CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Apr 1918, p. 6

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SSchanch Block, --------- Wu "é Dow r odtuoSSlfBlirtoof Plorshelm's Drus Shoeu, Enulith luit sud battoiL Endioott-Johnhon sdU»zeW@ WOrkShU StusoCU&dWL'shi *tt ési * Ooooe's o"m rtoh1nIon skits; au dtase Boye 7 to umo utato le ye&wi. KstthBrai.' Spwtng Bats sud cap&. fW t" modura er 5.<. cf l. iu~ais E. . PRKHURST Ubertyr' W.. lU. JANESV ILLE ENGINE GANG Fana Muchimery le teint te b. bard to get. This we are sure of. The price la golq to be NOg. contpared wth other geais. Yom. wtI haye ta boy a certain amomat.1of. ied go.. sboMW order what go..wi n eed.enad the repaire go" wlflréqî.wre fer aid m"@«me. rARLY, or gotiwilI net le able <o qget tIc We have bouglit eniough tools for our trade, if we ge l al of themn. That ia gojng to be the 9tice-IF we get ail of themn Come in and talk ig over. .'SCHANCK HARDWARE CO, CHIASE & S 1AN 13RN 'S- ECO FFEEE If TES Codus.fur the miot tries I.Th- a the i.5oanwhyIit Wade lu mie. Try li. 1 ive tto ouiii Say poclethool; prlced M »r. 25w, 30c. 33c 3&e and 40<e p ensé SpECLL Thiotigh a special arrangement wth <'ba.e Sanhora ________1I un able 10uoMil yai oneof ther ALUIMINI11 COFFE PE1LOLATOB8, poatîvelY et <at .. .....1.. ... .. .. ..... $125 Es EH.CORLETT p MEAISAND OROCERIES aIPairG off LK d W e tt*==nMy to do wweoàt ,b«r0dvm, a ofs ubowBots 3Sxdl "-Ibo have the Ianda =mot wcood ýýj £ c *t t2i doofi - 1 ng a procuýr-, Kyou kuo0Iau Item of Iffl bpppgoee z......s. W. W. carrali "Mt Tuaaday ln Cbl* . mi"eEey utn pm ody Leu eForest. Mmn.Dusi L"e M rluiM97i tise puai vil. aioyWaaugb vasa vacat 107 CamberlînW"aeun Ivauho. visitér on Sund*y.-i Smns ite "uulWIof Po"-d nby -uveng tu 7Uhur bondL- MMud is. IL.IL.liessian peniOgou day vius neatlvep ai MllbWun* J. . FuMer u»d feuIl 09 Vuacoda opsai Sftodsy ats le se bou abai'y ai.bu o m "sumlng. avoey Waw luvinga dmp laa. stop Sorvuad owa'd thae BU" Wiam W.d, 0ciDNulduud. ilPem tug tm e voivtb olSwrolauvo. Mm is.Cm MWEel <t tlimo, sout ibe wooli.ou itis ouA udutve. Sou. emunt bo u lbci bonds, but Mris. LesBuom MM oMdisa. of V0l0 ba&e bofl tlsttlng*4i «ho red 0,01er bout. Mms.L. Z. Peotio «d -an Vied, a1 Chlc.ulo. opet ktay v£l & iMu,. hon. Laiteverrone de more sanlia -bit.It labos twaMbIt e buy evec a a ibsif SfU Wrcht returned Ssaieuay oven- bagfrom ullveseentita'vlsilaailaDio, go lte 11,11 lu apporting the boys *.lever titere." Lierty boucdo.sflord use seounsfor jour dolin s o. Mhaeoo"aend Lm"iaaLanti, of chii cago, spent Rester eItiha Otarle. Gag. fldri tome. Yonm boy ie offriuî bis fe for won. Shlow hi. pjour appredladea. Lcnd te Uncle Oaa lyiavoating là Lierty bonde, Wordbhm âmes recelvei foom Hovard Morris ltas ise v als ove CampGrat for Houstoa, Tszue, tiisis..s Thé Commiercial club mo léet nlght te tiscues. matera prtainalgto It. cota- Ing Liberty Lon drive..1 MuinE «~Of #0 Prt Shprdan, speut Sund*. .vth lm"al filsdà B41la thogre.l So»ous o5tsitnov- bal Wawfaviffl oià*S5 mieRoua M, inrof* 90<% a, apeut 8 aiy t ber b~arLb rr" y ville. C Fred Jachitein aadjre rder'l,,n... spuing aiedajais V Wayne, lad. Nov tisit to elus bav e boacet lor- w I cai-Fbuthonsematafsavilip ste&orle9r ihen yo d to. Heoryy clfa, vSwe bbas attoned i Camp rai vi as militransferred to Camp Upoa, LoegIad, N -Y. mms.F."B.. Uiajk W-artmton, fil., épet a fev dardleiW Week weuh ber seotber, 14..C.M. IL en sd famlly. C»6 ttî goad upos Utawaters of Uts tiId Liberty loua, hi t ibal eom ta ample dlvldmds 0of tea00uMd peauY. euiry Oiiansd dgugbt-r, Lorrofta oSd 1000, SOIS. Wjns, lad, are 'lait. aubth boue 0of-Mr. Diro ineMter, Ur@. Fred JScbela.. Dest foast the Ogevreita, API« 4th, nta S .ock t thblghs"loe, l. tgest it of lth e aseiSoMething extra- ordhvfu. Adndeeiooms ma, 36 cents; r.arvd sats.-OcO MM. Oosaty ClSk 1ev fende. bas re.I Immol . anmbr of metal doe* taua wch itii aeta»Ibused amnt thec assessora 91 eounty. Evw - In AIte s OUW vb. owus a dog Wei bure ta pa. a ex ,Those vito lire ln Wakeu wmbe to psy ai double ta& as ib" e a àIty dog lAu There viii ho sau o'pusmeting of tho Parent.Taucber hu«sIailn st the bigh mciooi on Frdop evouîng, April Mi.ab -8 o'clock. Jesse mnils, ouperintendent of tho Bklghiaad'Il s*eboois, wifl give ma etenooptlion 4«"m -ieon 'Birds undt Flovets." INa ecre ehouid -'hofa -speoc Intercet tu our people, as lb. pletures vefto isho la Laie couatr, manyailtusse ar Lbsrty ville. NMai viii Ae luronsbd by ba igh echool osý Ichbatra. Mofiuers mnd fathers areuse ohow au liereet, lýoreby ecotai lug tho cldmuen lathar atnre audy àlie.B. W. Itolet lobtodsy ln,.Ubidren uer sen must De accoepuuui Rlochelle, wvise aao viii vieilM ~dais by t iparonts. s th ev. W. L. Wbipple willis ieioidt, or Koeus City, hm Âuc àerq:e iseen spondia a fec de". vlthret, cd frendobler.&yi. l"t 10 ~da* I MotIidist-Eiosc0peI. L,. T. M. 8. end Gure«. Firet resias trcne Sndt scbl osealo ut came eflhe eàson. -De siot-uniss iis; la o'cdî: rning rehol Sd t i guiùrdal afternoan. Mo'loc. Evesn gpreiiug s I la 1fr snd Mme Art Bebu, end Dam, 8.aocl vhowbn .Ev. leoun viilpfeacb a Me and Emba 'Dmyer mtid tOlo Camp asenia upon the iubjýet: ,Th@o ConvIe. Grant Snap ta @pend tise day suiticMm of Crisas lunUnited SitauCou- PriSute Andree hbatzner, mmenng tiisWarld Wa." Thate vili ho Te W. C. T. 1C. viilbet wculMs. pelal and approprlate macle ,y lte CoMpina osCoot Ave., on Tueskay alte. choir spd asolo >by Mr@. Iagruh4m. noou, A pili 9. A god progrim a b elng "SjgndrstandIng and Dolstg Chritsa prepured -anti a large atiendaue la Wilï' vil ho te cabject of thoe pverth dedind. l'gagne Meeting nexi Sund"ysvsnlng PoetmusderAlismlan epou t t th ia%7*0. G*lenn Fryevilii lead. lave marcis sue ai Wutfluvîngs itampe vra czrdialiy luviieti. flbl b 02.84940. Tho lest wviola uMabTchTie Junior LeaLuere ii sodwh sale asounfsd t075.17. theomsiery. meeting. sncb Suadav ai terci oouat 4 captà bing 12.68. O'Clack ut the cburth. Tb@ Epeortit LeAguere vliiissvvca apleadid aeippr-u. va meiu-lu te oymnasium :0< tho M.-E. iuiurcison Thoaday bvsalngotai bi vio, Aptil 4ý. fra. 5 te 7M.Oo'clocli. à good social dînma aio. or. snd Uri. F. H. Maille, Mr. saud Urs. B. B. Comtan. Dr. med lire E. Il, g.1hnt udt. 0.8B. Etz motored ta Kauoetu n uter .Bunday. On the rre itp the Party stoppei la Waube gS for dinner. A ad number young ladlee frontbamve uittendod a houit strtalunn o-slIe moldiore and esilore along lI soti $%sone,gives at'i 1*1.blff, ury 'avagIs. - ,thoni von:' M Lelgbton. Alvereta Light.body, Selr ablie, Mtte Llgttbody, BReaWSé more, Ehisaotit Ham ad Atnes i.h body. Pootsuater Alletuan bas recved *te relgnatiana of Charlesproco, uMd 'Burveî Mass, auhojtute enre ltulise "« - cs.Mr. P"0r a inps U aiC.: IBnotclUNc ba C omi toiu iaP acresain gxaamtion for suhtitute els vli bobard ettbe postoill" 09 Aptii m27, e- eordiago 0au anuuse i plàisd eloabçre ia titie o. 'TIc ladisi of tisaLaisasd om(mtory imciatiaa Mt on ridq iliaroon viblirMn. Lio Ntocle M deed *àat ovlng te ia base Ospdct of lW)iorý. tis uetpnns0f .vntfoi tIc lob is ii joizmmae aoo"Iler us"d y osuhice uaaliots, aMd tlv, bOUuftoplag euesc. Psi for meffoalI4"guw hausé te'i.Mb imâ lm "à"& gsa Frho cuservice wmli bo e Wdut the Preebyterlan chumch o un ndai. Suad& oebooj sM 10 'ciocl; unûniags Ukvies Il alol. L EveilngarvicestT:80.Bpocis muslc i io chtaist bot erVise. Tise Prebyturlan choir ftearcsi vîli ho 5514 on Bsaturdoy evaaing 12 tise ebaut a 8 o'clacl, under tba direction of mn. Paul Barman. Tise senior asddlè uitofanaith Prebyterlau Sunday scitoill gl 4ve a eoclal for the meuniers a09bis0 home depanlmat Md the Parenté 0at**chu4 ,rauon 15e crudi ol, OnBtxi uliar eviotwg An -intemestitbg prou"ase ili bs Kivu Md âïal lbheParante$a6" Ù§0048 an ugeitotauttendi. à VERY WISEIA Tliere omeswucaaman villg qutar, Who mid. '1*I'vo a vemy yatpdauiltr 'Il'il buy tei todsy '«A ibvifi staaip and Pr« "It *1l Mulre her grov UP ase oughter.' NEW RATINGS FIXED IN -A PROPOSED LAW A bill bas been lntroduced bita Çaagress ta establisi thte <olloicasn nov rngis Ia thte NaVY, Sesian brancit: ChIet torpedo- mni, 860 actng appoistiet L"d 870 pemanent apointmnt; torpedomiti, turt clam. $40:- tanpdAt4 n econd clasa. 1$85». lorpedoman11 0<cds, 130; oi chlefalsman. $50 *tg»sud $10 permaaceu; slgnlman m& CIR10 4414,siiaalili. a br" hre:- Chiot radloman, i14 VIL L.PMACHI A NOVEL SERMN Nezi Sund" oseànu, at lthe iM. 9. àurcb, tise 1ev. T. M Resta ell preacit bu the subjet, *"Tise'Conviction o9 irbotianPoopleýConcrning TitIs World #or.,' lb vhleh ho wcliienls ana ver the lsion, "Why do;e lb. Kaiser 011 lammy onut el bt"ff ou-aften m*t )enly vitS Deliji" Why dace hop- »M t bv haa *mqaopoly ai ail lthe dl. se payser of te uIvers?.? oLnts1curmnfthe Rey. Resabviii ont- lm soo th1e ambitions on the Pari Il the va r 0de af Ibe central paoies, lbub Imiue nmofaithse methode by wbhiclibn lof < teccumon people of Uam nouérise are atucly doosved. Tisab £ev, est »sY». '*W.are nov oreacegit looni u 1h10avliwar of owuaifr'to cmuril sec tte 'crMat. Id euvionc'of the Chriatisu people ofc *United iaiasud Utisa llled coffltlsa chlchgivea thoin power ta, emy their cans ta ihegoal0ofaccees." Wb*, evealng service vii %bgin ut 8 é.ceocli, ew Uoe. Thore wli h e clal "d ippropréule music hy lthe choir sud ira. lngrabu. witt sng a soio. Tht public la covdlally lnvited. Atttorney for Leonard 0. Brown tMi Mornmig Made a Mo- t ion or-a New Tial WILL. ARGUE IT- SATURDAY Jury Said tii Have Agreed o0 Guit. Deliberate Over the Punlshment 'SaOnard 13. Brown. colorei. tmus seve 14 yena sln thte state Peel dacy foI tte nrder ar Moss Dorolt> Steart,.&ac a olored. Titis vas th verdict retarned by te uicymmv du, nIgitt atter a, Eelibcmatioa lnsting oie tirree bours. Broya cas. preect Il court ctea thse verdict dia rtMd. ii am~rently italiexpected sn acquitte for the verdict seetadd to siurprit hisa. ¶3od 4yeara 'ycars la s ionl tine," h. muid ta a ballut. Attorney W. JA. Deane, covunsel fo îBrowa, made a motion for a nêv tria la court itis morning. fitla believei titis motion vii be nmgued next Sal urday. As nearly as -mn 'be iearned' ther, vas lIttle doubt Iunlte minds ofth Jury vith regard to Brown's guilI It vue thte fixing o! the punishmn vhich bothered thetu. Appareutt eome members af the Jury vere iL tavor o! a mucit more severe penait] 1"Fonr11tcen years Ilaflot onougit 1one or two of the jirors dore beir la elle other memnbers of lte jury. The evidence showed that Brou bil goule tn Miss Stevsrt's room 1 the old Sherman house, revolver 1 band. M-e a.dmitted prevlousiy the he braite dovn the. doar. Fintedid nc taire the stand viten thc case wu !ried snd Ibis iprevented tite'bringln tu of!imviii LeBtmouy that ,wouf ,have been detrimental to bis Inte csta.1 It la soidt!htat Brown insiste tmpe rbeinigiÉven a nov trial. Ttc maj< Ity of court attaches express Il opinion that ho vould be mach visq ta lot ccii enaugh oloaiansd begl the serviag ocf bis sentence. 8 Want, Feri, eie. m l6aon<ha Il aDEINDENT sreiISU Parlos LuM ERNI3ST WIS PLEADS ~ULY SEEKS À PAROLE Admits Havlng Stolen Clothing from Doolittie and Wtiyte. Clothing Store IS TO ENTER «THE ARMY Edward RIchier, His Partner, to FiehtCas. .States Atty. opposes Proation Waukegan. AprIl 2. Ernest Weîss, vWho vwt%,Idvsrd Richtter, vas fluicted hy -lte Lake county grand jury on a charge of ha# litg miaen fro.nttibaBoomwtle-ud Wbt tre lu Wsukega.a. spprcd la cicIourt -titis moralng and titrough big connsel, Attoilici J. A. Miller eatemedd spies of "1ity." Attéïrney'Miller agnerted titat- dur, JIaý the course of the day ite would preeent a petition asklug that thc de. fendant be admltted ta parole. X@e polnted out tht It vas UtheIrEt Of- tense for bisucleat, tht bho has good position in Chcago, and that hc socm la ta ha lnducted Into miltai service. livard iohtsw bas iglU tontîon or standing on bis PIOS<et gufty" - Me trial la due to aq8 morrov. i ieaad Illte lted t8atc's Attorney Wol Idi 5 rude a pies that te uic ia fater ho paroied à10 that retura to them. On th15 Pot pracecutor was firm. "lIt Io regrettable that lie b rled snd buas clhren" ha e If that vere te ho Madle YOdI bis parole it vould ha equa c for many men Who commit Uf~ *shall do my bcd t toaem tba h.4 vlcted. On the ether ban 1 U' pose Mont ,treatatuy a parole Weiss. If It shoild appM5 he ta paroicd 1 shah roconutoul t Richter siso be psrola-d fi they are entilid to»»0 ment. Iesal asic that Wci* ha h tenced on bis pics afi uilty' 1 consent ta no other ourse." ;. Nir. snd Mr, TAwréi<iê ¶Vies Vil aecui, the residèee o f %r. and MW ven Wugmen ueAliug ln La" c wc 1titis summet', Mrs. Vile" la the ha0 1maof the commttee ln charge4 the hosteus'house at the <Greatt a training station sud when shab* u thitlty %pends evevy We5 1there. Theite ven vbo av* è -lu tiibouse are dbIng suad nms fidays etuln AI rheoy Winisono, buda83 . r 'i boumo FliINMLAKI OJ?-*Im I~ M:eyto Loanl On Improved Lake County Farm&* If you lntend to buy. to, Imp rove or to âtock ijp C' orm and nesd money, or If yoy hove I ans falllng duq whicli you muet rofincmt. do flot foui to seure our terme on FUrst Mortgage Faim Loons. W. also supply mortagoge Iooinlto investors. fil la the name of my new catalog. Write, phone or oeil for a copy. HiEitE ARE TWO OF ITS MANY CLUDI Delineator ............S 1.50 Eviryliody'e........... 1.50 BOTSH1FOR 02.00 Current Opnion ........$8,00 Review of 1Ueviews ..... $8.00 BOTH FOit 55.00 MRS. A. TODD, JR ladependent Office With April, cornes House-cicunnin andi uatuirally, new. Curtarn& 'We are, better. dian eeprepareci t6 t&ei mmreof ym rneeds inithis ineê. Curtain Nets in white mnd<"r, all late designsm. in1~75 hancIs6re and durale weave, priod per yardO -to 75ç -Voiles, Marquasetes and Madras, plain weaves andel thas with patterne or bordera; a large a -' 5 ,3 ca d O mient, priced at .........O Over-drapý material, in al! the desirable ahades; yard-wide gooda, per yard.0. 96c <~ # ~ C U R TA1N R0.bS W w.CA RO SOM 7 7 milk- e0oame à 1 1

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