CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Apr 1918, p. 12

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kY, APRIL 4, 1918 Libertyville Ird@pendent Lake County Indepéaadnt - Waukegan Wekly San EELP KEIP DOWN U MOYALTT #" .Oont forget-if you hear anything un-Ajuerican, if ertolu see anything done that la aga'iaot the biteresté of the. government and the war, it la your daty to geprt it to euomebody. And, acting in the capacty of >a pulicaèr- YMt, the Sun wil b. glad to receive sncb reporteansd reter th.m to the proper persons for Investigation, W. vii te- ,gard such information ln the Mstrieatconfidence. 00, "slip it to us" and we'Il attend tô the rest. BONE DRY PQR EVERYNPDY There seenis to be no UncerW*n4 about the navy'8 order on the dry acte-it in plâ1ài Jladgng by Secretary Daniels' statemeftt to Oommlssoae rvl, that it 18 now unlawful for ANYEODY to ship or brh2g booze intoWau- Ikegan which is in the five mile zonie âbout the. naval The firut interpretation glven to the. rule was that it merely applied to "alors and that hidivldualo' rlgts i -thefr- homes vas not to b. interfèred wfth. Hove'Wer, it séeens certain nov that thei law applies te reuidents of lie one as weil. For, read agaïn thé. mcre a' Interpréta- tion of the order issued i WasingtxmeH says: Iii drafting siieh regulations it was zny intention that not iitoxieants should be carricd into the "dry zones"' after 4 1) . i. n March 16, 1918, and it is îny opinion that after said date it is unflawfîil to ship, transmit, earry or *trwnspoit initoxieants into the "dry zones" hy cotnmon ,i i i ,lv nans whatever. SDoesnt thiat mean EYERTBODY? »oesnt that mean that lie and Washington intends that NO 0 UQUOt shall be used ANYWHEREin uthe. five mile dry mone? So, judging by the simple interprétation cf his order it is quite evident that Waukegan la gclng to b. BONI- DRY in the full sense of the vord. B, look cuti PATRIOTS AND BLACKER The carpenters and sl8pbeiders Ih .eaut vho nov are striking or gong to strike have harassed the govern. ment quite sufficient and a spe.dy bat should hoe brought to their actions. ý frhey are slackers of the vorst sort and Uncle Sam should take steps to p lace them under mitary control if they wont ho reasonable i other ways. Bere their Amer- ican brothers are RISKING THEIR LIVES in Europe at thirty dollars a month-and these slackers back home are demanding more and more, several times more than thé VIGHTING MEN are receiving. And, the slackeru at <uU ?aâ v ~ove tefiIu iU hIND t uabft a ny sike nlc, tbebw ' er le-'d41 iiNO IJPLLUIN and Sa à.~ o HPt ar mulinTffRIFT STAMP SALE 1 iIJ« nov ti, nation needs shipa and needa theu badly 1 Yet thINUf l lu hi .easut arent wiUlng to do tbelr- bit.1 Chairman E. P. Sedgwlck Ap. weIý AuidetthY tak about "food profities" and "fuel! peals to Residents of the -are far vorme than the vordt 1"food County taô "Dig Down"l proftlerZthy'remak i t impossible to pt that food1 abra whlch lad bs been taken auay perohance,iCOU NTY AS LAGGING Ii biii tdmfood.tia Yes Unicle Sam vill have to put tiiose mmn under mil. With Exception of Lake Zurichirl îtary d If thy dont change their practices of their owu the Farmlng Communities,i ;cor;maethem vork for $80 a month aud' si hov He Sayil, Are Behind pe f to k.ILt. And, at thht they vouldut b. doin what the and y Chairman 3I. ~E. -P. Sedgwlck o! thc feeta * w an inhe i.treuches au 0auaig-.aaum.aaa5 their Ilhrift sar stamp caanign commit.Ma l1~.tee of Lake county, agates i a for- 1 efl Threar "trot sd hee re ~ r ae1mai notice thatILn ProbâhlY of In. I h Threar ptros ndthrea s lackers; tetea el-pes4t in residents of L.ake oounty to soldiers and thùe arn low-down curs. The ma who, by knowthat LaitsOSiflt stands 31611 InIln tdlay rt.ýn 4 Wi t11 5 tat4' luthe par capita sub. Isa owIn st la protctlngta tIdful est mIn t.l §ha1b1rft land War sutent t 6 bys Who lère rlslna their livs abroad ln cer- K9vnos stamfta uP te March 1. 191. Thie littieeoiunly o!fj*wrenee-, in tainly nôt ime former chaauiatlon. whlch tawreacevilie, bas subscrlbeîl 11740 pet, oapiN againat Lakte court. DITS TH " O E hg Intoxicants, hutIniiul l iadWtehvsbsbd$4opr ar SI4tng the lkw b on R ýet centn auntésoahre dor I NNo IS btEIYruilng bas 'been esalîhlpl tle n I oanvlooks aa though N RO O ERU Ji~RTH-"tayDof h tproh=Iethecssrânds o rnigh 'ee Ita incode- hno ina trainssand del ver Lakakent Pornderdrt and Lakegth wsr o 9luffafi innlu LakeForst nd akeBluf i earched, and if lie finds thal mndi hic ath e nlon o!thae Zurich -the Places Affeoted as WeilI vduals are vilatlng the lau', he sIa i iha the nltwn qin ed quo. A~ Wakeline wouî>î cause the arrest of the %io ta. the farmng communlties are way As Waukegn ltiers.behlnd the reet nf the epuntyInM srîbscriptiona. the-per tapita sales of In colinection ith the iîîtrprpta. t.ibefr aeaie . o the ae her coin- tion of th" rîlng 'on the Ovep mile Put Outalde the Law. helrip ar £lu the etr ortheo dry zotie tram 8Seeretary ef Nay Dan- The stafgest pualahmaàt whIeh cunty.Tesiheuweserdn patwot Ie tels as detailed In Monday evening's eaLOI survives In Great Brttaln attner andultty. The peenftorswn Sun, It le lnterestiag ta note that flot modem la a isthet Of utuwY. aund ba d a b ha e en atos oniy la Waultegan.affected o far as About te. jears &go a lawyer charged o! the governlnent food commissions prohlbtlng the- carrylng or shipplng with forglng a check w@,a «'outlawed"* have iieess gond as an excuse 10 rail of liquor Into the baunidarles. but la the Glasgow hlgh court. By tisent the. savamment and decline in liake Pa'rent, , te clty with the sentence the persan eoftthe accuaed la Lake any Intoreot In lis wariinances. Prothste ons" l fard i n etametifarfait. H. eun<e bear tes- The peopl, who tolie tuaâ attitude Lak fteat lightnd ar. Hgh- XDOy l a out, ot uenomdefaddo not oaneita oreallse that maay Larou> nov llhandcal ucrkIig)- imyInacupruenoir f n anufacturahave neamly been put wood. Lake Bluff, North Chicago aad au action. H cannot acet on a jury, out f a! ualueas that thousaads of MWaukean muet drag &long without nor vote at an electiOn, soar t as tui- worklng mai bave had time ruto thec 1i'i.tpratloa itt ¶Pq cup rihat 1er or guardLan to another person. If îhreqý s»d tour dgys a week, andt Lti cheer." vhtie just 'pwàn opitna.ry aayone robe ai hh.busno redresa. inerchants have suffereti great lasse, parties all be 'boule" dry. îhRouai prie4 reaulation. AMl they trei Speetary of the Na%-y Daniele and eau see ls their own lîttle trouble girl] flot "Blly" Sunday ls reFiponsibip for andtae yare flot broad enoîtgh to II condition o! affaire. élz htterwo fueas2e The néw ruling means that whpen 00g w'. l mi thrs elime theaftutreor holcfutre fi;s Inprcitvat h,3ofs ant andI liquort s . O Tutiiawm a -mn lfup ntewr of o lsdira in pivate hmAsandclubs fi the 5f.drs.-ebuie ad . ioor im<rsemasIstseufDaanfo north bhore secti.>n are êzhausted the idti.e aalsoera.Don f fr a 1 eamad 'epettm ..~ traieergetîr -citizens are worllnz hoie d8trbt vili become a eal probhi- h,îîea.l.ymMtoemcSwo-î tbrotahout the"e districts howevem, bai flou ares. Pnwdwm ahtde BCba 5 AS andthose wba take thîs attitude mîli rta..'s dy le !,mm c mot th.,, .50,1 To Search for Liquor. P.. et .ct a £5In. ebeau S . fcImas- eul be ather cinverted or lsted for Pri Not only are the ralirosadaandi .1er- da ul. ZtImWswao% .r tutier attention.Wh [HA A S OWest tim2ted thet 30 1,; MANA Issta e wore Affttéd AD.4 iaeatbI7 1 l b U, digUlarles. The,' arnount et ma MU~ rra', ~ Ui. I~giiemen3bers say, 'bato IJ4)i 1,1, ~~ijj hon spefit sanally for lItailcaUM ~~ lqUor 1in the at.l.&t, 1q$2.,fltb4iq SÀLIW ~ whlch ih#-y say nethpoliim [i ii&RiiAw will be "Saved.Y SA O NS OS D Thnelcoging or -ail] plarpi h ilquor might b*' purchased followsd "trenuous efforts ofthIte "wetW" go ds Fight in Court as' New hiave the Iaw declared unotatWatt- Law Goes into Eftect al. T he Indiana aupreme court huatd In Efect Tnight oral arguments In twe camoi iifwLvM. In EfectT'onght ng the law today, but ne deeclln wa., re.ndered. idianapolis. mnd.. April 3.--Indiana me "dry" front border te border tht at mldnIght. The state.wIdep bibition law ,ao wrttten that In Goat immune t. Dynamit. ating Ulquor may flot be m&niu A weqtprfl househotid won tenrtiaed ,red, aold, given a-way. or ship- recently by the digcoery that thetr fno the state, except for aiCdical Pet gout had eaten fw uticks oqayn sacramental purpomes. took e arnite. The animal was corefolly drit- attht ou.en t) a liate distanceeand tethered go snberm of the Indiana ,antl.satoon ýt.k But dur'q end reeks eIapa.d e ati m that o4alon and te g eat d d flot explod . te state closed their doars. Tbey' .IOMER'SWa, i -ilThe womnen of Europe are worklng in usl Il Wfy ýesps, in munition tacrorea ana una. yards, and on farin., They do meMud wvork, drive taxioaha, and ffill aimaite*t r - occupation. Our American womren are taklni up heavier kinds of work every day. Wouas who are physicai1X atrong, and have flot beeu burdened with the weakneuses peculia. ta womnankind, are quicker to ac)apt theunae1fl to many V.ines of work than are men or boy&. American girls Bhouid prepare themulvu ta lie equal to any emergency. They mhUld foliow Dr. Pierce 's advice, take his '«Fav«ort Prescription," and becQn¶e strong andi vigo>' / ous. It eau he had in tablets or liquid. . Ail ages, and ail conditions of vornanihudt will find just the help that womùen nu&d In - Dr. Pierre 's Favorite Prescription. Cet it now if you're a tired or sufcéring woman, and get well. Most druggiste seil the tahlets for 60e per package, or sent! Dr. Plereo 10ea for trial pkg. It builds up and invigorates the entire system, regulates and proltntlw 'proper functiona, and restore. health and- tngth. At the critical periods in a womiaa's life-the change traM rhood to womanliood, and later-it is a perfectly safe, and i b pecially valuahie, remedial agent, that can produce oniy gondi reulta. Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' ilotel, Buffalo, N. Y., boan god ne"m revery auffering woman. Write to-day and tell your troubles, aid i ill send you juat the right advice to restore yon to healthi and bvi8M Lk the roses to yotlr cheeks, and without charge. flis "Favorite rscription" lias corne to, Un rescue of thousand --f suiffériet' rnen. Send for free book on 1'Woman and Her Pls"" Sýpeciai. Purch se 1.O of -Sîit and Jersey Dresses Wednesda-y, Thursday and Friday, April 3»4»5 Wt' .jst viccei-ved a large shipment of une* silk dresses today that weie delayed in the express from New York and arrived too late for Easter. These dresse-, will be placed on sale at abouit hait their actual value to move thcm out quiek. The entire lot bas 1) cen placed in 3 assortments at remarkable low prices. Taffeta Silk and Sain Dresses InI ail the new~est styles and colorings for spring, made of Silk Taffeta, andi Satins. A remarkable offor at Lot ,i 75 Taffeta Crçpe de Chine and Satin Dresses Madie li the leading New, York styles, andi in ail the pîrc- vailing colàr combinations for Spring. A rèmarkablc offer at Lot 2 Crepe de Chine, Georgette Satin and Jersey Dresses That inust be seen to, be appreeiateti, so wonderful are the values. Thev are matie in a large range of styles in al the ncw spring colors. A remarkable offer at LotiZ rai m wor

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