ep Nom sumâd $4081 imm et woLa" u cw miomht i om« W'a bii.$r~ lb.-1 f bt w'. 8, .ar.aud lt.WuI ssa F%6»» bebsslwt QGUu ja b u Tié l'Wu, la osa éR doi xé. aj. 19. A!ie *c 4m ehaalt ooa, aa I10I4. al omm e W.IbO@d» et tci . D ne Qu Art the . pamum -M Boat bus boom aompbWo ~4fSa" tiuis 7sor. "eau ,uv sdj ch tlâtwa L EL luthm oeastune Miedood ftday aS. P.,.. 1- -iý $0~aa, - *baOk srta àWgosl bu 66 k s "go india4Of b r, hi basom dlgW'm sa * - .'. - riuida-ai ail bias Tsa.mm, "o0<ii.4 » edm" m tiag a Bal ~ ~ 8 Tsuaddy ai w6. osodsi, i Plo" , boe.Er là rhple01 thO4t el W4i lioso a s > vejuoeo or oi mfon - t4d ~ Kaht o b«jkebôt lt *u bberdsugbt,, JfaPM7 Gtablas busé, cupr smaklmg tomutq*msv"ats ou>fbuhllp bu% ,M4Mie blopw mi emslmleewd 4,1 fi tMul.s trié. laOiogo, by auto, ai.5 c~s Or. 10e euh ian cortisu lp h Cbuveb sud ~acS M Di. lbut tas ,rly *g ah. watt aô~.*liae heedumai usi I shueul doutl- 6..'~. * ~4d.O~~I A ~avmw of ont dul, Pe,. ~85OqUIntl7 M d, mra.' OaWp.Lug, aL cbho, *cai oa reatives Salurday md ica-. à"s oMdgav @ J. P._ltsaslto ami"d ull7 bevq w~m mllie loilarcien leg0md5aa ir, lm 5e. lu NF. LIW loralsa Doms »«0»4 ibos 4. W4esmahar ai, to-vuslqa' s, A mdi siamm a Et. ami Mas.lmbt,: Klkpft' lUboe al. d s ob Ilir. oaaéd uMi Jas. Tomi*k' s dastWet ot C7eSalLok. speust .I vid.aMt me M lia.LoisRni o~madWyse o ui $*Ouaiu os lb. bora t. mdbwrw bonlAsiion l'a loi ereDay's alussi, usM aUibe. ,Pull porttsuléol hepurs aI #EWUl~orghoa cbaeh M U a vum, m'4, hy W..bbt. lait, iý er foi ow Wééms& T. . O A.socatou'lu 'Aà rf..li,r abit l i.show 0 obau"aie flulalié hco lasgtbegom a GuMr ai vin itait o1 bW14 Stt 0t 'Cosol tbs mu "lm obihnlu Pàmsma No adalis 4b *tl.Afi.gu oSer- ' oudsy avèlag Dr. IL i Bd. .1 (bimhso, vil apasion:m*ne Tmb of th. 04m tuhélbNewiC Da.', fI» 166W MI*8 h ULîmn BOM7~ Sabrou4soI'ahu4.q%, liay 9. Mia ah.Ofl'of Lbitrvilh, mi" «W'o omep lhlfab o oCahago WalTm.si, 01 maio» istg m -e a -trc »"»ras 0 eua . bbsIlén ilUn b. J 1> Tihiamis, é aILust'i dd ai li j ~ ~ i o!ii ,W iLé ebuso, cio qfata sI yc tir Mdl il S, . r setsId busn.l GIY!N BY lit! TAt s.. qshrooo ic, I egotoar 1M aIle m soous beraoe U~ , si - 4orthac dea mdpu s*usblp, ta bc heldla ths Lais Zmbhi ftbi& la ubIcb costest theuas ool Ji h.towna of EU arstaebave hl #5~émvas.At lima lImeIls bk mr bIsaint. cl hachom a mla * IOU* m an "tbros clfl puewe vsâàsimlbthetocn'of FM uauthe oomey a5à0St~o 0 a e iIstar la nt bé JOi '.rapressstallvess Mtht lo" uqt*" aiebienu chasésa m ii oel tiabesatOS itlly isuppli tsuoa *aa e heLake Zurich Ssbo<>l. Tb@ elas chools 01 lbo. toC. c91Bmg &Mi eh1Me varions district .1maue th4~asLako Zur"ichsaol &Itutu<oe. lb ep ci im ý.kI'ly Obperads, usamW ébý Il irfhCommercil & aib*m q*4u« gm r'l direeloucmro .tocrs, oenUi«hMa. lu 1lthe progmS a mh~ mboo&*In parliclpate. dvlmIy4 es*vel7, mmqd the twospulacspaker ciii lad'. SIusuMd 3. 0. Ham"s. stock o< nm«odla. b affaaeopsl blé stom Whbulamelau. bars bevlag pur cad4, a »0*stock olgooda. LtI5*5flsýlv.4tou iMontal Ua adMeWU"- bf. 8 asia.90"andam Nark,*Slbmwiasobsialn Fiamea. lirs&C m.to mwdbber »w«4 sailua 1A 27. t, ire. Mad bas saifféeai cila eto*Or ortwo yam O.Sh cas a bled. a o*W~M bsloved 1788 Who mesw.bsqr . *a horsmm hastci"s atotêsilu lhesfuhord Mt. lMdor mohhsa5 cohaspead aI aibiismadical-aid could ha ammisu.d W.e «tend oui liMr. aMmd it.Job* mr wa, cas a MmeuI of o#,at le'is*rt 101, 0 or.t il cb"ro*m e mooetrolad iW lu t md mothar r"o Wqkoosb Wl., lhfé mis" JameS Shaubo ofl Heinele spaning a hW V'peauMt thé home o ar 7Red.parss U*.E. UMt lb. home Mof O 8o5eU OlM4 Lake wasïod, mass. ThoNa ers stlmetd té o b.a oet o hmuu tuaple prsams. The premiié ers aster., oly cuvaisi dlla aeloe iouofani ble.ý Our popo, ui*aebo. Fred Orsabé and John W hlls, amloued on Illes g80M snd tbay cars nbaaux uu%Û laisIàtûa' nihambt. lmat u la"l s v ltlis h yXpiai boIsmb m. la wh l » g"$aAp lofe L«K -.~~M @hbu"~sg pssfoam0<FA, à@s atp soo g~m~odSbIgt ama D. IL jahm tuatuogr beviese.TRora0001« ReassU Bla.but eGai, la. haOliver'. pDk vttSag ais MAtias, . 2. '. tdla bm, rid.aia iWuooa mh bais is.Oditisndeli à ,1R. Eblugaed fWM aflbt Thlin. etttlan' e1t t dayleWicago, u.fg'0st.. *" liaI Dram'. tachie ta4i nalu ",. un' pat o. s ltsA.Ktheumm.seMM'a mr~as ? APIL 23-- OffAÈCdk« 6 T.T.E& Tdlênwili oIL widtloutmrve, at public &aucio, -on prem» ntus iown as OU< Kem Hôte (down by the old depo) in the. city ôÏ,4bevill M., on 8AtU~AY, AN 4,198 saleconmescmgahuolutely t 12 oclock, noon, -the.followins descrded vrooflvr 0Osup!gL aLt& Dovit iao rose- woodcabu Sefnadton, beautifùtone Fivé drsoa Fou nuugay sands Oneatoedairsport Siateen ables, &ai kinds and material Oserasisng On. 6-"IilS«cme ou range, good condition Tei, "lxs Iuosvland ptchers -Allia ia'afofb. glassware, no roora for deioepêon he Tes bedsç apringo and mattbesse, ail new. Soii oinkfs uMd pllWs FWve conmmes Somm upholsetered P'ecS F~aft coloi m~r, oak and beauties Fotir* ussels rtug Silverware gelor, ai kinds Caraùiterare and lronware to- fit range Tes. aop Wa'% eartiienand beaut"e AiU k"ndof dis'hes, ailmaterals a ne odd pies Dmd.hm&"ndof.1 rtct« am tu.tioned Thsloo ooiwi& m .Aptos aGoda ew Algouda me* b. .#MW.dfor beiqu'.romval rN,Âuactio------'-.-H -----T-------- you HAVÉ ale"* bougbî Liberty Bond* and you wMfl luy more. And -whS YOU have puS.deai@ you could 'psy for, dan Up for amoâ e uice.bloc1k aud.make arrangemdata to pafordseammé stan muai par weck or'ziotk your ber « e pl.ased eo fi ou up. Tengoto your doctor and ldoimiiIok you oiéoe, sud if yo*u are weiLtae. out a lii kmmrucpl6ç 014 wliici: wiIl'ýprovide for malfuture paynta undes yo=~Lkmpty Boàds, sLçuId y o ub t away. lu I tus way lu ue your lbry y oursu$out payrmes t. Ume sp lMdsa you meure your owrsftr duning yopr declimr4g y.rs wbicls ame a'". o faow. -seW?Çoe ym am ewo4~fuovhpwry to suppr ,PVVWM fý thadPeUample lfYou s<vpi ,dçt' ortrusf(toeust6 woeyminutes. 162-R .5..-, VOL. Wauki Mari COJN' Counti of Wédn Anne te moon f romfI ami th eorroqq arm ry A. Immi ara esc- boing n mory p CoUnty il»amin bert y a exerted or ai 14 mni mq maade L nrnxlniu The batis, bankas Informi aold al and th :an equ. tories i he oni land P bank wortti lac t A &ome fi city h tlhroiagi they c bas bf giron Tiisa thi' big ' will d( Wauke waaa bi Ever parade evenin à,troc t affairi Sfor the thea an Genera train kiLtE r 1 MAI C4J Lieut Shi sêci me'nti( as kil the 9, w4thi dan ti tion. acldeon le the reglat, wxhere 116fat Laic qiuota buasiu secur, orf ahi L .J.. .1 lit, il- '*Ae 1 L- m'Oak A ý i Ee jý.- 9-»." M,-S>* -0-F'%,A<-LË