CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 10

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LYF--MAY 20. iel8*- - 51681 4 -71- Waukegan, NMa' 20.1 This afternoon et 4 o'cloclc 0fficer1 Tyrrell made a raidS onte honte co! James Poterson, Sheridan Road and Belvidere street and there located what be fdeclared to be $2,000 tob', 000 wortl, 0f toien goods, taken front the North We.qiern railroad andi local mercitanla for whom Péterson h ad doue draying business for years. The oMeier said that Peterson had admitted that he bad conducted a systematic theft of the goods which consi8ted o!f four, sugar and other produce. as weli as merchandia, such as rugs, dress gooda, and what lie said that Dtective Iteiily o! the Norkh Western had been here durnn gthe past few days snd had ,worked on the-case with him with the resuit that he was told tb malte the raid iis atternoon., Ofltcer Tyrrel tated Ihat he hadl pacet] both Mr. and Mrs. Peterson inder arrest and that they wouid ha locked up tonight ponding further ac- tion in te case. Mur. 'Peerson foruerly wa -the wite of (harles Wacheu!eld. She la cbarged by the raiircad wthbing- an eccessory to the offense. Peterson bas been lu the draying I.usnesèi for years and handied th express work- for maiy ieading busi- nless bouses. -le hadl a big trucc to do bis work wth and was conidered relable. .Paterson. ahen seen et bis home de- clared he had nothing to eay, but did not deny the statemeut whecs the of- icer said: "He bas confes8ed that be stole thse thiugs." Valuahie rugs, etc., which the rail- road company had paid the merchantaq for atter they had claimed they had flot heen delivered were among the things recovered by the police. At 4: 15 'clock a large van was sent Io te bouse ou orders front the police and thse gooda whieh badl been sn"sng betweeu the depot and the siores was loaâied lmb the auto and! takpn to the police station, flllliug every %,aoahît spot thee. Peterson'à arret created a sensa- tion because he bas lived here ge ,long and bail done such a large huai- 0555s. ORDER TO Ei ISTER YOUTIiS IN LAKE CO. RIECEl VED Lake County Believed to Have at Least -600 Boys Who Have Becomne Men The Lakte Counby draft hoards Tuesday eYening received the formai order tu registe r on .Tune 5 ail yeuthq Who ha%%p becorue 21 8ince June ;-)h last. lb la estimated that Lakte coîlnty bas about 600 "boys" aho. aluce June 5 have becolua men, j atiniates liv Mai. Cen. Crowder In- dicate titat probably 750,000 men wiil ha olstained for the army by the ragis- tratioi cf .lunel. Fuliy a million youths, according te Gen. Crowder'm estimate, will lie reg- istcred. At leasat one-fourth of tem, lie thinits, will be exempted ou var- loug groinda. Ail Must Rigister. Niedical studentg sud utvinity gin- ilenis, though exempt from draft, must rt-gicter ou Jue 5, along with ail other yen ng muen, cîtizens or aliens, reacbiug the age cf 21 yaars on or before that date. Gén. Crowder plans te have the lo- cal boarda keep their offices open for registratlon j:urposes betweeu 7 a. m. tami 9 p. in. on .lune 5. ltetweext lfiose battrsaail men who were lioru betweeu Jue 5, '1896, andl joue 6, 1@97, must register. They are sub- iect to the provisions of the Relêetlve sePrvice set under whicb the first reg- lsiration waa held. BAKER GIVEN MORE POW- ER TO KEEP OUT VICE Reaidents near Port Sheridan sud Hait Day will raad the foilowing witb conalderable intprest and some con- cette: Washington, Nliay 22.-Under a bill rrassed yesterday by the %enate and 1sent to the Hous the secretary of war would ha authorized -to set uo protective zoues against vice of any width deemed necessary ahout plac. es where Boidiers are quartered. Se1ns. of Relief. "Bow did te sbortege of gazonine 3affect yoar" "Weii," replled Mfr. 3CbuggLa, 'lit won a kind cf comtort te 1know offitend exectly wby lte oit! ma. aIne wouldal ueIbD ask ishat vou ealad i!spedour lins. We hndleonly the vers- hest-sueh wvell kîîoN, îî makes as the Volverine, (j'iîaîîd, Challenge, Kîî iekeî boC(keir and Northern. Ail have thîe vers' hest elhareoal and îiiîieîal wHo1 iîisiîlatioli. $20 llefrig- 1 9 *erator t1. .1 .9- $24 Refrig- I' erator a t.... 1.8 -$40 -Rcgrigerator, 3 ,drawer, white porc( P l at ...2 ï $35 3 dra w- el- casenat OW«We95 $25 Refrig- erator a t.. 180.d RUG8-MBT OUPLETE U«N IN TOWN We are exc lusive agents for the Vogue Grass Rug, itade bs'- he Waite Grass Carpet Co., the only grass rug nwde with the patent fringe. 2hx45 in aasrted patterns, spocial ......... 98c 360T2 inaaaorted patterns and colora, spcl.. .$2.65 64 in90l aaaorted patterns, epeili........ *6.4 4x 9 regalar prics $1850, special ..... $945 gxlO roelar pic. $1MO, apecial ......... $M295 9x12 seamiesu Brussela, $40 value, special. .$*32.95 BABY CARRIAGES ÂT BIG REDUCTIONS n( earload of baby earrnages piirchased by * its tîw as ................ 14.95 "The Store' that Saves You- 'Money" *ANi<IR; IOLO CONVENTrioN A I1 IE, f metlite war activifles Wba4 e M Nwlë5 CfIP E want te do la fnot our, bot but orci _______________ . st. 'We are pieased te dûoeevry- W % erHI FA Ed CENTENNIAL CEI-EBRATION 'tbiug wit'hln or power te aid the dilN u F C PLANNED DY VERNON rWp. Liberty Loan sud encourage oui- de- sI VSitOrs adI-ite public lu geai te th Tht-Townai Vrnonbas atie iflvest ln Thrlft Stamps. but we regretpr TheTow ofVeron iasmad ar veY nWtth that orSuutry la about oce Investigate Wild Tale 1l raagenients for a big, CententaliCale- 60 per Cent belud twth dif quota ln of William Antfia Fincling bration tg hobielidun Memoriai Day. the ýpurcitase or Thri!t titanupe and it wiii be oue o! the blagest days iln hope the quelta nîuy lha made otp wlth- a Deaci Body the townsa histor-y.' Mrs. Mande lu the year. Knoll of Vernon, bas sulimltted the We Metot eurt ily encourage the M RE A UPCE ioliowing article,-gbviug tise program, support of the Red Cross anti activl- M RE A UPCE etc. ties, includiug te present osuipalgu It la gîeatly to bis hopedt tAevtty for the war fundth tie work o? the Y.. Thte police depttrtmnent wua throwu ona lu Venau wI for Ibis ont- day M. C. A., te Knigbts of Columbus, luto a lurry ihb morcoing wisen Wil- ut lestansd Ibis day o! ail days, l5Y sud bbe War Recreation fond, andi liamu Aulilla, a Waukegan man, ap- down their lahors and many duties wish moaI ht-art ily ta co-operate wtlh peareil at the Central station anti e-, andi attend titis celebration lu the tbe activifies of lte Ctate Coucul porfeti laving foudthe deati body -causa of paitrietism, thai the youuger o! Dateuse filt-ct-iy way. We wish et a Man lYiug Joaf Past of Oreugooti generatioil may be mteriaiiy and au- te do everythittg lu our power te ait.uvenue, aoda about 1,000 fest -West o! claliy hettefiteti ly tiiese demoustra- Flef the fuel anti footi administration te Chic-ago aud Nerth Western rail. fions, lun the ctecessary titlies sud will et- -way. i.,;description ludicatedti lt Au elaborate program bhas heven si- tend such credit as may lie conststent a mortier ball beau committeti. ranged for an ait day vieting which te gooi bauklng Io encourage or '-ThA, body was Iylng under a tre" wiil begin with tha memoriai service agricultural activities and o!fOr cus- sud was partly coverail wlth atones," sit 10:30 a. -m.,-ut-wbikstime Bine foMin the ,,ariy -purehasqe of fuel, hae aabd. "'Near If was anu opn truatk. achools wifi ho represeatedi n the -Resolticu Two. Be f Resolved 1i iati beau- te the tauuery te look exercises cf patriotic songa, racîta- titaflIte Laite Couniy Baukers ex- for work and on the way bockr man. iens and drille, press their appreclation cf the work dereti off the sida o!fte rond anti Ramants hy a resideut member of cf the Lihertyvilie Auxilary e?. the dowu through a ravine. It was there te G. A. R., Mtr. Judeoit A. Mason. American Redi Cross tu providing the tit 1 discovered the body, lying Short atidrestas by the pasters, 1ev. generous repuet se gracleosiy servad, about 100 feet from the rend." -. 1. H. l-tupttuaitrer and Rt-v. C. W. anti we wish Ia express üuiý apprecla- Asistant Chia! Thomas Tyrreii Warren This progranit 10 le gîven ai lion o! the patriotic utidress ut Mr. anti a Blin reporter were the fI-st on the pavillon . Samjuel Insu]] andth te breadth of wis- the asoreso! the "tragedyY " Tlivy , Eevryone wili .tben march te t4e dont theerin centaned. rsti" the trip in a Son car. The- po- camatery, Iteatiet by the Aleatisie PAUL NlaeCGUPPlN, lice pto n h ht n oi liy*baud The roll cal o! the deasl LESLIEb, ANNA, a-buancr ol atithw hieaniToî wiliib ieai-ai a the ýceotetery hyounr ROY J. WRIGHT. Atlaldtear trlg veteran aStis reisponses frein the Atlaldtewytfig achool chiltiren. Tise graves gi then EtdHli Mn. solugb te the piuce whera ha baS hae decorated a-nd a returu mercli xei 'epn *l. dlscovered tht- "body." The searcit- with band te the pavillon whera the many oC'bhe gorîda fallurse would lug party were conslierahiy non. Vernotn Auxiltsry ahIlbave lunch, bot bave been splendid succe»Mes.If. 'là plusseS when they arriveti st the coltes amn s-cream on sale for thet- osir struggllng stage, nmre one bat! scene anti discoveredinof a corpse, beueflt oi tbe Redi Cros.s. Soluciions reattbed out a hlplng liand! te 1her- but an tînkept, unshsavel, ge-hegon si-e csiiing upon tise resideute for liid spu+ed tbam on wbeu tise bittei. bobo, performing bts oorn'ing ubin- donations for this sale. ne fdsppibetcuse!ten ions in a tluy ci-te thit ian i htougb May every oea he possilily tan There inldeet!, a moral boe.. the giy arrange to comae and romain ail day WOM& an nt Iving wbo eanuot do nome "Naw, 1 i am deati." ht- auliIn and evenling as there hi li e msny lu- bit eof£ood. Thon let ber fou na responsme te a question. 'Imitýa Man terestiug exhtbi-fs cf eltirelie that 5rime lu doing t-lu ofefeuzathebcword wash hbisface snd itilsnlupeace wffl- ahI tlie mt-h limie te look over dur- « hope or enconregimntwsîb o ut itavlng nome otf>'eo gays pester- Ing the Internalasion,1s betweea pi-o- bbe greatetst Imulug htisewrt!ever Sug hlm?' gramas. wrd lu reaponse te questons be saiti bis The atternoon anti eevning ipro- knew. nama aus Johin Kellemont, that ha - grame gilhe matie up 0f msuy gooti came ficm Winora, '>linn., la on bis speakers, iutareperst-d witb paîriotie To. Inqulsitive. way te Ciicago, and lit 62 yearm 015. hog,ýotis by childrienandtihtnt- n tPlinois judge bon devlidt t aHe salaS lueWaa tired walktIn<5and yo0ngpeope. cd crawled to one aide e! the renat A foui-year-old miss lnu nlferm lmMan eau tour lu bis sloop aithout mm-to bave a lîttie nap. te aiug pstrlotic sangs and ahI lug himmelf subject bo divorce proceet!. "Say, abat tîme l i,"ite a iiurcti. a bit. Inga. Yeu. but what dit!hobeayt-- "Tite for breakfast," was the i- If matilers wiil kiudiy bhi-ig theli- Clevelandi Plin Dealer. ply. Ilttle ones dresses] lu tbe oniorm o!flly Ibis tîtue tht- untiertakers hald some division ofthlie 6ghtiag foi-ces arrivati on tht- scene with their or Red Cr-oss il would ha appreciatvti stretcher. Tht-y gazed i u the iveiy A f ag ti-ml by smal l rla, a hool; Building Stalwart Charecter. -*crpse' snd Ihen litat a retreat. drill by langer cne&, a wantidSill by Sbsiwart cliaractar. that invaluable 1 tbought hoe as dteui," Autilla boys sud a May pote drill, almo the possession wbich, pai-tly hecaetiei là1 aiti. Boys baud gilha semaeofthie ait- su Invisible possession. often la bard Kelleinont was ordaret by tht- as- etractions foi- the atteruooeu. 1 underabant!, iq just the net resul of sisfant chief to 'lieut it. Anti so far Mi-. Situpson giltit on local bis- daiiy devotion f0 duty. as kuown bie irohahly lm wali ou bis tory aud landi the reading of t-ame wsy te <'hicago by itis limre. iy te sehoole.____________________________________ The speakers wgll ha thome about one wouiti go many miles te heur. Tbey are not ail sacureti a yet. Many subJecta guIlha taketi upon tri thel r 1II IIM reaintD h r. . at ! a oet lIAE OIR~ ET EASLIR ratin te ht- geatofwaeFret writar o fiflle istest L),te councy lus- tory, wili taIt ou eai-iy hitory and patriotism; Senaler R. B. Switft wiii It takes Iron nerves. men giveanauintai-esflng taIt on Redi Cross work. Some o! the aariy setlliei-s wai L~~-~ ,- wIti red blood and the brawn to tait ou early farmlug, couditicuta of iVg <N , dtse eret 'bc-up", to i-aiesanti means o! travel. Mr. V'atlns on fari-nag, anti wba t climb mounitains, and "go civet~- if meaus la this war, and Mi-. Tub- h-orwt sa n e ufl bals on gardening anti liealatvautagcs ' tetp"o i. tmn nuf and perisapasirs. Harden ou tisesec-, to meet the night attack. En- easity of canutux. ergy la tthe most valuable tilng If la exuected the Park seul haoats ol. e edeeg electricaiîy lghtatilu the evening.lntewrd o ne nrg anda Clcaot Party tny* give a every day. every minute cf thse demoustration cf cociret i IgItta. -dy tl iesnebi dts The Home Guards o! Lihertyville, IlaceIn l the swore shp nd one wiIl dAIl ou tise Janin the evaniaugUnslntewr hpado and it tAexpecteitti uar lpawg squat ilh give a few selectionsB. thte tarin. Wisat la mont needed Anothar baud or two hIIIho 'lres-la iron Sn tise blood. EverY Man eut atier a!teruoon or evaning LieentldlSShleldas .igh sohool banS or -, shotuld have as mucis Sion lnt his oua fi-cm the naval station. . ~botdy as is contalnedi n an ordi- An effort bas been matie tc gel t"enln"ni. I ru Roul. H. S. Magel, mats diractor o! -y"tnén" al I or the canlannial. Dr. Gtrham Taylor blood la tisSa. watery, your face anti Dr. I. S. Davis o! tisa Chicago University, Hloua. Aishuler sud Shurt pale and anemlc, or plmply, Jeff andiflion. Joslyu cf McHeui-y you feel depresaed, bluie. wthout county. We sf111 expect te 500- eegyt cmleeyordal cota or more o! these. nryt cope yu dal Any o15 i-sucs wbiehsany oue might taaks. It'a time te heed thie warta- have coulaI ho very accaptably leainad for the day andthie courtesy wouid - Sg. Put freas, ean. blood lnt be apraolated. Please communicata your veina, take "Irontlc" tab- wîit Mi-. Knoll, chairuna cenpuniati lets, a new combînation of sol- exhibit. Phone 271-JI. __________ uble iron and herbai extracts diacovered by Dr. Pierce and is Physîclans of thse Surglical Inatîtute ln Buffalo, N. Y. It gives Umes Fin@, mot WIngs. one snap, pep, vlm and vigor to have thi@,4ron n th ie blood. The doyng Bach do, Dt reaily fly. 1"-irontlc"ý la a blood inaker, a strength builder and a nervc buteanssiet ielg Dus.inten suppiby tonte. You can obytaln "Irontlc" at moet drug stores foîr t), sieela Itise air untiltbey become dry.,1tise vIal, or yeu can obtaîn a test package by sendlng 10i, b wien fit drI- beek labotbbcses.tise Invalida' Ilotel and Surgîcal Instîtute Sn BugaIo. Tire You G TA a~~~teàbr I~ $0tg 75,'pu CeSt Owiniy to the shoae of Rubber aad Fabrie, which hias been taken over bthGvrnment. ecsiates this great incae .W.he installed apecial maohinery for converting your old tires intoz-sable tires, whioh-will give you trom 3,000 to 5,000 miles more service. Befcre bulng, tires or 'disposing of your old casings, let us show you how we Oag sÉve you 50 to 76 per cent on your tire cost. d 'dmadm "jlk jiý Siiridan Road ibMdi... St' Sa*Tire Olat. 'Vutuuuzlne -ud à ,pftes. Plin 0,WMfsa e1tb OnîuEWY YM.5 buzOflg 1h15 were -concerned.-KenosliS Newiq. noruIng with a leO tbwb,~Her- The "Blue Cross Girls' of the I)er. rs4g the home of the aeodiers ont at tield-Shields high school ,Lake F.orest, tbO NU&b Plént *Cld tihe cause Of ace'raIBed more titan 1100 for the Red .iitY f<ooflg governhilent ofliciaIs to Cross Tuesday, by seiiing flowers. imit the aIle of Intoxicants ln theThé, flowera vere donasd b11YrMt£ ety was Io ha cfooes! withJna afew Bahr 'a Lake IForest comiumssion"e days. The report had Il that. the sol- amd ioriart, VbD Once vas acciaed of diers would shalte the dusit of Keno- anti-Americ2flimm and who bas ilue »ha fromn their feet on May 28th and bsafl provitig big lOysity In manv b4at this would &ive a chance for a ways HP also gave the Red Cross ýy 'etlirn tenormal conditionis ln the pect fb fut fer the day. 'ity so far us the west Bide saloons FRUITVALE S8TOIUES Opren to il Pu-blic Anybody may trade et the Fruitvole Co-operative Store Two stores now open ln Wauksgan vlcinity. More to Follow. 28 ln _916 leBi I.the sirn of the. FrtOtvWiurs. Th. people themeelvis are banding together to control their own food supplies and ta put the enormous profitels nt teir owfl instead of the middiemael' pe«Mte Secome à member, or show your approvai of- the co-operative movemnsnt by trading et the peope& store. ix io siosze; 3 forlc FaBasket Fired japan4c I li ,e 91I oz L The greatesafo piohsh6rk YI(~ ~ - ---fo --------or U 1sln lheo Numbelic can, ech 1 6- Egg, fine grade 3 for IuiNuli IMade from32 RkfbQuaker i 72 hos California iO T Crlibck"n of tut... &Hl wbite, 7 OZ. 2I 1118Baby Lia ANNOUNCEMENT w~X E are cailling y our attention to the fact that we . li ave taken ov-er the offices of Dr. W'. H. Nor- lander, who has been practiving in Waukegan for a- nunther of v'ears. W'e hav-e spared no expense in fit- ting up these offices with tihe vcî'y latest and most modern seientifie instrumrents and apparattîs for per- forming any and ail dental operations pertaining to thse gunts and teeth. It is now possible for you to secure ' RELIABLE DENTIOTRY AT REABONABLE RATES Int order to introduce our ncw systeni of Pain- less Dentistry, Reliahie Work, anti Iatest sîîethods we will mnake tihe following prices UNTIL JUNE 1ST., 1918 <od Crewns, 22 karat.......................... $6.OW Naturel Porcelain Crowns----------------------..4.00 Bridge Work or Teeth wlthout Plates..............5.00 Cest Set of Teeth (S. S. White).................08.00 Cold Dust Pistes............................... 12-OC GoId Inlay............ ......................... 1.00 oi d e r F l i n g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 0 0M U Silver ling .................................. .50 u Ensmnel or PoOcuiein Inlay ....................... 1.00 Guaranteed Painless Extraction................... w Nitrons Oxide or Gas adrninistered if desired. Only the very best of materials. Don 't be misled by highi-pricedl dentists who make false claints of super-, ior work and matenials. Our work is the best that man can make, and furthermore, we give you a wNitten guarantee or ten years. We can give you the best of referenices. X-Rayphotographo taken of mal-formationis of the jaw and teeth. »netine and Ippecae a4nýjnisterod for Pyorrhea or loose teeth. Northwest Corner Genese. mnd Washingtonl Street@ Over Pearce's Drtxg Store OPEN 9:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. StJNDAY 10 TO 1 Waukegan Store-220 Washington St. North Chicago Store-- 1810 State St. Uuid Statt-a Food Adminimtration LIt-PnAp No. Gl-483 South Side Store to be opened at 1006 McAlister Ave, on or about May 15 ýýf Mý 41 - 1 ww%,wwo%. 1 wlwwwmpl-w%*-ý Il

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