CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Apr 1918, p. 12

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- LBERT:y VILLE INDEPEI4DENT, THURSDÂYI .&PRL 25,1918 0" SOWTÂSKS ilase at Ordinance Reveals thýe Duties that Are As- s99We to the Mayor asuIrs IN", ELSEWHERE Ordinane Presôribes he Shall Kan*i Utilities, Library and Other Matters Igayor Peas-ce bis applied to hlm. - e41t tis requeutly ascribed "credit" 'et 1avlug lbis "wiugs cilpped" sud bh' *busfrequentiy stated tisat "thse com- auuonr bave loft uoting fer lilsîs to qd*"-end tbat's wisy ho *"butte In" Wu'tise commissioners' departuseuto. EU~' lWA'~NOT TIM PACT- Thse mayas-. lu bis own de'sartsueut, h ltapepty to do-If h. wil mat DO Because of bis practîce lately lu t.'-IIWng i el mitIsenuersI departaueut. and bis s titemeut tisaf heobai notblng tb do lu lils owxs, tIse O uï dug up tise ordînance ýoverlng MISdutles. And, I's seou he lias &~'1ot ito do% but tisst IN BIS :flWURMMe,T be bas isianefully xelecbsi piokng after lise tigs pesllaiug tiereto fond wiiclsho &kmhu bas absolute'Ray over. Itor instance, ho lias enîre super- vision o! ailipublic ciities. antIsas &u. Oectilc lgis, franchiseaet-5 teris. liceus«s, conytracte, tise llbsisry, achool board, etc. Wss ber'. thé duties of tise may- orlu_.4oieordinince- bi udprfre altiedîtc mO or prescrlbed by tise (rdi- n"M os f thse City oualnlucoisihlot withî t be proviàlous o! tiis ordînance or *o. aslw, and shal have and exercisc s'l tbe powexe and Desform altise vuUes provided or prescribed lsy law. TIeayor shah ho conamisalener of *Public Affare aud shal b Superimi- *tenôent of tbe Department of Public Atahui and as sncb. shal sbave gener- ai supervislou sud oversigist over ai dege'tzuets aud officers of tise Cty: lie sa]Wl b chiot esecutive officer sud tmepreeenttfve of tise ettY, siaîl slgn al' Contacta ou behiaîf of tise cil>' a"i ail warrant% dr'awn on tise freas- w«s; psovded that upon bits faIms-e or refuai 1w sigu any cetract or su> warraut drawu for any claim oi iibflatiou ehllowed hy tise cty cou- cli thea lu that casé, suct contract or warrant may be sgnet] by auy two eonsissiouers. Mie shalhave cmtrol ansd super- vision oves- ail public service utilitles mnailmiveprsons. firsme or corpora- tions reudes-lug service ln tise City] alfr n>'frauclalse.lcenfie, cotrts- or glat mid or grauted b>' tise City or sate, and shahl report to the Cou- ta os-soa proper officer any fat] u*e of sald pron, llrmn or corpora- fin te reutier eervIce or to iserve thereqliemetsor conditions o! the aebie, enlsrssl'licos. or aima nuer hic pulicservice utîl- Me shal bave icontroI, manage aMint. direction aud supervision of tise lgitng o! treets sud alsys. cf giable grenadesaud 4buiinlgs, sud of 0&R lamais. ligis,lilgitint materils &U ipe.sons charged wististe car@ Be ssaluss upon ai applications li tise use o! tise oty hall for s - $i.bly pusposes sud issue permits Iisncb une. T'h Corporation cosînsel sud othes _!as sd employes o! tise ha.w de- Whoeee. todqral food adminWl, trator of Iî111t114abua beesn eiecUld presidesit of thé, - uitOd stau Chalbr of CmmerO&.f. CII'APIONSIP' FlIORT AT FORT? Plans for a 10-rouind boul for thse heavyweight ciampionsmiliziof b.' United States sfmy cuuLJ 'Ismeuis -witl Andre Anciersosianad lrank Mordt as the îrincipalsfi are ussder wusY wish Lieut. Goocis, director of aU:- lptica at thé fort, lu (barge. Morait. ilata Camps Taylor, Ky., and iA mnaing efforts to -secure permis- sion to fight. Anderson 4& i 03111aP Grant. and is saad to ae <ared the necesaar t 1 talie par Inluthse iglt. ns go through -tise bout wliqm»lay SAILORS PLUi TUE3 BULL'S EYE AT CAMiP LOGANto Seven' Hundred Biuejackets Are Taking Course on Rifle Range Tise iamgest. itaal sc'huol of nualiet- ry in lihe Unied States la in full swing aI Camnp Logans. mien o!fZDon City-. Mre tissu 7(H) bluessacisetaq fron Camps Fa&rraut and Decatur uow are takirg tise feu-day course cf heComing 'dead aboIs." The rife range, whioh abuts; Lake Michigan, cau acoomn"aéte 1.600 imen Der day. Tise blujacisets literally Blecip ou tefr orpns- ront early mornin>' ilîl late lu tise eevnlng tise> are kept bus>' earingaIl tise in.' points o! sharpsootlng. Lectures For Men. Wblle actual sotîng taises Itp the greater part o! tise day, tise <vurse ln augmeuici wltis lectures ad cona work. Clauses are held five eevniuigs a weok sud are in chsarme o! chief pety offices. Here Ilse,' consstînctioms sud tiseor>' o fthe rifle arc goue jte Iisoroughy. Th'e umen are given de- tlede lniuaruetk.n aboust windage, elevation. range construction aud tise lifte, Not ouI>' are bîuejack,'tsu ins"ructýd lu tise use o! tise nul.' but also wltis lise hîlsol and rapis irelIn"s. Be- fore leaving fisc range.' iiuy~re Weil acqtîaiiiedth wlthtse use of tise. meacaons. I ( gNrtneeuthte ctliumrary and sîrar>' FOR SALE- Overni.ud L,00pound 4bictrs and other offlicers sud em- truck. Speclal bhvdiody, goed pope« lutise -ibmrr; gas andi meter mi1echaisala condiion. run 18001 miles. Iaapetur: Insisectos- of welgbf s sud T J. Knaak, !Deerfi"hd, Ill. Wkly 2t leuvrei snd tiseir respective offices _____ S I gopartments and ail ofhcers sud jis tsrl xpt s te FOR SALE-Otie Ford, one-ton trucis *W expresaly prd'vided la> law sud netiree-foirths ton White truck by7 dits odilance sud ait Propert 'anud one FIord dellvery cgLr. L.ahe For- te"in snob %0hrespective offices sud est Merchant's Delevrv. 194-t Wky if gmmftaand tise board-o!of cd- WUon sd ailofier offices-s, employes SPECIAL ASSES8MENT ýNOT4GE or fuuctloms-rles nof >' îaw or ordi- OOCKET.NO. 125 ace 4 dlstrisuted or asBîgneai ta Notice lit lereby given te ail per- of pullric affaire. sons lnterestea tisaItishe City Cotincil ______________of thtie City o! Northi Chlcae9 isavtsg osde-o 1s a supplemental assess- UTm ent b.' made to cover tise deficieucy Y. I. C.À. H STES inSpecsl Asssment No. 108, for tise constructiion of a six (SIlmîcha cast tW rou w.ser aupply piipe 'with ireIl-oy- ][OISE FOR CÀ drauts tsud gate valves lu Maiu street from Thin'd avenuceho tise soutii lin. ortie aixteen foot alhey aftihe nortis- MFWY UNDERWAY eri terminus of said streef sud lu Second -avenue frmiens Main street f0 terminus o! present existlng Main lu Building Wl~ Be Mod iedA-said! avenue, ail lu this(It>' o! NoSti eM in Wii S ModledAl-Ci"a«o, Cout>'o! Lake tausd 8Sft ter thie Oie now Located ofIlios Tise ordinance for tisesaans being onMain Station on fie ime tise office of tise it>' cer'l - o! ald st>', aud tise said city iaviiig Wos'< on tise usu Y. W. C. A. tias- isppied to tise ccunty court o! Luis "*s House lu a camp Dewey la nlow Cotnty, State o! llllInoIa, for an as. b'ell ioder wsy aud iefore long ilsy sess.ment of lise coslt tocooner au »es of Camps Dewey sud Cen-y wilh detiicieu<y accordimg'ltise beneitët Imive a place te enterfain thier motis- aud su assesmt tisretore hsving .rs, aitessasd girl fs-ends, beau mame isd returnaeg t sald -Tise bense wilîl ho0f the saisie court; tise fiuaIl eariug tises-om wii *tye o! arcitecture as'tis' e ou i ho had ai 11t o'cock P. M., on tise tise Main tation, but will lie largen. 141h day of Nay. A. DU, 1918, os- as It *Il bave a large sommer porcis sud acon tiereafler as the business o! a comiortible reception soom. A tise court wilh permit. siattera wlIl be malnt#ahed sud a Sald osdnance provides that tIhe dosmltoa wll b prvided for tise aggrsaste amuotntof said assomement staff. A rest room sund nurses-y for b dlsided lu fhs-ee (3) lutalisueuts q»inae aonuisd châlds-en will ha a bearing littereat Sat tise rate of Ci feture. lier centi per annum ifrom tise date o! The uew bouse la belug bult by tise fis-s. vioicier lssued on accounit tise war recreation committee of tise o! wcsk doue ou sai lmprovemest. Y. W. C. A.. whlcis bas Jursdicton Al peson desiiug iay Ille ob. "Wes-tiseene on tise Main station. jections lu sald court befs're sait! day Thse p« houa. ewll lie located just sud sua>'appeas- at fise earing sud imuêd tbe s"inisgaie o! Camnp Dewey. uae tisei-daee.. 'Sdai froma tiseguard house 1ated £1 Nos-rsthsiago, Illinois. twomen's restroona. this 211-h dsy 0f April. A. D., 1918. n afteruSn, vinitonls day H&RRY McKINNEY, o@à« .«1 persanes uiiieelunaud ouft Tnis pereon appoiuted by tise Prost- W te Maisa tlon bouse sud about dent sothtie Board of Local Impiove. ,o« tbse were esvd wlth refresis-' meul ta ouaire sai ametesent. ~ I WkIsy Apr. 25- May 21 m 8.50 Marabou Capes -at 64 St> lis s ot t fluffy marthou capes i: a variety of shapea and colorlngs special for Tisursday. Coats l Spec 1o eadquarters lu charte of couPetelkt WUEA TRES ARE NO rsons, LONCIEA OPNsONDAY V. JAME11 1. ALLM , i - ib»sA*sis. L k.a'~b19 etofS rc ne O long. Every cOlty ltu 1111313 Olifortly jor openMonday nigtte._. ileonu>' iould bc orgauized. but It esould' ij ti the ws*ic tnêy are open la ive headquarters rwhence thse dlrec- ngti lofi of that work may os oeyrledon.Seturda>'. This change was made as o successful 'business mon lbas bis a patrlio tMe nd ail to give the ttce under his bat. cierke more leiguré time. ~~J~xH IN o.Coats t$12.5 Lake County'a Gireatest Store Wo Women and Children Cots C at!coas Sak. -Ca ________ ______________A For Women (sizes 3 6-to 54) For Misses (sites 14 to 20) For Juniors (sizes 13 to 19) The "Talk of Town" Saturday and Next Week f7 P/ pt wAj-,' Our doni<nance ýof the coat- markets. draws to us marked-, concessions fromn the country -9s large st manufacturers including such world famed -Coats as- -Sunsbne, m ýRedfern Litr-lyT1 uusands, of-Coats in Wauega's Most Sensational Money-Savlng Event' to $16.50 Coats to $22 .50 Coats to 'S30.OO Coats to $35.00 COUtS to $40.O0 Coats to1 ial at- Special st- Special ai- Speclal at- Specual at- Speciali $50.00 at- c Wooltex Korrach EFh13 lrConpracy. DIPIAI MUAribili F9eld & Co., are clakin il S SEJd'IIIJLIIL, MAS~1tbat trewaga mlilous eflu"iD FNS-D I O FBIi I PO i:n in uacoordance Iwtlsplanslaid AID 0F $M ON0 "ha isw. y Voliva and publlcly ptaislsh. t- ed hbY il boards, isy mouth, Tor a Ni Marshall Field and Co. Seeking long tins. pa.t. Iensbltdi S eus 100r o Evdnebas bsn fort i to Prevent Interference the master showing that Vrlvae als S eus o 100Fo With their Employes claimed Zlon City la ineant for Zion Lake County Board lut at peopl Onl andthis a îonelo0f theAi.'rasna CMAE APoints they make that be la tryîag toai neaoal ,ninu ACONSPIRACY force Marshall Feld & Co. ta leave. Tbey have alsa lntrotluced evidence iearing Wid Lasi Long Timet inVoie'and publico ats god kgn ApîI 122. and nvovesSom In er- tisat thEy are asking thse court for a ln view of the tact 'bat the exeesi- and nvovesSorwiner- permanent wrIt reventiug the offi- tive ODîM4tl'ee of the State Cannetil estung Points of Law clala fromt as'aasing tisem the way of Defeuse id ho ask bise supervisors they bave.ofLk oattaaporas$,14 On teMs neetn er Marshsal Field & Co.'s furtisero!Lkcutytaprrit$,0. Oneo fisemoi lueretln her.charges that oX'iva controa i I ltbe for aidlng thse work for war lunlLake Ings that bas ever prsgresaedi efore municipal land Mýdwnishsip bLffarélru~couty, ltse folDwlng item rom "II a master ln chancery lu Deake cu.Zo iyadtia ieofcr oa nols State Council Ni-wa" offilci or- ii that whlcis bas heen under way bc bld tisem ta do affer outlîuîng . sa olb'cîul.stmey ia1 Maste lu bassery ir coursc of action. ta isi howo how ;.%acon scounty camp before Special Mse nCacr, Tecorupainu caims iitt iitlrough with $:Bsoi iIf Macon 'lm uchcan do mo, ItL s easýy ta sec h2w l1shk Martin C,. Declier, for sonie tlf5ie pait bel.p lia beei'5>lui1c ~~I~ count v eau ssrely do as$muehor as and which was contnued from Trl- tisaI many of lise emPlc.ye3 bave beecutheComlittee Io to ask. day lait untîl today for auotber heer- unable toa put rs wlth it ansd"hae The t aIe cousseil prinîs thîs ilieu: ing. leIt their eînploy. Tise company,..%aycut xiar ognz. 7%e. case la that of Marshsall Field claires furthertatte muiynt-' d> CSOY axlar ognz-I ~~~~n '"i tMu'o.teiWakilled lworkmç.ne. that nn toLiONSao! t-be te have ict as yet lug but est ~, --iedurea mu ot m 0~t,ity.leefVoliva, Cîtv o fibem conte front Enciandi.. man>' Tisia la-an unfortunate situation ail Attorney F'oriy. tise police depAsrT. rainitise easa coast. aisd noue f rom best. No uatter hou' weii a coutv meut, jutces of tise peace and tise any point iwesit of 0h10. Therefore, may be orgaisad, and no uatter isow police magistrats.,tise contention la madle tîsst when tognabetesitq proim Tise effort. belng made by Marshall they lose an ensPloyP as a result cof rouatig ssay be Ile' apîrIt, f theu Fildad ompsauy la ta get a ver- that bothercai by tise Visiva people prealn aou tse Membuer ie maen Ijuctonagint hee lo tatILworks asvr adhpuo worlc can neot b.' carrled on without Canity luuuctiaaîevneftheme fontbem ta MII bl@place. a centralinseeîîig Iplace, wi souta, Cîretin of l eto pevntthem cefran Tise Voliva people, o! course, a 1eha5 uier o epu ive o ut aresin oipoys f b~Lae ont- headquaîtherrafor executîse operation.l pany aud makiug fit bard for Mar: ihtu is ae sdenevrisg taThis lac'. sa easily remred r ihen- shahl Fcld and Co. ta rua theîr big prove that there la n0 coispraci bv1ever ïoinpbody ltakes theislutiatve. industry. whlchMarsisaîl Field and C3. lu try-I Maeon counî a an xunpleo!fun lmg ta cisase the lace wor'ki;c a Wyted I, a n sous bptie follo MarshsallField ILc., are claifl- Zioi. li ctr ing tisat tise Voliva people are arrest- Wlîen tise hesîisg 19 COmîîhslte<ilugbtr , 1918. lue tiselr employes, that tbey are ma'i- and ItLa floôt expects'd ta finish in.WaerSBeair lug Ifliard for lhem 1ta get bouses ide o! a mont -s or . lis ppcial Walter n'jS Acxhliîy, lu which toalice, that they ane bar- malter wiil rentier a decislen and ear Sîr:tlf, Ax,,l.Y rassng tise employes ou tise streets tissu no douht mhciever way IL goenearS:i by clling temn "stiukpots," "«hoga," tise appolng ide will Lakse IL before It givea me Plastre ta adi l*e yen etc., tisat they are putting excenatve the circuit court anda objet toakls that a consmttee firoa,.Mon couuty cais andi fines agaluat them wheu fiuding. And thse case wiiI proisably Auxilisry Defense(- Cdînmlttee appear- tlîey are arrested ou smoking charg- be rc.-heard isy tIse cîredit Juaigesani ed hefore ecr '%Tacon ('ouuty Btoard of. es and taken luto police court that aeu en tiso bast mi1 flot bIetflac endi Stpervisort; thîs sfternoc-, and that they evt-f make the' defepdants pay for no matter wlislhaide losea tise after Mr. r. P. Irving sud t had plic- excessive coOs on tisese City' cases chances are Itxiii be aispealeai to a ed 0cr question o! exisense for main- bfr emtigthem aLkeai ihrcor.talulasg couuty iseadqsarters ln Deca- befort e emltlge otie Ma- iiisrcur.1r hefore then tisey voteai unaul- aboli lhleld ansd Co. cdaims 4a cou-mul aaporii 300frta trary ta thse law, thier contentionule Optimistic Thought. use. Ilsbat 'men bave a rlglt ta appeai No Iwo thIsngs differ more tiss. u tr- W, wiiiiuediaiely, lîroe cdi wis thier case aud untilîthehiîgher court ry anit despeteis. plans. looking tc, ostsblieinig lroppr 1; Thé -Mu W-itIa.the4iren-MasiL Thia persnuwu a mysterions prie- <mer of France, who was closely con- hned for twenty-four years by the Otate, and died in the Bastille in 17031. Re rnay haveo been a twin brother of louis XIV. Who knows? - la this oeltliry, it is n0 mystery how pr mget etrong, for by put tmg iron Am-our blood we become strong men or eLW Th strong meni cf-today are mma of red 'blood. Men gain ethérgy, N-vira, vigor, by taking a new combiina- -tion of soluble iron with valuable native b1iilextrMgt, i-alled "ýironl. tic." This te the discovery of Dr.- Pierce and hie able assistants at the Invalida' Hotel and-Surgical Insti- tute in Buffalo. By experiments and actual test this new combination of' 'J))) «<Au ron will act as a tonie, increasing ths' appetite, rncreasing the îîurner asI trus x blood corpuscles, th<sreby feeding thue - nerves ou fresh blood. The wholc sys- tem feels the invigorating tone, iand instead of 'being pale, weak, nervous or sleepless one îîeit like a new >eing. A mani or worna of redi red blood -is ready for any or ail tanks. Gain strength, energy, vigor by going to you v nearest druggist and olitaining a 60e bottle of Irontie 'raîHcts. o? scnd 10o te Dr. Pierce for trial package. You wiII findth lat instead of pale checks, feelings of lassitude, tircd, worn out be- fore day is haif done, your cheeks vill bave color, vou wilI fv'el strong and vigorous, and you are "'rcady for the f ray." Start APow and you will have no so-called "spring fevf.r."

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