CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Apr 1918, p. 7

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F VWIV" syN" SCOR'US A l tWilliam W. (ilfly) Wmltars. a chicS ptty officer'*at tua naval sam tuLL ion, and former profemaonal boxer, * wdy flaia pottio, Utcircuit for bmoaa cr dlrccthe ucanme ~ At aalnstibu viSa, Jueephifte Waltrm. lrUfl V«to Lt Uicpetilion ho iemnii gthat abe 'IM 1118*OrshogW caume to the court why site 19 rainintLiir tvo blhdren, Wil- MUER lard. agei 4 - yanr, mmd Joan, agei WEREDIN WATER r17imontsb. eclie is tb ey liv- - ci for &ea la$ 19 POWellavenue Plokd -u ~re f C r M. WillSr',a tuer. 'Mn. btm Èckb Suday by -C. P., berg rendu«t& a bcirdlng boute. Wal- !ay of lenoï-Avenue tarr& &Yaiea wtt tqo ber two chu- dreis .avay froua home pm Marca 9, 'p*gan. Mach 80. 1918029amiIRamtc wcyl.daL l 1egas bai aa lboub". myartcry aMIe cOYc .At the boerdlng boude ltlm tvo urs today. Tban cfberiOiar & large lut Of tite fourni by~ tic police tbth ti e . AM OlargavIl lamOt & propor w" mcrciy one of th i e place for thec bitan to bWkeit h- ela trom a pociet flamitlght 0daiuBOOSf iceiUmber Of meanliving F. 1the».. Ticesut v»s ili by Attor- batery la %bout tire Ince mai r-V.,O0"18, andii bai a copper conjtc =Ubmig uX about a qurter One erm nd. To -tei ga liEKru CS la suggee the icpoaaillly TW SmgMt e a Ipercussion cap11 : tfry *» dftmeaiout vwhScI lad la ie dntibeing atai- as acon ai mîgit bave bacs otervile. T I I Il- di108 Lembi avenue, tg mu. vitbo mde thec oacvery. mai ,tic cotrivanca lylsg on mt tar trAtIr at BeiviiOre and iatteeli. Snar about 10:30 Sb icciai cf once tUat IL vas b "d tiat It hai beau placet! vu. theivi i "Inter vu- rb=*n up a ateat ar. ne home vith hlm, bowever, and if A a pail! etvatr - over »Ming a t 10 o'loc ho took Sb* Police station. Iwa't Iol gouditu-me," Au- COffli yrrc gdmli 'Betr tetü a a nspani or vater." wm doue. la thei neauliiac tee tefloahcud te fie beai of. «i tic taptopm t\Rigbvooi, tbem of te ilaovye Mi %naraith* i«m. vould Wulmm"woey tc, bagis au B«pamt Pamk Tryn mmli @».& sth ut tie iomb, If *'ws8. Ioipi aspefualacay iiodin.dry eL* 1batte?! frO »Ueudi sam deur é.t?7r -Chit Daim c alWons amihobwuvau al- 5~arencaviiibattedus éhYistte the unta*t antele th.e ., e l attryo dral coni Il" eyfa .u fmetii alsthaIcS i t ai*u i ustlar oves Wi! lie tore the dry occli 6ct vu cmmaieto icudié. 41 iabm oemuit » vter odiaut lIti tha acrav àm fi e çlqumlom mW4avrl mnbpracftich pje gUcdeparlee n ofai c-iiet Olsmiamocer i. Z 7 e ra Liai tavu et v alew deru tane ill cmit tiihé pcinl of Ae s Omo cffi.eoher batity ne Uiuterybai lieca cleanci olm IL. Vue anso forn âà"êve lmcfatic the- fomýob le rflvl age .i itule.triim @ ccerilret a .In fonbdica ta aPeai Cr V the tieplionç. ïs àemkdg ,the, ecmafalta Wmxaby datgcithe Germas I'uvii'WO-Amrleaulem mcmaega"i at thc cremy Okai." ouot mmto couver W m bt&taiitheflcUnitai P. W. Oliarciu, Sea TELEPIl9 fflyTmr 'rLTME -. pitl 1 Two Firemen and One Police loo to Navàl Station-to Be- gin Their Training Tiremore etnpioyem of Uic W4u. icga fn IremdipolicS iptmcnaD> haveo oinai Uic colora and am a te- cuit ft vili W eefflary tacsll a cl ervice czamnaiion ta get -mom 10 U beI ièplce.. ?vo mucmbra oS, lhe lire dcpartment already - are the service, maklng a ttaliof five fmonth lie anamipolice iegartmcmts. Thc latent recruits are4 BUtL IICRI, sonocf Policeman Oconra *iic. a Mi umef a a ter. cyclepoi-emsan on lI L ocal force. gam th lia naval satilon tomortov te fin lit mtorcéle aquairon. -Hec le a rider cf nmy rears empeîlei-c.. WILIeAII-WOlTFL fircun amtIre Cetral Ial*alon, v ethei.naval alaten tiy -Ye.shaoeterai fie lot fiam tram eb central c"a liga. ami vb6ave been tralulSg et ORAT IGrantPà Tb* lm « Mm -il vé,mes bas criolli e 0% cpatm*Mstc auavat and Il lutarci t e t mmnhoetie lieïrut»» At thc«Alient possible Momaent. Liiely sgglioamb -for ti Qpoitions vIII le put te vo t a 1ce belng permtlat i0a'e tl icvil mr vice- emamtioms <hea ticy r A At Liait 1bW Bakers n Sevorw GoesMyB CLARK GËIS AFFIDAVITS T 0 dOver te arrest amai aNleaihia conitcu oni charges of -hefÙp rioatai the.jut- ingi of the lmtaOtatohfl ooiad- mînltstation. maec@Im 40a claIe- ment gien out 104Vy by Fond A&. mnlatration John S. Clark follovlmg hlm coaference Çaturday vIii G.. N.11 iScineman, beai of- the bakeit depart- ment cf tho États tond adiminstra- tion. Elloing arc tic Ivo conditions that cit bersa vIlci ere laid be- fore Mr. Henomna by Mr. Clar<:. lst-Bakies and groccrie In Waukdgmm and North Chilcago are vio- lating the. rula about mot ellng four wuttout ,uhctituica., 2 d-Several gtooer 'stores In tha tvo- ciLi arc faUllag to abie by the food achedulo fxcd hy te local food administration. "Therq arm at leit tifrme bakera la Waukogan uni North Chicago viho have beeu cchhng ASour 10 private lp- dividusa ami have icoi requIrci Uiem to purebaie tout -ibttttea," Mr.- Clark m"I. "Llkcwlac lere are a i>àmner et grocom Who are folovtn the sune radee. We bave corne acrosi several grocera vWho have been clisrglnkg more than the pricesa axai ly thea foo adinistrationa. Wben thc mater bai boom caflle thlm attention they havc atmrtlated. sur prime and sali Uiey 414 ol notice the food acitedule. "tir. Hinaman inormai mc Uiat the lime of ivng vapnlntc las gaaaéi. lic cali liaI brÈci. baino butlsas to oeil flour ami liaI no ose bai a righttuhoe mcl our mthout euh- stftut«et cmkoi me ta qitain af- flivLte froua people Who hava pur- cimaci flour unier tieme conditions .sïWïubàt t ien ta hlm. le-asai au"aime that-'Scierai oO6cera vii coma bore at unie ami place tha of- Omdera under muencit.tklog them back- te Cbicmgo vith ibm. lie. nid liat unlesa theceo offamersecan male. fy thc icpartmemtthat tiece viola- tiens wvi i ot lia reDemîcithat Uthé wàii be put out of husiness ami uar- baPe-be punisbai la anothor manner ai weill «go Uran Smthe violation. of the foodffl3dulela conetrnei Mfr. Reine- mm asa#thtat tth fai Uic thegrocar Iprotesti a edl mot imov vbat Uic Iprie ustainthé- food cbcdule viii Inn* sailles for he la annw.enA t ae In cuac ftt éedoX Olebe qut ibat verse t net fOi the thegaicnu n-'weii# te thé~ et cf xtcsiing Ra: M WuSuda ooMt tathe. precoat t-tes ditl Wo *icJU&.T h rie geau eee' bra e laud tW othar.cto tW N M VeCLOCK AHEAD *»Ugtu rthsahore pave cmr ATST iOS ., %mapetm e ratee navet vgi b., e voiw mu* f 8 amy -t.rthere titan In W&Osedk. saea - it . jocep Ctoli Thi bn uui stiles ommlaaloi, boy yYards. aid lnthte store dova té" 1 ae, b Sie bpower to change Bu& Ithat vers opOn. .jThen, viien Ibat arrivai ot me vice- th.y vere net loft la doulabut. Ctmlttee1488 Meeting. thUicPlama cf the reetor, Pilier M. -F. Th ia 'a ameeting laat mght or Gavin. vho aouncei to Uicm la1 the aommtltce vhlch la lnvctlgatn uiallo masser, ln tactirpctcdIita n o Uiey vouldn't rluaier"atamithatt an& fi-%Ikelffllot-etar- Se OMO pacmte d ado Uietrough ti* eoeis tcthic a2nmt flgtui vM!- tbbygiigly. Maay factabava c"ange hlm and liat hita services c&l boma aocomlatei. 'lheuecarc I. h.o ud ibei uimth e etine es mbe- uetng for*Z..tlatîta, aecrdlag ta* the banda WIWId min* week et 114>11l" t t At icou »s cattt*ee annoumoe It la de- ef hie Ipmffle cailler, ta the wvekt Inmiai i 'mago to tie bottom offie laI be wdnlt, gotg 10ýchange tb* bg i ua sUMcatarfy.'ht wu va mc 01r. uaho meaut jugttor fiat cee Sus. iay but MWeit ater lie ouli cou- fonà ti' fie laide et Ibe,>adim TI$ÂNSIN~CmI.MI ovaver. tIbla feeling <Wi bhangoi vhc* on Buaday ?atber Ga- cmvin #iallcmlly tati that the fer. ~~W eT ItÏA~~lUI vicesa v oul Wbah at theoM bouma TRWIIC ciuroli Sanda>#. were hal acording tthe cf i mctod of time calcuiatlon. PA ramer fl empnnalaiced hawevc'-, Peoples Bank, WaUkýgan,aYd ne w time calculatlen. Frt lational of Lake Fo r- Thereus one place in Waukpgafl -ý jn Clanwberé-Uë edock did mot movu-ahffli WL- fuS Caandmiwore it.taint olng tob cbag-tbat'a at the parbonage and *ccordhg to te publlabed, etate- echo f the Immaumte çlGncep. ment of tic roderai, Rcserve Bank tion on Water and Couty atreets. of C Ollcrn, the Peopiè'm UBank OS MemberaoS the congregatlon tound WakgMsani the PIrst National ot thte tat wh@ thUeY welt to tihe Ba 1f et la)rePorest hoth are 100 varionsa Emmer. servie«. for. lmtead per cent patriotie. Both banke «have of thre servicue begtnning Sc the I ueaoibei thair ful quota of cri't "'cv ime - Uiey began at the ohd fiptea cf imiabtednese for the ThIrd time and' the worahipperm vwere. l.iborty LI>sn, lnreaponse te a Te« obllgei I. vwille away the' adici. et quet front Secrets"y W.G. MeAdoo lbat bour by welting about the eburcit ftitRAml bai atrlbe anc per cent per ________ vei oSfbetr total resores, as a ln an m"vance lpayment for the ttIln Libcrty Loam. Other banka, thre re- Port chowa, have reuponici. but havc Pot core up ta tem ir ole quota ac YeL. Tic Laie ¶Pre»t batik- bac maie thea blggest *ubscrlption ln Laie cerat. Tic foticving figures arc taien frMnthle teçert. mowing Uic amounts 1alcdY aUlc@crtbei 1v couac of Lhc bas: TiraI National, Làie Poret- $761000.1 PeOPIe'g9Ba", WauLcgan-$48,000. Wukafl Natioma-44o. Security Bank, Wnun$50 Fiat Nainal. Wauiesan-$10.. rTe oreglnglg. show liaI bank of .Waulpèsan aircsdy bava ataieclbed 3123,000 tovari tic tiA Ltberty bau. ITY TI3 OD WAR, CUTS USE Many ofdiu ReeIrdIeWhich Have BeotPij*ufarCam f0 U. S. From Q ermany CANNOT-BE OBTAINED 10W Tic wuttu. dt4ttai lpre. or aome, dram so 1gb '_tliaI hey arc an lic ptclbifve lut, Md il a arci liai If Pracant conilqma contInué an. otIar yà comaes«tnbbcmportnt rMediuiects e unobtalable. 'Piere liai been arne spmcuaflonla cruic . druge, <hcir la. nDo douh ~li i aSIexzaalescIhe usinessc tedout ~and th nraloai prices - mouaf. load paai- myv ln thlicmeasatime viii afle b <n w" Wibdtu St adi- À 6TO clam andmidroggbt.-My, lut lhe au, tUicm la çgamns the exitnatlon. davIfttroaPeuple vio bava becit AIl>MlWAT3 grost demanwcrantai ithlic an ca obllgei ta pay nacre ltai lie acbci. ue, 'bacce" eo cIo & lm ilb. umiti th oflto et c'cotrlng gîtéces. DES3W w >K retai uni laies ta Ch1emgo4 vere miicsytice iI oritheva, vhI cMi ~r i~ u~~tiarnea.All rn1ed t Ioo.ff s Aad a"aSpranlalia Mr. Clatti alont, iim aternSe ~ a o4dC ne bc i ~iu aualrr a ouathéti.requrci aftlavits. ne -exporter of nma"*y c-amflci"modemt Winie.a. Maraise. pwamei ta vIil tiUme via have Waiegaa. qqa te th eDayllght mafilcInOa." Sinsfi.hve liasua>p mmr..Jouais Trom. vii. aorW. D. isovioeof SVileone dm OUthc Dmft Ualng- panIilie a "duck tu ester- LIyhM baecs pratoahy eut off, uMl y«= - pemued Wrn Tu-miay nIait pf baieraor péret. Artes - cul ,ýnftwtotaeto émnsi aM letipfIl ef ut 7.30- rwe" etathflacomen.or, tnt tuIg plau e ocu âas thé adiavits iotvloIecPa elol lt o iotIiccbot e are turaci over te e c ata s&'bitai t5t hlcr elocia picaime ose acruffelteOf certaink"-l"a Osejb. inglit, n. A. . Te-ylor oS ?Mtirnlaltrcaa. vhgm Uiy.retirai aguMua,' igit.bWr ate. liaI tic upiait bac, bW. a"d A&istreela. l"ot vas due £0 __________Wbeu thcy aroseelusiay moring ôouac se acarce matry drurgglatc vîl. ereidu bartlymb oset ac it theîr docks ahovai, h é fe nslnef celI One rMm tbcr fesa dom- beau ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tm <taj-teltiimssk.but ln réagi " îî vas an boun an tabletioSOaap9rls, BM Ol r Pbe- AOfeu Oitva.83 peca old um a later. Thie -vio f*lopi UicplAnain te. Thc jbler. are couservng U.vai la Waukegan 14 yar 111tcfotgetlsg il abouthfi act tUalt irs--Il -upplY. -Thc once Of 1%ie deli ou Match 7 oS liar M Y , tus dcjea liai. -eesmovedai is alol ha. aivameci -(rom. 54 centas c iauMii Mia. 'Roy Butta stHrad ut. a s vcni about thi4icudtlem Onn 7 $3.25 a Ipoumo. Phemacetine âme na- m. .anai Mrm. Toumil condIlat wainot aaltl - Pries froua 98 cents eta U 0pcr heoomm a. Ilvertiltg Pqwbie Tiey ate flair 1micala unier te POUtai.Aiguilal4 ICO iOL f ilOnIOf vas donc ta improva lior Coniltimev medule, al aohu&budR cita eliin hit«laccacaedinlmprice luiviucu ag. PIngI nt ha. Bs Cii~ u me aieDow miave yciri (o t32cml taSUcoadaimi butica ot &VL imabania ira. T nE f criing s Îh a d vecleae.b OPiIlaii -voctia357 louve. sme daMat i r&A. . Ta>&Yva L Iaustcha maie"Thre iciu aaiCO.tau111 par.pouni. W. i lor viii viom, aie icl een tarimg omit idifferencafe-Uy mqlioei v" as 1mfauine i mmi a fuirn$8 la.jmmcil for h Ui bt tira evaim. While iUtile biabasai cf labo It. di met gicIist Wta searly saitu $9- Asti-puyS.aise ba s maie& Fuml udhp afiaMenai 1:80 viii enrit e Uiïryeut maie îy %ma, 'Mlarg avanse, sons- froua 88.80 ta Wdedi aIticheA. . ITalor homo, tlic Nceli huea(j«s ompai t fa i nvcbilevgpt aae$16 a Pound. Oleai WI hwut RO.C- <ii oclats.g itiet.tic> le pcrmttaed cbhaoà 5bger tact la fachonteaM ud .90Moday ami PlOuiftiI et 04 àjunpei go,$1M a mcm ai Mibuan. ' rte otug-as Ithte fia t-mia oth employez hoaW' i iciitl Sl abah ont mrmlU«tlcacéilg Wmsie-- begore, oblivlouso« tic tac tit t W theticlaut ccsuni»da lait De yen sa np stalnigt? Sauoil a Sm, St iavelope fiaîà vrY tirmiuii ould bate .sii Wan almostBRanilm Qoitbacl M» t» Wc useci&a srqiy tihe at for aIl kisc, aMi buS alvaciigatlon hma.-becs - «Mg cosun- Impossile fut late' ta gel eat demi -by thc dotora, ln camea dur trotbla.. lol pince -raidla 96Se-rtic arféc, Lii 11dahlia fer fa it ps.îlm Wp 4p The,$" OSce aolc.imlomleton, ap Thal is . hour ~ from al baciacbami d ideru ca me smaratier ioublfni-ln wuv s ila .iifiji i ; nerian lotitta a Produo t cwletrolecS aam ihili troublu.saoanali.auaee a mcê tcmmuy pncik*t rat gamy .effort «ernung ia igiam o IIrcy Irai ItPOeagtu ie sooaiirei suger.- 35c aMi $1.00 ac hcrcati*dbga on lu s lins 'auli Wc mtlt ythiMir ugual _ameut 0 f ramI. - Wo. it 1". eumxctairaUept Avmet tranusuoaobjection. 1Tic churchami- dtaicters let oui Mfmmrare ome *md 09l1a1oit Oi .1i wane. OU 10W. j$ MOIN. -Ti*clu cmpay aevcral mentia at lic ucal tUelma.ccrlmto tie lor*tle. eut oicLb Ut fiaBb»4i nçIE141N rweh 1110- Pmu~ egaeffl M W* (bu-eMie data90lia ock ami tiaee vio ttmeicifOrgot 0911 coinge OW ut av agSerag me- ~~u reci, - 1tW mac o~imon aendaafted»i&taiIn reAjt lelIM ng ou ci.Quiincbacsotie 'p froua 500 ta 100q BujdIBaltl Sureacela ralca,' Point- 1Tuer. la no bail %gf i I tWaukc-gver 0c, vWh 0aca ii . I -- -- - ~ -- tag ont fiat lie ccwauay- va s ongai là lng-fW :é . la. bauyd on ticégOoe viltes, or Uie- 9 ~~ li~te veaie of bmmiutcy. Thes ocu. -X-________ Iitalregions af tIre sih, for 1ie W. 8. Smiîh Vire *od,,. * cpave peuvailginfor as la- A langéeid 'UU5at tOttC t mcq -9 sea flanaast. -retary and Ma.rsgp cledtu 81.15 pert tousautd tc. st*mp rally vas bell t !;sýor liM. 104Ee e te"$,s thliCcompany,' s - Moniay igitl. Tc "c54 iSu -'e gen-ta ncre mela taplie01,. ONE 81 ~ ~ ~ ~ ortthm"ve lits rose la M& em.corps f omwauie ga i ?ya*N ci iiélasavme icelectiops aidalpai learcen Mbnad)n*& u&dý'w1 E & T1UST CO aliai Md fief nali short, of a tiuuap. --t t e é2A00 Par coût. Tiu.torrifle E & T U T C0 MWun keep lia. conlgantout of- lump tp ý.ti prine o_9f c, et,à* f51 TTMIS GUARANTFD e' buptdi'. OW&bcfe e ompgny 'Womaun'c Mcmi la -Larga elWpor'laiitugi, umai comsmoly la tew aieribefore a meetimg oS lhe Botte 01 anci PncIplf ou . Ytac5cr W .phtr c rm" iieori w ro -*rsxunlcIlcîjw amonts. auuai.aosi éi-cle oui- *tp.4 fou. ieta fi&. s,éela1 - _m~Iffedgram nt ptscta,. 6e Ui'stc tai ottIis 4MICvi f~#ô 4~ sac cie te r-huti l c<g~uulm aa tcÎfts havadm ee,""en lbIut lu Nu haM. ifmva ite fat slemmo*f Mo *eoveVr. c4mp& *,uutw nale afecte cf 2tbié ai- ctie m uesa uy cim îar occamr engba ta hac gour ta pio mutIt-ic **ot home ta thcrdlnar mas prcly doneiy kov <h« em ePaya dos- bic or trcite fOr t*c Madielea .1 U i Var «n4«neaIl i n ot lacs b mmd th" the Amendcau People era W4ln glvaui tao mapr drugafor tigir 11. lth oeraa, f ncoenty May iccoe commo. Filel ¶DÇrSMd lm MARdI TO THE STATION, motber draft ofsturdy Yonng men to figit for thec anmetoSdemocrmcy. Tiare sora 16 men lau theirft wvb boar4cdbc 7.02 train Sor Rtocifori. via Chleaa% liimotiahls. Tic big iemmcutiton vitîchem markai thc leavblgcfalter iratta vas mbsant tislamorineg.Thc pro- cessim b haaocorMpale icyoung mcn 10 thc train vas lk4 by Poilie Miagltrate Walter 'rat-lor as coo bearer. He vam fc1lovci ,by mcm- bers e -oS l. cl draft hoar ami by thc ever loyal imat, f *4Irum corpa. Thot vas &11 No arrange- menta bai 10cm made -b hav* allie lptrltic orgmnlaio tu lino15, auch sa. lIbe hlgiu achl adig the fpg>- lai Amfefc:B' <nvatula. tii.*. A. IL andithe ter Tnlalg corps. A t ew bu 9c tie ont lii epeai tic yong foclrcm dw vay. Tic Oi M e rami ioue yed seveici moiccliona ville the macuer. Ticra are may vbo ftel liat aâme organiszation sclali Wperfeclai te, me t. Il liaI a-d.foclimem-le »Ma Iacimg Wvoesftére drafts leave the dity. 1Toy fei fiai one irAfttle enitli ta a icmamtntonai mach us miter and they vouli luke t &WV ctapataiesbellore lb. mcxl draft leavca 'PiYh@t edliat thum le. thc lemaf LiaI euuld b. deo, for tie youmg men via are ing mo mach. Namac of the sMon. FPoiowlng la a Ust et the mcanvIra maie up the iraitthLat loftibore ltas mornlng: D. C. Scidinore, North Sherian Rd. Win. frlecrici Albrigit, 220 Wil- liam nt Lecter P. Lemmon. 123 N. Uticma e Charles Lyman, U2 Market mt- Ciarêece M. Tollhif on. Zion City. Chas. IL Vans Fflas, 208 N. Ger.- Bau-uc Pillcala, 4118Clatikaet 1 F1rai C. Wargler 1702 8. Park ave. Ovren R. -Eammuep, ZIon City. Raymnoni eaul9on.El9 Stcele et. OUA Uumtnm, .712 Caroline PL. Lawrence IL Wofo, Zmon City. 1Haradi O'Vmll, -421 Wailtn et. Jas. P. McOuaia. Lavis ave. John Hendilckaoia, 1000 8. Llseb st. YPLM~ WaUiaai, Match 30. th l'e %te hau»se' oaa of the lanuts buildïigst!the norti plant or lhe, Wlder Tana mieuiny vum Ilrcat- ena ir'wfidestruction Baturday niait fi à ýa priroini U0c ciley or froua à amgimg e so onet fr t.6 PoS.- +ie roof vua me dry ai tinicu, sud Saunai y a ratier ulqg ireca fleie ra gani ia denlt balloa fie arrivaiet, tie Central ifre de. A, long hale bai bas bqtenail .hie rooS by thie tinte the. dgparmti thon thi ImaletaSfibuilding w*chià have beam in. le. Mniil *Ooah bobae a a diMcut thaipeta cava Il Ement wel on fhe -part 'W the 'Orames, bawvvr; placei lie fit.u: dertatm tra a uboif laima i t vuc *iidued Wftïàoit agrt demio et 4am bout mgdonc. nae bdeauoar lasorme of tialong. cs af hautigcet flac taaryamind A the ec«M. gmined a food cat t-n euei. t vsh A cva»-âwt, tirougi lYndoubey liheUl=sdollar plant vouhilave leen« aceita ielajey. L& mximb ife wS t"m»ial-"stla the tear or 4tic Doolltmm lta clon oS Omo@"al alace ladi athfe de- Partaient Sund&7y a flamon.Ilvwu îewnirwi hilabOnu,15minutes.. Tic onwed'isM y lila tic fact fiat a i ag vl i vs lèlwlg sdi tai 1II Cer. Db l'eu- 11% marrici lte Ot »Oieagle tt md 80 3qifBlts navet' putathle bhum flnSer g éaMle.1 ni. ,ta" Sied a maIte athe ciiiliourt tay i.aioiauasu bei.itmsfromt bar ib~i;, Sbc Isa.creta mécre to eovidé. --Mr. asi air. Ochua v er. wrli ut Waukg Au"uu27. l114 lm.a lUssde clamtetat bWr buebafld rtt previde a homne for ber notwltbtl- lng tha tact tiat dmhâ îd offrai to do ber sbie 'et thie êork ta gmt for thc horme. a" %cio deulameathat ahe wau mmo f leau an Iien tic mar- riage vaaS cntractdaindmOtlt foth- et parent or gmritASWBaya ro consent te, the marriage.-Cenmbla Nova. Oamol c*asmaPnooeton. àafautons oud ramait for mil forma 0f &Mm&ma nd skia ilaccasa.@*Bol lea a rcatcc rainai. (let a 95P large trial bottis et the dmrs tore. Uv SPIECIAL ^SEUMIENT NOTICIE DOMIII NO& 134 Notice la bctaby 9givM e BU ilpu, c80omltcreuwiad thé icCty et N"ut Obleago. Couety of ltte amilSte cf llunoia. havng ordèred liai a 104M lnproveuAiiaJt uwt ltu " CCty' thin tuf"àmr"etd iloafti01 *lc* flupriremcit la asa folo98: TÉhft'tic gomivar of a portion of Marquette Street sltualsi ltleen the. Worth lUse of Second Avenue =d- a Unme estamii mrc mm@ i Marquette Street, et riait angestbthreto, at a peint flfty test North of tih. Souti boumiary line of proprt owmad bl thc North Chicag o Fusdry Coacuat. Iscludtng portiona 0f on.tmcactu milUeY aMi mx priemiSdrlvcaya e., tvceeft sld pointa le pavai viii vit. tIii vertical filer bricimanmd Biber Wse Improvai. aIl In the Cty of North Chicago, Couty cf latte a"i statp of flhlmota. The ordinance for smrnabeung m aile lanheoUic the Cty cé* Aid liavlng aiilUed tW the Coustcout of latte Conaty for an aagemzmt 01 the cd f ca sdt lpovau" a bu ta tbe 'bomaitanamiab mhaMmm tharefore havlng :acsmaueémNi e- turned ta Maticourt; th fia boer In# tieren wMbe ai atké« tO* A. M. on tl Aprml A. D. 1918, or asceeu tbcraalter mc thc l». fasse of Uic Court viii parmit. 80aaement la Payable ta,»ms Inatallmente andi nid Isatailmeu lear lIntareat at Uic rata of alv# pcr cent (6>%) per annum from nd &fstar the date of the first voucher., AIl permoma dalrlnsngmy Ifile ai> Jections luta micourt before ati duy sud May appear on Uihe arlmg a"i maie theïr doese Dated ai North CilcgoIfntsm, tlii th day of àmarcb.D, 11L - BARY ceOumT. Offtccr appoltei byr Uic Prea4mt of the Bfagd of frlal l mlnvcm tii mate csaiaaaecmt. U" i28 Apr4- Hot ÇCmotatp Hot Toituo Botmlon, For ltDik

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