CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Apr 1918, p. 11

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New Prerndent of Hsghway As- Isociation Points to Need of ooJ vos mollI ted. wbo <Pr. ,ý ýgwr& Funds Earning Money 1f ý'PUT IT AT WORK,"1 HE SAYS Bk' lel îy n nmîise'aavecrue~u,.Gev PanstoAdvertise for Bids wh sk11are ef the cubat dl- ainment f.rmed t& b)y @MiiS o'per w r.RsBr lB,1500 etth vr-VIs*e Oa uu et uthe presi triind mRsective111-o-nOfhlps WhIy tiejobs nlci ala@ by théO OMMîusîon, end lit eutdo tR0eout adu ineît foodi cntral work ent hé baute Of th*o nw 111061-des. hay commissionern ofLaeW biecse. possible. Ater But t~ oure t o ur fermer »ud hl»esCtt a h P.expectatioof rie&>'< cent electlon, went tn Waukegan Wed. - pllng vltb thes problein. înrducing 1we ISUshI* .1 unelo 1"M te now traniFnsa n il -erane etn latlnif tOto the pockets of both PrOtiuc- Lylng aide by ide lis bis wagon liait y ni etithi an(.metn ors ud onsmai honfit delre iq een2buhea of wheat tiat ftte hoti jlectifilifnew offIcera as foliows: ors and cosumere behste dtriee hy tenn an.s Round the pjation. Re bas cliet on Maeculn- niarlietifor trangeiy dIfferent onde. . aIebe&--eRnhn on tie, protiuced e free mret ,andI They ver. e mrach alie. those Vake - detFrnkDo f n MOrcinent of ail grades et vheut bepio cha.adt lo ttc ioch. Ora expemps. andtiInduerd a normal nev et J0tn voulti ot bave suapectei the Secretary-V. S. Richards of Ai i-Cor wbeàt bInitural drectiona. anti et trange anl vonderful adventurie -in tUoch. fiotl!sathousand other ecoomios. store for theni. Set one wan destineti TeauerCorice !l*el The Foodi Adminitrationl Grain Cor- ta trarel abroati for consuil on lk n a poration. vhich supervises the soie, or Franco-, tîe other to find i is way loto The meeting 'vas called Io order sac limai! buY ais , ybiel oft isat pr'o-décottle, wlere it waa mlleti andi ils hy L. J. Wlcks who was president le ducotlulathe iNotion _in iUnprogresaflour filnally reacheti a New Yorkdurlng the past year. trae cofuty ciavator te foreigu buy- baker onuthlBo ut Mide. But In the 33 menîbers enraIied foi, the coin.-ar ors or domeetie, marks a sum of the travelo mode by tbe tvo. Ing Year and jutiging by lte large at.Ch nmv stesp tovrarti nationale etecy. ne ve #hall follow them, wlIl bc no- tendance. the igbway conmmiasion HMvfia tour short mnte t bax been foldeti the International peLnoraun ofers are going ta vork close togetherCh do» a tld l th folowis etào« whfitmarktin Intimeof ar. thbIr, Year anti sccompli5b big things Piu deOMo a tin lu ia e vl g & teled wbest ma reion utim ounryPin.for Lakte county. Pru veiersntvebahl fWa raeei FnigsPie taCutyPi A motion carrieti that the towiisPu .a Bakt igh war cote of production gava alta wtbc supervisera, cleria andi coin-Ho Ou. fine fan fl ttune, Col. Bil Our Missouri fermer mci concerua sissioners, per de.n expenses to 1it ie huMukisvbe faismieOhelunM& .te bis ireturn a andi accoanteti tor iebibg Chicago igbway meeting$ te bo"fli ..aeuri, loatiet hie. tete a Wagon1 depreppsien oveÇ the ProspectasOehl»bheid on the Llth. so k 'e drore deurg the blaci resnd that wbeat **grding tiow"; fer Ibat misant President George Renehan, duriog Be erons the prarie te tevu. Wben a retinction of 3 cents par bifahel un- the afternooen, presentedta the meet Po he reache thfe. S-operatire sartor der te No. 1 grade. But Il gratietitng the Propositon of baving the tif- Po etý whlelt ho was a stoÇkhlder, ho No. 2. ferent township commlaloners put- mi pelleîiop (en the scales, checketi bisg rThe lerator voulti aime deductten the mouey whietgc raiseti for high. MI groas weilghtse arefuly. endi bealln t0etiditionai 5 cents a busitel te corer th.' va>'purposes lu the bocks or the Mil uln.The manager camle eut anti fizeti charge moite In ibis loeUty for county in ortier that townships mayeu unLonti. ligan elig.Te -e tiraw Interealtberefrom. lu the pat "Wtuen ion vent ta e eil l iet hreîcute t omiso t~ bceipaineti, there ha» been ne tangi- "I dnnol.l o eswee& carg ininde pâ comisson f 1ble way of handilng Ibis mûney andtiU "1dune'1b aavra. "One cent per bushei customatInl 1917 nov in view of thte bg taxes tbat are S Ures@ about seeti ad s noler- among commission men for aelling the ihable to be colecteti, it le bis belle! Su these c dm. "rvaedrt v ill' e. whtte tietc milleri Or foretIF.i that te taxpayens shouiti get the E lier" oatdei vtIa r sil. buyers. fuil benefit train the mone>' anti 'Wbeat shirnks a lot." admitteti the The eleralor man wesn Oue teo mre therefore bis suggestion la that the manager. "I heur the Governunent as te boy ta get ut the pie@i viich banlîs Of the counîy be a8*1ed ta bid IO vents as unmuebipetbsat55It eaTtget is vheat iboltibrlng. lies mev on the money In the dIfferent tovu. n Juit now-tmntierstatd te Allies do cnsiterably more about human nature shtps. Tht la. the banks In the ire- et a terrible lot of It ine the i tr. onb freight rates antidocitied ta sPective townships will bc asked ta h bMat'a vheat to-ay?" saked Cl "check up" the probinita tse rest glve a bld On haodling tbe monley of i Jenkins. gettini intenesteti zone agent Ofthie Grain corporation.; bat township. Mr. Reneban point- ta "Well. let me aie," parlayet h. So ie vs-oIe a letter te the. rspreuenta ýedte the tact tb.ît the county money a manager. "I guesi thls viteat'd bc a ti ve stationeti et St. Loula. ¶'lît let- la novw Put ou on Iis basis andi the geodNo.2 uderthenewgmds.l ý er ws rfered a te t&dl exertceont>' gels the earnlngs thcrefretu. "Gueti o. 2ndertIiabnut grad?esnt Nl eereit li rticepr r. Reneban aise urgetite me.- 'Grsee? bat bentgrads? In thlie New 'York office. vite transiIt- bers ta co-operate very closei Fod Adminstrationt seetus te mit inmb oldthe flowing rmie for determiniiig every une pertaining ta rosti vork. migty Miglieverytins tfrin rabbits lihe-pri-e of viteat et an>' country iHe suggested that tbe commisslosaerg' te RXIA ges. point: gelt ogetber et least once a month1 "Sli!tiou, eel. sait! lite cloira- Ther, la eniY emo Prise, fer 1010110t li andi go loto a certain township andtH ter man, goodnaturediy. "niesFod a country pint. That Prie@ 14 alwsYe investigate the rositi work donc b>' Administrationtla net te bîmme. Cori. te b. arrivaitiet by takiflg as a basic 'titat particuior commiasioner. Tben gnis passeti the net end told the De- the prie et the. mont *dvsitage@uu pacs it arounti anti go teate nex i patuent Of Agri-culture te fil tit" primary maret whaewe have fIxed township oeIl montb anti in Iis wa>' grades. rThe> becine effecttve Itact« pricesand deducting fhe fiiht te maie a complete circuit of te coun- Jujy.1lcent ent a latter on tt.". thet marklet and a fair handliflg profit. ly. He urgeti the importance ofthlie I&e*l gu*-Ymbcffma sereThat Io the prîce te i a h per font igiwaY commilsoners of one îown- ttibent von cen," s@nd te former. et eny tation, regard" O f te point sbiP watcblng te von torte etier '*an nepeded tiainoe." Andi ho trore tIhc fna' osipd ntier that nev i-cats titat mai' b. te wich t my bcahiped.butit are planneti ta job ech other avmy. Out thte Pries vltlch siteulti s0 fer as possible. A New Order In the Grain Werid. be paii ,r wieat at your station 10 Thisafaternoon thte commisatoners ONVIItSATIONS of Ibis a Su"o paio for un off day. If were going ta outline days for service kinti migitt havo taL-en yOui lOi i lîtthe sver. Wfrite te of the count>' roati oulft t dring te pace In aimost every te I-'-1idmiinlcliatlon Grain Cor- coming year. tovn lu tic great grain pl*1î..u.. lie Ne-w YorkCty anti ils Iel i te XNation artt-t« %v.î..uill gie yen aid. N rAugMs 10; for r9vo- Findine th ' Pricesof et . 2 Wlsstet <A F LDC A lotion in grain market- Sikssiii in utakfng place. UneIe Sam P XEan ectual exemple: W E DCO bai staiteti on tliiiremarkabip ei- An eerator Iman it IE M EA portiment; lhe vas going te ose tehett-i- Sikeiton, Men., vantiti IN 1ÀK A orwvit oculd 'b.c mrketeti minusa àte mev vitat price à»fste lie speculators. 'This isb;w No. 2 iouti$ 0 T NC S ncesitated complts contral b>' the brlng t bis station$3 0ÀT N âS GSerernipent oe toarage faciliieztrans- viten No. 1iwiteat portation anti distributive agenceea et New York Çe Mews $2.28 par bush- andtihebmmarketing machiinery fur ei Here la bow ho vent about l: l-iguîes sItoini; iiji-s.ults or thei vea iry . 'rite0frelghti rote frein Blketen te sîtdownito! Illinois Indus- wurb.l a troubieti; moIe New Yonk being 16.98 cents par hait ries andl lie three heatiess Mondais, aie. the ohciiet o the Foot Admnis- j , bc deducteti thait from $2.28 per stuicit have Just bec-n compled for tration Grain Corporatilon who t buabel anti founti tepri-ee et Sikeshon the fuel administration. prove tiiet undertaken. uittout sala r>,andti a aie ,t e $2.1102. Frein i b o teducledti bbco<a!lithait as savcdti ul tiut sacrifice ofetIir pr éI onnetibon 1 per cent Per boghie fer lie-ecommis- 110a ton.. John E. WiII iani4-f ii viii the grain trade, t wnip lto ston Qrme charges, viticit -put lie net afig rrfresIllss ioi lsto nighe chope lbe terces Ibat vouiti drive for- Iprice f. o. b. Sikeaton et $2.16111% fiush t r a rttesit.nls iltt vrard tbe big business miade t, fl fr He ocît compared Iis prîce wit The figures werce blaineti b>' a marketing Auerlean vitear. A ingle -whatbhe coulti gel If ho soî t at S. eotmittee matie nu of Samuel M. controt; enti a $50.000.000 nonprolit- louis, hlt neareal prlmari markat. At Hastings. Arhur B. Hall auti D. F. making corporation iii dote sonk. St. Louis lie baaic prices la8218 paellyet>, visavere belpet Iin lte vor This work ta a oeceasary arn etf hie isshel. andtihIe fi-igit rates fre. b> the Association of Comîmerce, the * Food AtimLnnltiton. alilon '-lie Skeaten ta St. Louis O centa petbush-Ilîltnois Nlanufacturera' assocNisîon m <oenment ta do buiness quickl>' et. This would makc théie fketon andi other organizallons. i anti vithoitlred tape. Ils stock la beldirlec 82.12. leus 1 cent por buabet for Fgrso aig In trust b> te Preideitt of tae Unit- seling charges, or 82.11 net. rTe st.Furso Saig ed States. For the ime et the ver il Louis pre oldtlirofors govern. In repi>' t0 the question. "Wbat wiii supervise the rate or pUrcba9e befog adrantageotîs te the SikestouI mount of coal ls'as saved durnn lte te part commercially avaliabte othie sller. five day shuttiowu?" 678 business 60,000000 busels ot wheat anti the If our imaginai? 2 buaàhols of vteat bouses replieti that îbey 1aved 19.. 50,00,00 surplus of rye grovîn In0bitt stantoti frin Sikesten, sic If vas 11930 tons. On lise first Iteattesa muet-le in 1917. Its job in te finti a a No. 2 grade, vo muet doluef 8 cents Monda>' 682 frma saveti 4.130.89 tous, maret for ever>' bosiel, lrrespeetive per busitel. vitiit eh tl brug lic on te second 680 concerna lefI 3. of clam anti grade. Under is patron- price Lf o. b. te levstor point te 952 tons unused. anti on the tIbîrd agi. whist aereeninge are movîtîg jupet 82.0f02 per buaitel. As eus- imaulnury 644 repiîet the>' hati 3.650.84 tong- ansoilr ais No. 1 Nertteru.lih nuit eleralor man tu cliaxglng ô ets pert hat were flot burnpd. The total Bav- aise work onttsattafecteril> te locafl biiehel for itandlng, vieî chi dte Ij g wca 3,85.4tnst îubr i e pucee for vheat ut each et almnitthlie comisision fée justmSi vo ,we Theylîgvasiadon Ibbnathe itaI mafnhe 92.000ceutry cllerster pinta.,adjuat leduet su aiiioa cnstearveî ite. bbue t'oteatt 6et ent. thousands of comptlitaorganoi.el t thle price thcetaoumer r ievc& 'This tidînot tanaver ail of them. gaitrii nt uatsi 0 dt.jrIyepetprievulh 200 t i lvtr rTe average consomption per dav contcerna reportcasaudealng ouiry>. S..B o is0fat 4 cents vil setora te ur of 683 consilliers vas gir-net 8,.- soiers vexations tisugs'ementsamn fermer If 111118olettPrqquts; flit 902.23 tous anti the average ment bts tîle hts, atnd déie ffectveîî lto l a evneti e-opoeiaUYdY. consumption of 686 et 265.574.65 tons. sillae' purebiig egent endthlitent- When Former and IgievatenlmauDIs- Leses are Excessve. trais vite may doeslie te purclise te. Lasses In. ages during lth ive, day iln fthe erly dts olwn the de-. abutdown were ipaceti b>'582 fi-uts e«miatim lapre, for197w1et H adti seoir of m Wmei byit-'ai 41161.445.1.'Te final heatieis bthlnenet mrefer 1917 viteW et rat n.or poffea Or Mliit heis a day coal employes of 582 c01scerns, si aPenofsinets ui ies Catomfs-un"plauto. oL huMus veld iDut $2278N.36. the second Itl*iUs day siei, enuaiê alhéllitesor> prt thave bout se bleu gile dtujuffL the vage logIn 671 isard W '$221,.- Il th e ot.priaeting régions. This won He mlgitt bave rictusaho MU St a en 6.9 ie * it Utls a y 1uiteslUflby *tu nniatlo» etth@ andi arreugol te ItotEIsbig htetor i tR-int s eporleti 822M9,R18oaenti »wv grain grades, as premulgateti by muigt bave taken if ove? te a elatwte thint liCalese day théeJos inlu89 île Départnilect ci Agncultuiie, vbleh petitive eoueru t*Id* offereil- -kb reports vas $227,94 4.92. The average 1.8k -$ace about @. am@. lIme, indferpriet -,for lie Pooil Adcnftftu'ti«umbtuter o! employes vere gîven as '. li te II- ebm:cupWunto and a teet- bas net yet tttmpteti te ra thlà e 110,622. iîinig viooi Iis bs vas lnmect gfaiti lipè fite Grain Cia' pt-cél veld fermei fer b~tt0U.di.,tributbcd. p'wat>Ei et tie Pod Administrationti ry pointa. If 'dosa. hews ver1, ftk. Manufacturera epotei ltaIt cir vis roofflutbiefe t b Ii- flpli@ es g elýop Say f j'-f5 -ité'- ba.lsass luproduction In 483 Instances ledtbn~ ati stricte? obsemvne If ies ot- ate. & 'ta lu li»;3.92.10. Other'lacs. gpalilataes. Sut the corporation Wm pints, but Mait « a cooUt<'bc eiai-ga ma eyiah 1560 I. l<ite lofaI.o nmoeip efer nofthieti lt a pureti pr0 et e isma'Istedlusse$reach262. 72.2h2.14. o roîîwtns~, au pe~afor foc ds lu a le cotat>" for thée«r M-t ka5dSfkl hhIWdbVlie* footd dinlatittiod. ilftesof a&l dourg ,lo t piiis. « '" e 1l rang e phoci bo réportii to 0. C. Ofli.Y .rai f= f« dlls*Wls laie c ounty, or to township admil.ltatm, 0vini tae.thé PfoPoe Ctien: reparoti by the Watikegàn foodi ad minhatration. riffectiv. yeek bogift- Ding Apil il12 1918. Rêtail prIcesos utoer houlti pay frii;te simpleS s nomd ahouId 1Dot eed the folloviag. Thée tit tthe retalur 01 oaci articl cia t lren.ez Ce o ft te iisllr Prico te Coour ànuiated Sugae ................per, 100 lbs.-$f.9' 9 iery Wtàpad Uread........... Per lb. lont-83% 10< ý t. Fleur tandrd b.s..Per bag-42.90$.1 hit. Fleur <stndard .......Per % barrel-I.46 j.11.6 Iýte Fleur <ther bgrdAd0........ Per 1-8 lmrrel-$1.48 $1.63 te Plour <othor br4nds)....Pe'r 1.4. barrel-2.90 $3.15 V1rÂUNri vvvï i À gr [ mi i r-lmTI5XÀS il Al [qA1I~ Il« I174AM 1 Waokegau. Ap-Il 91. - Corporal Tom i>terchaiit, 81mOf o!J. D. Mercbant or Northt aveute. 18 ne Lake Foest Trid f la n aDeç at Camp Grant. A PDutal Mi- Lake ores Triu ou ruS ceied b>' fieutis er. ao bo ata Last Year and Found it to b e note le in Texas. having keen I Work Successfully -tnansferredti here a tev - tava o9. I The camp,,l t cikford il a fst beng cleaneti of local men and ti I ve't PUT UP 500 QUARTS DAILY Jbe long until tbere are noi etOflite oldti bncit efIttene that le! bers There Are Many in Waukegan Isomelime a go. IWho Advocate a Commun.- 1I AV1 Elpà#ÇT trie>' Fleur-------------------...Per 5-1b. bag-29C-iyCner fo Cty ILU IV L I yo Fleur------------------------..Per 1-8 bairel-8l.85 $2.00 i _______fo_ CiyARF .RJi hoe Whoet Floe.-:. ...... *-- -1bi. bag-32 1-2e 31- a*7gne tya lqusa t, V E OK (Under tbcpt*Sllelt'iR Proclamation tetaillera muet oeiIanti cen* .a<anîs -a îcs-t tîlute. Consumais bavfe chioce o! corumeal. cea fleur. or comtnuniby cas.uery. So tir as bomba>' grtlle, barey'111011r, rie, rice fleur,oaalmeal. soleti oatg, bock- Wauîkexao vas concenneti il neyer S » YIO E wheat fleur, poftdl ut . b av eet potalo fleur, seT beau f1oùr anti te- gelt be?-ond lte 'discussiin-stage. Icri-a oluresni ela9yefeu anet conaidereti a substitut@ fer ltvîc auea "susc"I whtite fleur.) Lake Forest acteti. A canner>' vas cntlp Fleurand -irb. 4to re- By a Vote of Two to One;the c port iii etriyb ie .E Sunday Show Is KePt Open miantm Fleur--------------------...5-b. bag-32C :7c Donnelîey, siieakfng hifore tie menu- ânn Me i(ht ui)------e 0 b- O7 ½c berp et te hi- iteago l-lumewivofi -Annuil Election rn Meil (yeiiew bili) 100 Ih-86 7'Ic ieague meeting, was a comletce suc- am* (whoe)--------------------..Pr lb.-329 37e cela9. Citizens o! Lake Forest b»' a rote icen (b....grad..).-- - Per lb-U i-cner'wlotiw aalandof :06 10 226 a tbe aninutil eletioit cen (mbout igrades)------., b.3c47c nti vicb vas linencet by the Wsr Tisia'd llrt n fae !ll- aco (edim rd@)....... enrIb-29e 43e lTueeida:1' ,iiinud'sas avuofabi- cdi graua ~'V 11 caioaiproec fo:-tm-ion w i-aviale o!dit- 1 bbcemotions picturi- Ibeater Ibere urd~~~~~ (bu-------- --Per Ii.-28o 14ce Lake Forcit," sait Nlrs. Doini-ite 10remain op-n on Sunda>' teets (full crea*M oUf t etir)- -. Per lb.-32c 40C "Durng te short acason lua bc Keenc H. Attiloxton vas re-elecleti heeas (full erean, brick)---------..per lb.-25c. w c e couiti vork ve put up about 501)1 aaYen, Frank W. Rdad defeateti <50te00)-----------Per th.-lcli qunarto! fruit anti vegeabis a iîs1 George iti ecodyfr lera runes (0t 0 ..: ...... -3 turnnng out many thousantis o! laits fie. te second ward; Jason lir>'e runs <go te 70)-----------------.Pr lb. 12c ic an îgving awa>' te hospita'-i and vas electeti alderman front tbc saine S~~Per b10 c -6.0î,chcari.te n'1titk' -- about :, oVa ard; Frank tBarker vas elecleti cil> leminy . .......... ...Pr10vo-$.074 as h oite-ito!rteé,tuwu v;ert- treasurer, 'antiE. J. ienabala, cil> lice (fene')---------------------..Per 100 îbs.-810.00 14e Ib. mucht intereste inl t e xpeitselt. marebal. Si(bNue rose)------------------..Pr 100 lbo.-049.00 1 vu-ib. P lii->' ycoulti learit froue an i-t- Mn. Monaitan la now supersersO sas (navy, hauid plcked)-------... en 100 lbe.-816.00 19%0C pert bow the processia tqwere carnet from Sileldstilownship andtiehl man>' lane (Lim'a)............. ...Per 100 b.-416.00 20C lb. out, We shalh oarry ont the cannery fientis Lu Waukegait vilIlibe Interest- etouenWiscensin miand hîan -Per 100 19-$.0. ?-25eplic. Iis yi-ar again. et iln boaring of bis électioni tolte eotes (wcsfri) - --------------.Pr 100 lbs.-hl.50 27-30e pIc Whal About Waukegan? position o! manshialo! bbeccil> as Miik (higisat grjdil)------------..1e 22e In the face of thls positive aucci-55 veil. glik (medium grade@)-----------...17c 20C e ake a<cFor-st tast >'ian 1h la yen- 11k <vpeiated, nef sweetened) ..-. 12e 1.,c deneti vbether or net Wanltegan pea- Enuac hoc %I. lutter (crnrey, e*armbull)-....43e 49c people yl sec titeir va>' lear 1 nulnoThog Pli <Ote @iithigcr catona tian In tubs instatl oie o! the cannenlea Iis ycar. Ruman beinga tare endureti uncon- (CW9iii@<etsiiaid ge lcarnsbaPrlb-l 11 It-j iet-4ha-4th Instafltion anti eilvable niteetes anti giovustrong lutterine (tandard grades. crts).--Per lb.-ZOc 35e openation ot sucb a canner>' vouit es-en as lie>' suffereti. Andt ieî ibave tuterie (tanar grolls, eli) .. er b.-9c 4e malte it ebeaper anti casier for teos>'net ont>' endureti ail thîngs but hopeti lufferine (meiium). relieanti bull - -Per Ib.-28e. 33c wite hai e van gardens 1 out teti' ail tlings. No gaduegs viten It came Egg <ifricti>' frasi. canidieti)-...Dz,n-3c. 40c excescropa for the violer. londt- Ibembeen abiele tisaont ltespirit County Ciairman Grldley o! the Vernon Towflaiip-J. E. Ban-dlt. vitiLal efforts soometintes are cosîl>' viict. lokng bfflza lte préengt foti administration commitue an- Shields Township-Paul H. Sitz. t ory s-c atede aoîts. burer 0fbasdeected f clnuti lievcei totînces Ibal Lýaie ceunîy larmer.a Eta Township-Henry Eggers. tr esl ailet tfhbaeksn o lite eee havlng vhteat on baud iiould com G. C. Grie>', C0onty Carna, 'ocern taitrp.l ftareson o the bciui Bon suincate immetiiatei>' vitb ticuir 10.1Liberbycile. The tiélicate iteltotropo insacorc*éd anthIe Beilman. al foodi atinistb'aoMwvto-e tarnes . naprofitable te lbe perfumar. lHe le- are as toltova: terts ln lils dor. itovever. thc aromes Freontan Lieryvile ,)msiipWAUKEGAN STORES ARE No et anle coiînteti vit te iibaier FremL . uTr and LObG EtYvP N lO NtA y sbiE. scent o ! bitter a m onds. T erefoer, hb. L it s end the Co ier Set h one. -S. . Trpp. ONGR OPN MODAY E.ati t t a tînctitre et rantila s uit Diti jeu ever viaitthat yqu coulti get Antiocit anti Laie Villa Townshilp Waukeganle big stoes are ne long-1 quanttly t te elo!to bitter ainiends .lfttrlclifgbt'bulbia b match thte celler -Geo. A. Mitchell. _-1er -open Monda>' nighte. The onU>' ant rosenutorenge fio-wer essence, icitemeor o!euî room 1 If se, you MU Avon anti Grant Townsuils -JohOnlght in the week the>' are open telani=lits esally mailes extratI o! belle- be ildt» mev, If yoo bave net ai- H r.Safurda>. This change was mae as top.redY discoered thit rck foi- yur- Hart. ea pafrlotic &tep anti@amete give tht Loilng .soe uur. i sf. titt you may elor them et home W aco timT.n hi 1- O V. Put- cîsrîc m ore eisure i mte. A n m inent -en line r b as predicte ti tes tit ew n t e ntmae. Itlaisver>' im - nan._______________ tiatla in ie ho <ee ie rso f telspI. Zuet bu>'nome vaten-celor pain i a, Cuba Townip-l'rct Kir-clîuter. Unitedi States viii ne longer fiov as a seft bruch, anti set te vork. Y -,t Deerbietti Tuwasbip-Wui - Iluhn. Tii. for Strafsgv. titey do holap. Bacht important strean mai7peint tiena un>' sie te t Newport Township - Jamesa A. 'bei-e 10ne soch tblng cs returnlng vilîtb c eli a sérien of slugglsb lustre, anti gel a lovely effect of Reeves. t t t ie t s on e's >outit. If there lakes vîwt cîletie power stations lun tiêtiUghtI tirougi lte paitld lion Cit3-O. W. Falet teere anti we "ere aet if tlite iccer btveeu. Al lte litho setrmauis ilI Ver Instance, If ioOr litIngli-r Ware Twnhi ad Vakeanlicketl un, our repl>' sioulti bc "No e cx- bc vlpeti eut, andti lcr waters Se.- dotte ln aitdes of brovn ad'Jt Warr n T vnsîlp a ni V iukegan y actl ; te m a te a stratgie retireé. n. bined t e m thle g iet ees that are te Yeu c n get a beautitol sunstiiî il Townshtilp oulside aucnci>-afler nîmeet ioslng the seat et uepply the bOUsh-ligit anti power of titrougit bulbe pafnte't a detinu:: Han->' E. Flood.- trousers."-Houston ront. lteé future. lev.-Cbi-ituan Science Monitior. Early buying will save money You'll pay more, of course. But be sur e you don't spend good dolla rs for poor clothes Wisdom says buy XTRAGO01R Ciothes for Boys Serupulous care in se-. lection of materials and in making,ùinsure théir being the best on th'e mark et. Experience proves it. XYi-.B4Q~D - Here is a list of in- creases on cost qf ma- teriais used in clothing -in the last year. Fabrics 50%,to90% Lining 9 0 % Canvas 1105, Pocketing 905/ Sanie proportions on hair cloth, silesia, etc. We have them now atprices you won't duplicate la.ter. A n dl i n values that you neyer could improve on. 1

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