L IB-ERTY VIL-LE INDEPENDENT "LKECOUNT MNEPENDENT isits iliti melirWàul Gm Weefl WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN_ _ _I -MLXXVI.-NO. 23 ?ÂRT TrWO' Lfl3ERTYVILLE, INDEPENDENT, JUNE 6,1918 FOUE PAGS 0~1.50 PER YEIAR IN ÂDVÀN« TuI~î* lu- SPECIALRURAL SCEOOL fIIZLNlLTI PC LAumo AL TO BAVE-A JOINTS _________SENT TO STATE'S l-i t LfL OM ECEEN DYMANY 'Uv LU1M'T INTHATTY., KANKAKEF OENIES, GELDEN TRIED TO VLAKE ZURICH SITILL LEADS SHO SEF ArKCE A I~N PER CAPITA, WAA STAMPS Mei br of the Lake (ounhi .Lk vlaJnt. 1011 lnibr Club.v that kCapt. W. A. oftofGetTth ior1:LkVlaJn vThe following 18 the standing of the Park of the Sheldon School al 4h.)'s who have ought ort h- J Lak Conit t~nî i pr ~Area Is Selected as the of the War -Saving Stamps rreî LsCa rge Dye wit D a i your Issue of May .3Oih sales of War Savinge and Thrlft flos en eylMlcos' 1wsgotysrrsdaddsP lIIaaaiiuf Staanps up te Jwce lot. Borne or Place Hailand Park: Dr. Mores. ',Ir,. BegVry Iwagrtl supidan ds tM uthec bave reporter[ onlY up te May _______ W.W.Wllande. .God polintei la your article' on the acc e oa W W IitOe.i.Go dent wlîjch oeurred te Arthur Gi'; 25,h, which ma'aea the petr opita PAE N w, Robt. l. Carr, Mrs. ('arr. Louis, HE "1FRIES"1 MINISTERS dent. amount eliuhtly lower tljan il. would PLAN CENTENNIAL AEN CarDebrn hriclo.(,. VIIJN IÎI I lae ric. Moree art Sohokls WilI: Tynr aisrt"ve, M t lA k nofl trl a Tiheil stt olherwiaà - be Ahp r mre. Mason, H. S. Smith, Enmma. Turn- %baou'aU'ped cat hîiaslr ailh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' a-rs.1.4Soeo i 1e of u n S n e ' that howas round ln a pooj of wIck,1 F, Cusin, N i.Hatngthnt Trusi Alegd orgy i L Lak Vllau a.................6.55. Take Part; txpect an lm. fRob( P. Ci'ehiNort Sor Trustî aknt Task ln joustice ta lt!$j boy and lit font-fl --lberty4#lle ..........i.i mense Attendance. Cr Ptanstlehl, Mn. Mari Ruffaer, _________ Ory i a eniiengte ai yaufCtbs Io rocti iWauconda .... ......... ..... .i0 Frank L. Wean. John M. Ttu,., Elîza. orpai tW. A.% etj.S N.,e inh 4oe romud bace.wy rud tkga ....... .....L 3.4; Tecmecmn e:ereises for behTutte. Mr. Snîthe. haavmnan ifet ncre rnownPth bolafor the lait !H oitU Prairie View .................. L.8ox the eighth grade gradustés of th, vil. Viaukegan: Theodore DuiLean commnan t sttof te G reaLks e h oiho anod, hoa sober, homend toDefrpld -............ . >71 laeadrrlohot iib'SdPrentice. tri State's Attorney W. H. l)3'r ofbo. a tbihoehoiya Martin Lizaas, Engaged to .4rl çh g............. 2.71 ony 1t ot hcg:Jh hriD.Kiae ony n nrsos 0trh wax faunlitsdhohe soy fa.Brei alyotW uea Ravinla............ ...2.30 onëtraJn 5 ntebatfiJolley. Alian Henry. la letter olI nqulry relative JO the in. e lif sD kîdoui hm anth olu mi- TeUs 0f Thnmuingofxpenleno Marry Anna Rieameuka of Fox, Lake.. 2.12x Park et the Sheldon Schaol grounds Lke Fore't: Oe.ANcltcvesJgatlon of the jackle car orgy luo aellin on th a x a ltit, "heelaf hiln Epre Eighth St. Killed Lake Bluff..........2.07x at Area. C. E'. Brown. A. M. Day. H. i >îd, KanWzakee on March , ,unburdeu"d âwih , wonl inth afts he ad.a boete at S H EAn ioc .. ... .. ... .. ... .1 90 l a the m orning the C en ennial pa. M arviii H ughitt. M r. F rink N . - , him se f and placed- bath the state '. eltfha r kicked y the' hor.sc or fu l (u rn ee . . ... . . ....... .. . . .. . 1. 9 lr4. eo . K . T h o rn e , MN r. Ii-ubpn atto rn ey a n d th e M in igte nu ' alia n ce s a n î g hi, thch a el he a l SE GETS TELEGRAM Round Lake ..................a Li.xgant will be givea hy six of the S. Doanelley, J. E. Clenderiin. W. 0. of lCankakee ont the grîdîron. a ntin sube , io. FLIESa Fhe HhaSnA Grsake ..... ...... ....... 16,bof.~ n terat rogise teautie a ry as ndley, Alfred 0. 'Baker, Nlrs Frarîk Captain M.oifet', letter wili he for. ar'adt rhî eîeutya Wlnthrop Harbor ............. 1."l1 rbigadbeuiu fara N. , warded by the stateas attorney te Sec- In ead tuAhr ednry Lisdas Enlisted from Milwau- Area ........................1.37 the sacls have lippn ia preparalln 1Libertyville: Joha R. Thompeaon. rtalry of the Navy Dintels, tagether Ioi h...e t' he diraft, wouid eay that T sof Coming Outof lud 1.0ifor nearly Iwo months. The folio%%' . P. Dytiiand. Mr.R.1. Ntp.%ah, witfl another îetcrir.n h Capti ad) csetdta h o tkee and Was a Volunteer zi o' 1 'lit'y......................~ '.)ý lng achoole will take the parts: W .Be~tn Mr. Brea--rton, lo, M.oftet's attempts ta "argile thtw bc rr'ad te rcespoad ta his country S Right Above a Itun Airman Who idnLikeernany Wedswa¶h .......... .........ý, The Childrcn of the IllIinl-Ha. jbt ewrton, Helen Bree'irton. wrng maepxgt"-îît al.,,. aeins lie nid ~Ingleside..................... .49 thorne Parut, Ares. fluiterfield. Mad- J oged, sast he KafIakeDeinocrat. D.t' i. -n er ry ouE, Wukgnma odigth Highwood .................... .41 d ren and Bues schools. "The contents of ibi ]pinCGle ateytn aMPIIEIwax 0 e idmt like Coemany and The pe-r capita of ench town tihauld The Children of France-The Our- compti surprise to me." decIarèd found ane niorning by a neightîor ly- a irpianes," la the proper caption for r .the way site vits doing thIngs, @o hie tu, June li, about 87 lii. l.ak- nee, Spaulding's Corners and other the state c attorney In Kankakee. -ng thii arice pool tht' blood Ita telle thrfr "ojme t oaî Zurich in the oi ytown whlch bas schoola or Warren. 8 0 8 O Eehlfowritat the seretary of Ire i-. po oaf blond ona thie but. thrfr h une nhmef reached ita quota, thougb morne of Pioneer Beys and Girls-ilighwood the navy with my onimeuula.*"lr ae ele aldo lt A letter received frot, ltr8t Lieut tehslp fleht- her"--tnibute paid tbo- others are net very fer behind. anmd Deenfleld ëchools. Tire letter reade: girl" heaprevious night. -On ithat unltdalehsrlirlàbd 1 b b Tirait Waukegan man lcilled E. P. BEDGWICK. The Underground Raliroa 0o h W.là" oUCpanMle' etr a lews1 ev i tedat f the Nine 'te atioe inpai Mourope, MatnLi.eit ontthiajnrhiaoacio Ironi Waukegan. but the Injury hie w se oorcroain Livil Counr Chiag IKUU.ý D Sir'-On my retarD titis isuuîtained was such that he suie un- which operates In the Terminal bulld' il lo actio in h Eurpe M artin LW *hle of th Ctvil tr do îo. ingo, toitls af h18 mont thrtiHng exper as *U~~ ri, 10 FIL TO COME IN couda and rnîghboring cls iirîgb e~r ~ ~ ence ln the air as one of the mest gan, the word. b.ing expresaed ONFXLIEBIG i. Chlldren or tlîc Great War-Lake Masy ".was braugbt to my atleu- froni the iniJuries le reelsd. He sn pt wth h emn .by thei landlady art the place Bluff and ltondaiît schots lion. 1 much regret that there bas and lits family stated ho h"d been Nianley lived ln Waukegan for Wakgn Cagdwth heen apparent dclay Un tbe laandling lipd b>' tire horse as hie waa tua aie nîîdlu(eaito whers i fiance boards. The Tbe big bridge ai Fox Lake may 'Tle 8heldnuî Park le particulariyWak a Men Chre iul ae nitdIb vaincrs expression shoive the feelings o! îlot lie bulit Ibis year. The outlook sited -for the pageant rillplay as t.*o your original camPlatnt. but can tng il aut ta Pasture, but the ruinor wn 0Rnoj hr orcie n'any of rtei forcign residenta, la iallier dubiaus for the reason that there Io a grassy clope where Il c'au shJes assur outhat Inth ate bas o. o heenel lna' a outie te mat ie adm ntutote a etar who, setîng the triais abroad on Wedniesday when the county's h.e given that will afford ail an op- Colis in Chicago Jail tetouhly ln estlged. dot on-fu serv ie lu. Cardell t avoid aot. i and now 1.4 in rte tair ever> day uo- have flot waited for the draft but road and bridge couamlttee and the portiinity ta see and hear. The boym n isbtfrUeeSm xeii have voiunteted. bridge commlttee of Fox Laike met ai band froin the' Allêndale Farta. wîîî conduet of thé bandernen and petty phatlceîly dénies the' rrlmar and "e front bis letter are ver>' lnteresting kAmortnt the nainest of th., men liat Fox Lake Io open bide p. iitro- be fin handt ta rurnih the -marching WAS RAID "1TIPPED OFF?"9 oficers froni thi station, but aiseo in are gladi te priaI rte statenent hie, as hey aie the iret detals telljng lit ed as k Iled îîu action li F"rance andl posed work, but one' bld. onut that a music and their part wilt add niaih regard to tire apparenl>' malicieuxe rnabe.) i a a Waukegan man*s actual exper 4mad'- p!'îbuîr t.> the' aîîltoritîes at paillai one, -had ber-a submited. te the entcrtainiiient oîf the day. attitude taken by youraelf antd by theiec luiarabeth btte W * aaiton ioda> appearg tir- narre Tiîls bid mis Iret Jailus Eeg of Count>' Super lniendent simp-o Whiskey and Still Had Been Minîtra alliance of Kankakee te. CURTAINS PREVENT CONTAGION. felds of Europe. of.lri Jd. dtr drs aItocit Islanîd. le b d $24.uMî.î on tbh- bas asked Skate iSuperintendent .. .IHe ays: given as luli> Eighîh sietr, Wauke concrete work *lone. This did not Blair t gîve the' addecc ln the, ai- ThonG elS~Bre~ C~1udo aeTO r.a Mnke ain are setn at pn rt ort i or 1ofTrwni Wiarti Sirula ear idnIne bin Paurs- iS. r.e lnkan iso assse nt e trel da lathe frot ur t-inx hunrea un i M ods.s u le include the steel spa. The' estîimal. tenon and hie iras promnised to hoý of Mash Found Proud of the t-act that out of a POP-wehvta t t0 the bridge as niade two présent. Manty of the school patrone -e hlto i2,0 tGetLks ~ " ave tne sacaseiI r.LIeda %in cto dn is a ite fictua. y e a r a go for the entire job, waq bave neyer Éad lthe opportunity oi ulaio of U800a.ra ae t- " av iihda hseplt Ilatýi".a woW culy1250» ern r lio i e appear- Three Waukegan men hî'id on lIL ion there la nat s case or suspseled but we are gîver other work -for a ýdlid l acton n th wa inEurup NoNeta bi ld suaa ttd fbmthltted l for ctheyliabas hsiien hLais e bcinuntppatmalie Obas e th Valllecag chargeaio ai he reav!.nWhie tebesauttuue tailMoon-li Lizdas m-as woukîng la So)utb lit r-tire-sc and iherefore il was de- hle hearers for lie la undoîîbtedly one shine whlskey suî'ai IL-2 Tenth aua' v, ime. s' Preud are the>' of this fact and part air work. 14ke tta tiihed- ided cWu ta pocupanie opr'ning the- bids of the mobt forceful speakers la tht're t ere arraignel before ttnited 1 III LK4U y 8 etha hy hav ien a Dtela in "Two of the Hune were brougbt - Join tbhe arniy and lie gave rte ad cuit tuep 11h .when, Il la hoped, @tate. Sttetil Commîss4ioner Lejwis F, Mason AAFUUEK IeNta> ort-TY -leNv lnes dnwn on our awn field 'a few days C - dress ta Waukegan because. It de- mou bdniib a i iteptoso heehoaI hcg aerîsa ienln 1VILLE i e hlm thîinugual and ver>' &go. Nothing Il'ie having tbemr han vslops. lie wax eaaaged ta îarry a 1 lie JUft I fyîî g conidition.ddy 1u youag woraaî nani.d Anni Riemeika, TheL niatterY was reirdtsh'aeguueme oda nvtto hi ae e ounidt j adnitted rtal, Dr. %fiit i bv pn on>'fu hu ubolnaw la enîployed ln une af (he coiamittee ta inveiltigate -and take ta lie presea. during the entire day, 15. Their bonds wert' fiard et $10,000 his assistants have done adru -Ihvspnnelyfrhurtt- irorapper factories. Ht' hid been op ather matteris of!!mîortaiict' niia If POssible. Thev wîi bie Weil repaid each and the>' were reuîandcd te joi worir ln the malter of împrovîng rte day chasing around between two lu-. tuworkJng in Mhilwaukee for &orne rime inuht lie dtibvoseu of biefore the pio, for thr-ir efforts and il will afford ail ln default ocf obtaiuîing bail. uneesugHa ralth and tht' geocrai conditions ai ers Or clouds. doing My work sud Irjc a cfrayluce.(n nopruiyte ulitesmreo inaines ar:tue naval station.a Bee dndgtqg iwo machines rtat were try- UTo eliso h bgtg fmi' taudéermin he n cellertuail>' u rital, la beiag ALEX. GLADKIN, 1122 Tenth si. th-aa.sain ing to locate nie They dldîî't gel mie te se a 22 yers of age and uhether rte tederai governnioîit wiîî dane b>' the aciools. Tite schoot HUBERT RODE, 1122 Tenhh Mt. Arranged for the Entire Oneora the stetîs wbicb Dr. Miiik ad i didn't get 'thiem ni tnact 1 ditift. palisted iast Atiîu.sq.lie was nat a grant the permît for the hiuliders In cblîdrea wll ltie out la force as Iis VALENTINE BOL.. 1212 Tftîth et. Day and Evening'o t out ain e ait' eaend whicb bas nr' draied mn. ut ue t oseprchaâe lire steel Decesar, for th, wi furithe chance frail Ia Tltat (ho iullegedi nioouîcblners had renldbesrdng fcod, "It wax hard work ta keep front Lithuanians iibo valuntiei-ed for, Mer, crection of the structure, îî Je fear- enjo>' a picnlc and Ihus round out heen "tipped off" ii the proposed pnieumronie, etc., wax a ver>' simnp taluing a ebot or two at thein coming vice tu ord.-r ibat lie cauld go ba"ck ed the governuueut nia>' put the lui the work of th-' year before the stren- raid w"g Indicatei bu the tact (liaI Tueng bukt Cott Prie i. lia lippu efcius asi of asou ihr onî to ive of o n & a teigrn tme ut isRemlt dosa on that feature of the' %ork uous 'sort or t'le summer hegîna. three barrels o! whisit.y and (hoe instlitutseat Lihertyville M E o tn. hns eelp r auai a lieiun ined tm e dl bck id lit eermcm c iaRpm ic- bcause or wri conditions. Il la bard Bas'iet lunches s-hi bie the order "stîli" itseif bluii-iec placed in a chiict Teted, Foertbsu istae, curtain dlîu btth-er ba l ndcm u o ylot@ Tuceda>' afterncon frain the s-ar t-owadaym to get steel for an' niof the dav' it la inticLpeted thal tbis weII at Gladitins i a moreiotict-htn phrs agrh. be n averN ancafy ucuka in tt' s atits aiad tu4igl4d h le tedeparmeuut vit Washington -telltag prti-nt that tat' concider-di a' l -Iite one o! tht' menut largel>' at Thet revenuein 001cran ruc fotini plaîa.-d ass taiowe Thnd cuiai iut ai heanîbeah C b~~ler thaý L.lzdas liait ben killed ti solutclv uîecesuary. tended affaire of the kind ever held wbiake>' Dean the- plaieý shere It bad Morning Session. "Serrnée s sulaen11. yr day I hotte ta be allosed 'Io action, Naturally thé' yaung womnan la the case ai Mr. Keg lie dîd not Intecony een distfielent ix buarrels of 9:31 Executive board meeting. Of clotb w-ax used &n making ,tbesn oha hn u hn kwha %%as uvaltiaxr for rlire war to end bld un the' s-bol job as ws-s asktrd "mash' s-erp loiud ln Giadkines lil-Devotianal service, Mn... Viola cnan so hide crîd cme ac hee ad tr n te eu-îiemen b. trd ~ IVChouse. Thîis "mash' i, the materiai I3urgts, evangelictie supenintendenî. The rossoau for baving Ibese cur ta , marry lier s-ax ail braken up for the nir-lely on the concrete portion.~ ') i 5 LAK LlJU1I f romt willcb the w-iii,i lai dlstilled. 10: 15--Orgaairation ofIsttelan serpai Inarwdoi AV DIV memj limebein tlo-eeur sT rere liTt' super%ÇlîIoru,' road conirittet' Tua juge of diatillet lquor s-ere appolntnient ai conimittenes. Mre.p la naititura, Ily te lier sort aitihe wrappr-r factory conusts ofIBaiBlow, Kirchner and E MD I T b5found where they had lbppn bunied Jennie itiat. count>' presideat. Rall a lo of rsiing nd oibe s dtui> e a it - oda>' and shaseul hei-seîf tn e a Eger. preild(tt ai Nagel ad ment "4E" "-" ED ; T aid Nire tak e ta hic-ago as cvi. cati of tîtuionis (re p n e b l-ca t nai liet'zn sld ec h co in due te rital patriot lit niakiug lt-t lue t 14 bers (if the' Fox Lake bard. s-îUî dence. Samples ,îere anaiyzed. presidents.s lIre. Jennie Millier, lion là of course, tha contagion li MOT SI ýt li~~er ced situiatioin. tutt of Ii-ghwaýa Russell con titut- OnI e saniple ws-' fnuiiut ta contai» cotint> secretar>'. thog a-rwd,"og U ltBE RE3'URNED OONEpr cen alao u te o- 1:t-Smoin,"is a r, arried buasecrd .hogTU ln spr.aking af LiM,,d b'- s-onin the balae fr ite coiuiiittee havuiig4Prcn ino.lleohrcu 10.-,ypun "Ho Ca UIWM ndcuhngadtbrf In charge af the' bous"eta 1019 ElghIh the tasiier ta hanti. ____tained 36 per cent. De3tetfttH1 eScr h tetfr fD.Nikadlt TWA W F U T _______________Rtifiatio of th Nt ioa Po iheter !D.Siiuadhea,'5A e treet. said in rathier simiple' ws-ul Pederal authonite-, ,s,,tI lthaI heRtit aion sisaft wa tatohîhig hsecl t. ~~~~~~ ~Mn ofd afhoiPlt Wh Dott No WSR Mthy tirer 'mnýiig" case de- tboiî thtdrci4' Natonal 8qctantasa btb'haigteec SIX BaOTimRple thos Whoi Wenta tod Amnmnn'cut' ue toiinu belîveen. the bunks that the wat fo eroit s3ymnipt igî;l oucio -î h'rca Ca mp Gordon Few Days l~Ue Ut oet nyar.lneit.P ist. Chriistrai Cîti- germ awouîd net We carried through W. H. Meye fPareV li.meaning Itbat Pnyîrody s-ho did flot Inî bels-ec osa winters rse a-t Ago, Fail to Pass Tests ployes oi the MArrirican Steel and zensbiî. apether ir. tht' rcuti s btae ee tri yaeEpan of h e V 11k. Genie>' ntithe ietodesheth, Nlcitwee Rospial esh nreut Wir comiiarly. GSîsuin rnDs a Carta Mis. SI.ude V4~ddicombh j!iledical Mserulir sc Ioed crtal is s-ont aeaenxlaauno h la tursuing shoiild not s-ait for tht' tatam ftt Bu ivl" WLt Tenth Street and i;reei Bs>' road rniiract.li as ravetha i cn Refusai to, Salute Fleg draft. bîut sBould voltînteer and rry 'eBonOfte"leDvo-%m IL ARRIVE SHORTLY aThe trait s-hici th., internat rev- -Mrs. Nlair Churchill, Flouer Mic- Tinhe trghet ain-achd-r waitlng ta lie catied. gan and foîînd tuai une atbem catit e liGifn Chs Holîstein Rade, horne. Itlau fonnfd tbal bur* Mri. Orpha Harding. Suida> yoing mon and getiera impttlonc HAPPENED WEEKS AGO b in t e D a h L s . tram ber home bs-n , bll1e in Fr onice. lale G if n, C rs .tp Itad heen plac er] un tht' cracks ut Schoolti.. haut' goDe abead with tii. r MBat thuit b2 nbIteOeat Lie I urther intereating lacIe heve just and James MaGrain Are rte basentent W-indow s to îxclude tire Mt's. Nettie Welcb, Teqiperance tbhODI~l ae~De ii W .Myro rii i , Wabngo.D.C. oe. iebeen discovered. eveh caPo re lav Miitt h e liaas ing o la>'. cnted -.--Tl opieia bagl ha - Aih fnile> thp edti had oemeg.d Miussio Ln ou H. Mee TtPare wh rnrycarultvasfolos- Klle I Among those fnom Here ilh -il h tii et'oealn.atMlsoa r>' spect., 'D.Mi o a vet> aue tteetl aruu clawdlra hadt sixa brother.. 10 tht feriendvl i 1h.'nil îie case!, ehdcnutt > ie able number oi assistants -or'îIng the recent action of the goverlitrm action. d9; rh <it ofwaiids. 13;: dicti French aras> flahting against lethé l2 fteL'u an> on The revenur' agent., uI.-lved around Maraaîl inrsodng scea> whl iDc Ihene garount rsudt oa s- alled ethe mb Ohleaof o! accident. : died ai disease. 1;; Iiin. Site in the nevenîli member aien wodardsfe-dyagfoand fiuailly apuotted CiadkIt' foa.nit C. Tt thavel b>'n sruh enera godrslsan tkd oaser te marer fs te s-ounded ar-veret>, 47; aîlceing la aic tie fimil> andi ls the aDi>' danghter ('amp Gardon, Atlanta, ds.. haie The>' naidc-d tlie plaeur- araund Mid- 12-Noon-tide prayer. Adjo Tiulrnefra'inel th a vnlueth g l bis so Porairie VoMe- tien, 2. bora te ber parents. heen rejected efler bc-lng given a ph>'- nigbî on~ Monda>' ln a dc.orîedl Weil ment 'for social houn and picnle lunch Tfth- lato te irtlIen the histoer sothothe igi lçbn . iriey -IS Officer.W namîér sere, t'ai. Bertrani lier six brothers enterei rie siraI exalDratian. and are ta hoe meut Was round a 's-arn tati>" and the lu church preai-. ,ftt tta hitehat lie coî I ubtne.rNyr L T. his>'oîi, Salisbuiry. N. C.; Cspt. Frenicl army> when s-ar liraI brokl borne wsas the' sord received Ioda>' Pipas useti lu ilctîîlitîg la a bae feno eso.Wsigontri hr oHryR ;IokCmrde lis;otadfrforAtste aeb eaieofoeo h akgnMscfrternoon LesIn, sbi. chbre of ent e -i re Il; hapter e lAa thebu and hso ari Ilarr>'~wh R.s tnlct taherige sauts. ouIt andp forrou foure ofar prboys haveglo b>' ah relativ stonation.aue Eds-.aid 0. Fleur. Dies Moines, loaa been itiing Ibemmelves against the' YOUg moen ràl-a n(h a i na au d s-ren s ae af gqat Mnd Carre Chaft ierntychare ofWthao ta hr su aeo t bpe nedv ld hi'e by aet e nie. Lieut. Clarence Green. Winîerest, la.: Germans. draft., He mî'ntioned' the names@ o! tit>' of potatoes s-hich liedt beon trend I :31-Devotional, Mrs, L C. Wes, lute the Mig . ls ais&da ias -ht Richard Mortimier, Je, Tuxiedo Park, In taiklng of the matter Misa 1"laud- LeslIe Griffun. Chrie Itollsteln andln makAN the ]llüt IDEDT aueg the boy did se of bis own volition N. Y., killed lD action. Lieut. Hos-- ers ssid thal alic bar! lent tract or James Mccrain as beLng tbree of tho ID5-h ma.n thC1kh iIta.Wuoa . T. (T. War Service SONj Ofg ROBERT*~ raier than havlng bepn toi b>' mli'- ardR. mib, os Caîle td.:ditwo ai ber brothens ant ee and Waukegan boys s-ho wene founi t Finit "Shiners" in Vears. :-TeWC.asu aaa faccident. Lieuts. Ahb-sm P. Crati- other relatives are unable ta May have moine IPby4cal defects -which "Ti s - inlralmoshnn C itemies Ehen Miea. ciea Meyer'a viait te Chicago the relioètt 10 ~~doc, Lynchburg. Va.: Adam P. B. s-hether tue>' are primonens or wheth- barred ihent tram active mîlitar>' sor- cas e cae Benh Epsni tela a sss number pf2-réienit gree, sno. camea ou ILflwshoWotld-1 Damhrauickas. Phuladoîphia, Walter or Ibe>' have beeli kilîct inI the bat- vice. niedr, d aes i stiatn, la Co, preietPaeutTahraa. L IL E 1 ae u htI -sh -o(1 1.Slîa Cîcg sdF .We-tc vaic ea et12m» I u at uIdSae iitale' .itin Liet' Ii; ra. Grace Grid - boy Dot te ainte the iag, bat 411, 1-J ulia hcaoaddrA et-le a gu setI. e nte h tpeared before tUnited Sttsle>', preeldent Womni5's Club oi Li. D I1N ~I coing te oficiale s-bon b. arrlvei l phal, Providence. R, I., severel>' Thé' ather hîrothere, site statec, arl qusInshl Ii Iet. ommisuhoner Lewis F. Mason >'e.. bertyvîlie. TRINIIÏU n e Cicago h. ezplained the otil s W~~ioumdcd. Lieut. Ralpb M. Noble, la gond liealth and are etilt fighrttig ville district sent 130 men. The enaatooos-eniom -ee 2:15--"*A Mothen'a Oli»ortunity", estait b>' saylng th" it ss tbe mie$ mOlisbung, Ili.. mimsing ln action, sud fightiîîg bard. Nlisi Flanders la numbered o!l laeclom Ilfiul ts said Iss tho. -di orct k moîher s-ho tbld bhn not toi.M. - Uceuts. cenjamin C. Byrd, Hart- (ho onh' one of lier faitfill' s-ho le largeat 0$,an>' draft sent fros thehow mrrugot thet la dfmaceîlt ta sah' Jue s s a re Ch , UkertgTean.r' riigcm tpotHwvr nth etrwihb fon, on.,an Rbet Bke M- u bi cuntl-' wdnaurli'hecouty>'. 8 n, e t cnos-u just s-hcn vil uh le'hd aebfoo(o dlaie CaSl hrUet' heia ae tlin c a atu Forth noseit le tr s-li t h oe -jin a Dpwell, Jersey Cil>', N. J.. prlsoners, s-atchee the' prognesago t ire batlles the young men s-ilihoe returDed but revenue agente got an the trait. 1h vIlle. vi Shzfr ofevoea enda fr op t t'so Illnvoils, u fJný ortsth on b.lan h hIe . or Ob 114 were proviausl>' reported mlsstog. ln Europe 4motre iteenry> posati>'y Il la expecled bal Ibe>, s-il, h, hruo final Illicit plant s-as localcdin the 'a5Cvu Q-i fo,-mevtrduafrmWcosn IinlMne o oeta nbaefo s then ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .-Aod uWakgawtlasorlme eeetfRdshoesui s-a COducte b>' Missl Epha %Iarabal. l s an ihia -o aetke ote.-.,Nyr -e .