, -y, Urou kuw ofan iem, o1. ---------- Wesit kindly. telei>hone No. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Get Our Prices on, - ------------ --- _--------- ----- -HIGH-CLASs ENG HMrs.r ofl *oMbo, Mondai imecnn lUrs@.LT.Lsmgworthjr@petit Wedss. CNIR IE.Iand Invitatié JhCutrsa budmdn.o lotor la, BAND Visitinïg Cards Ct Marv~~~~~in g S Of o'IFort tSheridanM KS EU & opeU I SuaLleyepeut Suudi Uo S " s Iri 4bIoê.n Urhcro-d attended theconcert AritcSemnso Tt ý*1 TU .Libety om Di bos 1to 6P. n ligit Mmd evmibody pronounoed filthe 'Liert Loa m4. Itu to6 ~ "butetmi.'Evoryenumber reudered _____ IB. 8.a« tu afeài themeeting of wwm mniy ZjBou ii h wi -Un y todip.9o writeà 1WDirector Nicholle, wm @usî - u dhomjliwpeufeçtiot. dMi md r.CkbtoO VrillI are ful lo 8; MbLi E. E t.id y he xr. . J a pe u er tmgiody fr s*10with relatives as llchsot, anmd made a big bit. VocQ~ Sss a~ wiil~b ~Of, Louis.soins 0bu Mnm Paul Hemn anSd Miss vilratw ftiiîa dalx I Lt7* T@ smo Wo*«»odm f the M . & 1147 *vréltiém ~ L 'b rt v uem iwkuqgebi in mm lomevrqw ftormoon MeViuh lUl5d. Girls'baud did ro. pniceWus. T. Lsagworthy lhmepurchmosd aa i the home iot WilslWheeler. ,mwrksàbml mdPo.Niloi 900&»lire.uniBMm P. anM>~sd dughter Ovi 3111101)0 doer,.lunch crodit for àMiud g 'grIe gols be "uidM-is el~le Slamonéaspene Wodues. llhmUW, ldt 11111!1W 5Bk wth 'ia Io sdi bowins, asibtemain"~sv.::mî~ Irm W«kTairs fy *W lawoultqfl. tinllaht frisons. Thst __fil.__uh______ni______fessos._'Th TI&rS VPFirsai Norma , ofWankog m, .bbottort"ve,- .1 il.of the Moliise.. Wý,tOoc,.orpmssêd le i ______________ -lnW&& ITwuLFAT TOuTBSEEUL olu stor remest o dlMk pworth Lm» ak.nded the BU. oints bY g splendid varlsd pro- "Y lN.Smith wu& a buinessvisolr Bandmimeeting 1 im Cg, BVord lmm h ntrmnIn la tTii. onlTiei em lI givu by 1h. Ileîthes tb mewèirb'Baud: S IA C I R WA E 0. L A. W&Iker, the "Flord M etT@falt"lan,"b teIlnlatmà'Ù&R od -o --I b illoominglon, w, E LRemi 9 s eau baditoriumn lat Gram BDtterflId, clarluet; Adm Nich.1W 1t t àmooiéouflms., h n' ftThuvodst aight mss a @pion dtd sBacc...1111i 5t~Ethel Wheeler, alto; lmol 1% adào teWld eu@eybiug lroly &tien"SI.Calon, trombone; Vamie Jeukins, clar mosocition vii mmimlStoMs.h»yrn fro.returned home.luaIl&iesyo. clarluot; Ruth caraey On ImprovedLak-e-C 'I*à&&o wl ait wthMr Bro fomChicagon Tuoodmî. where thé cornet; Roih Dublois, cornet; Bai -- - - - -Colby tom orrow a fer ooo. bh a u bom tié p mtémlefu uek . Mmre LO baI , 150c 0 or en uiC e.baritoa ; ------------Mr.andlir.Georgo Bond mfd ninCd"ishbi avi iuncbtmprovi od. ti Jochbelm. but drui ; dm Baller, DOnDmd. returnod bomntmurdmp Itom àTbeI. VT. fidIbom "5m, mhicb v..m @Mm ts; 1lirs. C. D. Nicholie, boa JuatR.piv.d--A Lot Of oo.?oubave'daylubeaug. i be l&-" I~imtTuaisdyvum horli, *OrbmEUglsbt, ea'xpbone. Frufk li Gould amd Richard Yonmg, pootponod n»W Baturdmj. Mai 4. Mr. formrirlfCamP Grant, are Dowv ta Hlddiooule cmnjlàg a dlsplay md.-l ID ~ I you in tr.d to buy, to Imj tiOuod at Wmsiggtoi, 1). C., ludefielmtsle Imm0 ou, IliE.k W meroii articles IL M dIM ÀI uP a farm and n td mon.: TheO bsri iGirls have so"Invita,.bhmsi osrfor O51.bn Fhîgd» hc o LI 7t V& I oms for sao$~melini.d acln , mt3, <>Chsn l a ek a ucoe. Lberty. Tii.>oeunnlalCommuttes for LUberty. onfalg4uwhcyu1 r- .MVY -.1 îANS hb Rivenon aBsturdmj ev.ulug, AprIl 27. vile lab* como.from -head t villets. srramsln to bave a enutldo flot fi to s4CUrt Our Mm .WUilamDocker and li C foo10t." Toenis r Ïbaihmutgmvy ouobration on IrMay t.rMoon, Ma a.MortÇg*o~FrM Loans. Wh" wS n IgicibOr ttened he Blly uai ash s d raubio. If Iou have ot hlà la nm.so d tb" ha e ti.businesst- I wiI 16 c ahPo u n drmoi l u edhia o Bm a ill iendmjas. jeOt *0ll PhIt Of Cloua.Ui onneIcO.d that aferoon md baveW io up~y m rga e l WiCh 1 c a Pou d souuvcSoo TiOêjSkWook là la mot 100 Iate'to do @o. tbCommercial, club and t;uolmon ouSUpyMotag o BtOflGergIY .Jon utiTbon u@ about mn li'.falItof ttiq jun v theb p'pl of the grade sud________________ ___ T eore rlgo.Jou AstnEllTrlgg, .'boutlUul whte" os Taeeday mornl« laghli ios tuna paraeo thbeiéent I Bert Austin and Will Triggis tteudsd tarting shoiî lw a 'clack. Sanie of historie plaie of luterestinl the village, E s iiiE th fuerai of Abert Trlggo, uhicliwu@oui 'ei1der roil. nie"SaY they novei vbere1 approprlie exorcisl oo ib bld. naEAITCAD. CEIS 1eia lu Chcago on Tueodmj mternoon. »W then.ls. of biq»o8 large. Tb A catmiei pregram i ii appear noit AND (kOCERIESd suThon vsiiboa ver, Important Batili MilM md. a very pbctutooque @ieo. vok. flomembertb. dmte.. Tv. Pmom-3 mmd 40orfthe EPwortli L.mgue Ou fýrldaoves- WilliammB. Dockeri me been appoluto Ws::m:.: ingo01fteuov.k. The snçai eoclnot recruiofficer for th itad cInltes effieers wllhobeld for them sulng psar marines and hlammwltiug arrivai et~4uo, cY rée The St. Lawrence Bud mli t wlth *officiai papers andiuîtrictiono. Aupn _____________________ ________________________________Mrs. E. E. Ellsworth m1 on Tli y quoiutod wlîh Mr. Decker ki o Probytelrien. li tternoonlMay 2. Thon wfI ho sa vilii disclargo hie datte. lua a mont nday school 10 m'.__________________ election of ofilci ansd ail members r efficient manner. ----- niged tu hoprosent. Toleeatetmrotea.y Morulugu orshtp at il &In. S Ia IIIIILIJIN( lAIliRIAL F011 SIL~ ~l The Preebyterlan Ladiei' Aid viii compl.itaip7 letter fraya H. C. Glosai vnu evc îiacak sn~i uIh is.Wun L&eoe ouThus. hc xproum shie appreclatlo of thelb Spelml mailcai bathmarnlng sud "t ib Mre Wm LýySkevetu service. Choir dîrector, lime 5 sud -tneh W.P. loorlog S lnch Drop Sldlng day atterno ,May 2, Mi:e eis s111..pl.mdld iervice the itremon reudsr"d Paul Barman. Ï d 4-loch bard pipe Fdoring Stairi, 4 to 12 feet lu width Keru aud lire. Kimbal il Usi i ti, during thb tire aI itbshoues on Lake __FAT_ I9 MU 6-lneh Bard Pluss 0.11mb 2z4e and 2z6m hosta.À large alteindan10dored O1sénat on Mrch 19 > Accompauylng tbe MioltBicpi 6z 1 ad 12-loot TImbers 100,000fet 216 Floorîug.1-The .al tdrait board o oude - aed tler vmassacheck for ice dollarsdrauNeait Bandai, April 28, oervi lceviihbo'la-the naine of mi îewc M),000fut BrluPfavorimeo! kMlre haoot oncewerrparbatrsbteni matSfoneîBurrla foiof Maichoalibaso, butn abeasphonewioruicaais for sassonpm. 800000ftu Bard PlueTimb0r, nul le-footFemt cedrp e tronsn inyBrOugb. hwo.. ulvec to lbelire compans. 10 o'eloek, clFasse for milia"e. Morluogphnorcifra p 818 ~ 8~1 ~ 500 lieel foot ran Feueshome là at Sycomore, tu Camp Greeu,OuWdeayatronaselgrehu mIlaleksronblb Soi pipe, Sillgand sud ah bovis 200 pleeo Sash, Wndows mnd Dore Charlotte, N. C. The pnung man Ila On bmAlbmCba i tefraeieng mas asit Iy.len.lu th emvntug at Stel rae uidig.5>2 lest 8,000 blnged grand stand Souet orem tu a husf an eiheA lhlub.mecad lt rooi. Mie.wu oeintre, Bey. Rm. l eve n . ai 8-ba 11.inh Ppe renc ' lbuti-:h.Athur Aldis opoke on" Faod Conserva- lllastraited sermon ou the stibject. "Theé Saleman» p nws lon Prliàe@mon, local agent for theoChicago, lion,"l miénrg ta the ladites a grost Runit Churches lu France aud Flauders HERE ARE TWO OF' IM Milwaukee & St. Paul, ham Roue tP dia c valumblé infornmation. fire. Mary lu the Paih oI the ans." There silbu AT LIBERTYVILLE RACE TRACK Sprlnglieldç_ lii., mbre ho accepted a B. Cary of Nev York talked ou ber vork mare than tifti illustratons everpono of Unetr...... position vlth the Sangamon COUuty lu Frafico and Begluro duricg th a. i. hlhha. beeu saboriseil by Fedoeral ~ ~ 1<d... Coal Company. Ur. Simn, mho v" a Mre. DIa Iu2rahani rendened séveralgaorument. Speclal muti aIlbheveu. Eëyoye..... RU EL W REC K ING C O* very icent and aomo:roatinig agent, Vocal solo@. lu1h lgosevice. Ail are cordially invlted.. BOTH rOR *$2.00 LIJE'ITVLLEILLIOIS savlg. B ha.boonsucceded ba ni ofUrih.Raymond Colomane msek Thursdayeveng at 8 oelock. Let (Jurrnt Opinio. Chicago Office: 7337 Stony Island Ave., Cdiîo, 11. A. Beon ii rRdont. Kathetine Simd, lo Saturdmj ulbt blpkIt members of the chotr bu preat. ee oRvis Phi .Hph P" 7M Ur. and Ii. W. W. Cartolllabit todvi heGirls Club of L. T. E. 8. UieCoWl.'TheoRiuof a aestrpW@isc"viiho BOT aI Revie.0 - ~~ou an sauterantrip cf tueor thtres toi. manu@asproented wlth a boatltfalthe sabjeet of thbm.Epmorih Lansgue B O 50 rhOp willivltt i the ome of Iir nso.uton table loth whieh shoeaccitedleu nieunda evigair 7.00. (horg*, ms Maplevood. N. J., mnad wmlii grtofuili. At 10:30 a tfght lunch q&4 Sovart Smth wmli it!ead mmeeting. sooourn lu Now York Ciy, wbore Mr. osrvçd and et 11 aclock the paitybiche Ail aneocrdlalynivtod to attend. Carroll mii lock ovor thoenmarkots. 01 Op. Ail thoseo simeproseni report. Tht.si hb a veîy lmpormpt mot. tbsir rieti tio ii@top lp Wm.h- sd s sptedld lIme. tug of the Karnoot Workor SuBndsy Ail gtcu, D- C., for a vieilmii t b The Alpha club saké- vour sttondsncs ichool claie,lire. Emma Trlpp, tombher; &0daaghter, UmesRate, mnd wmlii sP.d ~ai et "local t*oatre ti whl bu mrpyat tibmoni f UmbIda Wbseler ounL. pro sy INigr Fi.hu lu iv iii bu featured Iu lli ab- Mlvaukee Avo.,donFrtdsy aflernoon of Independ4ttOffice' "ThoRulsl Chrchs luFramcsmd ourbn« pbotoplai'. Charlby Omo ttis.1h0vei Iv. ism»rn ers ue fth Bm las"ii WTii.Mliiise1bu etwa e» u]eplays M =.____________---_____-----____ Remedies .be theiéto f he I lliustratidsermou no0f vlh islaapropos 0f,"Clomu.Up "M miut Banda a 8o'lok.Bey. ,T, . Wok." Teenieproceede wmliig ta ::::: :s ySPM1Bossu aseusd ift.y lltmâathélbelub md yUl b. used tossai piabW vbtcb have bhom pet eut mnd .*iohly b xpvaeof the carnpalga'lo maisOb antSthoa th l e Rolos anivhlg.It le a votthy anti 11enl tlites. lt ll brbc vuis dle tsklb nd uld hoat blieesl hrir'clthlss W bttroiibtu liaispdrouid.siAN M # ER théb luth concrnlngSlb"MuttimisW1. 'Tb. LIlorIville Aazilimrp cf Qlb i envi"o! Gorimmmp mmd evsry bblte 01 Omu asaouucod a dauctuta bglume %hm sreinss sad M Obmut$ 1%t eoat bsqdltottum ou heibmvmlg of At.I'ricesThatý;A wt gbt h ur IIéMa .Tem llh ukW i filrais».gmTnlb@- WU"- .e 0f lb M i orcnestral . afueMblo Wb cmrry a &"Ai« eo ulaerabe titis wurlu mTmea bsoousuW M V Io stNIlolîs'orhesrasd Te aOui l"e Of laces and ernbroideries will dégh: the home, Lad 0UIOI- Ieordadeplavisd. i h ave boom plpring tlil oir so - are bin $Ote Of~ UIZ cc i otroLust niht Mdonhal Umboovyd--ivoe dsttously sud have d dom étmi< fri!.igame#, ' er sUii silî, gudbi olmsuibop Vub: !Q vpi-ol durIug the»e dtio«*lMi ngere, for t&e clildref&wear. Tbmrsae4y Val d1I '1ft t .if V'tSS 114tOUtfbS eri boxes of riewm lau.-tquae, »0doubt he public mii avat 10.00thingu, hevier croetai p&ato htiroitweIIfor conli yc» Do ad Iuglwewe wUIç!Y~ehicli ens of tlb joutbls bahm 010 ofçEumilb emtunlt7 te chou 1*0 dae bodeii èdtwitosn, a- locn toIlý'ai lte, .'.n ms o gs to pedatiohihpttendlng lb déi imor rieyi litwch ii~oac italaes , i u - -b- e -'Aa1s*B bht m n Sno I bath bujlng tickets, insertions. attamlont lb utter ami ushéiosluesWUimtgon, abouti ti-Io dSO1~-*oI.fan#509 het PBiOh O OhIOf puai.>7 nodw,l opndlau ltoxoi ln particular, we would cal! Four attemiton to the fine Orv ébomlsi otethahe bi babOt 'lb bodiMa soun ttrvap ta lb bÎnd ~~a~~aUs ondilb hea@"is0l. ceaISauo on >oein en~ alsflbtoideiy for Consas and ciaEs, uome woked in col W. laisboSl o Oh iu ebl M jlaai Limbe,3.. Vhet wblchIb salrb used 'fofoitbbol.thé bMvmlosJiceeandPoses lefl on&mtsptersta okM ttiet os loepadutCIuufld s Pg. MkPg se f h osielb toubenlbsP17 eboi ho at mi d lamho e vo a. eglh b. GRA VING Programi tEtc. Engravera' Art ully Show#n, depende'J > Loai 'ounty Foa nprov or to stock ty, or If you have imust rofinonce, tqrms on First actis to lnvestot's. 'Catalg. 'Write, a ~MANYCL *1.50 .......................................................................................................................1.50 ......................................................................................................................*3.00 ......................................................................................................................*8.00 D JR eSwS. He ëes fSr the flue mu414c.. e- ------------- Ctr 1 à AI