CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Apr 1918, p. 5

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palog. alis Wau» B W Wh IN les ~ ~ ~ . .d# e.aN...u . .. ....... . ........I 1s. ~~...0b,.s.... memqa c. e Uie uki.- t fuacoit Md UWMUM %M_ la oi.of-tb ubll" bh els th , au a»t iienIgot hIMM bet6re h valgtlu a dhlutin is obaiîgedoes admotalu Teri-uti. ale i ~in luformàa mi.edelutm= of stAnd- Ià Itairas Mdufor ,uu se.Tr 712tyt 4v4 l.e abu i ue adpu ý-l dmwg of us4m ite- bboks land- -T?»1vu. çeyauIàs»tdic hspdut â ~b2d by hew nE*uld ta beôh nig r wt broad.r irpu.. cf glvng inrncb non rne b»to u dy i 16MOry, à0vtlng &a ulële rto thai Ope- wd*thepuerai trMleu could hardly -çvl wm la couldez-i the spe"l ld for lu- iny la ilbut oertealuof iq.lucaat i h muai'~ made uret yiisu, moe are otiier gté the e p bS *là la itiug thecouilug for tldteslu t.Ii ution. la former yearu cy a.dou ducationu a aJte to be prosti- bmd,Geraany. That o f coune aveto te4 Whm. it, buaM notg# u4bM dlpomed, f. ofme fhé, usccul 9ethae - wlylie ëfOr. ii cuthie née lew yas-ok CilimI sou ,the a"t ounI Colun cim 'Lowdsn ot.rinoç ASsItIon lu* wi « tivo from biao P.elu. 24, 1918) w 0 l c~g Iàý o f de. ruila over,! TdMO.itw rhbsy are vwon a outryviii ded * III Lhbui'tvvlflêI r"s mes aums OBT ý; $1111. aiMd the Il m~obtiI would abim i m I tlrè ualpy. E fosS iqOIIlus M IN LWNNAVANO STÀTIN ON THu *ITOR13 laisr the boudins %au: 1gh opta- Jeu of Mr. PMs." the Cm~ ag 70. urtmia th. coanntaston belov frouJohn lM. tune li 'whichom a gresoma 1 Géeorge . rom «, le ocm. usuiel for bIC vok>-in brinslng 'Gret, Lskesetatl o thti.north shore: a *Oum sto me liat Wulte .boxel au. agipbtuntty ta e7~4 9004 publie servie ve smiaoUdo o a.nd tisse. fore 1 hope ihat Repubummainlui11. akols vil @ho uhofr éeistor 0 lecegeaE.mPs fm# 116 esmsuUke fSobtt whemu e t ml iin o poetm me iiggw bae i.perdotel for yem iffule àlm soid l as eun*ag suolssf n U.PON Obrx<a the 0rent lIes * rnt= .the. omt- estei atscâKBU9" , nov hw en An training samea bttI for car msvy an uid meroisnt mmilu. me la. dIsprevel thé old ies, fot M, Amietma unt maines we lad voue Daoraotd fa seamen- dibp. Ao thé pc* tiith e Atlantie OoÈMt lDomt diMel. my w am lnu it Une if vai aserafy tbougît rtdio ms ta emee f iln . the. mileî obtes. Nevr&blees uosa va lto Mmd itseoo.tu*utim ts theii Optmt etUmgle la of itseflut aider. H. la bu hid e yÏre erpeutene de Congre. and Iho la neitter a trimer nor teho .a ielidoooe. IH4 bu ene eteadllymia"11wfh a far- aetazvion sud floe lana acý flor speech o!f bis, sfem ta ug prep- amti10.for fIla vr OIntauppartlng tflt of io ! ur country, tiiet needa @~ ogyor expanatioti. -Hob.ha$a- uMnsbeauen Ial et..rater flan b.- *bd, the adulnhida n l poos mng meuo-emasmes rslèmety of the, Ugon the grouat et eeileut ser- Vice. Ila<Mo le iouli le promntel te te. Unhetd Stalag u, «Me. RIGHSCHOOL NOI.E Rtab! Raht! k7-L. T. H. S.--ýRah' ! Ra lb! FLR i<C NlI)u5IE3. Editor Aà tat asmple of! viat isof t i pkIem ts b. Natl au. to be'll vaY b. am la D~@ w'svlud<>v. Nodtc1 «wm vois. "A4t aIér laupi." Ouri pietutes aMi m*ae lm js pe Tbe peope, avoud-i ovxaraéIspa &IMM th NMW OsêftmmSit a&d o a au to bsp sale evoulu'. bok. Vd$S tM tcol. soiaur WalpMeê Io gotag ta petut IioIgyfI ie. mu, 1 -,fo vii "Mat Io bave joar *ai#à W.1 Bou't foet tbls vin aur si. sofols reebue: Wba au. tiioma ulobt "sii #eetlmg e. bud owl e ? oso catices tb w. y o.p ys "ruolag" M Jugrno: W»y,*SbboglafOu th* to b. grat >Tbe. malbaw ra*me Puobaua: WbueoltocmlagaE eef't Wsp but bu aa i tIliosNM Mc Desh Md sud M . ai WbvI but te. aiLI. re Ose.MeIsIab me,toa, *sdali avi aaboaboy. 'OhI poubavwut ashbow arnyMo- t4 *b.pbavaev lahifi dm, remi dtbéc lunlor., N eil WO, Inyasc't blépat b. IrAi. Ton bkbiasclaim issm aat rib igg 91 ve up a humls. aiàe" VOt ovuto e.wsm isi" ta pwbl ta mua .ps w MM& Mrsa. Uuimbrlnkmît.lioas4 ai.ulws 09 luBvit aDivy = ,m , lsÉ.i a1*t * sop vath, »ai0*i5tliq<1wviii MW Otl Orsiwauql bsa Mi tballt to* olsatJv1.0hcd0a of b il&we= fl la $ka5d ucama aIg. V"'* bu~ out. Un a ex eui is Ihimbb Ur. Unirearini - tal Ev*tom "eOOt kils. -Resmmdu*s m i -Thsibrubbsry âtodss& ami 0Tbe sn pimentsls« âtgi taîlbook souimsivsrp Clos* sata vljptbebl beot"saup. 0Abii mkch on beelg M!aq budhsooàts.htm =#A vhD t5e bt cimdci d.d *0DKbW.tob YS IT IS lU. ADVIS~D -. ~ lias glewi~f Ils va? sues ~sr4Su .11*1* Iseloti p Su Ukâsea urnCb.bout Ouqet ~ wbw.~uugpsa. At Wl! 1. te sitar aeu27lliWol voues -sMo ~f0 Use losaltir ami ta 'dotes' * uhat gb~y'r~ dore fus, ami. p15. a~i~M~d.1 l!, -~ bo~~ Nie botw #cÊ ?buu~y. b l~tmràsthg ami 'lSso ~esL Tic bwillelon ~hais. Sot 15f motimi, ~s'irng hieS d5l5~ui * ~oels qiuSNme b b. ~aet .~ Serre am, due mm~ *1higiU 45 ~ sot for tisa. ,Uwets ulat dis Autorise. .a~o about Att AMUOW CusO»Mem O0V Y119. t* TO &fIUV CAMCt nie au 'lmn usêsmaswî y. M. C. A.. lmIeLKor0<C..sud- the au, omubaww la ths calumai. ëd Mm who mre Iboring te kme One "MIers éiafte siin las yWbobeom. en vlremmt, ta proffde seoeestion for tIsse W kte rtbm tonst iIthe buestmeant,.afthei .Mmminla bv11k,»dmihblaits. 1~Tm qe*"Mbla foe 1isuan -te rov. tOas of «p recreation. ta OMa door ueavista uoldteusand & eMu M f arkNuooa" loers, ofah. oes. Thséo1a of the hmes of the 6-big s"adloy ,ulouil laiesi le dearasa tthe$1. jes aMdthe mn in taother branche. of thcesrvice. aMi tiers are, nons toc, Igh ta do boorai t (us.Whia the ii.unifomn and bave pbeige el sr mll for tIroir country. But here sud there the aversaiaus qay Overut.p. Anzlety to zaloua suai xrotect may devolara to the palat wbore t hbecomes a aulsacos. Be amuie am aaa mm bm atRlaces mot marihlm a a moral avapect. the reverse, la 0515. The. tact tIat he, la a eIller or malles »prima facto evidence fiant be la of aôuud body' and tiaod morale, apd comosun aveu hie morale aboegi luhere lanaDo enmin for .uch activi- lune. Tact .dlplamacy Md. in particnlar. gol coabton nenni ehonld gavern thune. Who bave looeme.l hem- selves î thet .cans of the soldiers r ew the sallors. Ther. bus been no î sngle criticismn.malfers vs eau reel!.wlth rsfernemmtua. the vare of the Y. M. C. A. or the, K of C.. but lter. la orttolm ,ofboilles mat as wull organisait or s e s!direoted. W mlnion u ninstance to the. point: A comaules tor vomea. mccordlng t au snancuOnoeguent, in the.Greâte lAIes buafettn, Proosseto cotabls a moral censoabtlp gUlardabout the. ceains-4o ment tnoomtng trains*ald quiertoio m igftWot ' wtba viev or gking certain that no on. et tIi.ou.aied 'ZrouBrigade rue t11mb axulmont Sos aopporfility to, optawaiuath le Morale of qwi yooug Iate. The Jacileare IDOUE 'mgt; tlie deuaunce nny muéh mute, sa" veR tbey mngY. SuaI a plan la a reetian oM te 0&1101% Md itise q9»910aw«agOf<om- ou VIaOa nM ta their mtecdmuta umui@ li au mnissait tea abs vous balok c e eallgors ma" 0ta the sweeligee t i. Ils.' Ta"a laou en iiW4W*&oma Ide&, ifetvue *mà> le Iot olit **Y r la tti « gavote.. N 004 e use t 1 MUSÉta iy<o uat meeo mu '<o m coberum uti insWk ies la asoccasion ié *nél atIvA boflelafe Mrwdroweàpat orthte M 'ie, amdi t àUeiu ame flf4em@Ututed Erg i.." irmlni itasif. Th a. a, tise. ,Wou-m«nt but mteg"zled vom miauOldlunies iar an lt uéevee *boy&L TST AÀMEMM' ,ulsbted for dthé btist job Aiosceîmoumm ave eer uadtutakea. ,-PeMttio *nis o M&il Sr tahsa mad se itl lau 3M ltieatugtlan la paltely Mode br 'velialormed -Persans ut thé osa tdat *thi' uouli begin vouta lui heur omv- coI. in ere iqeutefgives SMd lu".Orec uid tae, eWst rthse de haudaug et the. >soTie Thnble 10e0- tt k cs effe hul- , *i JWb 0"IWhUEOXW. iG. £4SWWJg iQR SALE--w>mlt.Wadotte baby Oi*.'Mm Xm aleo. in.. or viçl B D d 0-1Doula 2, Vauhagea. I àE oea. ~ aA.. ~L. - I IIu~h~ Av.Q Mus. Oubos.. 1.4 ~~min,* m que, tébO"uàWo L0 -Swssss ea t» du =emm~ 4e q ih*os Allume "W. T." Vs ilyloa.Wa FOR *AU.-& bsug obblirs.L a. WNU sOui, fetru", Kriw k VÉeht lu7, Flaam , b .bhosvc;Iv akur. Ai. U8P. 0 OXoi1.1,Lib$OFdli i-9 fl M. w ew,. M- . -.- tu «»DOUrastNag *1.oo for 15.1 Pqety Lu ats. .L D-rir. FOiRSALE.-Yourt.ytdort swtvt situa; seghla higodirumalng ouil. a"n; *$.00. Also a movl.g pista maihlui reêla.m W oaib; al u dy for ams 500. Wm. B. Nswtom, [agis y ui To iON. . eUil e tu- boul ~ * v cas is ~iallse Llb UTyvil. IU~. FOR RENT-UN sure Dam vttb owd dau bou d bêta. 2 m9ms r W&»of Dsslsl. Additus. lm. rs Dwt, 466 Gissos Rod, Cilocs, lu. 11.4 Soeti.oewdl tisAapp'owod!miy Ou d 6r< theIi. o re tiidmlii. d blgwy t. pesuoml se...,And au uault thesucceseo thi. Inividual moulu the . suof 1'* eNation. 11». Natio "-dy wante Vwbtoq. Iii.individ. mi hm e aI hm»ascabu h.lp besIby W- à ing amil- lion ounalh victSeksover waste and ezbavagac.. JMa tdi . owd 1 "Tik. the. unR phdg.I Raîs. the.W. S.& &Ig wd k.ep iflyng. Pu your quarter. pud your doMm b.LIny~ur»m ansd htimbsuds d bWothmr. ..rthi e ms*d l ano..m JOIN rTEimC il Be fl a War Lt d uercls Ialà thst aIMeMu% 1111NIIIX 11 cir ta ssu il.Nov*l& regardl .= #T o sook-e re tvIl!aiMa IL4E 1 leoilms'a t vear mWt*" '0 515 A ve il er deegi fer.KM15mvWviaSbetovu oolectcr < m o m"nba MUoe~ a: 5wlatmssuelitAm. Sli 1 ie - coUi . , 1 1 1im'il bot OuHa i 'I >Ifwd " m'DIY et u eumi Lelime Kite#amePauee . ftQ» ais> b.betue~ ye$ Her fDté Lt sutheImar l un JA' ua OO eMbM " X# U CYall»'C heQO Jie. aD,, ysm>oUoen, Febrmy lIving realdet a MSae OMO#t, bau 12th lait, snd via ùlUmr ytIha. gl e 10~ IlulPark aver -a a kfte@rcnjaiterslu théc odabrate a "mutUry. SeBh a le maibat- sacb yetr 'afpygt f p. optees ti &Nd fouoa cieowys çmý blrtbday, uehc'a.arkar et0the var sbrcaui. te*u ,p led aIit athe Aiertii tomet er o! *». ock? Daolmy s vinoimu rF todle lu dng tu AIe- var,'Mark. , reoident of llIhlPte Mi- n *Itainb«Chome' abs lu laD@fy - _ , M" ______ sppWolg herasift le tail or kuitb le tltsca fate c&rbYa ui MUEMS lPI5UVe. 40 dse ulta 1>1s lrvmhi volen bu a*oho. bbool ami . gt ài P&IM t . ii 0 U'éeco g a.idr oé.g il , 1 non Whh. omèý- 1, IL .11

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