CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 May 1918, p. 4

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~uqw- w~ urne imn*et 9, - ami UhafVPIlla III-. ,a md Lias. 11.11 Muetos' îi;Ws fer ais fer 1%0 'Uba Peist 8M m O<si.O PIER VEAR sTlRiOliýYNADAO ê1,.4t bi Mr no to OWAR a of.& ý w " tbe'ord« Witt ilkto 21f. 8til A. nu.a siu , E s a du I& N *m1 1 i i eomnilttae hi bsi~~el Duuam". ai 5 rTg cf usaIi. Thea«Mn sareiàp9~ipai.TlsO cie hia li'Soi 4Pr %hm sdsstWahu rondt~i. rond -&Red nu-nu esIa mtsaeets MW ils b scnmis Iy smu b *11. ro rond ne ugbent Io ilutvould le rn-"to il-a ons-agi MoUSd 'raM itlàtulusdot bm opa. ti. 19 u Plle rtodatai 1 1 uNtie sa u ail chu tI! R u aeopnle ilok rou, a"ba Iuw pu*opasibMthé T" ibmlets.nohu Mslatonal itI t" tevith it lashort tluat toug cli tole amaoucalvus eopla bah of thonieuwuo bavte à anuneato *oft1mlaIty atTbe&d utile mftie rnsi . ti anIs' eti pmi be *5 crinld amla tii.Untehod Statupom plan o'de shountd ite eviiesis il morthon chstae il. intmmie. oslaeoanuaMtiutor* popront is lamim lhud ,ciry cfthe p.vtl'm a theroryui conbtius Poet. T Tb@e Zurih, uutmbave Ionohae rali rmi.Mdltogb of. tis bortai brulirou i la bl Uned tbs » moer w0 atf hid eds thon h.bors andetb ta t LaIe onne sod uômors pruepero fusrupwlng uni dur tientho 9h.w tslrrvte. rvdb Ii pi The coumsen veon $od Th aivs l uar of e lngal0 De lie taliL h la beollea hu ont tar edoniuealas u hois" ucase sa 11.1 hi ti. b d o tins ao mItte laepta clii ecorkad1 eieto ti.hbe DemrieldStu n Detofmthe Wete .eNtCorc Thsuom* ersaslule eW fll4Ii* hDITgbacLooL'bsstbie À tes pouud loy wus "-0»40is eveilng 0ais1 .elo* tt»ie!,1 licapiti 9 Mislme-Tro h citai tasienchoe eportaSse et 1 poor faim t lUbetvile aausei ano a mutionltmy. Tb* *ttondli physiclun vas Dr Deatels 01 Wauiagun. hé buvlng bas cafleS la hi' ofuty PlisloàlasSve ta «»k, perugm lhrow «tdola prti.> 1 te nioter laettin moscmly ad t9,5u1lindIcation st mf i» Ueloakias ;troi sudi proutslag chli.Ibe in Mo o amougb yaVUte 90 latatd clethea- tienre awtsj'ulm ocai ceh e ta «biubTe dw«t*r'oe -ut« 9aoSby. fiwiiiii th» sýpar«M i rv idt b"metoml - Il, po gae utI ug ý Pkag«., onsr M»02re uS. tornwubaas M op utarch mu fer a hWitdo= 9aIUhpeathé,prseilie. wb W&thXe ers*Mle t dk ,~Itb"Jfiu ténuofth# food l e as'à If iesgovsrwmet adopws a ro!. » #IMMobuy sra n amounlM ,.bU D gilbul a »n Vsvortb of f=rIboue adul bý bru.Loot Wb-may wIu*-b' la. sad Wbil torvate bi. gmD tbedi nv r t zuSnsbR.totbk tbM aI andmmd lk per- Svoe -e me~ar vasting l ev o r. han hey 1K *NO~A(WG AS&'AI As TOU LiE levai C Wuam m inlucout in- enosha lu id'sIvilh bein gue'tS0 ai abi wioisa nmy a viii brouiaukegma tia m'i tey vani 10 une !or tli om Iit ùy muai expeci 10 Oimé olb mtalla r ,tersid fthat cou-, "M rnbetwieisukegMm an* M - MOWofP398%ME Iderai aid road im- I. hetstiuslibt. VmISamregards tie, te, road. a' =n9tr seiud t ii lwly ILas been giv« tb bave il prced. ima be u bai. b.. h' md th. date vhen aMig-bat lm'iyet *Md ilw p«.. W44 ,bi ýhvoombers u iIgtb»lngue "1 '16~ -ty -ý%W l- li ', aiaà, had letabaIlÉ -M lah uepis te wWe M&telveig& uOl& v«OWcmer lw» ua rt It li v" luis. ic~ me. dm3 1» 1 e 0ow i oya ai le odolrv m k vub1- mom* ý»mhe «enitaifo t I !flt = e for mi t tehe ai. &« W-n* ,8,eaa f ivuni ne rm tau fl 9 bray«y ioe b d&emu b, dut s.e 1 Tuait MNo Itead taise is à» nviy on «&nceWb do«W, lrgve lm us liiide exct~yê1ptaIet il a tal Ib uép tep~~t buy a tlkg 1 aAm.i -&Mn M-1.1NW a bà ro--futro lf m oM b iat "lmon the bu MW C a q Wm loveboy, ho V" look et m *cil mvii. AMm "Wby evelm mm mua op 9 te bth wef, la it astm M ,," .1I id bM 91#mes longéd t9 i rm-"tisemrot if IrefIl And ivoy 51101er labat Mgituy little peqile;a orllS Juat ul au Jean *In« Watthey are dàlg fi France, y" »ui-lobnama" Marym ani the gui usibep soidien r oSkt eus do tferU>Me .ntm .Ilfycu gglt la u iseuMr » JuDs ad rme b ea are tun-b m lng every pemay aMidlcong 19 90 I government, pou cii alp 90 Mte tI lysa of 11. *%Wthuooihe if muI Wo are gov oer 11etop te ma BaeFmyou nnespou ickels e y-u dimes-pt thsu cimtUiii heve meoob" bya olebrtampq e War savungs ute .TIon, mort un m Dm Foeu or âvut90morte tIsai '»U eus lolk uthae.. Mr posters Donus ranksce auvpt CI*rkauiMr, 'Te lias.te0you, i Mmi iolug soetusgmmrebuortou noc-nI Itailngmasetifa. eotdlS. .DOottthaet a place et caw or tit tpackag et S UD4 A"i b« Fm1 knov s clii ,bave esot mmuey 90bu--ai, aW *0 msF yTIi iampe.AM lthm >M70M hiejou cli le bd"plnM un,«"aviy=porcm tri lu« «asauely p m te mms v MMie tU"4&.f* dmnt ym 86 y( cli l lviitn the OF e ug" ar. CLAYTON 1M OVIR ITS 0110 pesanuer Bort bifuiuFini a Nst Wvtef>04es=j.Wau. Chaviotte, hilUgus, bu bisa ting a lot et wbd* musa no p OMntow bcue»aip tvnv mmuesb hought t liait o» .am tp. 34 coSsa Gatos, Dni. cla&e*daim' bue r u gI, no, paofastirat un ton. report 'ltbiWou S*Vlp m littes for Idhlme bbÈli am wus toia oimelipa ineO «& mas. We"u, =idem 90 la addI*on, uM Optalabasb bagua 4 bo t Q argago it Es iMU U SaIt o dm & te lm* meur St as *» tmm pu e« *t*It= U»i *mli tcm ta , - l i 1 edau tiè h- a'ti mil 91. Tbrft pommg if OIlamd meWu'Ieasi Ove ii ~o le meW! hvlag co . £ng U mmoMape-0-sr_ ~ baBeasilhem MfMW OV« em "'lm--. jo;,Wwa pfraa, t cl&a la cita. , s 't I w dot et t I butor là4h' .o4bêec bi ac s,oWi.vIs oà& talusti u veua dIt roe a& Ay . U14 arn 10 utb e i @W4 1 thels ap. te' 00 bis gers iOL iml wu lretl. dogebithe482u Mlaiwyeem l i pos, i yS kW Muranàtue moa ba te je p e& Ali lbuhi ocrit9 St MM hovua rett d a"rento Ibod é: mtnites m uiiwi ua" whi the u* tg tIiwuaareoa o1ued juré mu1e. UlMBM esa .-~ t cor sald«Norton, "Senator Ve u a talklng abab tlsqdcg ato1MU«bm Hi mi -beau M tbo viwoe er Ibuj" ,foiéthe daiaisat guil CAT -HELPO FIND Tià LKBK Wlth Aid -el CutoIp. la Worth 1evlng AreuI. "TIers ara more vais abuana iete kili a ete" mys un oldproveab, and 'there ere more ircju than one te use a cet," la the owecrecdlng.Borêa lms hInusratlon: SA plumberwu S Ued upon, ta loestar à mpposed e Ir na ten-etory tie-e ment bouse. Ater e date ogtatiOn and suundrrproltileus seudlnp anad anîflnts, le finully bit tgnpn a 111811 Re venit W n drug store aie7bougbt 10 et' iortb of li «rtf aivleriun --ommoaly ahi c&tnp. Then ho tolk tIc elevtor to the top fioor ani poured the valerisa dlluei cltb catir dowvn the drai.haNMUiduboui' inter be' took a cat and vlstii oacIbomLa turu. TItI eut ezbllted no Interest until a room ln the sevntl tor'y wui rsched. TIen. dii e bound, it sprung trou the plumber's arma uani lagon to puy the cili, mevlng loudly. A hltifwq maie .in the wvandsitbere, mmre egli. ces tîhauML. Th>plomber ianr#ee te num a fruefrorn b4 lmgomefy. T'hé Dutr bf*fmrtt 14 better logiVuia~ scela nd11Pm . 9 0 , . tlcî begla by so".1WayblI*Il br »i cerefut.liaiq* '4tl Mainda dr employer@ *esnuo<do vi W- ont tbimn9" and tlut'cbeB suoMsMu, e, gins to cro t aboli eort5 thoy clU 'le beppler uni no poorSr' If they use- momneproportion' of thir eltb la aidlng tho loua fortunete? -L* pui- ati uni euupoyem ,bath Wâiexmple ani promept, teacb theïz'. itildru aboi eployées te la indest:1lous fatlfub4 economloel am, soeupuoudy ieid lIsdally p cilWint usai-Orruogou acuiget8 OcuD recor S u» smos<iUONt~ Tw e vuiUm >eliï, ?lsudwolapUuii O 1 1mi m I s hu &m u.V lmai qF d. wm- Ie om e b mla ui"g'nutl *0 oa les -e _______om 1804 bav ugeutb 'A abqsb td ef 1 ~iyH lhiho 11< POU SAL -100'buahea fuam il.. Mn AfD . Lltrvlar Mud wbA, m i fvorn ouiMsd. U.l wmk, for e.hl a u ueul vork. m m. Waim ~n" 284-2. litipi APP -M U ai91.& Po* am..C. z8-cl bm1e St FOR &ALE. On TMRC-Champ, UrngiSB5 tro . ibeUltby tboi. Ueotoutesg car, êcylnier; vi U Oghied tof. etliy Uis-ema. la trUie om, bofta or ocher 9~S OLO fr 5. W.. Cp, Au stock. AddeaaJerk Detieupe, Vac- FOR SALE-A gmiOM&M acrnplanter, NU»gyTO WAN. W. sollit aboie- fis. Pnoie 166-K-Squryottbosd.slul.oborroc mouej' Crepa de Chine «W JeP 0111 Vals., W uéae*&iats ui$iNaon" D o elIwu ~ Fin@ Lot »wme alstet udvd fro. +_____+________ ec York, et Cmol'a. FOR SALE--Chobs eesJ lots on SALESMAN WANTE- Lubltcating NcKluIs Ame ra.,MI a. 2*4 on, eveus, apselaliePeint, peutor choie I..oComi»olSlbadiLs.Mm FOR SALE--Champ, 31 NPretY on cttb car or rli pr.fsrred. fivevalde bgllvskee Ave., Llbortiville. Albenrt»ohbg Copsay, levluad, o. M.~~~ LIofal.WANTE-Wous dW do wulg-00 FOR SALE OR RINT-Houmes ud hIonin«. Oel p00n. 1. - fum. Jocuannamuant m»d ollector.Al .ncetcornulVla;bl Hici AutinPhôa 26 OUlot luit arrivei, et Carrol'a. FLOM " fboeoI gadena of an -the wdEgw"tfme I olylitid and liy, me ga#lered lte fragranme that go tb the making or Jonteol, the New aior ofTwenty.slx Fovers W -r4lv« befors ha a talc of this qmU sod a àpic s a bu. .5 "ud e- ..P. Vloqdmg 8-lb" DroP 8fdý%g 44aà~r9plaViOwIS *tuau,4tlalndtb 9MM,I»iAW ite-Timber, %m* ls Yb@% s.welM Sier poars * B*.l~ mi ami euh hvis 2W0plama Uub. Viniova anaDoois stplhomeb~i~4gS9la 8,6" hie»ai grastand oata AT LIDERTYVILLE MRCE TACK RUEL WIUCKING gO.. Chmf.~flIicOE&m737 Stony Idand Av.., Chic.., U' .......... ............. .J- bel 1

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