x '2r. 2'4d~ ~. t y t) I. 'This page contribut.d and paid for by 9ke dlkeldon .J49*001 "Let- usKeep the Clou> mn kiGlory rea, Buy Liberty Bonds Today- v pur Gérâroi aEJr ;-a J. Pershing L ET A t --t r - s- WHAT. man army are you doing to help Pershing push on ta Potsdam- ? Yoit what he said: " The Gelrman: àrmny can bc bea._,ten;. the Ger- will be beaten; th' Germa n .,army must be beaten!" Pershing can't do i 41alone,. He and our a 1rmy with him caï-'t do it alonc You and I have to be -wifh theï-n, heart and soul and pocketbook Weve got t back Plerehing ta t%.he limit-to the last ditch and th, last man and the last dollar. His responSibiity is greate r than that ever shoulderedby any Amei jean gen erl-really greater than that of any other general in' this wai Pershing is responsi!1e with President Wilsn, or Our Country He needs a steady strteam of- food, munitions, ships and men. And* therè is just one wîay to taise these for him-we must raise the -money to supply tb:emn. Everybody must help-high and Iow, r"c and poor. There is no mani or woman who cannot - help us back Pershing. 'Upon Auieica is to rest the brunt of. the terrible burdens tcorne," said Generai Pershing. He is there. HpF: w Buy Liberty Bonds today. Buy ail you Can affo .and more. Buy till it hurts; then buy tDIi quits hurting. "Let's keep the glow in Old G1ýry Pershing is doing his share; we will do ours. Melp the boyÈ at the front; helpi those making reac tQ go; help the boys of the navy-help the Preç dont and back Pershing to the limit The task, is great, the dutylîs tremendous; the airn, vast; the resuit is surer-if we back Pershing. xd .4 *' %is4 BSay your Liberty Bon*d# -el#y. Dontat until the closing daya of the camapaig-nbut be on. o-,fc A ct.w oaigtr duty now and do it atone 1' *1~ LibetyLoan 't j' i * ~ * * %~k*.~ -~ ** ,~ .t ,4-.~.* '~ L-'---- - s-' 4 't-pt .- - -. r 18, lois