MM I mas uisc MalaiE. cor. 'IMe. w m J.jan son ci Wun Ibiu. 00 ec nte lrsqipvomi 8«4"siber. tfh he mother.- tue 1 B.Ksbker anti MiesSua Wiulshed ilsiedt boir cIoter, UMm. Ws Ienet Zeanda, Wleý.,oysy Dqud. trautA ~gmnlotlSWsdbe.p*W lgh vii à parti of frieude, for a fleiîbgin laorrýbern Wisconsin. L. L Murpbmand Cba& Galfpi5a bfraopsnl SuIBadar 'as£"W clai f HfaM rLuel lae couleti 10lie boue ibis eeveitltbe ipamps. Mr. Mai tir. Ku. B. Jiooefepud Sugtheeebi Cato< fL -mmlaS -wu meaip6etiàspodttio t *0 late aom rêli .mi amoaetmr. 1 a[ti1 'b.dsil100ePoPisaiio ilsate M*Coebua8l iMame vib. b"l t Iie4 6u»d&7> ailie ueV lades 0* *Wia Malie. Tlu peoseedgo foW th buetthI i e locl nis oaiiie Idce aséoli Clevelandi vu bheu vldteg ih boire OSua. Warren Milletanti fami of aiLa boue aturdw.- Gekoqe Dr uesvuhome trou <Jeu Gratbendal. tire. B. 8. Obrvuoa,: of lAkc Ville vista ber daugher, Kru. I. . Eatiei Mr. and Klra.Frank Hal, aifChicag vers pleusal vlillosas H.LHeadeleh * Isuretiaranti Pris. lime.onel Se doler et Mca. . B. L asvoad, anti ab and ber bie»f atorueir Ilvetion9 bmn.norli oi Las VIlla Mre. ad ma4lira . eéu4 Me.tra. DeM 9.o b.d eci Frnk Hall attend« blu miCrme meesing as the Kootim ballet RoustilAie Tburadar nfiti. las. Fond Jeae,,of Fox Lake, tram acaibutonmeabote for dis Bd Cros oflbch aie lean achee mbmr. Aà he.lng vise heldlathie liowbll bail"clFritiar for the purpafe oh si ltmg O allai; roa t taInxieslde sau Fo La. T@econticeticta ie Jet l huildng hie bidSge aerame lie Lonm Laie cianue. Tiers viii he a ban andi dance et lis Kaplmg Hoe.Junee1 Io rate, more funda fan the propome roaciandi bridige. Gar villiage preoisant, Wm. Nago, vi bave cbargs of thce bove-mme lre u grain, anti asmbelesa bustier for publi Improneenne, vs are gaIn %0havea hi Srond. Tbies iii b. aotier meeia ou Frlda.r anti ail latereteti a gond roade plesseeattendi. Ws viii treacIroi .eartmonl. George iBoubou, lic greal gooti rond bootitr, attonieticaur lasl roati meeta MWt, thanketo i lin, vs arsproiremeta tu tlte entai-prie. ldIca Loulme Rommsel vtltoti ber pai ma& t ibeLtrtivlll Bandar. W. KSnball anti fsmily viattitS relatives ai Laie Forest Badar. Tic Red Croms drive vus a giest m&u 7 oeme lut veek. Fverzbotiî vorke As Dmarm eca b. titermineti aipresn vs ebaI uel aur quota. Four af aur jouai mes vbo wvsrocalte ta lic colora e it bore ou Mondti, aun lhies ventt roamFox Lake. ,Tbe latiui gave thoin a fareveil receptton. Ga lS toai10 he anti Ma ther retaru t Onr vIllage. gn, anti Ur@. Unevortb anti Kra.Job Duveil af Chicago, "pent Sundr vil Mrli. antilira. 'Abert Kantmnhrg &W Sdaugiter, Mabel. o a akagmi at p Salurda.r anti unda vINs Mr. si Unr. Join Wallton. lira. Johàndltor. Mris. Nick Mioida Fraui0101mwad Frank anti Cia 8"a Migpet unday viii Otto Moido via le t&aionetiais MaiLaies. Wilim Hamm or aIWtanan, laniei la i vii ber dimter, Mr@. Peer8hsihflel lir. dMmd ir.Peter IJclnxacnl - 4mootil r. , nM.Mati Ies sua b aurl, 0 asuern."opnt Dudar vit *M. md lira. Latiagiaand madugl tiare oUnàertynlle, vilti Ouana i *bmoe a9 Mki Kupi .,mlJohnb a iuiSi eldamso. a çae a" rea e z~tlb4 mai reis% MWra Diervool @Meat lq »Ual emi visa it asgb« e, lwre Hm:ýhlke ai lmca.Wald hum been qult tehe Imsc Mr. antilMma.Wuli tlaell.adiCce", mut , ateai anti puigehb ¶ Km boue vîi lmt* $Ob. Sergeý S lire. B.J. Hoeenauda ué htru ity, aàkvWtdueluthu. Heu udalaad 'anti famly, of -Mcm.Webeêr. et Oi ark, m. pet lie pau$ vomi a thisPott*1 boue. Boo IIgaMulpottirofereat Lake@, cot- %mw lu mIleen li14 ~W U 'à»4. Micaolive, «qemi l*. oral cf i avomi iti La»s Geogm Ilbêlbt Mui .y, or a trmonlug«cmp lo Gorist ta van1o ~~sHIePbO tu lie bami f ut âà" pa4d biImlober là Molsl*ew i. <titiSb hlé broîbiras *ý bapgaip ung le abemnS a- df Mb. ePoler pam w W"Dter. d«., fmý a irae ontb'c llneee, dnr'.ng w' iels limée #> lm b uco a r pthut spmo« Aai n t Slai b"um Mil ca r 1 soi do bue rnedouse. but of no aval. Aàatr metbeu'andi brotber urvie., beciu .rn "omclav. Ber ionm viii bu iaenly fatnamr oommustsy, lfor vieber basiNs pestlcti@he vu a oiliel.alUyal digbor Cup, aiea oc iIL.éàecb. Tb*efênréaiéeilS i ldiSoi«t»4i hurai lutetcboâe Ie,nee 14 àr*u ella., olise &-Et."àni 1l.VU. aiavW&$tumitesoc eft, mk me rn. Daturm .nlght anti uC f»fo W5nigPIrvai mt able 1t e i Wht e vi Imipgiea. Hanernita tumu m bue lus nirtue amiv, louaih d trWfli e , Mondoi movmg. t li IL A. Douglae aent Ouatiez lthblhi kp Tis eed of th Red Crame drlialied ne --ovev U»etop." Wm bIàdIvo £004 mmtlugpo FrlImay *entez. at vhSeli Mr. Ciarebil aif GrIajek, anti a reWn- ed U.Ltcnaaîgave splendid tal" a lit latter telltsgof viat bu bu W"tu7 1 mae. OunDeaiayeemg, Cam"iere Dn 1 >of Waulqle, gare anoa"dru.11W' Agla" boieboir fcIeboti me. Kiim. WS&mie of c i tt I, MIscela go @peut caverai dat iAgm baric oncu,a 1m Id elen S"nord..i a ev. . W. Saord atnded tbm laté CongvegatiW oanvetia Ion t IctM&ie, ý%. * meettram hile vtlënlty attenitoti me bigi acbout play at Aniaci k riai IP oveoin<. "' Tii. Llbetyvll. bondi, Home Guarée. 94 paul Mu"08150, am H. Mner, Senhor I) swlft, jamemWoadmaa anti Loute W"lm 19io Wakegan, anti meeral, oliara vere '~bers Wealestimy eveela thie ItArel ai 01iebu amram. Id r, alandU. Clareecm Creviort of! jVambegan epomiticheweek-end viii the t borne foum. 'Vior laituîlne, OuuitIlcarrier leave ft ?rumeay for Camp Ucron, lkorgia1. c* Ne. (ho0. Cabmore Ivili taite tht. route", g9Uic luth Poloci. celoei ber aeliol a% flomecre on Tibratiy. am, bo trmhi l uiaty atitethei Miemo ral ""me, ut Warren oemtsry da edy altarman. 09 J.-. Denm and ntifaly, vere Liberty'- Sville vltorestrdal. Mir@. F. A. Mlartin la gettng &long er* ulcely ah, the boepltal la Chcago anti thezieclt t bomne o. -. DEDICATI3 SR VICE it FLMi;IIOLDACRN- id TENNIAPROiRaM Inte.Mtln Program Was Held i at Warrenton; Large Num- ber i Atteanoe MEERAL MADE TALKS 014 SooI to-B. Ramed and p &Y fer Ow of Moet *"WB In the CoMnt on radr a raier numuai a ntil- 4rtutlnp - fglrbm f. t!he. ciltres ma ,tici arom .eld a tho Warren- a l U i u i n et in -ae a l i f i appvoprtatc - cmrclc.Mdctihlie hu viii b.u- c f lie Ireureof the - a ateruoca lie utile. *mgor o~ tho ha d thé O&>ant Atteey C. T. Esecier <se. Mtr-n a. HB aav7aa ol on. et ie hast atitrumeaon thica dê camin. lm lte ec brnaapet la lAie couatyi anti ho 'Anovs t e ots Ing o e ffn of the occatty te airsaditle basmant ta etenli li ery -liairural a An is Unumbusnier of the boys o! Met =ie*ip la the. 1nthbe, dau bOlh. ideas aa fc on lie ~ 7au Moougingm.a:joispi rKllyE=<iaa Kelly, PFrance ReR anti BIttie Haiebrngi. MWMame 5m Omtila lie teacher anti J lt-la t4i Ue. se wr c'apabùishr UsaI lbè, dmis ubampcm Lymmn Star L.Wfroety to WHOGOIV9NEFIUNOW? of Th inp Wbca Allan tur lid (vo moj h cga. follovlag bu a !ws ucnaîlet mitar, Lucyr 8ta Wvia SuaIIl a insm.ane tuin la Bigle, ilWit, latiier, Luclus Biser, a blind nèesran othie Civil van living M Aai mi.. o=ltleeanti as a rumuta. cculta Lynma Sharr. ubo diei N£rei là, Leman Blarvas o»aor!tic vaal. liy tarinomrs etcfmi OU ay, lIving fw usa ycaratu Naviorftavnilp. Wiea h *91 îvu, seelafelinth Ie Omnty court oa!à» QOssFl. Il va louai1h lad af isr et 8 18,70, lèealm jrlseh siai ons or lic peavllneethlmsvit cmtemof « U acres anti of is Ilv oces.- tàNewpart tovnship tosher vih a note rua-, ala h t trou liteMa un Lacli, for i1,131, bau sé lequatàÏdti taLu- cIsc Stain, vie later oompletely ltog bis eie-atght. Butheii.Interestng provision ta taia: This 60-acretract of landteh. g401er vlhi 1,181 note becaine tise praPenty o! tua teOtrr turtng hbelits1 lime, aecorib tn h WLviiThee vi proviteti ta hlat 'upcnL ."ua Ularr dee teainandtheisnote *Oseiltipuie toh ts bin." viaimeant liat the ha-m andthle money relire- entedtu iithe -dts voUlI& Pea ho Lucy, anti A»Ia. stanr. Hlovcver, the unumual alrcumgtance Ofthie tva chltirsu baviama lied h1w fore the fatlsef- Who %as divan a litc. nereat, la lie feu. andtheignote triage about a rther unuSual.tfia- lion. A question vicb vIIbans ta b. decitietila court InceseLucius tan tieltea ta ing IL up la-do the ief A"anStarr, bis con, Wari. vib> la nov la Frrance antishieifo, hovisa lino.taWankegan, anti isep4 boume for ber ageti !athsr-l-lal. galiY corne Into lie ovnealip o! lie1 fanm anti note tison hie deati orfLa.1 CIUS tar- or catiltiLuscius trr un.1 dtie tivl, ell (bufans ta cm.. lho vuati te, eeingt àat hie conmti daugiher hane Pasalittu, te grat beyouti? 1The. villgars liat tlieproperty te blm durlag bislittetime sdant Npa parecnt intention of Lnnsaet&* as a that 1h aboulti DasmtuoLucius h8rr-a. tva chiltiren, AlU» anti Ley. but_ deatihba. reinoyeti tietabefore tisc 8ahier. ictus Sarr, soi thlirefare 1h ,ii III probelily reQtire a court Inter lirehation ais tamaet via' (the statua o! Allen Starrehelsu are vîitbrefer- raeI t ltsPartictu t. pece af prap. frty. AVON GODES 'OVER THE TOP' FOR RED CROSS Avon Townsip demtsnstrmheui (b. urenlgliUing spirit of vhicb ine cIi- £eus have boastediIn thse Pest la lic lRed Croc, drive anti vent aver tise top insceheduledti hme, ubsenubbgs $2.500. George P. Reneban vat cap- tain of (lie Round Lake division anti batia m- lielpera the followins: F. Brava, Ciau. Jung, Loui 1100, Cha.. Bratuarti. Frank Brunsmond anti Exera Shanka. Charles Wliteman vas captain ofthie Gray'a Laie divi- 8Ion anti hic assistants ver. R. Churchill, John Brever, George Crack- cIt, A. T. White, Wm. Doolihle, Ar- th-u Long. Etivard 1100k, C. W. Crary, Wm. Pester, chas. senton. j. W ilboser andi George Ring. CRITIZE.VOL. WAÀ; lmE SAYS IT_ is PACK 0f LIES Red Cross Drive In Zion Brings8 F«bortrive iiFaotional WHO PUT IT ACROSSý Independents Say Voliva Intér. foel? , 0Say 00Worskie sot Help W vZonites Bunneth S. Love, vrltlng for lise Intiepentents a! Zipa City, muhiniti- the comlmunication lselov, relative to Sien'e part le the necet lsd Croie drive. in thc article It la ehate t latVol' lan$a People dit uat Inters# thkeaq sélvea i lie moesenthosaitcallg, but viien asietiby lic Sun abot lis matten, Volîva caiti: 'I lta A o Q! Ilis e lh the Iaiusilsnt0 S., élrouatiag. Wlsat<asdonc foxi liaei Crosvdos w bu ltrZine P@0pi' aur people. Tiih te epntiuaî, "W lova ntid culanthioy Me' *rya ho maie a big ahoving. 1I tg' a attentian ho their vhlmaprs at aU -aai thah at'avsanuits ein. S"Wiiat *bout dgrea furniaheti by tvan lier ottr liOi ?Pibn (B- -E. .. ove.> tiafeltjwun a unit than et "yr Une l,~ eoi n 1906. --dé w pq3caret out a. unCntonti~ WIiit-Sun. but when folls~oe.~Itre considereti anc = l viit ~ h*it the viole affair vaepl ,4.byVovama "~Ouu$ geté *S IePublie thtnk tbt hb e a lo 1p rter of Uncle The. *Nt 'Rd'Csemillion-diolar subscriptlon.VollVa'or lite People titi flot give ;;e ea*-t. firirt andi sec- ond Iibsrty UsA tie dit not invest oni dollarvia leatthe la8t they dit after belag .wStui, by putttng ln $20,00. ThcecUsUé lRed Crosserai- lIon-dollar driva. ata. Voliva at irst. refum.d tir. Du" elG ady. county chairman, to egt*5 iithngc. but ne muet have roied#lcred that acton as iis later at a "iC for a llhral donation of PSM te the local corn- Mfttee andi saliMM5f a. a if t f ram liii peaple (villb aunt to about four centseameb>. .Mdedld flot viii them ta b., .d»do anY more. (But this.a et ll ~> He arreagai a imlàooni5tration to take glace on Satir _q.Y, making It ap- pear (baL li vAW2L- Zion" wville ln. fact &11 that vauklias aathe bandi; Joan of Are. the, Wlsite Cross van,-ý ers, Boy Soula, Ire lndepen<tents, beses te fi ' Isikie', andth Ie speaker wvu ii. KSng from Waukeê gan. Dentou. Tovuwe proportion 0f thSe Red Croue meleoription vas $1100 anti Zion GMty m«3tibave ralmeti $1200 of hted&twg gthat fpnount se- cortilngta o ,**u»oand property valuation It »a abOlt a 50-50 demI, The. latepen4eisi bad given tnp ta Saturday. 849760 «thbeir $600. val- tva haîtigive .#114 of lits $600. Tlie Whithe Ocmea SUU e llected on Bat- urtiay $300. -,àter making a thôr- ougii epl'* cf Ibo people via gave thé~ $M00. ilmvifoml dabout -4100 of thla amouat cae from. Volt va'» fol- lovera. whliptagebis amnount op ta 8200 anti cIegltvea him ehoft $400. Whil.l t» Indepen dent. -bave »Dahe aver thie t1238 as other sub- bringa th , «,hl andi thers arc M111mre pledgea ta corne lta vhick *du increüse that amnunt,. . The Vailva peopleviwhowre aïketi ho give&IMiMoaf tlout exceptIan, ve iadté ab mIni felt happy ta bave a Vprt la ltab great work. Tii. laiependenta gau d t tVoliva ta lay "dlae âail ilau16ftées and make the. viole afair a .gnnhne Vncle Sain demontiato. but Mr Vol tva la- noreithe e tly elmirman, 3Mr. Page, anti vent on hie *« nbook, arrangag &Hl or ti. dutalle according ta il ovn Idiea. .? Wben .a nism la forced to do a thing tuthbat lopuihytl-low cm one hauaonts. VOIIVWO actions vth true patitotismi? - Tihe Mter Side. IL W. Craft, intUng or the drive. conthbuts the. foillowlng version: The Reid Cramepaade at Zion dtY on Saturday afternoan was a great aucCea.ý Hundreds turnAd out ta, vitneo e .pnbeiieon as it paratiet the. mnStreet« of the cty viti fa«» wvnna, druma beattng antiln- spiring mugie f rom thp baud. Short- ly atter 3 ù'cloek, those who ver. ta take part ln the. parade lineti up on the corner of Suihboulevard and Zlt4mh avenue. First (ler. e wee Mii. Gerard F'useland, of Wtntiirap Parbor, mounted on a chiarge and tiresee t arevresent Joan of Are. Ose hati a builer at ber a'Ide andi Offier C. A. Brune. Then follavet i fin. a- ditis representtng allied nations. Mra. 11oeIland represpnted France; tirs. itaipliRoce, Coumbia; Mis.eth De Normnandie, Italy: \trs. C. C. Post, Ja- pan: MIca UrsuL i G.fBull,.ami tBn- tIn. and Lois N!iller as Belgium. Thes Red Cros, vorkers ln unItorrn lira. Abrams, NMrs R.. B JMller. tIra. R. N. Aiken, Mrs. Frank Marvin,' Mien Hasel Johnson.. iltcc C. Bran- non, 'bflua. vaîvn James. Misea Ibm- tby Taylor, Misq liazel Bell., Mis Allas Brittle, Mirass', uts Brittl!I, Mise Laura Brovn, '.%11-s Jean Rtes, Miss Helen Stocker Yrieda MNooe, Ragmor Cbrtitanaon. Sîgrpd Norlsrg. Grae Walker, Flarence McComsey, Della- Strieti. Helen St-av. flecele Ander- on, Ruth F'orstensen Marlon Nelson, Mrs. Luct Edrnonéis Bull. Frolovtng the. R*a Cr'oss orkers vas a reaiment nof sairors tram CamP Lo)gan. Tbey were in full tirees uni- tortsanti untier their officer marched ta oplentiUt order, maktng emeis turn *lli axmee mad precteon anti kueuinetebp prfectiy. TIse Mon Cty band came next. Tht' bati le nov ln excellenit trim anti *jia la fnulistrength numbera 50 plésu The alde tromlbonle sectian le 'epccally atrong andt teY P1aed Iine ôa the. march Saturday. -Tii. parade br<>ku up ln front Of thi 'ZMemores anid an atitriee va. lelveetiby AttorneyCaies,. .9luW,.ot Waukegau. tMr. King igavi S *rtodre. but It brtalleti wtl lqymlty anti snted with an eXbbita&- Q i ishlp the. Red Crama vom IL ý-tza on the. revewtilg piftiom v*": Attorney Charles Ring. 4»e>~ amser voi», Mayor W. H. CleatitM. lian. R. N. Aiken, élire. Enalg Abranis anti Mra. Voliva. ~. eat-ens ime ata ouaI M 30OtbeOde . £liff - a m on& i *'meObok IV&w OVERSEAS FLYING tfQT EASY Mauay DiffleuIlueas onrent Thoce Wis W.eld Crmu tihe Atierntie lne KP mn Aluplane. th a paper rea eti listaihe Inatitu- tou 0f1Engneera aendSlipbutldorta lu Scotiant IL leableda expiains.soinsof SEASON lie adtwhaend ti teiulttce af raisa. Alantie fiytng. Witli regard ha the T former, the carrylng of the malle lna S TaD Y quarer of the. time et prement needed D Y , for tAse voyage between Amerlca THandA S BPrilavoalt, lu (ho autiior opinion. H D A U b. of immenae benefit,,as i. conatteua Wml-Furailed Ontaide that the, cotrespondence of n country BaouU.«oe.ed Fsibin-Exc May lho taien as a measqure o!tti com- merce vili otiier nations, aud thi e-cCemmedio&ne Da tierateti rate of exchange of corre- epôodmme e oulti reat npou commerce M scfrteoe anti mipplngM sc o heoe hota o the problem ^of ca M ASn iamBe acraca the Atlantic, Mr. Desbletie eocanlde that exlsting kuovietige of! A O N DS J elila construction anti propel=mm= iSacbiery only allova of cuch li lgha OIE e -sedulus-<lisetrenti ai-tise me- aefrm-he hoici grwda cbubpe etaplaredt o for belby bah of Nippersink, Pistakee, CGras, b ic irpia nov lu use; coneequent-. and Long lalcea nd Fox ris \Ii lin udertaklng lie pasamge vou rngrave rise of comng ho bons nor more réesmonable ratc gela us tbc ver. BDe.partieularms oieties coblemplating pcni et, me aplane for lying lie Atlantic am #SVesinthie paper. the proposeti flJW ON FRELmEYý about four Ions. whlcb la doublaiii _______________ the additISofo!fuel anti chare@a villeWO ta& O c lusMou -acount for anolier Mue iubntretetabh. - O<>ha T NSO ARCTI REUCS ARE FOIJND IADCA O A - - - à4.ft by Exploecs jlore Tisan Flfty Véese Aeo Brouglit Rack îy AT REIÇS DUC 0ocsker Lau Lqscdllloms Esoorde let by varioua explorera la lic tromen North, name of tiem morebago Anmveu Saturday Night thma hit aenptury olti- hroUtgliibaetianid 13 AlMoat Unloeded at hi Dom IL E.MacMilîlan, liendthe the Present Time Ceia-landi pedlhlon. via receehi retw'nedare .4 exhibittion ln the-puara a o afsean reailuent. vere AinMMea imeusa0f Naturel Ritoryallayeti Suanti hevin t vw» learust ln New Yori. (bat e. carga of ,000 tans ofsailtira- Amonathie recorda la a il Udnalcite coal liat becn receivet i a tht et a% oqa 1epyirDr. Eltaha Beiûl Rene Cccl dacks. Tiie steamner Kamais, Am«eican cplorer, loit by Jante. A. Danaltiaoa brougit thie car- hIcse au eemimer Hrbor lai 1M5. I go Ioapoet Saturday nit. la maïkei viNs a leaisu bullel -0. K'-The vano! ofunioedtna" hig tboat IWee t mie aspe~niing~c-alrtei guntiY morainganti bon «dt OfDodtor lic 'atheNorh'I, «ectâd tieï Doeatioei vIlIb. eut vitlia inife,- owing toa a carclty abie ta Isave on ttc retura trip ho- ~ft vrmhng matertala. flthtu Tiser. are aIma recorda let y Rami Juet viien dealers villo b.als (o MaIa Peary, Ineludung a bit af an atant fillihng thie ortiers vliedi havc Aerican fiai, lefttln 19M00tahe i top been Pllng up for the. 1mai eneral et CoeoThomna Hubiard. veeka ta not knovn se the. coal ad- A picket o! lethera left ln a cache ai ministratîan bus not yet Uxedth le (lapeIsab lul 1876 by Cept. Allan prtce of (the coal and1 te local docks Yoeungfo ir b erlla rsexed-Wtl fot b. allavedtu ho ave any o! Tou wainfo u GeugeMai'. e the ti.coal remaveti until the goveru. Ito vi ama aud b Mctiîln. icment fizea the prime et viilch Itla NWare pgrty left lté mark anly 20 feet t(o b, solti. Tii. prtce thse dealers. tronc the cache visere lie lethera vere pay vîlI determine the pietau o fqnnd, sqh departed i vtliùt discuter- paly hy the. uonseunere. Thbis-prima ltg liem, mey not b. mayan for tva or tirer days. lu the oplinithéie ajovty le Wisale Mades Wavcm Quiet, pricesta a oeconuary motter. The, Ths ume a! bibt Iocalm traublo etieeifact thant hie ity han e partiel sup- va. llumrted lni an unucual ver ha ply o! coal la canatiereti paramount I mukipper vhe recently arrIveaIn uNew Feara have bees expremai for a long Takft. .m a outieru port. Every tlie that the, clhy mîgit no, gel a martner via lias tuippet .11 trq:n hIsiýsupply o!fibi-d coal. .iut 1e mracs plungng bave lu toraiy veatiier Io more wIl libereclvedtetasul kmayar but (bers apear. tu le no cause t amooti tovu n ating cracha inouapresent ta 'wom.~Thoue Who sel a boy effeetive thse trickIoit iedt"61 spply earlyvîlI buesa thie oeue aide. propethlî. This pculai skipper alîhted a deat -iré .vih ut firat lanoe if M LC U seee gbole a schooner batthom p IF Y OLvItM vbes<i. vawo about 250 miles east o!fO I!UIL the, Virginie coasat.Tiere vas aàai1ff W ý F ýs fl iciet up a cresed sa, but iers vmwuU na tilshurbnicé wlthln a mlle ho the TOGQUaji PARK northwve«*ard of tise viale. Thse alipper naid ln bis report to-thé local IlctSonn tZo iyt hydrographie ornace tiatothlmle 9vaâ lii ponn tMoviyt "arnoali no glaca," or 1111 an ballroml Be FoUoweiI by Arrests of gloor< due ha lie effeci t oeu s - the Coupes ing tram lihe carcaso! lii vial»eanti borne on-a halfinot ourrent ctting ho ORGAPIIZE SECRET SERVICE. the nortbvest. IChief Becker Says Ho Intmnde The Soldler'e Burdmh. t Put a Stop to Conditions The bondi vlilcli anlntanhryflan-tia ta cpi-r on hic baci velglia feun MExistimi Thère t1060 pounde, accrdlng ta lie leaglib- et thiemardlchho Wbout ho Mate. i Parka and ti ae meltsiplaces Orne ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l Mo.b ru a»mr Iial in Cty are la is madie unulamr- #nei minc bas rte nahl rtscbv t- mabiefor m.po »aortina tidu ludôt Sheluonbisb9k wllre m.nauncemet al 5, Tioiod ny, undermnihirton or fifleen Bec'<er. ehlic i olad.t mles la coneliceed a gen atesiajamot n Wbl li. ic lef ae i marcb. Tie eoldier'e burtien Islutaihan receiveti mny complainte lie bis feldtI ro, hils me»s kit. canhca, parka are viattuti nlghtly by metiora Set-ad pattet, blankrets antiumaly anti girls viocs conduct la of a ques- tioneble nature The einditon la a ss ML saln ho b.vorse ousafturuiay aigita. "I have mat sompl.tmdthetii. vo A Ream Luxury. of arganislng a aecret service de, MWodt.r," scelth& ie'er, "St »Y» peelme»t o! 80 usemliera,* hisme»t. icere on'thie menu, green bluimi.'? « 'acs a! Ume ofileers làta é e tmTog mr. MThalmeanm frea-rlght eqUpUMw » vN ~ fak*1et igl- - freen lise ater, sir.' Theemon vil secrt tse @4,e e "(Noumuse I» mthle dinar. "Tala various points a lthle peubs 4 plier itipir veon a~Ougs ley danet laies places. vherethe.. Ioe-uwdu .Èeau. iluimei e ttiseseo1 plu cangregate. Tbmy wvii f a bflhe wt ts came up nt oo t hhein Iluite about vhen ti' taik US.~~ dupu a ei, nd vlhis a tconditions warrant 1. 'tered If There areaa number of gtrla vie "Ctat, ar. d will beho placeti untierarreet anti sf enthema _ tma otolckot up unies.sey douestI trm 14 "ofab, Wf. »- aa at T ap r pt - en ler ing Int o qu e tto aa i el a tleion ____________vhi thse Jackiesen md reiai Asuericanmurtfe r Oajee, Wiy. ackle *q8% 109- Lge" Tte . tench béer br" Iai ntutrr avooa, psny65t9jI10eate viii~~~~ ~ Caet eaG >Ipr i ty uban I1hl la Wes a ni sc- bqlq -ONtrm Aineelcitla rde- 10 ie viSer. inju te sue lit con senugueti b@700ntI *1, 00 Ouai adit" n sla a to m ý . lUStaa, i hifarueti h lie sU*MUC loOdiCWl1111- lhane beoau ve ho u uirtan t tat OPEN1G JUNE 8P,1iGi MMERRESRT d Table-Hpi Csooidmrgpàuq eraiom C1ammsend AmacemoMê indmg Pavillon ing frniLd AZZ. BAN, sl P;via±the channploE 4arie, ChanneL Petes ai ver.. -No liner eccomn tes can be found bycub ce or o.utingo. fExucuTE WIL% WOAMi? MI George Kraft and men' Ani! l blh Fort OMi WILD WEST EXPNI Kicks and Bits BMd le Coniquered sUer WW George Kraft, voIell Doolittis Jarm, juat vest of- gaon rey ro at. leM andi a niho tence a fev dmymmg vaw I;j turedthe ti.ilti hom.evIhk ed frain the. cavairy al. Blicrmtan. anti whloLe ot bidt been trying to r a tl..d for, warastng hq, publq danger of caminz tla conttatt antimal. And then, followtng the. miarsa capture, an exoomtl» [place ln tue Kait lbarn la re eiarwk der tarin for that expresP=~ À few days mgo the . 8uI an order ta thSe follovlne g ment. STLRYED trom cavatY 1 Forit' kiertidan, mý s ,191i, on. caavIry bons. 11 bruIgt boy, baiiinu =e b,862 Powi4e. AIX niue yearIý Animal vU eloua, mpt ta atrike andi4a lfy Quartermaater,"7Tort dan ,IU.- It seema that Mfr. Kraft or the. animal on the Grfia B and on Milwaukee raad. 40 ly vltli lia ma-antida neWAl out ba ose. If ho ou 1= 011, mal which va. decl Ze 'vorat auteat tllat ha. 4V4q to the. bornes et Port mbeglAU *ially rounded the smniUB$1 vaese jear the. Wthbur 1i vate.rond andi Clumetil;* ta mors 'cplace wvir.a$ mansevirlng and 'obealii the vWoodsa £laso9 waa tlîru the. animaïe Dock mat fêêt a ly lie won conqueriti. Ii.e euertence of mptud andmal vmeone of the, mmi8.4 that any lAke cainty méà is pammetithroug lie tryhngt t00 borneln thisc eut. TII* kiceedbath front anti reor. to bite ltcaptorsa nd 0e ting la that nouest of i Atter getttug the lo aroundthet .animal, l ode It tramn lnJurl isas nsisn bd talon c aa h eKutI Mir. Kraft remtit gtho e~ tu the. un notipei theF0~ eii ml nos o mg osaitny more sthe vile for mu t« te Te borne i4is at lme etFort.Setia tatani f w provèa cardtngly the animasu lie& and esieuteti ulli co abats lited by the molt-a fort. It la underatoodt hht-Nrl~ Dat only b.elti rt" 11g t.orsfrh e it eU ut iVG~f the, govrenat frMM oapturtn ita ve1s the, romiil tt AIi- to dtspatci I:l1k unoamon AiOO<t, .- - , -.- - . s.........