CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 May 1918, p. 6

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CountYSt a~ u w uv - 1 Hearin for Violation of LESS IN AN ÀLLEY1 Rilng on Rour COAL àN LAÀB CM i -BOTH PLEADED IGNORANCE- go fDukenness Dis- Fuel Administrator Erskine Î ed Agaist Highland WilI Be Sent to Chicago on' Gets Monthly RepoIi8 Pakras heTes StoI'y Next Violation; Other Gmo- From Dealers cers to be CaJled ln- BBED IN MILWAUKEEItbangvlte te KEEPSACCURATE RECORD r~rTookPlace in Mlwau-h sae owefl:ur. 'wois Able to Kn Amount on -MU etarConductor - """oi pace '*on Hn~Ugs~ et u iven F i Iso the caDet" a the vee iüi metrigoi I the aukesflF75 Âdmlnhstra tonlI ~ pptS g» Sbawley af Highland Park ntnht.fTeeir naines and jo- the charges againat thora are:*.P ikn.felamnsrtra w flruUd, robbdor $i850,.ad trt M. OLTUEKy, L 0e'and utie Lake o CUlty la keeping an accurqte pcesin aneleylé ir stroots' .*hmrwed wtih havtng sold check o9 ail oa!recetTed and solS ln IM ulveo Tuesjs.y unlt. A p flour ln 50 pound quanutlties wlth ýLake countY. Cool dealers in ail the l» i condition for drunk. beans as a substitts. towfls throughdut the'county are Wo M. J CIESLAK, Belvidere ereet quired te nake a monthly report or heand placed hlm under arrot and McAlieO avenue; charged wit the amaunt «i coal hey had on bUnd parla vau tajteiita a police station * itotaith flrst af the month, how mach selUing they receivod anBobo',mucb the Wl, he &pont the rest oi the nigbt.pul>sttfte, .014. flht andhw mr. Ee'&l e re ,« "@"monig beo *a ' ' mTe two men vereoardoed te ap- c14. ngtow r. eorts. Thare- baoro Munlci aI Judgo Page pr efare the foo0 diitain05vn h pilrprs h e a = lie related thestory eiteparbdmnsato porta muet Include ainount of bard teai the Instance o J.,Yeger. chIi and sort coul and coke as wo11. i ti robbery. Shawley sait! ai the bureau afItnvestigation. Bath By this- mins the fuel administre- .tovMI men while vitîig in men fiedd Ignorance of the 'reimla ,tar te able ta know at- ail. timio just = ."= oeand ee that one af thein tions and eaerted they bad noa Inten. bow much coaa! there la on band ln wc"hm ie hatho dldbut flote tion of vlolating any of the rulei. the entire countY and vhethcr or flot # tba e t bav e bt lrie hl Both promiseS .solemnnly -ta observe the public la adoPtlng theo mesble # ic eniuthvcaeShM the 1ev carefully ln the future, course of -buying -theîr vinter fuel 4 lie slley. rolibed hlm andS leot Ther vere varned. baovor, that oarly su that the mines mày ho kept iiiu a semesoes conditian. the next time thoy are round guilty af ln oPeatton through the. aprlng and N** Page believed the story and sunli violations they wiil ot b. ar. vinter mantha and not cause the uas. Ï018cha ge ai drunke relgne<¶ before the local food adminIs. u'W sbartago thet Sevolops ln the vIn- usa -bve akt Hghand tratian but vii be ltokn taChicago ter. C«ducor leFlmidImmediately where mare speedy pun Thare la still another advantage- M edctr..Fne shment yl l be toS out ta themý the admînltratar Io able ta knav 4wW.vS Mie ai Miwauke a COu Oltusky nild he ddSnat attend a re- frainm oatb ta month vhether dfr mot "Fit the Chicago. Nort br ~ aa ~~aSbthn h nîîuldaesaepnhan railroad,, vas arraigo nte etndfgoegad uceete niiua elr r ucu ta llaueeWe nedoet vbîcb W. EB. Wobbhe.fonSdstimInla. anS reeving cool la suffidiitly large F 0f bav l, i ake en"d'yontratar for Nartbern fUmais ws pe.quantittos. set' anS dutilflcd ho negulailonf.i ar. Erklne's aim tta supply tha Chicoff eiee hem te en as in Ced hcge tegu time pecole ai Waukepn anS Lake pae e *ai *vor S . ald ow I haoa h tmecalnty with aufficlent couMiaIet vin- ,Pearty aH re n as w and 515 net recelve bis notice, ter. Thé publie, he points eut, çan WUeane abared, eti The flour aoid b,Clsak contae do much ta belp themselves along tht.s am uitiavnrevd t$2t5ciivat, Per cent ai harley flourian lino. Thase vho purceuo thoir oa -. ' ~ vas the kind originall,' mixeSfor bai. carl i,' vihobesure ai their aupply Mr. It vas nat IntenSeS that ths whitie those who watt a riv monthg flour ahoulS fe11mIa Othe bande af possibij, until fort vinter. viii bave grOCeP. -Cislak sid lhe purchasod ta taie thelr ovn chances. ~) ~the Sour af tha vbolasale houae vlth. The coal adminstration Uinoblem mgt buying subtitutes and wau assur. lait vînter w4 a nevone. Ths year U W LS cd b,' Uhe saleeman haocauld oell it the administration la poatlag 17 mis. vithout subetitutea. He offered te taies and bas vorked out a syatemt au ,J'base affdâvit te ibis effe<t and vas that bida fair ta -h. a comploteamsu- " e )a $7, telSthat If h la do tittthe eas. piIdebe shareee Sienwof Central MA 18Istraaibthbaae#0 h lfid 3MMpS cntor and -put thermentrouh FOR ST T StanipS grlinn ros xmlnation. M-Tagar aseerts that ho bas an ro kECORD__1$ MAPE ,the o aesaiotber grocers vo ljwf)fjff( are violatii ln a XimilAr manner. Ho hiMMPdrIve ln the bsh lfoilot uliy ddied vbothar ta gve nili by thé T lous96d aimiIUttetenOr Vhether ta Wankegmn, II. May il ,~ hi ic ~ bave thbon tien ta Chilcago. Otusiy Waukogan thia mornlng baie fan.- 4* aepublic iOdaI!Show and Clelak bath vara vaineS that îlt14yug aivb bcO- M&&bst e tad 7 a s>16. ýn th eyvii orie uther canelisted In the coaut a4lery and vha ulehi heIndvidelachol lucas le,'relea thiroffenses. luve Chicago -tonlght for Jetferon . ...... ll $tmpsBarrack.. The,' lait Wauiegau this ~.h.........0SA mpo l tfls uu Orning at 9:26-a. m., being escortuS . ..a......... 4.MB tampi iErto the Sapai by a large number of 4ec.......... # tammes U4rions.. loisel......8518stafm*@ W*W eol -...1,764 $ta"&p toh. ciildren for the largaut =u « snies and for the largest pâstlei.vLois Roemer af the 199 >woolwonbath Prises. Rer- wemre $359.60. Her langost ails mas $1U.66. second went tu Cinln Bunnetti,. ~ENorth sehool. His total sales qo,1MoanS lit a logeai indtvid- éýàe vas8103.75. ~IU Rogers, an instructon ai the W Ïkol anS recenti,' oleS edprin- 99 or that institution, vo. ln MD efthle tunit von lun bath thie [i coîanS the grade schaals i l him in largo measure la duo idu-for tie aucecesaful drive. La atplainea thif the'eesan thie s chol diS net oeil ai menS asenameoaithie other scbaalo 9Me tea tct that the studenta 1,t"e" ttehan ual,-niçpai effort. imd tua mie of Liberty' Bonda, W-smies amountimg ta about Béo ildanraici, Racinaemai- WýS nie mo aon charges o! wult a net In thp 0 'Plane ny-. t euvitefl an tiecharge la the Couirt on Thursday attor. Md onmeed ho psaÏ ina of r Ute boboet he action. Holdan- M 4eoutlp doclared that lie baS nov lhe net framntue vehicle ln bie anS other mnen baS gone te b rvar anS is evidemo. vas con 416W b,' tvaboys Who liveS neal i nme of the lleged violation. He 14 lt* ina anS Cosa. EBul ap. à enS William Dilon, vho lied Bà arrenteSon thésemachrge. g* rleased an tho pamont ai the 908W' tees. AiU of the monnvee 10Iaclna.-Kenaslia Nova. AIOON MU OraIS Strant. M ONS R SI, George GraS,'. I*>1tSN A Y DoaldSWynn. Ma4orThom. Frank KIarkovaîl. John Fauliel. - Wauiegan baiera vlio met et-the .ROY' Pauieni. Cliambon ai Compmerce recrus Monéao Clareonce Toruqulsi. evening, ieded 1ho1, support ta iho Ads wlieat iaving pragran aofthe fooS aS-. Roy wrds. mbmiitrtion anS declared tiainselveg, George MeLeughlin.. la laver oi SunSa,' closl ng ho hp@ -GaraiS a!tndalI vhare linead la ctier baeo or sol,!. Bort Roue., tinder theo n o ie no haker ullIArrangements.-for, a utile daman- seil! lirad or an,'ihing elsa on Sun. siratian fer thase youug mou vho dtS dc,'. barsatton. ih te explainod that net vaut for the Sinit cali, o! nece mcm,' persans cali ta gai bed on mîit,' bd ta ho, completeS ln a bunry, BundaYs in arder hé get hit resa as a rehluesi ior sncb an esoont - as bakeS; tho,' rout the baker ont of hi. netmode, untîl Suada,' mlght- Bocra- noons vhere lia las secteS imaif tarY Willls ai the Chamben ai Cou- tead i -a S -dise: rganS he e:ceêUrrniely made thiearrange. doest' ike e dny tem henequast. et.'b 4by ouzd& h Nov h h la ho Sîffrent-tho baker Pundh Cigar Store on North Oeneseo ahap8, hâte *hie boos shopa afLaie etreet The Ihberty FPiae anS brun casnt,' are te b. loseS tlgbt an Sun- corps marcheS ahoad anS vas foi- di,',. laveS b,' tbe 14 Young mon. The FUEoLip, iesident ar the lineofaimarah vas hhromwli the busi- South Bide Master Bakera' associa- nosi district. Polovingmg e bo,- tion ln Chicago, maSo a plo Bien Sun- vera min,' reatives. Tva fatiere iu day cioulng, lu vhichlie a"id!: line bave tva, ions mn the aorvlce "I con prove tht 40 Par cent af the nov. One wva. Poaesttr Daniel gaads manniacturod foi saleon ouun- OreS,' euS the ather va. Max - lar. Sa,' are unnocosaary anS are vasiod Icavai. Misa Florence Kienkovaki, I appeal tethie proUe ta bolp un to Ssberaiofuanaiofthe Young mon, clac n-ge upon tie publiceflot to SemenS vas lnlilmo. - fresh or an,' ailer linS ai baker, A detechuentoaithie Valiteor gooda on Sunda,'. Training corps ai the city, vaslla the 1 1 Tee Muoli Pic. line ai march. A fov autos lionait t"Aothar va,' ho gave vtleDotalup the reaa ho i ineX o mien,'varlthes af pies, pastries, cakes, coolies, anS atier 1 ies luxurles. 13 lt necesr' ta hala ou zoee .. or mare kMode ai pieorncaes aci5i5i S de,'? I Bay' 1hla net. Ca& ana of 1the boys ln the tranches gé, ont anS .y genoastaer n apie. or pe r ces- IN CITYSIO5 ge ey întnaher p r pe n oth r ccee- tard, or coenanni or lamon cream? Certeioly not"- MIUCI!WAS Dore boodýsrss UWfrurst. Prosident. W. B. Smith, Vice Prooideut. F. W. Churchill, Socratar,' and Manager TELEPHONE S8 ffCUIJ'T Y TIRLE & TRUST CO. ISTAcTsO'F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $2OOO VAIJKEýGAN . - ILLINOIS ThA Waukegan-Nortli Chicago chap- een of the Amrcen lRed Cross uhlp- Ped lat vek ta -the Chicago h«&d quartera 324 knitteS article@, consit-t log ln Part of 190 pair. af Rocks, 180 hospital garmeé,nts and 402 Delgian me. lie! garments, ail q i hi ers hum. Od ont b the chaptor mince Mrh 22. The chapter le greahi,' lu need of a Bêt'oi scalps, velgbing np to about 25 pounds on Bo, fon volghina yarn. Il enYame heving smdi a set, vhlei ibe, feol lilo donating ta the-ehiapiar vii telePhome 2047 the asaie vii b. oeal. cd for anS the heoarti thanks of île chapler givet> ln retunn. Erg, OrisMothr 0.,G Fî, KHOInan, of Chicago àt orng Grme,. ~ 4 » P~ HAE'PRIVATE CEMETERY rlESASN - .AD Noln Hegdi Restaurants; Ui. Bpsug0a' io, at onaicomisio loiyal CtizensWaste FIotwr er ~ ~ e E.VOra fWaukegan, bau Veld asHenm n aimait Saly> visita to a littie privots- oneha tthe f crinwhore aie--b.d ----- -----I., May 11. Utp 4f r eu'..In the #ummon "I whoat fleur la mcd up as faut sv the ic ovons ers wttre'Gd, l te noatt wo menthe . es uscd thal th i gra vaseut AndS'képt durl4 Mercik aloi Apil, thora wIiI groe.. net ho a pound of whcet fleur loft on Wiin 1 Sic," ao taitol rienS, ", l is'15h." wmat tha-be urlaS ight bars," andS"If Our whaaî sdrop shouid faim,11110 ohé' eifat.ustadthe plac. ycrtoawisil le afamine, net enly Teorr"# Its. rvîs. vili b. laid in Europe, but à famine ln eute wn te, rut, ta hue ,Uitil cemoteiT. -. M vel!! w iieu -àarteb S0d't h. -me Evcr-y - weman Wliohec- waotd latter, rIL evolopa thatli va gener' brug I maorenustuesedacs cions etfthie faml,' bave been, laid ans 1a cheeing Our .eldlora ove, la avap'la tlli tle bu'ryilg ground,thie Fraise of just liaI muchi whoet fint befipq a great g-N&nfo-o of fiee,.. thoraen lu 14.lài a mont poverfuli talk te thie tuai Mme. Orvié ;ca bora liNov H8iMi- -ors anS restaurnt mon ai Wauke- sbire but-eh th. cge six nàbatbetheaicgon and lqortl Chicago., ln,, the wua 4rouii4 by bler perenits te .SPrlng Cliamnlar ai Commerce routes Monda,' GroeothÏ trnp boing mode pefiyb,' cvaiing, . 4. N.Reine-In. batng dlvi. canal -W prti,'b,' ozçrh.MME(W. ien g administrator of the United vis bcd lltlu theo»m Inaplce76 StateaFood Adminstration,- drève pea.The. fam vau ane vhich vas home facts that flot onl,' aalned taicu > C IS clotmi tha avr. hbi. hearors tea arealization oi tii ment -Brny yrsaâgo. . eriticalcondition ai aur vbca't su: Mmrs Orvi aled heen aflui nom. py in Illinois, but resulted lu the timel. A'cv de,'. ega shé contractai[ bruins of a restaurant amcd baiers' pneumonia and lier condition lieemme oorganization ulth Uicth e tut ta haiS crihbcel sh once. Mn. Oamiet fWb>-jovn the consumption af vheai faonr. '*4e«M hsbau at ber bedeIde fer The meeting vas celeS b,' W. Bl. Uic loth thirae Sas. Mr. OmIs' agoS Welihe, district adminlitar. for father aise t. egtremoly III,. Northern Illinois. Practicail,' over, Mrâ. Levtua 0,vis leaves lite toi- baker and restuarant man'ai Wauie- leving CObtdren: Clarence et Osia- gien andi North Chicago vene ini aI- oie. là.; W5llanSofaihlmond. Ill.. tendance. gaverai tram the caunt,' Ilvorett ç4$ EndunSLaie; DYron anS &aseattendeS. fluer of WanIJtop.i anS Mii. Belie At the conclusion af the meeting MaSSamu vho HIfrs ei home.ý Anotier the mon elected oMoons after 'the son, 's, va ileS b,' etrin nomÊaoting commiitee baS maSoeits, about nin yaerc ella. Mun. Oint. reoomuuendtian, the officers heua: leeveg ive- her s, John BanliOra ef Proaident-Àrnaîid Nolan. McHen,' count,' aiSBenjamin San- Vice preidenh-Oo. Renehen. bonnx of Oregon. Bcretary-Paul tînglada. Punarai hunanS,'afteonen - at 2Treaaurer-,Hi. P. Cameron . ùocie. Present ai the meeting for thc food administration depentinent vere: *Obn 9. Clark, Wau'kegan; Carrol lin, e, Llbartyvilie count,' fooS ad- zéitamtr)> W. F_ Webbe, district iaod adminlinator; G. N. Hieneman. I&W~W £ib baiery dapartinent a4minlisrator ior (0 YRI district. ~, If an,' beier cama ta the meting kil Sl1'Sprepered ta lodge a cprotost in Ag% W -S te 70 par cent, regulatian vhlcb bas becan imposeS b,' the ioderai food aS- miniat-nm.tbey taonr fl iii. Two on n Carg of5gtj~,thought trom. thelr nindaifor aitar Song Sage .Vers %il,SI t tuapresent autîaai e henteras intc, as -SM lai ndIt the spirit ai ibe tblng wth au au-1 thliamunubounded. A livel,' discussian ensued talicu- ORGNL poEM READ Ing a reauc3t for &.1 -ercha&rL of ORIGINAL dac. Mn. Marchant seaed iaih. van. rya fleur placed wviin a roe. Wauiagan. III, Masy fl.- e naibie price, houacylves vouid, pre- One af tua meut importent funar- tor 1h te vhoat four, tkting that the aIs liaiS lu Wamiegm n lamal, a daY uneofair,'. lread ln a min,' cases W, asiaI aet 2 Woieci tobay troustic la mors popuier than that ai white elS home etf Dr.Fayoe Theînpsou, lread. Grand avenue andS tiesa troci, vian In opantng the meeting W. &. the liae! ceramenies mare holS for.Wcbbe, snid lu pan: 'Wo at ta tue brW Jci bis mdO, tc. &Mary got hagether ln reguler meetIngs, ta Themysan, aged se years. wvan out problems anS givo thasa & ttlftd la ber va"Iîcg dresa vhi o»t acqualas td tli ecipes anS ath- baS boen ma&i ovper se years a., tis anrfses of substitutea the beneofo aged vmmn vha StS cougethina ar ou, exporlonce, tUit ylenabla ibom -a lodge la vheI aie vaswg inhr«eta te fellov out linos that vii tend ta that no othor W«sltc bua er thc greateat consonvatiac aof wheat 4=ec-loft 1h a bene for Sa Ihme te ileur. Baiera maing .aiq attractive com-vs aboyatichestrespecte baïf hould conaider it hie Sut,' ta duo ono vho liaS- beeunlioconsiderata Imart, that knawledge te othars ibat of the laS4e lu question, the ROWe'- 1h07 me,' mats au an attractive loat abe.1 vIthh he leasi passlile amount ai Thc veddIng dresa usaS as 1r..vbaat foeur nacesaary." ,Timpon'a .hrou& v au mcdeo0f pale Lrghte b>' Mr. cHaine . -bIne ai, amd, te look et ft as it fov- ln epeaking oi the great wvan being teod han vo il praacrved body' lu the doecl,'tue men ln the food adminla- caciot, conq vuldC't have kmoinn ît tratlan, Mn. lHelueman sai4: vwas ove, half a cetwrCiS unie.. nt "Theae. men that are daing the baS beon explemned thht mcli wue the o vofaitic foo5 administration arc as».elua armanea the:silk ici a big mon and are itua ,thoir time ln lustre Vhlch sscued Ilke nov; in gbing out te educate the pu»llc a. ta style the drea.s dSth 'appeer thse ld- the purbuose of the admlntatftiasuanS lashianed ome tatmse vatd have flot' menel, ta inupose penalties and expecias!. .. jack- up offenSera ai tue IoaianS Wpre Weddine fing. regulatiana. 1 couldn't afford ta give Betaldes designatl gtlèat - mie My, timo ta Sa police dniy. It Io the sliould* hroned lnlu ler vedding Sut,' of aven,' putiotlo citizen, baker ,fown Mrs. T'iomon aise InsistaiS ta or restauriçut man ta iollov out the thaseo hu sc e v vIF ond carry linos laid davn b,' the United Statea autbe hon tbat tiahae ahouid haee toodadministration. planas on theo middiJugor a o e ît "Oua ai tho muet Important bita ai ;bond, tbrea perticulair rings lilhch ahe assistance yen 0cm give ls organisa- prised hlghl,', onaetfliem boins lier tien amoing yourselves, tg wvan oui vcddIng ring. 'Phes ingoet fcangue, your Idéeas anS probleme vithaut an,' adolied the place ab*e lied deaignet.. interferenco viatsoovor frmuthe ad. la tact. Dr. SuebitanS C. T. food administration. Get togethen. Haydecker wvieookaOi starthc de- GS,' ythe probeus out and aae liav lalta, endeavored te' doecverYthing 'ou cen maie 'condItIons lit nocossi- Jout au theil' agi Idas-tclev bcd ties. ,Xaur conditions vEr,'trSa' - SaleS ta hava, dca.. , ho da,' vth your organisation you Tt vas truly'sa 1ebeisi ftmoral for vtll blin pasitionl ta <acp pDRe vth bpttical1. veysu'mme,',turnSd out iiem inanoseart-ange matýers that ho the services- ot hTc'boes eand hie,' vililia aifthe utimont bcmaî tho Sa charge or thc twe llun Me d505h- averybod,'. Conditions change oa noteS, Dr. 9. UW, OlMlr and -Dr. that one nover eu tel vbei régula- Neshiit. AndS th3n rg. 06"1a John- tiensthie next day me,' bnlng iarth. san sang a La i ncoodane vith Pot oxaznl*I. the rogulatilan mon et- the dred vomàir sfut lèsedays 'anS meatlesais. pro- 9h. vas aa u*,hér uglor.fthie duced suchb ig rasut. thet vo iound, Raelais se u aIlcl« 11upulirs lu noat"pnadn Hs $nup on our banda taWn wee aa et iS er W0ieutue a r- no thet the mies vro madiied ,md vices vers ré& 1- -',lIter suspendait altogehar, but vo The PaUboascn vis>, vilicas w arn pou tUit viectiosi Sa,'. vllî o. handiedthie *ftje or tir deSpat- resumed in thie very neanfuture euS ad $iter, vers: es,' ,UAustin, C. qilior inles vili be changod ascon-ý T. Heydacker, 'W ., lth dCO ittons roquire. ficynolde, Ediar gmeft'a9 A. iffa- "Illinola Worst Offender." tuerna, -Gu e - = iJohn Naute. WIi al oar educatlonal campcign. ArriveS h i iet Mttl"Vber$aie vith ail on, tireats ManS in Ofia0 vas haiS te roit la lis OutaictO vauhPealaties. the consnMiption eorvijeal At the aide of lior ibaban vt airse Beur vas 75 per cent .groater lu harseli had ~prie la teenshrne- Mmli, 1918 thon lu Marci, 1qIt7 tien. shaéva.ulad tehseat tte ýr Mrct ben wv evie nat'et v~s, in aUner C. D. ReyoWso arend the varse print- vords the Jurasofnietheât foUr PS elseyhere slMiou h ieeln hcUMn. eeld& InMa"d, 1918 lunIlinois, vas Than ern raflecmied. n siienthohave ied -S11,R,000. ,en thte laaa&~ oa 49r. c»lé lx t-inChoam oft tI gimU& ~said titýt te ro oi oef' r9to Doa "d wup ro touni o.pM- lec amauntveh.Th i.>mn lstration la fa ia s areratal 1penatww, raendor%' ere *ell that yeun aen's »mci"nateeil 'la yvlantn U-che wr asa'wciao. tf moe tiat a gPont vert et edetoAn et heq pubc faUe apa. the CI"*, of mat reprontcd M1r. Clti cougaituhated -Ihe ras. tannent mon an4 boýters on thc excl- leni tenana, ,ueioi y "'a. teuransd balcer, et WauicomanS Norti Chicego boisa represente&. "Co Over the Tepf" Pieu. Ignr. lran0t Nelan, lua àshort tolise, said: . "Thia le thc lrstt ime An or- ganizatta ort his Ukd vu vascir PUe fected tu Waskicpn anS 1h la flot thls ta.ct viii lia of grah benofit te thém selvas as vol aa a big bah ta tUic&aS Miistahloii. This Ie a time ahtc_,hef -voneara for olirelves anS uy n,' l-i *dge vo ce a art eta Qthenrs vat va viii render a <peat aervIce, ta *the great majarlty. "Whlle va cxpect te caîl a meeting sema UUme tult w htolà iii ba aueced laie, vre dcainê that Ires sct ou Uic job At once. "Tho latent ef tht. eirganiaation le ho voïk la barmen,' viti tic groomr lu ove,,' 5"ys «hate tat, end vo vii bond aur uiment eforis. Oufr boys ta Francoe ain o.v dr Uic top fer us. Weo, , iould go ovan the top for thom." Wauiegan 111.,May Il. 1Fmi. bldren, aIl faund ta ho dapen. a matier af conectuo.lbutbowver dont. wore comutaS te arins aIn. stitutions vbon tho,' ver. arraigned hefore Judgo Porsons lu Count oaurt ioda, ,Tho, vere: Pater Neopollan, commîittad te Glon- vood sciuoal. Thee Johnsen. commltiod ta Glen.- wod chool. Hulda Taik.Arl, committed ta Parki Filme Scheel. Rabt. P. Ilanlis,, camltte t t S Chieries achool. AngolaTonlap, committed tl% Parki RiSge wIoL. tTic motheiofe the Tenlep girl faieS to apiloar la Court ln responsa toaa subpoena hhis mordigand vas citaS soid! ho vastnlinet! te placa lia hs feoo.Te r;, jli for contempi, but aztsedf eiaM- ano,'. Er.Terlop vws ardored to pa,' P amonili tovard Uic support of har daughter ln, the schOOl. Farinera, Attention!. FSr your potattie, oasa and o"her omali rainm, um ise FOMLDHD SOLUTION *..65 Ceama Plat. The best and cheapet AntI-Smut on thsenmr- ket, DRDUE I Mot 11Co. 1'-The Rezail Store cor. hfaisMM su um.. lum Stois lut Seves Yon mooey JAKE COUNTY WAWGINDAiLY SUN at *0i secial 10w pumo. $3.50 Si= i3ft.Si&mby4ft.,21n. Libertyville' Independent. st fiequm s i moceei"tou M" mm s me aaee*aéhm.aif« ticVeaunCme. « c e> mhIcm melsMc.,c boo ce 9%0trc Dse&-% C.fa The Rwd is te .qd b ii""ua.p Wall and Basboard Otets Numerous hous« wired bef ose Eketal Appli- ancea readied their present perfection are lqckins in thesp- They are .ay addecl to.any insallation. We dcte *0, tua PublicServiceCoý The Local Chicago, Telephone Diéectory Press Soon In the interests of good service subscrib- ers are requested tu cal The Telephone Company, 9M0 and give notice of any changes or- .correctiomi that should be made là their listings CHICAW OTELEHON9 op ba Au eni il a vu Me aua a t tes L blr vl Pld tom M Wc Sun grii el fou hie M ý ý: ý ji, ý ý

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