CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 12

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- LIB3ERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, TITURSDÂY, MAY 2a, 1918 SAD13IttY CLUB INSTALLED NEW ZION EEIlf 1 " #MEP#Y STATE Five npw aldermen were Installt'df~ 1 * AIENT IIARINiER lireév2nn<g»wasakela îpwitb s peecbes b>'te ceiriitg aldermen ard iy aboi r:ddre'seut by ile incoming Students of H. S. IIy Them- men- Niayor W. Il. t lendinon wlus pesenit a..d occupied thi'CIar, and selves in Campaign ta Era- 'vilt tht' exception of J.D.Titomas d"cte Hun Bushi tbe City clecu-, woeae wa.a taken temporarity by NMc. hP iter watt a cOntIi9te board presnt.The ENDANGERSCEREAL CROP dvi ioa wýece led b posti 7' Mayor vtillieti n ffic lywel Appeal Made to StïdentS in- comnîg the ni'w a1dertvit. spolie a few words ofatiînuîîitiu i and jnstrtc SChoI When Obnoxious loat. liarnîct tdI>'rc. B u h' an er STw in >'s îalw ni en nata lie ii tiu ringîC R S Bush'sDangeraldermeni for te %ttitliflll services Joitn W. Ilriiger, fiefld assistant nighf ,were: ITnited States depar> ment of agrictil- A. E. iiiener>àgc.i-,,li ,id n turc, bas been sent ta Waîî'egan iii year ternti. Siten ea I Snonein tite interest of Commun Barbéri-y Psit ii-lli'î, tI t.iid. 2 Y,,, a t econ YHiIi, Zion Crashes cmdIcation. Ye.-lerday b lectured lerin. onHilZoCrse 'te te higit sciteol stiidenft in assem- Wade H. NMvers, secuiîil ward, 5 Into Grand Ave..Cut blFvasd secttred a voluiarv organizki-ypar terin. tien of 100 science studenîs inho will t'letîîunt Nlole, thirît ward, tu sistl tte goverietnft In mailing a year terni. EC P S B IAL sytemsatic aurvey of this Cty. Mfiss John G. NtI-tiulson, fîîurtiî ward. SAE A B IAL Edtt llgley. the Waukega.î igb lwo vu au termi.11 "boniol MOolgy -teacher. bas been John' G. Petersuon wwas flue onîy ré,-. Six Chidren in Car; Father Is piaccd ln charge of the survev. The éeucted alidermaît. wyo HneionC ld IIlInols ('ounicîl of Defense bas tu- Thue beldover aldiennn were ICuui A a 1HoeronCid Fued an appeal ta the ctisens of tith sclil rbrSîelliiîg, Clyde Stew- ren ioy-riding Biaie ta eradicale ibeir commun or art. Raip Pihi und 1-. G. Pelersout. ____ European Barbcrry bushPs becs -i Beyoîîd lb>' dministering of illt> Watîkegan, Mfay 20, they a re an otitssanding danger ta oic oattitof office te> o as no ivlc buila- Lincoln ill, oivner ofailbe ZilIn ercal cropa. If youu Barherry neas transacted lIsat nigliti Il Is ex- City garage. waut îîîarrieîl a few tiavu bushea are ihtlecled witb ruaI tlit" pecled Ibalt ipw nrliii5'ui'ewJilago, If heing bis se'cond ettrancefiti- ate depariment 0f agricuilture lsb(al-uie uîî for passage next iriday. t0o tnaîrimotîy. lie and bis bîride are te. authority Iu furce ilieir reniavai 1-Tue rut riîig a](î'teriii' are Aid. 110w us' their itoneymoon. under thei'"Plant lnutticiiun Act ot, Pers-y Robinsotn. E .1. Klitîsmer ani Ad b'fte'-atunects' 1917." J1t(eForge Bright. bi. hde î t bave absencre h> ai' Rauat infeto. a lenfînlli~a 11111>'enjoyment also so, Tue-dayl BeWaukegsnn. rmveyro a t- venin gI bey ook te ir fat luie"1tii Be ptrioic nd rninv yotr ct» ~ ~ S touring cac, gui a couiple of ilIt ie il, 'mon Barb.-rrv bnshes hefore thte apector caIs, but hi' sure firsl tua i*N rf mf ore,: c!liidrctî anti 'tarted out yusaet hruiivrey I P. Tbey cen"' lu \Waukegin ali Jyournse arl> iaîfty l aiemuns TIni 10:15 iarict wî'st on Gratiti avenlie JaCanee trie>' .' nanone frot Irs. Jstoe'uwelî-i> î-ittert>ined l-t' ai? G'nesee street. 'Tie stoni liu r-Dt. sLster anti famitv rftoi>tEvan.qton biown ouI iel 1 rn i 'ut Mr. Baringer tlook ahout a hundred Thutrsdia,.ste t wbelteriipavment l pupis ou on bie Tusday and Nor-ttti will vert.iinly havea goltt< in. At leasi. tiiat'q the' clis. *bowcd tem wiaBrberry husites big paving job ais bt tands ilîe A n aet~ioaei11 h are, and, il s tereitng ta note tati Staetitsrent laving goes ftrougita vas drblvngws' wreo b a uay ai oidswhttleyiôkt osbls. The Bal Broas., are there i:; a deep eut thon>' jusl now and likerusblaig thu-rIrtlg liîrovetOent job>. the car pitingeti mb lte dangerous' The Barberry Bush. ILK looks now attàugb Norlt Cul-sonot and turneti avec witti a crash. Destroy ail buaites <of tecommon 1cago was ta b>' orY. W1 h retTa h ccvnswr ltsros or fuIl barberry on your premîsct. of SMartial Svete for bciîtgiug beer in ly hutr or even klileti sas a muos Thte barberry itarbors tht'blîac'k'stem for bis uwuvi use, one' owuld tink tblng. ruaI of sheat and olter 510 iii grabis.thati t uuOuid lie Prett.v bard f0 gel a Thte car vase pracibcalby deniollited. This Is atCauses te 1038 Of millions. drbnk 1inlb>' cily limita. Thte front axie is tient double, thei of buabels of wbeat yeei-ly and miteat 'Th>' marciage Of %William Kefas la top is stîîaslied I o îpièces, tti' wti- la, needed lu win te war.1 Miss Catherine Harbaugit of Kenosita sbieid la a wreclt, thte witeeis an' rTe ruaI deevlopà Ihousands Of wts Performt'd ln Nýaukegan Frtday. broken sud the' wbole Ibing lookst as minute spores on lb>' under-side <of INWilliaiu Kefas was a former North if ti badl been lait by a: cyclone. the bariterry leaves blatéeearly part Chicago boy and bas recently enliaI- Tht' iltiren wece*aIl more or ls of May'. Thelle -am carried ta tesid lu thet tnk service sud wilIl eave brulaed but non>' swas serousb It- whaat fieds by te wiod sui atIsueonfoi- Getysburg camp. jr5 ii'crwstae uHweu lIt diess onlit stinsandleaes Tithebghlb grade of the Central garage ta awaît word from the' garage .i lete young witeat plants. i-let aioul got lite per Cent un titrift u'wn>'r of Zion Liparn ls arrivai home taillions of the mid or stiulmen res 1amps Ioda>'. Everv on>'ln te ciasironi bis sedding trip. ame producect whlch in turo sre Car- ibRve purcha.4ed a tîrift aîamp 'Ince' ried b>'te wind ln v-est dust cloudut /'prîl irsI. Tbis makes two roomg ta te oetgibonbng fields. Thte spores ltha a"' ,now ]t(t0 per cent, te i'i<t W1ati of Love. rm ite barberry abso infect other grýd eueO ter --me lime ago. W. arc mont of us very loîsel>' iD «trealssied nd y wild grasses no Ihat Chief of Poli-e Shoup bas purcitas- tis wortd; Yen whu have any wh't «eVIL Wten te bush is miles frein al ed a new moorcycle ,anti now ligoin.- love you, ding ta Ibeni und îhank loti. vbe.t leld. te diaesse ina>'soo eaulu'lOo0k a:tu'r l:ts asa speedepri. lie -Thtackeray. carisd Ioth ie witeat b>' lassitg f rom.1 will have ta go anmte lo get an>'an>' *e ter grasses t0alite witeat. Igutng over 20 miles an hour tite"e The Immediate destruction of tliidaya on State sîreel. commun barberry buaitealts necessar>'Iy silace te ruât develops on thein aboutf th it, Ofo[ aY andti ia> be at on" IG ET HUGE CONTRACT FOR canlIed tualite wteat. 'rie witear 1TRUCKS FOR WAR SERVICE tlveci b>' yur prompt action may Ueo. eilY vtctory for our armiles : ftlure to acf ina>'meaa itîngry andi I Il tas become known Ioda>'ltaI e ' diacotrageti army, Wbeat menuas1 dtiriig teé past two weeku, the Win- e v breld. te larberry In useless. thonle Motor Truclu camPan>' of Win. rTe Jsanese bre>>.wbiclî s'1 thitrI Harbor and Keî unlig, has been tk. chiei ornainentai bacberry lisLiais l awarded governanent contracta for states dae sot ibarbai'titi' rust andi motor trucks lotaling la int>' auregate f r Y ueed flt- be destroyed. Tite> are w'll oui-r a million dollars. more beauttfisi tantiti common or Tht'se trucks are especrialv design- murogieun spectes smmd may be usedta 1 eM by the iWnlher company for spe- reipIne ite latter. Cili service witb variuus depertments The value aI tite' iarberry1,s an of tbe army 'andi nas'. tulit csnî tcomPareti wîîithte great uit t uertood ihat soin>'0f titese food value of our Cereal cropsatIis wil run as high as $10000 each DOon 00eaiould- iesitate toanmake titis in cusft. For Instance ,an order wa-m «eafc. In Denark .where tite iaceSd for 32 inolor trucksliap.~ barberr> Ivan outlawed a namber of proxtnuateiy $8,501) encit;-36 at ap- year aga, titere bas been a decideti PrOXîDmael>' $5,5i00 eticl; 36 ai over decrease in te suiunt 0f -iat. $5.000 eacit:: lwo at $7.000 eacit; 1I. ý h( Tile Japanese species ua>' be dis- at $4,400 eacit: 12 at $3.600 esach;.' 14 tâiguisiteti fromth ie European or $5,300 e~hi, and one ai $10.000. mon -barberry as fllows: Varnous other motor trucki equipinent .laPaneBe larbcrrY (does flot bar. bas tbeen ordered nunning iobo approx- 1o ba ma. imateiy one-qttarfi'r 0f a million dot- I.. Edle of lrsiootit. - lars. .Ti6 of ailas> yt-ar retidiat- Saine Of titese trucksa are ta be Lisait brown.~aI lite reat Laie traiing stationi 1i 3. Bernie sisngle or rarel>' tn for rati building ptlrpuses. groupa of 2 and :. ('Ommon (Euî-Oean) Barberry (bar- I., bors ruaI). "nopîUanîti Ubnci bn l 1. Etige of beaf ieaw-tootitet. An glut 'cetn' wîîentelgita s coin- 2. Twbgs of attyer dun or gre'.fotle tin hie m dt e gsaoin- CI, î 3. Bcnies ln a clust er oinn ia1 i tbl nfl Liddt egut stems. ieep un de job." D Cr'{OO ____- fil TO THE VOl LAKE CO 1 hereby Jtmnounee niy e. tion for offiu'e of County Tre <j(iiSj<fîfthe i'oters at the In doing so I feel I1nîay i a few words abouît myseif. 1 amn theson of J. R. Brac-her i Pran; have ived ail mry life in~ the past twoY~ears have live( grW1uate cf .a business cllep Gurnee for th irt een yeàrs; ha chandise store for the past feel that mv hbusiness experie in the ecuinty justif.- m-e in daey to thc people. 1 respectfiîl ly ask yolîri ROY 1 FERS OF 'UNTY -andidaey for nomina- asurer sub.tcct to the next Prixnary. be pai'doned in sayi'ng 1w'as horu ini Gurnee; ,vho is a civ'i war i-et- i Lake County and for d in Waukegan; amn a ge; as postmaster at LN'e ruII a geileral mer- tw('It * vyears. anîd 1 flce and1 acquaintatiee suîhritting iny candi- suîppor't. W.,BRACIIER in every se; from extra g IlI GERMAN WOMEN MUST REGISTER JUNE 17.26 V""» IURLS A r a 1 hngtn, ). .. I ; TRUCKI( iMN T ]tte17 anîd 26,tntiler rpgti. I~S RAIN lattons Issued today by the' depart- ment of justice. In cilles of 5,00o or mûre by the Acdn arwyAetdi 1910 ensus, the registration la to bie Acdn arwyAe di conducted by police and In sanîsîler Zion City when Freak Ac- communhties and country districts by cdn sRpre postmasters. Fingoi, prinîls willt be cdn sRpre taken. - About das; 4(ey allns, lve intheIN STORM ON. TUESOAY lTnlte-d Statesa. This inttudea t mian women bori>lin the United States, but marrled to (lermans who neyer were, Some f rea'u accidents happenod lai natîîralizedl. Zion (Il> 5ta a reliuit of the g torm Atfter regi stertng the' womPn will Tup,4iay 'uliglit. There meemed to lis> lot b>' liritted 10 mos> f ront» une mniature cyclone Iswepung in an locality 10 a notiier wittbout notifying a-" the registrat ion ofilcer amsid obtaining eastériy direction In a direct lite with hls approval. the Northwestern depot. I'1IEAK No. 1-A depot iittormi Waukegan Locals truck wélghlng about eeven or Pigitt jThe Oriier oC Easte'rn Star chapfer hundréd pounds was cauîglt it iie in Wankegan 1i4ltti., per cent P41iîiostic. (kîd and. lîurled fco lhfit 'Â fypr Ifroul jIt pumhbased two Ltierty bonds., tub- ChIýcago due t Zion Chiy about 10:r.0 -scrlbed $100 tu the Heti 'rose, took p. m., caugb"taulîtht' truîck and bîîried out a $25 meînbershipI, n thF' organiza- It 75 yutdm or more top tbe track. Tire lion and la sasiors froin gatkec'iuer's bouse near the c<ross-, lt'e naval stationdatsuttppers every ing on Shiiohi Boulevard, wasastritck[ month. (ne fruit red fifty witt hi, 1w '?ie linîg ttaggage wagon and a served a uupper ionorrow evt'ning. houe wj,' torti In the notbeaqt cou. The ruait commissioner gang Is nîow fier. A large window liiht iLth lit work piîtilng In the. cruqbed aalotieldoor %vaqs broken In fragmentstitind on the roa legdlng east fromt iiotdtur the lI1' ts>eluof rnoved an Inchi or M o idgtv'a corners and pkin rtsantng the' ont 'If dtace. if thei accident hutti hap- Improvement ûot>' ibrougb t,> Sheri- iteei!l durtng te day Michael 1. %Mil- dan Road. Wtuen titis wor' tuil onc Il le>-, lbre iagnaian a> the' crosiing nliti wlli mnaké a finle itrprovement as if havie et>seriouisly injttred or kiiied, fttrnilbes .anoiul'e-r ilce 'loolp" for au;- ,>' î fshe Ppy u lim , cr wtutfitinut toistsuwb<î are- takitig a spin lti bt svr le nlsortb of te de'îtt.a part of the lown. And. foir Ihose comn- 1 ruiri the truek wss tc'ri Ing frointbe westt desiring 10 gelt I o ut=luit yards, and pieeut 0flb,'l Sheridan rouagl. il cua off fitliy six vestibule of une of. le casut-tre tmiles travel. found scatereti alutng li4-t ,- 1'.. San.tai t;-Ii%%ua riz isfbas titiur -rontq ft>i 1s suite Pv idi'fl Iht > tt'eenglut' Inib' e ic- t> >ti tà art» v antiticoildnlthla ve strutck tieli gae tn. In tneliias>y Bel,, a lir.,I lit l-wagon. otit,'wise il w<îuliîi iat t'iu.în tenant itis icreonuîi Suiit taroliita ltiom.naside ant iIl wottld havi- been Abe, wbo s b bin tathe a ieu mpossible for a pullmoant car tii have de.»ariîent i a Wsiiagtiri: Jacoh i i bit Il. lndeed Il look.s as If lite wind at the~ municiptal pier il) Chiicago: might bave carried tbe îruck si) that r.studying 10 lecome an etîsigra anti Il slrtîck te train jut as sitet wa', Exuanuplislut'n Nliwaiike(,iprlie1, Npassing by. In tcberie of ('ertaki constrîîcitoit IFREAK NO. 2-A lagpolt' on top work. A fifîh voir. Williai. soon will o fIlle old Zitîn Prittng soit lublisit* b>' 21 yeirs nid, andl expert 'tst011111 ng Biseiq waa tient oVer likie the then. smn of a plaîsul, sud congidering If Arrangemealut bave Iteen made 10 was io strongly buill Il must- bave bold a big food ex-lîlitit in Waukega.i ta'ien a young cyclonie tii bave tient il Mtarting; Jtîne 3, anti ending Sundav op~ In surit a sitape. nigtgb June S. 1>tuùqto beolîid titiller FREAK NO. 3 -ittat a Uittile est of te olspIces of thb>'linois l.lbrary tbe Nort.bwestern depio. a strange Publlity cunîmitte.-. Waukegax'srehenomenon was discoVpired this club. Waukegan onen's i"etlerition. mornlng. by Raipit Pfeý4fft'r, the agn'~ut. Dotneatic Science depariment oif ibh-Cloud@ of steain wss Iaaîting forth Waukegan scboois snd the food ait- f rom tbe ground like s youg geyser, minlatration. and whén Pfeilfer weni over to exani Mr.. Adanms, widow of tbe tite New- mne the strange sigbt be discovered ton Adamns. who osîied tbe farni itîsutbat eiectricity was running down the' nortb of the WN'aukega. i &Y limtts on grouind wirî loto lbe ground an<l the Shteridan Ruait died Tueutday evenitig intense beat was caîîsing clouds of In Chicago. 5h>' waq a sislerl-n-law steuni b issue' from telb>Ibote iit of %tre. George Kirk of M'ater street ground and for at Ieast four Isee and waut weli known in Waul<egan. around onie could feel feint electric liîsving lived liere year, ago. t"uueruIsltocks. Passengers wbo lefI ZMon Friday at ? oclocit in Oakwood crne Ciy'onlte 8:39 train this tîin'ng tery, Waukegan. Butriai beiîtg ilit e Iwl-r>'greatly lniere'-sled In this famll> lot. A etr>iigt' spectacle. 'e Made It Easy ou to Play Saf e rou don't have to gamble vhen you buy boys' clothes ere. i(TRAGOOD01 lothes are always safe, be- -ause they are extra wel1 made, amr and pocket.- And made )-ood materiala, inside and out. Itfs about time now for new Mid-Summer clothes; 'and we're ready with an exceptionally fine assortinent. Ask for XTRAGOOD Lake County'a Groaieat Store for. Women Childrena's Dresses, For Confirmation .and Graduation 3.98, $5, 6.98, 7.50 to $ 11 itui i"ifutîln>a wiiito u-sts ai lire. -,iltiuuitbery an~ rbbonut uî' dozens a ni-w amtdii.-nln of stz,'.A- thvluëu ber ~ ,~-,,Lié, lîtusny kbiiomi, cul du i t-- n thef ~ ~ lu aptîtîrt a for c'- fi'rtaion. NIaki. yîîuî mtleuiin -aîIy antd t;tkiual ui g.of New Waeh SIRTS -at 1.98 liet , at tht' nuvt 'lylv-utlitt -lui I-o ,n iitir , giltduî, ai ntieî-lîvfabc. Skirts to 8.50 -at 4.50 It liiis a.inrt nuei Itar i'> kI pt>ii lins, s oui vî'lit>rs, novO'tv ftIerid veloutril , ,Wlvs anti tînty lv mlu qkiI'>A. CHILDREN'S COATS Very Special 4.98-5.98 and 7.50 St> NI, les ,o"i li 'cl->-.. lulplain uFo.ititunut . s tut- -k 'Ir-tanti1 au-coit rpi i t>e l TIt i ,m Coat Sale. 1-3 to 1-4 Reduced at T ii '(, Iî<av, b '<tiJ( all douilt, tithe .t~l't1îiiîl eiu;ît v'alîîr's ifor 'îukî*g iîft - sday11 . 71i>- iiIîiIî' at', scîîs h<>ks alîî't;ii's,'I"î'it-i mîî:ts anid Those New- Gingham Dresses br strîking îplaid., anti checks oi varltius sizes, all cooa nd i ai. Others at 6.98 -8.98 & 12.50 Anti nos- corne iose sly Illa and preity new wssh dresses of cool, atîmmery voiltes, iawns, French gtng battis, inines anti niercer lzed Rîîja lis li a wonderful ai ray uutoi colrlngs anti 4-.981 ... ... ... ... Silk Dresses to $15 at 9.98 Silk Dresses- to 22.50 at 16.95 At cacb of te priceg above lter>' are siik dr-esses of ruare beauiy and excellence, citarmingly 'fasioned from taffeta, tliks, satins, potilins and tîilk georgettes in ait colors anti styles. The New* Patent Leather Knitting Bags _1 .501-982250 Tue newest o0liii'NEW >nnlinit. ting bags-patenl leatiter and sas tUnes In hlsf a dozen new %tyles. Values taoL75 in '- -Corset Covers -gowns, and -chemise at .1 %iusilin nîglît gowns anti chemise anmualin or stlkcorset cover~ for womi'n, in neweat styles elab4 atei y lace ltimied. ý SUitSSensationally Reduced. at :l4ý-=-1 9:5'02417532501 0fcourse you'il flnd ail the beat styles and matet ilsa a ech prie#, At $3260 you'il ttnd suite worth up te $50. hoeeF~m~ - .- - 1

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