CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 3

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g There lu no greater heroism than the heroism ofmercy. Tiiere is no truer brwvery than thie bravery-of- tenderness. Oizt of the crpb of nation against nation grises a cphrt-like sympathy, and the ujnsirua etita tendenness la the ecrossOf ted., it ia thie nly rmaining glow ef a Chrigtian hope. It is religion under *ben fire. -It àa sigl, et tothemuz ,of synipathetic getion. If a man who speaks truth should say to you, " With ......t... use of five dollars you cain SaVe a u9efudl3lie, aleite a hundred nights of pain," you would grant hirm the money. You would flot feel that you had lest, but gained. This is what the Red Cross says to you: - Give of your safe and secure substance and I will sooth pain. I wilI gather up mein, heroes who have been shot to the eartb, and housing them I wil nure them ha&k to life. For myseif I ask no recompense. My reward is my conscience. My applause is restoring man te hi& family." Heanng.these words and feeling that they are true, 'would you heitt to open your purse.,whose contents were gathered ini times of pence? 1 The Red Cross appealu to you personally. To you- it opens its merciful heart and begs you -for assistance. The cuttimg down of one luxury a day would mean a soothmng tenderndis on the red fields of France. George Waslhungon Was'Not Mentioned Y@" uIFrM&k O"«orS.edte. lIk Iayce Was Re*Iy de Fathe of iiCombiy. By R. ESTHERLOVEJOT. wbat la the attitude or thes French Lafaiete lmilnseparately assocatefi la lpeople îowcrd the Âxercsns? The. hhe mmnd of young France wltlfti th Frenchi are a very polt. people, and. United States and aU 1hi stands for. M. motter what their lamot tiioughts George Washington wasnt ientione<L amai b, tiiey are flot llkely tu express- Accordlng to the juventle Frenchi an opinion to an Aineucan otiier thon version. Lafayette aaved Aiperima compllmentary. athe Uic bdren of Tli La ~ the mont glorious meleve- AUlthe. world are gulleU. Tbeycouat meDit 18he Mistory of the world. Sina- be depended upon to express la public gle han<led dd lone Lafayette sowed the private opinions of thelr parents. the seetb, of liberty l in the nited 4XIie cbldreli or Francs are-rra"y about States thhc has spread from the At-. Anîcricaus ii ifhorm. gowe gviens ami tlho the'acifie and fired the outs vihat tudr parents feel for uo. of a hundred million people. Wbeu the on one occasion 1 was Passln a Pub- American colonies were in a deatb nie achuoolwlti a BotherRe.d rose w0- truggtc wi tii.heHanoverlan monter mm phbsidf aà In torfli sd a on the. hhrone of Engiandthie Hohen- Iiseb vistag nurse. The 5é001 bcd zollernsacnd Hesslans and.Hindenburg- lmstbasa dlgisaed. and « group Of ers andi ail the. Bs reprcaentlng Bell youaa bors caine trooplng ouf. la- on ~Erthint that day and generatUon gttatly vé o vasusrrouaded ad alter Lafayette croaaed the, ocean on s slow a seefto spJke7 Ba70Ufl5Mrabeau of sailtng shlp-so slow, so slow for so 4bout twolve leus, the spokSOtD*Oof awlft a soul-and saved America 4nd the. group, - stogped forward, bowed nov, alter 140 yeqsr. the hosts of sfornally and dellversd an address on Amerîca. a milUion stron4, acra rtura- I*aefft. and Anierica whlcb waz lng that hlstorlc. vîsit for the. purpose ounctuctsd by the applause of bis ad- of repylgtie deit ot gratitude. labiag oopatrlots. The. Aierican To aay that the cudience followed Uâdt çoilo t possibly bave screaif- the speaker would he nnderstatlag the. -ed leader la the. Unted Staes on the case.-,Tiiey ail seemqd famiir viti Yuur* OfeZW M ol in It did on tiiat bock the speech, cnd hhetr applaÙwtis re- suS a tm uuniion tovu 1laIFrance. quentlyantlclpated 1hs climaxes. Good WasMngt.n Nt MttIond. feeling was rampant W. shook bande Tor a sen u ob. some difference wltci th ai.heoungaters vithilareach, et opinion on the. relative Importance and as we turned the corner we looked ,o! certain historie characters connect- back, and tiisy gave us c final "Vive ed wlthbthe.Amercan Revolution., l'Atncrique 1" SAVIOURLS Dy ANGOLA MORGAli youru in the darlng skili to tread The waters of a world at war; Yours lu the miracle to shed lirhere rocklnx seas of hatred are, vurage and cemtort, like a star. You cry entoan earth dismayed, And God is thkillng in, your tone: «Brothmr, the shlP lu not alone; Be not afral " Ye e mthe Christs of this black heur, Thie Great Physician corne again, Within your satred hands the pbwer To heal thie race o! mon. Ye hoëld.the hurt woÊl4 to your bresat; * Y. bmnd her brulaed and broken seul; Th TAiuek, th ' maim*d and thie oppressed_4~ Youra lu thee sift t# make them whole. Ad where the oUk iles unroli Te soand thie reourreetlpîmci; * Aboie the bler whsrc Justice lien, Yu bld thie dead arisef 0 WiwrId. that w#lkeot îow In tua 1 1 eiu*Ai agaàala cruclied. - Atwe b. Uiad, thouaaad yeaau-* JOSI WRAT iI'Y -ARE Miu 8Â ,MÂT -23, 1918 _______________ By JOSEPH4 Of the. VI Catchbflogeisvasseatcd at Uhe lîtile desk bWIli $ he courît-or rf iis gen- cri 'store" ct -B gers' Cornrers. Hiai check book v* opienihefore hlm, andi fie vas hapblng'Nli frutit îectlï wth the end et a pefliiolder irid 4apparentiy consdrcI9 de.ply. Daniel (lrtggs, Who ovni the big larin huif a Mlle up thie road, enxired tie store andi stooti fn,. a .nmOMIfan uttring t ;nrorieor A Bit of Figgerin AnMerican Woman Toits VMvdly of i ith an am use lloUe- "Weil, Caieb ho i observe<I, yen Her Cantee-The Gayest, loo nsudtcinmrelikea 1,Rockefeller Brnghtesb UtIfle Room evry ayyo v. I esume llkely Ont Ever Saw. this monhis Ilacne in more Standardi - Il, Re tuse lt---bu-g our vife another * dlcmtind collanT' NEVER S0 PUOUD OF Mr. loger& ietid also, but be vwu »ANYTINOIN AUI HER LIFE geriuqsngh a usinent later. "Dan, bho sid, "I tell 3ou whnt I vuafggerta'. -I1vWU tii-i-rin' vbether Ibhdfl't, botter make thie check I was ju at n a lad Ciliesaim in, gota' te glve the led Cross toitea "OW t la OnUêSd< adthie bnndred buadret i nsteail O!f tY." problea t the ssican omèn have Grlggs' meuh opened la astonisi- te Ms metularab." e i reacb, Enz- men- [* snd AisenC&Bnsoiiers la Weil We bu i r«t chovn la tifs.letter froin an Ainerlcaz Ia butM nua Seti cross utnk«.: «Y«u give abtiatiietidollars ho hie We bave i-ally a wonder! ni placs. Bed Cross, Onfleb Rogers!"' he demanti- Eh vas gtvea ho in no rougi and Pl"st. "Voul Âge yen crazy? ToYeu r- anti ugly. I bad a ceai of planter put tinly al't Wrti any more money tit the wAIllipaintet a. hilgit blu. thi5n 1aman s ud I aclccula' h, o give arainsct lires LMet higi vîti a sten. about ten--net moian fifteen anywa'y. cil of! lover. et rat, whe sud bne, Tis Red Cross la a milgbty fine thbng. ahove, wite vwu ceatidclliag, doers 1 knov ubat vel fougir. But if yon'UI sud windows ouflac t vii ghgi-cen, tehll us vby foui ne richer than yen andi stencils o!fbWigt colomebehycen anti me aboult i 5v- - the wIndowà (9 trumteitan d over Caleb's foot, viliebd been restiag thie lve doors daelous lttie painting@ over tine corner of tic desk, came to by M1iiss i Krkpsérdek anti MissBeckett 'he foom viti a bang. lie sratghe- A> soldiers and tihecers la thie nitrai d, leanet foi-yard and shoork bis fore- tIever and sttreit4ve vcy. inger êanntly at bis viritor. *rigtsstLitt. ~"Tell joui" lhe nspeaued. Yea, Dan BrIgtes Utie RonLGrlgg%. 1 vintell jon. l'il tell youb.- At tie end oft hie i-omnve have tvo cause you've Cot a boy, trame as I havs, girls, on. Amerlemn and one l"rencb,! up iboreaette big camp, sur it h ont holding French and American lnes. 'uoiany veeks, or even ricys, afoti We have red antite bicoîloh on thie'hie're bhclover on tother side o!thie tables, reti .glcm carafes anti rcd hur- big Pond figtida' thre mosn cusset, keY wludow curialms, and always Iloy-' cruel, unacrupulous gang of uhieves ers ou thec oune.m. Tt ia the gayest,' and murderers liat ever rigged up la bri-huent littie room you eci- mv. u Ifrornsd kileti womn anti babies Hovever, 1h ocly bhouda about 120 sien for ta. Oh, o! course s ou kno aili seahed aiah he ables anti il la oho b. lai, joui soir.' Ton uow your son use-I as a rsen.atlon'rotin and evés' ban enliftefi cid i golu' to van, ho moiles. Our i-g srupin la ho bave a isSUie, to lin bis chance ilong viii liuge kitchen and seats for 1,000 menthie ies okbin' killed or wtiunded or or over, andi vilopen igt on thie tlaken piisoaer. Tou krow il,.yen, Ilaa platfom. Tt la te hiedecorateti by as ugeaialway rojdo. Sucb thingu, the. arilat froin hi. beaux Art, as Miss' woundin' sud an thât, bappen ho otier Beckett bas mine sud III.. Klnkpat., boys every day, but lt's amazila' oy ick 19 too bu"r. slowv!eilers lukeYeu and meaEre tre- Tl vilI really b. a splendid big place alias liai ticyre Pnsu as likely ho bop- anti w. coa verk la com!ori Intead peu ho hiat tine boy we setnse unci of boltis put la staaits as v. are nov trs by. Iî'a viat Ive luit been hi-y- In ho f.ed go aay mea viti Oaly six la' ho rosi», Dan. 've hitasittUa' gas hurnera la a long rov, We mai.i.e h laki' 1htint tie coffes, aoup, ceoaandi ragontr TaeMy Owtiboy-Or la" e jum soinetinies i'cgulsr lrtsb slowon ortons1 foi tei hrigit htime-iake eour un. steve. andthieiroasis are cooketi for JJin left berse and b. watt off to camp us gratultously nh hie bakera'. AUl ho be traneLaciAnd tiwvascolin lina, food ecept cof e., ment, cocoesud tii. nrtieait corner etf çaleS cbea op augcr la cbesp dowa bei-e. T Ihela L a tbat campad b.ecDà'nooner latiet garden district et France. -AU lie men I iar ta he realizetihohatin't Soi lie ai-c no pleaseti antigrahaful anti ot e evy sveater be'd sught, te bave. set sncb poni cardeancut uanka, W. fMoamolier vonîti bave baitlithbut bave aeveti apples. sieveti dates ad 'ioulti bave haken tinis, anti iie'ihave fige for tieerls adai1tell yen It keepe prctty algi frose veltim'. 0Se iPMc us iopplng ho keop thlgagolng, Cross gave Ii to him, sltiag vith Somehimed ve ua tint e! meet mati wrlaicftanti a ennifort kit. On lis tien w. fi-y ogg for ticin ant i;biey wayUp ho camp wierever tint troop love themt. The dormitaries ai-e vwoa. tail a uao le a ic-fnl. I neyer vas so prondi o! z trL anwyu- Idthev thlng before. 1wo Butidreti canxvas sireichers for b.d.. W. neyer oued"VIHOME SFJtVI tieni hefore, but ve couakeep hIen dlean anti put Uscin outalde if hhiere HM NE )~FR BI" la any vermin. 1 Medo sE leslînes.My- htusband enlisteti over a jean We bave a aplenditi fumitahing plantago. 8bortli afuer he vent avay Oui- and an Incinerater. anti the pate Ila ý tvolve-Year-old lrrr lbcdthi. messies. mode] o! clesnliaess. Ail tic men 41iter bis recovery lilssaciooi heacier take off iheir vet sud di-ty boots. We Ooiplalaod about litis, conduct. At have goond feli aipers for tiem, t,.u home o b. ss ervoua anti Irritable. voolea bienkeha for each lbcd,hwo blg Wiien 1 i ced au tire Redi ci-uea o Sud shoved ad an ortierly hiha "tesoui iow i couti src ni-e an lacrease ta te foi- trais. good aboyer alliavance hecause o! Our neviy bora baihs anti vae mi-nmsesd altegelisi-, bai. I holtitheur r! my trouble viti vicu hie big i-oom lin finisiieti. 1h vilHarr. On uheir adi-ice Itok hlm ho beca model o! everythtng I sbonld b%, au oculisu, vbrr raid -làsses ver, neeti- paiticuiai-ly as sui- lest Soucifia bar- cd ltmoedieîely recause of lie veci- ber. Lasi jeci- th. mec aleptInlathe ouedi condition of tire ejea tollowiag roasti We bave ariopitd lie AuberZe moeies e no hmrger causes trouble sabhats as the. «ay sensible fotever el bomne or auet rrri as tic i-dacnd tioui- floors an. alvaya ____ ___T. R TO GET SHEL TooYuNçTJgW CapaI.TUAT IT RMsSON epanRoosevelt Whs W.. latNe.. pitUl, Laude Redi Crese OAS -MIASK% ý. O -Capt AciudRoeet h é Many people sar: "Wby doesq' thie ocntiyvas tuured anti nurmai maci ho gavertiment do thie vor f0hePhie ledbhlu a Led Cross boepital, la Cross?" Tbçep la ano botter reply ho speaking of the Rted Cross vonk, lar.- tii question tia tuellcitosen.ofthi.ported ias bavîni- sait: activîties o!fth* Ainelcanlied Ci-Oea "The lied Ci-oso li dotag cverytliitg Lent Augusu sAinerican l.t Cross possible for us. 1I rannutiai to much lssued. an ord« er Lauanuatomobile ho la appreclatlon if thier efforts, whlci be given ho c flmcii beepital for cta. mcii. us fèei asr if %ne wcrc back honie. tii-caor Toul, nesi Naeey. A lot of 1h la a gresu conriru ho us fellovu la chintzes for thie boirSOIn% ver. sent Iloeials, anti if our f ok& couluse dova ho bhaisamUulUp, a lot of toys lie vay ve are irelng làen cm 01e for thie cItltt'sB--Fasflc childi-en they vomit stop rý rrying." brought In fr10 5tic vii- zoné, tee The lied Ci-osa r'baplala ibispar- youug tdkeep os hlsir gusmciii To. ticular bospital happenst ho b.Detter day hen lRed Cus automobie. aseillanga o! Urouiru, Mame, uo taugbt boulintuhollc ges bOUfptaà$ le CaLptalu ROOsevelt et tbO. Giotoa lmace Irrenci el0dtec vinasparentsi, aClitol. TIhRd ('rosa ahfioppingSMo~v beiti la siavery M Beimany, are nov les li he bospjrtihan ho"ecmmis. bing dunipeti asuts <y et Evica, on sioeti y Captcin Roosevettho Ollt&ln tse Fcano-I tr *0. a »eW uclforun for hlm te rmpl" e WaÈ*j Oui- g.vob ot"iMlt for ons vbic* ea tom nthoplate- umne J'rpmb ebUideL Yet It mini ho dqa»d isa Ouaed by fragments O i. if & ireucb m*islbblteIl hee i5 l551. la te 0 e pt u> vbme.utie f The piece o! shrapnl vbïcb veut ,êneltanPet aU ast Nb e d Cii-hala Roosevelti viles pissat. a pat oStiti ul~ ~1ç la rsj d uthoCai-haîn lhRoevt'sb à0m, Wl. C UNCOLN 'igi lacis elRed Cross womea vlth hot coffee and ksandwIecs, a-tmakin hlm comioriablci 0dola' the ie 11 kind "hings yen andi bis dmother are mait longlo' ho do ibis min- ilute.- y ' Whea ('brîstnia,'oine a-ho 5ev 1, hite buudlc-s from home got te P im? ho gave hlm i toiga-ceudy dand umokes and suif,-on Its own se- *couat? Tue lied .Cross, thaha vbo I And viien le cd Ithe lied cold andi *fever vbo supplie(I thre nurse that did imore than anybody else ho figbtthe ypneuiaonla off? The lRed Cross. Dan; it obody aise. d "Anti vien bc'. on the shlp goin' Scroas, wbhe es niaichIa' hrougb France on is wsy ho them treaches ave i-end t mnuch about, vien ch lait bo'a lathose trcnchtes-wlro'n lookia' Ieut for him evcry minute of he hUme? WIIWh" motherin' ati fatherin' hlm, * mueé as yon and your wife would give *ail tus vide vorîdte hobechibe ho do? Wiy. the. Red Cross, justt he Redi Cross. *"Andi vien lai goes over the top ho get bis firat rosi punch sh the KaIsees gang o! pirates, suppose he geha a btig- elet tirough hlm somewheres. It cma j.luit as ihkeiy b. hlm or my Sain as !anybody else's boy, remember Chat. ycHel yla' ont tiiere la No Man's lanti. asudlts nigiit aud cold aud ,ret, and bels la pain. avful pain, and- Mi-. Grlggs Inherrupieti. "For mercy aakes, don't, Claleb 1" b, picatict. " 'ctt eae htluk of IL" "Thon yeno oughh ho. 'Twti de yen gondte ho hiak just a lîile. Fter psutty 0moon wbo coin.. craw1îla' aloag uiirougi thc bell lire ho hum and gives hlm va- ter-and morphine, if he nectia it--and bîntis op bis wounds andi carii..hlm back ho the place where the doctora are? And whose dochors are hey lieu gives htmnthec very beau treatmniet tthatas possible, anti viose hoapîtat do.. h. go ho aftervards, andi uhose Edochiws anti nurses laite sucb gooti car'e o! hlm tierN? Puttin' I1h*al ho. i-cuber, wbo mcii.. ,lm Gihii- a weil man agaîn andi mci.. 1h possible for bis fether andi motiier and sîsters te tay cyes ou hlm once more? Nobody on thus eartb but the Red Cross. Andi Goti bleus 11h,1ay! Whsi la Your Son WorthtehoVeut r "Andi now you wonder wby a man no Rricher than 1 am la gîvin' a bundreti edollars ho a sociehy thc's dota' aIli t raad a million times more for my boy. rLook ber., Dan Grlggs. How muchin youx son worth ho you? If you coulti sav. bis lîfe by dota' 1h wouldn't you àseU hc fana andtihe stock ati jour 'bouse and the lant shirt ou jour hark? ýWouldn'h yeu give hlm the lait cent yen bcd If be needed t tehosave bimsciif frein torture and deah? Weil.the L Rd Cross la dolp' cverythiag humans c au do ho save hlm from tiose thilags, i ad Ita wsarmln' bitmandi comfortin' >hlm and keepin' hlm vell andi happy 1besidea. And what It's dota' for hun elh's dola' for cvcry one o!the ic diers St e ieldIs orthe thicit' camps, fie thospitals-ceveu In lhe Germnupris- e ns. And it needs moaey-cnd you 1grudge givin' ut" j Mr. Orlggesbook bis beond. B "No, I don'the b.ssld, -'lgucem 1 can spore a hantinedteeto-for th Machie Ides Sct iR25 Mnts Dy RUTH4 DUNS^&. "Boy snowy white jour fingerslook agalastthesacarlet vool t" was the favorite speech o! grand!suher vise ho vas paylag suit ho grandinotier, vbo, If hlahory la correct, neyer al. loved lihtie utaiga 11ke love and court- &bho tedlshract ber mind on. minute trous ber knithlag. The. modern young manlarobieeto sur opportunhy ho makethes. pretuy apeecisa, for the vool la titilangte sesiist but kiekl. Worac jat, the malt ienta hefore a cold ti, seelme. chi» nesd griada off stcks la as mmay minutesçe. 1h hake bonurehoemIraiheu. This la what efliclencytdon esho. mance. In tie varlous Red Cross vonkrn of the New Yonk Counhy Cbapter Qiesa arc aearly seveuhy-five stick màtiltuas Elgbu o!fthese are la the model vork- room st 20 East Tblrhy-elgihth stresi am ohers, tint have been ordereti am bh up by trafhic conditions. Bere Initia.. hors icaeithe use tif the maçbia. t Red Cross woniiers. A complet, pair of Bocks ca lu made toi>thiemachine la 25 minutes. The machine tooke Ilkei a cross berwffl flsing tackle and a pili. drlve, Vie work.rthreada 1h hhrough the aam carrier on ho the threade. oit of hemachine laea Icie eOr neetiles boni etaheendsi lhkscrochethmoa gweaters ciso are made on thé àsm machine, the atrips ssv.togodh.s"hd ihe rihlag eh top and -bottou kWO eM br bandi. Besidesthe machins a in tl»d Orns vrirosta ter MNYlmANTO ANY By GERALD STANLIEY LEE DO not know how other men feel "but it, but 1 j~ il t ard. with ail that is happening. b the world tod6l% loo salboy -in the face.- When a smali boy looks trustingly up to me am 1 see his world -the world he thinks lie is goina Ilm have, in his eyes, 1 arn aftaid. The look in his eyes of the word he «tinkh i going to have cuts. me to die quick- l'have always feit 1 baci an understandling wà1ti' smalilbdSy before. But the Iast four years when lie looks at me intt old way and 1 think of his woid-tbe one 1 sSe in eyes-the one 1 lad mysef-the one every smnal bày, lias a riglit to. 1 see suddenly instead the one, tht * being Ieft over for bim by me, by ail of us. tb. one hÎ1eý have to try to put up with, have to live in, have tô be, 0 man in, when you and 1 have stopped. trying. Then when I face the. amai boy I want to go ça- in awide high place alone and thlnk and ask God. 14 want to go dlown into the city and fight-fight with > W money and with my hope, go over the top wý- ilki religion and then corne back and face the smail boy,,~ There are days dwrIng thus struggle when My - is spent and ail the. wortd seem made of im*n.-ad and ait these crowds of people flocing throu*Jh streets who do not seoin 10 caMe It seems as if 1 would riot tum over my hend to a world to live in myseif. ... It does not matter - me-and sorne days the. people 1 see go by make me tbink il does not matter about them. ...r Then suddenly 1 go by troops of school dùhIdr four odock pouiing out it the sré.. -. 1k. fire, pouning like sunishine outi mto the sb«eeM.1 Il is as lhe roll of drums for the Uberly LoenI 1 want 10 ring great church beils to oeil peoplIpj the Red Cross I My mile for a man's finding outi jut how much should subscribe lu the Red Cross is Ibis Put down your. namne and address on, the and leave the amount open to think. flien try' past a schoohhouse about four o'clock heh are pouning out. Or in tiie evenmng when the hbuse s quiet down your mame .and the besl figure you dare ont white paper. Then go upstairs aminute andook inthec~X TheniAok at your blank when you corne oy once mome A MESAGE PROM EDWARI)M. IIUReY Chalnnan et lte u. led status Shipplng 'sa. EVERY dollar that bas bea appropriated by thie Ecan Red Cross lu tAis warhas welded closer, relations hlp between the United States and thc uatM~ the Entente, a relatlonship that wlll have a marked ee uponthe peste council that is conlng. If thla work of spreading the gospel of mmry I..~ continue, evory man, womnan and child hthiso must give the American Red Crois Ais fuilloat uUPPO*;; its second campalgn for $10,000,00ô. Our boys lu Europe are looking te us te, baek tbuq, and 1 know of ne botter mneans of supportlng thom UMs through the ustrumentality et the American Red Cro.I6 The good it haa ilrcady accompllsed gud Uiche u*'I forts sud wolfaie It wll provide Itter when thestj of war beconies zreater for Uic United States forces, ma The original aofttis veswa. found on an Anris. dIeV braveIy fought snd aseiMably died. The man la yet u»Im.m Ye *&o have faith to look with fearless, e Beyend the tragedy of a world at strite, And know that eut of death and night shail rWs The dawn et ampler lite. Rejolce, whatever maglbtend tAhehcart, That God has give!n you 0 pzkçtegs doweî'* To live inhee grat thus*"have your pay li freedom's crownlng bout That ye may teli Yeo »M y e oethie lagAt Righ 'l th.aven*k-thoefrherftage to take- "I Baw the powerso et*ykneu put te flight, I saw therAc m tflh brea ."

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