CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 May 1918, p. 9

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*LIBERTY VILLE- INDEPENDENT LucE Ôur<rY PEMM~> Lake County's Big Weekly WUEA EKYSN___ »VL. XXVI.-NO. 22 PART TWO LIBÊRtTYvirLLE INDEPENI)ENT,MAY 30, 1918 FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ÂDVANqE0 7i31-Gottlieb H.L ichert, Zion ~ssss5f~ci 71. 'Pouah CMId-Dj, ,Cie,1' p A. But huî 7453-Ellija Kajovooglan, Kenosha. 735-Fred Gratis. 715-S*11iiIaw MAfllnnaa. North ETK ftÇÇ Chicago. S 7169-1Frank Kirt, North Chicasgo. o Nil1 7244-1'rank James Johnson, An*f 725-Aîntoni Bochmln, Nenosha.L City. IlBan712-Jiainb fortes. William H. Meyer of Prairie dm 759-Wat.. Petersofl. Zinn Clily. View CalIed to Chicago to 778f!l.ran< Littke. North Chicago, rOesîn 7773-Barniey Neveller. Zion City. Answ__ FA MIuR TOtC RRYs 7827 Rranillaw Wondol4iuski. _____ onhtuaion redrick Wm. Lester, Chicta. ____ FLATOIN ROC SSON111LÀ 79l55 -Si-rak Arakellan. -'- tri go~~~.6-Raymond C Russel. BYBLMSHSMOHR-E 7'960-CiiTordi J. JOMnson. Zion Cl.Fathe Says Hie Knew Nothing F A N P O E S O 1 090-Johon Juner. Nort h Chiîcago, o___________ 8124-.Ioseph Naryuskam.ofi andSo George Acted ___________________ rhrGle fLk il Waukegan. NMay 2- 8218-Frank I.Shit inCity. of HsMeAcod'A thur elnof ILake Sun- Waukegan Ihia snorning badle God 2-AtuLDaio.MesSro d 30-Henry Hollotein. LIE DE E LH E I DPA M uInryS - speed- ta1 1- more of itoi stalwarL 37EmrM-î.0 R TL KEW SA L TE day Evening at Home young smen wiio were lpaýiLg f0 join 8:75-Ralpli Owens. W-i il. %leyor of Prairie Viviv,0F RVE B T EFJD O G t Aranksfo th).t- 20Ilaq ianpr. Wllinc-pt rien i te rir ien h i-lrlp AD I RIVE ITTENOIU T ENGIS PÇ i th ~îaoffç_.who arelghting 84l-it n anse *wa fored mak aStICIDE'h for Leocrcy. fitas the second 185-a~H Patch, Antioch. Ca % Sonday and collfer with the~ OVER $12»0 HOUSE 18 PAINTED YELILOW 8500Wm.Deicy.Jr. T)partment of 3Juftice ase result folianleAq1 ______ agtdaf t a firom thadstri.t 858-Kuil Waan urnee. ien, chool recgntlY. and as hi le- 0F 100 PER8ONS, CAPTURE HlM AND WXE E OPP Relatives Insist there w Noth- and~~~~ aa OAl ssumirsueî 58KîdWbr. (rne urned ta his. home Mtonlayv enîni $600 IN PRîZ O UPL FE ntoS haRe r;Nt liespite thei chillness or tho weaflier (56LsI reenâ f.Il l- the conclusion of flic renidenti- HIM EAfl PROCESSION, OARRYING "L COUNTV THRIFT STAMP SALE n eSc eot e record reaking crowd tînid ou 8549-Fred lioit. of lt~he aiet iliat hi' adjusiti mat. GWRY" d r$«0If igrisi'd Able to Join Draft l0 wtncess the parade sétai.0 'seo 867-l-ae pBadin, rnlk ers satisfaetoriiy In the demtrent 8 g auacuii rlif-an, th 7-EmeÔBa<iwnoff.u" ie and ihprefore Sous permIhtted Io> con- amotang îo * Illedismriuftursoiws:i Th pbeic lb o hoewh 5-Fimd OIs. Afoi. bneh l-ry " -.< fClttîans 1i ctizns of iLake sounfy whiclhUaLT The bikae lfY 8of h4-Woli. tn.r al 1 ry. Grayslake, May uicidet SHOOT SEtLFA-?"il I WeeSlated 1t go todsy wat cha.nged S9-<;len Osao, Aionc. Iflias Ihephrtmored flif \flevrr had frdMaespltiitî l( rs lîtiîtrfr-db * Pr Di H considerably and acueral aternatrtt 898-Aln Sron n Zksn ity. 'vnifitIf lie efeelings for the alien l4( er'spi flttzeC-csaloIleit...........FetPz D HSOTSE ? 8626- ntonYnanaitsi. s1 i) .................. econd i'ri Shose namues'ha ve flttTouen made' 8.2-MnogB-satan, Carrolviic ., .-emonfipes and sccord ingiy itl he1îiv rached a climaxiî this lîui-ing at 11) n'el.ogk vien u.........TidPrize' Deapite the reporte from tihetant. public bfnrý wer, ent .5w1y. Nce . WSt"00flssurprime wlien xnrdtwas %leade vaine onti\ tse wh Wl1)IlgSt 111frhecisofheot hr. Wakesnt un mn e" utinnCai orie wr ino prsî hrug lehals ta h dlvît'I\ f n -,e vîaGoldeniîgsadan frvhiefss ffl nrl hoe. j i tatGodnnaakithen h ,ho draft o froasies. 'lh.-y wüe 8750-.indrpw Smlth, North Chle.a- hout heen eiled tf0 (îcgo Monday. (olle ablithi u t Iîiviigîi I e e dtbe.tTl;dIýtainiatmaountg<or aill of tlfirtabod bY a hotrse and that the injuries 1I(-adcd bv Si, acob îjoiK, Josph 1. go The h1mst fot te Iur('ntnIr Ofeli!"lyies. 1 dlya tci lethe, th portort peparois Mascek, Joseph Demoreét. lIewls B. S71--tanlpv Nowlqki. Chcago. n,11k .on reident, who m.4 a r c . Ijeados IfWhit' thpital pnissmalf :temt &bout the communlty that fein Mitchel. John Godgchmidb. nJIo M- 86 ani amer. Antioth. t1usd ifariner, s a ccnrdng ta re- Ilntisher of the hoaird ult* stipcr-vlso>s, a matiof 74 yeaî-s < )1er.lrizs swîîî w Igiven ln every poil--tao iacfm heendeavor ta coli- su. îerdon Genadlsele 8998-John W. Luind. pors thatloi hielîdren In achool liad a iffdof 00districti tawn nithei ltc <caou hlnl mntsuidrathl.Efr ta 80 esodta Benêdic .825-Johln Jensen. refîîsed f ta le fhe flag. age, avw.o1101 (jitij viie <n cid eoffieig thfeO li est enne ineu ft Uca rthEr ta etndt Jamuma \lachala.4,etîon f0remfan 90.12--'arlo iiolrntPrg Leol, Zion One fite rules of the schooitla cd Meade to fcarriy theA-.iiî(-ranti fag at theliîead of a p1,0- jledgecaprior fa flie Nitionai ar touch wti Dor. Jamieson, the attefld- on thA St. Paul ratiroadfil, Ri.8eli. CtY. that jiupils mustfsabote Oid fliory af *si n whieh nai-cel up anîd dtiwvîthe str-eet (of the vil- Sanings Day wilçhl comea Jiîoe 29tf i g phyician, proved futile and de. tirs t.0 have >gon( aas ayith the tdraft 9064 !FarIbHarlow, %lf. Vernon. 1.specifled im(','tduring fsehool antd Tlu a' Nîcuteemwltis îtintoîta hv e~ oiw:home t vias imposble ta flot In flms unme sLurns-d o'er f0afi*' <9130 PhulLil Samlpson. subi th0elue 0SIU"W Non oakMeîl-t tk a- h ae as te àTht-.roilowin I- ae n-ii-tUhwt hodco.Tofml abierf and lie was osequeafeil ta brn g itîi-er mt.Zs>Citv tfpartior .coordiugiy insired Tend - rigt 4 eid gtk a- i h a- st e lti or ofthe county superinten- of Golden, however, are insistent Osai th elw t a ca nisc ta .8 - y r tc. Zo (' ty hey bold lier that thelr pre ntfs art pi-iu-ipal, he started tir'mn aw'ay, to wvd lho me. 1Jo ,eý'eve-, deont of shools, MNi. Sinîpson, goveni- o w skco y th os n i le 1eaI'sih fhe (irait shieli goe5ý 926-Esri Pedley. Zion City- frnidemithein f0saffîfe Old G lor iiy gave <lf--Ise and I l itige flag was II n-oîîghllt foi-tii aîllin iugte tsar swatgs prrze ca'mîiagii. toam i rt htvrt h , awav fm-om nîre Thufsdai, nighf 9211-- eo. I.lbtcs eodnl Iemle a eot* vr h uo ilfo of bu Tite parade 'fornîed i nte in front 92.W Pnui(. Gr.(rat, Zion City. id aud ft.,demand fiaf Msyen appear !Cde Nvas told to tai liold of it tiîffl- Zid JOilthe hwror Caopteibic Vusîkao lMayn21;;ot-t ,thet i.bcd ba ims olf. Noni. of bthe <hanhem tf 'ommpr" Tt l9238 John Il. *Mossage, Anfioc.i. n ('hicago aud. explain flic situationf. e-<d le dee-iiîîed ir i . o - or <>< (oum1919. y ois homfe. The farnil ywililfot change w a ledi y tiir Zion baud tof 411 iticfcia 924-Ruhen Carey. Ir l asosIdbla t he eficshi']bIlbVisiowed sigils PranniaScolCtdo. ta declsratmon, however, tmt tnqe Then s-aue the Votnfer 'ralnlng 91-Alîe 1 ofuik. de eefulvînrou ih fl'~ St ît ' sw'hieh aiîa'aled to iM eade aîîd Ilie filîaih ul" 1.Tmiiî of î'onfest. Jonc IL t ~ woi eaf a nacietadfo corps, elleiIc iiî ife and iîiDruni 9'26--"%N'alter R_ Cratoiford, Z1012 proposition fliaf fhey explained the agi-ced. coueluding it was bestfliot to teîîîî>t fate. Ju 'l'11 neltsrie. î'nsgning onal. corps,.flic Boy Scoutsf-anid 'ie 1121 City niafti-r away livsav.Ing that fleir 18 arttuof age or- A aensational report prevaileij nor h n fi-nset10 lsvofl wcsf 0 941-ohnZakm'sk.told Thom etno 0sainte fthe flag. ecî-owNd o10erson'.. iîîarched Up andi dowvuth tict e.provided f litthe pledge of an'- aroundtatffc h m ak rhu e Vll M itica, South fa Washington, -sif in 943-James E. MeGrain. Thi-re are fs-w ief fer lnown rel I pereînudîr t haf age sill ho colint-dytteefettaArbnGl 13pring .trei-i and noroîitoa aditîtn. 9489-jacob Panzham. Nort h Chics denfs In or abount Prairie Vien, thai iilteîTiitigied e.îth ctcis.i tild c#l m urntun e 3yerod m t m eodalt. MangerSpor fhe "aemygo Lake Villa, liait tried ta end bis lies Manaere hadoî2 lettfes1servies " of.13-lzpagm%.Ieer. Iherctore Ihc action in lis The piesenve bof aged Andr'ew Wiîite as leadel of flic 'ponsile perraoît. b aigpio ale nfc thpre hamovi lusturc mvchis ofîtera - As-E lî'ryarbncnîîff. as e cameasquteasesaio I. The solicilors csoimpetlmsg for b algDit~irte hnf three oving icturemaccaseCicame 9as0qî Iife aWas-euni'afiMon lu halet. 4 -d 'vhieh deiîuaiîîi<d ('xpiessiolî f patî-ittisni ouî thicpnîn.-'iî musi have attcnd.d saime the trials of war. etc.. and 1.0 make R tors ma thaf ail drbtils of tfIe' affain iy leatIneve Iiiiby.a.,.pi o ed. de zs.oti.tesil ilVIII c l uigth hieahr ya marefo en t epndt b il, u lie prcaenfted. Thes-Zion baund 9544-Virgil 10. Young, Zion iY. Iiamitefe sfitii1pp917-18.CS(f îuu zs o lCîb-ajil.draft cati on Monday. anmd Th ile icand l>îmm Corpa pîayed 9567-Philip J. iailin. rls4alb. 2Nlr.3iMeyer, followmug bis rettînu front îd lyiand-eal cimoidurin (hf îtoei'sclîvilyesrlmpoabne fo hlm e rson lig sevenal scies-fions hi fore the 16:1i %34-W'm. E.Gibson. Zion CIfY ly , Tout afsi lai- of te cvl waî-, Mî-. Wiiite îiia<ie a sof tteIlî- 4 legTpoclai nîfai i'si't ocei ento thiaPrepo f a theerally cirand train anivs-d.Relatives anti friemds 96904iEdaard Miller. wt h app teeamiti hep Teentîîiî it teajiî<- fli, ll lls tl.illc lcl ofuafr Iîatomsc-tInqediyaithe Gartdef hoe o rtyani of bth ielecfs are on hid in longs- 962-MNadiïon E.('nbb. Anfioch. wasnofhiug fliat fI-y had ta do o ie(lbW(. tuîîîg tîat s-ashlerekai.mmrt the o lden h ome briags ombeolru f0taflîl ht' hîtys gobye. 1 2-1,d)uis J. Galla.ghur, Wads-luobot fliematin. Mn, Meyt'r sa id: lias takcîupaceiîî Grays"Ike . igielileeXSel». ..Cr.;lntn lgbese er.e a;k-' ylbread i cîs-r orliaicrsd"Ihîl<lueuohig1ui f reeJJ îî- xscuc fFi- eîalumitgi w l topcoîulYty npuries came fro mthat source ratf. of Paletotfs 'as madie fl i(ofmon" thal 9740 len Il. scer blisre'as nnsason ft akie Ibis mal It as olY sexv-îii icPs w~est of iiibtliat the rallionis Volf idu VitAndtilsolicttors> ma> work any- c hnbb cIIlitdI n 6,000 Waulsegaiipeople . -the train -7- etRtjzk ot h-trn>wtim.1cranynvr iail-i-idin fli took )Iaec (N'V(a,, poft( t is WLk wY tlaamttiilishm boy»7w8- age nt flafajyzson nmm iiis(iht- fer îllg - coiT ithat lie ilu sn.aserions condition wlth ta bbc SoeldIiof glory pandcmonltmm 9818-l)as-ld P.ThomasIl111filnai'e'.i,;t'org- ant i ta fie i-io Ilit.ýd ter russabu tebndad brke iloose Women wbo heldTomh- 864-Jhn Loisî nIdps'niaps ls-ieiîîi.îsegosluiIln cal bicss-Is-l15 em i-Ibra91aud'sl'i - 51aIprises offers-d: A irai. secondmans tomacb. fioueiîî-dîi, is -oiîî-tî astîc 44-SOII hidarseIodii ct dstit n lod t 55B about 5 oclock Monday a4hesoin Iislnncm 9911.Lemilie . 'jiffifl. fired <tf u.alufiug th-,fig. I dntl vias' irpizfothctydtitInl- labrure o hin Afst rwlI n eblthe i 9929-Emil J. Klagr. Chis-ago. kios." -Cu' ng wafmkegaml North Chicago, Lake mornaLog that Gene Sheaban. a nelgb. SpritmII al.Chfr c-sd wa rBluff, lligbland Park gnd Li 1'M-bar ws apasslng tba Golden boumé. He spîcri elelame aIl Chc cn, bard asthe 99l-Wm. Stier. Jr. "Isnl a faielathe flic*boylater PAINT GRAVSLAKEheNSwituîd mlave' amyfliug et ali isf.scn udtid0W young Gelden lylng baside the, 994-Robent M. Diger. taîd t wa sa'tbou swhut fîtît lia it1-OUEatLLW; IE f dMAN'Sis sd hîmltpn-In aflimradstrtconadprdn aelatgIt atr. R the teassud s-son balis' bauds sere 9t79-Arnold T. Nélan. til..alule m-tie flag. bhtIt t as HSLACKS R ACRO ta lIa onbody I'.t' adto bgmbhetheizencte of fldtic ctuby, sentoead n d hte lm n rais"din thm iovation sbis-b Aas glvt'n - vran on eitlgi thé, boss off In san îo0013ni. L ilialli mofier Iwho did Sî'asker the tic'ACO5 la onfbd lVwh ih i,,teblneoftecln 100.1lI-etnGibingu, Wad.swnnihreorer suydlae NIna' fi-a îîîî tisttis-Potoutll'Of'î n'fi, 8,'re anddiaba udtuntao Pol f iod ndexis1LntIn ft,' The srowdad te itiniaïtéflicte. aysik -f ;-cUfioui'" cnsila Marfs- liTl! mt-hat 1-adwo aaenomtx î-tbe l.rgsts-er.,cnSfnu 0 Wtk@e u517-.lçffipl i akizin "I tntrien'.dIlItaIl s hal lie red Msade. a seaI trIre!re î- s i 27îlnc u cr inn hruloibcooniy are ta sr a ai oehn let~ poople sirank jammi-timlis- statinla.uitfll IosaidtaMr.sMeyelt.)aosoliisili'dfor pmizes. T'rlei-prbscs 4 Grildon hall apent tunday evenllg tiC ' o-g a ay parto."thel-i-enai Gr5then dates of ay l louer latthf Pintngudit.yvieve lbiedaîmhenonan. Retunnina oun w ma h n meiai biame peple sfompl anvite tain q lsr.the allofoieni a-ît gan- if When asked about the motterMr.n'aadveeSlo.Rtrighm i Thes' <inîlîs-i liitteitoprus -en- -lune)moroit slfom hyimnl f-tri lîlopi 1014lo6- s . MIret. llfor teRed Crdà,,. -oiubody dutir.aMeade laid.'"M ntet twe Ju e aterstrofin' hyatrelatives say hieo nhîtcheti bis bora. of cars sund wOtO irFINEnpu WORB.Iic<p a.t igbi SIn i, bali omse andi boom. waa daobed with paint Com the swatikegasn Chant, about 2 o'clock ln the moruing o44 swav fiere -luits amtg hivtIsr s-sent 401-lolin Gld,4hidtt. - uNiWRK aubcd a lot of yecloaini (tn if and turne dubng the ngt, t believe maro ie creta's-'sentmtui'tfe oo0k lt aernea flic trect ta (sun Up whicl i m'fh- [lia-tmiheurt anti 7-5II,-John Mesunl. 5'ote tihe'words Slacker" lu dîffer. flian ane or twa men lied a hand -nelor o iewhreuafoitrto te nto the -pastore sud as ho had t tl pol,îo thehvI, Isavinz for sisls i29-b5erdon (Iroon l- 1IorSun:lent Places on tht- îîîrcî. t but t didu't hear anybedy abo('babin ('f, fointuh i'rs--.clillof bts-nigale paxtly open tic animai kbckgd chreruing crowti Tlimh-s as baud _________doue, by bt'-foreigu famguge comtin- af0 lc 011,u tirdo> ofeoia uhtaT.RdC at sIefrciî a t eond amnfd ti tnhhriessfud rre nofi enttLTm peîld oksshrtla le- reaoesll.uuaîll ictaltopae h ac f8.mto ui- rti b u lîr inadrneet l m-osbta ofi PaItOf hhoi strrehni, offredas mdh a th Reeprise r au fo selec ptffna edisrc nllgweelenu ali ri suainand utillire andt fic' as tins-'Inities-,tif ss-ich Max PrLyliors-kbi's 1ta ahisi piteli os-rt-nIii'Incident and as auy membor an the c&mmittee ha, oclock ontilu ive. oeebosIe aot ber ta wurus-i uriv-ehai resau. drifig the IVr Sas-iugs-Meaie himseci, sos iîîîeused that affemed. I bave baugbt Liberty band& 9 i o sutyb. ad1d fe Gelden's necollectton of the ac&1- mother whJle another turrird furtive- ~Plesige week las- roîs-iscîl eogîîi Thnaunounced luis 1îîîîîuîmîg mtaa resp. sud badta 0barrow the monmy ta do ut. Pie ilb wre & h etwsvr auL at oa Is' fa teal a l<ss formanlis useethepant. tien troin tie Lake Couinty War Sav-s'-nî-uutiVe of ihisItalien fiat suIle 1 bave donc evorytnîng 1 couid ta as ' ho remembers nohing exceptingaild sho . tiniu icklciedfi> etii-ahf hav ebinge comuoiffos- c li bd domaft-îl gi-nfi0uisly for van Js'et but believo me I am now aill noatrwrkndiigceTuletnkheomtaheaead hi d l. Poy-g g~lîedges wr e rddunlng tts athig utt tîT n-ldn I liOll.I to tmgIntatr-ttrIly tht'young msoicitors. usntn nuU The mat oyfflc tai puls-l tutthns-sa peoplee 0finspaiigRo ros37e.dfg h20hou1. fthyar in a rat Ti. 'onupetlflu)ufor prizes I is lenfi oting ftorain onouu seu awy ss-liî sullewee anongfiefor-ig spasig ltdheos, firc iiase of Ltbcnfs' me in tbma way ana tmy f0 force me fa ta sciool dhildren of commun. lig asakenet Inl the blise. andaithetrin uled lo iler wa popl o $7201.bondjsetc.. that lii tas sas "aldo something agamuut my dosiresor &a A report prevaleti that Geiden ba a -eresi of whalectt sd amooiucAiogthe sos-lot s pictign the i rogh asa siiof flua vîny abîlîty, wby t looks ta mo sasthaugh 'Oilneaatroy grades onîy. Inflicted aome injury to htmaolftun hormt i iowuetir-licmsi f îtih loil. j aXpRESS COMPANIES MERGED PolihNational Alliance Bîaus-h No. harsi and ummarrtimii'd treatment 1ouhtta lh. though for god" i.Aamîls stl hoemaille OIOn thedon One of blie prof tiu'siTe airîes of tIl-11 the -hunnimuas'soedit esiesubscr bot AoOlis aîsd made Totit- fichatsof uiic'tritaaate f otir a voî gin Wtlith daS pcrllîîîelat nd1t07nd, cldint on Mndaybot ls rlaties 4.1ta parade oscurei î lcprcsinpr-ia- 11fsri$fSaiaIn100.000 and civils a hree or fouri nos-nt [tit Crosdrive,.utsasail Jlit2ii neersaneti thnslumstlc aveho b pass (i itrai s-hoomi A rea- îsmtmgt î,t> ay 29 m. oî.t lie socielyt 'ure-yohrPoti touri- firsI i auint'frrasdontcliasofIvlnSuas 1.Ditit larnbm uoisi.e popct !hentih h am . liait hbIn deslaret and oail the pupl.tsts -iimulsfetctitdSae ocletiea. anti sSonflicLifliosniau andti fron rayslake as aiIl as lsmciin u seni againI; att-imt ivdua nImtprosin fmncaliit'sdc s pec ti te lbieneynIe r udayth - oaci wavlng as lIte Amerîs-an IIas Satfsaud tttaY y 4 arecemnt betseii îovonian soslef les are sonsidctring Texais, etc. Ini As-uitlownship the tiec sommbftfc- accordiiigly tried af0 Cries liteiat esand fommndîslî saaesagaînet 11.. Hqeve ho i thi ng e Were standing bu front of Ilie as-Oof. Dîneireci enril Me.doo u d ticAdanis. flic purchase of stiumps lat (heit- next iatîelll 11nftrtot o cltsIoaiue îcrdniu zoEP.s ireditlc. canf y s-hursaineali.pot for serverMond',noif bu 11. watt aro, inpiring iglift.tîeit il. litFamgo. andf Souillerai meetinigs.Cos rv c-tialo ashaoot tliE srice it sil h ndsIfeIlle Waukegan in deepis' indebtedta 1csoipanies. shuse tcansporttiomibuie F rank Opeka shît did splendd aCoserie aum ollt Le assemans elaon.Not osrcvritWl e9m ii the ZIon bandi ferlits services. This siti tcmiergeti umdr a mes pnvte s-Ir- somk amnog lie Lithîanlaus and ment aSt mc ier ari- (tir mon Who 1.Cs rzï ilb oldsdbfr.lewl i bet onti baud unqupstionabls litonue cof mie msoafi'în sif h capital more than t80,00.- lovetiaîis during te wcek alietimr. o r frd and. Iaimd T cordingf5. ('551 s taprcasI ho lioOscobeors. su eal oli utate f Illîols. olloslig (l par- spinte e'inpamiv.(Seore C. Tylor.The foforhicapbialiai o bbc lien 35 nioes' ussi (o itwu.iai,'akririgngsisalors Ounest plavlng organisations l Irnîluthe i tutirbkos mrabals'as tie tîtderat tertalîs' lu the gettlug of plcdgcs. this dedueion Shî'.iîitvuasallotted One Way t t. IAond tU14.SThmeafuiritalf a pr is Cla(;rne ed' fils-cti allsieîgHet ti ade Ithe band look a stand n front offfteens iclsagît. tns preident of the men sun diti active work in sccurng Drsra mudelt 1 u tîat I a- olsio'aiomemli til re aeîîîser He tI hrirof Commerce budng , wicn~lt 's a c ie e rp àns. peie:Whea the e ofiiiItti-o ltirst sent 80 and sas alw s rî-ade wl___en antffc disi tbîmthetilu as-hmtt'lIî f-i.TonuatrwiI tien Chamber ledgem: see, ini thîss sasea ba-, rbahut or cies.i ivteeadcThisrussàuTrait hbitrtha-rsas lapdimrtti- ata taitiofbh. git"rta tebe uctIelb- anti playeti several selections for flic After Jul f.'s-luitfit'ecomboinatiomn Oc Vinscnt Zcusowlcz give thotie bie $5 hîuri ffered3$5. Thieandi toîd Dori oerasnoct tlu ied 1.0teicun' ca rma fWan cii. blzamuni.sitg. H.tus-it bu udt cOnimîîtccnîî-u uiecîiuîci to acs-ept fle atones' for tiotairamitus-t ofFrank eS. Savingo fallaipu comnittee Noritsflieatt.ttheet guit s.: fuaseil tiat shefil ibel- efforts, uiets -'utxpress" sithrout regard tii Joi' Powlowsl<i. $5. mtoienolec0fio Ruit'roa commt-eicnext fidln nieil.pny aofeeiCîg, III$ap omlte ot h atIge'ýý htwe Piollowlug lit a revisoi ist of btheiiiitmaits.ind soiimitiereaffer Indivtiuel John Jerina. Jr. $te reî of theoliR e rss than tict'oTer pltiens otuhe ea ans offrdlul 11coIlis-ited hiniè.'lf efruui e sas tolln rienon olft In bic draft (lifs nainesîuidtms-sepacate i'onipaut'us WITbe- I at lteeisliaIoengta ohi lcauente ti hîstee, -Iedo aite tr nta momnlng: ~glu to dirapîitur froinus Wagonis, stationfi IfatSoiar 100-Wesles'il. Sirsng. (Gurnee. îtlaisec Fmu1 l watt ated ti&.aîîuured ta limtail "My mîuvvcr wont'f llow me (ota it .yput m lunlthe Cepper. c us-c aftpe a. teas mcade a poil%* 2145--Charles Davis. Zion Cils'. The,-îumî,sîY 5111 icthaexcprmessun-IJohn Janasscod.istli ofee Spellman. Libonfyvlle. oteraimg AexM,i.riskl. 1.0 flve 112.5o4. .ltaieotas 0 avlng s peany's worth cf f ihp ie bdmndt dahhi s m h'rsîtrsh cmeif e

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