~Im ~0U? -~ LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THtJRSDÂV, JtJNE 1~, 1*iS ~ -' - - *1 ik OILS INAIO. vés at FXwaxeciie, TeXt., io& Wbggna -e onplainuA that had Peen show Tuetiday'. Mmdiitb it a Stes ;Attorney Welcn _________________ well~ a raid on the Cabaret Gi ris - - -- ghow et the L. J.1. lit Carnival a Tourteenth and State Sreets, Nort! -Chicago, Wtednesdiy nighi about 8 of bmcamd hUwr atrttSok. Twelve girls, the majority -N g î w.'re plaeed under arrest a ad taieit tia *toméhileq ta the North Chicaro »WS Iestation whpre formai charge" and I« j»Ileitiitg ere fI)Ic.d aginet thon. They were given a prelinun- R ay bearing before Police 2lagstraie U~ John Nelson and were placet! under Irnêasor 1.000 fach. The girlsN i cases bfing contintwd for one week. là the meantime they wiII lie givenI 14t11 and State st. imedlical examinstions to deterrne ubether or flot they are sttffering oft Nort1h Chicago any communicable disease._____ 'M EDNA BAIjL, aged 2-0'iIJ THE borna City, Okla.I HIS.1AZEL HAYES aged 22 -1 U13.-ETHRLIIiRS sgd 2 -MU. LILIAN SHRADER, aged, ~u 24-tives ini -Alabama; huband in aiC*ajg "ancock, C.a %MUg. RUBY NËEAL. aged 22-IJvet' etaill11 City, Kan.. husbind runs va- haret show. gd N" M$SDORQTHY K RAM ER, lon oalRo le te sony-fit Camp D)ougl&s. Artz. - MRS. CHIJS ItOKO. age 0Catering 10 Women KUsband wlth the Canadian force mdChlde in England. adCide 1M. MARN M\ILLFR. qged 22- MRS ; AURA FREEA~Nlaged i.:', Eveýrybody Rides -4tuaband with thte Captill elîy MISS HELEN Ml0LZ0F. sed2, THE W HIF AnaMêf1 t Ca. -Uives at Fenimore, Wis.; work.*d FrtTm vrHr ea restauranlt aiJoliet tvhen shv Frt ueEvrHr lolaed, the show. Amuùsemnents Galord is. MILDREIi\IRIIapv rigte hl Fml 23-ILives ai Waupaii tMils.- -BrgteW oeFml MIRS. LOU NLJCKLES' aged 34- Buy ow- we wilI hold any piece for you and ~'41lvr wenyou wiah. ~Jast à few of the many bargains you will flnd on aur floor:- . Gieat Challenge Refrigorators as low as..$12.45 bon. Beds, ail sizes, up fr m... .. ....3.65 'Bisa Beds, up from. ..........12.95 ffets. ail fimishes, as low as .. ....17.45 China ClSets, a large selection, up from . 14.95 Porch Swings, up from ..........8.50> Hammnocks, in ail colors, up from .. . 4.75 42-inch Folding Lawn Settee.......1.48 RUGS--aII new stock at 1501 discount Êortieres and Draperies Lace Curtains -heLargest Line of Reed and Fibre Reed Chairs id Rokers ini the City at Very Low Prices. McDougal Kitchen Cabinet~ Alcazar Combination Ranges LLawn Moeets Poutr Neti S&rtem Wure BLUIBERG'S Oil Stoves dsa& Stoyes China Ware Wh~r4 DYoung wolucli be W N ED tweexî the ages of 16 and2'-5,who wish desirabie and steady emnpînyment. Rapid ini- crease in our business makes it necessary f roin time to time for us to einpIoy inteligent yoifig women and trai tbem as operators. To those who cau qualify we offer an opportunity to learu , a Profession ini wbiel enpioynent at good pay may be obtained ini any city orý village iin the United States. Intr'resting work, îrefined sur- rotundings and assoeiates, benefits in case of sick- ness and pensions yqhen eligible. Pay la liberal at the start,, witb fmiquent increases as the pro- *fieieney of the indim7dual.warrants., Exception- ai ehaîîees are offered for advanceinent into posi- tions of responsibility with correspoîilili» ad- vances in salary. Make appliation beween 8 a. n. and 5 p). m. to the chief operator. CIRICAGO TELEPIIONE CO. Hot rd y m 'Weat lier e i I I Main Floor Specils -for Saturday 511k Gloves Plain white, plain hlack, black and white and black, $1.00 values, Saturday, per 79 pair..........79 White Linenne 36 inches wide, regil- lar 50c qîiality, special for Saturday, 371 per yard...3 a Crochet Lace In pretty patterns. colors white, pink and bine, regular 12 c val- ue, special for Saturday, yd. .. ..7c Corset Cover Embroid. 18 inchicorset cover enbroidery with bead- ing top, regular 35e val- tie, Saturday, per yard ........87 811k Hose Ladies' plain whîite siik bose in -an extra good quality sl)ev~illy priced at ... 5 per pair .... 75 Long Cioth In nice fine (uliitY, '35e value, priced spepial for Saturday, by the boit of 10 yards,2 71; per boit ......4,6&- Emb. Handkerchief s Fancy embroidered handkercbiefs, repilatr 35e values, speCial fo~r Saturday each 21c, 5'for ......... Fast color fiags, size 291/2x45 inches, special at each, 35e; $ 3 for... Ladies' Pumps The most approved styles for sumumer w'ear are shown in these high grade- patent leather and viçi kid punips, w'elt or hand turned soles sizes 21/2 to 7, ahl widths, regular $5 valûes, Saturday3,65V Sole Age in Waukegan for fledCross Se Taffeta SiucSkirs, $3.98 fOR Saturday w e w iii offer a ehoie lot ot' '~the newest style silk skirts ini plain and S fainey satin stripes at the reîîarkably iow preed$3.98. These skirts are regular $ v.aies, and are very st1itall foi.SIIiit w~ear. Spe-cials fo r Satu rday Plot Weather Foot- wear Specially. Priced for Saturday young Ladies' Shoea Yotîng ladies' vici kid lae boot, with 8 inch white buek tops, made on Euglish last with welt soles. Sizes 2½/ to 7, widths C and D. This is an up-to-date $5.50 shoe, specialii 34 priced for SaturdaY...34 White Canvas Oxfords Ladies fine white canvas oxr- fords %vith hand turned soles and higli spool heels. Sizes 2½iý to 7. Regular $3.50 value specially prieed for Satuir- 23 day at ...............23 Gray Kid Oxfords The iatest stylesý in ladies' gray kid oxfords, w%%ith hand turned soles and higb Freucli heels, sizes 21/2 to 7, widths A, B, C; regular $7.00 val-4 5 ue. Saturday only. N'ou eoill îhfe lli0(1 ~li tî .îîfiiîg more daiit v aund s1îîîr liaîîiit- clarming niodes iiî voile ;.11111gaîîtlo blotuseq that arle s1>weial lv rived t ir Sal - niday ut $1.9J8. "ie range (if ans îîd sizes is large ent ilihto ilease Ilive 1114t exacting and t(> lit etel'. t lu.o igure. Specials turday Water GMasses Finîe îvle:î glass-s [for IVlve it' ; foi.. Plage (issl qulIitv tags. size 1x1 inchlî noiîted on a 3ft. tk lO Âlumainum Ladels Puire aluniiuîîi lad- 4as wvith retinîîed liaîidîc Double Roasters Pure alumniiiiuiiî doublîe roaster, size 1lx 11 iii<h, 5 ineh (leI)tli -con be lused as separ- ate pans. Spe- 1O (ial ut . .....L0 Brooms! Broomifl- Just re(-eive(l a sîîip- ment of goo(l service- able liroois ith four roNs of stitelîing. The kind Von bav e heen lookingfî r S eial at cat i . .9c Bagement -for Sai Aliminurn Pans 6 quIart aiumîinîîîî i7e<l bande, specially priee(l foir Set- .89C urday at each Near-cut Glaasware Beautiful assortment of glassware consisting of footed sherbets or iee cream dishes, butter tubs and suieli vases special for Sat lO iirMay, Peh ..,..1O Aluminum Cups Pure, aluminum cups in ovide shape speeialy prieed for Satur- a. day at ecdi.... c Water Pails 10 quart galvanized water pails, priced spe- cial for Saturday .5 at each.........upC Carpet Beateru' Well nmade _carpet beaters that will give satisfactory service, spe ciaily prived 15 a t-eachi....15 I3uy-Co rsets Now and.Save. T HE maniufaetuirei-s of Nemno Corsets are goîug to advanee their prices mi corsets thé first of July and we will be forced to raise the price on al corsets bought after that date, so we advise that yoiu supply yoiir needs now w~hiIe present stock hsts. Fresh new assortments of the very latest styles in1 stiîier millinery awaits your inspeetioni. ere you will find the niewest ideas introdueed ini shapes andl trim.rings of lace, georgette and strawv bats. Priced $113.98 and Up ru: - --------- 1 For Saturday we wiii offer a ehoie lot of the newest style blouses mnade of fine quality erepe de chene, georgette and French voile at $3.98.. Eveî-y woman who needs more waists for summner should see these attractive value. The price idi- cates a most' unusual îîpportunity to eeonomize.