wak fé,a n esd Drum Corps, Ihrllled "ViSited" Iust as NIs» of Materiai Unoeëftain a large, entbubléalie audience aI b etomstheat _______mas meeting ield la tise bigi ehool auditOom on monday evenlng. UP TO THE WAR BOARD TisMe tetactth& v hu acipolele e. M CH CLOTHINO of lb.e venlag, B. E. Villiers, a Britlis cA. l)-. I)ger, o! tise state blgisva>'offlir Who vu la thé Boer var, fale mtission. vas lan Waukegan Tri. day and heid a eontereuce vitis mgr. ho appear,,Dolttbmtasg liaa , tls Garage Man See Cam va>' Superintendent Russell. Wile Phouesa01%1Mg)Ie ai Zsetour P. M. They Diappoar After Mfr. Dlger vas not ln a position to tianday auured Ponmmutar Allema ing Taken on Loa Spaak autisorltaîlvely, ueevrt-beleos. anid Chirmsu Underbrlok liaI b. vould Wi nerence vas ver>' plain tisat he arrive from Chicmgo on the 6.89 p. m. vasn't Certain visetiser tise state aId s'oad8 vouid go tismugis thi summner train. 'Arrivai of nev lime va» oir flot, tHe sald that visile tise iigi. Muci of the auscem tuf tiie venlug's ed lu Libertyvîlle Ounda>' m va>' commslasin bas approved W road programWm usdse 10 the versatile meu- 2 a'clock iy a robbery, thi plan l IniIiuols, incluuding tisose lu bers of the Wankqqao Fife sud Drum . In y tblngo!ie mord tisaI Lake county. tise>'have beeta unabln Corps, Who ae not ooly drummereansd plce u ise ofteant>' ltih 't0 get auY eXPresslons from tise varflnaildl ata ulbu r iemnscoin hr board 'on lie maiter of gIving ro.itrsildtmatamuibtaeIaTh.nhe(ntynak Il>' 10 lie materlal sliîpments 'viîcis rahtliiu taud apeakera, eapeclally Cliarlées arlihursi ou MIIvauke.1 must be made inte tise counnUes wiero Kng aud Clarence W. Biner, vioa tise Bernard garage, iuit nqe road building la to go ou. speeches, exalng ou, canse for #Dtering lI<lependeui office,- vere C ttntil tisat assurance cornes. Lake tie va, sund eitn our du.uetered b>' robisors viio-cat County and otiser count!en -it, no: y d to. lP Rage in tva automobiles, cArc totair upthe orL,ý,oecasp in 'he ar ade he udttrlu Intise pardurgt store t tise>' miglit get sicel>' etarîedand uI feqenlyrig vl toud applasa. The *340.85 vorti et lise besi bave to stop because tise cas-s could Home <Sri alMoo Qaus, la for tiseir inclutllng suite, shoot, bats fot boesecurnd tu batal thse materlul. siare of applauaa sud griAeuIly reelved $sud One box Of cigare. Mîr. Dîlger explalned tisaI ilere wasthse apientd tributs. "There le noting &t tise Bernard garage, mb nOue Of tiese tate fosnds aviliaisle for robr ni*150 Worth of usoeton tise North Cicago subway and bitter ln Lake cotnty," pald lieu bybut pae ntle~y w ers cr tha th tisle t ould have ho bhOUO te lspeakers. , befsre tise>' isd, mqn e couuted out on this malter: *"Any communlîtisaîâ eau bauld Bmachhem lu their macine. bec Judging tram bis general em-)res- a gecool bonsn e mtus@, lS. n dred tires were feusid'ouI bac slon It doesonot afpear at tisis ilmestr ae.Ho vr tt as tisougi stsate aid road vork viliiPra-aroa t oi' eda go on in ILake count>' during lie thilng to etir Il," vas tisa prefae 0f tMr, bers ver... deliberate' là tI Present summor. He admit. tisat King'@ addrem, tisakeynoleotf vilcis vu te vbota aion athe Aise> are vorktng isard trylng to gsq 'iboIb orld saie for Amerkism fromo the garage, probably il the var board ho make a declanationanyo wlM t"pdmry.inhe uad ig4 A In lie matter of priori t>' lu lilpwents sdyuilala*eUrmorc. their ar sufdmtlet urI>' but not4 au eacouraglng .01 bu rom % Ievr oratai là tffepatriotte les *kcuiottsIti b.en heard up 1tiste presnt lime, Stylo. lbrovlmsg borb ai terbomb lt m arrde ~ei~tise ta lj tie alnr'e cap. H.,it1On tie »@Maartle lime lie>' vers'Iega,#aq IknEaa ~ ~ J> balore hlm. urned averybody ho bu> Werad !)b>'tle $tat at ail coic NwuRM R L ÀD dawv *ems and . L UboM bnd, ndaga 'v»s mPiei gasounlag ti setand hait of outrboY*'sever liste&" rdobers dopped as tise> m In,' oti eu wbr icI. mac proi fI S IfMTbe m eeti au he«eo dravu up si t laleyway, D1S111Va n Thuf stamps and War Savions Mtt. Tise Padkhr. store ww' AU PNECUeattheb sai breilg idW iby 1lulo trou tise front. 1%e o t Ut' Potmmter Allemenan sd hlb bool a bouad massiscilu m gable. ide glasmes l te entlmoq Tiie people of Lbertyvllo sud vielnihy -W ta,*£&evus>' mark ne auto tires In froc vern greatly mocked on Frîdâj morning. s toi-e showaser. lie>' I viieu Il vu learned liaI Norman -0 01 Ç CI I(illi oe ftiseMnrsUV. on the, Ladd, oie of Lbert>'ville'a veil koovu V J'M Ç8IAiV8S8CL5UB In -id-rthat i1h mm te s boualueemon, iad paeaed a way -si 9:20 ~UlfIYhthro thie tolen sufl t that mornlag, alter only a lev day&' W L i . JIIN> neaisvilttistoset or t iifl Illlues rou a cold liaI termindtedlau mo#f L E "vrsluad iert poumoula. ~C 1DlVlbNIt vas juat three OicIoeý Mir. Ladd, vho vu@ emu on tie slremie 1141 14.U41'IIa'v "me«aveut t6 tise gge il Tiuraday.mornlng, iad adertised lthe -age veutto 0tiseisgrae mel ofbisIilîvery equîpment at publiceiMe recailci &a twme bm < auclion on lut Saturda>' moraing, but Satusia>', April 6. tvo automiobiles dows seau of coursees «Jmoe vas ludefaiil ' TIst aI etise date for llsi openlng 0f tie (IOUail> Nationsal iboii&M postponed. Mrhiârd Lierty Los atapalgo. &fier ho nouec" thein tic tam aa'ouad. and wi tut tir. Ladd va. borasi Woucouddaon Tb@ CommercIlllub on Fridai c'en- vent luto tis garage and th Octoier 20, 1887, being onîy tîlrl-oae lag b.ld a meeting aad decded 10 goithte gaslune atrevu oves'1 Ymarm nid. lBe vulie ion of tir, sud iehlnd Ibm drive lan Ubert7vlUe hoi>and «Oint 'Ont inf4te h tire. Henry Ladd, aId resîdentsof eîîp. J. . Monetovnblp ebo dI.cvernted. 'nellâ teU Waucouda. lie movmd ta, Lierty-vIlle calied tbhestlssu. sud 5alera gernesaiouad on Lake et. aud tli about aeven.veara ego and bongil the discussion concemul is e bome= mt04belle! la lie>' oarrisdthe eu lîver>'. Later io bougittheib mth sud 10 de uaad lu ensiblins tie hovnebfp 10 car troni the.garsaeasnd i Mfulholand lverles. evu mmr aupply lie quota, Mr,. Moremamidr. F. automoebiles ma>' have rusa t of tbe Waukogaa 111k sud oflhIbmoal B. Marin von aaled se a commnitteeage ne esst ha tieybbr>' Commercial club. 10ame o01er inîttm s 10ho m. « te lu setslie' ig Be vun married 10 tilen Anus Schaeffer nounc.d later. Tise disoover>' 0f tlb. oflaise Zurich, on April 29, 1908. ne Tha tovnship wyul ho dlvided laU> robier>' vms made b>' Wu la survived by hie vidov, a son, Carles diL$rlcte sud entier the direction of lie vho Immediatet>' reportai It Rusasell, elgit yeara old; a aiter, tira. club, club memiere andI otbms itIlI nan. SisalLlasber' sand thse 1 Ide Freaman, of Hebron, and 1*o vasa every houmeiolder lu tie îovnîîîP, vere slo notiliod. Mr. Pa*bunt hma boom brotber. George of Fremont, and J.a, urglng lie purcbasm of se man>' bonde@a uis k 'btv imes of tiontana. possible. tire. differeut lca.llon& Th The funerai. servce ivere held on Mon- Tie ilgiir 1Intereml rate 'of 4% pertcut, soventis lIan bs ators bmm day mornng-9:80 u'clook &I the houai se ompawod vIls 8% pur cent on thse .4. Thsisla te Ontt tie.. and 1000 o'clock aI the St. Lavrence firaI ban and 4 per cent on tise second, liat entraoe vas fO¶e. will. boadn te apoW l te lge. front eCt the elors, tic lub Eplecopal churcb, belng conducted b>'v»bodn h pelolls ap, le. s avlag been made is>wu the Rev. Edvard White, of Chicago. la. AU eximIlng lunes of Liberty bonde are beeemar. Se oMM«i-s t teraient vaI tWaucônda. Thersver. convertible Into the u»w 4«(par cent suce and liereoo'. viiou about tvmnly.five automobiles lu the bond, no tint holden0of t"semleu u lmasif. procesion rou the ciurc b ers 1 the Masoecurs blghor laterersna ord. Itlelaralier elusutar to eemeter>'. The floral offrînga yws' e& b>' the net bonda. The provisionu lie tn oier i se p beautiful snd profuse. tat the impendbug tImse lenol con- s jean mgo and tiat tse vertîble loto sa> alor Iess.ladlcates tisItiUme toot avay abosç1 liegovernueu'a expeelbous ta«4par ainaunt of gonds sa lier ta KEN SIA C e UNI cent aas hlgh au ltrestrateauseIl vil Sund'a> marnlag KENOS  Ch FUN ho blige to ay o lielong tr obligations lesued durIng lb., var. Tise tlo et Sta COLLGTCS IOOOOO comsh>, mtnorli et .l*k woie the elt orOmo Kenomia count> bsacoiletetd InCjÂM Ntowasm wueb l tutes ils liraI $100,000 ecf'the patnlot'. fond S 'ASISSAW atwni dry quesIhiou lus for var acttvihftle.. 1hte nov pro- l ovtmW the un Ofa p«» pared ta meutam"ct an>' demnand TO Ru T A iiATE saimadry Ue tuentim w visicis ma>' Se made upon It. Tietetise nomos l la tw w bus been practically unxi.îfficisit>' ln tise hbI for deou a coltecting tise varioue amm te Plans are balug dravu b>' PuiledyUMcsM o heome due aud mno» u dollarOu Worke for a aeuan guard unit tu be a.TePttIs . biulît ou the atioe fie ldttInear thoe cf«lie tOua.1h ce $1,000 b4f bSein lut MIain galeet IGmet Lait«. Tise Cou.m ore hisneced h o so~i l Rtacine CoUat>"s FuntI bas sous. mandant broughhauit authoriahon on 0» eballot. Thse uabmsa ceeS airead>', ti sea mouut fhot for building tise nev-uift vho borte Vutty final>' eazsabeinl turned fronn Wasington. baving been estmstcd. it misa I. mb 'r-adouble-deked iarracla, lObI T2 **41e -ivuIti i ls seversi thiousand doIllrs at lesat ad feet, H-sisaped. vîIlbeoerected. Tbe ue>' I la th tis 1wn tb e vitisin amots'h o tiseern hliobvin 1accmmodate 578 MM .A mues Itiat 6e>'bayav. . bat 0104511ta nicethle &retInotalmmeut hall. cafeteria style, vill be builit. AjIbeUsilti. e, mt ut « maie 511 be of trame constructiona,a on the, $rst bigdraft to be md apon r The vitwIi have Ilje npt>vo tkuIn$&on -- * hotse wS 50 a àf[ fllu