CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 May 1918, p. 7

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lak seinGrayalake an go aalttesefraisse SovgTvee trons C' Piileto hlit (iler, Ames Twse,bho Uks he4 Wafl mmd at@eyohia41tobismeo&aU *%nî4v vr mecS wswc va.sentt lta i bo lettru Mmd tiMq4f - - îý NIvu (lm omi tiaUed d u * l .'-iMOmu.fon Ibao bornit et thé hIgisai Làdiw Club for thé èlnirs. i swei. rovo, mnager e h P-1WIsab Lambar Ca . lefInswice Tommies morbleu ta tats tii. pciia me màuoefor lb. ihrbaugliLambeér Ce., ~et Oeuva, lit. tIt. Brown am oe ba abeîalt tayems, iimgo aied,A lilu b it W i largetrade'utemhrn to Long Lua, Votea, aduvoudtig muoet risoe BatiesigisLamber C., ber md 1,ranca MNtala. taaretir. a5q Thelan go borné for fis anommert frosa tà naval Station.- FMreGrretéesabus dvlliad a nuashéc ofb inv rsilutovu.e Pymut DoareblaI.home tr a ton days There viti baià meeting et the towu. sliP hall st lugleopauFmday, Ma 10, eb V" p n. ta can@erexteuding Lan'g Lake rond train the. kuovu Wnkgsan, %Raollia A Foi Lako rond to Ingleids tFai Laks, eaking a stralgbât raid tram Wauk.glSo Fox Lake. Tisais vii ee - eaaing hy Couty Comi.louer, Mr. l.eieell; ueo. Renohaual 0f ound Lake, mati airerai athare. Ever7bady w9en. cone orne coma ail. Dy Order of coumitie Bond sakée ai Round Laba Thé Fini lItais aBéai rRound L"e toptU the tolovlog làbirty- bond subeccvlpcloa:, le Avon ivrelep, 109 snbccrubeve, amnrttata818000. la Greast Ioanahlp, 176 subecribers, SMîpeMrgto *14,000 TO Teaumbarot subocribora, 285; totat ,auidt emrbdd82AW0. iM aFrak Huveosmue ad MrsDem 3088Mg van NcflOnry caler. on Frlday --Mien Mathaswed ertah@euét Bon; d4" l-th Wauconmd iisde., -Mr. mat Mc. Nick Moidor aid .on, liotm, vWatod clattvse et Antiochoa, e Irnday. . John Mdati ck Keler, af Wauicgaue, ,.!W»st the home of! Miba Krapf an SMr. end àMre. Nlck Welgart and lacé- su ad Pter Wolrgart sud iarniy. af clenqsr, viete c.., Olaon Weingari UMn. àStMcm. Goarga Vaser and don vene vact attaca sttbUtabhane of Kr. aa.r.J. J. Wsgner, 'Si. Front, of Chicago, l.a pendlug a fwsar sy vt hJhe rnstbor. Mca Bari Tov.andM, of Round Lake, -aaliei on bar - doatar. Mc.e. Peter stadt- Saili, on Thuceaa. %About fiftoecemessuheof the Y. L. P. Ic. met sI thé bomne of Mie Marlon id ba»t âWel ap vag. Thé Dotaeticnlg ahI hé hotti st the E. E. Ndanehbomne. ý Mr. aud Mns. E. Barris sud farnity ogat Buaday la Chicaga. Mis. . H. (liard aud son, Gaovgé, end Mr@. 0. Crokan sd chUlenu. of ,Auei,van@ guettlt : red Chard'.aon 'Itkg et t1ehainoe ai ber brotber, E. Thé LoiMI' Aid met Ibs e et a#the îVm. Bnyder bain. t, (,.Nron D7:o -d danghler, MU- jasA. ~ n aJAsiuelthé week-end At leuter, ai Wankegma, wyen Sunal ~gioaas the . FChaud hoe. J auGTUC 1 [ W, Bbuc h m ipouhaed a navj NMMe lla %la eIb, of Evarnla .vis ~lInberrotbr, . E. Mirh, a few ilsi Baie. Saga, a! Lohe Farest, spnt 1 ba' U tr. sud Mun. "Sdlci. Mbo à . 3A se" ara prtyab ber Soa atu * day ho honoro! bar brthtay. R' fnai, acompanisi 'by Dorotby Ichraci sud VIHllaThomae, 'motored ta Wakgan Tbuvday alght mait ettendat a théatre. Nu.msud Mr@.'Eikqmsu adnona, af ýV&*ke«ga, pd -Mi. &alireMm. y. aegI I md a »U«lad "d bl ik vivsitiFP- "-h sud tmmili &f~8îmday. V&l Thomaus v. qufte badiy huit 1 . L WOuaDs1« bsu bhie pous avérvi Up"Mdgped oier thé hugit. B'd. Waguer, of Gcmyetake, han e~ *Wn-e cfumarettesos avta ptav ,wfth a tractor. Tom, Ononit ba ied.. e oniutasd okilng foc Mr. Am@&. The ,borof natte vii Dow lie tabou 'eauofo by thé Iacmaètttm P Id pdJoha tBeaîaw wveRounad Làké cor.Susdsq. Codb Cmiii. mama m Howard K"qx n'i e. - w i eMdvedcalm eCpookaresoe wook. AU old.eougbro do, sa bava sal 0lae U' & L lb«o a faiAr. chèesmerDo 1>7edte a"* iaa (lapia, M igmaa! sc, ilkti setIlaIle séod ilecar Tht cebo biporehie.du mg I tMILM la ttié chi, aid attaîided a DIIilundi meeting. 'Iboe Rajah Neighborebhava volai glu aIt f10 ta lbe local Red Croco. Plaoid CeliriofIMiciga. vieil ralgl'ecbavaii" votk. l iim stacday eginua, Apri27, l hm aecorred thé marrcle aot Athert Dree &Wd litre. Ftava Cblitasee, bat fth i D"uéir bornevPU Deap Labo. Wae «iaédloougrtulatiin, T4a lAde' Ai-M 1 l ou orn i i 1>opular bakery mialsaImanues.$toi tomorvov, Satuvdms, mai 11. Mr@. làargacat Miller laeconfined ta b.e lied tbis waak and under the physicien' tira. Le. ShcrvQod i. lu a Chicit' hoepitat, for au apeaition. Mns.'Bob. Miller, Or., ,ntertained lie mother train Chicaga, Iset weeb. F. IL Shérwood vont Ia the city law Tbaceday , returuing Bundai evàniugà. Mi« BetlleSur-bards la Improving atlie ber recetilmores. , Mmt. and ltis. Lee Sbarwood 'vr Waubegass visitors Tbnr.diby. Mir. anddlire. Fvank Shéahan bai leaeed a cottage on the north, @bare o Cedar Lake, ad have tab« ou osel Mca, giyder anti daigbtavs vontUS LSvosno Tbursdal, ratarnlng Frlda e rnlrng, vlth Rer. "Imdor. Tbay attend ed thé Dliii inouday meatinga Thuradai ivMug. -mca.Ois Baraetable.oant Suudaj wt ber sia-Ar la Chicago. UMa.d. t%. Mllac. Niais arnnieMillei and iMcKmsafslBan dayinlaRock. facd. Mir end tire.E . b.Wald sud Niée, Herriescand Eiaanor wocadoud" 0duecti la! Butingtou relatbeu,.. -Théeservices fortisae dickatlanof lie Serve. iag viii tee bld to-mlgli (Fclia.yh May 10. UO.od api~kaers »dautrneh. AU tavited. are 70f cmdy foc the -oiltoca for t1h Rd Croce 6aclornl Thé, viil mil ea 1~11I4..BL RN ThéeocLkmday u«hooi coc.. hic FrIl day, May iOth. ilse MeLiona vil ait for Chicago sud Mittoon, Ii1, ta @enda bar vocation. Bertha White i. vislting vîi hMr. and Mca. Ueo. Wite.' B. A. Martinvwu a Cicago viitar Surnday. MI@ Beliaefugbea a! Autlaeh, @peut the weekend vith rlative@suad friand. la thi. vIcIit:. . - Ber. A. W. Ballard ofielated ai tihe fanerai ot FraàkUl rwford Smidy et Warren Hoab hie purchaeed Mn Chm&. mae place. loinlng hie ovE hsome. Thée ockaday achoul cbitdcan have over $1.000 la (lovarument boud@ and Tbhlit Étampa. tiMrs. J. C. Chope la bornaand le gotting alaag Dnlcaly. Loyhuru tewart @eutahevsek-end viti e sfither. Bé ceturned bome. $un- du m corpauied by bhW daugbier AMica. gean Caddackblleastarte to thesLke Villa amhaal fer thé remalader of thie terra. Thé Ladite' Aid .ocltw mai wlth Um Vivien Bamner on Thureday* Mr. and Mn@. Claranco Crawford a! Waubegen, @paut thé wsek-end wlth thé borna toue. RUSEL.L B"ens flrtsva.'metortulnodet lMre. Cor&l 'ovar Bhaday. Ti* Ladice Mac eday vii tseoutIsh Mr& Leurs Corla on Thursday mitr- foon, My U.. Aulatereatet are laviteit. The Mt PA ee etery toilati VIN Inet vth Mrs. RattIaBlovaon Wednes- dsy, Miay MSd. A terible accident happaoa<ila Ruseli Oat Fcldol efteruoeu, May 8, whaa Frank Crawford wmeklted vieletriing & machine. Oua of John Wi*W. boys arme tg thé machina, but hé ecceét lh s tsar ctseAndl bculae, which are bat eonaidoted serlane..Theé,fanerai v*e iargsy athaudad Sunday attoom. lu- tecmenudtM. But comterY. Théeamiliy bava thse simpatby 0ai thi arhaie on.- Mire. E. P. Slrarîsin Wauksgaa., clma lot bar dater, wba undrvént en opacatiali. Mie Iuth Rcddln m oaréturned, ta bar hom fn Vabogihavlng $peut ivo 'Wmaki vtth bac brother MamUYmi. ElleWintterse t théevagit-Sd wvus Docte Murrie. Mm.. Cathierine amsc0 e apsluga lav WithiMtm. e . . -' 1 ,'Mrs. ConvieravetM houa te..o ak Park, Fnida, ehareobi We i 1lég té ft@ cmarf a scaude "w on vme eki. Mr, sast Mcl. Gks u ne dan aid friad, Ns. leUSemiy. indus mtmao? E.l M 1 y 1 IL- placé ~fr0thLe cRsel arqménlandva.pck-d ted Word. i Ilname un theWO c we lute masl auomhobied a cfr . el ber prent hav overEBIUâBY --,. Ho v. vey searel brulédiad lým So the Ud8.An taking*yahe B- thoui t. h Ut nerna lt in-LastLetrsfo o Hîs "te ut elo Ismr ... npg*o ÉMr jg~eb, 01vs e a ri- plac e va akno bias fatr'. ahrTil fPwis f'ntne hw o a Wii9n taas tetho Wiba7iate* ouse ner R1h~:~BI1 Dad c thcand ho gI rcoeir.aiepiidj f1RikJbUifmDemdt ou&an utmdb is ato tws. lm thée Zeon city w uoobni a ortorng oarhie ,mseya avoW H a-Tii ai Par o " . H ekuv a il eaubyWti i. oHod eent oa A ta rpreya is-___ Md r4 M is ai haulsée, iand, " b oy vadntlst.4 .be CNodtae thteo CrafodubP at Rustirsav or ng eleed i lled l i Aton play Il l yeft ovee té fo h é oerdrtéal. !W .rpir.Yu /it 4&~ a cived Ir or taa an APatoast~detcant.w Parry 8114s'tngleithe4yBaimnt.eAanl W" by theoy autooil wth. LO A aMB A n S isy fateiyd rarts bers i .dfteetobs ic-Nr--va r;brrt ivr. o wa divngte areat f ii ia Ceaèr dpatmn a bsSon t bya uat iMiske~ ta~~~~~~~a opndbspaaa ufs.l Anu-dapatdre Ot*%y Cna.ath d re- .ig. trt ovesainen tre IlnC.t' a d and crls ai rea!dua tnlth ffle a ptril aiost uicaMe w am .laitteheoînat . FtherTers U*a. iUim th res alo.fh tu liary.vbanadthn illyInbissixereusd t sel tkhmaadPhrgs-g ri. i- emiÊ- mu" trearth hompaniied atenon t wude t In oster.ancS oring taôr"*,. ari4nefarumsta the na r sait ouem~smetbngre4nerft*,* e arehtbhorate a! s e e rawod ao NvlM is ig Staon n t~nté~r acl h olUi lis aps ht ieaotal a v haut omobd p ie aurdtomobile a lsmnUnteU . ay na1Tecnsti , came ud arrq rad ouih Min ey.* b> bebalbaut A.e tanrn nh t ! bis toh h W . H.e.%ad - oS ihrassletn i < si M Mai e nata uk er f cgdyrietd Th lae a- r*ead t ea it he i n ithu aed te rosilg tad fo'tstStif gabr~id Ani 'B.ban o etoib n 1s. d~>~ ~ ~ o e, and lienly-endred To- . gdlnicyad rmsd bo Wo n a he Caadan lath * wfrd*hp i uselte Canbiievda. Iiredl i te te- -y abyaym rehoeA ai Puea, vle aisitathir paren7the r aeons god ta adrepe'r1.1. a ie. 'oun ht âgoun rin Ce* itaan la ivn tifh A e Ha ilDyv ed nt 't go fomer, môter st&bisplus Maren "b t the aother ]ett- . 1e sien a rt he ai tmbitle outamobi anddaed. aga l2 a insez entun e ar e d kÂrtbu Lui oan d o rt bm.v a i saW- . iardsit,af Wakg an, v&rii@ted ore fisor t o atéh 19.w Mr. ad te fl an r li wforddeplmeoaWcHcMddn.i. whfSO o yodverth eane errh bi fosber buzsay th ;boi h rna. rrad o eYstts ; reacatM r the pngers vethroyn tglle to ide va iipTed Yntbe'nnadlan aen- eHnanis .tSoHpyCoàn, 4,unPoriatgomodal Nia May Piiok~ i Ciceo, la t he oui luck (o unlucky) as tmu hel i e t e arl.Tbfi a ,fa etbr e d fet mntsdlisted ul rtenin te o al Cana- *r actrl kd'&Êr a T.- M fist- isdl!nt ot a ecërat. i or Idl frm .-the trak bu gt he a r s t'tiI h e soia Dngoot .leme asetaimlea r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o fter pareté he 1ev andUc. Poioc, oher ordn Idld't gtlbrtnciog. rawfrd u, to.a upqdarath rferand ate va ahpp aie. i o peaceovr ubon day. ore "nshort mesage sot gymIna tram alang the teack neur the W Rused u ll 'ane te oi nd bis. .A . f adms utectatne-d tbe S reinr afdtef or WCaadr,,a rglomoit. H QsMonsiu. I n nCiter woereeedlbs tao ilthieeo slo. Th th f1mrs cui m i tt vc rcl'd lytr. Pry Pla . m u A . a tran -dfo n h e . ul a yùParry said b val tsen t foI bss-r o e fue esl ehm a dlegt « elad ciea fll. uordv elltth a.tiiere ag&rd i: ajusternd bcae Dhraug he t Lb.- lita dybyto orn ndtandtr ____________________________ "Té kin commade-mata asure br. kn Dr. rioru Pura r.aled tO h. wa to b a 'secialdîspaeli m cge yOU ofthituc sympihy 0f119 Hil - atdh mrantex miafonubwe eedtwee he ring ned the ça-j rif n ttoiryJN JitbsneUcQiaa I yu sr-tand Otin theku aod L-n qarer awlch ainýStartion o n fwg1èëiâý -e r and gourdtiocoryresW SmIthcla n mny lts 0ri9Îqhe oderstra Pars ttof flR ot bwits en a tb rmsager. a voter. h rrledly ummdAs ttr& a snru- 1ai ut ofbr ustt o s u te arm3o The letdtdn e , r ends 13a iug ad q er, 1 vit h al s d C l the d' s itt. a d i T e arderem a rn d eut n t y: f r 9g d e l n y a d ia a e t reaie br r udy e elvtad, Mr Yr. Pn* tli bed1ttes s br terbi o hin e w or ad. Ho e ' 1êhpp he ai t siu tien vIse etuassaddtfiiaccident e- u<W p *a t Te go Etbe'sid Arold- B whmn oflen 1,ght andwa, ls ran> til tlouai-l te enit dr illr, m u t n t . a ttn glctada.T a U ie ta tw-1 ron mehatos whateparents of1Wm i ar e isa t rwfod tain v asm ar-Ottva, ayiag:'"Iba Cssaoanoea - Maden f Zen Cty re bva herdthé rai apaoaclng ing amians:d bli 0f'wouifs, W Wateyang t dte lrm en s ewo r JU 3(P j t 0uis on 1lethrm ti. T ee w, erfe lnly . gorti r eto rtamise aiy hlovex- er verthew.k-od. renèhs te alie- ey h- ýý w f ord novter roa r itLed atmbiscia u W gi lie eury b. denptth é 1 5ld rMayO ito W ueg n istd weefo w m nemb1m- i ad t e gtrs f t i s t w Pasre de l umrbn tye d W. arm d d h o f'rui s ed fo we ld .E na- w et @t over Suiday eteiathe tuit toey. i aauonedFtits trenchea at CIIraiIntCtIctgo,. -s.rechsu utcap egerefore thrcowsn t th at Atuthé »riîie t nks ede thinkr n-o HI 6 MimMar Poloc' o Chcaa, va e uet o Accept(oru l i sh Bu ie théuoa. hie byta -s f Craio fep m nt a iI. ue Ithe yaBaina. %hfi, fnd tdiat'thet acciraent oruin noin, tter tok bithefat -rai nly ud ___fieparets,_th_____and__r._Polocktrwenforsoiv[dtge icei the mtebavebeen aatdeddata i eJanary12,théyoul réx- -Ig 01tAspacCrrdudy.s wftl wor aa an. o! th e osi p<>P aean ly ri: r ad nffytenderp A hr esg& ima d rm aio h e liasca a paîthev rec i vle . a rt nd a e Jé on ei.ak, assiud re M n i.W .A asetrale h I rtay- ofSrn tki for ,r d l . a o n l H ui ta n ai PleasAn vanupta lth i onte c efv d vieu thé otgnrutht thefomeré ousnénd iswisaoermecl d r a rty la or eîan Pairielane bad ¶vea it bis lite nea blÙg Pusb vasadie a Ca ntmrai one kep o h gn Fe Suaday. ur~as y. henessage ers s ad -elias l ugsit'tausd b sistraic d a s pth e olonel an a wore ta "Th akngconias a eto aatst ureo hl. e a diirvtve by bis vi- I spos e a h cavered in tcse p.-ro d h paty m y oste r.., lias ofe Hi&d M.a tte nd fl . A ,ed.i ain s o e ie do'n t e irig ln t ed evas ane tthe eer-. o! ta oein ftle kl- d ee uars, ud IhabInUP ai." He i nd i - Int.rnina etât o f Bibl t an d cul» otriai t gepabitsvofbabis Tis aseocitlon ho inlsiedut~ ~fanIdAIIUIAAmî Osain ary B rigadePade the IL~E untom i e o 05. er hate rawor army. W. In e r a t tefon t1eerf iX Or@ - i r~~otlhotandPor t Serdan ià es ofwere h r r mled toth h~o uitu ie vyt on phUeigd bismimd nd oferedlm~ ilRhII~ I5A ' of tâcme and wesgaiobsttInthpced aur cnaîatkid.. r p lsi fo r inct b be gamy. F »" adia 7od' if au isTeddl, an irontup ta is : l Ininhdrvaabl S*ha hl&so aaiod t r IsL VIAL4IEiI erpnyer sa g1lottaeaa mybdy s 'yused a.n aacrneruit on >ncaulie 0fed.hmtb . ddt se. us ha l t " o neie o * ai&clairfetti. Crrberexaminera faopar- Otawr. Paylua! Zi an mi doeu- ' Thah't h. b.dparents et and d9c08, 'ikurendia! Ml iss erc e t e t or alt list i. aver ta ins e ou " th. t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~T bafraontae adh bsreu 5Che>obr anl -b&e glad nw a tartimeaDquatort singttuva ty IfIUd try4gta Kter inoasba.db leer bast be rcledsain W lg of aud ge W . adena, sd l h sonu emlr aa aealXi h. acet l e try0beellbe ntjmeantimullis e é va itin;a txousy fr- e Taes for erssof taelnnrsud decisiae- t1sbavaebetnee patrent theeeorta RAVE'If 'T FEET *ve véeka."te, rliedt udd"toes t .Ki etD SO Camri ttat OiS -ihseni On.thearlng vileut tarkt te fllhtnk oetorfmu Rfuse RIbftJ Bibl te yard, ibleteisedsmy knéoer h&p. teetng ta notesthat tva VIIis>of gand tha ino. be entpe d e -a"Bob lnasenMte the erice a. Stdet « avceint e ct a- ga id raee d. Tiisbrter ai taip12,.thedy. b Ame elu VDIJIAV DE i. a howu nte ofthe Brltstlpop.tedrtvbc eestieeum 0F IIUUI-II 1.ffes1 airY er n.aIn t usellnrsandh&tri sa l ud is e Y4. presnai ii.tat ie- flUS I ZON bas ncsa a eit vi..lae.s mathra ve sle t arome w. ckeU -à u lusre natsuoir snted t getoftckant asWeupeadthe bI n ontewen theduitsttl ftORRORS PINCIsentTtagedoAgainhMrks d 0 a rireandbt4 tbe yay.bisTfile ja igcr Bon as adeuet absrait do-' - . rhagittl As a Casce t s obth D alth RussetlvHmile, ur vite yhîn a m - 1 vs upoeyn bae reso n a h e at-to n tegou Sailor Amon Tose Arreste srvie. nea u sheil - nmere useda*. orbea h ey ir W h n Zonolctec nd eWi rna o , a h Bile S u ntsfl zt ed og bs wn .Th on Zion Residence o in the ICinuthe W01114 a rA.110lg a-. resit tW ai o rir e wr u iexrie 1 8 0 Aler Critanot, aciéett senulbe Prtei d an dai wSmo bu-fu mleyug;he o sm Gra *psNvlTaiigsaio,'i tb*Udbs mitadout f cickrd cmad w goE WIL COST 1kir dayf fortvie iadel os Q I er t i *oar-old one ai Johnlead alupt hefn l vhc sd euUdr uvllac o WaM ut iRelita thi nosiabe oepi- huean .Te ai imettvarie yti 9tuel vithooutat hanc" e-ai ré. A O 13f eenoe oga e e nbd u hur e Thg earcut nacun fpy tjacklee vasoarre téd at 3:40 aoe yon os ovar ta Cli. navaThauthosltlea. Tii. iMr.d lu thefvillagetfrla ars. varnan vas pianed ndef Mreset aut ie liai fareniluth hietopowehntestlate out35hOOO Pro un tv l h l es ib. B r c s i e b l t fe t a dd m k e pu>sl.e he n t e A toc rd eal z i o . H at w it nfil cams p or udmot tda. r. d for-net sire.appraol g - ba laouakr ra to aa ea s tindlie anA tmshoul babIyl -le Par to Lola ayhaquresai t fwaer sentoneeii os n~~ dt ou <h S. Paetad le kbDs be rcle -lig fad e ne d fsand I the rooa ad ookhemhoo. e lfié<Irera C"lervases are stlilathe acidnt wi Be aeni e n mthe of he wiidc anfrom tt otonoofr.,-- thé bous ofetha bat.litalr but Slerc-n- barnidairbt. - ddat fora wrat ret Th e a i n e snif. 'lhv enaptetms o lient vatcied by <blnplicé a.hd er1e aeit erselng and car) ibe pe Ilo The ésîmatteanoteA00. mada ~lomaybetakn a co.eItUp s Ao omet cî i DEStbc off y and ghaes ta ib p raié tc a ri a! adsndtertsrioia tik a en irIs Tbase marais le teehtsp.ttIseyenthe onemreovemeutWlmcludiu th On, rméied atpday lgb fméuen ~te rige n ate itkeday. 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