CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 May 1918, p. 9

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RTY VIL.LE -INDEPENDENT LAU COtJNIDEPENDEN Lake Cou ut i g Weekly WAUKEGA WEEKLY SUM. VOL. XXVI.-NO. 18 PART TWO,, LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENT)ENT, MAY 2,1918 'SIX PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ÂDVANCIL Waukegan Pass Mark and Is waH dMaxi COIJNTY SELU County Banks R of $128,50( k Bonds i Wîdnesday, Anneu ncment t temenon hta snav f rom flft>u t ee tend the big paradd eorrowe vsnîngan armery afterward. witl b. à drill in frt A. lmmedatel y &afi are escerted te the bing made te geta mery pregram. %Vithu ut uciICahiy Cuumy lias iug reas ls ninlnttni qioýâ beruy .o03u1î's'îrye exnat lareachu th or at leasit 100at-u muuni quota by ut lui practicaIly ever qniu u ot Qasha eea irt'ly anit e made ta r-acdithe umaîn urn quot. The toal sales banks Tuasday 'ai thé total ta date1 banke0of te counil 12.0>wort'h of Uraie>. lao<ae are 'tVea re- hearluuý t'2rls" W aukega. Hlardie saudt uta>. Informait that the aold about 55Ou and that the Boy an aqual ainoufi. Celonta anud setu-ru taries ta hear frou lufact Lie t-be anm-i-ecouîty landi Park la credil tuunk 'it hi h:uing waortihu O iîda 's tauct the- Sa x'0 i ,t Thi is.lul sanie oi the w "-uml city hase sUtdi throighlie ('aht 0k (bey do, buî.inu-us, basbhein ifurn"' gîsan creit for tl >14>0 pros lding au This anuaimutItu' frani Chicago! lr %Ir. Hîardie' cs4irç the big hoas nîceti 'ailI da iunucit P, Waukega-t uud li .11, bc lu.tFgnu, Big Paradu Evaryihing is ar parade o be giv, cvenlug, tarling itreet s'iduet ut allaîr s a joint dui Ifor the Liberty hîâ the ammory in the -General rmndage trai n uid scori>4 14Lt r 14 tearnio AN WHtO COMMsi SSIIERII FO1î1COîUNTV BOARD CHAIR. COWAEATlIEPIRIOEB ON FOOD)s ASP*I BY I IE7IDC VF000 MEETINGS PLANNEO 0F I FOR IER IN ELGIN ASVLUM 'LAKE ZUAG D OOU ?ME 8IiIL 4RICHI JVARIOLISLAKE TOWYFN sBELIEVE RICHARDS [ROfi A I E 1~S IIALA E Theri' are 3ty.ý0rt> i) h u0 i SA1 U TRI Followlng are fatr prtces for foci.s binLake ont or(o oret II.L ÀîEADE t in lisîcounîtry t iii a iiiI - week, as determined by the food ad minstration. Namles of &Il Pdte~wa.tî If t hi eniîîmîîit on sii sellng at prees outalde of this rang etrhould be reported to 0. C. rldlev I ~ ITCAM Cgrcatcr than fiscal It we aie bI D IV IIKI U reorai food admînatrator for Lake county, or to township admînlrtrators INJjJ1T TAM S![f-P ieil h hngry 10in Eipe as weil Taý ATIEII SAflI'U26 r_ Who will takc the proper action: _______yw Iut ern( hv tVrapart-d by1eWukegan food ad ministration. Effective week begn. 1.eî igo hsiu aîîit oning M ay :, 018. LISod heeTieoadMC "'1 i Wiiel;. ritibs niatiot.h,, ake a Ratail prires customer should pay for thé isimples ae Iho1 lot s od ThrtefTomd as M ucii't1 t ah ior tharmailn(ti.- In it Former Wuea a ezceed the followlng. Thée ut 10tethre rtaller of each article *Iso la given. Per Capita as any Ohr iirneî îuîîoîrgîdn , Teils of Encountening Sub- Granuîate Sugar (ii bute)Retaîler PrIce. o Consumr Pac nth out iorcha t 'a : heat sitbmtittitps a Tii Granulated Sgr(n uk 100 Ibe .-$7.97 Pac*i heSe t ui gei iiii snz of potato's 11But1 Pil marine and Sinking It GrnltdSugar (in 5-b. cartons)_ Per e.rton-12c. li-work doti, flot Plait with th îkn' *akery Wrapped Bread.............. ker Ill. loa-g% lOitrGA S IFT f ieguhiiti ls.lloai'ver PlitufclPRO A XEINE White Flour (standard brande) ....reîS.4 1 0 ]ly (fcrie18ira) i- i tiiolIow iii' iire______ i ins oi t lie fond adinitt lntî White Fleur (Other brande). ... .. ....<1r i i,.iîreî..-Sî.3 hag -1ageuniu 1:t,,i.' JT at ei ls att d tojlvlelisofThem in France-No W oé W etFleur ............... .b. b.îg- 22 1-2c it (lie nevsity cf ailt :hî itti t 'f <O il 1Tir t us taiea tfitnit anne homlny grits, barley four, rIce, rtcu gour, oaîmeal, roflt<e'tlm buck- j <owever. and h" <'arD*,-ie~u~ ffort on tha p a ech of ace hîî ad now a sergat wfti wheat foeur, potatoeafour, aweet poiteofoeur, sny beau tour and fr- tran' lin the c0tifilyt up ta Aîîril _ýt;1 1 vidual houtekepper, 10o heltiIn ITr i leatiquarteis baitillitng-nral hva.u' ;e $4800teria fours and moisis. Y flye ur le ct cona.tdered a sublititute for are as Iollows: J ellig<;..t use of tire food su plifse. b <tuarters It-ý lier tapitt i svallablî', and t i canserve the i! euat. n France, ssfadsol GaIIoping .0- .white fgour.> 1 nu ut MthwHrebre. Rye Flour ......................... .lb. bag-" gofILke, Zurich..........I.ii: .neadad te vin the waur. *,lceFarnars'l and that rte nime Joe Richards ifld mum Quota atthew Hoenberger. raham Flor, bas pruted lis frsa semlaottheau Wth kWaukega matn im tic Graha Flor.................0*î. ba-337C 1Lihrtystile ......................,ofmetnsfo Ilrea.T el ef et olils relatives. This Is baseC Mathi.a 1lornberger, figer] 67. Corn Meal (white bulk) ............. Per 100 lbo-$O14eL.ake Forest ............ metings a'lIl liiheild at follows' S $11,368,2001-oe t thé e at known re.iident i. fCorn Ment (yeIIew bulk) ............per l100 lS671'CWakgn Libért3ville, Monday. May 6 loir the 'îet that thay rfilb roir t soutlieasîtern [Ake couîty and for 1.5i akgn ...........ihlaIte Td - at fM7h'r or more yaars Àîuieniîîar af dtie aki Harna (whole) ..................... lier L,. .7e 16e IW ucoîda ............. ...... .M I)eerfleld, Tuauday, Lia>y.liialitr7.b'uteo sue ~eot h Sl cu'~bad rsîîi,)'as adfrI Bacon (best grades)................lî l 1 4<'lek ~Villat....................1tt Lake ,Zurich. Wednesdi-,.u'. eIllrlu y li t a. d one terni chairnian of tire Bacon (medim grefdes)............ PPr lb.- fine 44c r Norf Chicago.................. l.yMy ~ b tcud' at akgn ai. ttî I , k Lac.....................t1. 1, Amnci, Prtday. M iy 1 11. tlchiuidralft for Roegaord.toa- 10 Worth of !orathe i. Iin A"> uni early WVednes- Bacon Squares (wtiole) ............. Per lb -21>c 1L~h............ The tincetînga. wlll hae onducted na rueday day nrnltang i iaLard (best gradesr, carton) ...........Per lb.-29c J3C ccrllelh. ......................nMsJ .Sant.00o h . tr Jatuary lut lie was nMade tOraL PnraIrtlLard (bulk) .......................Per Ilb.-28u 3 filîrairle ev..................401 workî'i-,. and will 7:)e demonstratla ý i segeanIL andîInPfçbruirv left for lu <hurch. , .ix' ld rlday a at France Hîs b erlb-2c4(. avni ........ther...11 O teR.08an hel.a race it chards. LR4had IETIN 'li ilibnll, 1rll en heefItcemctt odr l erl-2 iravinLut.... ................1-1a! )thiI itP-sfoo ad tadmkin.fatNrh -ýgkgn h cal1-r mae hîee. se (fulnlererhoe ncreram, cut te erder, new) lier b):i,:.e <rnshîli 14(a btl:or. fn-oddîl.. I '2 orhas sîca hc 1,11' I, iemnîa i lilnot ha e (ful tream, brick) . ....Pe l. bt1;( Gum f, ...... .6Rebyw l>eetlclf Prnes(50ei. lio...............Per Ib. 14C îî' Lake BluffT..........................tounicil 0f'. Ikîense arc lSeargt, RcoIniamt.e 'ai stadthio air-cfte o ati udrai ouî1Puns(0ta7) lb. -lltc î Round ii peratiag ÏtIr nstituie i<e- w oIsat ..;I.I sVM a hsatonbrnmo bt rilî l te unt ilieng Pune (t0ta lu itarûoir.......... deavoring qo'make tbIl demnsntra. intrestt'9, telling ;f the en taet thet -nty.five places wil tt ,reri ratte' iet Prunes (90 te 1001 ............ ... Pe-l. leWluaatk?, M n iitw ha teilWueè t lu clibrirlu On Friday. Hominy .......................... Per100 lbe.-S6.00 7 ~.zint tii>.......................i ons s r asahg as posible. tadtketanmnheabit hwiti on umatt de inl l W at ttîeî Mr. .lariitlergersîr uîîî (aly)............Pr10lb.50.Otcleb .1Areia. ......................; te lct llit aosr.theasuub. ls ]-fer Is 0one of the hast Inaditonthra Iswtl'e. a weIt -'nawn reulîent . lits Rîce Ibue rose)..........Pr1 ls-~0 .u bstt . . .... t:aîs In the future are, reîuetid Iv recei'ued live' lîjni tle irr zone and' 'ont of the Y. M. c utîl By isai eSns (navy. hand ptcked) .......... Par 104 _a.$16.00 19 Ile Wihwori ......... ..... ite uso . Le t. ltardls. ng, iîrî ittlo teitu'ofn a. we t tPr k ioîw î fliam Saans (Lima) ..... ................ Per 100 I ha-S 1600 -Te'lut 1 oal.............. Ill. Miriii2'ti 18ý er the drafted men' Mr. lliîriniierger aî ali. al P tts (îent îhan e 1 u100 Il). ;îi ., .~, iliî' >1 re.iandiFlotter: ran Aneffort la, y oit i t MyWsosi n ihga ),... ......hee1u ttr i l lie srti :anetAfor thé aiare i imili ieîîwa. oiiti s (wetern)>................. Per lori lbs-1. 7ltk tnglPsidî Ir r i tfeaî uaî ut Iola liai'îcquiîid art unblaui'ed laiînd. I,, llt" II~ V CI I E e> ir feilt hletir litI uîy h a l filemt#-' auiskuin regre-t. Il wus frelnifil Ml(hîghest grades) ........2?c The Ntaxlnitii ')(iiii 11>Ciiilil teb L D I LSE LESveyrgi aa'dllattohce nec..bu,.ry te sent ile ten10Eltzin and MiIk (medium grades)....... ...c e h'urt ed ty tir. <'Gai. F. flaodnow of a.lotmck <'van ssingle ida>, but -, iYiIi-I, a . u h esiiefi ea raent wet d)..12c i i' tglin d Park. lis hien iuuyay nid 1d - -altlenngoe tr,-al uaiii-u or i acied,'I It %%as 1tiout n eaeraugo th-ai Butter (creamsry, extra, îuk) ...46c ,telhal, 0>w1v5 nicibers. Oi-r cout- U600IEILaSO )ITO Poor fallo-ws wera slek bcuatiîîsea- ain Oic Tlilii 1.1 %lat I î'legirftier serving wiI.i (One cent hlgher In car tons (han In tube) tles in the ural' have sold 1he max slckneuss li ait tieen In a nild fortin. effort noua i.,belîîg nuit on Thei'bordîlfor toany siar,. Sutterine (standard grefdes, cartons). Per lb.-loe 354 j bIiture aiioirit f Stamps, or tti0 D VTfIE1(TA P Our trip acroaiu, altbougl quite le maximumiinqiuota. as ît'itîîlali.rii su d s-ri crilutterine (standard graderS. relIsf) tb.-29e B wrh~ s u'~U>IB UTHISTA14P langthy was Inîerestiiug ait iliue.. mutîserilr' e liii- aJIli distinction. Sutterlos (medium) roll$ and bulk.. Par lb-24*.33eAdaurs couîîty. Tiie'followiniuîs JabOlier heurts cama oaver wLh u,; anti toatt '0>PI u'u<it.1 cagestrictly feah, candled) .... t),n-,c42c le .t i ti, u'înibear oa imembers 13 hait the pleamure ni wachbng titeai. r>' criiiiiinîts tie .colintics: On, orf unr wîaies w us realad te aq-. <'r> éefodrtt. -n DR- AMIIKOSL'Litarman GrtdleY Of tiretuamt. Co, . Instance Where Four Children a Germoan perlscope Lk> the war zone. b>oa iii W'uiili .i 1 A J T I F C U O a jfood admiinhitnaton COmmltteo n ub o nasa-rd krslnr.Aa s. 1>of Mail Carrier Haney Set Ne sonner than Il came a the b sur- TU eC L ocuzcs 1h51 LAke couiilY farmara Dearfield Townabip'-WDi. Hlin. . Macon,.il; Example to.Others spottgd her ansi now Gerinaiy lias bfiIakgiHE Dhaving whpa on lband Xgliulti com Newport Township - Jamecs A.q;tn 'oî . fae augss aid. V.S. udestvroyr aa $ltiri.-iiiging AII Mannc itameitdately wth their lo- Reeves. Wh -ul,. ~II U U nî~pracaution for Iliair boais andifor to $08.0041. Toi WMouifad. 27 0e Isa ubnuTHEe V.S. <sas von to IS408.R IN i. TTY cal food admlalotTatOrb whosEOnames Zion Cty-0. W. Parley. akr Woodford, 17._____the welfaiae hi oy.Ddhv bay nîlsd'ii otl fdlwWarren Township and Wu Pga illîe. b". a littIa mistortune ln losing suime ot bondts.SiThe I-total Ciueyey 1 Ca ie heboys onlthie wB. oser. ('-Oi od trêmant andi Libertyville township Township outside Waukeganct- Sanganuon. 23. iTheLP NtEtn Cnisadsuewsago ra-ol g ~ 11 uiai raiiiuRecommendation Was Madle -S. L. Tripp. îîarry f t-I.i '20o. 1an "vtnisue'sagodreffrlc ai haîîuîan W. TTda<a 0 AeSvn veyCn sm, jl ie r findîyw'ituafowe As y.'%%fiasu hueil B amuel Insuiliof the Antioch ..nd Lake Villa Townshlip Version Townsliiî-.E. - W 'hilîe. f;(..frteWrSap f h oi <',Pni* lut,lias, -Cao. A. Mitchell. Shelds owsh t'au ..Site. % llihgl.foth WrStmsoihba. ta fruW 0 th Or n oa ' si State Counicil Defense TwnTi-PurHeS. i, ii glut,.a neniecaîuî Haveneail a good del abouutti tîs Y Iorth <>1 I' sOii s___ _Avon and Grant Townhisp-John Ela Township-ltenry Eggers. pigon mridu îring the weci ofaIMa' akgn a ,adAeia eaiebv Scut ii.Hart. G. C. Grldley. County Chairman. M'ho tt turat i ti for tille hra'-isaitlotsainnetaL aceng il. We are ha..a-l te ISI1M1HWuucoda1llPt cek Millliet %Vrîuî tîn" tlabout one meuntir ahi id in ftue waai- ai.ftilett lias'eWIL ETENTAILWOK aucWORKwn To -D L.Pu.hibep-D.e. ngLibortyvill I ruttie.Peu-ledblods *îhcdgrniq o.-ertriother, rtiiîî? i u. tieir> a oîku'r ufar t higsahle (i Stn lii-t l 'a . laud iil- ttitias, ar. ery w aruii u , ig h r- s t ivm tro -h ili anieasar ta getl'itdge'-ifor a'cut< fige, riging Ian lire, to nîne boaîu r-t rs.lttti ih' gon uod. Iiatit ne of the Chief Duties Wil Be ý )r n(:tiy p chs of tais lit y. s Trs foiugoiitg ait ttI, lxtînii'uaori, ar a ittlo couler taiutdtir it:iy. t. --kidianul for the itake of getting à a rPeputle are hospitattleala- lte'i lis thie fedural to See that Men With Dis- CdMUITU lAng tebalatnctuof the erilng teqansstgtreb AreOOD uPROBE U VI YYIlTH E LAKlE Fio SELaWOne.lindrei pi-r cruýt cui t ry i>'le with thir wares. Quite hillty, houa- ,,hie a a mttfr of eas Ar Rejcte La1 arSivigs haiina. 'ilaimei f .r 'tire fouir littie chilitres uail atone. streets su-ry tarrw and cru ia h a xcee'ae t_______ _ 1 ulo %Ir n. d %I . 1. J. lleuy ai 12!f hava goocKii<le-ah of troubititai- uaag clou-i ttai î tuîl.lhIjairîinan of Ile Stat, MITTEE IS BEIN4i COUNTY BOYS AT DE NT NCA Palet DE EN IO CAMPbS -letti('uuttttr cunriei- ai tire local postoffice.'m cinOI os.poartif;lta lUttle. 'lie boya tuieur porchasviT ofaiehufetîue, Dr. f'. S . %îub*oee f r-wuas & ,ussrI ,uaataka', gest pride litithe chits <'nintaepcd naetcaîIoaf agît ta-lks 'a-re WVukegtîi. bhi ee apined(aï- O ME IuIT aR NTtR CFOticti H Nf itaitlebliaiptrot an Ms .érmheor ei,-asine ordu idI1Iitghluttd l'uni niati for. LakP iauiniy ffltleoî ty IDIl l-olI U A1l K .IIKJ VII T AN I u lt uie unt r. Isuicuur0big sliti fî Wt' ________ _____ofGerEon nar'enenczsare fnot a- goda ile ititIt 'ial hi h ib S i<titttr, 'of th 'ueft< ,uhi s tîtg___________ tanyaofrn e uaemab.<nu1uilî lia uduit ',uah lti i iuîinut ".. uuf tit' ~'o ui-,'îh,,ts V ri u t iitg f ip .4tu '.r hui t i n lit,îîîragnetluainai ii rc nt, dhiat i. elti rbenofIlni.Chief of Bureau, L. .Yager, ije liuupierh.rtlia,1- ' nn lb :i efW ~iiOOOMEUN DI 11VTIt iS l a s'Samh . 1 ia nth I i dnt et put Fsu. r xerum tea t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I aa - 1i'.le 1tih ii-ut 5'nî Ii~ -bAssatsii "su . .~ mtamsfotutta short tion- ugo t trttlluuîn filie bout.Soi cyxp- w-'b'i i l le', o ir o, mpranit ObailiA itants,*,,,-a.. 4'I Ifn ry, andiul t a ilîoing lit,.____1____ u(4 sus «i of Cî-r tai t tt uil'tnulu andlt Loubistu S ctons of Ciy 'urinelug' lsaitutbsiil b tiseuut t5s ,ttudIuuit. ugus int aalsutan t.yu sosieun hmuîir suau iu zooto îîugt ttiros l t t îîeiltaîuhy a uh i u ti î. r iecion o Ciyil>il. N cl't huz h' si' ua sli l ,cr is Wilom lt ousiesh tsr, ati i r st ii th< uli . Nbahsr.oi tlesoajr t i't bl itreýI%% ii t i.g)i tien w tti*han.'(i i n anc or u.inlattîril' 1 i icuita m r'ai Lt ia luI titiouig u su otu tiotrsueu in t, buîtt haiy cs t bt>i y lti ti %viles undt - hiîk. ttu ie .ît gan itg iut-î.<MASJV MT s a' it]tIia- guit is tran t-'ti)su>it file- at Naval Station in Cam'p îtuua iau tutitiuu Situait. n iiser tut t lS: Ifl .îniglît. catiuls'costI i if>i ugufrontIi nil itg ti t h ua'a"ii. t1 lît'i jGET ....N.,, COMPLAIN S insck nilglt not he i chd by bis i ~w b ulî Ii> are- ut ifluiî tu ly 'a hdi ikp' t ttc i kits livi'rea ic fuir a Mra ie Tomonnow. 1 sen tutut s <il hi' i>luirt it <' flia titi 'îue The Lit tre wonderitng fil J ~ ~ ILa hi' 'tt on ie, -fairteoir ret e t oi Aleiloaa tutrts fe ot i tranged for*ft' i-Iig a nistuk tii i 1iý Yeuung îu'tat . 1 'ut-.nesss uIvaplantcd iti whrn bis rneares a l, N1 \tîi'anic F. t.. aneerd-Iiicylu f ile e uc v îela i e to irrwf ;îl,>t. . w"Iiiuri i t i ns estgai ioitti u .wil Ilfolloîs' hiii i av. He tlî y a f b' i ipai'lu t tun s a ru' ow heîng mîalle' grades for attu'iuuance. Ti' prizes . Anpaai ht rtre folks well .ltlit. ne? f antar nee tutarwe lrn>t IaWticîug' aikeg-an, w'alîh le purpose o!itirti- lpluîiig away frttîîî ftunsotmnesq. lu> iceu e and trauufu-r Iluno recrîiits gis ense.' Tînit carda wiýhih Là2- llest-,r cpectei t i utfraf Inoî th. Thnsee Anothterua>'tb t devoîlvva' triou, ng fond li'dng cases heru'. Il ouuei ah b s conte fraîi t"aukagai. 111 a day ai Cri-at Lattes. Ati-ia& tti- ce atpaLtlite kd tdI l.fruî haneita'anh at' menin 6:o 0t,( tck. nei -iuiutrtiîu orilu. h~i~~it rst s .>m,icarrangmnciîits ,railetue b tfi loîun Ili t -wîîright 0a' No annet, hai t 'tiate Willam racvis'iîg dauka andi card %,asit 'bu aa ths il'kai stad In on. >ota-e ny 'mng mn u' n tîetrat itî in ctrng utuicycitig ttiutwîi bfor lie 1, a 'joitiiig the merniers of Capitborne. i-itis In lakè dess f ineomkng datention bt' lae the- itropositton "sure ha a ecatu romîn<lhure aitdtblack ' sdteapre- i n fi..s ie atiiug a hd o r at t t orh i re yti oiî' un g it h oai itîu ts tutirau ltt s'urioua parts ofnu l t oreat. bren tratsfî'ri "it ftram coitn- tue ti ittîv ea t eo thae (Cam p hb'rragut tien"" atuicli ought ta mialta ntdl 1311t saiing fuotur is h île u'tceitto n uf ea L89m eIga otHtLr ielead C1W <ilis'pany D, i-t2d infanîn'. tuian liealha- garage. aîîd propartions have be hu-'î iiuell' IlLit. î4p à&nai ake- othe."I the bt.>'slit khakt. eî'veniîug. At torni'> houme fort ruat tuant. l ai îu la ue -rî taîîsu îyassatau-jcameia acorponal. If,' îmmadiately nmtade -a acilîtateitie reception oaýIt~..h heiîîcandy, papcorui. pîauîîut. W~el. ear folks. daî't worry and st1î1i hue uIlu h'pe(tLt arai, stiure. stula ihusssi te.secret.' tir. Vagar fsit 1 'hikeai" for thea iei't exebt. raw nian-o'-wara men. umd ici' cr'aîît. and the lnse",~wi rt sfu'ta oseln.N 'dte ta tî ge iltba a it Il xc utuidliws el he by )ry.luaatechtth'ptes aola-,,,]"ttit 1Isuni bsy organizlng nîyiwhere lia pur-hased etiet ons. ieedle The rucent adidtion oI OuIldi-tte- aeîtswyaI srssioaiui.,odîws TIlheba gis<n tuhe betIt posalhacure. iîreaa s ilteaii osatandit and set ho isar' fiIxng up thon t(Camp Boone) le ile>'deteution atainuts. Thar have sa otîîg bhelloeuand fortn t e wrhte. ___________Frot ithe foragahig I wihl be si-en i frau nd rît.ivet carnetIna-ey-sort hssca>.canîts. Ihîcattir sui i'urragut. Wa-t 'hrft sIauffl for taIa at aia-Son andtruller, tl1111tDr. .îibroae ha% l'uiuhra f inie. Nu utnr wlltkn tî irs at- nhîteToîîy (usai tîtlias oiîly one only a iorerinner or the coiniing ex- Tedateta 1eacnust' ti iT~.S IHRS'iia whlnak' ui~ib-îsof rte hureaouaîd tilîts wilIl aorow sînce hias -tiibu'yD. 1342d i 'ansion. unit naw wiîîm iiecamp-t; A>sap st aemieti i lhi.itu.E. HdP. grat inoaudâ an lis ibanîLatie tuctice. niaht tsie fiî'tobtaun t i Iomna. lnfantry, 10 cast lis lui wth the a-l.- illed i) iovuriiowlng. Camp Rotusroadai toauda a thîrt one'. Whu-n tire' A.E. ÛOT 1reaiiibose ccete.duncoplaiing t in o f-sie,"dlons of the :l';;ildiii titiartCampt La- whiclî 1as tîcretofora bien ai ronuî- factlitio îknmInfa coîîiidarathonflhc 0. K. 4iOT y,.hoiitlsro, and phill servethinngthe wî :te Ni r. Vager holie 1 gan. He wro5i te a i i iIthe colo- goiîucetention camup ila behng fixeai saviigs was mode possible'uni> byl T. F. Keaimter. ianiea fiin m nrrtatbsca- Amu dnitlaîttdLitilie ikei th Il llico but ho to rucals.'nuuîttoaisîtectal ranchtes li-urdiîig sray ennies u:'d ait ach.I.Lt. 61tL. nf. ION AT n. acterized lis work on thaeniedîcal ex- 'rIlîtlorbeaseîîe nc unable t gqt tut(bquaitiy ofrspa- frtIi' irnIit so r-eka of their tde' ua«slanateaurned !nickel. it la concet- hAN KJLLIl amng huîrd o! the draft board. lacteit ta iîîornui hameltaes oitthe glietti twîbiit îattts has~ielt in Cmpslutnîi diya iitig Faragutir) sluarsu' withorna duj i Oio î. articles Camp Grant. Tion) lusi an[o CmsIeatrFmrgi.Ioreu'uUi'i îi iisic DANiILL Dj dyct. kno whu 'iu.kho.. Il. u>u ii, il %mi Rf.,ls. wu ill'.t,.. ii . i,il, ati,I.. - Tire lifle iatit'andrit lcr agea I"l'AL I Lieut. N. F. Hood and Other Sheridan Graduates Have Died of Wounds Second Lheutenant Norman ýF. 1iloat mentheneti lu Tuasday's castiuaiv ist- as killati ha action. wax theI- lrstt of the 9,000 men seho were gi'aduate'i w4Lh commIssIonsai the Fort Sheri- dan trahning camp ta 'he killeit 'ase tien. * Ilio an tireotheitu frye diait q! acîdent or sounts. hut Lieuit., Hooat is thea ralte odIa lu an attack..lHa regietareti fraul Bg Rapis, Miel., 'aharo ho was a j'somlnant mantafac: ifîrer belon>' théeitecaration o! war. lie 'a'as unmarrltd.' Lieut. Heod wsacommhstuned in lIbfaintu->, ln the second traning camp. Lake Forest bas oyersuta ibaned lis quiota of $41l'000. 8hielos township bau subaci-Ibeti 5500.000 anti bopos ta aeur total of $624000 b>' the t'nt or thus wepk. Ia re .tu> l- it' leotl us stihtitutes for "b" - .Il., o u "PeT'ese lI-"t '"" oss."" icn'"" -' "'""<" ell- "'l' b hite- fîîuu. 0fCUlirlibSaut. ery uof deta-ntluun euitipiP n iihefuitut',etre as foltoti' . - jTai ahi iaie tIis 4tluuhculiy Mn. Yager _______wîîî oîîiy tua the Initlatory course ai Paul -uge îîinît >aaî'u DIES AFTER TIVO wdtninfrrcut. Floig lus-at eelya3 us <ausuîîg cardstu tabhoprinlei, ex.-d-tîto urncnis aîwn oi îa eîî eru iATI~~k~ uacneth wlît arc is liandsoIt u li- g lJ DR3bis tieeprolhyîaetlc injetioi-s andit .lttitaga fis ye<ara. s. îuîuEc.'c pixatbttg hîl resittt o niiul t uitt V1TED CLOSE mnidcal euanlnaions whi,'h willlb, ;tir galiu>a VILLRsJ ILLi1LJJ~ stituitea. Crocers willI ha roquti'idtLu 'iiel w ais h erî wI _________ d s'indowsnaîod tnauiiîrr Insie the t5nua senttae('amp tDewey for iluatrue- SON IN MAR ON Indsîuan ahuntfilue Ise ra i the .rlR ACE VS hDI3ATII on In aili formations andt futherL C FIM S S NI RZO E whi-.rewit can îîe 'polntî'aiout letos- Ilitarynbout ion. For he.tltl roaiLO AL FR S _______ oniars sslîaran' iouhiful as ta whîat WillikegZan, Maa- 1. ana, In te future campanles wiIl i." Ni'.iosi-ph Woodtwardi.formeni> îl ut".l111(istlu'are. Gracars wtîî no A tt'lcgrani m"net-cl cd hGeorge Me- maite op of112 men Ikutit of the iV N~O T A li pruîtu'Ilaracaltes araNamar'a inom oFni (tte>ýrga Wnigh:/>.1.14 as, lute illâa.t.61E O RÀ ; Myrile Smith. (iedit tiusaornitng aI' aiuSl])e obscure Place'. Weamaas Illuaitilt- brcok ther d 2 'clo(,k ai lier hontc on South1.iii-1 Anotlîîr thing wlilch .*%r. Yager îIl; mma u t tcoc eir conday ait (bhefart liastihumîl. Htls twa A *i.t of luteresi andîloit i- ENTRANCE POSTS con treet. Watikeean. hen diotil planing us do l-t' an effort ta helli conauimnuatlng a sle'ini-ss o! W(liuai-atatler subtiots t etre, who ware an thu'lr way ta tloned ai thBtlime wa4 (bat on Apri1 weeka I rani leart troublie. ta hure we omue w thrsusitritaut1.ueohlm dit flot arrise untîl early thia I8ttî Jucige Eiwardsta auuta d tcre' She. was 47 yeuins slit andt wasa atargeotîc nhlnivantriedond uat marnIz. It la fot knawn yet wseh- o! divorce lu layon of Mro. Hurnay 'lise ColtinsanaditDonne <CO., auu u-Ite o!Pak Sltî 0 Crna P lo e o naueessaniu l a sit a r e owas hnthe gcsernient service Stes ens of 1Higlalnd Park. the chîarge jkegan -monument dealeua. 222 Wasti- (o in'aving ta anluegan front -urnee (hein rrnot, but word ha caîtecteit any min- be'tg ulescr - i. Mmt. Stasens lastanit i.i.utru th rp- tae n t years « go tc all ioti or ha rrecipes. The nesespapars wm luta illiicb wll give lis relatives full oîîe uhild G'il yeara wlio wau givînIjseniatite,fit. H. Slîlen, Irae iea fouany yaragohu are haitlvd f r aclreuesteti ta publish these radrues îilrthulars. Thaeloity wllishébraugit tel ier custody. fLsouiswh wudi otati lesn o was ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~' hr inCia toisp. nce I sgntrette'tua-backbliea.arriving prahably Satrday. itnown fltWuukean. having forerlyîs$13.000 for thea placlng ot gîgautie a lrnInea er %'aH i. '- submittilug Il 80 that thosa seha tr>' Puneral arrangements unit partîculars itli era prier ta bis reinival to! ornaiantal posta lât thé enirance of oe son, Sergt. Hldhanti, sh Ies fort iho ale oask unhey.-la iaté aern noris i aa'ithbknitPark where ha marniet a; North Shore. cemery. s 0W In Fance w hrth ~e 4trt oiarmaati teegrmnecesaarhiyreut-Misa Ev-ana, itaoghter of a former! Tha poste wsehîl hofai s-y modern 1er>'. . wlth ihe 149th anthl- ~~tves hère (bat ho eas in t service 1mayjor of Highlanld Park. The apphi- degat unt3 etl agt Je Funera i t 1 o'clock hrday front Dm111 TImuht and dfeti of toxîn. T1 cy il ation for divorce as fileti hy :ILra. 1'I"bo mountingz xi'litue oa, bases 8x12 ( ho hqopueandi ai 2 a'lock In Warren IVewPersaons bave courage mooaes ilbve t. George Wright Thurada>' Stevens came as qoitta asurprise to fpee. Tho, t ri aps t ane wettth 2a cunti-ler'. . ta uppéar UNsglaitthey ratstly- sie.- moruiig andI aris ietu, Sxitiltu îtu ii'îl' . ii luut tn.t,'>ii JC. anti A. W. Bai-e. at 8 o'Ubock. 1YIII.ilRIUAN PR I1 TODAY; NEW LAW IS NOW IN EFFI3CT Ir yo ihould happen ttareeat sd- farcitIndiv'iduel wlth a hauntod 4ook ha hua u'yes you nia>' tut hétatdis au a a weary plîgnlm f nom the ani »oues nf iiehnigaii, fir Michigan la sdry new. dry as a bona. at leaut se the coîiatlý tut tonal.ameindaiîent as passati 1w-thre satans ai that suaàte hn the faîl of 1916 cahtu fer. Last night. the a Iaaunder tthe wet raglan. saur a wld ucrmbje (o boy' op aIl Lhe wet gealIaa ub. ft wvu wet aboya, 'beîow., hrwîde and uAa&4e The state. ln goiug dry, bas icused eBtytoit te ho the largeâkt dry ety"ia the country. Grand Rapides. vitir a population of close te 5A0 a. so put hn théetir>- Coluin. Ob. wsOl lia>' hava- ounearn.fiatu'un. s-todrt*'-, iiîg auter aîway. j JV"il AILAJWJWàdap 1

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