4 01 -~ Let'£ make the finish one. IRFoulds Millîng Co* V /~ *- I 'It's for hirn»ý- for yurboyytrniho> ryu friend's bogy- the- boyoverseas -who. has donned his, icounltry>s unform- to proteet the rights, the liberty, a ý, a the very homes and-lives of Americas citizens. We're ail involved in this titanie struglenot one of us who bas not' esvethighe holds sacred. ifs Our, Joint- business5 Our conimon cause and ail of us must do our sh-are wïIlingly and eagerly,> to preserve th ntegirit-y. the princi l1adkh hnr -thatiseéarr than'e Where- a milion-perhans mlin of theflkwerf OOur.lndwMileildm harslip prvaio ad isk their #ives stl h ask that y~ iest emny obc h M~ p woudyou seethe defenderi of America go -hungry on foreign shores? Woldd you have these caposo demnocracy and -righteousne ss poorly clothed or anined? Woulcd you, allow yor boy or any American bo in race to suifer tbrough lack .of. your lonedmoney? 0f course you wouldn't There iàW't a truefredo .oing9nabitgptOf thseUnite ttsWho eçlnt shi44er at -the thought. It'ý isn 't, imdo what is both y&ir dut an4, p'ur priilge and, do it at once a good 1/ i: % ut --:- - --w je- mqmwwmwý