CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 May 1918, p. 12

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p'an pFor ----,-----* ~r- - -r LIBERTYVUJLE TNIWPENDENT, TE[URflDAY. MAY 30.1191 in hai in fututre the rate ofConlusionofe a ftiall prhaled te, re-1' 51PUUN' less water rents are paît promptly. tiaei a plg and O(rrin Metcalf donat DÀ 'N E Y o e T c t l n ones hal bc $7 a year each PO ST 14 A ST E R A N D vconclusen of he affir fed 1thre un- ~II 1 he reutais ire paid before July lpjlf fy ed a rooster. uu of each year the rate la te ho fil IIILI E'Ernest Barnatable finally gelthti e>1 ach as now, the $2 being a discount- registered caîlf but Inquiry al the tirCKùp flot paît Itefore November 1 il 1 qN b /'ci. ha afwasb me .tcrtisto o 7NET# n R .C e>trdcl. hscl wsbuh te Is teho $6 antd Ir paî aflor N o Elby one nman andt thon ttrned ba>ck ent er . th raMUCl tFOR $.*frg teRed Coste utilise i aalm EALTY ýCTIVE Bath Hause Plans,.In this way it waas slit and resolit nabilty in gel plumntg for AutinatGune8al ha- utha $73,850 in Loans Placed on prp dadditionstelte municipal acterîzed 4yMy No' St thus realizeid Irons Ibis particu. Record in Recorder's Office lbiilhlioutie, accoidlng te Commissioni- Features lar animal. Il'. S. Ilarnatablo aise rn h atW e -or Orviswould iiake I mpsibe____th__ Iserdclf urn hePstW e put tp- flie addition la lime for seAnd then the roosier tiat was auc, Waukegan to Share Cost of titis stmuher uni.ýsas ome othere pian ROOSTER SOLO 22 TIMES 1tioflOd off-wetl, sir. that roaster waLs Obtaiiig te Srvies JfeI siopted. His sugg"silon la that aold tu ail ovor 22 imes. lie wa CNVYNCS M D 01#iàîg-te ervcesof an addition b u pa sp"Bu epods hn a asrte 91 CNEACS M D Prof. Edward Bemis Bbe ht okr cIsaldadW uea'bmn 'Bylaro. h tg emn eralp tilet theinatrc ptigi lm-the Importance of his position. %Ira. s iianes-sby the recordera 0111iel Ingbeoiferrd te a;::::rdate. The Psmse Grady as Fin- . AfcClure carried 1dm home. .ît~î for the wep.k ondlng Iday 25, 1918. by SPECAL LECTIONJIJN 21 archîlar a i. rin ufihenie - regîstereti pis, and Mrs. T, J. StahilSecurity TitI. & 'Trust Co. 1 fMaukcg1sul, got the two ktes Number of convcyances. 91. -abry Dcard Niac WHA "AUCTION"1 MADE FOR whlch weré aîctioned-off. Nuinhar of chattel mortsages. 19. 1 WARREN RED CROSS A coMmîlîle of 15, worklng noter Number of trust deeds and mort. -Penalty Provided. Buy Nprmn Brown, as chairman, hal gages. 21. 2,00 ee c FreH se ABANDOIN PLAN Of ReIgttered caif brought $100, CZ7are of the work i thal section Total number of Instruments filleit Onegih 9- ai-$17. and they workcd mc,îlîiligently, a 1.34. LTI One. hage-413. lad slown hlth le resuits. i Total amount of loana, $7L:.sso. PU CR S, E O D Ore,. roos etter-.435 2The whole Iutea of the evening wam Bustr&io has> been a lutile beit[orl' WORK OF CITY COUNCIL II N I E E @ N arPtte..4.VtOy igniticant and eevr-Yody hait durlnig the weeks and boan; falrly againat the propoed increase in rates RdCos a .oaws8,0. nîsheit tattet for the evenlng and portant deala cof the weo>. b>' the North Shore Cas Co. »., eet;aeauto toad8 of guests f rom the In Wankegan: Unssell il. Odwards' 2-Set Jun e a. s the d"te Of L (f ailtltse big timee, Iiiey have ever sont rwpre prosenit. ocok titiele bthe Mayor Kblk uhe 4.0 bn u n m nasity i.Edao orrîaehall In Gtrnvr, the lRed (Crosesamiction Accortinl, 10 the lRed ('rosa promo- property oneanal aide South (lenesco teic t$s0,te000 bdputste adinrfenI t Appndavrto us on t he boIr bWootman hall Montay nîgnh tors, the Illinois Training Fart for nt.. for $17.500. dIn vo rte I ept oarfrn- MtrAprau nte provod tebc ho ie stellar oveni. IlbGirls at Libertyville, contrihuied very Clara Hinot ught the John A 8-ai n rdnncvoctrne.salmetPlnwill go itown in the history as thse one geet#jWy Iothse Rotd(rofs funit of Steratbos a o Ah.t _____n___ ht dcarn! nsalmntPanbg enjoyable ocasion pôaaeeitg the fle Yto nilin derlant aeeaofn<'onty u.Id, Derberry a nu isance and providing a most uniqe ant novl featitre. over ___t.,__for penalty for vioiations. ms nqeadnvltaue.eé oia olieain 4-Vote ta purchase 20W0 feei of WILL TAKE STEPS NOW planndeit anov ontertainment irrangc. noiaon e Idnp erain rfo ______cd for the people f*the.*** fni * the Mary P'. Schneeider 66 foot lot on iNi oefo h ahta oeIl wss an atietion Li thle fullot ese we idle As et. for nominal con Company. IvsiainShw htS-0f the Word andt red Grabise. the it-îo. 5--Increase thse rate of water per IvsiainSosta e viett knoun itctâoneer, wais thore r iaeLISSO amur l bugt be.bhî.Itg faucett where water rente are oct cond Hand Apparatus Would ofîitaiaîug fle îeading rois,.TaeU ea Sme odbuh h onHg alPrfPU.And as a reàult o f1h auction,îîg gîies properl>' on sautb aide l.Ake psd rmpi>.Be Costly to the City off of hive stoc'i. between $500 andt Court for $2",(0. The ityof aulrgani,"fi)talr $60 ws ce-ied fr te Rd CossSamuel WTdcomnbf, and wirr Tore t aapi%-Waulrt an it lilit10)wa t'r1 o IelebCqv ought five acres on West Wahiing mor l'n îari'e arIn .heigti'andt te cWarren quota vent lover flfaywaod F Palmer, Camp ('tier, Ion et.. west of ctty limais in Se(,. 17 te, prevent the Nort Shore Gas. corn- W.ttlrgan. .dy the top )wltb a bang.2,Eio buhr ooh,1. fo .F lsbefrnmn pan>' Irons obtatning the incroase in Visulrran l'as ibandonli tIhe sue Bonsites lte auctoning off of liv ;E Chas G. Slprr, KCohca, 1 . fronstt .ion e, o ori rats wic iltomnt 'he c:yCocOnof îtrhatnca srsnitha t Ite lîtieresting feature of bthe Nette E. Anderson, saine.27. In North Chicago: John aand NMin commission Montny nigil volet an tirée ngine for thse local lr epat ventnff'wasclie fornmat auctloning off Roman, Milwaukee. 25; nie S. McCahe boughLjjse Emil San- appropriation te make il possitble to imont andistops bave erbot aken i0n « Postmaster Daniel Graty of Cake Hattie Rogneke, same. 25. dahl ive lots ¶tn norti qide 22nîiet. oblain fic epreimioary nîrviy of t'-olpurehase an oengine niat wiil beho p conty, chairman of tIhe Waukegin Edw.Sc Ming lwankee, 2i; o- vest of Stewart avefi. for inticatet situation frota Prof. Fdward RemistIotale In a]l respects. ho abandon- division of thie Red (Crose cornmitteel. ga Sottkup,sanme, 19. coîtieration orf 82,0011 regartedas e ofai le moat clhert-i ng lie plant of ptrcbesing a secondl 2%ot onhY was thr Uhve stock soIt Walter I-f. Kotantier. Powaulcee. In Hiighland Park: %fax Hlart et exports In Ibis part of lthe eountrY. hanti englue Il was decîdet that il lime and i ie again a%4t the jîurchas- WIE., 24: haie Kuenzl. Coigate., Wis., bongbî the Wm. A. Churchill rosi- Tbe action followcit a report isy wotiit ho a caseofi por ur irnent ors ttrîtet Il bnck Io tbe Rot Cross . dnea 25SuhSerdn.a Corparation Commetîsel ttkley liai ise for Wautlegaaito pttrchase apparattya for reauctionîng, but Poalmaster Gm. a- fe rie IotLka2,dnea 2 ot hrtnRa *ttended ise gasi; eaîingin C(iciago jwhlclt tînt beanuiiscartoil bIc suoiOt>'waes oldl taireimself and aI lie iNna ][ramer,. Waukegan, 21. colonial type rmsidence for $20,000). the middle of tast we < att hie tch 01h1'ity. proent timte iwo Waukegan on Peler J. Schmsidt, Milîwaukee, 21; J. K. Dering of Lake Villa, bougtgs time the commission seoistet opposeti Commissioner Staypr sent lto have a leaso on tbe Posîmasterone a Ama Gruehin, same, 22. the Clinton J. Spencer place ah enuli- to granttng a>' e'îlenitct itcay. T7h crama b a n& unteT of cilieg anking reanit of Grat>' havtng farmally de- Clarence G. .ewetl. St. louis. eanb coîrner of Hazel and Si. Joins gas e4omptany pult n constterable wittb egard In 1he' ropaslilon oIf claredtIhe MWatkegan oMtcaI sohi te 10 4;dnaBîhelShbyaW>.avfr2.00 pe'oof. 'Tie matter 00W lv lo bc ak- renting iii a vlew Lu ptrciasing lire thora.4 26. rhleSebyan I.. Vict or Thr2h2 oui00boit. en up v.tb Prof. Bernis aho wvil lolk engnes which migbt have bpen dis-KVconhrchbuh bu 1 th situation upte thle prescent tim,, placet b>' more modlern appas'atius. Tic 'saleý" ofthe poalmatier camp. Fryjk Bluttera, Krnosha, 21; Mate. foet frontage on west site Sheridan and the gas company wilnesses Iben He receivet but ibree rî'tsie-aone an a climax le flite eveninge oenier-.fine gppcrs, saime, 19. Road ln southwet 1-4 Sec. ?1, 43. 1:1, viii ho crosa-exuiminet. Prof. Bemis from Milwaukee. cne frota Aurora, balnment wii(n ho happenedte bch Arthur C. Welty, Racine, 23; 1,i1-noar cuunty lino from lerbert lham. thon wiIl announce what us charg- andi one frott Springfield. istantin gnear Grabbe. Crabbee han A Johnson, sanme, 20. mont foi nominal consieieraîion. os wilI ho for couitucting te lght Tic thrse offers were anytiing but reaciet over, placet hie hanit on lie Fred Lennertz, Racine, 19; Cathser- hluI)eertleld Townsbip: (beo. lRa- tu a finish. sattafaclor>'. acrording io Commis- poalmasber'n aboulter and 'sait -Ilo ine Salese, Kenicaha, 19. muasen bougit lie Robert T. l.unianî )Ir. Buikie>' reporlet tlint ouiprserloner Swiyer. beatoffthie Publiechtcsarn h offered for lie postlmas- John Nelsen, Wanoiegai. 33; Car- state farta of 46 acres in Sec. 17, cilles saong the Norh Shore have êetlb sd SafdIv depargment. Ho. ter?" rie Chrinbopersen,. same, 22. for $20.0N0. .wounced their intention of sttaring sait the oIt apparatlua t e boitat a Wilh a about two Waukagan wom Albert Hemplin, Milwaukee, 21 Eugene C. Morion bongil 1-6b Inter. their part of te expense. Waukegan igi figure andth le rentaI price ta on epoke up and eacb sait "Tesn Dol- Bratin Pankrotz Ranme, 18. est lu 20 acres Ln SW 1-4, Sec. 21. in expectedt ta py 40 per cent afllie ton 1,gb oonsIterleg lie service lie iars,.' Accortingly, Âuctonepr Henry H-. Stader. Waukeslta, 31l; (rom lret 'C. SpaidIng for nominal 0051 becanse il consumes 4%) per cent apîlaratus couîT renter. Grabbe soIdthle postmaster 1ltobot Florence Creen, Mlwaukee, 2h1. canaltpmation. of tlbe gai manuificlurot by tisa cota- Other mamber% of the commission o fille womnen, Mms. Ciitntiorneit John J. Dempseey, Milwautkee.. In beerfielt Village: Francis J. peu>. Il ta ual known juel vital tbe express tebliefboteihal hy onconrag- anti Mm. W. . I. yon. Itathryn MI. Cook, sante, 2u and Maymns C Epstein look tille te prelimittar>' aurvey by Prof. Heri nieit koen comPetitia-.b lie cil>' eau eh- 'Tie vamen aceordingly lurneit ovpr Wesley Hake. Wanwatooses, Wis., 22 lots In Blocks 2. 6. 7 and 9. Deer- vili test. butthie counclha apo tain Iow bids for a modemn, motor $10 a pece to lhe Rot Cross Ires.,t2: iaSelydW'.......bdPrSbiv frm Kisre pliated $200 as ils siare o! the lIraI drîcen tire engne andthâli aIiIse urer but w>b lte epre*'enl timo lise>' Tony Vannaka, North Chicago. 921: Epstein for nominal consideratton. expfl50 and 1bae Intructed MSr. Buik- vili be possible tb pay'for ibis oit have flot formaliy tlý!zéaypossessiont ýaroneck Siebhkes. sanue, 21 In Anioci: Chinles W. Martin et ley to proceet taIt b the peoleq' figil. th. Instlirnent plan. IFallLg in such of the postuffice or the patmantor. Jeihit S. Trouheer, Mlwauîkee, i. ('hicago, baughl 30 acres lit Sec. 1. plan If is pointot onuIliat there Tiesctnn !le lve stock,1 rons James E. Broolk for inticatet The. Speciai Electian. agt]hifi; lime 10 ask for puiblie suh- provet a very intercnýting Albert C. Luening, Mtlweukee, 21:, cent eration o! $1r,000. Jue 1 asse s ieda uscrîption te a funt wltlt whicb to andtbhi tz hall was fillietI10capecit'G<ert rude IHagssamle, 21 n Fo. Lake; Chitina Marvin vhlch21waîs eathoe d o nttu î purchase the apparatun. belveen 8:30< ant Il 'clock. 1Edmunt NI. Walsh, Quanîjun. 'a.. t oak tille frons the master In chan- prpitioaugns vicivare oaime to r btki o ofîeeooy Guy Farmer hait donatet a regîstrr- I2;Kalileen i"errls Milm'au,ee 231 cery to bwo acres In NE 1-4 Sec. i9, Hoe the prosent inancial strittgency 1 iniinstl an oit ire oengine of the et cali. Norman Brown bad tonaltd Robe. Anderson. keno-uta, 21; 'Eabt~<oMnbnpae o 10991 Tbeoe propositions are as iolows alsearner type." Orvis sit.-"il oa an unregiaieret cali, Horace Vose do- McIntyre, Fon Dît Lac,26IIn LUhertyville: Richard l)ndtheé 1-To approve an issue of $40,00') mucb more ho mrainltn 'Iginesof i vorth of îundîng boantds te psy oif ibis tpe."____ ezlstIng indebtedncre. 'Ivoe pre in getsuris an anpcar- 2-To increage thte fax rate o tano attîs vo voult have e 10gel atitiontîl per Seot (on tise assssed vasatliotu hors -ri lie cslof umaintsintng of cit>' proporty. them woulti bc exoribtant," Dturai 'I'ere are t0 be t'en polltng pace., naît. LàI E N People reiting nati of the ru-dr As i resuit of tia attitude on tise] lin@o f Wter rt.t extented as' part of members of the city commis- andi yod, vil %nirealthlise ntrai ion lise îity enlzîneer bas, been lu: fi1re station. Tione r,siiing soutis of situtet b tnrauttp specifiraliofls tT .SoeT a el bbe conter fine aif ater ireet wili)it prr-sentet etlteitexit urititih SoeThiS lla oo)tex Coat. s e $ ia - - vote ai fliteSolO lu Sidle ftir statitoit moeting. follova: JUST R IE ! C'ENTRAI, STATION: OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL Jutges--J J. Temison,.-'rtiliiiETT TA SE isenadChas. Armes.EAT NFS. A SpcilPurchase. On Sale Saturday- Ctsrks-Geo. Hatholi, S. E. Ar £q peiltuind SOUTH BIDE STATION: LAK<E Co. TITLE AND TRUSTC. 2-.. l Judges-Tieo. Meyer, Ray V Abstracts of Titie.. 7111eGuar5t..d. U U à mWR Fitch and Cisc. Genelts. M aonlo Temple Bide. Phone& L4. J 11111a U Cierks.-PhiI Maiman, tauttes tain fl<At-ESTATR' iRANSFER& N 0 a u berb and Fred Bit ingr An ordinance îwas passedt t»flic J..1. i. tatke ta A. J. ,auk, ols 6 AR e.d'5*L- 't councîl delarLng tarberry, file tirîti ant 7. block 2, Cilrk'c East Shorea ber>' viclcai5fouet Innn:iey yards; iSuIs * Lake Zurich, Wl .11. In Waui.egaai a nuisance. and piro- F H. IBarleti .and vile lo Onvaît vldiiig for lit lsataement. Liîîtskog et al., W 1-2, block 42, Bart- This action folowet an alpeal letta North Shore Acres, W1 iio from the goeremenî tei s îî vIl w liarbor, Deet, $1.% 0 pointet out liai ceit year hhott Herbert Hammionit antdvle te Vic-_______ sanda of itusiela of 'ebu aI ar0 ruine-j hor Thoraci, 440 fi. on West aide ami tny the mest whitc imes irîti îroît nf Sheridan Rond, just norlb af Cook6 saun aberry. coutl>'fino in lgilatL dParc Wl). The ortinance waitns teconti-s f- $10. facUive wiltn 14) >ye aller ils puiti, .t). Scott t103.1. hPrzyiornki, Jot liestion. -pronites liaI ail P.ihrl,îean 5, bock 40, Waslsturn Park, North Sarberry le a nusatîte:, Titi chie! Chirago, WD, $125. T"he SALE11 youha eb n of police îa delogale o o Ctity own- T. fi. lutst andt wife ln R. Hl Et-ha e ee en of Barberry t e evi i rom varda. nortb end of lots; 6, 7 and 8, their promieseand ttiis tOast tu, block 3, Nc1Kay'q Att., Waukegnn, waiting for is HERE. 81 sncb on NN'I Iwo dI.scfats sncluno nf',vel1 ,lice is given. tFalure t c<inph> is utav LAndahl andt vil e bP. J. new c as icu ig v l' le ha punInhablo b>' a ineofo!fronti Schidîenisoln, loI 12, block 2n, Higi us sa.u -sia $10 te $200. larnd Park, QC. $10.ou s e i sd l c th , Boy ire Home. Nia>' E. Lutybamn, in PcIS. Raemu>.- w Tlhe ManhattanIliose iomptiny waýam.51,ensi bwo rota, vont lireea cres, m x u esa.n hco tec awardeit tifccnîreet for sîtpplylng N 12, NW 1-% Sac. 17, Derficît .L tbe cty wvus 2,100 lotI nofire incTwp., Wl), 8h. inl the seaSon S Most pon-- on ils bit o! 9; cents per (oit. Prit Est, of R. T. hainiam te George vision was mate. iowev'r. liaI the Rasmussen tractloo!laet in Sec. 17, ular styles and colorings, hose amust bear lie stattof the bn- )eerfllld Twp.. heot, $20.000. v l rie dorwriters' lahoratory aittimuît ('. M. Sîring 10 E. A. Blotadabî et lit etand up unter rigidtlests lu>t'li'un eh. lot 3. block I. Sayles Suis Fox values Lo $30, rie terwrilers. Failtîre or lise bise coon- ake. Q'QC..$1. 4lm> ~ ~ w n mnytaitterese itree cher Wa&kVIae Tv -,-Wle--- 81. in nn , nl m n Look* titte toîlehe 91119M W. Proctor sevoral openings. end'. koe la » store on oat aide Milwau'ee ave.. need or gettin< muawedUV laub for nominal conaideratlon. - 1 wild acramblo. ln Cuba:Coeom eP8tnrlch boilghtl ln line With s~etoi 41iW the Fred Grabenkort Mrm of 104 the governmont the cky Is enflea». acrcé In Sec. 2U, for $19,150. I oring tb incrqia3e the aize of the rire~ lIn 1.ake Zurich: Anthony J. Lauk deparein.. Two men have applled- bouglit two lots on weat aide La&ke te the civil iqervice commis Rion sec«' View llace frein John J. Radko for retary and tiave been dîrecied - Indi<*tedl consideration of $1500. nuake application ai thpe('cnirai m sîtalon, ready to go 40 work. fl 1LT1~Botfi tiiese men applied ai the' sttioib and both 5d-tp4 we FîrwND JM1 POS- they Inqiuired .about the salarv., gu~wm1"'Why j1 coumla make more driving a SID L O rosi.RE * twiv.gon," une o fh e set lAI? 'ork 24 lînurs a day for fhat al MEN; LO 1 AUES -"' ot imuch!' the other de, clored. I loth men tIpt and have flot en seen isince. No ottîcr have nmade sp1 Commi"sioner Swayer Reports Pjlcation. Inability to Increase Size of "It lookP. like e hopett-s$ prorpos, the Department (1-1z', ner waeras.4ertid W <len't eem Iobe bcale tb linî men whn 14-111 .ccept the positions ai the ONLY TWO MEN APPLIEO tiresent ratc or eeagcs. !hen wW he <f'rher imliMity.' Both Decline to Take up Wiork when they Fnd the Salaries usuî Invention. that re Binn PidAàrecent Invention entihitesae prbou '0t.'a e astatiAr hot air tbath et Jom.nho-d Il tirig over oene end or Watiktgar. \Iay * bath tub , nntnigfile apor frîom the Who, afnig aioh ai% rit), tIreman, -aietlr hot wîtter supîl.-Ho(usîon Ea;> nOW. don't crowd--theorearae FR UITVALE STORES OpeqN£-n to the Pu blic Anybody> may tràUt at hé Vruitvaf e Cc operaitlvc Store Two stores now open in Wauk#gan vieinity. More to Foilow. 28 in Chicago. 916 .à& th@ &lm et the Fruitvalers. The. PeOPie themueIv.e are banding together te Control their own food supplie& Und t.eBpet the enormous profits tnt. their own lnstend of thse middl.mane puhga. Become à member, or.ehow Your approval of the Ca apcrative movement b>' tr!glbg Utth@ pOoplOe sStore. Sais for Monday, Tuesday, Wodns- day, Tkursdgy, Friday and Soto May 27tho 2811, .2$11,*30t., 31 si and ________jouein s si 1818. sull OFFEE SIN BU T ROui- 1I.t ndth;îî i î Vi ik ati cuIt' gîmle îof tial 0111î luise4of~ 4 -8 offeeis t\Iiii 4k tc.25c 'Tho- ~ ltuîilk (20- f.,. ..20 Extrla fit 'vaI'iluit ];Ilttf>l. pet . ). 20c Alaiska Salîîuo...25 18C pII.1" îîlive c 1'.' 11). tiîu lit l1 1Sdir- d l ue ii tOîîu;ît<t .ti i B lm brand Al- ('alifohîmia l 18CII Lar'ge (-aitFatiey n «alifot'nia A prieots Tail ean Delta As-17 paraguîs at cach .. 7 Large bottle Pcp- O peî' Hash, this sale .O Tuinhîci'ellY, pIi'C, vcî'y spevial foi' tlitis ,O sale ............ c Faîîey Blue Rose ilc Rîcee, special lb C N'cry spectal ......7 Broken Spaghetti, speeial, 1l)......... fa- lî i -îu I., -b, Jg Niis, q'-iiîî l 1 l i.. ... . .1 Sîî:î t ;apr ll, s.j12 - per il . .. <î .'.I . I'rg- (tIi ~ <; 'rvk-k 'l ers î îît'erl).. .. . . No. 2se a't per 110.ý Beails af O 1>îînpkin. ;ut. 1 1)îuîdeî' Milk at. Pitit Tins Mi.32 Caîph'li'sSouîps , loc ail ginI(s at ....... ArneiitîF'aîîîlv 5 Soap), pe'rliai'. :..*a Jiîîx (the iiew I'clIIICI) - ,'Ican tus ei'ytlîing,15 It..................15 I-ff t -Pa 1 La] bSx cilt tno tut Inn bDol au bita 51 'oui Se* *a tie u et c IWO bel tha o toi c bui teu 47e ls tic 001 Waukegan Store--220 Washington St. North Chicago Store-- 1810 State St. United States Food Admiaubtration License No. C.13483

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