p ;; ?' fi 4. Tdis page con fributed a"d paid for ly DOCTOR&. C R. GALLOWAY C..N. STEPIIENS J. L TAYlOR L HSMITH F. Ht MARTIN L F. GOLDING ',Letes Keep thze GIow ii OldGlory". BUY Làberty 'Bonds Today! "if, fS l"-fryour boy, yournei bosr's frienwd'sbythe boy overseas who hsdn~IS country's uniformn to protect -the- rights, the liberty, the very homes an 1d lives -of ýAmerica's citizéns. We're ail involved- in- this tita nic struggk; not oneof us who .hès no at stàke eeybp ehlS4 ced. le~s Mr joit Iusiess% our commton causeanal of us must do our ejie wil~gyand egrlto pesreh integrty, te prm ipead Te boor Wherea niMlin-ehap i»s of the flower of orln io4r hm si~ piainand r leir invoe youmeyto bcki;, Woud ousee tedefenders of Ameriça go hu~yo oreign shore? Wwld you hvethsc"in c1loed or are? o iyo -lo yWi boy.gT aMYAr cnboy i Friance t rthroghlak Of yoùir loaneëd money? 0f çcurs ~ wouldn't T4ie isu't th Uýe UntdStateswhwùdit s:@r at the thoÙght tint this neI~ ar1ç~i yCp d~owhtsbhyory pn yur privilege and -d o itatonce. "1 Loait c - Y TIIÀÎ j", *.