CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Apr 1918, p. 8

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Di oum g. blug*0.bgvtmg Mi mi Ugo.,C.toOiWO, Md m m N aa e a , jo e e b h.v ef ou lt, U Mi argaîlm t lelISumiafor or@ a '»aW-~~s pëw Gshtmd, o lh»,pmI b.p t »mekod,Me. ame E E. ; 1 bbtere, No. ihabmecMo bore. Mr. amd "o woel Ar*ea] Blet o! f lueiwmoi Mredil baturda" b"f, bel( Wur at Mn, lu Clmope ber labb Mm..m Waukffl Potier fa Wbe -F mi bMel We Ma.MAd Oveto ai lie. -1ronm ee Thon vas a mi a l hadàme a" MTalor, of Va «eWntvl th luIs etqudàn «laao Ivl« be oO qu«rd"aY*llt paenotsahmber. b.lattputethe lb . t eme i Mm-re.1 Vai bu lisem on' lb. eikibl. Vclon DuPre. MfieMod. of Gwent ____________Laim, viela se on, Saariaamdi Sunl. Th.eV r VOLO' j as aI l.formWler rmta bue. thé bénef ________________- Min Belle ugois. Whovbonbaibolmedur@o@e0 JoliseeML JO"aMorle, of Lake Foru asI, pemebelor ali V. giW' ~ mnI-Thurdaimenu a ber c #PM , 1 M-- , 1 ___ 1 . .a . -- '1»Y a Mmlire rai Solmo an am a, WIIIamind l oip.~ l'mm Mabthlons, of Meflemii. ellem Mise ioob Kubspt of IMUwmUboe, Raii' ~foOmwittir& Mie mloa Wl&.vsiber parens e re ever Su. Clrd M ' lé. Mueaso. ei chm are i, MW Afla liuiterof bleus, iape of 0< in M. m g 1 'e. rmi rober atUb. lth*BmOr" t o!Of lb. week eaihber lomo DrghtD 1ol MIRdor raaaated bucm Me IDn aýme»Stoma 1011Tuedai for _ - Mebs, ~msiâi.a ,Iwidlb mirelI@4 Stosmer. IIL am ie. iWbolropf bb oom erIII1, Juiborand Arnol loclsmma.ff11a0te01 t but le reporti botter. lb. vek.m vtb Ibir pairiais bore. m ue t b ire. ie Wsgner Mam i.John Mlm e Dodis Tiffany iotema horne on L" Bat&d el somlMonday wtb Mm TUmOdai o1 laiSke, aiter bavien Loas?' John Moliior. attended ccfooi aI Urbana the pait colteg, si becilan ie wKalir ruerciod to ber ler omio homo allter ieoiigthe vintmr -wlstbis. Mary Polioce, of bicago, viosihombe retiv"utaI Uapeim o. puerSdai wlth her parsule bers. Mm Bur Dri lin. i$obuas .î a, Md - ari Bomervlilpi . fflicg, @pentlotr' tir eeatSwbiay wyulMr. aMN.. h"Y itiu ic iautbore. Bon lui«.As the adl mof lb.hetodl i. an m i.J..l taileld. i. huCb 'h s boing y -ddOlO,gmleîOO Mdm BoumI-ue. oaiid ou Mw. Jw Sat ers b l @ i oe dpwortb Lmffle roon. a~im d emeg -oh tnt Tbe.Bd.' elbocil 0f e»Methoulel DPO Ms.. J»e11olei. of Fmimout, Cmliii.ureb gav- t. Hnslcr prugramu Sunday l on Mun. icael Kiapi Salrdr. r emain. lins. l'ýteri4tlatieid motorci 55 J.o tY,:hi. i.eltlagberdaUgtor, Heury Tiiuudaîl iàuub. usII té c Ll»ryilles tii. The e.à." 'art- r 1,1 k h. mc- mm-"d ladis ut b. pribiéWIM..- y 8 %mw- 3 re d i. .1 fluaius ewcrtoi aA A rid io.nlmiogi-pra on a roi weil atsded Dei.5. ~n n it %1.. t.5ir-.L; tsiWilliam retlrnDéàUMS SAUGTUR fIm.inP,. , L wst vk, Wh-vberetimbad ty bétong sp-ut Itl ébutL.'iplansed. RoîSýtuder bai been ubinslisug >I, l5r 5fl si., t, u wo aa lu a bi be Poragie ous V..Lr ee-l>. r mitou ug Mr. Ausuand ami aUlli otoei tu.ttr Vaubogà anudaî evenaug. *_____________ .A. 1 Mr. aMi lire. Knox aMi famnlilîvistai U OEL FU Uic BetiaFr~Sumay.Bey. Samgb.r.paor of Aacroe eoed Il Miesemsi Thomme ani WiiiThomi cbunch. preoid Busdaî avaaing, ai Mr. "teté1 ver.Waulegan vilaiors on BatudaiSarisvas spuding Hater vacatîom eouh pomDa lalileW&n.jumped Mir. ami lira. WiII Scliel sntsnlmiueiTbe Laite.' Aid at Mia. eeve Wod- and hé lb. followinh compoamion Kaiter: Urnesiay wvus viiiattenisi. veut nl and lire. Wlli Sage aMd famll, Mr. ami Nor aedlougailretnnnsd ta thé Théy t lir. Chai. Bage Mr. and irMe. Chrisilan Chiago Univriy Sondai afleooon, tisey 'tfo non nd r. nd m. om ffl suding the couamiMi.sudlir. Tm Bge mihavtng @pet a veél wlth Lansa Cris. np onet etamw. Ide. L. N. OeIs nd i hiren Apet Thé pot T. A. Simpson and f4miiî and àMis Ensiler with ber parente ai Ransi. Wis. and tocl Luette Warren spent Bunday vith Mr. Dr..asnd Mmr. J. L. tiedding and aon viiere' and m ILTbome.",lâtngf mmd ii. . Touai ~ @aet Hater itu Waukegan. meni ait Mr. end Mrt- BehrsclMadifamili voni AilsandMldred Biver Aent Sunday er wvi t. Lake Fumât, Satniday night. wbere at bomne. 1Heant tbey attended a surprise parti for Mri. Laura Cordea trtned to Witewater 8 *- In, aidiMm. Crameor. Tueà*i hatnug epent a two vels' Thé MUl 9ic. vho bas been iltnog lu vacationut aihome. mm 11 Chisago. returmd home Mondai nigbt. Mri. amdiUri. Lew Griefs ernu-d home igito. 810900L NOTES atuidaî atteonoon from Ibeir visit 10 oys 'l Thom e elevini deportmem m refor i relatives lu Pittefieli. uié but tb. vosk are: Matha Amanu, Ilaitha The nov iuwberman'a famlî arrives! are 't' DeVere, HSma Delioyer, ani Wilti b rlo atveTo ii lv.luwbat ic KnoeethebmCob bonse. gamblir Thoam perfect lu cpmiing are: Mdaila ti. admi 8 . J. Hovard, of Mil- taken Doieîen, Emma Delimier, Abrt De.yankee, pent Ensiiev ith thi reldatIves.« Mieyer %ad Lero Ruboc. lir. B. 0, Munie m an «ghtei, ire. Thomf are oi ten veols more of Corrls asldêuglslsiamd M» MoaeDougall su5 ichool. To meke ovei dai count, voe@pet Fnlitay aleinoon vils Mic. John muet do oui best. Bonder. T * W. are ptaaulng a basket oc"tiend ontertalurnent for PrIga i ngt, Aprili __vit._________ 19, ai whb idm e uope t. bave a re- LAK VIJA union of ail Who bave *ver lived l i [ 11.1 54, Town of Warren. ItlaueP& Thorn vas o 20 hooIth e luten. Pecwllideelrid tIsaI htboe hO bave bUlatO room jnlday becaume01 ~Rafla lved llb.heoi 50 yioc moe. Wi losecoof bthtoberMnlm cjamara ho procentou'*vap" .@toe. Thoagis Mme. ornmm. QI Balnoovlis, spet Ha lheuori l leirabave &el panaiawal Suma vits ber iangbtor, Ms lbreê.1r the .ventb grade bai bien able 10 co. Kagppl. bult quit8.ise , 1elotprmet1g ýbla5or- i4r. .Posrt"a Hook ami ling Hool o! "NO Evenîoue as a.inmue Mondai moral Guae , oalidon f rIons.boes Sailli. là«. asooding in »Iar time. ~day- Ereriomle vms. vo ýit OOleMondai. John BS 4mm" BelHcar irode li*y 0 Tb*e latermblà Ram pfa pn eh. Iboi blice 10 Kioceboairde.rami sur ,td Suday. hl ~r SIr~ U l Pr . , iot * balmliid it-;a Houari. iel t thmu labo Utmtom o. . omm "db Mu0..Iodaci am ii à vwu maie ii thse ZiOn Policé coi accupiéd by B. A. fines- thé Pluat StaIe bi building ry algIt .TIse nild me ehOit- JUI re muiulght ans!- Wa carefnlly 1. For soue il..thé Plueo eeu vatces! aid men wve 2 e b. gaabllng thora lune. Oru r ghts «uCh veers, the rai algis Pbillp PopnlOrmr. w Brémnési. tacIte Maiflh Md Ma mg mamn naned JalkLma. vére _ci çpoker viien Chie! flécher de- Ùti ille vialation of theéÎctiame th- lvwha bai n 80111gong 0o longas Lo8 hé attloftei OlIMcér BntténPI attey lu case the Yotug mén Mc Iout of théeupatal in uow. pai ani Oflcea. Brune and StrIs! ab, upolaire t, mak. thé .arieuta. yi round thé door hackés! aid 80de orcés an eut.ia. On enter- tl root heytons! tchlpa" plled . the table ami a décIt o!fcarda. lice meizés! thé carda ans! chips Hl ko) tie tour men to thse station Fl, they veré chargés! vîth vin- e a city ami elaté la-. The in, [milles! théy verf playing pot- ce en surpnisés! by thé Policé. th ring wtt! ho heti WedmésdaY At l I.Marshall Fildti ntèeseare S neémami arér tise raid. deché- vas an invasion o! -privaté go their contention béing, thé M rére phaylur caide for plfts-11 uat Doer monei. Thé interestu et xvetigalIug lb. mattér b o» ee cam 11e doué about lb. anti, Iflu us!d thé baya vére actually not âng, itlat, tatéi acstn iait ti é 1 againat théeZmon Police farté, te ai )vEsFM IN's e OIIÂYAiETSMA se DorSett, SheridanROad, Il wa Exotin xprIn Enco'unteriflg l4ob MORE -FOR ME" Waukewi, Mardi89 You vire about t M *pldigâ.é ion te hai loft tth le unagr tue Qow anti yqn jahboi' o7M dork jute a hsuma bw [dWt Il sUrIVris. 7Y- somevbat? li la whiat, t*nei a - mcole1 noroIiga age 10 Emeué arait 1' M nmwousp1a aua fto lirca on Sheridan BRami sd lirM.J. C. cm"owu va Uk o10the vo tté cme '!Bamunaiocivuta' rGarua.Ameioe oSmitlMondail t PaF ies!Muer, of Wakfas, spent SU. mo,. tkscofuItoimtv !ool asidoperaisi onfor gSiiiome. Sb duy vlh is moiber bon. doua 1<>thé barn vIticlila e nal ýis atm1 la a vony ..iloa oomiitIoà. lire.Pot.r'a doler hua. rtnrei 10thé biH bock a! tue Schwartz, ruaI J. O. chope M mmd »» i e ciiit. ber home la lova, cliii U extimdéndoce and golng t, thé flotIpiéýke ID Chicao Buniay, butflonniMe. Chape V-ide bre. a fork. lHe jabbes! Ibis in» thé 'W 'a. s 111111,. ler mTt. throv so»M e i dowua te W#f "botter Me$.. orace Clvai ami IB"leiauh- thée camid au ho di goho bouma Mr .m am .. B aimamiDonotluy ter spiat a 1mw imîc lut veel vilu imiber y rom beumatis thé bai: DOO'1 amidSet Troiels 1<thle firet of tb. moiber aetMUgibi. laimesamy more, IMI 6100mut 9 veel-. or Ibeïr mewhome stamause, Ru4.i, James ani livari Leomard inaginée hlmmb9oîamafll'wM m q a1 bobo crawfl sMoItrouS liMminlutheé N. y. &Everyoe lu iis violnt enuisvers homm for lButen. - tai ad hove esvére tltq ptêfori bst vlehm lo telg usialutbdr 1my Or. anidlire. Amon Hu.cei havo bas peuoIated iel ioun movel ml? lb.e flat over tleb iariat Dormtt wvas nathe aiton ack hy - Min Cauton, a ur@ee.laewlth lira. E.sore. lue.reve1tim nidmaiter héosii te A.1Mari bo ion gin mvery fas. lJie Mary Kerr, vbo aelnt thse yinier Mr. Schvartz "h. o »»bed quit hie J. . Denau returmos!homo mtc t lh be moter la Evsuetoa, u r@u o»d »bbcansasho mrttY Osr stmbe a scun 10dea m a &compta of da"s Woiusday -'t. abehme bars. tefore ho h'td fou"i a bobo attlng MM§ B e* ibte1h.expecte to ho home M. amiMre. M. Kapple, bars movei on théeilepssah. omi- luis lb.h lu-IbM»oéIiiW "Iaivom. Ibis vee t. luir, nev home on.lNoth baun ta tiescan@a« the m00Y." lut 'Mui fa~ Chcagaio launT esmeli Waksst.obthé préset ntéehé ta suitl lattmg ' liéLilaJit MaoFCicaoliaunyMeblaW k» are f1h cov but bérier o héaai *iniUaiiei. ' - John havaYRis, of1llu»&OaaIs&, but vhÔho tg goug to fiel around -a bit be. lThe- Hokdai boot bai bien lous! &peut the vinter tu llorlia. recetifore Se saov e u fnIgrlut. thé boy- Pvo daimibeuvmek ounacous m llnue toppei for a iv de$,vlil vlibhi. ollbbueler. ol'smn~Mre Huge.If les o! Y maimvm au% Ye VIII erolas E.o!gacteldidi bsPmofn Iiithé ubmretWlesipnn Id Mme *ald'iPeat thé fre% o ayg. 4i~iQrmt1*,Wond clater. SutDagls, ppo le1w dois g emdrleb, dl JUtmole, apent ,y wltb $bu Shervcdisfmt]Z dor. goimg bock to bis socol moesl'D&W d sUd Itreu of gentIuiB etdami Imaia? wtth or »i clai bn. Crt Po~lw sUlmNtai S09 elu, asBandaj i th lb. amui. ureb Weber vasiniiVanbega ifut lasi vio 'e eRhi.n ar on tbme treet ami failit.110d eoiv wao q!tu1 moeboule. UP no tram.. bue foumi.' bd parsjet Prel Ha*Im'« for Mt of Ibm fled ral eat Wednu- enn1 brongcht lu 028 for Sb@ Font laalir% »ami Im arle Croim uo ne»issgeeie'1.-I emo fuerIauMto Fou ud blp o basé 11W Laie. ille, etwted Boturdai for ospl g bcpcd nmm li-et 1idi eaiiibàvl thère la hopea Malmmer. IL. LWadamidMW w9retaltod %0 WauflaOnu u alfl i Md Min lla Kerl uer with ibm ftorme'.parent» [) rcady for lte@ tird Ubry )a Harn & l.d frlond, of Racine pentibe Hauter vacation st hie ei. gon amu u .boomu»der the mar the puet week- ;ï1 NO1W PUÂY maIZOn *à "'» ans Mol -oU lu-- TAJONÀI-fO LAIE Chales EolcJW dof Kenosha Was pIo&jdr Arrest onTuz dyEvening HE.- FIGHTS -EXTRADITION Is Alleged 10 1Oove Assaulted Man Wth Cew. Lodged in Lake CoOnty Jail c harleasRablUni en"saMin, vas arreted 'Ibuigli mgistaia Latke andibubast odgéd ia aie taRe couniy »#'àat .a*,<.gau. t-e a arreete4 ofi £t'! tire warrant ,r=,'KenodM. uBic-s harges hlm- vtt mauhté e tgréat hodity ham e, Becluodtil e W 10 havé maie -Sweqdb»i.w *hé bai gos. 10 vait I q=,belpiur In -ise. ~dhréciecooteblocks. Thé fugiive awns~e'efltto hriff Grif ignd t wval e-s!y Depetyl SherilifÀAA.' Wal«. vho veut te ian 1.4km lae Tb*ruai a!lénOi.ý Ikl=uid 49C" tie.tdist he bea als n hee iOt assêrts ponl- tivéli that hé wifl ol returu ta Kéaso- o0" Vwu enoi é'ufllImpers. Tuhs tact bbo uéauouMdcates! 10 lie olffeWs et, ag ellnla ans!thénoece.- port for dut7 mai a~e t. <et thé. cmIDRFUMtEENT LAIE SCIL DIST.- Neatl on Little Volume Is «un vr to County. Su- pei1tendent of Sohools GOES TO STATE FAIR Chlt*en of Each a the Nlnety Sc"oo Districts in County( to Write Histories To the OtUldren of thé Round Lakte ach"oItit goe8 the honor ot be. tut tue-frIn to tun Into the couzti superiteideilt of. achoots their In- ca laoy1>0.Tht, neatty bound [IlIm vlme.muareceived by Mr, I1np otay. -There are beteeén zeam ê dool districta In Lakte oouity amimachofthese lea upposed te write a simitai tittle boek, de- = ts gla ltoyfrom the eartiest ga~t atkmblmdate up to the panent Ume. 'Tbes isooe tho 1wtt!b. ezhibted at. b. taI tai md .,0et the an- nuis~'Iaa .oeuty air. Tht hlbtun? oMbtpled by the prpils ait umlabe achoot l a creditonot *aMy to thé ten séventh and eigbth itade Wsupita.who did lhe reit vork. but ai1. to their teacher. %fisa FY&- cm. Smith, who dirmcted thelr eu- dmavome ThéeIbook la replete with ma.ny lit- Uie %boographa. Where these coul net bé oitaned the children présent- éd. pen mand lIkdravwings vhich are raaIlv éreditable. Mens are gemmw ry ieuents Me etumade- out ase. looetpilRound Lakte districtlInst iutIitig a part et!'the great ver that as 11e possible viti th, com aid siowtg its bouildar- prograia utthe Uaîted States ta de- tost 'a takJla hé-Priacuér bae s.tet iém1y T h isto r y i à v ritten w tth pén I n a n u e e h l n - Thé ~~goes umy yeara, telting na anoimeno!té>ln JJ4j thé exploite ot nome of thé county-s the comiiuusdant directs that lu vlew oldest settqna. Il la diffqult t give of lus obvions Importance of thé in ludétail &Ilet cthé 801 Ii'éntéi lu prevetldof !the waste of food, It thla Concise uIttle bislory which wtt! - N D bicorne sapert of thé oisnty archives. oi8cers andmm et a théestation glve LAIIII~_____________ thelr beuar i opo b aiceto th* aMi tIsaItthe iatlosu speeclled in a Im ltter recélvol <m Samuel m11.v am an amteema-t o!thse Mavy, be rnueH f .1Zion City J N AeI5 copldvt&fularP t g ilett4la A = ýWho Feel LawIW 1I~ LI tructlosa suote a portion of a lettér - ~mmmi bi théeccm aad iletolf RY HEARSTHE EVIDENCE ealr soito ln t IthéAtlantic fleet. a"s! MY$ lu'yatt7 (Bi le. W. Croff) c r tg fine! thiIs mOrutug for viotlai Bumper Crop ration. litaIbélng a mattér of 1ev, lZion Citv ali-tobaeco ordînamos but ail po.elble stélua jnust be tak#n un Samuel H. Page, manager o! thé i liatai nll lacé faclory. Aasletant YES, AND MILK MAIDS, TOO te, redlace *Dld. ýhif o PoiceC.A. Bnime teeted W to*CM rod aon Marh1,M.Paest01Employers WiII Release Lady -1Tbh coemnIng oMeer of tIsa âe 8:30 a- m. train at Zion Clii mmi CFeilcs who May Help Farm- BoutS Carotina bun, onhll. Watorm hé pltucéi hi, pipe- ilà'hIm ersWives ai Rush Times such along this lin o ilng a unth and smokAd. He vas là a0m-- hipe oriel' uigiug'botU 0111cerU4t any viiitva wotiers and liera yer "Whéré are you golnK MY rtt moulentson ta il tisIno food! Ienv-t- bout 20 pensons ahead ot bIla. He mi. A iaman gentry mua plaisai at ras on Eien avenue et the limes. Thse "l'm going a-millag.msir, saUé thé slop chuté b penest vaste, but fnendant car ied uh i oe elu hlm hans! T is mal rquo aton tro nt emu old thé ptan vas 1mot enttéîî s mn am us. t1 ho sot outo thée*adewalk. Egihsn a eoearat Thé case vas tries! hy a jury 0 sOf ilai0119my ooné --il A tiret clame petIt OBomi nVasthon fore Jusice J. L.. Btiop.. C. P. évery snorning lu Kénosia this muin- dationci at te lb. e mmi gthée la!. wbo is emPboyed by Marshatl mer or poîhapa modern Maudé Mut!- limé thé mêe tablés and diabtto ver. 4eh sud Company te détend 'theit ers hy the score may lui-n oui If thé oteanés ateér mach meal, vîtIt Onrsm npayéa ven ummnfléfor viole-at omltdb temrhnso g ~ ý 1lyadnn",wepmetl tnfruaé >.témrhnao ta report any mmesCookit *110 ate suit la défend 's!r. Pagé. a" ilité(he KenoabaenleraI' association or atîempted te vaste food of!8a1Y e jurY vas ln another roorn discusa voila outi suoceaefulty. Thé mer- klaus! vilaiconllieb.nemi. Offenders ng thé casé he made thé tolbovinschantsare .ptaunrng te put thcyir vaî'k-receivei Oivé iaya' 8soAT a Omsfiiie* atemotit: Igfreâ h omn i -Mr. pagé tea et lie héa t 50 pa. 0 oc h omus !tément on breai and! vater. ai nd u la ,on@ 462 o! vhonî livé las Mon dli tauiiiés of KeBoéia Couuly lu ordér fév reports véné nessuani prompt- MOr a man vho professés t. do se te hehp produce a bumpér crop ln te10 îéuce lie preetice. nueS gond le a city and thèn sot 'uP Kenoehs county lis year in spire of! "Men ohouli hé lnfoimed tit MW~ 620M 5 111 sj llaîedmr " thé obontage of tabar . vhich exista >p -<lesa reavy alé n mau neratafli. H-.- Fhouli nl tv1 ed r lasavlb n se a total abstainer. which b. la net becausé huudreds of Kenosbans have that they are uetal aaréite »dépré bt..ougis te b ataiu fi-oa thene cf siouldenéd thé muaket bte igt for thernselves of amy foad, but tiaitisaiY toaco. whlch, is a step on thé vay tiberty ahouldtaire Ieouy 80much Ras tiey t drink, Represen 1ing Marshalt Fiels! Theplnl.antel18btte-auefodira and company, a man sionti not havé'e épmui uacî at. h a sas saving ineatentodto 4ppe-l hie aoutit 80 hhat hi$ enélumercbanla, Lt théeimugetton of the plates la Impîscllcable. ploves cou)d see hlm tsmoking. Uspé- County Couneli of Deteéns ans! coun- Wlll Net Limit RAtLIOR&a ially vhen he sa' ,hé vants e 0up. ,ty agent (Iriffitis Richards bave -Tisé food oluirmalles, nees! moal ruili ZMon C «ty ad epeofallas agreed te don ovenalla ands! araw araemmata (bacon. beef, mutton m-d fareil ftiéld have pleigei the rhata ans! vont lu thé fields of eKno- jP,,k), ga, btrld mi word taI hhéy wére, la barmoni nabtelr n 'ls th. lav of the clty. aidlun eba sha outy t, hélp farmeis cars forviet mouy vits thé people visa entkbhliid the crope. They arite &show thélr PaymstrOouerat Mllomuwinse t: t. Conidu't hé siôké at baise ans! clêrtas,both men ans! 'omén. If thé tero! instruèM» asCloses vilsthéh respect thé opinion o! the vie" large lte r eddi avs ie ttmn ht'i edsrdt m percelttage of lie people? "15e Sas thée~ rA.iesé uhrellmaeaeetIut~i eiors .li opporftuluty te Brmoks lu hlm wu day 9ff sach vek bt i li te ieplétéi presupon, ail concerusi thé tact thal io1W,ý in thé en.arornlutbÇ.factony mre o a o mi labor u ehedirec- no doportnre v lue nmaie tramthé jf-lié vntes! te. Why ehOi!i lie en- lion of lte Couuty Councîl or Défense. wvo tabhigheipraltceofo! eeine oumipfel te rnnorlty or ' Spilgu éle IPhêe uSokers are tebepaid. lac-ite itai mOur m ' faverlabîr are vett msnt te ne.lohacca? Wiysioutin tm te ouon 10li rté o!fle t1 coffling fp os (vêt! regulaléds!eie ted, aMi that <bey recelv tt matacht Whi ehonls!n'thhé art» tet b. oca, wvisci yulment b. ageenits bh meg l&ute iii.bai îodh"y ant. for, sin aid é a total abstam ait an or the lainers aM o! thé mercisanla. an tis e omamder.ln-eiet Of the At- xmmlote the emploies unii lim i e usmechaahts are to bécomýe ferm- anI.8izia . a el ; te"tla atdi epoalyt t h e bmY.LXaCA viebo hé promotes Bsa aWtoaIli? enufor the day ani agrée tego te M q!kmpo ed te. InK t tSiva C iitt rm h tgi srs blt tatéer faim 'Iu thé couuty they ou~ tiré0< Mrutiild Mt * assaigne! by thé gêneraI commit- "-«Me purposo of tlsig tIer," it goa mIrong laminage. and! vIeiL *L-Brdte. hepan, vhalci WUmsunanî.on t. ym ,iste rémmer*yosi goeaCollecl isfee eé é réit~Mmi I uuMb teCOmtgo me ht vr rdýi t 10 thikliaI his retiit - vont héoe yenose!bth cmmtcamo!tiaevr iliia e very ooMIal. but sien whmipe co- yl go before thé -County Concit ortti e toe Ils ii .imiaua aitdes. that John O. Sheuf. luedent ot Détonsefon 11s éndorseenut this avallable vasté (uten a"Y might of Malg& l eld mai, ýtlug'6Uwbg o eeiug and! areaiy oint for vol- otteru-lseaCoeur) ontliutoesla a tatut t thoe re issla tjh la 1u8 u@ teérs-mén viaare xrezpMe" . laidetluité dégreé t. hétp Our alites ans! Wifloke vr l :sOOt1 U fauaiwork--baae baga iseued, no a s isaorlen thé wva." '~dhitaha-CeO nn IriMo vIlt be ta il toî hi~ tée pring plowiag ans!d_______ pgrulltted lu lié works. Wa 55511 con ipautingTisé vplan Sas boaum voîls 10 i t rnthé actoni a. e bau bege r 'CA T ini. iiyl net make .ami great sy uccéSmul!i lu other cil.les lu  T P , ca..Il vili he conittcteon thé '01101 a w y as teInterféré nelthéi s"ne moral prIilt as h Wee wé ith the farmers' régular sobédule, 'do 40t 1 vlhte corne, inte lObuCii ans! by pavldlng hlm, latorers, "vorthy M0 ,UIA '* m eIK allouaI tae change couiitlêiu"-Johil o! theîr hire," and vtttisotit Ineuléng T W M 0.- siidd. ith te bu ine sso Ilte o! hetis îy. T K I I W U on Mi. Page, for biseImilacnete'rex. Te také a Conellété oxampté a! thé bibtlon a! conlenililfor igloo City t10 ptanas as!opled hi the oommlttêe. Mallv e, ameMaiU.-(Specla tu bave aplulttle im Veveroli.Dot ach day a certain numbér o! mer- theBun)-Vincént Jesa M -.a flme bThé juxnk ry éu . oavrdc f chants or théir clerks are 1teéDlit )reanwbo Sti le Ugés! bau ies, anuiti ans! Mr. Page vas fami ose for service on liai daY. Fer exam- mi théeanuiy on four ncatulom s aid conts. - pie, vo vili mai that Pied Raimnurarrestein uta eetà tl ?idant e Homer Johnsou, a minS. , as f Ined pregent of. tic association, výho bas nomêr on Mom&ay asi t%4us t0 Vert Ifor havinr cirai-et s lu iws mespilu a ~W1tr îmouas, aàyggum aithe al-ody placei hlm name ou the liaI sSheridan. Re b"d eaNei; *m naval station vas fnOu$, edr mon mai1or viotateér fermbas beau. as- COu».p louÉÀi e lta rM 'Off ing lu Zion Mai-ch 23. ldauonds hbu igneai as leader o! a euai t faim- _ McAtur and a véok meàpeoià lirmi'i luZon a fov îetia.-,Martin ère. He Wiin Iangport the "tanerIl roiraPm t hasidén afino àlMtbg flueuqh. vas flue $35 for the. same ea!- hefero bwere tliw are tO ré- a sgur i in sau .n LAKE COUi«, WAUCEGMI4DAJLY Sm, at thse specia l 1w Pdk M<ch $3.5Oý Sîze: 3ft.,8in.by4ft.,21 ptor é sand&o!tcattio o ou tortheg Urne f otloè on esehen wftrg tedy a r thé wimeo.Iker alerb teed la vrout take wM bther es In nbosh. On macth ay homes In en ! .aha O- ch. attome tl poviernsorthAt19n60 cité okn nd t provide trnp tto o th tWkmn band when thvie ta tbrou8h Work. * fIRRING Up Trt'UBLE It la lOW StilO uflat the Wads- wortti &tonder oeuela 10 b. retrl.d. WeII ,It etrikes us that the. young woman lnvolvedi got sufftiolnt publici- ty to b. gnta drop Ith.e au#..* soelng that the. evidence cauaed only part of the jury tedotde n her fav. or. The. more corne thinge are 'Irrect the wora* beconwa the odor therrs. fNMNT, FOR 6fOOD WASTERS9 Paymaster Genieral Tells Great Lakes Captain of Plans to Save Food PUNISH T}E OFFENDERS. A saton-wlde food savlng m-' pagn bas been inuted st Ora.t Lakes as a part of the Dationl effort WIREDHOW» because the current availale at eve:y lamp sooket wulI run an by the. houa. conlW ta Our mai"a, wrmà" ,EI.ctRic PowÏ ta poefoam mmny t tirivial Out. la Youv HoýsseW kmm Pubicservia for factory iwo&* attng mni",~D mng ligkaaepby .,High wagon pk"g labor trouble. CoJI write.: FRANK Oi.COOK C 25014 CJ.Ty, U.LUm ASC ANNU 1Hubert )l'O*fl. Chauging that bath h.ea wre ude me whntI Tbankwlvtm491l'.m05 a mocuhrof o!thé bl- t.i Tâties nana station, i1 go cuAt Court thi, mol-stAgnE AitOreF J. A. Milier, alé aniimnut o! hlmmie l Browa. 119 fiait Stss~ The tiefeéfammbai md U thé caseéivas 10 és» te augur -aIt thé eaIa ieuce vas ordo,é4WO1Sa wbloisthé decefflaIIlbi- Morgan tto& i t".5 10 Min Broum «Uble- 16 îemrsof ame cie tvodai'mcrmhp vR moagi ta vas mDt a Omoca atai, Nelu d &te udbe 'om ae, Iraelg ome. The meinti of Mmrdi' - tbiS ia«v emt à 0 51k ab hbut "ept.t"0 ý Liberty 4.- 1918 Au tE» - ýA uad"- W&M Uý ffluvwffl e- 1

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