Matia. 4~~ muLIwuLSAVE ICINQ IN CO. COURT?~?i U AIYIED 25 - isabeile Marshall, Mlwaukee, 22.1 edone But Lcensed Lawyers' gwrtsLangl, Cîao,2;4.deP t~ e svs fE Cn Conduot or Recelve oto '& algjý», Waukegan. 28: si aaFraàM a PaY in Estate Cases N D IR DVil0f,8liam, 22. W un., gaysMore or ut 37; Jobanna 131eoç, MilwaUk*Çe 44. IS NOW IN FORCEI Ugoir B. Weseya, Great Laces, 23; S IPN AL 1 Katheine gt.bbena. Vhitago, 2,r. M PN O SD IY Guardians and Executors Aise lbrtE'Bétâe Gea Lits,26; Forbidden to Employ Pte L ofma;cap rntt jet;-, undds of DuIr Goiho AnY Bu LtWyes.,4*Ays ruay have boeen Any But Lawyers -Mn. Chicage, 2; Mary Shlpped So f 0'n A a aoe o as.., 84. -tt A swfvoei o aîrny, nf. .rt~ PiýneY, Waukegan, 2; 'ia -etmî,mkn lpoa- Utg Out eOMPetti.on f rom iankers, Mics Wtt Rae, sý20:,2; Ta 5eutitk aigT roui ette *gen, ta .le nued Saw Adolpia DWaaes. Chicago, 21; Olive sible for the producer to Set 8 . cents Der qust for rnllk, la 111 l ta ObMeMioners anti tthere Who Sare R. iian ni are,IN.. HarlfiY t&nUmuer, Mlwaukee, 27; Yl 8tay thre slaugbter of lAke particularly netive JIn probate ourts. Adeilaxe schwertzer, satnme.24. cotintherds, la he lcatatourent of bicmxe effective errrai montUs'ogo. George IL. lamnmer, Milwaukee, 21; ae .Ree,#t:;re The~ ~ ~~~~~~o oleIo ruhcursaen Irela Ait, gane, 92.Jae A. tev, umsîrt Thefori-îng of iiuc. cut@ie JohdG. 'Turner. Norbh Chicago, REtiwl uere hundreda of dSlry ettfie rlaw rrlt neay ~ 11t jý.,Eh"- W. ApItel, Mukegat, Ml-o., ecua i àldY hb"0 ffl ehtoppd to a licenispi attorney. "t') commance, 21. the> stockyards and vire. additiona emsduct or dépend nny quitormbo.Ptr.Yae.Knh, ;*Es carloada of COwn are belng shipped ii- any court qf record ofni Int..0 Jouter, gamé, 22. Mdan person pot a duIy llcensed et- Frank R. Betz, 'Hammond. todt, 27; 018 eVery wee'is. setuea daUy il torney-- abat) receive any compese, Esther E. fha>.- ýen'e Haute-, md.. 21- 3 l1 ~few -.4"e àgo ta oa tion for any lezal service for maitking llarry R. TWpkln. Great li*ip-q.Igtrang ,a cattle buyer tRse. *etIletents in the prb)Iate pourba, of 21; Rtuth MPIMÉchum. Waukegan, 19. Sfly lotatî'. nor vitalt any administra- ,Henry tgoecker. Mlwaukee, 21; il'e 250 dalry cava ta thre stock- i ter, exur-irior or guardiari cîu;loy for Agnes Mars, aenne. 19. yards at Chicago. thle perfoiiînvi- 'f .-gai wor'i fer Arthur A. Petert, >llwaukee, 24:j; lad ic~saebln hp Say eelate, or pay any person for Marjorie DeKeyser.sanme. ,2..od f oi aebig gi) perforrulnu a ý Jworu. excepi a Forrest 0. ilutchins, Chicago, 2.vd£S OsanI. r Ree regularlyifn-i attornev. Ertella L. Bacon, Waukegan. 20. safd today vhpn ire carne te Wauke.i A On fin ,! s a : 0 tri 111>0or lm. ganutoetransact business. "it Io de- I exceed 3, da> oor lth fine and lm- ll ioal btL cno b epe zn prlsonment a! ' id ,for al er 2lOt OUCE L1141T IS tire eiistIng conditions, Trhe am liig hrigor rerelilng FIEem r ca.nnot ire ilamed for gettngOu na ,ir turco r-ord In the, 11 KtI f tire milk busines wben required e it-o ,,ý grgularly liceused taseI .EDSttheRr B fiedfo lie prsecle Ifl!UW IStire Ciciat he cs xd o Th lw o ý ýIprvetan astate INhéJChicPACES district hc clde adminlstr-a'or or txsc(or rfam hand- I aU'LcPL C S l0f Lakecounby. llng an estair,.in trobate court Wil-b-! I"Uder the Présent sciredule the out an atornh-'-. but an executor or prdcr nLkfort r etn adMinl strator r,n rot rýte is batik- Washington, D. C. April 10 -Two pouesI aecub r etn et as In Vi- .c. Fand>psy him fees Dune« or bread and relils and four but 5.2 cents pet quart. Tt tg sb- for settling ,t:jitto.Ife is reqWrij ounces of olck bread is the maximum solutelY Imposakble te produce lm iik ed by thi- b, a c' hiro an attorneyI that con be served to affy one 90150fl for titis price. If the Iacrh ..-o.trted adminis- tama)i«i'ubi alg lcs *IurtheBouton !-trtcctirhe tarin- trator O-r , irf o-ur.-ie, bh. cat fer Aprîl 14, tire food administra- Perctorm as i, 7-rr-;, here the pro-. H on announced today In making piub. ers are teceliW 8& 3-4 cents pet Cedlure Is Ilie1k ameudmnents and additions te the quart for milk. flai retalled at 15 Pt---n- -o parl~rïhbrking r-oies. Beginning >Hrllit. cents. Flfteeas cents per quart for bUt ar or- or %ilt'i law have lit1e su bstltute contet albel milk laont htgb uhen tire food val- and relis must be tncreased te 2., pcr staied tha' l , oupnilon thi,: law'1etnt e ia consldered." la unconst!twîîl ii Lndpr tire neir amr-ndnents. ail Tire question a te fixing a liew blakery prodoctt. muet irreater con- aciredule oi prieer a nthe Chiîcago 1 ttirs the folicwing ltibttutes con- district 1% being considered at the CARO (,F THANKS Ieet 1 wetyeast doragi goodg, 231I- pr prssent time and tire bellef prevails W, - -t u îra:(»i-ida (ent, crackera,15 per cent: cookles that there vIli ire an Increage la tire and w-Ogýit - Tldîdi,esrr a~d 'and Ici- cresmn Mnepi. 3:: iI:per cent: rate. hynIpaxh 17 !ht t 'Ir urlis-; cake-. 3? 1-7 per cent: pies. 33 .1- l", 'Ia -, - t Gurne'per cent: frled cakes. :;:,I-.3per cent: churth -, ' r r- s.eMi1ipastry. 73 1-3î per cent; batter cakes. for t !. .- ',1 Mmbu. . 's iaffe..uic-< breadî<. snob as mu! I Dal TheougaL- Andrea ir, ,îI (lrîiren -! ifins and Boton browm breed. 66 !-7 Irenletmdtr etnet i wi~.i per cent,. ment ia.-Spenser. ',"f(t ]Uri« te fisî]uarl'-r of this 9 str thOn the 15117 .,,as- rrot m REi ge rvviousyear. A OM - Sid5,eY i Thre Increasf, n the nîrnber of carg '144, censptd n 1917 over 191 -..was 9go . "staaerL é-,~ , TH tÀiNO 2, the total niîmber 0f cars et C nr4or. censed in the year 1917, bflng 140.- Sy,*iL5 Ï011 ROAYcoaA.B Il291, end the total arnount cgllfecdPorBay Secy.Stat EmmrsonReports S ,8.88469 .,comPared 10 $1.236.,--lBby Secy Stte mme n 5Gý35pal byauto owners ln the Llttle maln, aged fiv-c, ttrlklirg tb baby Big Gains Ôver Lat ear caer 1916. 1 brother ln lthe cradle s:id: "You poor Many More Cars - IIlttle thIng. you hasn't got nmai lder, 1 oi>'man, and sire workm Ro liarrt'» - Chlid Oled of Old AU.. According ta figures aimmtutî-(-il r Ab«utUtayèers mNo s boy af seve Secretary of State Louis- LA Ettrîîr -t died et Ztlch of aid age. Bis case son, fe cotiected .1 »' ri aTr 'ws ereeptionally unique, for ire waa firat nratter of Ibis ymar bw an In- tire joungeer wember of a famll' Who crasse of$904,934.40 ovot. the sa I kbd won loal reput. ait athlet m. lThe F R IIT V A quarter o! last year. 2- obcsî brother Wuas afrat-class boxer, Automob)ile hicense fet collfeçieri Une tire rounger md won man>' tire Sm-st three months 0f tiu year prixill on the sorts patauvd. Doctors are twice as large as thffl cOIert.-dI from tII Pafts of Europe fiocked ta Oe tire first threriontha f 101,7. Zurich ta 07y ta diagnose rte boy',p Thre ttal number f autl0Làbile IIûenýý manumdy ind ëffert asumccessful cura. eS issued drtring the tinst ql4arter of but in vào. 1917 was 174,655. The h. nn'rr s- Anybody may trade eit the F alores nOWopen in Waukegan Drive a - N'ýail Here = ow. Chicago. 91ô a tu te atmcf lte -Tie people thomasives are In every healthy body there own food supplies and bo put th, Inalead oi the mlddlem*n'à pecki - are fifty-grains 0f -Iroân, aboiut UBecome a meimber,. or1 show mnuch as la contained lnana ordi- movement by trading et the p*o - - - nary "tenpenny" nail. By reason of Iack o! Iron ln the'blood Manly lv r îersonB are anemic, paie, thin, emaclated, their blood corpuscles ~.Dark Syrup; !AI - -are uneven, lnstead of being round 0l I-16 -ail 5 I -~-'~ and full of!oil red blooiandNmbr3ia the nerres are lackIng In strength. Excellent Grade; Peed tho ewIvi on good, rkch, red Pe l Nube 3ca blood, and one.feels full or vigor. ~m Kirk'. Flake White; FOR SALE-Team or borsea. O Pounds. Set double haraces, farta wagon, express «wagon. Borne býy fô -cf.g bol) sied and gond rubber tfred buiggy. John Ryq1dcwiez. 14; l4th North Chicago. Phone 1697. 32-6t-wkly 21 WANTED-A gondi farm man ta wor'i tcam. an ail-y4ear-rouag and lifetirne job for the right man. 14oue, garden. fruit free and priviege Ôf keelng cow aid poultry. Apply North Shore Cemetery. 82-61 L1E-STOR ESý to the t!lic FruitvaIe Co-operative Store. Two viciflity. MIore to Foiiow. 289in Fruitvalera. banding together to control their ie *fln-mous profite into their own your approval of the co-perativé Dptla sore. )ay Prices 88889 011188 La"rge size 1- xunr non wu ennuire. canA ,.. blood? It la easily answered. For many years Dr. Pierce and his staff of phyuicians at the Surgical Inetitute, ln Buffalo, N. Y., expert- mented with iran and other tontes, and flnally !ound a soluble tron which, when combined with native herbai extracta, 1made a wonderful blood and nerve tonte. This tbey - named "Iran-tic." It can now be had at most drug stores, and cornes. in 60-cent vials. * If you feel worn out before the day is haif aver, If your blood la poor, if you are pale, or pimples or boall appear on the face or~ neck, go to the nearest drug store and get "Irontie" tabiets. Take them regularly for thirty days. and you wîiI notice the wonderful energising effect. You will feel full of vim, vigor and vitality, instead of dull, tire4 and weak. If you wioh to =xike a test send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' llotel andi Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., and obtain a trial package. - __________________________________________________ I ________________ n lU 4 _______________________________ - ,-- I I I h S TaliCana w l ' w he P"re1Sap -- !1- Good Grade -188 ; 'lhUA Flakes; pet bo Made froin ripeFineGd; Cfil ruit; large lbottl 0 ICcnper pound N Tail cana; I~Clfmis yellow II r-lb ize 62iIlhIspj dng; pert-can,21 ~ III, ~ Bng Pw-~1nI tnmwl.fiItaliastyl, IUIII dB )deplb Li Idp-, per can UIIUWIOI IiGlass grade ICorn ebHstrat e 2i 'i E xtr No Charges- No Approvals- No Returns- SUIT DEP-'T. Second Floor j i -- of Fine Trhe Beet Store- On the l Yorth Shore"' Wauliegan' s Gr eateet Dress Sale 450 choice Spring Dresses in a hi hly complete range of the beat fabrics for spring and many aibryîce suitable for fali. In- cluded are miateriall of wool jerseyr, taffetas, crepe de chine, georgette, charmleuse, satins, messalinos, men's wear serge, etc; in fcy and tailored effects for every occasion. Dresses worth Up as high as $39.50 are selling at * .C. Every Dres on th, foor incuedat this price The reason for this tunusual sale of ncw dresses is our desire to iiiik< et disposai of ail spring models prior to thbe ariai'ý of siiner stocks, whicli are arrivilig even now. We o, %ll eafl attention to the fact that drcss' mîa-terials wil be a -great dea- higher thé t-omiug Fail than 110Wv, evei i f the prescrit regular p)ricve, si) tlis sale bas~ added attraction~ for that, reas'ou alone.' Dresses for Street Wear Dresses for Evening Wear T'aikored Dresses of Men's Wear Serge, that will-be strictly in vogue for the coming ýFail. 'i LTDUUt'VYTX.,«Y, APRI1L il, 1918 Waukegan Store--220 Washington St. j North Chicago Store-- 1810 State St. Waukegan South Bide district being organlzed. Order@ . celved at the Fruitvai. Wholesale Houa., 29 E. South Water Street Chicago. Food to members at cost Selections should be made with care as this price will flot permit returns for credit. The best values we have ever been able to offer at this price.' Ç4 ýE b»M IL pet bar,