CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 1

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'sBig Weekly w VRURSDAY, MAY 23,1918 ONE. TO- EIONT. $t.eo PEUyARI Thm eli a Uter 130 re- port- At Litvll At 4 P. ML;10f &aW. X& ymbd 4 have. m1e toilowlng moeulug 880 , tom .p o<lon G.Tlpam c sea Kosen« vi b. a Poag maeêg i41 - "IW goue t oÏ ussa the no. --~...~n ,j.,., *aduf board. Tiers la but cas b"te= tRIae.snd Illa 1rWO THOUSANO WE EIN IT stb fuet l At ay e tovil - . lagers te op«s 45i bus& OajylyDeoked Autos Cover En e; omof R. Ce DoNATIONS 41;t nous todai BWdCross dotia"Doe - aasmouaulei iâ 4n 8,0W0 and 09,000. rWly 2,000 pet. Tbe quote, for ï1e part of the couaty la sm ouie participuted la000Campalga eo... S&urdaî. ezerCieus Ili!ln thediffeerent tovna BU vWta!- BULL SEIai- FOR tnwa an aulptes- 1IV NL .O ele spectacle - ÇU .,VCO. -75 automobiles,, eo. Red U5 O- e C uis ild uer Bidies monatishe 3,000 pensons vice ga#-tst lett vso eted 4tise netio salIe oftihe i4bertyvlle on tagbln aprtg dey Ameircasi Guernaey Cattie club at &Wd *,ended îlsevay IbrougathetsaArthsur Meeer'. Arcady faru Tisura- couanty tisonauaharea. tbrouais tovus aay gave 020.500 for a oglf, thse swin a&U bsmlets put andmome faein andi talbe hsndod t-o the Bei Cros. Mr. eniamer homte., eve-vone or viîcis eeker gavo *1,000- 1tiste purcisase ,shoving that thse populace bai cauight uund, R. Hf. Demelley. $500: H. G. tise spirit of the occasion by dlaplay- 114seli, 0.00,,sud Dr. C. G. Parnell li; fiags ka profusioa.- . $500. Ti* se cal uvasput on sale by Tise prettinees. fragrance ani X. iB. Malty of Chicago. .ceharm of bud! and besogom, ami tise Sxty-seven Gueruaey animals 'velvety greennesof thee 1111h ami vote od for a total of $102,925 La iules titis boe.and there a efltery tbe aw-tion. à bull, Don Diavolo, 1.11e, seeluci as tiongi Natune bai ts pOlitrom tise fara of Dr. Par- ttuAed herseîf tl umnry viltiste nebl cf DoetS o J0 . C. Raarts for -.slrt af the Red Cross . - - $10.000. tfl uiiet price pai for e AQrand Parade. e n ladividinl ofertusa. Thse parade, *rhlcls equaled, If nt ____________ sprpssed any stallar effort lnl.ait@ cousty. Ieft Uàburtyville ÉÇIR 130l atreet et the villace to a vacant lot on te tternoon. lu tihe autcole a prncisopal causer. Tih. crovi of Av- *vere Rai Crosnurses, Junior Redtloch citîsena v a e,,It helua 91 Cros, repre.etstlves of<> iilt muett MPO.iSle t tafti cth rovi- «ecisyonug ladty represeutlng a me ei sie * lks.L Tiare vasmore eored ntion, Columbia, man's sud Ppeton.1 s5, @ailer vic t -bre vs& ladies' banda)> esUora, mothers wvus à msftis .acito the auto@ ani a de- *oau a sevice, Illinos Reaeve fMi- Darture foFoz xkeit. Aitisouaiail lay evc ebaes amrte Pal Ray, vus the cynoue of ail Irmm tise inois Training Selsool for eYes5. k 555med 10 Pes. Antlacib VWomen near UÀbertyvile; eiecutive folk@eiuceedily veli. Tier, vas a momitîce of 1*11e Counti Cisapter large gatiserina ef scisool baya. appar- et Bei Cross. nevapaper reporter- -ntby for tise parade, but whei one of am i tens. lb traly wua grandtise youang Ameripane aboutai. "I.o011 tueugural of tise big idrive thia ee fllre. bure contes the soldiera," thse to ris, et leilat f10,000. the am~u boys br9ke ruilasiindren Pel-meli takai of tise .Ake ounty Csa.ptcr. day he t-e to moet the boy. n Orayaimbe plet So. k aki, 1Fox iLalco st : 15.f Tise paradea -O&(efl ayelmui On hlm,, tisougis unusual for a Ver- 2,15, si founi tise tova decated aie the long parada, augmenici by Asud . ietisens la neaditesa vtS anew contiagents,. antved at bis, vil- jlfewelomm. Jolined*thtie 10-la-eI,,, WIllaFoi Lake. t 5:15. The caiconingnt.therorse a 5foot 1par-,awboje village vue out In greet thse ade t the principal cormer. O0s.'of long Une of lied Cross pUiea. The tise £r61mg featursof0!tbhe raysluke quatist lttle hall, etaaIlng on a gren pariadewuthse gras& ,almber of aivlh.mec.s ld e"can Crise &U service lama unfurled tu uni service bas. Souator R. B. a Siff iee.., the mllt-la liusd tvo Svwit gave s brie! sdiress, oeylngi abreast s tov yards f rom tiese peai- ý'For once bers la a parada on timet,.crs' stani-ani belowthtie a b- uaidtn.lie mannes, titis ths e 1 ickdbulinam e a bery .c nea1 iundaczutty, vil Lake onanty tureaque oqene. Tise aidrestseof do lie duty ln tise great Red- Crase both Sentor Svift aud AMr. Scot drive." H. itrqducei théinlcipsal veto roasdly spplaiuiei. Faovima speaker o! tise day, James Marrisiton tise anssouscement tist a sort timte 8cat,0of Genevris,1M., viso ts-lai- X Ioud be given for , unciseoeami dtisat 'tole tie oadvok o tse .a Crssthe Fox la'e Red Cross auxllary oressfaation; 150v t ubas asllistt vouli furnisis coale. for several, isin- tlst lbas tiever fatîtisamy ipation lu deuil, a fot parade vas made te tise pestilence. deyastatian of -~s. HO littie scisooilouse,, viere on tise bill- reauludei bis andItors tint thee <0v- miorefdvS -a ra m ernsst Sud tum-e! over t-a tiselRed shaded hy attaely trees, the demôcrat-. Cro s.emlgity task of elsishima tac rovd opeaed thelr lunch baskets aurgical dirqastu for thse aet Wit Aa4 .ulayed "ts,' «ter visicisthie anid t no Icager vers tise- voUndis t a g eMaiefor Round 1*11e. ef olera diemeti vins savinat, He Sibf Itop ut Round Lake; delarsdIt fuai greter patfot-tsm for - Pls stop et Round Lake. va. brie!, one tadonis Inho-lie lRed Cne05 b but sUfflclesty long ho permait tise teLoet ln berty bondet-istaltent lse crav ow u ser forceful mut-rne- lnventet n th ie vorli. "-ie Rei as by tise lto speakere. Att-ethlie Ouse .kà pou tu 'givlyeMt 10 lin- SPOakisg thoaievuea brief penudo by yoe," hos Mid, "Md i ve mutI iva a eeto th long aparade and somn. snsÇ If ve are ho stop tise terri- dr»llai y thse ultta. Hlorste l a be Hmn horde by standing aolidly h.- baud maie tbsuca lbit, oraisoe, the bissE Oui boys."' nearb grocerysa u an e ts-augly .-Lake Villa NexS. anti-Hsa, tth ishocameout vith a Tbh notonie founn i&LkNVilla n bo% o!gr s Ud : asti:"oys, tisat pattnioll attire. the etreets o tise ai- place vat fine, thse treat'. on me.- tractive lit.e place behsg lnd i t-b Rature 10 Libertyville. 9 Ras Ct-osasympathissera, viso ffldno% rgIlieBuretstu U0Lietyvill. at-1 -sufer amy tiresome vatt, for tise par- teorie stoep, et Round taise, thise u- ado air-ied tier, ou neciodule time, 3 visat t-red ami dut-y paatden.mwcis-1 ,0c01ek. Thare vas à apleidl 1605 ed btiste village parlk,,visers a.vealI parade, vwhle, hvisonited vit-lttise huais-ml titens #aatei t-ec,,la sud tyGloam rsyshi Ottin- eclng at-h BoyScouts, Wvoso lnsi gte,, msie a very lImprueuvo *eeet- tise parade. -ing tise voodon Sum cie. , 4 boYse' baudinuobisyvisite reent-îy dtscardei by tise mlfltià, luite,-attrCteid oîssdterble atton- visicisnov haba sa mieff"mais. litonam nd BuMemeUfled 1h11otiran mua. fise. k. Tise local itei Onces meisisona, At the. pask foat-or Svift mou@fed CriSSa 'rca1dren ith is is aui sentît. th. speakers- stand tai vocai a tev 1199Agnd banner bearera - 101usd tiesepettments, visici muet have be big emataihure, ami thse, u11 as Bthe tattnMooet everyoieAlitet- Midet-o tise pnett-y lho age park vle; Damaly, tisai he vas Pflof o viser e le mdrue.gvOM eMAie.ieA~- tise &M1ct ItLberty'rtlle bai stlo ator 8vîft, after a fev, remart ia nre. encisas stimeftahle Pm'a4e-bad no dnqed Mfr. &aot, hose e,édree.wa effectively and beemtngly engami veil teeled. Rer. hti amettes, lisit ln boisait of tise Red Cross. Ife -*1110 ourria amena beairin nis spooe ith issneere, feeling and tas &aUggstve alogama asu"Bac t-o thse laudly, upplanigi.« ]%M',"? VlOee'o elPmr,'" etc., hS- SenWaor Swft lntrodnced Mr gStt tr&C@t-gi IlSUSat teniton. Vso spoke oaly brledy, owig n the * 319 Crcwd et Antioch. streunus unSMPalanU «o!tise mt-en- Ant-lcsW us M rsached on t-tue, ami noon. He màde a térvat- pes tiset thebar -lite pretqstou parade vas Ia'ee onUMY Mitlie ups 10 lier jasaI iuttison trscs-ed b y the Anliço cu performances uni114o oves-, tise top" tîmgit vus-h asid ie samulcans. ooi ami strong-lu t-hIe, tis'e seond 4 parm~e waa maie thiongstise motn 1Rd Cross van tnnd Iampaign. JUNEZ MSET R«TUIJfflSTAJIl DAY.. m NATION. PfuiWent Wilson Proclaimu the Day to cet Thrift Stamp) Apportionments FilIe MAY MAKE Il A HOLIDAY Waukegan to Join With Reat of Nation In ring People to ,Give Up Quarters Preaident Wilson wilI de«ignte N'rtday, Juste 2t",s as National ,W^r Sas-ings day tissougisout tise c;at',. - On -t-Is day evcry atate ln tise unIon wilI b tamkei ta go '"over Vthe tbp"by dubscribuu< lt-sfull quota ln tise Na- tional Wa.r iavlaga cam»algn. lver>' citizen wilU be aaWei ho cîgu a pIedge cari, pledgl>sg tise largest- amount his1 eu aford te he investe inlaWar iSy -_- trIiallOsu by thepublic ho s»OC -"It la ta big basi, If tb goA aler t îlght," Se sald. *'Wlscomstu muSe support t-bis pledge cavnalmgu If It Su, -rlldon. no ctzen sau14 l4i. - solvM from savtng s cotellti ausout Oasiskanmd luveatima l tg War qavtffs. The govermemi la vilhina :0 s'ep upon tise pleige of fWery ctf t- soi f0 p&y tise amounaIfor uhicis ho plad"d ti sll.' c"nr.tobliton placei *poe every- 6s lu lm ! ar la the griot- obli- mattos every man an siiv owv except thse obligatlork Usey ove 10 lhiai <oi. Tiser. ts a nik g' N am- an1 jir éluabove elgisi Yaara vise ccuntuopledge aounethtgOaacbvek te litSs oament. Tisaciniet viîc j@ gtveas thea to do ibis la os laindbng au their conscience as ta tii. ordor *Ive 10 tiese oldter in thêtrenoise."- Kcombs Newv. BANUMS ELECI OFRICERS As the Pederation of Bashee' meting et Uhenlville yesterdaî afleemon tise §hWaollcers vere elees. fer 1918- Fr*PA., ad, Lake Foreos al»rman. W. S. son"a, Zion ulty, vhs ohairua. (G. C, Fauu..Wankfgaa, r. lors. -Z., J. Grundy, lgbbai Park, A .ure te eou fammetml ROUTE ONIFRIDAY Mark Ellsworth of LJbertyviIl., Holds Distinction of Gettlngý Mail from Airpiane LETTER BEARS STAMP Shows h ,Was -Mailed at New #York, put in Airshlp and Then Taken to Capitoi Mark cIlvrI iUsryhi, Fnls otWaroevitv -ts AerWtuLeague aI Amerlos, a leSter vbimi Mame tpnmNetwTr chty, tise pDint o! muln". t ieWasubmrg- ton, D. C., or Phtladlpiei, via air- plame, beîng la the Smai caici ou tise firat tr» maie Is the. uuvly estaiais- ed aenlal "Iais ervicu. Ths. tctva at-amunton these cvelops. thieh wua poute la Pat 2, h'm ipe. ated May 15. 1918. On Juane iltistise ctlztua of Wi. - ______ _Tise envalope bore one of iisq et cousin muet-lbe able t-om report tiset- 24-"aMstampe ieeigned epeis,111y t-be st-te bs a ugat gone "loyer tise for aorial. ma.l service. Theo stm«» lea top" as generously end victorlonaly a RAIE NTIS vP uex ri nd aboyea spcture of an ali- It hm in anlthie tsidrives oft tisg M55I5a1LS se ea~ plane. At eltiser Wsialato Or và« reryemty wrxm n hePlilaelpisia tise lettsi- vu plau« la1 "et.e n ch o embthe Wesr S a ie th e rogular mail service, oonpletlmg euatsn, bbS In uvetei titistise Thoe ludependent te lu nsetpi of the.theojonrnoy taIlîbertyvile vis ra&l. rssposibillt-y 01 Puttlng lis particas- foololgiser fi-osaWlbur D. Xisbii, 13110. arrIvaI tisene 1h vas delives' lar couuhy "over 5the top."» . is.,sto! put-,lîcîîv o! tbe Ubenty Leat» spca141deltvtry. Noeolesa ta ay, Mir. Ellmworts, visa ta a meaben o! Tiîs ac the message glveèn t-etise reg omt~, uha eev ieAra cg ilke ieSt cisaîrmen for 67 of tise 71 coutles MOR omt- WOWRsreth eflLauwl eptelt O tise state et b meeting lu Mtwau- District Number S-even, Uhicago: ter as a momento. ho., Tuesay mornlng. "GHlmn:o iodoo Stli on Air 8eMvce. -Mottimer L. Stevene, statt dIrect-r , "Tour huarty, unséilta, patrnie-lece Phlladelphia, Pa.. May 1.-LIeut. of pnhlicity, ostlin.d tise plan t-1%t Openation lu the puhili ta wri Incident Boyltetiso left Waehineo t t-Il a. 'b be aope frth suatead 1 b r IeryLmçýpi m-. today titistise ait-plags mail for la en aped te e r Miltyieateba ii. harledi ruto. sïVnsalu iaelphla miniNew Tont, reaciss beauplai e rspon eihlh co-vSchahet, u i.leddreut.Phîladelpi t i7-24 o'clock tougbt. bues plseei ut epon osi oo unty "-'l.ih 10 ex t.ed teyen 511e eers e v as obllged te landi Secaue hie Bot- only pledged ilt-s SulI quaIs but tbauks, not- ouly of thie bureau, but o! aisoline bad became exliauti. lI- registered a substantial e.versubscrip- She cuti-e Liherty Lonu org agslon.," landing a ulane vus irckas, tin.Accoxpanied by Lieut. louait-ho Harrison B. Iey, tanesdent oof hePostai-plane air PIJot, vloee machins Title uni Trust compamy, biso N v APAU TCs Udlnahled et Euigeton, N. J., yes- and federal dIrect-or of-tise Wat- -y. L APEAS O.LL trday, Lieut. Webb -asie tise trt» te hsgs forfhe seea ndumelgisthisé-e. TO PATGARDEN S mn'qiNet Yorkc today. 1 trlct-s, welcomed thse cossit-y'cbalr=n PAT;L~ ie alr»ktut curtytag tise Nov indred hî th g&f-doIn he'York msai te Washi-ngton reaceeitise War Savlngs campafg is aI 1i bas Samuel mnul, chiSîlan *0f tise .capta l mere. is1hp,&Dol gt 90 glTOMIoualy OmOPlIisei la ailvar State Counieîl of Dofeuae, 1lasue a reports________ wot-k and drivesaofI Ibm sa, 9atsemeet yeoterday appealng ho Mir. RIley dtlaed t-bt tise moaey every famlîy In Ch tego to plant s tai- George Bond ltl i eeday naonaing on frou tise Tird Libeit>'Lomanasd Wtd- gardoen. Tise vegehable-oroja for 19181 eral Incarne tax. Payable in June, bas esilliSe ai least 2.5 percuit amIaiss busIrinestrIp to t(lucianasttand t-b. aireai>' been sPeunt antd"t- ntAll te n f or 1917, lie eald, ss.5lulg tise tainortheru part of t{eiitueky. Mn. Boni nert Ltberty .L<« tise goe#,-Esant garden vorl: lia spceded uja. 'lJàrtgj1 leomanager uf Vr L'hîkago office o! lb. bar ether av-alablm retenue other Induitrial plant-e ri-eialteï t-O aSOsait bk bnllowrn àH tA lcorausesCO.. tis. nr- savinge hus i lsrt -t-m sy prepa'-lg tselli heaiIm u t. b&n cetificat-scarrie lr Uh"gtlihe nks. factoriste bie aîrked lay em*aoyoa.thisac o ofî.lu1t isan Tise pt-ceont exp dis t t-be govern- '«VI.Iea Voss!bI-," these tat emeat Kuuai-- irjOcioMs111r0lurh ome maSqat-mlint- 'e ma SnonInii tOi,- -eode,s tsivis and lititntions ths latter part of tbii ewe'-k. DRIVE' IS ON TO JUT RED) COSWAR FUND BETTER il ou ait okfmm, on s Whena FeU1 eed,Vi'Fiend ffl reessoiflotse ar Iothe field, e the quota, Gr alCniin o c2,O&zpae i Ie twolte luer- éë !o drIv. iii.wnsh. àdqbsnuthe led crope Throuhot IllIl eauumr<ownhlpêcouraglng Sa» Cfl lu each township> there ame one or mors captains, saabof -whos haetes 8Otr.Thse aptaloun r under tW NOW IS THE TIfE TëoI direction of! lb.ampaln manager snd i *t.cutlve comntas.. Eveq ltenanitor farceovnsr liezpcs "Koep the Hoe a BwMfi te1I tlbei tone.conte for smb theW es&oncCa af hi, farm. teW esW n In village.two dollars par thousand Yur Groingrin of valuation of home.propousy I. asesd. Ruinis houe,, factoris.aud varions orgaulsattosa have their allotment, aud. Buletin No. 3. Condton: Dota crop. everybody le ezpecfi e 0glie @BI thory Nature was nover botter eau potalbly aifdrd. fr - out the'tatQ~tbIta t la tIafa Ptedg. carde. provtdingfo payment The Production Of mi1k le'a ï by Instalment ountil neit October, abay Wbeat laa Ail tiat the huit b.~~~~~~~ surdfomteolttr. sire. Oaseexcellent mmd xye ho seure fro th soleltoe. ne. Cor planttag tag go" As 111@ebcanPaIU lgucoff On MtnrdaY advanced and the «round lea t nlght, Aud th.esolcitors wIll b. ver dd i spe. Thiepropect'otg11 buay covertng 11theerlitoty, every par, est crops are more oeree, 4 ,4o* caled opon le nrged to, give îrelîthoan ever tlntthe biatory et ei sud qucklî.la everylviser. al>pweet. bffl and uieky. atoreseen accfiont.occun 9I Red Cross Homoe Service 1e Ililinois' banner year., The Rom. Seice Commtteof the id'8month Yomou l IOM LakeCoua Obaer osist o! b. Uà from out of tise ropo Lak Coot Cbpe costae f teduitetoabout one urnd oo% followlug imeabers; Lytîl R. Morris, spart la the row -uets veg chairmnan; fay Walker Duraud, £sv. T. ina0, ho bets., artI E. easi, Dr. P. B. Martisnd ol ~ v»tie oeb1rl raws, do flot let the Ze E. Dnrwad. The Bed Cro, home service -you do net need Io wfe takes carso! tb. odere faanlly durlng mentit unie.i .. f Isud==»n hie ab.e.e-ghv.s empormiablneWla dry speli. Plant cucumbesh. aesetbnce-mdan' lu ort, act@ es.aaummner use and for ptheI, altaivotrtodai1h.fall luib lmeJoue. Put manure ilutiU &ttmlv* t'ond f th "DJ" th@ t te hilla and. de mot- PWU t1 0 of rsd. Thioebrauch of the service le Onse and ons-baiftache ij nov cervlng orne hundrsd ehousariernougis and thon hovo depecodeas famille. of eoldleaisailo&re. 4h 1.11. I WUdisl10e FPor luinrn ansd alaplcoa auteUsflY une about Sien. vo» f eBcaffi t*r-*sý_, for Rom,.8le OW aMpM te10amy member ~ ~ ~ ~ * of the cmmîtto. ' or two mors 11111.. set out abcout 12 caiew U~Ij4~I~5 IN TU ~ tomate plalote, tint le S ' famlUy, sud utilise .t , prouni .t bor ther Tompate plants ehoml> by a Duis.maede frouas1*1150, STÀJIPCOTEST useother paW The WV e Sbp .Pledge WokCesou -Plant your swegf uit, came %0 i do.. on 8aturiay niabi. Ovsr lteand 11terodeveei tht. muetlaodkeopa-tise table~ a ecore0a pupils of the public acboole vtit tender pue 4O ParIWctbi lu It, .ecnring lua &l 88,000 Yeu vili àlt i se pluige for Tbdft Slampa. The total elaksi 1h.. ovèr thse tl lu piedm.rseeh'sd b, the paosfMMiCRe. Mt oko t abt ploynsamoussta go &7,6t..00. Followl.g vere h lb. vie: vesale; i h a . .hoàq Atihur Stolauatva. i rec a av@.des«and wi ater, teo6k dollar lamop, by Prpf. Kummer for hav. adi & bart 18»&USY011o6 bug ecursi the liarge.t aura lu piedgea of lo 0!et the.Bordeaux mat«é4a au. puplil luthe grade sohool. 7ll>dissolve thse. &aap b £mm&a Titus wuas mlveu a flysdollar ThM . hna r4ott* elamia hi Prof. Tjsderbriak for a simglai ardear amidvilh. fl'*W hunoer among tise hlgh soi oolpile. . D. TBO emater Sivft, B. B. Coadett, J. R. AI- leaa,&su E. P. Sedgvrlc, of NîsmIl Cblc@mgq1 gave the foUolon prise, for the 'WÀNTEI>25 greateet suount lu pledge., th. conue Stalinnu, e.caui, lgIsi ThrlfI ssamii ward Just, tffld,four Thrfé tmiss. A auog the lgil, Zoosa iSus vos onC pria., aWar Ravage etamp; Dorotlay Davis, second, elgb* Thrtlfteamjss; Edleh Libertyville Boafd's gtaml.î, third, four Thrlfts aampe. ' ýShort that the -Radmj~ The folleoau pils competed ltu t-be ooedgy contset: oneoRajahs, Arthur B1lamau, .A Vand Jut ',]Robert Ber», Robsert Me- Tente ie'ot& Oormlck, Wl". Macora, *Ormes Tieoiate Viokermas, Wm.. wugebrecht. Wm.. I.Mat la district fvo, lm« bolet, HarryFulle, Arthur Ualiuberg, ltsat theLtsayle U.s.a IimEdIth Slaalsî.Lillias og, nti-estu tise 8".holag. t bous, Dorothy Devis, #8t1hDiui i wul stvoAi-h t fers 1t CrIbleudea, Ethel 0-7- ld, Mi.val, tihe time set for tus.. 4o Sui Grecs Morilsurt ma Elles Tremider, Rer.lesa lisait fmonet eha Wfl Total pledgus. f or the was& enoualsi Jenum awrrauosMeaow 4, to$10.582.50. Totalse. ittb. poot. Tb.y *sre seaorted tu th. SI 1 offic amounted te 01,827W. l- ion bi theb.loalband«(tue Uàbertyville nanki Ibîrd la th. conu prank i L»Saiaelpo, Gl*o la th.e eîs per capia, fée avsnag. belng Michael Nie-solar ts Park To W. A Brsvertos gns. th. honor, of SUgene Chails nt Lealle J.Due z. Welg Uibertyvlte'. liUaximua Club Frank, 1,.Bgaerusaý mber, vlah rnsuatisai h. bas lldmund Prouty ~a~a pws<jgtu t aïo 1,0900 'woth ! eaimps, Paul Revers e thé bhe.5 tamunlat vil h. eold to Lawrenice JaentB11a Arthsur Eltin VWU snl Individuel or eotpaa7. Air. Brevet- MM C. Dmet ton has pledued iblal amouns for bimneeif, William J. B~t~s hl ie oie r. ila, sud chldiren, Robert Jeisse Marmt, e r*wS And Relen, $4,000 la ail.. Eeh $1,000 1154MV5eEmdr vorth of @eamps wlll coshi. 88200, lieRubanGL gs Thusl* If bought thieumontit. F. P. Dy muod oco geerum becm, Uisertyvfl.e second Maximum go.*Ds Club member yp.tsrday. i5AU Dify A conteet vilk b. conducted nuvexb W 01101010, o offerlng Prims.1te p uphis searia *5ah-. - hilghest amount lu pledgee, 5.thed.l Eit Aderon,?R beitg mnade on lb. béess0o!cash <ales .ai eay .7. osU' toL011. the poeý office aaarulog from the nmulgp, Idel gme L1 tlon of the pledge mursi by theans-0i. -n

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