CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 2

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S-JRANCE7 6b0. »md Worklng- alfe.PIaaing ~' 18 4LOeiJvl% I 14 & DOLAN CITY -- . "-o, ~,,nitE Wo*k 0f isctlptlon Ever) od&nce àollcltec Geee St L'a . Mmd 7 Oc10p. e 7»îai' forainoo ML» a,.-îe pu». "&IIStITIW $TPueu, nomD» LgIde rIle tngo wüsilct sudaarp. sdUt.d is fit big èýeM -beati pttaers,'I S mon, vii. are gOtng "w es o oshoo-at *eit. uWter200I flu ted acivéek, mc- ~U S Abuasinsinua- WttIJ~ 1FA M ElIsbotit Ztt.humr, mo MEcker sae. X.IL FIlod for iI.Offl- lIbbie aine. 21; UWaake. îWI0 oe;A LoTredLW. EeblerndobflDsblços sem1; bseof te recordors r Ma W. ert bigebmg ss..3 te week end a ,M ay 13 .1918, by A . o. Mataos.Xalete7 K Bovesi, 1tIaBAt .creterY or f eGa C. Bogie= 1&«,, curty Titi. & Trbat Cen . i ~. , , auý Il , 000 oClESTATE Suimber cf qon'#ytugese., 61. hert mp e ,1. T lN u m b e r f I n str u m e n ts m . o , , l eao .W w î D i e I T -~otal i mborun str bus, t iid es m 21;0. ~ M«,àkDs~m o Buiesbsbean vory quiet Mid loa. s"y itlow te average. -, , 1Mn, N. ho. The tolowiitg are te more impor .-Jieu, N.1,00 pu tant dem". elVeii *1rd, Wug mit la Wankegan: Odd Venows . anid p, IW m , uia ue. ra SRebakaha' Home Association t- P il. 14e* e.u.shnar 00W&lb at southeaat corner GiU-.dÏave. sdM=40 -~àtd thïj mri"7~ Utica at.WW.eim »Un Roy G. and Mary E. Sanda bonat ti rlstoWuen teJ J. Page homle on north sitm uFourisOf Mr. and týj ru Oimin t' afointht'lb. pranklil at., euat of Coqnty 81j, for elie gmwntii.eia j. z. Stlathe Peter DeYtoung and vite iouit a riv frM 00 MmI 85v»tê lT«11 Waukeaàitfor Maoy lot on west aide Oak et.. Yitit 0< o, to dee fiiath s In efl g tate for $2.000. l*idna B*er. a&=. cam Wtltrld M a *0MeCksuy te tte0f1 Juila A. -Tiu&k bougbt a 36-foot lot sud Mary Brunker returued Wegnes. LMM; M00oey oa th. Wieo àe On eust aide Chopaai Street aoutlh 01 day froi lt xueqe. . - Me rt oSe - n Pak o Lthe lWukani Washinugton et., trouaPeter W. GlAs poli d sud r W T~ iourM Pnt0<ru..Tit a a. fer indicated cansiderat"o f $1,500. e"t0ea b0Ut0d114 èr. me2y M rsidt of odwad vThela nai It 1*1<, Bluff: J. Trek PAUan sd »Irunker., hy the vat omery MaII te SmebauithWord, rea oe. d ulfe hougt tae Katitryn M. Devldsm Mary FolUard. ,Mi admamek7,tlarcld id ProPerty on Ravine ave., for lndloeted Sio won a toecier In te Souti jeeeii thl Waukagan and therefore corwdeati of$3,00.her olftldre1i and husitend wlllcorne cOIldertylllef 800.sbol otiOi agoiSon. tiu* I, for ber BItUTe of te e9tote, 'namely JnLbrtvlacoJeb Goldenberg 4bvlntg snç>rvaedo IcINev Merle o 00. bougitt two lots en forth aide Or. ybars arc. Her déath von mont Itl utd iatMr.MeCeae Chard t. ,oppole t1h Street troua lngly sUtden. Rer four latine hh. gat J Odtvlea h as er broher. Albert Kllcitmunan, for 41,100. droit SOL up on té niug Of May gan t8mlâtasu LIae h r 0f bers la Shilields Townuhip>: Flee.nor Mo s$rd and found lai' dead' in bed. iLtateur.kgM. tWoôaddrde. erofers- C. Marx, Mary P. MoClellan aud vws only fla jqnuary ta ie huekdoù ttemLe a Flornca enrot tak iLlate it. urla thîr her. George Brunker". day Mn. MacCa.'ey admltted that a e-haIt intarat of Sarah A. Mo ok. th bMr- aud >M-s. &uckar vre i ie hd31ldg ia ttyb leu iu 118 acres in forth ona-hall YB-î raold. Acite broncitltla .s g- ben adt £ bere at t ie edu 31, for nominal Considération. a s h cre.o n1runker's loft a bmli. tlnte retu In Grant: George . .Bayer bought deatb. lIu*1 pjaeutade> «t I"X.nglev suy deths e adlnot aiL. te WM. Couminit 'arinof 120 #cran quarqua. *~î en dt$ ail» flin ta aeat ln Bec. 28 for 87,200. MesFoladino = Cit fur bistothe désoan Natiodel AttTIM -Club of Chicago, cllrahsry, C*,a, wintrb id. and nt f lire.' azcC3a wony. à kcught lot 4 la Tveed's Subdlv. it Mary. baca vîit beransd they are, Dow ltee ker amt-Ohdasky. ra Sec.. 3 sud 9, On lFOX Lake ftram Mar- et th ote of theï' grandtather. P. TJIyaier vSmithngaged e iraia ta A. Huiksr. for 81,500. T. flllard 4b(o tke their home. bulueSa16 ebet lukainthoraggn la el:Fed Feddler bouut 19 bt« bu akgnfrma â acrs uNe. 14, Sec. 33, froin Hen, -*Ye..r. bis vork beiug to gatitar eags ry Bocitlman for$11,200. Ipu tIIRANI o ctb ago or ndUtte therlre cin. ln Vernon: Arthtur A. Clament aElf Tt Ut ioresi t ter ag i boughtt tae Wn.RinIt vqnu î- ii___________ N. W14Sec. 5, ior 3,000. '0 aithe woJeul rat« Rosi Estate Transfers C . T IA U E F. 1B. Bartltt and vite, to James A 0u'ON A RMU an s oSkdlt 0 lpi ,Pu Roy Bracher of Gurnee* An- PA 1S T RD Y V Park, Deed, $900. nounces Candidaoy, Moru AUeÀ 1 Mate 1. Huclier and. huebanu osnaOponnt 1Naional AltiLIte Club,- lot 4, Tweeg's an olgOp ets Suit., on Foi Lakte, W,$10.Mis. Martha Dupena Attaok& J. J. Page te R. G. sud Mary E The titird - mai henhered t.e ach oèI rn f~Ib SSIi. WI); $4.00. .cf tiiIssue appeara Lh. f and mI rac________ Mary B. GaelL to John qrlatbg lets nouncament of Roy W. =le~~o 28 to32, blockJ, Bartlett'à Sub.,,Leke Ouru@ ne. uvticleh e ant teU»eKNOCKS TIE WOMÂN D fi 0Foet QC o .050i ts eovnty it &,ýleý,NDW Joie OrIfftit and wvif. o A u didate for the nomination 1 gb 1 MO~ «Mote. A. WkgsheR, lot 38, (Ore" Prlinaieg tob>le lild la jlqpiember. WSlikm*51t May, 20. Bey MAd L 3omtet, WD, sm.. Mr. br4cienr " ,ato tl, Mrg. Martita Dbfla a ad 32, a ras-n Mstryn M. Devldsou sd buabind race msk e t(Ird mm ntccoin. Idant of tae outit aida, veut ona to J. F. Elsin and vif, lots -20. 41 Olt for titis Oue11r, the Otbaif two bh. rasPage SaturdaY nlght about 7:1e: Mud 43. mlock 17, Lakte Bluff, WD, $10,lug J. I- Morse of IAbartyvleansd o dlock and caused 4,réeal furore ln WmD. CO-- an sd vite t G. J. Wunleu Reaing or Autiocit. Mrte it Laow section. * Bayar, 120 Mmie uBet 1.2, Sec. BtMber laIn itbusineas lit Gutivee. Mrs. Duriena firet attraeted atLaS- 28. Grant Township, WD, $7,S00. nMulnUg taegiteralumore wlt. L.Lc vite. cite vs lked rmpldly Nart Chicago Tille & Truat Co., to, JmeFolkloit, viicit furmerly vas conduet. lit Genesea Street, aputtarlug an& A. Maldug, lot 5, block 5, Rldgawod ed tor SMiY -remr by bis fatiter, J. itormlng loudly as site vent. Site Prt Snb., 3lgilaud Park, Deed. 8$». A. B-ocher, sud I la al kttn luasLtffl I front cf tae blobe etore, Jane Kbtl et al, te Peter DeYoung Warren ovnablp. fecdug a womsn vite tood titan. 1 and vite, lot 3. Klirke tgub.. la bock The triangie rme for Lhe »na, Titn site got into action. %Mear fiat 14, Mcnrs' Add. ,W--. $2,000. ion wfIl l 8 an lnteealy Interest& 810t Ont twlee vit tit aoi>rod force.* P. W. Glas. ue -xte te, Julia A. lng one tram nov on bacausa ail titrea Thetani feu luna crutmPled heap La Tu'.ScOM 36 IL. lot 8. blfck 14, Candidate% are veil kuovt. in place Lb. sldevalk. stvon McKAYsa 2nd Md, Wauakeae, WD, of résidence titeir *Prononce lu .thé, "MèeasieteglI Herea0tewm sio.raÇ oertainly la aiong teUtalna cf a vWho atola my huaband's love.,"Mr&. triangle beCeUsa If you drev lunes DuPeita acreamed. tram te Placeasviter te titrea en lTe otite, woman vasnasslatad Int KA EIGELCIBU. liva IL vill, torm a4,triangle, À Li.tE atore, Mm.. Duffle afollcved lI. villa, Gut-neea end Âiflï. an effort to strilsa ber again. Site Cita&.P. Audre, Milvaukee, $2; ilt. _________ven attaclred s oîerl t s ouaittto de Enutt, csre, 18. restrein -ber. NIshI police <bItai. Edr rYNWBteWin., 27; IV tK9DIICLyUmntere& tetore et titis stnge. a uunu Mm. 20. He tisqd te Plae aMro.Davena under BinI C. Broya, SLavens Point, Wis .. an d reelv.d a Mcv lu the 38; Salinea Bratomteiu, MNoites, Wis., W I"U A V 't face. Even alter site wus akes L 2b. theU I, A 5L Y J *Police station Mrs. Dupe" nao. lrrOld . Davw%, il; "t1 <(ued ho rave and psein. Jenute . Rode, sea, 21. N IVff~ f~~ Site vas removed to ttfcounty 1el Yff ]Kitl, hlofl 22 Lois eterbelng flnad 81.40. l he.cus Fierlad el, Mmie, ;().s 511 BVLUoan itour or .amed hersai LOren IL Piper, ZMon ClLY, 22; Ma. - onaderably sud flusfly wuva lie bel Fegauso, Sas.. 18. '10h Rgitr unrifh t rnthome,te fsue beings ts. î - OI tewrtRacine, 22-, OUvia o h oitrJn it S d Pousons«Me. Sb. Wont Rave to Rôveal in. e d MmC.Rihads aq,2. -~ tention abotut Ezwisp ion SPARKS' CIRCtJS-COMIN ?skSasLRaems~t? E EW RUL1NG' RECEVD WAKG)WM 5L Abne L. hoe, ligilUl Prk. sM. Net' mbleeh »fi Mo 'a5? nRA. %vaW uni~iia~~. s,.8,Lon,3 army. Wo-vit iB<l. oTracy, svO ied nt aoi Mache M ie N le ue 6,181, jT WM ~ "'World's Famto sW$ov. ePa«t BnceM. SatL«% U«g Dsd. Wls., aked to regitqr tits ustr.viith daY lu, . vi 81.' hea1alle te answer nubeniiy * v.4lavaoovw ae Bd.Lhiana, Mlvak.e, g, Bagne que*lcns(t 0 iefe ae tkt cuicu i Carly Sviger sme An. . rehlotration di. but vii l ot bave Io'u lu,,or te comIng 0f th. great NoesOison, mtllvaukee, 1; AU tieeveal the*r Intentions abolit clalig » Teadyck, saue, zn. Oempton or vether te7 are " lTe grounds knovu ate 1 Tho& %nottith, chieme. W; clam red orcimansr...ronslot On Marlou et., ver. I Jmrteonatelu, nome. 20. This IW tié wordreoned ly te, fr0. R. Dady sud -bolvue . H1%r7 W. Morrluey, NIlvukes, Aurora e, & t board ftics ite pffoot tises boardto m tae.onraêln LiliaIran n, une, SC , . M"" 8u1 mef , t3egraOUnda ere ~l ag Wm. P. Kefus-; .,Keo 0ak;IfdrP'Ëtle o Aic.*0acamdtebuo ré KXaierins . H ag , m . . nineftre «Mat, ad . T"a 1parks aoa tamrvii lISrry A. ILiter, Oihbo.Si81:-MW -iresa ,birtht date, sud tbplfte, o' lear lg res oî i.en aM&otry linda Bec'iue, Kevmakum. Wbe,.'»L - miO3'i'nustMO OEI edr, 4udortés a Cireuses te t, t e aoutrain eimPeibul, Ctte2o78; 0£neaest islatlypie. 001cr "on, ~colr e Wi8 ne o b aea -n, Mdmat Rela A Odk et. ,Pai, se. getliai' àm-UOtWig, te' l alýr2 mntr.alwyqM jo Mie» e Oaut, Mlvanite, 65. 1ibo&t. metder or atout, are a <or, 1 t uuodred Peopl auad ,Or 00 Mary Barssume, 37:queaoi m ked. Titis curd ta keptby 1Sais, botit forelpansdd rneet IbrrY.CoranauCblcego, 26;-,iLlinhà a & ept -b ouan sd té re The @ uho iiLjOy. vS 0pc8 A W>'! Couverte yo tir Auto loto a powsrf u tractor ià 30 inutes THE INDUSTRIAL TRCTOR UNIT sela for $350,0 'It inakes a powerhdl Tracta, of any Auito itiirty moinutes and recouverts fror Tractor te Auto in hm t ime, Every fariner w~iI1w«a n INDUSTIMAL TRACTOR. 48-nch wheeJu, 10-ich &,ce' steel front rimu of ÙimWovedi tractor type, 3-poit us.a pension. haniened riler- gears. ht is proctically- Foal-proaf. Me6chaicjy right it salvesthe fdners' Tractor, Power and labo, problem, in a reliable and practical way. A SUPERIOR MACHINE EASýYTrO OPERATE-DOE.S.NOT REQUIRE AN EXPERT TO HAflLE It is alr>ng and of simple -nstioan. - Any man, boy or girl who canrun an Auto cen aperate it. Does the work af froin'4 ta 8 horse. and two farm bands Plowing. -Harrowing. Diskting, Listing, Mowing, Roed-à,ading, Harvestig, Etc. Let us tell you .11 *bout this Wanderful Tracta, Unit.- SECURmhES TRUST Co. 910 SeuIiula dld. 1CHICAGO MOR DETAILED INFORMATION, ADDRES8 INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS i $os Ka*-saDudiff CHICAGo, ni. v r-

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