CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 May 1918, p. 9

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RTY VILLE INDEP-EýN DEN * - LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ~WAUKEGAN WEEKYS L.XXI-N. 9PART TWO LIBERTYVILE INDEPEIENT, MAY 9, 1918 FPOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVÂ&GE. LUI~~FIA WANMARNIN@"MAK$TH LnOV EtFIn 'wLARStEN ORBArth af aM ANY ATTERtPTS PREPAREO GRAVE, NOW GOES In éonnctio wih te blth f aTO OCCUPY UT HERSE, son ta Mlu inaiLn arien et the Lake -11 1 I IS R D O T note that the pontr half-witted erea- Iq A ~ I7 l A 1 l ii lir. Mary ?haemptîon, pioneer ofEflT were tic liappwo tandi tipreme Mo' for a tirent min!y eirs, %vau"egad IIF UR H tUÀDUIwIIaF - and Who hiave îeen lber, @ahe laguard- 1 4 4 vi~ . .1L a voulan of unusual phyfflcal endur Surplus Amouints Must Be Ing it wlth as mucli care' and ln a ain-. ancf for ber age Up ta hier tltent îlck. lier manner that a creature wt haut;f et.awra h okde e ia f f Turned Over f0 Dealers ln-' any mind andi alang animal Instincts ieViolet ad on Lmpcitns ona anatter of Course md aside of Thirty Days would watehfit. The love for the lit- Mrs. HgViolettne an Sn ad at Van- crdiîngly had lier grave prýpa-red toi Jas. Monohan Arrested Tues- ti c eil sésaeetalie (the amazing ritrot Wipnma lh tHn blttewoemilr rm cue fe faving Surmounted Diffculties hl a iht at Midnight While ARRESTS TO FOLLOW at bar horne, corner Grand avenue antidstn i ie- whtalehnRi o of re einLaigClsil ndmUtica treets. itngHsWf the arrivai of <lie bobo it en x- Leavmg .amared heund fao peti e ipstintwr tHler qwihstre et eraAil With More than 30 Days vould. bê much diferent thonnILtla HomE FOR A TWO YR.A.R TAY a- rmwlc Iebdi uft ered aiTY-tAY ,Supy oMetwih nov. ln fact, (bey vere vaiulcrlng adfonWblch arnehall atFferil OREE T TY W Y Sumy oMetwt fVg ow %ho ould trat IL Nw tTat IT E LOCAL UFOLKS; DUE HURE IN JULY anti on mince. At the firot îltack f u rscto hey cildte wulé re @i ft it w tat VJA vas toit oh@ vauldtinot Eurvive h,,-Mrs. Monchan Started SepajOU reuto lite bd t Luth Ie n i l e n't c wanMac 4hse ece ir t aneanetoe ýfrExaMiMaon f« o Postandt tidoJbive I aie avyfrm1Take their Departure Just at a Tiine Whmm They Will SOtbirthday and lreret tngth, un_ _ ateal Maealotabed- ode te the lie a no i a tc i nte. cnn't jcascpeRongesardthe lath hhe reacheti ber J May8. A inal ateal la bver ngthrmatea t . ter at Wadsworth Brings -bitIte t be- donc vith thte mobier Ecp ftePageW lb w sgrêatly. Havever Bp "camp bacc'f. ii a napelt at1tn and Peitinent netstion bablybutPpro- ii be -en ta remave Son with Mother anti insistd that aile wsnt ready te Itecause hê,wenltoethe hqme of hi.,%erq their surpilus amaunt of vheat. lier fram the itopital long. *agin she was able ta leave bier homne Jatned by a court order f ram doinri anti the gavernuent expreases the Y BE VOLUNTARY Tis tipiac ftla intelar ia fe.Tda eermwnreev niatndaRbkhmei g t oJames ý :onohan. wboac wlfe Tue.,-i hope that this viii lie aufliclent. lbut thIon for ths, chfl ti n silrangceantraet,* d tram c. ,ontnan. Lake. part ln the Impresaîve initiation day inatiluteti ýeparâte maîntenancebint ibtis appelai there la a veileti ho ha pope vtowa 'hd aIm a.noncig ha . had ne 1 i ihbae a nîmût.îpr<ceediîngs agîiinst M, in betne titreat as ta the fâte tîtat vIii betal usuel cage eeceteti, jiging by what at Vancouver, Sritih hColumbia. part for many yeara. edbth plcead iib i. Thun, the massagein Rhownt tteatoman sebrparer te t waîivta ofn aitiatineti îcmorrow caarrtng beforel The followtng li quated frona sner- urdPoietyi ee t Thnehewomaneshosnaitln iuar sie ar tae tichI.udige Ed card! teanavear why <' [A§' Of 1Ssci ructions «tîat have wue Siarider Suit lte babe. nethe flitsiiy wauable to makee heart attacks anti sevprail Imen fivan ihoune lt be cbeîi for contenifit of senttelaihe fondiadministration of Athat tne abst odre vrle way out of China andi now feUt ahe vas tylng. Rb.î raihied andieniLit ony thefuur, te heLarenvaanle nafe in the States. n tact vIn veeks mgo site bati rpec9ve'rë(l te Mr..Mary Monohan nf 719 iuff 'There are a numiter af layai JThat Clara Lui of Wadsworth, matie the nemali tba pattefli. vitî which causes bar relatives ta fle Pointl wbere she vas able bv street, in iing ber bilh for ,çepurat-.American citizen» who viii be ples- Istres& vho figureti go pramin vwa% ihen aithé,e hoRpil: "If t.9a be mont happy, for, tram bler exortîng herceif ta go ta the RPitetimaintenance it-lated tilie h-bas beAi cd tn availtteèmBecivpsofthiaips reecntly in tfie glader énuit in boy l'Il killILitfor 1 vant agrl"lettera ,they jUdge th. was un. hall antitalle lien place ln the degreeé,@ laei nmv esnu niportunity ta returri ail aur4pln or et. iteport, le te l ys p ler post- No v riai ite liitta h e ere ant IlStcertain as t. whether sie would taff in an im porant initiation. J ntola i mte t hrone a ü ca ions e. sud~ ' n u pi e i f u t e a o la ev4dat froamobi* foi-malil<t- 14 tio ,noterthe contrast. Thte strely bu able te Unit out of the wal; One af lite big meeting aiolte asked tbat lie lie restraineti front have. Many viii glatiiy.mike carri- ~at: -".and -he loves the <nilt i vth a devo- Ms 0sao.arvt netat an et ae beo ie srltiohe pîîrcline. îiuîre whitr ifotnllyahr om SThe l'alled late-a Ùtvil Service lIon tat hUn't equalet i n the average rthe EmpRéese of A ia, ion Pot 1r ea m ah bati braen tsa hei iibe otil-a-rnl-urhset--aUre thael r.' be'iremtinoti iat th alera ho uet U.qeon haq annauneti an exam- moth-sr'v heiart in thte community a tng he mrs A gio nhe n d vne c pi et ad n tili er eaint n-.1- skëdilng beritLie r pederal l a gantherboa iwl tion ta lie hedlti t Zion City, Ill.,' love- cht a p cthe point o hn.fred e rorrsdad ldt e sriea insonn le ile fdrllwagis hadi-, hc May 5 ,191 asa rsui ofwhih du teherunsundinptalty.It<evlopH (bat Mrs. 'ol.-î lier idit andti hl'e pherceif hatipre liamteon tram rnoiatliîg ber in uni, Pravidesa apenalty ai $5,000 ine or 18 May 21,1918tn maèrutiwic itO1 brusntionetatty.Hhgiey Jobneqtone, vite or Dri vIoustv staîti iébat sitle tidrî'î belipvc way. Theinjunicîhon wivn gnt- Iwovayearsimpricoamnent, qç bathfor Iia con templateti vacancy ln the Ens stic.o plu h ,e ol atn ntp êtad was,,,7evleianMan lai-r 1hi hoardema. tto ffut la otatritChina, bas long heeti tryliig b-r ng. site vent thratîgit br work spien Oite ai' 'A FINAL OPPORTUîNI'TY hi nov adew -htant1 ohebvaanhe anC f - et transpôrtatar-o at le t alMonolian wswrt dsay way ien ta thene ta aurrentier lheiraun. y- a . ra t fie uie. irangementa mete vh(-reb)v h.»i-itired vitlit frmnepi titat rpever again-fronmtité,tis os, heing hoiti that te plus ituppiy antithug 'vait!anti pro. Il lihetied itie ri ite nlre4ls or can came back ta Waukeean foi- vid she lie able tlatatend'a galber vwoulti gel iitreepli mlot -toubléi f lie teet themnelves agahnSt Ithe posaibll- service te MI ithe vacancy 'y r,-- a vhahît it er rinie', liing Il it te intge vbieh fie laveti sr vent the're. le promiacte, grsay îy, andi proabhhlîy aor rosecution ho staterent. L_________________W. K P iy farolîy in Northt Lunit. 'way. tIte federni court. 4ulmaiaetéa ihrVs4Utîca Ltet a nsa tpnt At mlîinight thé local pole re- 'he itandlhng ai Ibis Rtibjeett.4 basteen told biy te,-verrnmvnt PRIS .-n ESCPE .-.-FO'T!A recent i'cquest freintfier Mr-s. Thornpcon truly vas a voncier ceiveti Lcal]tbiat )Ionaian vas nt un lmie-nsave job: anc that muettlb. t ______oft.,___Iit hpre a lait relatives go ta lite curt fui wvamanPrmor t e r chcknesin biléhomne ralsing a tisturbaice vîit aOven vititanti cleaneti up hu 3ù f a- nite munI rnetitreo ai' ber- Fîve prisoneéréé,helifor ieger an n haboue in Waukegtan an(] pro- Febmuary site bati donc ailtiter bouse-hiarve, curacioingbr i a hngâtse-laScod ai. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ té Fof bahericdunei flotho cotinuePlt entre a cerîlfieti onpy nf lier writ unasicteti. anti,ln theenrulmer satt or cinfralgicp eodWrig thetor<lterdan.urtiouc ccai MR. . M JO iSTOE, tititcerlfate ahvetua sb lmegveneaihcri& fr ir I ani.aaE.n.Weobb, vtofavebi ag' W EWeb, fot adînitrtaofa rd pulic poreie.IAnanytei a nwîdteti denesday ai ernoon. takn ith jtie v h i - e frlir a adas 3.,, as booket an a charge of lbe. North'rt Iliios, saundeti n nhmilar t borla t retre. t an rat ale tthe bprivaie vho vas tietaîîed ami (NEE MIGLEGCIg icunend îrhng consîderable tol'oîie floyer., rttnnhng the maverec Ho Iutaster or pogntmistres.l eh etn wyfot igass i't it ah eatiblert doaatr Oine - dg drun t anti diaortcriy. This warning reeutly vbenlie a-ddreaaed emd there y te pogtal tiipart t rgad n ffai iisrrendeirepntit syfa elga uulaevai ado li ce titi van te monning be van fIneti 87.40 antivas firocers anti utchers lu a meeting at ent. Thte aebpai W3 dinn te ialer te te l-analon police. but lits aiofte -ïtringeot: rule' tibal are opera-W. wo,,,,____________ vnder af ber frientin vitamarvelei locked Up ln lte joli. hie case bcbng Waukegan. He oauti that consumesa Seat~~~~ flclya.ohr r lh îhgsub. tiv, thiere nov. atilien etrengtifor one of iter yearo repartedte lte county autharîtîi, . are alioveti but 30 daya aupAsy aet Ia Ibis connection teé,repart ne- Thte escape vanxte resîtît ai neg jtr. J.Ilin.qtone le Professer anti heati erai t et ll l niare u.cefut inueU t h li Officials cay tiet Moanhan ca fu nita fte xet httc tl cmeml ta Mssî.îx-nYr ligeuce on te part airte guards. AI nurteuniniithe Union Medici ollceefor tva veeLta ln the Anericun lied langer andi mare iappily becauseeta reputation for making trouble. 'bey lare hourdera. Ail auch exces supi- tly amp tit hatMissLui pveCrama camip lu the beart of tite' flood.-fit. fihe ovedtehodo It-andt tat',svhy îay that five or nfityean; éaga he plilesshould ibe turnet over ta local lti itave clartedi t esat against tbougb the men vere knn-an ta be whiethe ltt-~ehodisat chureblin. iu <d dItricts bOlOw 'Mien Sien. ,They $lie alvays livet atane ince the patte vent 1te tadswortb anti terrorlseul dealersaWovitoym for fit athe marktet Bartiett fr $10.000détmages for deci*iBte characters anti ail batipre itisin Peking. Il an[l-e<"' (i îi ettebas îpUc n i trhnlat tet eanSiotevilg y hcarigbs eo- iie 'h .5e a'eetvutte -.a.agtbg tht goveremtu -vouiy dtised, te> ver. sent out a eâr Icve of absence. H1s PîIITI d abt le, the tieantime ii-y are IC.Ttmenvntevta hvradtraeîgt sot~lp. e viii psy ln cash or trade. le 'board tb'ere-pomisétharot ie n-man, Private Biniîo ta. 1 For l9a ater he arrives itere taege.:tta Chi- 'aMn hmRnwl;tewdwo-e n traeigt 4ho a crculateti hn the baudet anti for exercie Lnnder the charge of only cago university anti take a year'e vtching te railroat itraffic anti do- Dr. Titampiait, for yeari a ientW tuhoanyane vho mironchei him. Deniers then muet report ta the hoit iher (bat ihe eiter mii iet Infantry. Hlitlesaita be ave course ihere inighn tbhnitgcsil tpte ped fWukup Sewsa certark A noinrmef g adli et 6i irilttain uethybv Ign or bavm ftle courts exainerat-'permit" etiteaeethe reserva- thinga un aurger>' vbich hi- desire o heplaati. rY Damhnke ai Grayelaite. lb wa Io R chrrivari witit a gnandti ireat. I'eeeiv.dtih. flour and t i i i e (ait. tha i teé,accordingi>' clarteti the ..léio atilteslad een of tbem vas hecomr rirliint in. Telle cf Experlonces._ vWhie eevas ick ln Marcitfilat ber eneti toetsbootthe hritiegroom. la- 01 rees amhei lert theUn it- ton -whichb ita ils l(îotjpct lite viten the five prisonerk anti guard D. Johnîttone owns a large ri.ich In a recent letter le relatives hn brother. aiseaan ageti man, came, in areati of trialt he 1.9sorti taekIve abat nlai. tha u&ùtFiarae Uit ring of!lbercasme in connecîlon iloppeti an auto truck bound for Fr I11n Caihornia andti teplan le for blaitWaukegan Mrs. Jalinstorptellas anéefromt Oraysiake ta visit liter. wbuie hitîmeln iltihch andti a. re- "'d Stares trpanFrce ,th tiat ni Ray Kelly. onglon anti rode on fi t y.-Ith rer jant ilbs îamihy ta remaîn titeeoutil înterestlng facts about lber life ln valkingiAlown lavit for bie aupper, ite moye te ta e 4liteMcicer haspîtal - ven the farmems are Includêdilu BU -iJtly vlan they viii conte to Wauke- China anti thé-Sun is allowê eti a <ote feu anti broke flsii up, helng taireu te t_______ hé lie faad admninitration ruain. vh uywici Ilearti t e 1 t in thaftlt on.neaifthe gain- Tiîey have 0echutd, ai io%,an extrIct fraotite hItem, ai. foi- te McAlihter hospitai vitere ite vat 'plus ancflotaive t t10 haep aaur- Ideti nrreacit an gret'mtat andi vas men, (Charles tC. Iseleyaiotte Fartictit Narshili Williattt, f ;ur years af agi-. iovs: kepb namqtiaya anti then 1aterremov. fiWteIlieh.graund front, heirOwn vheut. hhargeti. Tius the cige elande zi. naty akt mnlt vntnwho via bore lu China. The littIp "filea aver3' had N tear for tic cd ta bis laster's home wvbere thétwe "A~ jILlha tederatooti that presscuthans vSii ieIlobealus Chaedetheentiy nti ff hinese Those ootiuit laet umme.- ay inhacrilici statefor nam IImeos atîntImmediael>' stemmtri E X T3A ~di ielneani he lantf asna -police station auti gave himseif up. Hi- bac ben talsite l u i enta retynga cliand fiuer.tielu YH ln acalra tir e fcoutfinieuprit nithn re-onit tL startedi. anotier cuit aithougit e- ep nd i bi enfrct a a beo hlm la n r b of ieaetse niareiii nig avrma rehp-ato o a rnyutiaand. bave excen amte viiifier baud Im- Potahae ee tatstevoit d a. opanedthe oh ente itner anuad- bfte aqusnel-iiycrrp: i i u r on; ia r 1Titomplon vaneacui harrmf Cagtfvttb'igvoaeilher a n te e our eus tla und, Theti ac ttat tie jury tihagreeti, if te En'allah iangtmge because they Pneumonlc piague. T-i show yau thO ber aifte O. E. S. anti lie Rebekalis ruiiug of titi- Foodi Deianlmenkt vith -jabcenl vrhg lb. report 14 îruc asn1tti- position DRUGGED AND ROBDED leel Ibat aller lîey get back taetiti' kinti of officialis u'alreet " Fsen itevnvn cieS h ead alt aea htefu, t he fourlreturnitgh. tclrsS trsmeti by theo postai offiials is cor- st.ttea ttey rau teiclitiînEngihit"minieter ai communlc;i(ions" (in formepr, turing the lihetIme oai lerhuse Waukegan groceri vene placeti "ofi tUrnet iint the regular cbànrneinai dctotacnt exanerale the postmis- Josepht Sbawley of H-ighand Park îeny quickiy anti liie the iida af bis charge af raliroassiri-flset ta shiipband:ti-ten liter item Interest centere th ie carpet" ai lite vcekly meeting aiftt'Bde. a a ilee yec of t1ne pSam andti jvas'îugge't, robbecîIof 8, andti 1<! being Praiclent n China. grain dovu irom Mancituria -whcb n it eiteekahi anti no muiner eve the Waukegau Fond Adinistration aera breirslieplanvut chanageigptsAtpa Tti hv fa i hn at ji avi tou hne -nrhr i s ti an lootie iltee He The>'have een ittcottlterng , 1.e CntralCliriilan ommitevili- uiovetimare Intercît n lte vvit Wetnestiay night. Their namen anti IbertareSit pla ta hane P liednonMislue u an a-y wn ite via-,freat tiiai of trouble g.tîing transpor- bought ta gîve those dyîngtiaiyofai torcie. Site vas a member ai be itehcarges againat tem are: fJT J 188 UX DNIESSEIN OU tE prmn isto is condretionifor Su a et eachedth ie conclusion -thatifjril ;-S alti bc'd- like bo buîy itiegrainuforde-gi-c tf nti tepayti a Inel freel .OtUSKY. Lad ite havn ..l Mil;Car ux smýtes iitis ndpacnd itiondefortrunit possible for 'trs. Jobntone anti an-.tem, meaning hbcd lu about balfIerfi- UTION 0Fnedteflu l 0 ondqanil"wt piacti h u aier ntother waman né,igihort'e10gpL Irans. the money ln iSnpocittanti perhapsa fr ehenila S nitacanlet ltefou i a pontBEantlls it .asvorth, tenues 4that Postai 011- Sitawiey wac talion tea apolice'5tt i parlatiotu for themielves itev viii part ai the rest lu grain vitich ie'tid afh hîaepS n1905 andtieta eancasa a substitîte. dasti lh- ite muet exoneratî' vitere b.-e orent te rest i te tii<ht. -ave amti tieir itushands vii lolioma ilitel> Seli ta thase vito voulti buy! SPringfeiiltln1903. M J. CISSLAK, Blvhiene ebreel '0ouh it-iem th a vîste ta0 Wdneaday morning ho vas ar- liter. But tietéetruc citriatian Ciinese are Leaven Home te o Ldpu -antiMcAlister avenue; chargedtb il ALO II1 liber job ai postitîcureca. r1ndieoe ui TlJtgePg .iRbunAi.he t vas knovn for years that Miua eling ca-cal(ietl"van foeur*, withaul led: "Aiouttheport Miss ICL~utdrugglng anti robhery. Sbavlvysaald nome chile tley are away andi nat- bhlday per vecu t a aPlace vhene. flue home ta te Ottieliava anti Re The ivo men vere ortienedtitaap-BaesAeTlthyCnH e itateltI y nuit agatin a it b 'met sevenal unin wviteiesiitittg tiuraiiy ilvii îeemrat ber arrange for ve hretS veri gelerChiai-se vaunanbekait for a home or lie tva iadge, pear befare the foodi adqsnirai saed moutt epart, art-x e bo b eltei heetr' ,fth Te otutoeavii ae p ithr "Tî uulr 'Arbinei-pig ne itmponhai inntiboicvehu tHaveue iet log bfon th goeroent011~IMiwaukee auti atitetithat on. ai Item Mm, Johatone te art along vithout ta Da-sie arnenbn <or w-omen anti andt ierefone a year ago osearriet ai the Instance af L. J. Yager, citlef bt7 e eto l Ott lon berabutthe movre <offl '-toped" him. Aiter titat lh. dAdt ltlier servant.% for aitlber home An Pcý- chidren Tert deatitute by tite flood..braugit lter plans by Ipeulng,,deeds af the btireau oaIinvestigation. Bot u 0PrCn fFo ilâat myaelf anti not as a recuit of know wvitlhappeneti but Imagines king aile cmployq four on fiee ailt-Lie Tbey matie neeraithollaut,ameebteprtrytotetvltgaani enpaicigorceithnguaTe HdBfae 'snybady îusîîtng that i do i. 1titat titi-men muai bave carmîiediim lime, Havi-ver, in ber lettera home drop tu the bucket o! ni-et. nov titat cite has pasied avay,. tliey flons anti asierlet they hati na Inten. ti , tuc nyway I couîij do Itum ua 8eaeeîcondition, four or is-e servants do net do as do coii*idenutsie ilihtanvreLott iCa tpststotractrt Titeteallplan Sa im ndleftethatirs itemadel Bath p"MYrutuimhshavetin oodtewiairenenit tileta hIobservetin THE CONSUMEROfth rues lu, A titecouRts1 Jutige Page hilievet te star>' anti mucit vonk as oni-gonti American ginrl îo u li at( ieto -te home n nag 'o erI ontelwcrflyI h uue -In vlev a fi theury'îagareement diminsedtihtei charge of tirunkennene 1,viil do in a day, Il la therefore mec- COqsPlhahed a g-eat amount, a îîttîceadelre! rterl aott a anfl ntt uue [eyau g'Jlog t ei lwsi endung Sitavie> haUktetaHighland- sary ta have a larger corps itAting.ant i lita nev place fer lotige pur- Titiy vere varued. bouloter. that I Meane that From Thon on ganat arlitt' anactei te. Park.I vanta lu the kîteiten andti hrougitouh The Peirg Redi ('mss bas rooispoies. IL vas aivays ber deahre lte the next limie lhev are f 8 u oft i taint Brtltt? wasaskd hr.bave the lotiges utilise ber property such vioations thcy WvI Ba«tbu 1r Coneumners Muet Cut Down "*1 auri-iy am," csiiele. Conductor la Fined titeitouge ln ortiir ta have ftue bouge. Open each ifternaan formnailing surg- a hl etn lc ninvbrrînt eoe(.lcl~ dih- o h raIto a "«Have you inatructeti yaun etrer- EtivartiDoble ai Mivauktee, a convomit properiy taiten came af. How- -bai dresings.s imi meeviii g larrceandhraughean ai ni on uthiiilecua t Meda ui. o teBedte a pey to renev the action?" duclor on thte Chicago, North Shant et, of course the pa>' ls not ver>' rets i>' be otige hav brlei ughi -l-mmtiha bti vibemar apte CIDMM "Yen. 1 bas-." anti Milwauktee rallroati, van arraignet i hg In Peking. rayteldp aeeatdabld meitl br oeuebP-Adnw nl ml ela h Dr. Jobuetaneaitadtietawrite MRS. HENRY LICHTFIELD Dffl hng rfunitivitb viticb ta carry out tbbcfaiment vililibe meteti out (o (hem. AniovUceSnhabllobb 'ffIII IL came up at ite next terni lu court in Mlvaukee Wedueîtay ioenrhebrttcriiael ate UONYA HSIA lnOtuk at ett ntatn eiakens tiey are ta bave but 70 Der 5<cut"acharge aifitavSng (aken tickets foifuitIec)idgt-h rprpri Prepares Grave eAnt meeting ai gracerg anti hutchere cent of tbe foeur the>' bave hat-unti ri fi tha's at 1 now boutIl, Mrs.Thomson as a-unuuai o- etitat W.,Bb..bbeftildwlnzgi-ttt-lite hé-prnotreMa permîth "1 ll aiycan't nay. 1 (aid bim ta tripe te Chicago and deliveredt hem tc teleav hina. eis ltAves Iber. i ..TAmponvnan-unaui a achict ..F. cbeotvaiteAnf Henryat eaus luitavetu e -Ma>' 1h ie $2 a x.ctdta hy eeaotman la that aile caultitait aiftieatli Iralar far Norttern Ilîlinais, wvin pre- p~lcvi aet e lu il Idgh , at'aailIWinow abou I,"anth nt.e v arn fine i $6la xpcei8iatte vn aotLicittielti.anti velu known renfin iwt itecmpntaSebta sentat tOf bt egitosle-per cent aifUitheakery goatialit. patti she Wil i Dt a n e a ur t e ti, va- the a b n eir a ho m ae ut It n m ti abrtY vile, passei a ay W ednesady et lb in uch a m tter o a tctm anner -a iti e va nsln C iicago et the lIm e d Piera 0 t len, W àuk egn hbakera Mina u aieihat terdthei ctrgt ii tvn eveti tlie Icit ttc t 4'rs coînatahi-matie netiMe- havu receivet tram the foodi admin- ~no jat li ih btS enienithei-e u aie vas fineti $25. the neceasary cemtified cap>' oi their itrobu 'laka h aeM-tiat aelle rerareti ber last restinfilanti ii net recelve his notice. ertr tanbie hc iibv ~enAgnaiou vlAcb sh cxpl3ns vasitrtithianeeiveti. Aitrlopti akgn ievspace many yearsaiale, baving lber The foeur coit y ib 'eslai centaine t10ie aduiere te1: 0VenÀ0 pUnéle Sam aoflier oaviseat r nilr.Jhoe --me m air en suddeniy 111 Monda>' marnlng grave dug anti concreteti antimatie ailttventy per cent ai harle>' gour ant Inlate staste an Illiiha, egiuning oIrd, adting: "h guee I1 junt gai CARD OF TH'ANKS r.iabu vyandN r a aga ast nti entr- anti her condition hecame sgo t e4 o iercpbna irbai'vnbckniollal îeitilii-lu 3h 98 niutlJi it iret ai the Job, thît'salal." W@' vlabhoethank fienda fan ie aboungtorive. r. abuaan etfit ievn sbaauere«frtereeto f e oyws h idoign thxe orbatMy1t,198 n nilJl l_ '%0o long bave you bodit f?" van att"ni inienYitnet t s en taiucitiinep evius bantl uaab a ucei1 lt arit ven lite final cati came. Tbuiq,vben ers. Il voeté n lentnedti bat ttia lg ',Ulker Uih ue teit 10 u bee 3tâionc thrdayevmorningd ,obeng, 0Perated on1ahha aInterreti eitber pi'iday ai Bat- foeur shouiti fait Into the bindetsOf recehve for uneehln ha'cing breut aid Baketi lier. tuing aur receut bereavement, ln tccm oe Lk t'he bier. l 100n11. Tl vas t tnier conti- uray, lte cemeten>' ftateviii mereiygocm lnatsiiiepieuei oiol 0le eta h uen -"Ohi, about a year," sellerepiietd uidatit of hunhantianti brother, Spe- te far i-ast. Titiy bas-e net been tien van liapelcia anibrrltvsbv a11rbcbguoeall hc b orc ieweebueb-a0 ouDtepr ceint o ileanti let Mins Lux nitedt Iat (thepostai cial titanks bti tesingera, ta Mr. Stai- bacit hoein-since anti themefone rela- ver. aummanedte10ber hetiside. Intell Cavereti the big cancrebe vault, niet out hnying suitbituites antiw« ageant ua iwg blie montit ut May, June an" ,jeltrtment loid merci>' accepted bler fond anti for floyers. tîves are veny mucb inleresteilun inaI trouble vain rtt,-cause of li00 the casket fnsille, replace the caver cd b>' lie salesmran lie coul i mellIl tJul>, 1917. kelgnathon and ti lle h.oulti hoiti s iaCawodadfml. hi rsetievscdah pIllce until aller lier auccessor vas m.Nn rvodanifml.terpopetv iitet.andti tiluacarry aut thc planasteelier- vibliaut suhatitutes, He offereti te The,- purpame of bhua reatrtblo Sa 0ppoAnted wvith i vlbe somte finie Mirs.J. t. Craviorti. -Beailiber hushnti, vho Ie a pluIe- self hat matie ant iauperviet ns far maltesaffidiavit ta tis effect anti van ta eut' davisthe output af beery ~fter the examinatlon lha lt for pont- wicîy lb WiII Escape th. Pianue, - ler at Libertyville, site leaves tWO MW bliman banda cauti. tolti that If lie vaulti do titis tiat the ipratiuctuaundi coaerve tho raiiy di- aste, thdaeof__________b ngDr. Jaituatone van anxilus te,bave BOnS: lFranklin. agc 13 anti iclia, Mr-t, Thampian Qvned the ttvaires- pre5ent charge vault b. tilsmissed, unlniaiing remeginder oa- aur vbet aetfrMay2b e tt ai xntCit. lelg is vif aanti chîltigel aiway tram age 9. Her mater anti athr Mr.iticaces ta te sauti of ber ovn. She I'oiAiiîiao .S lr oi up>.I bsl a of.h se a a 6 IZa î>,Plans e trnuh regItrbatAan of youthsM.Fo diitao . .Cakn 11. uPY.I ilsà,o o.I vbo have become 21 yearn aid aince Pding before ite evere lient came and MmS. Peter Numîcaioainiivi ate crsb ighad ak os aierbta bt eaigawul AI lo iI nilte i-brcrpS Jute 5 197. eneaniounetolu hI Ifi-e, havi-ver, cannatiacto yilati ta untei ati ont tmieontesln t a a rk. ontas matbre a. iver acterin rs e rDy orne lati hwaer viii ha 41., k2

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