CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 8

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Logi i it "FMVA0Jetale a fo isho la la k tuberçM*lpýaaI5Wb Word vqq recol yod Fvidy. Ibeé SIsolor d&ý o Tb@1- tesi a hek »d l ir49m d pcb hit MW0 tSS5llei5l dsph15 Pa1 lot there 1h5aplot. Mr.iaôi m ,,Westber boi'e tbn kmsvitil e a t oztsgiî vppesab" seu su el ta Iguare public.e s ttisqo ~~~ bu#A" re ae7 pMd ao sdobsrudr IVANlIOE is15%OtMhoUilpulc. Sb.*ha. hsed Min u(Iiè S g4 ohe*ciiand at M auIa iii.ulwbemTb!za. p l% e oîk aso eà'l l 80,t at900.u51 tlag.iii. îloaaty ioctieîiee.819Ï Wll ie lot ec~atlgiehu< )IdOP ilnd lq'tbe eoriuty ai veli ai lia ki. 0~ ~l t1~hllr.a »i gbàz, sd mi stend pzushy io:W doak 10' blp-lu île 1the. i fhmulîY. megbtercarne ta giaddinthe su&d lisMm ruit Moore, ce teeday alivth bée adoter, i-woott, at Irvlna Park."- $d Uts.ý D. 8. Dolph mmdi su' opl p ta cgolibratet of the un. va oiler ai Chilcag, vlid lahlir, MmIt.Prauk ,Vlduy, laguit Wris ipent Wedntsdai ir ~lti,mltsSggoat Gages laie.. hi vsiid a mise staithe e oura Y"a Mderoral service aofAres, sd Lake sud lesuhoe vîll bé hld ton Lae durc nei unday ~, ~mln.a~ilo'loc. ltbe ta mili bte ~ndlthbopsd ILAEX JI L. %%i nutublage &ad faill vlaited abt Mr. *ami Uap. E. Poldwon sperit Bandar hI the home PlI A. lwbbrdo. Baàttuft4s vi sclp ieomo lir. antlirs. T. Cooper ts8eu l a ,à.i i,ýiw.~i. pteli M. -lis The IL Bodgbius Iaullp bacalhots fm the lidtp Suudà4 afeieao. litr. pad lra . pom sud daugbter of Obleago, reaeatly vhlted mfth F. Miltchell sud fsmllp. Mn.F. sOisudCluarelaweri ditp shappers Saterday. lire. W. Iiéntb&ler @peut Ftld*y la the Ciy.1. 1 Th. Red Cran vîli serve luchiet Uaeril'î pabillon on Dicortilon dap. The -Ltbu'IYvie MdsePudoat ha. ti ggm muutmu .la t'ma cutp. n-es-a--m--I ~WAI*NT AS RATEs-Ornecea aWod, Ragi lanataoa *@NIIsa ve -00 bushais9-..»luJbbom 4* f~ rou fou id. Ber- 2os 784-2. lii iSs.gU' Sos veli dv, et acrou ni Poil di» sobresd- Itirj abois ultwp Para, ~0eoiHlhvo*avmnu, vm. t 0f talieor -P. 0. WêtElui -t*is pdhoma.lot& oni kMe. mmsortts. -9 io*#bAI.E Odu iN-Ëboueisud Rdvh Astin, Phoe 26. 9d lou IliGULLýNpo Irnanw~à~ MIN WNT<OAt Lberiivlrace M urak, ot ri*ug ud euselwor. AppIX aitans track. FOR SAEPlrekro utoumoblU,, first.elmu condition.' 1021 N St. Jobns A«e., Hlahlsnd liatk. 202 SPEOlAt,"Ôidou meis 10 cent a quart, e t Leutvouiiy'a., OVERa8TocOEO-WiIi neil bleck mars 1 j.uan ld, wslgbtI 10, or clisetu lorn, làpj aiod, vîighî 1050k aho tmregblk botter. WPull.»able t bul-si hait puce. A..Fsauer, Ara. Second tain mait of Ivaaios.- 1 Uhams ir«ed it? N NU. 0. Fr>mI UlWU~5UiUW The Chi "Wis at Lake ZutaC ie ai I"l01111001, beote the ormnnsent of bueinam a plemas '~>dag 01 Mal 1918.,aimai. 10 èe.Audiioe0of Publie Aceounti aI Thursdou me 91 Illicoli, pur.uat 10 Lw.Laies REBOURIS l i dp s D icuti ............. ...... ......................... ............. -................ 14.4.......n.. ...... . ............................ . 698 7 8 heh 0 ....... ................................84l. p4,000 Tai l ................ .. . 11 7093 » atu agija Ptaa Paidla.. ................... ........... 500C i i ffl r eP uoI set.............................1........ . . . . . . ..... 37 0<64 W srepoo ...... ....... ................. . . ....... . '5 ,9 9 0 isepto Isis e » . ......m..s.....t.. t...................... .................. &:MO 04 lWa Chi etocé;Paule.............. .....i............... 1858MO00 nvà e àl oftIbIe st ...... ' .................................... 1,1 2987 10n -Àa ,. Lna. Caublr 01 du.OSite Bsnk of Lake Zurich 6o oimullyl So, ubalvé it*tizusasle trS ta the bei a01nMI keovlsdgsud b.iM. . lie Walter àA. LnCailler. plae the OPILINOISCOUNT! 0F L I, m..conautp0 i mih l sd vorsba tavoe au * th u rI0 et d a r , 1918. ?rogms . XPlie eNctaty Public. gra.e. ATTE~ND' u PNf A. ;Mf BROS.' PAVILION lb. veel DWANONU LAK(E, ILLIN4OIS'M.a ameia kATURDAV Muni, .MAY, 2.59 4 Su: SV Cofalci MASON'S caril ICE J"ZZ: BNO ln. ~O*ETS~-75c, Mrovu au,.DaDm siltoa m Md Oluit.,a Prof. 01241l". t L"m -Stét o(tbe W" bahie ab * bous ormei MueaSarh go@* Ji vld at 1Wb1 wsskud w~ MI.. jth sd Grâce élisM*yrE corplldb Ilhd.g PMt atpdap pd fud*> viti Adsubtetr V46 bora ta lir. sud Mms 0fv:W r Deue. B.. -Bie"Iapi ohldreb of 1 pùi-qtlsltlngà" as tba bOW4 id lire. L&IM Cook. e,40404leùtamacid bobine« lb btemisngexiss. ô!oftii.quoi 01 dmanor ti. Vaod tbwadblMM s@abot wi b. b uitWenh evd.N !91ttib bhe bugb seool y6 osdstu.. four girls Sud ou. box myp la thé 1918 aimi. Min grrod i am pium lait l Chlcago, wvkt iser, MU.P.Schaeffer. R. O( Rlirnan îhipped a bad of catbie laut week. Rd l#raadlng, Xia Lina Ludolf, Wax. Blernmt ud landjlprotored out froux Chiefalo Unday alfsuon. lir. add Mlis. A. Kmirnhum int the woet.nd at 1. OhnWe'. Chas. Saboîssud lplly vflsled the IorMer'o paresnts bise s nday. *Ur. @Ad4Jfli. R. Bustier sud cbildren vid relatIves bsre overthe week-end. ., d hao bu pu rsaelved trou mai rasding, ttating that lie laion hie, vay saiton lapsous other camp. lits. Pestrer la Apreni vitl lbe mother u Vakegn, ths letier listing iskmntly blioen ber atm. Lavtencs Hrà »sd Arbur Wit muont' tiiose caed lato servie $hie wé.k. 1). Mclérsble hthe corner of a no Ford., Mt. T. Wlilliames pmni Sonde'ntaiei Cottage heu.'. C. But.spont 8aturMyan sd Suaday ai hi. fam.. J. Fisaiga. sud "91llp utorçd to North Cbklu at Thuado. Ur. Rartusu ipsot ErN a Cu hifago. C. Pistezrnotozed to Waugamg lait A"able Clîngi bai ein s mplored liy W. tPlagÀ t'Odo dsedvlng. W. Peiner led Irisde hsons Itur- d*y sud Sidp IL Poli sud famr b~ ave rnov.d trou tbe Pok. bulidIng 10& cotes near mi."ns u e @et sotBnday *t ber nome bnes. O. usteae, ipatWsdedmy lu ffYMU. \ 1A1 viiistut.ed tb ur rbs ut îr. ÏWïiîi lb. wud à drje W te W@Mff furpt et ba ghüxteet. Mm d Mgais. 'Ber . Dg.Orborme, of aokovUl, vI*0," ehome of Gorge,.5uw*U Tlýré istl h b. a triotic. mmeeti01o Ibm Pugis Deerfeld sudVisdl aiten lit. IPWui@ ov4fflgeelburh a% Dii mgt 1188&W at 7:80 P. a. 84WV . . Rs*, 1ussarp of the.a"sCoucu olbiih.. Oldelivor the main adirmn. Ai U ia».m r lme eoung pffo* ci the eue #"stou wilil dilcts a srvie iliiaiiiemor ofthon crc m eulera ahat havi jllmed aur army or nsvy. Bevbody wllil b. welcoms. CLMOiS OUT BIISIS FbW 31* . -.heracbbergr, ofl:PsIrl Vher#wiatecler'ai Tii.Inde- po.sdeaiogee. Bfe uecs ntliod hig eld grail iban d cool buhuiseseaI hast pidà»ta U .Ttlpp, oaimes, Who ih nov o~ama .The buiness, knovu .m"h 180, but durig elesh.Ul an pua. eoeducedhi ud u is&mie of Olige.J.. g.rschberver. Il 6s*1"a leo sock féood, pogIW rmidis and fi7 câsoo% a'bIcà I WinI sa iat JIL 11-3t lCapt Uof.ttIndarses Bavinia Club W for Sldiers and Nverjr def t- "* i pias tii.wom. sun o! tu I m*vhialu r mkng lii Msm flou Orit lau. ud Part ftwldan tue aee recelved en- ihuoiltelIivU e " it yeeterday tT. pl41a-fl jrI vth r.e J-o ouqua"s- , - maoutefltethi ro. stw Mewê ura ni m in. .. okçmopsr, of la thaeïr 'orl4,"bu ibid. "The r..'... SOnOL NOTU eWii*tb7 audr sgireai.Itm for. tir hIldreu f lth. pimari tac. ipunl loyal 'sud gsUe«M, onCOpertidé ut bIltuoon oni lu île -vcods bda vouk a ueiy lova ttou Ibm moti soeiig YF«etovaspêniezt l teelîn aets whlch tuenrsen lu ufmion h. -ta tié puti ibis sumaber. -Paur buu, tlama MOgitI xercla., rid men uil b. ialertatued on Biat- Can Nigbt »ten1ééh&hve tesurdays sud SuWkdajetaidtiner, efier. kd fer Tedà vme, iyjjj oon concerts, sud the psauo dazcev )» o th t« mbb 01tihe Park .laet theïr disueusiai mlt tmes grade liaé Pepaired aanuaber for «eXPt Concert 'boums. <graU, lucadiuqifi. peopho.a ,Concerte vini fisglven eon Man4ay POM,étaiétlesnou, Wn sud Frday oeuages; itz solo. b7 pos, taiilabsn vlIan~ grand opera aMuis. - ýTu.eday, Wed- un varIous subjue. 'Ahe czan eeiay, Thurf"". SMbur d u x-i znhted tmule sprogram inipBS&day .veungs ame. ogeaaigut. ith, a taiented rsader sa of iversi Ipee eperimcaWho EU iuct aoflithe u a oaarvalorke g JI~ 'a o. W il n ter"al iti i.ieticnu durlng le progvaie Ob comalder mm *&ohou MerUa grade&"o, for that vIl taie beuiddie of JansetaiAres lu s *ntls,. Tbhileaerel a lais m c tO ibm bfis t'ri *0 ht gb Dr. Hastis of~ TM asmiieraim &W,..Prank, Récri.L. OeMB. Kohi, TOofe ~~N e a2h, B. Nemasu,à. Norton, ji. Dône at fiftt L 8ko Rsunsr »P a. 'fount.I),E'. atnapmlq0 roglau vW le pn etd la dm Central Pretjil aaabarlh ,whe, h te: a M xifflTUesd1ap eVeuMlgssrving sa ueap#lal ai th. Great $ ueokâ. Tie rse no, spelsW Lattes naval ett.t6sa«bhome on a leu, mai are in îliod. sabat Ibave of aFisMuseoveliI&MnIgbt, isys the JolII4 iIib"Oldev. 1. H j asintga leozoi sabelat over bis wark and laOv m tIos go Oseorg@Goodmansud ltr. Sei'%"Il of'the w8r VttbieJécules viia rbd friende lunWNusIlamd over arecomlflg under le ite "I hbave beem« &s*lF mlremmaed k.sud. ~~by the tact illat titra hle li 410it. 0More nde u song and 1*4 Èjiufmaly smagu a.Io Pinuetis, vre theIug4ap =ckesat théuet .,tImixes "Mr it the home of Fred B3oaepr. training station hbs,-ou oties Au rzucnGsrltpvgatii gat o clvllemm life.1' 'al;te . Rsle tbs "Fathers and mirâ g-mesdbavs ue tea Hane, af Shetuervllu, -Thora. !earmfor their heP viWhoifzela Ibls trailning camp, ft sbaià"*donueIbeir Anderson sud Evsld EKIntgm, full duty lau*the oi Id te De"ail unday sud vere hrel rasl Mnl uiat à. every lUne a-inmg lib .ls*le. hey sta of linas lizabeth' Ruicblt. are able ta put a buhal gane or a, Flood sud Usaote-sud John grand opera. r weïe tbe gouti 0ful'sJames 'There are about ,00,men lui m î0f Wauskogn, Supdapy. tralnlng camp ahi tt*lAin. mHhu &rdTheria, o Bihisd Prkdredi, are leavlng 4.117 for 4utrwffhl id~~~~ ~~~ TireiaRlhadPkequal numnbers is ta*4gteBlr 9140. ofek.indtiuest aI Ves.i, 1 lla. 1 Elîjotbe lacceptid th. pealtion M-sny Churches fièpepifiw. liane nper*tir. laMoruton Grave. Accordini ta h'. iRastlla è4. * tILt ,i. i h.. 9 ie aal*awtisn tSOSOrlty~th"re a num'ber otS uh1llsa ulhp tii bsieUf 61 561 uttoiaiVi.....j. ~ la Uomft. "~8IA~. J. NIE KO541U~.iE.lL I Tie-uyngEéono..imy YourcarmSust sreWraterMServcsblYsr tbnewer tefSre. 4 sgised up your wotk-lacrese mur working pover. 'rhblesbw t Cur cooomy ies in utmost ser%*. The moot economicâl tires are ltboge whlch wIll gie you greatea use of your car. TMmes juz-t what United Statea Tires wliU do for you. You cma deped on tbam for -contlauôus service, --most muase a t Iowest iégecolt. Foqulp wlth United States Tlias Our asert Sales mimd Service Depot dealier *111b. gladte 14 s7u nselsectium. MODEN FLOO)RING Neat to air. light and heipt, floors have more. ta do with, the comf art of teoccupants of offices and public buildings tIinm any -one feature of' construction. In oither days wood, asphalt,, marbie linoleum, composi- tion and carpets iled ail requiments, but mndern'-cdesignl and con- struction bring, many changes, and todisy the floouing question is a petpiling one.,. Archittim ad engners recognime thse neeti of matenial for floors pas- sessing durbbiity, <cobr and design, together with an appreciated teit- ure-itâ'reàistmnce t. ire an&i dampamas. Thoe qualifies, at maderate co &Dae i obtainable in QUARTZTllE. which isesepecially ýadapteci for publicbuidîigshîels, clubs, libraries. churches, halle, restaurants, etc.a"das it isbàmonioui in tône an~d color, it willalsoe fnd very satiskaory for many rooms in privare residences. * QUARTZTILE. Will Last for a Litme IJeSmET QUARTZ TIIE GONIPANI AREA, LLINOIS t k.- f..' -- . t --.-,-,..-n.S;--< t - - "WWWWWWIý 1 .1 - - 1 i- 16--- k-- - il

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