CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 May 1918, p. 13

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DATE, IIOUR 0f CliRIST'S COMINi Overseer as Parting Word in Indianapolis, Tells Hearers He Doesnt Know Year STAGE NOW BEING SET Says that World Events Are Making Preparation for the Return of the Lord N i ii-itt h nhi ont tf li. uîmoisi. sur- cessrfuî i-e îg ai Intia atolils Sunt- dat> lli ->.,tike t, a largep audience at lIot h ii iit ngs. d"pi i.t ie- ad weath- <r andi tý - ac,11nçî.iln Maily farin- ers ai tilt1lit- titzeis aho knew hlmi In hlis lio lt<iiiîi tays or knh.w is folks t( iti ' up a Iii shook hatids wlîh ilite ut"' u-iVoiîa lin.>ounueti tht- îl ou I Zi uturC* i . 'h it rt,edi tt % .xi 4ng bI-t toi Nait4 jtrsttîtý wîre niove-»Iti 10tearB esthets -% matg tht'ir taxi t ticiction juil beloru 1ie i rîîiu.tiu t in wati pro- floun ted: Tiîî paits of titi.plece coJtlug tit t- a itîttax It a powcrft'I th-u ii- lii , lut - s ni leb ù a lttI v t i I iI atiàd nil(.i, CitP rit i ltfi . w.- 1twi t-t ilt t ýit i l(s-t ali'a lit)t8o lutd- lI:,r ,-'tenen.and e- Pita>.. t-n ht ,-îniar.d Ille Kaispr Pa y tlIiiti Kaisf-- t-, th p Anto :f ali o . t i th,- t flot the MIai],î-Il- .îd I'<i hinesut4 a S l.-ii '-t- ofoApril COM:ti tIl il -iil-i G 1- i;.' \ -t, -. , -s-.-of tlte ('firi. fi. t , i9\% a iIl(- (7C'u re i ot / 1 1,îî ri . t, t i atthe Murgt Trb-t ---. - ., . fIrnor i..c Jott t-ift I t 1 -i.T hl-next gris-t ëti-otliiitu(li t t. - lt'O0be fulilieti I i,ît.t. t - 1lui- day - Il- kilio Iltt r iv uan taikac . i i - Illekîtea ahat hi- tej> ' - lt,- lit rl. i-tno I tlu lhi ~ i- ii t '~î tt-li. Thîe titi](- l 1 i' I- 'n l it- d-parti-t f Niqinl- uÀ, I it iin lîsradisle. %%i1tJ i t-i jr i-il 1 itîî.u.rttly btt<iis. but t ýs? lu, , it. . , i i..) i-iti 10 the soriti. Stage eSt t-or Milenium. '-Il %,is !:l-i uu' !'e ibu stagi- anti III,'Hý-it-lji tGolden Age. Xýnowut a-itil, Ni'il- t ~t -ruptut-e aays thai. h hen t t.lui -i- i, mut .pîîtlng out lt-t Ititi t'-- îî.a - triotIa IIil, ut unhuutî il, titti' i ' t I.. i e lite . lit- Jewish t-su i. Jî-rîu -.1'iii -tnow itut theîr h înth. anti a itttntu-s notýper- f--,- tiz thli p ihn-t !,-un i lii-resttrration f of l .1. lut I'itlai ri-ntît for 1the flililîlrIli 1ii ,t LIita SI tilttUne i' Ithte ofiitt ' i i it-' t-t ui t> h- <titio IIi L[oolît t-i -vâ uf ri-igitutiiitt tt iiant isltiî t. pttac!-tu. iil. iii- lt 1- i- -aid a pet-- .,on ioi tIt, -r r inu itttu-t ust do tnr iri',rt i o igptul- intîn Il a,Il. llhltt tti-blt.ti. lii' - tet ' P, t-at, - lII,- h i uittts- li- a s LIB~RTVILE DflI)?ENDZNT, TIIURSDAY, MAY 2, liR -f i- l t 'i i;itl'- 1 il>- 0uf - neath flie e grass>- îto i s ute arte_______fi_______ i ttii tt . Iî ut tfetol1veth1e ashes of mten aitti uonen wtua aluîtt - ii I u-saldi tntu ih,,couidI llyeti ant iuled a lth t-.l%-a ent convile- itît tu t.ttuuîu-flîot* s-,- it, nor tell ,Ion ihat thrir littie ttwil t.uid ai-SI~ ILIIL,<~1e lu II il ,(,t tIi -ttu iîig !- - aysbe-a bomte l'or 1tiiut <hldrefi and S H O ID E -ttti' t> ut fi l tî,- a "Ill.7 1drtn',, rih dt-eu a luire-pected ilei- î, :, , liyljji s l! ,l f tr And ol Ot-0 ndsTOUM E EPARENTS t il over the grien grass>- toonds alit- Stsn ds for Loyalty>. th(10er96,11t I l 111 h' n hl rviebailhý adth pot T UY WARBO D 1:, 'tý1 iti- iil i , "-t %vi] flot olti Quakers noted fr lut ttuit- rîligîiois i- ( -- -i .,i> oneuIn te f,,ru çrant illoueslt -i- o<n tilit tif it, itta t V, Inile rt thplifitirenarluiTotal Sale Now is $8000 - l t tt i nsr Ilt acnkrwon gtijt, tji j Drive for Sale of Liberty qui___ erillgoh f ,ztl a t il]. Bonds Starts Tomnorrow titoilt c c-ut<ame In ndttit httit **$***. ~~ ~ Il-9lt on te cotnmuniiy. F I f .aidyfrSielniwe il SELL MANY THRIFT STAMPS chut-ch hegan totes tIs wailIs like a 6 M.isriage Licenses * bk:e1ttruder thatit was. lcî1ng Tii>- Isale II.ilte; ttulns is (0 Ilie a sriitly uakr oiimulit t-t-lred <rlt-ii lu- huntii-i.oh but one ciaurci-,uQuaker chutc-eh honie4 it iiWaiakegatt tvbere otleraise Swtbout vice hreedlng places oh ans the message ,uight nlot 1) taken a, a ~~~ ~~khîd, a truly quiet home-lke village resuit otf6 t oaempintt Rober W.there unity prevailed there came la 10 lie waget bu- th e Fsetool cbildt-en R Det'ttiewey,'Wasington, D lth the slimy intrudot- vice lîsunts o fl-ie uppet- grades md te 61gh C.. 41; Emmna \I. Spatk-anteme 39. of varions kînds. ln a short timlr scitool jet-e. Sutut. K- ý.ielk bal de Phil M. fapp. Chies-go, 21; Etelia the argument nais brought fortiaviseti a pla n whlch bný feels aiil lie A. Kneanker, same, 19. "Tbe young people mtust have sote productuve of the desit-et results. Victor- J. Stev-enson, Elgin, 22; Clara place of amu~tsemient," anti hauked 6v The Ju nior FPour Minute men of Timins, s îm". 21. t-be Methodisl chut-eh up sprinq the the schoolistibli visit 1he seventh anti Taber Jackýson, Fort Sheridan, 22; inovie Ihealer, the dance hall anti a eighth grades o! ail the publie scbofola Edira Von Kanpen. Chics-go. 21. 'pool roolm. Fine ,offapring for ,a tontorrow anti Fridia> and wlll Ïrge Frankln A. Illswkias. Great Lakes, chut-ch, but any t-illit- 1.o Spicciandti Ipon tlhe chiltireul thte neccsit>, of 24;.Pcat-l Knorr, Wîaactka, 18. cantitnti out for bimrcîf that those bIiuegIctîon.silile for the saie o!fsat Freýd W. lebler, 'Nanicvia, Wba., Ère the facta. lesst one bond. Tluey will 6e ut-geti 24; Cecelis- H. DeWers, saine, .15. flot, to. tht-e redit o!f1the Quakers. tu, inpressa upuy-thIeir parents tht-. Louis- B. lt-et-son, Miwaukee, 26; the> at-e weatbet-ing le s- large ex- neeti of put-hasing ai leitione bond Autos Sbng-t, sa-me, 20. l ent tbe rasiages of Ibis parasite. Tise -Moî'e Ifr1they can sford IL I Atthut- E. lHardell, Chics-go. 22; movnig* pcttire theater wt-h lis aug- There at-e aotirimatc-ly 400 Rtu- Ireen B. .lay, sanie, 18. gestive shows had tu, close Its door@. tdeats tluth1e igb sehool afld an' A.qtal ?dies McGruder, Maeomb, Ili., 42; Thse Quaker youthsa snd madna. ntnalter ilutthse to lper grajes ji Nelle Nestmoreasnd, Gales-but-g, 31. wosld nuit support l. and I.gftdual. the., city schoola. These 800 qu« MIke Pokorney, tNilwaukee, 21; 1>, tiletiout. Tlhe pcolfroomt, &s-bh6tlcleur Lîierty, Bond sales#den; lit la e.- Helen Arciazewski, salie, 21. ialus foe, hâti Io close opi~, and Ileet-ti, vîlI bel-p te maxié a snvss4ii Arthur F. Franz, Green Lakte, Wis., the dincesbalth-,e wrlîer failed te aas- widup 1o the campalga. T! itilseiehl 40; Mary B. Fisb, Ripon. Wis., 35. certain visetiser l va 111 rn bngtat If each of Ibes, ebchlîdren slod Walter Sintiquist, Keutsha, 33; or not. But there la one thng tii-9111at one bond tus-t 1he tôtal &mountl Clara Bhie-nit, fa-me. 25. cvcry farminded inquIrer mlt sad - t-olIbe 40,000. John A. MscDonald, Chicago, 35; tmit, the Mthodist clatitch .b à W lu. 6 eol hesl tTrf Estherine Beidel. Seattle, Wash, 28. theme festerJnff sot-es In vîti I, fd stamipe la belng conducteti w.Ith alt- Hlaroldi Wilhelm, Waukesha, 21; insbapad of helng s-mbasîssdrs for teecd Interçat. The ssles In the schols Viola Dibetschea' sane, 20. Lord Jestis Christ es they Diurportédt alroady lis-ve reaehefi 4 totur of $t.000 Arthurt H. Grey,,Chics-go. 27; AtIl- Io be the>, prbved tbsmtuelves tn andth-e sale la un<imîaibJed. lie Hicke>,, CiSgo. 19. Splclanitth bisle tols of Batas. - It meana tIsaI téebchtlras-ha-et Chas. G. Jake, Milwaukee, 25; Ruth Thats wy Voliva fighia s-hteta h..., ahI.te aveytUt<bat-nch* Is afpj Wrilek, mante, 18. bMethodiit r <istr ntaZim r<ity. Tt la pW 1< ltotisrn!tise tbse of lise ît- Walter W. Standatroni. Chicago, 21; seh&L a c hut-ch standts for vhlch liy oaimpy dfii5yllig theielves a feti Ellca Clark, same, 18. . inakes i ts- powet' for gooti or for [I.I luxuirbos," Supt. Xaocik »31d. Io Dein taing u-irîtîs "tavacis. A lttîje pep, .and you laugis and you 1 ve. A littie enerizy s'.ues the day. "Ilrofltjc".tablets make ruch ted-blood. With good red blotîl cornes courage, then cornes sliccess, whlch Ieads to flore and more suCct . Dr. Pierces "Iroflticuu tablets are to bc had in 60 cnt vials it mox t , tores. If you wtsh t) test tlitini seuil 10 cents tu thelavlid' otel, H hlN. Y. and get.a trial pa ka-:ec. DHECK Fou l10,000 KIsS:SFETURES --], I'PTLE PIKI£ll's" IMURDER TRIAL R]UZY DIrAl-. Burning lot-e lelters anti a a hulaIt wound. 'oencelled' checit for 10,000 Miss Dean expeets to show that tisses sent Nliis Ruby Déean b> ho vs-s aeccldents-ly s-bot. tIsaI ho wooed ber as a sitngle rnan. thon Or. Leon H. Quitnman. w iI fig'ure be tas mat-tliedanti hadti o chil-. la thse defense of the girl W" lais dren. Letters tilt bu int-oduceti on .Cbbeagi On s-charge in vwlticis ho callei ber "the hemt of mu littlea weethaart' lin1t6e werld," Dlr 4etman die iIn lthe spart- and "fleareat Darlinug" and "LIttie mnent «et Mis-Dean. s sicger, trom Pàker.11 1 oiefl OFFIIALLJ$ OFEAL ~ EIJE>U'IIWAUjîU~~F V~ ~ A correrpondent of the Exchange Tele- T ~ IV A .Off graph Cc ddfo rPialme yI EC O present offensive," said the Spaniard, LAKCE 00. TITLE AND TRU19T C0.1I liJil FÉ 0'à FO ;bu t Hifldertburg. Ludendorf and theý é#otrecta of Titia..,Titi* Gusrant.ed. FOBRITISH FORCES IN MESO 1 Crown Prisce said It wOuld turn the M111tale Temple sId.Phone 4lV EM f PATAMIA HAVE ADV~ANCED, tide blthOugh the tOsses woutd be Frank Cordes and wlfe tea(*C. -Ry United Pre--it-1 Herscbberger. 175 acres ait Longý London-Brltish forces un Mesopa. GOVT. COMMANDEERS EN- Grave, WD, 83,200. . State to Plc hse DoUgn tamnia have advanted esfa . h TIRE SUPPLY 0F WOOL J. A. Stahî 10 C. M. Herschberger Pae 1J*MOTarta rivér, il was offIcIaitly announe.'it .itu 180 erea e, -lOng GrOve, WD, $55,0. Food Fish on Market iCI cd this evenin.. O enemy prison. Washington, May 1.-The govern- %fate X A.Ton tb gamet Helîson and Beat the H. C. of L. ce-a and 12 field guna have been cap ment today commandeered the entîre vi,fle oits ta51 and 52, ÂYa dd., -tured. socrf unsold woou in thc hanJa of aika, D 1.BAKER TOOULIE EWdaier and growers and the entire lots ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~wo Not bug.Dea 2 ILRSOKfI AE OOTIEN ~îclip for the ycar. P-teesý prit. lo M.foaNorth D . os,. THais S WAR PAOGRAM TOMORROW valing JuIy 31, 1917. have beeni MWashiC.ton-Seeretard of War Bak agrced upon by the govî-rnment. MaryC. olida ad h! Ly 10thewin 1 e r wiliI preslent the governmenit pro. S.Grdley. u1ft acres north of Rd lIn Heili. blU ate d-sgrarn of army expansion ta the House ALE ANI W Sec. 20, lbertyvllîe Twp. W>D, $810 My lads. and aI the saine time put Mlta ffiaALLttIEa 0 S AN IN DERS; ! a bit o' steamt In your pull. It iooks oclock tomorrow'morifg. This pro POSITIONS IMPROVED L. P. Hanna and wife ta Ana %Ill- like a net full this hau." gram wilI probably b.e a blanket af-1 h-r, lot 5, block ;,. Waukegan IlUgi- 1 Big, strapping Ed St. Clair. insfec- fait- giving the admlnistraiton power Jiondon, Engl I -iNty 1.t'retuttt landu Nort Chîago. C. $ . tor for the tirst district of the liait and ta eatend th edrawing of enen 'as far troops labit nigîrittrtti ilteir l. -- 1IenJ. Eiaenlberg and vtrfe ta AI- gante department of Illinois. u, 8 it wishes. liions lit the nt-igbtiiirl ioit o At t pholioe Vandemsbeele and tife. lot 'i r barking hie commande like a regular F TIe - Ii iýedCr (ex. W 10f.> C ommiss.oners Subli. G;buces;tpr fishing smack captai.r 8985 MEN DRAFTED FOR lntucs h-1 i-trttttt In block 22, Washburn Park, In North whe Lte wr.fter-ambled up to Fox INDUISTRIAL Pi.RPOSES ntan poste,; in i.l-Met--ti r ll alui Obcago .MW-110,Lake ta take a look at itis new -idea lid (00 jlok prisonerr. D. W. tife ta o hecie am ndlsh*rdn iltni r~t aiFtr.e a rtl- JFritnsoh and titte. lot 8 ta. 14, btutik Ralph P. Bradford. Rradords planftechr a ndlh ren Washington-provoat MarShat Gen battuiaof somý ntentitsît iiui.i 18, Deerfield Park, WD, $1,000. je te sebne the iliolî alkes, 'remov,- Crowder today ordei'e dthe mobitiza nigît cn- the Somme ftotut ilion h \I- Jacoli Belîzel and i Wbfita0 C. A. îng a certain tarejntagos of-the ,rougît 1 lion on May 15 cf_898l5 drafled men ler Britoinneita tatdionit titi t of i Icrgsie>'and tiffe. :ù acresn n Ut t food ilhes-en-'ugb, in tact. toatîrow 1ta bcgtn a ttc monthe training course flite Avre solitheast of siî-i%, t 1- ASe. 34, Waey n Ti tfe10 a the La e ha dtneteshIp theeçeffthefor spectal army industnial vtoik. today'.i war office reîtîirt Bc A. ingseymnddvte lo 1. ta fjacoIt i mefIEIL-athn a hicago mefooneAmong the state quotas andi the tBritishu Arnîii Flaitil-r , Ma L.t-t Beitzel ad .h 1-2lot 4hNI; tib V1ck ih1 tca t h go at 1 e st of sein schoots wherc they tilt be trained-is ten. -von Aulirni aientiti l 1lt-r- 38 nd out 1-1- lo 41. loc , . thy cn b ioldMatthecot o ýen.I llincis, 100 men, Lewis Institute. mot-e along the Fitinde-rs litili mo South Wiukega'ii. WD. Igpu het81otai hrgs cg. at night rb allan a-a iik 'tu-i i t J. N. ROtIIng oaIFlorence E. Ttîw.i Theplusibe tranportation chargs. Ch1 ao.pected. The liu-ai s ululentlutliihh Pr, tract of land Iin soauheast î1-4, Sec. ThLBERTYinîng bas been under wayeed i 1, Laske Villa Twp. Q<. $1. during the liant week inth1e Fox lake iBET ONLCSHL emn.sfeei \îîîî i.ii Mate n 'hner 1 -lin tai ter and Wolf 1aie at WestIliami BILLION 0F MINIMUM QUOTA' them 1ta paiseant iIiiîig iiit iei cI>, lots. 27 lOti2x, Ioo-k t1-.\îuîtht mcud. If willlhe continued ivitil rigbt itttîelP.- rou ufr'ctîiiiiî i C'hicago, liedî, 811727up te the bsp-wning lime of the basa Washington-OfflcilIreport up tb for the il lttt-itiouî: ini ho ltiîi ]L. Il. Huesuy undi sifetP ,Frattk luSI week luth were soiti on the lake-biliodla rof coWte inals haiutargin and Frances Nese,,, lut12, blotk -ishore ai Woif-1.ake ai 6 cetsta blnecdllanstofth iimuîertota WAaukegan iligillanttti ;rth o-i çucgLPound and 8 cents tas the prîce. set MARY nte hrdLbrt o dwindlung. The total was $2519,814, IKODT ett $li the markets, tihinlacertinly n M R IKODT _______waliePIog thee hlgb cost of living, not600 Thisals an approximal e of $60. RETIRE, SAYS SISTER ta mention the sav-img Ofvmeat and 00000 over the last figures.î i>1Mt>Pc otsthne Int enp-ionlofthe IIkIIanser. *GERMANY BEATEN IF T HE ord isn1tg relire front the m -tirnnpit- Il i th intntin o!<li fia md ALLIES HOLD"1; ASSERTION tore stage after conuîleiîui tnt-note SUN (y United Pj-et-s filin.Mi89 Loîtie Pickft irti. t hi- ai-tri--.-. SUNSÇRBE ES ~ ge ir oher orda uez e arby Pa:t GriMany 1.-If the ailles hoîd sister 5Usd Ioda> - VISIT TO wiehyiîbpaeos l lh t:aatesa:n returning fronnGer B1iee orsholioipf i. uir S ilt be 9 Cents fier pound. _________ Tlsere &LanOI ~st"1 t. teti lot thse chier tarden tbat Wili Interesl lnteestng act CoceringMoay ,ctizen@ tWho envbsty tvar- Th - eetngFcsCocrignishlng rodeanad tInkering vuth sreels. T e D uke f V Y li g o Spuceland, mnd., Where 700 After the tood fisb have been seined e oncaWelnth<ionke QuaersAreLivng extent thatlilving tili hb- worth hl for the game fish the fi sb and gamens showed his couraýge and COMPARES IT WITH ZION idepartmrt willlbegin the restocklug Stog wI at W ero 1000,000 basa andi wall-eyed pike Ibis when he helped defeat Na- Quakers ive theLives T e sn Durlng the folîowing tbree plo. I ae rae QaesLv th ie h y ears 1,000,000 game fs iish y puple6e Ut Im tke randr Believe Is Right and Have Intta these kikes e a<tî year. which courage, .iri vigoran Strange Ieas Also shoulid ma<e fine lshing withi an .atig uatisownth Stag da lo hours ride of the loop. - i -i ngbatltie s toda in the ot That there are sîilî a large num- btl odyiihefot 11v 5E. W. c('t-t ber of game flsh in Fox Lake vas- ietenhsta iddi The itatement i.-'ten tîetn made show n by the fine men-bers etfIheo entms ery sa trom te Zion piatfornî Ibat wherci-er bsfalybogtinbheeine9. You wil find a Methbist chut-ch yot Qutte a fewt our t0a ix-pouait laIrge-. -uatural outpouring of a wilîl find dancing, catdplaylng, mov- mouth bass Weeinth.e haute, sand ~ elh oy to fo lng picture shows.,ipool roomn andi these game ellowa that have sueceas- elh boy liosnt a vibole liaI of etils whlch amp the fulI>, evadeti the thauaands of! balle ;pring Up lin a ni hit. Build sprtuel vitalit> of aay religlous and fures tossed to thera durbog teubbctwic ur a rommunal>. A t-ip whlch b made <o lait maison vere carefuilly placet! bock -uptawhh aur ha Newcastle andtiat Splceland, tbyv n latheo ter 10 teach the asoll fr7' -gîven us by taking a corn- Quaker towns wtuhin 'Dr dsane0 ho wtot dtstinguksh betteen the free pound of iron,recentlycomn- indanaoli. povth iis stnemenfoodsand that whicb is Ibrotin ta poundedapolDr. Pierceean ta lie a fact. Ihern with a string ta iti. %IIny large puddb r ire n 6plceland is a smabî tovin of 71(j pike. commonly calleti pickerel, vere naned by him "Irontic." ksitahiltantm a few miles from New- taken frm 1the lak1e. and ai thesO hsirntnc alti cas-île and on the mu-rut-ban lhu' bat-ba-arl. cf the veêd Jungles cal thsio-oi alti vhchconeta 1'th the Richmond. and desire>, tons of food and gaine asily tknu ytebod Indianapolis cars. îIsl a quiet towin 11s1110% thiaaing tbem out wilîl aid l h pienIenî f iei with very tint bonnstandi at oneincreaniog the better clse 0f flsh. Te rim d boo itoy o ur lime hall ilhe iat-gest Qujaker rutleetiuîi-4 Regardleus of the, salue of Ihe hatIjc e ln noyu Tof sihY lbanOr -it', n the worid.chief tarden's plan 10auuppî>, Chics-go areries and become efficient. Suc.- There lm a Quaker chut-ehin SpIce' wth fIsb eta lo10 cost, the retock- ess often disappears for lack of landi which 8eita 800 Pt-OPbe, and there ing of! auch clome-in waters as lte iron. Take the avet-lge man and womian on the streets, for example. Watch itu an orchestra or 1l picespîyg Fox Lake ragion vilI enable ms-ny them go plodding along, ne spring, no elasticaîy, ne vimn. What 0n ed the-re ci et-y Sundur liown te roati people ta spoati a week-end bn quest -n ed utPîece Juqt opDoitr týIt- chut-clu there0 h am isa amdrîlylt piice , the power <o force ones self înto action. If you try lu, the village chut-ch> ard iaiuere nany erpense. The benefit ta 6e derived Irontic" tableg, tflirain responds ta the ncw blood in circulation; the rif the old faithfnal Qtakers lpeta rom a .ev dayes fihLg for the body is rcady te fight tuainst stagnation, which hoids you in bondage. You Many of the tourbstotîa-t beat- inscri- lsteadva-otklng cil>, dtebler cannot gain in vim,, vîgor, viti lity. Try it now. Dont tiait. Today is the day tions dallas, wav bat-utandtLinder.boverestimaîed. __ o bk.n fr . ....à 1..i--, _ii_..,, Wilson'& Ohm Your Ford Dealers Practical Demonstration Saturday, May 4 10 a. m. and 2 p. M. Chittenden Farm, Gurne Teeth Without Plates, ANNOUNCýEMENT I. arlit i llltg'volîîî attelt ion tUtfile filet that w-e W tttaktite cothiets of D r. W. H. Nor-, iiiii,- tub t Il ia,bullt 11(1 )i'tttiî'ig in i Wttkig-.ijfor a, itiitîui- i 'tt- ilt. Vî biv t ii1aî'îd îîîa tîxpetîse in fit- fil 111)tit bit-- atl4fljies witili tlo-. 't-ci-vlhm't anîd îîost lu tîttl îî,'t liîvîandal deni;î tîa l'titîlis ;îcîtaîmîîng to RELIABLE DENTISTRY AT REASONABLE - RATES les", I>îttî- le;iî. a îb4,;aniultst . îutho1s \Nut e \ ilbi illake tifi l lit'u'iig Il'- UNTIL JUNE 1ST., 1918 Gold Ceowns. 22 karal .... ..........$5.00 Nabural Porceliu Crowos .... . .......4.00 Bridge Wci-k or Teebt tithout Plates ........5.00 "est Sel of T.-eti (S. S. White)... .. ....8.00 GolId Dust Plates ........12-00 Gocid Inlay . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. 1 0 GoId Fillinga i.. .. . . . . ..O.()UP Sltver Futinga . . . . . . .. . . .-. . . . 50 Enamel or Porcclaîn Il-ay ... . ... .. 1.00 Guaranteed Paînîcas Extraction ...... 50 N it nIts ù, x ide' oi' Ga;s adtîîiîii tI-d if desired. ()Il tiii \'tî-îv b, s t fîat-î-iabk, I htîi t j)(i nisled by Iiigil-lîî-ii-I-li deiltii-ti-%.11(ImIkîuak'lui-e elaiîliîsof super- 1<11'î'utt-k ;tîîd imi;te ' ials. Oîîutr k iiithe hest that îîll (1«111tiî î î-a k t , anîd WVît îîî îi re ~ give you a wîiî'îgliîalitîe air teîî veurs. wecai give yoii - tt' bust ti feeib(ilt(5. X-Rýay phîîtographs taken of- îuîîlf t'îîîîIîiS f the ji\and li teeth. Emetine and Ibîdib(irillîtistered(1fori Iayu rhea or loose teeth. HARVEY DENTriDTS0 Nortttest Cocrnet- Geneaee and Washinsgton Streets Ou ir t uiiutet' s l)rîg- Store DR. M. R., HARVEY C. OUIDO MUSCATE DR. MILTON F. REAY Laborator>, and X-ray Assaatnt DR. J. S. BROWN OPEN 9:30 A. M. TO $:00 P. M. r SUN"DAVIo0TO a L I Tour sutryou ,Iacreased food =rduton is the crying need . -mreknd undcr cutivation-moye rdud kbor from hot-es, xnacinery and the mea onU kwms. Efficiency andi greatcr output axe o slotie duties, but tbey imaure increaaedFu nde today as the farmer9a fit sad tooes-ll - Llie for food suprems-cv. Put <bst Ford to =ber you hava t-wo-tirula of a tractors-e-d mu %.A 9audeeoinpletes tne outit sad does adolE U 1kt. It geleasu20aceres for food for a tbat voeu ewhe go tofeed thMe four hors. teaut. -kl- God W th 7000 Faruiuwm :

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