CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Apr 1918, p. 4

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Seveg,« *ffe'e.'. theiesaine boWe en Ue ,olAeu "a~d about a block TO~1 nerar , Oera.~Wegot t. Paris TO N; Pb. safin a$qC1 deisys about UVE, SYSV O ~ A~l~ S amM"p.Iot naabout two lscolS or 1 7~btre eeded I boge of mIs. iowever 1 vas L re, a 4, I01111bvery inuh for MÂN O Dm-Robert Edwards Sends eter1hurrmng àit tIoéeoo Qujckiy. of Intese Interest Nt*M.sbdUoaw ai' morebpJ14MUp4 'atnihlt we vent NOW NEAR THEE LUNES t Geh peoolq>'show. The acc *Tells of Impresnm of 'Won.-i " ." d :"Vet her o n the or OW I T TU ?ýN WU terful CathodndatafFamous ' tOW>' OO IW1fO OEDCityof Amiens Ime aUItkeut-.ilawou-lerfui but m Uithe g ut ipify OYe va.ttLhoW 'Wmkma. aob 26.c1015clrn ftbe 1* UmpuUti windows, kel POIN S T ~2I T OU1AZP Mrs. William flivarde of Jackson "meof i C uwçb 5*Mfejfrom. the ait in i O010 Â street. iba resved on. etthemo century. Thé coin mv ers rlch& a cm BW~U ~ ~ TO lnterentlng &nMidemeritve Imters the ftwsguomo e ýiwmlec In the old- ty' kit has beau sent kbore »'the bat. e-w ws. O-Tq bugdcing i5nmot e - ici-bay or m kaoe orps UmUm. straght, but 41 ~to tte rlghti - bie~abue 'e> vet arod. tlte 0îéw-tlW, of Christ 416 la -acue. irons ber am., Robert, ** on Cthe M . ??i mammotu pDiners am "The child whieh is to be .born to Mins Lina Larsen, IrItl Dr. Predelék el.>' and tt la Ib. he i.d"reoPl!t o? r aîstec. o the county poor farm vietii, bo ' o e ~~±ed~b 11 wotbh 1 SuiPilim. I tu Md' ~o bor"-r.HaryJ. aielen onient 81L la ts ethe ~4«"d eb I, ober 'L> Tv 4Wdiapeie surroond eoiL saM* el Uic> tgWnggMer tk USmIddle %l e diwbere ia 'dm "The chili!"Whh wMl be boýD to iss Lîna Lase lr.k M M ntable avant .oer&ed Each 1 f Ka2 iRl lve if it is withln the posiblities Of the staff of the w-8@91109'wle. buuffl ta e. re. ~csplIqAt~iltr a Lak Cwit hspil nd utideprf eSgiona asistance" Pàero r i«a aid andwere to bh a ntM 046V&tIR Tn The cnter Dr. à. IE. Brown, superintendenir lake 'County general saut em 19theAmeim u~foe». . oclapwe a90. " -&WuOne intereat. g hospital.1ýu rt'a at tfog".bome tablots 441@tlng the lire or Wlst daceOr- tain>' J. Halselden velaçiment of iun bain"m. JUSt e** Prla. &I Christ Aul &&nemrevaluabie tisinguet eChiago, thInit about the. am et *, xcroh 5. Îer too *re. beins. or have beau, sh Lirsa Lsrme, the lS.y«eld ihbecile H. J. IiSOILDBN, M. D. 1Daasr MUlt~: muidbmed. à et the Laes ounty hamPKi. who In MICRIGAN STEIIZATION 1Po 4 f6w sfte l t* became a mother? OF DEFECTIVES UNLAWFIUL, IM Ut got bok in camp str my We bumumcd about trying to nos Tht.the question thet aroue in X*linE. Midi., Mardi -29.Ân art. Dîne daim' leu».re. oen iParls and mveal otiiorpbos.whlch veiwam thie mnd -of the.editor oatheSun î.i- of the Michigani legislature autiioriz- lv. days traveling Urne. and tuniglit "et-d" usit .outng, th-n veuqt t W lcwlssg th iceuloeure usat came outlng the sterillsation of mestally de. rnworking agnin. 1 'ay'" hod mot CsnodePai.bosh M fOw d&Yà eM relativea tiipistIa- fectlilpnates of publie institutions < o > lgyuWtnro ad GUY&"s h ow s e s cie Parci bis e" aWhiah me tram the cotnts' tà doclaresi unol.tltutLI0al b the I oj nduyun__ ___ ___ el l woetoyacip açe h laim and whiich h"bautourd uais .atq, uprenie court ioda>'. The lav but One o4f the eUm ___ .mck ad i<or her cgo, 35; mdmutOae fen~ wilesed nod INIOShas enacte inlui 1918andi is1bauI old hlm rd work for blii. touîibt1VItti cm Weil eagracefrfl for thse liel Accordtngl> a latter uns dlmateb- the aubleet of almoat cntuiýIinuu ll. w 1ram, bck et 0141 s'utIne vor, 'rencb audience vas lauhobni, 'cntin- WO esi tatDr. iiaismien Wvosa the..igatian In thse lover courts. 'Ihere lig doingil.uly e alfg<ate a 'sfo a Couple aof 'ears uam attractd no reCord of ithe law ever artng aano<i ', I enzHe tbabg artuer wd as>a' vOMtlddeattention vlen ha reroeed 'beau pot intu> aetuuspractic, 1i lad thse m ovnderful' Urne Ohl<540 kid vWso &641 everai losigos ta, pertarm mn operatian on thse Pol. I"bile . . dMwman,',nd lut gil@ oUWhet@b.enPurd ' linger baby vhieh voald m"Te lis litesrjvred befautitul places. orart--Ieulp- 1 Ida quick obaffl a« that was won. but visîis Vwosulsstli l save ka ILver>' I114 MUT IVE,01 tonal. Architecturai cand otlervlce. T' dertul Shewent tb leep ûana lounge uch iscrIvIes cbUjd and ver>' eeble- T DR. BROWN vaithuer d"splsented li one tliin aid i c'nmmc nts tg n n <imeSve <f la' L-. i doucgi and tisat vms the girls..rd acted ber dto.m&-U.Iva>' beiflgrua- Dr. Halseiden aet tbat tlpe vas an -Wü r Hr alva>'e heard se mnuid' oftue beautic cuod b>' old "M" hlTien there vms Ob ra hYsciml*Hcir>'buthàHelse ldc v'o ~rryOfPiS that I i 4n«1 motne imiuung a ladder' acen e te fully l100giris Pton hsce u h~o u iepronouaicesilahi*isdecation ae tu poent ttion thia <nater and subsviaXt obe ellacebouldbea th. prp. o teim for a couple or days. The vere oni a biagea bM4er alowiy des. qun sads aiong similar liai.. cauts- ccourse te a u ivtlthe jarmen il ieeaeaivnetl> i ierv> oot onti ra bishl Ota lumponmat> prof inencend Igirl et thse County bosptay. & drema nd kimow how te 'vsmr ltin ,1dCPm8itaeticbottoin Tise P".l bave beau -u, 1.on paru 0 _fibs_'COoUty Physlciaui A.lU Browvn, super-, lo&«Is but theilsameolrev -ciou.vr aleutulydem bavted bre& cgt lcl ât 0 »ttendent 0f lthe èisatal ,duoesatse> âtc 1reut ar n- bu_ýt oTan>' cao en etul dredsat 'Umltod lalo 490utct ,mad hhmclcleWItltheminsat Chicgo t ce« 01J) »r. 'AhovSl.AUCIICS5i 'onei<i" bd It On' U'5 on of thse bgsurgeanaof ObChto. mrgeo..1m«-. ero crdy«hwe A rca.kkmlb IenOMt ansi therfr. becommao bis pecullar < 1 , ~~o : ~ ~ frlcc fcru bn~ceh Iuas annsatcrW 'k»-. kisi. ha-tut. URIlngthat thee clid. whlch 'sli show n reeve-tise cluae nc e s.the front rov. coiter, >'ou sec lots le at he.USiseo 'la liwcage «hît b otutaWM- l's.mesishouisi NOT Il trcetm-aIdad iier a week hIn Ideli.pint, but Iprof erthtieAiglm abion ut h et k C i irm -y h ac .. I h* d . Baio VU th" V fU7 90 ll Id P r 1ftf el urry. for ithe girls imc girl* to . This show bh aît & 11 1i am: me PLti ddatlothe;At Van, chbu-i - I Mbm ovry>' MIy 9@* "J-» 'band vlilb surel>' couM l .*7 ghra rOW l ttauiUocit vill isesite pick «N .der I biow boy i "iemum a littleend' ýhgM ,Vith FIRST-That the Child in plb. 1H8 'pà=IOULAR CIiIL. f19010 The ghis coe up and taieelber nieller and fatisen. via *«Me& question should flot be permit- Dr. Br'own mshys uhatin order Uhaz Yo'm muVdteOcM u« U tb oen.idancing sail aIne. I helped b«_er i ted ta be born, ha leai b.s pran t alocan lg )»114,*Mmd sityau tooy bu> Uua abut It Uided at thse end of tt Ited. SECOND-ThatIfit is born j physiciasi to tae.full charge tofimas., drtink rwSi on u h>~' app olsd .m orig et u 1 'A etchidbirà, Ekgu»Of the stand for afew minutea on tisa etrqet 'WàdIei5say >' igw wt t wil bring a punishment upon c "Oltim" thM hmbau imised lapouvMIlmomibha tdmVed mne Ol>' h T«v7>' d prison, thse 'Caoasger this feeble-minded DrBrwnmanl go1 t tkeany ane Mid, Ila fcw ye ago fLie "Mmd aMWthe cellaes efr. 'which shourd flot be allowed. chance cf lavfna anybod>' omtet h Dlii cled m e t g W. verniO t Ito "ad be Àatbsette' i1s ii>' &0ebas armulgedsi aeas i>'vthis ng" ,it sure las ag& a>te burgî 0MU, M ea i fe visili iiuiiadedl MsLtter, the otisr doctor to take diarge of 0*teva'dvRa omau 15.brfnitrJeegndale' Dr. Halelden's lloUer to the Daily thua <imticulr matter. lie aise lias e'wydw ayHl«sd « e unIueetmsqi te OUn, viti a abrief referances eliminmnat iUu«iced the nurses, of. thecisipi.. 1 topped off e4 'Amie" ntlstcaiusit-eeUtg things. The bundi vit cd, rends as follovu ansilis ver>' in. 153 hO £tre iss lArgo.theebest pose-'cf coMugdue"ngou40 jmlaute 1110d>- 4wdOvtu O dinlier mmd uMie We f s.tlng t. thse "eueicinzonerai h le attention. con 91»P, va butlod Up te d'a vue dajiating as to vIcie ta g, an haro efolleed tisisunimusuiase: jlitisrecellotbt t tier. arenom -Amins Catisefral- wvieh ,luon.ce Amorla-n' gi, vhola, tudrlimart T o t' ver>' ma>' pya cimna t r.holasethe i.dent1 l rn. ia Mot orthtai berobepesi us Mutb>' *b k to 1 1la elut u te À» argn ue ldW o uftI. ani d, wléfreet o tDr. Ipa mm mkmIub Iplaeso r o ulptodmg fhomr wvi h one. A twr dbMmmrqme terested. *IbOm MUb de*J5'ino sa ttte>' doiger b> ', mndbuga, athelieplaibe OS SMUd ne flichistoiT u«t tie «u, MAn te. ou fm uperlntendont. h, l h«-itrsigt oe Mvr rty 'tl hPI 0-tmM tteePDter MU hl effeio micdgirl.- Tis 0 poition eiiod la ttus parti. -Plee$cl>' 551fl'ot hie intenta, 'salit 11118points ansi made a vyvl lu mvYophIMon. voulsi bo a onunas a camMe b> the cousit>'phîslan, ansi tise sfor tise mMontgmr veofor-, tof hersel!. itR'ai 01fenr 9»'Dr. A. E Brown. ahed'sf11 papda and a tmts.. % li P fithonen helSlc lu 'nglans itfibas ibeau made a Tise domo la ver>' h%%iand t*aecaner- *tIc bcknlm 'quRrtera.,'cdbi Je - racite for mon>' ycmre tiat a&U tée ai stylo cof arcitlecture la <Gothiec. Tie i. ll» s mv other tidla We bleànded lIuidvtdualsa»d 011cm ter- U i iiE j i olcr'led glus widovmaire beau- 3hiafês ab.out tihe streett for' awviSe Tibe nitmirot_ . atterlliaod. ,fer itoulsi emesit%«at the o", p slt then vent te Jnid. illa bi Tro; t. tALL AT o- genma- a*ilUmdmreluch Inug«- tM e n, uiglt dut>' &o 1ave lime - s'oâicln; h «Meit llew a 1h t]010 3s h atrce *is snyltesthsufms %as a eilOui tor public tisaI ha a f~1fjJe~ Thee «tut«arin cveffd vithIiel' Wltis love, z t bleàlsi. But for po b umns; U LE II FR carred i gures.._ ____ 1chance alan la thse onu>' afcgurd. aitPrlusvnt ie And ve regard ourfelvem e latellI' &men waa usiPrats' uion.we uRPTmu *e Forvist dosic Osai give, u o l «tno h I. sPrvd.s.'s tanget avrr LAW WUL moa ns. o ats uts oll 1'lowCon. 01 Mt this.d 1btvo Wp mamstimportant of jumtotis. thsero go w' vuit er. aM ve dIM't' vuw a TI3 NMZ p1ooiont flits. o-"Sua Brav"" mnv o 'rcMOU& ic h A NM N 110v va heer that huncan 1f e la d & -WeW mm, but.fin Iis ocmanht>', 60,00aui- h 'e f«aut msthe' o u isamu ce M ci.1- e pm a roduoed anmal. * llvat P ulmma l.M c ratmoda>&' SINC e LAS l Ir., amd lithoor mo, iem tla Mul l ".o b0=1 lu Naroie, oOM4 rate e.taiu"' h«~ o 0us u termt cOia0< 1 geeu pil 0 t eth Il e n<Dai, Our d0f Ou tIa WMDate Now Runs front,t It anei b ,1,55 fV s.. E1umter ,bftii.D ___t ias M!n a= îb W.eilow cormal people us b. ove thonrecenti>' la etc lng i is abotit a iesie -la -an oitratio a ~Rt *arobld Mt 4W tes«tl 91? y ' atver. dllvored ho bis lent s. <bc. 6ObUtIit o as 1 te Pur, begtn&Many Local Mo- ' ire vofilsi ditrict* t 17 500 uihisra t'nce. etW. got up, flmOu ur oct tam, id >045i districs n Ibis ofmthoe beafacliflo<s *o ieretng~~..~ Weahigton, D. C.. APsfl- .-Draft ou i bai uWa te o.. im«.%bs. mt . 30 &u-etillaeg'Md11lAlationruged by tise wr,4eptrk 1. arobuit, y ear wtll de.,due ta 0,cr'las rosut of ima imhcipat trakauleht tubbM , 5,udmetlaasp ar t couti&M ansiuer4êcdjng and am.%0thse tisOnsadi Of oat ier ,y*iso I eaci bcd a 1big bodcupe qihds~t eiitot *cto >tise People w h obum' unil sgu Ethéoie sinearM lai Erope. A co rUd gy 'ha i v w a agprng matromaandi n 0 ,o ut'. gonar test nlgst i§e do ,ttng are ol- ett iuto, tlamot gollig ~ t0 ieilg if a' pe pllh odi% «tM>'b reI aot la îultonîis a r o ntat. -Oh.,t oe a t .nF M es' uiac i ng t 4efl in ohlm Uimat ftoe mes. voenUavea,7 ur Omct1io f thepuel pw,*I us e emeuctlupm ,aw u hsreglstr*tlau dey, Juiusc. ,11,'Th@ ceim ioadah l ave*&e = 1 umeaDxotpg tor anilipgt ent a icullyi»rs.hc&W thae dellebt iciat rejected by a vote.0< ot 8o lup g.dt terOi ro .% a«,S. asMetial for thse baya hà i sth w-silO ve tol tI bt. -85 an amnudmint tpsoviiisg lat th ' nt Stlit> cf OY rongOSi ~ ____________ ' ction came as somevisat of asu' isocaliSe cf er iment a SdigM gheq. rcan 110Opera 'sO < Uset e r prisear alier lI thse Aftmmcf t van fotced tlata custodid &4i nd.M EDtEK4 fclts ol'uue.A ~ omueh rt fS aS c c ','5o ode Ui eu cicOdiS be aVta~1~,.<~a5N' ent to the "NoflemBelgIre,- &a isi ued to elmnati the eudmeiit. irgeant G. J. Knoohe of Camp Do4go Says Gildea Gave Hlmf Slip at Station )URT MARTIAL PLANNED U.eutemt James Keane, on ratis. rPrivate Peul Gildes, Crassa Lalke, Lion, toldier In the medîcal depart. tt et Camp Dodge, Des Monila.. sao pessesiiuindreds of dollars irts ai qurious $25 checkus lni Wau- geU, andi v lfnaill> 'sicaptured iLUMbeiipolts,, Mlnn., oul>' to ci- @pe aguin. la stIlI euloying hlm lilber- v* m& ail eftorts on tise part of thse brai ausharlties ta locate hlm have, e ln valn. krpateani O.-J. Kuioha of the milI- rypalea e ons ahcn Mit isurth* procêelngo becauàa h. tis t"g110fer tact" efrom linsea- rsitag ta an ennaunceunent given ut bs' thc mlilur>'police. ller bis anreet etmi iapuLI ia, es vs turmesi ven ho, Seret socle to le takren bac& to, Camp bga for trial. -Ha vas clsarged Dot c% wçA*' dameotton buat wvu Impeor- 7ust limeebe ta reportlng thse the prisaer or. Com IL p u.mneding lise mlii. r' M I Glédea eludid blm t the Umi ioon hi laDes MohIeà orts site> unlnh ie City., Iumosflatbly miterlie inade the re- rh eeverm&detalle ci miltar>' police ore @Mt ont and an exhalut4vo ercli vas mawde for thse esoegied romue, but vitisaut suoes. GIlde. webceiclai uaklng bis escape <romn a oait>' mnd no traeurb»been touai fhlm. ie .ddocrhon lias bean oht ta mmm>' rie.and It 1Iolie- yoed that Icaeelic enseavr o ,ork bis cisack gaia hat he viii be abbed. Il0moam muer?u Os£. Wagon were made by curlo.aek. A1rpae, maR »srvice 4 ers ooncerig a, 'train acbeduled to cago and St.Loswa leeve tbe Northwentern depot, Chi- Mnda>' at a coafereac l cago at. 2 o'cioc< Sunaay rnorning. between Wfllam B5. Cadin, 4hortsmen contended thit the train Doatmaster, and Colin Si. & departed at 3 o'cek. The ongInq' Louis postmaster. -The p-' steamed from the station juqt ag the under consideration toir lom ngnds of the cIoclc were moved f rom Mr. Carîlie said, and la a 3. ertaint>'. ~.UL CALES PURE sm laimm N mEI D f$II 1RISl. TRAVERSE KOINDYMC LAUNDRY LAD N. 11780 D&a e cord, 7 daey% Z&O ppnsbatte; par mm fi*, *à& TRAVERSE EyLPONMIC DUTftR BOY Ne. 20O3- Dam,& record,.? dam's,30.12 peunds butter; per t fi t.,5&10. OSBO-RNE FARM~ I Pure Bred. Registered 'Hobta Fr"euanCatie Teiephm.., Aiea 75.MI AiEA, ILUINOISW l Lilgworl y's Vrçýy Store *A'FULL LIN2OF, a"q »Won $dsaéehm 4"and caajogun areru*"y. AaY rde-awge or .ama-hak. or 'paàiiea-wiflb.ea « b"eottouion. Corne early. Dornud large on accont of War ardenî Same Garade of Fine Scod4us feroffiore To -M1, Ctssto'm-e* IWOULD request ail those who are plawning plant- yoge, table sa>'dens (and everybocly wifl on a 4wrgo sose tbmn lut year) to-place their ordera for ail vegetable plante as soon'as possible. NOW ie flot toocearly. You know wbat you are going to plant and, therefore make up your order NOW and let me bave it and I wiIl deliver it whcn wanted. Avoid diaappointments ike last year. WHILE you are about it, you will want a few flôwer around your -house this sUiIIIOIInd yon had btrr ' clude themn in your order, A WARNINQ The U. S. Fuel Adminisaratlon bas a"ke ail greenhouse owners to cg-operate with iit in »a«n caand tbey dec-ded to heat onbr two.hds of ibeir glassae and ta avoid waste, will taise only what theybave orclers for and no more. A'Hint to the Wise Ornes: PLACE YOUR ORDE.R NOW. JOSEFIi IKOHIOUT Gressioues7.Z-IOE--Rsdac,21 Greenhousca an Chicago, North Short and Milwauke.eMotri. Lin. Betweeui Libertyville and Rondout 4':'

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