CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Apr 1918, p. 12

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Man Who Saved the Day for - oanin City SerlesnS 'GOES TO PORTLAND, MAINE Working tWaukegan When He Aeoeived Cali to Hèlp Make up Recent Cai *'Lini" Blaliey' former Waukpgan battelali Player. bas jolned Uncie sams nfisitting forces. Blliey was ,wrk gIeawtn caliati In tIi ratnditas urrtvad t Portlasnd. lia., 'wlere be 114 now witiî the cOn-il .gad.Waukeasn basebali fans wili nlica.l ley asyne of e lte bei-t -pittvharà, tbe-city ever bai. Iiailey started bis baseb4li career In Joiirt dva .ycar' age wien lhe pitcbed for te Rivaes1--liha city leagua. 'Titat year 'Linit' led the 'teant to vlctory. With the abandon- emt of te citi- léague there ia 1914 flie Rivals formcd a Smn[-Pro an-d IisIiey 'wait retained as pti4r. His splendid record obtained bltn\a posi- 1ion on the llwaulrep teaunin Ibe Mercantile lettiue, but iter ne cime te WaukeeuÏatsnd pitclied fnortiti 'vire miliiteam linthtbainter-City in- dttstriai leagua. Ha pitcbed gteal bail ln tais leagît'. but IL was not umxiiithe cty serie bcitweea thea 9oulht andi 'West aida teiM* 3when It4eçann or the soutît tde leanm. used Ilailey wben bis reg- ulgr pitcherlailed biné, titat his truc kibllity was racognIzed by fais. Lavtanr lie Went le Kenoshi waiere bis vont on flic cty teat t. tratethie attention et scouls ont fhe layreii eorte Chicage Npienals Ha fixed bis naine to a cotract aïd moàde ail arrangemnts te, go Sontit .wth thec Cuba this apring, viten lia- elie San decldpd lie wasa needed for lNUmy veri. laley did not protest. l'ie watd until bis draft numbet iatt reacite4 and then started oui cltccrfyiiy te help 'whIp tit' linn. .Baliey vas working In Waukpgan wtt-n caiied te tbe coera. .Hie basebali wnr-k sivouiti ninIt hlm a valuable Oan for Uutlc Sarn, eapecialiy ithen IL corne. te dr>piî.ng grenades l intae anamy tranchas. 'Leut. Brasseur otfte l'.rncit arnty la spendlng thea week-end witit Lieut, flutde andi famillY Oeth 8l itreel. fDr. RT1.steur bas Juat arived tfront bFÏ'RnCe wbare lia bhas scen active service In the baille zone. lie had bis steai heiniel sîtotaway wile lh, 'lie disoliarge et bis <Itia.- leI., lit a liire.v tont'. furlouigl and v1,Oaita t tAincrira lbu teinterest or '1itP BfIcian relief fund. An effort la beblo [Rade to'arrange for a meeting for bin al wile bere so that Northt chi. cago isnay bave ifin o1portun*y te 'bear bal. before hae returîts. iErl Cook vite joined the Radio -ic c ism re age. t the station vasa sent back tomte, bas been 'aalltd ttePulvrt Atooday et thte sta- Il1Te commounion service of te .Preabytenlait chut-cl, aS' .1itjîlSut, -day rvenltîg 'ii t 1ev. J'nul jyac. Palour ln chargeamisted Iby ltov. Chldester of Waukegaît. Afttr the communion service to animtal topai- 'ln O etlie citureti was itaid ut which kfnosi excellenît rpa-tii vert-i 'Y te 'different societies 0 tîhe -t*urch. liai. Payne wan, sclreteti te rfiPregent the ehuu'ch ut tae nnu:î' meteting it C"iicagotoday. iLey. :'1a>'t.O'aI isettulone- more Sotiay vu-là t.4chtirc-li iere btfor. ltc tatas uip bis 'aork atithif-8 utuw ciurcît ID the West. Roi'. Iefouri-u ofthlie M"înil stininary preac-h-d a most excellen: ataeat te Preshyteriati çhurel. iUaa nornlng. Î'T- H. -3itKinney andi son have just >Z .cevedlta ,on-tract for turnisîtii '*'o tratra of Uha Naval station aslia large auteunât of hardware. e' The .Magiil beys à'?tUicNaval aa tlion, together 'with Mr. Leslie Davis, .rennted Ithe Preshytarian cliurcii ',w«th a fine 'Amrican giag Sîsnday. SThte regular meeting or ttc Panent. TaChera' associati ofet iCentrai lbmî vas beid Tuesday atterneen. '4 me progran as arranged ity the 90111e et thte uppar grades. Thse pro- OMM COUSISled ef a number of longs p,lo iiwand drill. Thteassociation ~4eeded te bave a school garden anti POIRolcial -Hudson 'ase delegatedti t pnose land fer that purpese. ý,vaawuieaaked tu supervise tte 4Irroi oet ihe NorthiChcago nmer- arc called te apvenr befoec LIgaote food autbortIoeLa Cbicago 'aitewh are net employas oet eChicago fountiry ara, baving a tiUre te get tbair gardeun we. Thte uadny bave ailtte *111oble teani engageti te pîey for 1iJ4mberbip drive for lthe Auxil- EU lCross eft hae Norh uchool Moaday mornlng anti alroidy U anembets bave been enrolied. tesblas been starlcd amoncthein roumis te ara 'ahich it viigel '100 per cent trst. e haffer tamily are te morve te * ades Aid etfte Prestyter- chriwiil neat 'ait Mrs. Hen- q( 'U.ncola treet Thnrsday after. HE 'ELL 0FALLIES' -CRISIS. EriUab P$ué,lk a »not&aed&" a bi Poamlpset", ythat Wilwmoula ban of W th b ie war may decide .ba low bèý4 staged in France. LLOYD GEORGESI APPEAL TO AMERIC.t: W. are t the criais of the war, attaced by r joineti in t-» struggie. But tbis battie, i-f.. gréat- an immense superierity of Gernmen troi. Oua- est and most memnentous in the history cf the arnir bas been- forceti te retire.-'lTe retirement ' word,t8iyjtst beglnnlng. Trougxout it the han been carried eut nethodicaiiy before teFenc h andrtheare Reith thf. eatkril presureet stady uccssIn e freh Gratan niect ne effort 'ahicit can hasten Its troops anti reservas, wblch arc aufferinir enormouls luses. is sgl-ips te Francs. The situation is bain '1 In w plnid. ar, turne i3 vital. Tt in impossible ta courage.and resolution. Te dogred pluck cf our axa ~~te the importance of getiing Anuericati troupe han for fthc moment chccked te ceaseleas raiutforr'ameni-s acrose the Atlantic in flie shortest emnucfthe enemi-. And Iha l'-'.vich have now pc-'it- . i----1.i 't.e TRÀININEi COR~~ LONON.Altil tl-Premir LiydE, W L KCRScomtttatv toit igiti of 'ie Gerinan FFs À31~j CLUBT driva naît'iin progroast..tie grea t 1 OdcE W elT ý ésion et, Piesident Wilsieu permîîit,' V I i Ainerlcan trcps i )A bnsvuriad .vi0i YISIT CTYI T titll et thea allies, and h!%. defetisel KEEr UP INTERES T ofepenalions In the east was one of J C-E ROBE plrentier ha yet ulliverad._____ Trustees Are Chosen by Memn- Arnong the important tings iii bers and Lease for War rad:(aplain tIefl of th.. l"ret i rs Period Take on Armory As te Irilanti, il 14 lOtetpossibileOany titriing station. tii t',i ,*le n- i - idTae n roy Il tig'r to austtty li-r exclttsion ti'on'igi tetiiconduci an itîesti.ation ot te coiissription aet. îth ii,' , cari ton tîi t Kaiuka;iî't'. 'l'hl. At tht- regular tnteting orthte, a- Wlit% 1wtnir' u oa iliiri.<xet'oit itKnae unlear Training corps, heltlat th iil-c 1iica of u tse a ttr rile'war. Itii, iv ek andi gatiier oîi 'iit Arniory isat nUit,, utwas decided ' hrt-r-t-a aluIt ini thestarin btithLie as' 11wofflelalitmay liait- cuîcrning icase te arniery and te tentu a regut. hurricane is- tut ovt-r. DeuitiessA v ti' i'aniuc'tefthie jacki"r. Tise cvi- lit- club and tite members alected tite mottxpeci nmore. tiecea otbrea..I tiliiet'takers .111 h - useti at ciuort toilawing afF-rr as irusteps. ani, etc itla finsaliy eliîausted. thtae ,.til prncedings wiiriw ,Iline Capi.. L. A. Hende.e. Lieut. J. D ur- yltbcniany more. The fte or thi'e obtixli- ondened for thç,t' of kit, I.loui. W. MI. Johnrson. Sargt. r elmpire, lte fatlletofEurope and te'fixitgiltt guili- andth Ie punisbrnent Raobt. Pp.arnvalî. Cot-it. Conradti fiait- ate of libety trougitaut [lite wortd of Ilite jackica. 'tels, Harry Whte.1 may dependod ntthie succi'rs wilh The ni idence In tise itaits et Treasurar, Cnp. 1W. 1). Lamibert. 'whiclithte lasi et attdcks isnr*--vtavstr ttnrney l.yen lai-on' ceron- Il wts aise dacided te muka li-. ssteti andi 'cuntcrati. peeasff h 'rovernentis aiite si-orv v.'itii epaeatilaiiamie îot.tyru nclude a bowling atley 'for tuenbent The utc-t stop ta vwhlnlîi 1sto]auli cîlun. te part of Iii' uai ai oR- 'titi lateît-I.Tu tîîpr hn- -ilke te cail tte attentiaon af the, ciaiv. wiii iii'ma.0arrautgcd thaât ilwîîî ait u ui-tna Sdtnnai -iven as club roussis for te nmen wuteîî - i.iltatcenç'ndcni'dliîy 'reaidenit Wil- .iver- ttey W!isital go titane. son Iin tlîiv.mergency- on, utftlic(, utîs f..nfte pet-led of the war. In tact, the lu ot e t battie migit~t MILITARY IVEDIJING veny wvIiilba deterrniited hy titisdte' cialon. * By Ibis d.-cision ~IT RE~ IVETftIR AtnieanbRttaliona wili lie irigaded À W UKEiAN AGflttitlit'(.nenFiftli 'IU nn i 'Armyte Frencht rtservi". came p, GIRL AS THUBDEU SE VC Liit rprnarkable ral)tîduy, vlie-n lheuin ____ I stion btfora te tattt,ýi,, !tnii rn d. It tact.,ithe bstî t i i i h itiir iIltat-v ,l(illg con WITU 4ô STARSýwiten tte final decsian ait, t 'tken a., v.-ý1-*i Wtli4aSAR jthe r eb gne f ti,.-ythe ilon vý.shliterfrmd athe lornie Knîhtsof olrnbs Hve none of the utost netnarkiahlî' letts utfiiSat.i qlit ftennOn when taeit ni v e f oùmusHae a rganîzation lut this mer. $dutir.- Eteila, v-as ntdi ImrelIlCre oy inl h la clear lie tiermaulu. ' itaving rnts4e ta Sem-gt. Ferreat O. Hutxiîîrs ef A~tig SeviceBannr f ained an Initiai auccsu, anrelînepar- Cîtietgo, siatianed ti tCamir Grannt. Acoetin SericeBannr iInganothar, and paritaîp an aven A t l o'ciack Pary Harris of Wau. greater attack on tae allind airmîes.nt'gaiihtea playilg te wedding Waulcagan, April 9.1 We teel confident that oîtr anieî m h. Tha yeung couple met under Ttc Koigitta of Coumbus aet ve- genierais anti saldiers viii bie quitl an ancli af fiags 'aiera the Rai'. H. E Ing formaiiy racalvad thaînsrvc equal tetceI exticauier, wlten- tompet iiîrfarmed titte ring caranten>. fiag 'aticit tad bean matie sud 'hicît lever il cernes. Afiî'n tlie t-aramon>' Mn. Harris piny- vast presenteti te the ceunscit iîy thte d tthe "tStan Spanvinti Banner" anti touti tiegree membars of tae looil the lînoont and bis attendant stodati a Te fialg la et vool rateia'nleeTy Watkegan Locals iss aahuitte,9hse o h matie and contatis 40 stars-tu date Mrsa. Meta Heckatzwelter ot.3Vauke- grism Sanah Hduissiadleant il tas net been tounti necesary t mte gIle bl ordv ro o amp bnGant ati ant mgan. bave an>'o et Its'tars gold for thc ga5fl lerayi d a uioeorrHcke MCsl fdýet bmperant va scheat man reason titat deapite the lange number agnt8w ler buarn nsGergeLHec Tina er ttendchos berued sitoolmate of K. C.-munrniers In service, ueniioneaelln(Aar citg in t n i-b aiugsbeatendweand BldacheSpaii yet given lis ie ftu lits eountry. 1on Iwo oaaion.Th vor enucitlcandierat c ousvaind Bsian d alls Charles H. lKing of Wnuictîan, av; occ-r-.ans. Teai-nehatad iriv oais s i niCils. -. a- -' . - Mesau'- - -" 1ucaru eore.Juage novants. i'eck'. In atiirosa on liberty Bonds and'taeîîer denuedth ie charges. Tic John Guthire et Chicago. spieaon cpe.'cena-etaiCtcaoD- *'Thes Mission oethlie Knigitts et C-' coeerc 1, 1910.icgo.De lumbuz,"Thte talks 'acre most Inter-. JoapitRu3e, ai1a310n.n u eting andti mpreaaad the niantiten Joetip hecesé, a-wa pa ntieb ve.> toctuynet serleusiy Injureti Tiursday ave- Titaeevare about 30 wvanne ptr- ,nlîg 'ain lieteel frornthetta ngine cnt andtiabout 50 niembera o! th" fapaauge ri a l0ct l councl. .as laken a, bKenesaaHiospital wbene ut vas feundti litbs Injuries 'acre Out Out Ussie$. Complainte, b'tIY a fewveculs about te face anti Thme tini' wnsl.d Ilutcotîîplniutng ho- Wtit iearma.ea vet lt cause te joli Ji t dar d i oflas h Wlder Tanner>' of Waukcgan viii more tan stffie-te1pit aIJob t-ti-Pentd $12%A00et- more ln erccting thse lit et -'tbas beena. cottages aittaeniqdei negre cent- rnunlhy that ha. brdn establislied b>' ibis cenipan>' ln the nertit'est part SOies. lte flleld Darwia's Tiser>', f e lt iiy. TheaW"der pant fbas A babrs ftest s@ho*% the unnntttak- cailed for bida for. the construction able, tescest t«iman trou a .primitive et 60 cottages te oest $2500O cdi creture liiglag trees. lts feet arei Henr-y Wanltburn, toreryof> e Wau- tUrnet iIvard, thaeioies being preseti gaua, bul reccntiy of Peoria, lias baen together lu a ste et rené exacti>'as nduciti m tu te national an my andi trt-o-dw*Ilhi uattlitpoids Place titeuni lias bt-en Ïient te a training camp in 'alen reatlnt. Thte nee-bern luttenti Delewara. itas iegu ahortor la proportioe litsjAbr ~i n uuaa<ftt h0<ylengia han ua n aditvan. $îunly poor'ft-n, die i at iha County exactly- n tb"oDiekçy bal legs shotlîjsla oa' avslla t S tita nUit.liespilal lire w'aaks ago. Barr'tis. cite presenteu vaut, witt a tuient' of eveir>'ant i niteati ot thto-v ing lien beuquet' ule divitdIcti lantong thlent. Mn'.. Hutltina vas in wite satin anti carriati white roses anti files Cfrtc valiey viti fie flag lanlte cantanr of te bouquet. Miss Hiltehune carric i pnk toseseanti vas tineed un plutsitk. Itefr(t.ultninenha vere served te about seventy-five guestg. Tite brida put lier cake 'aitt a tjtltc tiat ber granila-ter hati carriedti 'ai lm overliàdti i Catifernia. The >'oung coupia lafi- on ttc 6 o'ciock train for CbItcago In a abower et ice, aid shoeesanti goondwlalics. Mrs. Hutçbinj athentiedth e hlgt sciôol for tour years anti le an ne- centPliaîîad piantiat. Bei-h Mr. anxd Mrs. Hut-bine have nian> frientis vw4 viait liîcm a hîappy lire. IRUY UBE8TY BONDS TO V E Y U I F - R SO U R S..... IlO" i. Vimagai ut je * NéediMfr Veryf. IAu article recetlY PUbiahed ln sorge apers of the central West g"auanWr Ironeous Impression as te, the pa-t the. farier should play la inanclag the trat atruggie for liberty and world freildoin. It sgeâted thet the fariner ahould flot borrow noney with whlch toi buy Liberty bmod-that be sbouit! flot lnUconveolence hhnself" ln lending flinnclal support at thi. criticai trne la tbe bistory of tii.ination. Thia la no Urne te thialior taIcon- wenleneBtihome. Ir inconveigience la totae bhatnal.Of thouglit, let the Arnelcalg farier consider lirat the in- CobvOene c f the boys on the living IlaIn. nPr&ncbe* At titIs Particular Urne If le up ta ail Areians te mithe sac- rlficea. This la no time ta thlnk Of com.I Herewifh la shown' flefusl publlahed Picturt Of 4he Girls' Radio Corpa, fortable finandiai circurnatances alnd compoa.d of members cf the Young. Women'a Patriotic League of Waukegan freedom - from. inconvenience. Tint hoae recciving frequent instructions from Chief Eilctricin Thomas G. govérament la at a- <veut 4eui c0Én-.s=js'ofGreat talke*. Thta-la the tirirt Gîrla' Râdto corpfs ta be oràntized ln tobvenience. If.tii. boys et thie blaz- the United States and lia& the authorily and complets sanction of the officers ing. thuntlerous front are standng ln StGOfeat Lakos and in arousing widc tpread iflierest. There are now 36 rnuddy trenches _godglng sheil spîîoters members o ftie clama andt~hey meet weekly in the Patr!otic Girls' head- and Hua ballets and facing the terrible quarter. for instruction anld sudy u rider direction cf Mr. Baker. M'ga attacka, tiiere la no teasion why flie fariner at homne sbouid flot extend binself te help out. Don't thlnk of lnconvenlence. Tbinli cf fte Inconvenience and danger oet your son, or your nelghbor'tsSon, nt fte front. and bua- Liberty- bonds tatet limit. Stretcb your fInancial system te lte breaklog point, if need be. te sqpport your goveromnt and tite boys who are getuaily engagad ln thte busi- nlessotf agbtlng your figitt. If You bavPn'l lite moent band te dr your fuit duty toward lte grcat cause, go out and borrow Ilt frontyo.ur bank'-borrow su tint -you nwuy bity bonds "utili t burt-" Your financiai support rnny hea ameusaure of rour pBýctieni patrotisn-ond the nation %ueed.ý!practicai patriots Bt this ecu¶tl period. Dont think of Ucoirenlence.-tbink Orly ef succass. The: above picture shows Oireclor plairnng etalis of lte radio vont oa HELPLESS CHINA A LESSON Misses Gienois Coleman fief t), Marie V EverY Mon, Wman and Chid Should Centribute te Succese of Third li e-19 STARS IN ith tce last few ntontsWODthe ter-I2 rible buboutlc piagua bis been siveip- O R NSERdsVICE lng over western China. Starting bl Mogotia, il crosesathettcgreat tialta ti, II a ulîli aPPniling speati. Inuideti pravit"7e F Ai N U LI aflar province. And Ciinu-greal,- helipiess China-is unabia 10 cuire fon lis unfortunata People. Iîîiasiônttnies ImIressive Ceremonies to andthIe Rockefeller Inatitule have toi-n MakEetTnht-n r tieing icuci te aiteviate suiti'riog. bt Mrvn Tngt-n Iheir effotrs hava been lttie enottgi t Gold Star ini Flacj slarnt th'e tie etfte tnd dirvi-arn chnlîlntck'. the orgoinizntion nndî',r I' initi atIve te do munit more titan bow 'f.i .l 1Vîsîi'îlt batorî- the inevi ale.a-. reri î' i 'ur tt.rî %!îî u ,tTiîceisLa alesson frt-America et ttul< otti.ilui ltitie t iiiii vi-' titilne lut the-conditions lut Cilua," j i'v fii.l'îîrt."aunrii' saitiarniie Site' rnu'.,iu f 1-ilr-' rlu satin niat Saesurn> mdiitof- j0'<r tlies- 'ru. tt r'v.î " 1 tirer a tai, tnys ae. "The United Id itrîi 01 M.u 11, Siliv r,. Satea n'.ft war. F>~d, guns, ciolhlng nrhit ii i îîîîi ..î'ilti.. ' ia! S are neaeti for te soidiers, anti sbips utho il;vtir li n'id r'lli i.1.'r ,j 1 i st-t iti't"îsruvuy tecar-ythem le lte bt-thi,. 'treatU'rifi -tr.ii tileiedqin iiEurope, To eendui-î t hisu'rnrlu-. etuornous business et var. rnaney ta flt.% CO'!"îîtu.v hh u 'l u npt'deti-'hiltions iln mea>. If ftic ne- i 'iiiii~ n vrt. u î< litn dres net show Initiative andOn- gonluvuiiori, If ever>' Individuel .qnî every ciuunnIunity arena fol osot>'kn1 fi pveny othetr Individual and cicr o0tlir cmununily anti Inlere-il b> n ceiiton luupula, a reomon put-pose 10 defeastfte enaun>, Amarie v ili tfulllut titi' wer as sut-el> as China bas fatlepd In ber itupalans batlle againsl the bu- itîl iîfague, "Evary oman, vorni andotichlti shouiti contnibulte itae lirnit toward tisa sur-- ces'. of tisa hitrd Liberty boan. Titan. mutalbe ne sectiona! feeling, noiral itetreds, .ne anclant grudges, neo- lihicai ambitions, ne commuuit>' Inter- este or indîsidual asaej ste stand In the WBY. if Ibii nation et moe ltait s hundrati millioen seuls stands logeiher. as one, te governunent et Washington wili be provided vitlhte money iviit wii tt t finance ouracivea and eut- ai. lies in Ibis war againsta nsallit anti autocratie pover ltaI pets eut- peut- cal anti commercial min as il plotteti autd accornplisbcd i-be ruin of Belium anti Set-bisanti notherit France. -"A preýînent poltician once pro- feltted against tite Chinafylng of the Uniteti States.' Let te Unitedi States prove te itselt andt 10thiacammon fte, tint Ibere la netliing et Cbine's lep- lesstess ln uts. hit con de se b>'acting iviit a single purpose in titis malter et a venid var for demecracy." De à Figitter and Suy ' Sonds. t i- t ime tti-we aii realize ft.e Country 1% at *ar. Thte railroati. foundt ieunselves reliel'ed ofthIe man- agement osf titair properliai aver nîght. Priesn have iteen set fer fa-jd anti steel anti ceaI. Tbc draft In in ful eperatien. Tt la ne lontger e question of palrlotiom la supporting te gev- ernunent, it la an absolule necessit>', If the soîtiers refuse te figbt,fte Pair la test. If w. et honte rgfure te boy bonds, 1he 'ast la lest because lte governinent viii be attable te finance the. operatien. The. man vite refuses to buy bçàaa la t#lp great criais la tu p, eisa vith the abitiier whe refusez t esfgtt In the Majorit'. j TheasCollerar e For ona i ie sne'y pltue It bias been noticed fttecla eut- mfitortunes, tiere are thensanti. 1bonéet alores I'qaentl roken than vhoî mînceraîy bale Out- sureeas.-C. en OY alter bane la lte body, ýThos. G. Beke'. radio instructor e.ea two members of hi* Waulcegan clama, Weiah. tatul aff:1r 1foi,'.' uîîderat. i t beiîg 1w 1,fin i î ilig o! i' t<jîrd 1,1. Lark'a Wcndrous Notes. .%i - br' ut litl'ngi:ri'i iii Irelani C'Ilà the. sonrî i ti' t:rc t,.ivard nt ll best. liwli.umiîl.îings cvii. kilt sucl ii.'. ltî sîît l's .1im tt t lieilt 'lerful wutes ifi...r ' îiI- ivd. ti4V.*r lu lit firuoîtt it1-y t h<.î , ,. . tt111.- t.heard t htin, slii ii I. m iiftiI.iî t ii, i. îs'.îtr. thir proti'etimi., t.,i> aYnîî.iitg tif th, fttroyjog lntacet. Ex chsitge. Would Conact $se. A n.-o iJ'r'.'.t of Atîîî.rîesn e 00cr. ki, : iii 'rt *_.,i i u-mit,.lhg t in-fl.r1 ti.-Ariti ',î,ît uniîtIhe t.rii.vfrin,Ktindal. 'v. h'- h.' i-tuîî. ,-v. tuTortes. nivrtt'iTeîi n rrt i-,tinsutféd (ati Laat Week 0F bUR -Bamkruplcy Stock Sais Saturday is the Iast day of the mo5t won- der-fîll salc ever- tien in tins part of tut4 stati-. Now is youropportunity to buy anything in- the HOIJSEKEEPING fine at 1est, than haif. Evorlimig Rsduoed for Final Clieranos $50 Bras. Beds,$25.95 1 [J54-5 Grass Beds, $20.95 i' . $20 Grass Beds, $ 9.85 '20 V. M. B.d., $ 9.95 $7.50 Iron B.d., $S8.65 We have the. largest and moot comploe t tck of rude and floor coveei»ga to b. found in thia par t ofth. State. i45-9xl2 AXMINSTER1 RUG'. only $37.50 $35-9x1l2 SEAMLESS BRUSSELS, ouly $24.95 $19 L9x 12 VOGUE RUG, only $14.95 Rempnt, PRO LINO, Spocial, per square yard, 55o 2lx45 WAITE GRASS RusS, spoclal 986 COMIL 'IODA! andl See."kable Values ' that sa' YnEoe Ai fg parti< The enfor Tht alic tome' oti ter,e perte, reguit priser prisoe t r Thb ling a out a admil er as for st ed b> If tht t ratoi panfor ced uî r lut v. alnd 1 hyfip. churc fr t!r A nd ni

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