CIJUNTY film.%,, PIIESERVE -À r"'RD SANCTUiRY" 1wE iBy Muary Kelly Graves) hng enthuiaat lualbait of conserva- I tOn la Illinois. 'Aver-y practiçai pur-ponsévhlch thée The onactmtent eftisée For-est Pré- RE ilpoe foret préserve for Laie ereve1 legllatian by thé plats of lm- eay viliiserve and oneé vich os ïvas one Of tisé ment far-reachunS iselUpr-ove of vital Inter-est to the coitSévtii moyements 0f1"y sttrsThi maser- and sgrlcuturlst le tbat 0f s législature lu thé middlée pt. 1 lis sliiliausc eau scar-eéiy hé ap. -lob needed eanctusry for birds. Pe ae yaybtteadn U 1%Ilinois Audubon societY bas doom enthuelest. sud thé nlimete gond epont conider-ubie Urne and monoy Ila to the peope of Coo eounty wiii oniy T Ilptting an a serbes of lectures lu Ch.hé beréallzed by them lu years te corné un vf hén théy bave iè-arnéd of thîsvon- cor< culeo during March. thé pur-pose dériand of waodéd régions that le hé- as, vhlch vas te emphasise thé Part ing set aolde for a gréat pl&7'grund lasA vbh bird. Play lu foad conservation and sauctuary for thé vIlid lavers, eo atg 5 présent a ver-Y reami voiid pr-h birds and susall sulmias tisét vre Iota. Lécto e o!fatéflBO" frapidi>' belnq exter-mlnatéd hi a car-e- fase have givén themeselves btintte lèese and heediése pubie. on1 cause and niîch lonil inter-est bha@ Thé tremendos eaaof voodland tire ben arousèd. The publi-esB5 bean ré-i avaliahie for this' gréat publile ienétitte1 iqueated tola evrrythlug Ut tl PQYet L&,Cookc cuntY aserte. Ila sturprtesqInlé- to &ttriet birds te Centrai Suter-nthat the Aver-age, ety dwé iil- c e r staIsa, and much construtitve 'vonr scar-ely compréhéud the pos Boniy~th hua beén doue te éfféct thé falisoy Théestaterment that thére are 30,000 tisat are more harrnfu than unéful te> acres availalh and thât siready 12.000 theéetr-ictiturist. Thtaugbi thegé let, acres have béen purchaséd sud set g, turcs thé public vas informéd of thé agîdé shcuid hr-lng a réallsetlou of nol pliz tisorousgh and lutereetlfl von vhbich ouy thé far slgisted vision of thé meii hav thse overflmint bun doué lu Investi-- vha ver-e Instrumentailu havlng the Sating thé stoinacha cof thousauidé <0 Forest Préservé kv euacted, buit.thé birdsta déterminé thé question. The.ganer-oua isé 0f thé eouuty. Irs gréat the sIsoaut f thé investigatioii séém te hé est leugth from north te south la 48 Lu ail ou thé side of thé contribution mmles, l<a gréateat vldth 30 mileluI 'vhlch thèse vinged creaturés maie te, Cook couuty vlth ia area of 993 bon imatla fond eupply- Thé depar-Irnnt 0f square miles ts flfth lu sise of thé 102 vsl agriculture viii hé giad ta furetais couettes le the state. Chl théeé buletins sud réféences 55900 Whiié Cook Cauuty on accouit ofut vent vèalth la héttér- able ta set Éuts Louis Affais Puertés of Ithaca. N selde Ira forest ures, thé movéménft or-j y, éstlmates thet the rodent. lusèct for- conservation has heen takéen up turf -aU-véeèed-ç eattig-bled -reM nthe-*adjMninig couties of Lake sud « apoiwibie for a slvage te thé grain DiuPage, snd no douht vîthîn thé pé- ala ané fruit crap of thé tltpd States 0f r-lad of a fév yers thèse thrée cout- do Met les sthan 3.00,00.000 a Yéar. tie vii contain within their- area thé lai it b hau éendmonstrated that lu a gréaest Froret Préservés 10 hé taund moi remariahiy short timé vild lilte lé00B. lu any prairie stete. the mises protection. Thé étaliflehéfit -Thé Incaculable henefit ta thé rés thel of a foret pre0ervo la Laie eoluty Ideuts of thé reiçian la dîfficuit ta coim- vould uuquésttonsbly restore mueh of prebend. Wouder-fui forest tréés, my- the bIrd IlIe that undier présent cog -lads of verlettes of amaléer ebrube I glitions la falinE an easy préy to thé sud plants, aud lu eddition thé créat- Li lavinsa shooter- vitis hie pop gun sud log of a naturel sanctuar-y alang Laie othér dètroylug devîces. Michigan 30 miles vidé, and aimait Thé Stae Came and Floh Commis- 901 miles long, lu vhlch Our vonder %Ion of Ilinuois la airedy domSg gond fui bIrd lf e may flnd food snd abat- vwonlun thé Inter-est of thé brds and ter unmoiested. Added ta thèse at TAie couuty hecs ahîrd réservation tractions thé opportunitiés for vace near Round Lakce. An encauragtng tien camps, recréation for thé tir-éd pign la thé fort tisat thé State Par-rn- citY dvellèr, thé great opportuuîty fat era' bsttuté bas sévéral limées lu the thé study of nateral hlstary, sud thé Bei tt ev yeuxe isd an Is lir-graul value of tis gréat lnvestmeut cannaI toason "~Béneficiai Brds.'" Thé hé aequstèiy entlmsttd.L tlmé. la ripé for- mare cancer-ted and ThéeMîiqasippl Valley le thé gréat per-sstant wvan along thèse line est migratain route for- bird lité lu thé Why uat thé reater sanctuary vhtcis United States. Prom Party March tr - loséét préservé vould gfive? théMMldIe of May Ibis great a rbai h Much of thé ground vorn bas héén hlghvay la used hy thousanda of lu- r-et laid thr-ough stateléilaioanîu d thé séctîver-ous hîrds sud vaterfovi ou the pr-stlcal éxpénléncé vhieh Cook cou-t.their vsy ta thé hr-eding grounds ai t,. ty bu had la gaingsteadily for-yard théelNorth. 113u seeur-ing the land con.tempiated for On thelr vay uorth they stop for -id US tupréserve. It oniy reoie fr- thé fond and ret lu aur voodiaude. vhat by vMirs of aiý&e caunty t0 décide tiret bélIer- recognition cen ve givé thém i, t0é heautiful districts propoaedl for a than ta protect them white théy ar-e of - fesérve sah hé blong ta the people for wltb uesie~d by food conservation en- a4l lime. ta sec Its Immédiate secaM. courage msuy of them tae ay thraugh a piuhusat. thé summer. &I 0. M. Schantf., présIdent of the Il. The valuéecof bird lIetet thé fermer 7. Muoa Auduhon saciety, hes elgnlfied gar-déner- sud hartîcultur-lat is bécota- fr-c lits vllngueus ta apper betare auy Iug bettér- nudérstood fromt yesr- tc und, -M bof OCcitîxéne lu Laie cauuîy lu thé Yer-. Iliter-est of the forent préservé ua Our- îr-da ar-e net slow te recogulse Ir bW s anctuary £nd ta tel]i eomethinte Protection, sudillu 19Qulte vithin thé 71 et vhat thé bovrument In dolng for Dostbiliiee that men>' spècles' that r-oc thé conservation,«f bird Ileitéluthé have uat uésted, vith us lu r-cént gel tgt~ oI f agrlcnitus-lste. Thé rel0of Yesr-s. msy agetu flud caugeniai sur-Pr tué artilcle le vrlîten by Mr. acisaite roundinge lu thé Protéctéd foréat ar-es eaL *Iso base beau a consistent and untir- of aur- région. ci -~ .___ ____ ___ __ d: r ORTY M MiO W uegan Man Delares He Sol e Money Ahead. No Desie f«o rink (Aaybody who bua my dosht about I thse dry tovu feature uvould have bien Interested lu tanding in front «- thee Sun offce ftturday lgist -1fteu a veli inovu man ut Wé.sse- * hcame isy auUtîicdentaily taiiéd b.lelts dry question. Hîls stabe- Met vas ver-y Interésting. le sald: 1 wh is thevuw had gone dry 40i *je m ga. Yd lte a migity sight bel- ft off. i'd hé meney ahead sud yau %oI 1 am Iglad Il la dry nov. I daveWtttouettséd a drop aince tisé fa veut dry. If I cani't have Il ~ilr Iams not gohng ta have It nov tiso n o ls àa case et ual having 't et aIl nov. "Sut at that. If thse tavu vent vêt almtn you couidn't gel me ta go ino a blacéfor lové nor- ueuejy. 1have tieav ay tram t nov for Ivo year-s Mdou Il scemu good. 1 sam golng ta M eay avey fr4OasIt for ieope." neisemau luInquestion reecuîly ~.bemaht a valuahie narth idé piée 'UC eftperty and admit. tisaI he hasu't tas Money ta pny for-II,. but le gateg top"y for t on thé inatalinsent plan. -f Ma 5ays héviii h able to do t nov ut hé vouidu't havé héen able 10 linfotare such a Ihing tvo years Luod Kaplanatioe.. bM ie l earnei tr-om hie »iay- tatiséMuphyfsmlyhad te« *e 'hbeIng Iv Year-s older *Ob ose oit*, "tou iuov thé s:* volA tbéy g9t ton sisir-u. WA bye ysars aIdes- lue c bey go by &gS" ftITIINEi SOOZE! Prohibition Has a Field Day WMt Vitorles Over Wide- ly Soattered Territory ilinole votra osted more igian 150 liquor placés iu township lec- lIons. Tuesde>'. BloomingtOn closes 35 saloons oni Rock Island 46. Dixen and -Moise valsd ta continue :Btaté-vîdé Prohihition hecame ef- fective bu Indiana, cioslug more tisan FlRUa ctioa tmen hy tise Massa- c-iuetta législature for thé ratifmc- tlon of tie fédéral prohibition cou- etltutlonal ameudmeut. Bêlait, Wla., Parted -with bar-s for fir-at lime ln 25 ysar-s. IfmPes-Ceet FapJasls. 1%hé ToeiMaSd. tinkstt iIIr-s- Çciros physteai seorcige atter sating te miats e fipJa a auceua. Tiser-e muet -héesetméhnEr-ong vltistise To' l4flaplaci Ift âit rue.. for- lu Houston. ater thé four-tis flaflt due beholde théea"y as a bouquent of raie- boy. a"d thon begluéta /Us«-. Houston foet. -Ursaa&térty Vhit. "oneun Tvobbievs-Ietohat ho laà i>'riprésontativé s»d vanbte t seVé n1é," MudMs-r. Dubvelti. "What Are 798 Soi«a te asi foi?' timn. Tisé lai lime I vstait Wa*ugetee vils the fond exPectallton oetiobuob. bing vilS tise gréaIhlie terâme ovés- t0 hW msees-éfry, and tis. é& 1 mpos- tant pou i met vau aIL um os- Thé teavy HanUet jutoé. We rend reeently cfia utchér viso wai dfltreli for bshng lighî eevd 914 baud probibty d ual ol e enongiste, maire t retail proftaby.- Fer-go Courle-Nevu, Ti tai tht Dml pr-t héa ou eiec the thtE te gin 22: Mi Ber il nia eht M3 VealthY Highland Park Baptlst mers Need Sunday, Says Rev. Mr. Thomas ELIGION 19 LAGOING iat is crit Patof. Say$ as he Tells ôf Uettlng But f$l a Week for Services 'héré's a voildértul field for Billy nday Oui et H-babiend Pari, se- )r4int ta thé Rev. William N. Thcwn 1. pallir for thrée yé#r, of th i11gh- id Pari Baptiat churcn, shich bias belAiy 'glven up thé ghost.'1 Ceat i ho-LaenLat Winter. l ýt ité -h ehurer- vas- -ele =cctitof thé coal shértige. Silncé 'n t tééattémpts have héési mde > -eOPeu Il. Thor@ vere 70 famil. Smany of îhem nmong thé sociai- 1 pr-olneuét te Hlghiéncf 'Pari, on ceheur-eb. rais. About seven per- ls att;euded éach of thée "ré-opn- s" meetiags. Thoisrez no use Irying te iéep it "le. go lt heu quit" théepallier ex- lailedlà laitnght. **Thé people avén't enougi religion ta bang on.,, diary08 WOokiy. T'hé Rév. Mr. Thoms' a'slary train le dchmvas about $6 a veek. ut vinter hé added te tisaI by rais. 4 chlckens ln theé isuement of hie Dme. Then hé taok a Job s a floar al<er ln a 6 end 10 cent'- toré tn hleago. Heli 'been pr-omoted nau'-ta lu- ructar lu aismaehip te thé -i76 rmore girl eier-is. Aud hé aise ic- ie thora oou moral queutionq. "I Iecsld misiosry meetings and m dolng moreéfgod Iban i ovés- could Damollirthé wieaithy in thée111gb- id Park chuiuch." he gaye. rThe Rév. Mîr. Tihomas la galng 10 ove ta Chicago, and thé people of le cisurci eau sèci saivat ion visere ky viii OENROOT WINS FOR SENATE IN WISCNSIN TUES. 'rger, SocialiSt, ia Far Behind Lenroot and Davies ln Hot State Election Milwaukcee, Wis.. Aprîl 3-At thîsq Du lb apiseare thet ir-vine t. Lén- )t. Run.uhliceu, vas thé vietor lu se Wisconsin ueswutoril eléctian es- 'Ur. lela stimated. vii arr-y thé Stat,- on complété rmarne Y12,000 ta 15,000 ovér Josephs X. vies, Democrat, thé tpèr-sonei éntry !Pregidént Wilson. Vifctor Berger, tise Soctaliel, anti- r, anti-admnnitratlou candidats, >Par-entlY -viii gtla maximum ef 000 votes. Mont of tisese camé "M Xileaukéee.numbera of thesé lqubtédiy troa Genman-Anserlcana, Latent Figures on vote. uncompiéte returna froint68out et 1caunties lu tise stata glve La-en ot 92.677; Davis, 82,775. and Ber- r 15,006. P1711 lepublican aiaquerters .tmed tisat returne froin 1,336 pré- nets, ouI of 2,200 ln the 1:Lénroot, 96,337-, lavies, 10.14.e, T'hé Demacratie sîtte headqutrtefs, iuiaîlon covérlng eaeh county in le tate, showed biennoot 102,Z60; avIes 103.834. becladlng ail butla1 rcbuc(s lu Mtlaiee. Deunocrtie sdquartere preectealiy, admît blinI 2thse-éfigures I»nroot bin behn ected, as th isé msstg préclactu lu te Upper hae'.icouanties viii ovér- elln any vrote -MIvlea lMay getlàl le mlsslnt gwlanie e ienctu. Hier-inuB. Pariert. Chbeago, 21: .thrine S1erheu, same, 21. lIerr>'W,.-Heury. Racine, 21; Geor- [ne Anderson, -Menamînée. 18. Edmund Raedeir, Gleuhbeulah, Wie.,ý 2: $lisSchurlcist. saenre.19. L.ucius P. Graes, Raciné, 33; II- an X. Wrlght. 'Mllvaukee, 'Ir6. Richard H. Arvin, Gr-eat Lakes,*20; lrger-et ~M. Mer-edith, Indianapolis, Aluen E. Anderson, Kénoeha, 20; -rîhx Sciavartz, saine. 16. John C. Gunu, Kenoshe, 45; Rose osulen. sae, 28. Jlohn Alexander,. Milwaukee, 2a; anchle Waiken, sauné, 32. Heury Goélsch. MivauiéG 38; 1tar- tea Snevden. umme, 28. JoePh *es'serowlch. Racine, 35; ary PilaI, semée, 27. Mathomesan Marrintgse" Aecos-dngta ArabIan hlalor-lauq, Maghous.:baU oniy nlue--vtvs-, vha ise~vr. Cannot hé r-ogas-dedas vIves et ail. Thuns Mabouset, afler hé bs- emainu Oid mona, mas-tiéd, or- rallier odetd.A>'eeis a tise vn-Ye-Old CM o ideisifaitelfr-ent. musebais. AgIn ho mars-lsd or- adâàttai tg is hOgséhaid a ueuldLng old vîdov, visoh ipaund Abc Bais- refuséd te ré- =W1Amont Momtas e)anl hu an digèrent magong tisasetisa ivilbIt bas umong Amftcanu. it se. meamus uéeéy,àUnIlscf nu-dIeu-I shlp os- prototuon. NO INCAREAIE IN 19108 Waahlsgton, 1).C »ri -a Blominngton Women Decide Mtoi. orthe abliity 'of the transroorî l*U, Aaaihatsâgoons. sar-viCe 0 thé milies te take Ameléla, 110095 te. Plaute thl year lhavs e >eé aubfltb (ohthe ptesident and hidi.; Cet@ tbat a -maximum oft 1.800,00 siocue wt ver.gvn a severs trouce- Mon vil -lon France by Chrjihan 'n et th" bande 0f'fîoa oea the srvies. This Includes theié lp.- vt àhd dry otteution vas ÏM Inse. muent ut thé hecesery food and otis.COMWeUlr.~se ouf imatee g fi te nu oir neeurfy supplites. The figure'la ber of saloons wiPei out by the vot- la bmsee anIlythln. héretofos - 1e rs at 140. templaté d 18l the direct autome Thse rosi forte or thé dry victory of the gp*sdent's recent Ordes ta, Pet beaméeévident'e*rly thie mnoi-ing every possible Auserican soldipi' whénreturnu indlcated that OUý cf 34 eroses thé vater thia yesi-. 1 dry townships voting ouly on@, Sur- Wahington, D. C.. APti .-Meas-, ton inu Mcffsr-y countY, turned back lires 4o speed up the 01t1 pr-ogam lnî.o the saloon r-ans- are ln contemsplationt and au officiâti1 ight vêt townships juinped over alunouneeusent lae espeted aoon. Theé mb thé dry ranke. tateptlon laJe rompét the êiiiétaecy l Wémes Corry Day. la ~ ~ ta 5iue orOn emson thée0. Te tawl n lai i wavée Iilj 9000 mci te hé caiiéd thîs year- vili itA aipex, la Dioomlngtonaud Rock »e olied more tapldly than vas pre- 1liand eliinsting 35 saloons In the VtOti1yeiy vsed. War- departusent formet and 58 lu the latter, Iu both officiais aid no arrangements werp to*ns an aver-vheéing dry v-ote by lIn ulght lookIng te cllIng ihi àmore vomen carried the day. tissu thé- 900,000 it vas pianned te Springfilid eiected te remain In eake Into the service, the dry colusun by an ovérvhelmlngr -Reports thatIbois draft wouid hé vote. after- twa year-e' expérimenta- rainait fromn 800.000 tb 1,800,000 WerP tien with the dry pragCRUI. deni SldeaTheYe. IOte-joîn Dry Ranis. ZOW.00 oldersThi Ysr. Sertownshiiig jùmping flto thé Officiais do net regard l as Posei dry ranis vere Fulon, Ganler (Kan- bie that more men viii hé isent k*kee clny), Auburn (Saugampn abroad thla year thtan the deçirtment oounty),( D!nvllie (Vermillon), and tiready has arranged t0 stbmnloti. Pilton (Whtesidé county). éèven with edditionsi Britiais shippiua Wet victorienu ver-e centered large. made availabie as troop tftft$POrte. ly ln Kens county, vhere Aurore vot. Théi-é are -nov undér arme hère and P d te rètaîn Its 47 saloons, the wet lunSur-ope more than 1,500,000 Amer-. majority being ,297. loan soidiere. Thé nuMbai- viii have 9W0 Town& In Dry Are&. béen raseéd ta about 2,600,000 by the end of the year, easuting dratttéd men According te a etetèfuént Icauéd vointés-san spcia téhueni~r-,.by Sctt ýMeBlrde, stte supérinten. ès uteff a5 nitd. êJl ehilfr-dent of tise AntOlaloon éLAgué. SP- est_____________ proimeteiy, 900 OflesunL villages u'voîle vîthin thé Illinois dry ar-es. i4ad Soeil heu. AU Beloit vent dry for thé firet timP Wh" toemaI iu"anaeeopt 9 el.eIn 25 years. Thlrtytwo saloons viii ensi engi«Èmont ý ird. sathe_0_ ont of business. lTh. army et Olêt eoiiiii f tse oca ppr. tockfor-d. 17 miles sutb. ciandes- el«YCOIMU f th SO POOr.Dleiy tineiy heu been getîlng liquar troin caie rUnnnUS 10t Ild$ à r, séit::there. "Oh. Belon, 1 sa* leur ad le the D0& MADISON, WIS,, DRY Sy 34. ver" Madison, Win. Apil 3.-Thé vêt 'att - . àitom ,r-vte .votes ver-echallented y theWevel élment. D»eloIt.ý Wli, -ApeIl 8--Bélil voted Us-y p> a umijorItt 187. Ilt M thé Itral Ivle*oly cb-tIb olilcence tomes las 25 iyéar-s. Thie drys made aatren-il udmuWt chlilt vis mnimm b&ein:i thé movemeut. rtp4WseIo gilt bci osei. 4 1104'B8SW ET. Ajwil >-Complèt* thé t. ýU.eilucé-quesation eho* .t li. *ma "MI0,4t0aglainèt Ir- U(Isie Cik o uhet>') To*u bies--4. 01. di*.. Town ueeaorJ. C. Mange. Tova collectr-T. 9. 'Pockhaul, ont , Il truse-4i. A. Seliaété. Jlighvay cammsuonr-D. C.011- OFFICIA 4IT OFu J LAId 00. YI. AN TLST M0 Ab* staelt t$ ~ ti Ma"enieTeaSi lut. Phéé4, U'ret N'ational Batsfe plt Ce. to Fis-st National Bali,£0fLorlrtyvellie, Add. te Ubér-tyrvîlié,WD, Ill). Wax Ocli su vife t0 T. Il. Dur-st, lot 12 block 2, Dus-stla Souths Bide Pub., Waniegan, W. i. H. L PotIer-ad inUvItte AutelsHo- lob and vIte. 80M tI ehlf lot 2, Weuteman lnvestmelî Sel, puecé. 9, Wasàegan. Déeu, 3,9. ?MIEL Laé sad ituahand te Val- cada Outlng Club, soutb oas-hait l0t id. LAeas Mnton Palet 11515. Wl). $200. T. 31. MoMeisen and Wvte taD. 3. Dane. lots 7 sud 8. boci 3, qisaré Acres ib.. Aiea. QC. M1. Elle G. Wendt ad huehand te Eve- lyra A. sel'e euswt 80 Ct. lot19, Cmoty Cicr-k'. Bui., LlbertYvilie W», 810-. 1 G. T. McCuiiough and vife ta Tovn ot Warren. lot lu VIllage et dus-ue. Wl, $11(). 0I. T, MeC(uliotlglsad vitete Pr-éd Gliflg. -loIs le Villag et OCurbee, Wr>, 8113-ro. ýMany Peo,,,,In Pive Mile Dry Zon H ave Hd0 s' otties n~e G The Inter-ps-e±tlau of, eeretary 0f thé Navy lilWiaj'bveMlle dr-vono or-der doirbtes viii put an ed te thé camoufttage iracet hbrmmmi résidente et 117 Northlibire, sarti- cuinrlyIÀ'Laie For-est, Naorth Chleago and glebiumd perCte b . ave thiel heér- sisltçdln u asbefo",. ieaetus dry nmua ediet -vent ltt effectet th o-lslsoe r sidenlu mem i y sent lauorgera fer- béer-ronathe is e- liverles vueemode by agents vWho baUl charge cof thé depots le tise ves-- loue citlez sud tovua. -Whie-the dr-y- zoue s-aie humine @éeectir tisées do- Dots ver-e Put ,Dut of business for- Il vras Isld Iliat lhey ver-e oDes-atli omtraly te lav. Siucé the% peoplevisa havé vraut- oU béés-, have . resortedié eanother plan. 'l'ii ya n~t lu thels- ordots suit bU the -bées-sipped eut by freljiht. But,- 1h18 eoéout.ated bev- Iug the cases of boer, labeiéd with the cocilges Dame stand about ln a publie place viser-e adil oulU pes-- ceive- vbo hall #pulu tthéar-er-s. This wvas doue avey vlîb hy or-Uer-- lng ln ten dozen lots. Thén thé aisîpmetu wes-é made lu bars-aIs. murth rembllog those lunvlsich uouil or- auzar let ;bigpéd. Thim camnu- lPégéemade Il dillicuit lte tel vhatuhe bar-r-îlecoutalued. Evén. iis muet case nov for Secretary Daniele lias ruleU il la ulïvul ta havé alct'hoiis bemcages sisipoed or brougt luI. mayt.e u âme Blon fel atue It Ibis-crédit la goU Ibé-eu et tisé ft fait thés bave "Ver ha Naïqf Meeity borew. log trftbe.-Ut Paul i Next Weell L% Home Craft WeeIk-Watch,,for -1t, Home Craft Week a National Event A week dcvoted to beautifying the Home, to se- leeting new curtains and drapi ries and affording thé ] t 'o ubest oppor-tunity of the 3 <ar i tuol v your Drapery ~#Be t #tre ~>, ~problems. Now corn-es.anunusual offering of 75 of the sesn's choicest style garments, con- sitigosuits, coits and dresses that are Worth Up as hg as $22.50, speclaliy priced- at SUITS Introducng ail the newcr style ideas, Etqu Coat effeets, coat skirts i uffled and cutaway ln style, collars tailored, square and pointed. Materials of serge and wool poplin. Suits for every oc- casion are includcd worth up as high as $22.50. COATS Be'iutiful coats that cleverly combine service and good looks. Many new~ style features ,large collars, materials of wool poplins and nov etics are shown ini the popular trench models w'i t h lots of style and quality at this special price. DR ESSE$ This specîi lot of garments features a very fine assortmnent of Women's Dresses in silk, wool jersey and serges. Exclusive style and excellence of finish are conspicilous in every garment, and values are Nithout doubt most extraordinary. -(Second Floor.)- Featuring the Newer Milhinery Sjhownpmaiyleer shapesfreinour-- 0w ôb"o ( U, priced. These hlits we specialize on at this price tell with certainty the better styles for, - spî-ing and sumnmer. Shapes of'liserie and milan. straw are adorned in fetchlng ways with.wings, quiîls and flowvers. Soft toned shades as well as 7,'F . the brighter colora are included, and the - assortnxent is one that wis favor from those who appreciate style at a reasonable ~ 9 5 pice-. 8 - -(Second Floor.)- -w -. w ,l q0 Li gom lome thema "Slir ordoi kega imnr sonle tion 111 IJ afteî that' be ui it is DRI are m meni te tii ahou they ican thirt dem FIG Women's Waissi Stylish waists shown in white voile, with colored. stripes, and tastily trùnmned in clever combina- tions. These -are $1.50 -.10 values specially prieed at.I H ouse Dresses $1 They are shown in very goo quaty eale, ini liglit and dakpttls well made, nieely fiihd a4ecellent values at $1. Second Floor