CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jun 1918, p. 3

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LIBETYVILEINDPMMM TE T1TR AY. ---W-----4.t5SJq 66 i &> 'iu i~ above bore on tis article fro i t.e I11VII1UA1~DIC( Kankakee Demacrat of Tueeday: tmarting under the stinginig vords .4 ii1 y Cbutaia W. A. MoffetI, LFVT TIEM P OCEED lu command of thte Great Lakes train- M PROR D It ng station, lu bIs letter lu itateas _SÀy CÀ T. #IO FET Attamaey W. H. Dyer, tite Kankakee Mnuerial alliance wilI demaud of SAYS APTOOFy of te Navy Jspu tlîuda ufth Great Lakes uaval ohf- Ministerial Alliance of Kanka- cials relative te te jackle ha,.d or-, kee Is al "Het Up" Over Prdie M.DaidChcre:glilû.-i , -- * RePlY of Moffett Nlinisterial alliance, dechired titis morniug tat a meeting of lte asut 'FAKE I TO THE ~ :would behaield sitortly, Saiticit TAK ITTO HECAPITOL? thélte demnding a full investiga- lion wll be framed. This tetter will CaPt. Moffett Deolares Band not ite given to te local paliers, li Boys. Were Harmed by the ' d',drn erbt oidhscuhe Unwîrranted__Reports "The~ Ministerial alliance mo..l as- sueywil taice notice aofte letter Kaulta'te (; izeq, lthe.%Ilnsterlal cf Caplain NMoffelI 10 SbtaesAttorney association, te sîste sytîlorties anti Dy,,r," dcclared te R.av. Crigitîca everytodv aise.seena la be ail "bel" itis morning. "Thte notice will tale Up as resuit of te ltter whcC th ie tarin of a ltter dira.tly t.)St'îr.e- Moist sent lu repîy ta te inveaîi. Itam>ofutheitaNavy Danls sund ltse W- galions made tera racantly in con- er wl haof sucit a nature that ec- naction witi the laalegmi conduct ftui l ie mater eau ha expected. mamiters of te band wito played 1Thea letler wili set forth te *iistory there somae moutits ago. of te caseansd theatatitude takan bv Thte Sun prinled CapI. iMoffettl et- île miiters and tae ciurcites of ter Wedn oday igght sud 14- thigtistiis cily lu adoptiug lis resolulion. eounactio4 a report now'cornes front We shall deuîand an-invegtigatlon (of lCaraOaee Ibal bcsue Capt. MoetIs te attUtude or Oaplaiu MoffetI sud letter was o drastlc and 50 stmpngly te naval ensîgu et men bere to In deuse of the jackie baud tat invealigate te case. We shail take te Mîi-isterli association of Kauka- very slrong exceptians 10 lite chtarg- llee are going ho demand an Investi- es made by Infercenla." gallon ot Capt. Moffaîl. Nol le Mince Wvord.. Capt. Moffett was told about titis Ohher minîsters are equafly empita-i iroposed 8tep by the Sun ioday sud tic lu Iheir exceptions to te attitude Be replied: "I dtd wbat i t;îauhitanssumed by CaXain Moffet. It ik vras rlgitt aud don't care t bavle ssamad ltaIat helallar la go forward1 sny turtiter conlrovermy on ibis mal- witlcit will Include a copy of Cap- ter. 1 bave sent my repîy ti te tain Moffetaleier to State's Attor- olales attomu.-y aI Kanukee sud liat ney Ljver, wil ual mince words nor1 endeel il so tar as 1 amn eoncemned. Veil the position of te local minis-1 bacnu'ue I bavealauo fled s repart teme. wiit W.ashington. Ail there lis luil While te mittialars aili arite Sec- ista iaIIhave iteen standing vp for retary Danieis. States Attorney Dy'- te taýé lnunuufarm sud dont pro- 1 cm s fr.tming a latter ln rmply 10 Cap- Pomc ta bave auybody lump on tm tain -\ioff-tt's ltter. Titis ltter aýil tust bucause titey do wear ite un!-flot be given out for publication. bit fomm. Tii. tact ofthtie malter 1ltatI il aas lut lnated todavy iyte stlh--u Our baud Iraveis over te Untt'-d- attorney tat t attitude of te clate 1State- sud se have sîscla of letierabIite case s ill be ciearly set tarh, bt(-r%- n tue offhi' commpnding titcm Caîptaiii Moift-t would excuse tht-, foîr th- ir tea t r w-iem'-,-r thet- offense conimitted lty tle jacl'iea be- weut. Ttctact ofrte malter 1 latis te gtrllhadtl,'-oeTt p:eî ou iy Is thte orie complaint frqom KankaklP-e sîured dezpilte te tact thte), wer ltat a-.'- have bad frontal over île under te 55e of consent. Theit'- itaies cou.. 1î1y, Tito Kaukakee i'tapi' attamu.-> s-lit cati attention lu the iqAe ýirPad titis repart -about tie law <f liluots antd 1 lite opînon rt band'i nmttra'tlinui: nnocent tirle was he lits~î-me court lu support ot ittg etteni'd a parat tere te sîgilI lit-stand itat te pr;or record ofthlie baud Ktni'tkAee. but titis girls I., rt ait isu- uinte case. aIt ýronz .'as aur luvi-stlgat it ij a- Thr t- - sattorney, ta reply tb sboan Thu-> have sprpad Ibigme- Catai M~offet's a -ýertion Ibat ueI port leoadcaqt trougitaut the cou ý-th,- torail roudi' oua otKank-akee art- trY aTdIti ls-ems To me au unpatrt-im.lpçuuetl tht- telleo baud sîlI nôt tic tiing 10 do wten te baud bas , ha ;.ltov.-to 10 aIt te city, a-ut statt been doiug surit galant work witcr- that if - îc.î iauntrgy-ileite ru-test ever tilty bas-e gone. I court auv cd i.rt,ceijrred on te nulit of Investigation witleit liteKankakee >lar< b5:1ît 1h.-jack'(, car, tse absence people d. sIre ta mals sui %hall ta-d of ii' jackie organization wa)hIa,-ý firmly hhiid te band anà1 ils be- a aitolesomr effect iion tlie nmarais tas tom .u e-liewhn l asa luKanka oft ho (ity. Notuug iliae te waboie- kep." s.i' a i c of >Marcit s-su ever lna- Whst Produaed eftply. i' b-tame luKaukatiea, avu u inte daysg Capt Moret's amatemneut as madp whten eonmpeali,:ed vice W55 aI-t tce cream cornes are te ha barred on witealless days. Drug stores, de- licatesen .shope and Droprietors of I1111. stands ner lte parksansd other outing places have been notifled by the food Êkdmffltration tual lb.>" muât net oeil itee ream canas, If they are made of whest foeur on Mondays aud Wpdne!admys.-Tribene. Th,- village oft hale Bluff, witich chaii'-ngu-s a.iy town of its aIze lu the country te better lts war record, held it-. hi weekly war raily Monday niglt Albý rt A. Kraft was lthe ciltl" sppa r r tir. Kraft "poirited wlth rrdu,* to Laike Etuff's $40l,0010 liberty ton ubrcriplonIan ud lhe tact t ha t the, town. witb only 70f) inhabitant, h3id a s,rvic-, flag containiug 78 star,. Presîdent Wilsos Thursday declar- p is hi.opposition te fnrther proiti- lion legisiation saltlte food admin- itratIDn dt'cides itlah necpssary ta conserve foodsteff. Hie position was made known ln à lelter te Senator Biteppard of Temu. A bouge ameud- ment 10elthe agr1qtultuLral appropria- tion bill would prevent lthe expeudi- turc of $6,000,066 unleas te pieui- dent Prevents lte use of grain iu th. rproductinof alcokolie liquors. Now is the Thfne to Make Your Tire Buyng a BusinssProposition Nowi thls time of war, it la made them easily the most popular more necessary thon ever to buy fire among owners of the biggest- tires for permanent economy. sellilng light cart. Hundreds of thousands of motor- The same quality la builtitnto ait ists have foand that business judg- United States Tires-into the somali ment i tire-buying leada straight to izes as wel as the larger sizes for United States Tires.. heavier cars. The phenomenal growth Select the United States of United States Tire Sales la Tire that fits your paricular positive pro of of this fact. needs. Our Sales snd Serv- The unusually high quality ice Depot dealer will gladly of United States tires has helD 'ou. Then stick to it. W. know Uni#ed States Tires are gb tires. That's wby we seil them. Libertyvilie Garage Schanck Hardware Co. Brown & Boehmer, Wauconda Area -Garage, Area LAKE COU FOREST PRESERVE Indos'sed by Hon. Peter Reinberg. lowed te exst, tbe lettur will state. 11ýNot bSk'esWalkers. The lelter wlU furthr tale excep. tions ta te tuqlug of a 13 yça-r-old girl as a "oommon street waîker." Thte states attorney balds thal girls of sucit tender years are not fully re- eponsîble for tiur conduct sud no such appellation as maie by Oaptain Moffett lis justifed. Thte naval'com- mandant will bu held ta account for lils iutemi.erate. terma ln te latter, Dt 'r intimatad. :11 tj zuthor iies bave no juir ledietion over lte mon of te arin. aud uavy," declured te state's attor- ney- today. "The case of the gullîs jackIc .aIF; antireiy Sp lte naval sulhortes. They eau do as titey see uit lu the malter. Thte civil au- thorities are dfàty-bouud lu repor' violations of etate laws comiuitt,,'I by xavy or army men ta comxmand iug offiCers. <l'iur datifends there. If Captain Moffett desîres 10 a'ittu- was t tiis case 1 suppose leau be done. HPlemaya th. men wiil be pua- iaited sudtatIolual the cvil authorf- tics enausal. If te punlitimnt Io lu- flicted ou the titeory tit the gIrIs of 13 and 14 yeuas ere "Common atreet waîkers" lhe court martial wlIl Ignore te law of Illinos!' The miutera do cot Propose la let te case drop until they have the attitude of the. lead olte Ënavyd7e-, paomment hlmadlf. Il vas iutimated today titat bad not lte letter for- warded by te mInusters reacitad fer retarv Dinlek wbo ordered a court martial investigaloU, Lier. would 'ave been no natice taken of te for- mal complaint forwarded by States Àttoriney Dyer 40 %çaptain Moffett. Tii, mInitaers ame tboroiighly aroused because they beileve titay have been allacked lu an uuwarrauted way sud tbey propose lu carry titeir case to the higiteat autbsirtY for fiuai settie, ment. CORN GROWS SO FAST IN W0LiHE COULD CULTIVATE J. J. Feezer of Grange Hall TeIls of Instance Showing Progress of Corn ThissaBru-ly t-greant growlug eather." J. J. l'(-tzer of Orsage Hall. vicinily patsIL. Prida>', May 31, ha plsnted uone coru-ite de- clares te crni a-juýt a veek front ltaIt dla>' Fbriday t li- 7t. v as itigi enaugi t bcilîlsat,, Andl, te plant- ed soute mare rtrti on Tuesaa>lte 4t anti it ws -fi-'ing ubose the grouna -oan lte -il]. H.eteciarem cropa s awsau luoll- ne. ar loaleal bet- 1er. Witat Mr. Feezer st"al teér arm- arsa d nî eyat W tukegan rasldeàts Lack i P. T tii l say crope, never grea- so fat ts tl.tý year. Tie ta'eem o fa irl>' leatu forth nîmost befuase they'reatpie. tara vasu't as high ou tae Foîrttî of Jiy Inst yaar as t Ils rigtt nov. Prom whit a rutiru ganarailly aay tera is asaurarte ltaI humper tropas ot ail sort., tIl ha seen ln LaIe counly titis year. FIRST IN LAKE COUNTY-The JUD4IE BREWSTER, FORMERIRESIDENT, IJJIED ON SATURDAY Was Brother of the Late Daniel Brewster and Uncle of J. L. Brewster Pt nier Jiidgc Marshtal m. Bre*- Itam dlcd Saturday aI itis regideuce, 127,sr Ashury tîithard Woods. aI tea sec af 80.lie cama lu Citicago lu te carIs« y isya anti sitrtly aflir ltae risil sar uîoved ho Texai. Pi-e.- Mdent GraLnt aPppalutit hlm celecotor of InternaI rea enue ai 1Houton and at te expiration or bis tarlts'ie s-a.-, nated ti udgt-. lie relurnad lu Chica- go abou t 20 vyears ago. HPc aas ta, faîbar ut Eda-ard P. lirevater of lit" Western Dook an ttlBationer>- cont- pany, 42ý SYitueuitWabasht aveuuý. Chbicago and IrIia J., aise of Citicsg t Judgealies star was a-al luovu lun Waulegau,iavlug lived hiere fuur yeara.lta-as a brother ut Daunil- Brea-ster sud tTs an incle et j. j, 13lra-w..ler of SiteridutTi Rond. it a-us 21) or moar a-cars ugo ltaIJades,' Btrew-ster nîoaed tmom Wsukagau. Hi.. firqt 'elfe avas a Waulagan womnati item ranme hein& ORell>. Jutige Brewteer bati been tailla5 for saut" tint ebuti1bis liInatcîflesecama on radiuerattt'ut,. titre,' boums In lengla Buial ini Gracelanli 1 - Tberesldeat afoit e ll',rd tf iV( Ithe purcitese of fopa IrsadIs the f Cst'-esut Co Wty lia- amuît-n hourd acuîuire nia4yamnal acrem ef th floiiu0 1wiatg recdIal of th, -ere eejmend" a.itnd and egaîtplaces suihabie NI-lui-h u forcit pr(»e-arý,'-.['-s l tejia o riiig. Ilit e nggegate ltese ver, People la lime of var as %. cil as ln u"lure «s-r suveral thousaud days o! Pence. Jresponse tlil,(te eu of'tte Focol (',on- Whîi ite he Otry de-t ii.. î îh ool kerahiola bureauu lie ,' Ioad deeLId attunly preserves Mm. lltilu rg eay.- l JliaI ntof at lem..luii ould bit bas dfirect .aPPlicatiÇi to Wilit't forest ltilitiritsti fT't'it Iilti¶rte. Titeirfr is preserve wuuid musa tua Lii,. euýuitt4. er cwueaa or tUgier farinera weM 01), As tliîppe's WBPlAYgrtîî1is, te }Iqt- couwagee toi aise t'utlelsonteM and est I'reserves of Co<îk t u.îty halte more titan'2,5M0 iu'itl uf Iteef stock mile Ihoroughli>'daauSstratcd t-tý r 1;ctpu1sr- 00W grsziag onu r'.ît preserve p«e. 113'. Tiatugit opeued bin lo- iutlic less tureýs. Tlip,;u- citUei .dll>e ret'toe tan e yeua 55, tth .îusai 'f çursouîtamarkalttis fait. sîaithebm on Suoda>-s titi ioiiuiiys, b!any to? te saotîtu¶ rms-t2î rcqirg andtur.fiy grthe s utit tjila I f ia l cnd dasTaulIticreuge of culà- parie, fmly g4pps nditi111(lal vaedla4,nggragating about 0* suk thern frresl sud rucn'atiou. acres. Provision ifité;belrî-et ruiuAv i 'Litey corne trom cil'tuttinduountry by tae nitivation of 525 acre% Tise>' vM atreeltCar and slesm mentis. hy auto. ha put ln coYnm, oalls- snd vZgetdhtte.i tmotile and otiter veiiles. 1ita.lîtg 'fubs Considemabie itay a-lu ha takeatpom . aud l44val. par"fe. ave-,r'.. te siati'the. uxeaduws ne-t nsed -for pasioxffl iTîgs aund ern w ltlt(re or truck gardees. In a national em'r- Inte lentitouand acres f gncyhuifdreds of Omuisihab.ted wood toproutefoodst Btoar-diare tundrads of large atîtignmai -Durîng lteecollaine las imsur tracts -it ail l teir wiid, lîttural beau- 300 cordas f ofsd tmm anid 'ty pseaerved in almosî lusprimistive fallan trees a-ee soîd tta nomthal stuite. 'Pbir wlld lite an' itive t « rtrce la personas-bhn vert' unalI ta1t qirui, ansd flowers offt-r t reft. ru-sngprocure Oter fuel. 1r.pau'tloua are1 nêveltjr sud interagI ltt i t Dotsw belng mtade' b Increase the 9 liarksu. a-it tieir msn-iittlt- ec eusely ply If suotiter scarcelt of iaisn 1 sud cultivsted plants silIiwey,sduo otif neRI wlntar.1 flo# pôssessa. DCit Selatl*i ttc Pros@e±SoinO!lte. preServa. oown luh tisa.eomne distinctive att ou raU ils 5611 te 1.060 aerma. *th tfaelliguor qX, 1one pictUrasqUe iii utm e.i ery campsansd drill rouW@ t or l or sne ie ofiers. City tî. .trche tbj'ae regiments et' milita. Caimpu fîf &i e; tite sainie kliî 'tr..-us andi Boy Scouts atal <lier se¶l-uR»NbW fO*ers; the mime closeiy.t-tn liaus. argnizaluons hâve beau ed~aable fa and ite samne meas of ela-tu-mnut. ltaepresei'ves. Mauy cf lte 'f1e The dverslty of spenèèi ftu it' furests, or.. îumighi4ly adoted for lRe u&=ai thbir naturj4made l;lis.-]' rviuées, Cjstps for convaleicseut alaid îhelr mrpriug-féd stl5uanotc tel ùties, a-ounded soliiers. A iniatuer oaJt-u tftair uncultivatog vOodla1ik. ucsneashujlit1g.uuon lite' wouids coulal @ne>I 1 s lumus sud an appèali ul.- itdsmspe beeronvertcrj Itto tempertir>-lt'git1l gardeàer cannot gis.e. No more iteakis!uld(Ior siiittu'y ut.9 Itla* titis fut ss Jsud 1ettVth at lions*ëoild hé faun lfbr lti i.. pîtrpo i cais tirous"lds eipeopie'I ut um'a tfmoa-uuifroin theitwoosme, . t ani r'ods, 4eves.îy aud Palos relis, 5'qrtit- noise of lte city, alti t fusit.urs pliu wvestern Park'oa't Oit-n. 1)-t-r t.rbve, tld the basling asd tfu t1 ig ht te M.1s rc eTuulresUSd. of te lrcu-.s îand Boa-crs.tii of tI sud othtir attractive grosl. ai lte for- toris are l4deul for lIta si-e's<y est pres(àrv-e, Tioujçhti J,-r,-aw-eee auppatihn uof tanporewfly- rèsiâs!& were nît tosanu>' Poenti o titpub)- figgbflg mati.1 lie until lateienlaJuae ofet ý>tyur, ua Tit.'mnf-nevalue of the foeu ituu.ped perrmits Were 1 - for pie- esvsashltrdws s ulesad dOutiug camps lta-t i u ire f presc nsrveaasitesphlt r vrts one Oej1 aùd civle b itito, b >ut,,i:.y. scîools oustatani Ciuup r elbe, qnlit, o! city andi copuntry puH i stoois, b>'y slidr'- tram t4e oongeste C4 Boy Scouts and Carn»pilb- u(;is. Up b t f Ctaoweegvm lqm batte boeenissueti. oat. iare e- uig ult <.4.ImdAac qulred ut emalparti.-s nurîi t'amily tIbase cbllîbrçe re al ktor aueutlciud4 groupa avtuît-t urnuisithtiw ~er num- apirllesa a. heu ltefenterad lte cat, bar ofviaullors. Carittle-ri lu ciharge Titey'wettimued tut itebrtomas imgsew ui 'i'iaîciîems Woods, F,,raut Cien, Bev-lais th andi spirit. Omoa lad,ubô eFI' Hhîs, lte Nikes trittand otalitai 0 aal. anacairictifrome 1t l~u prasarvea accessible itS 'treet cars e- itospLtaî on a sefretabme,. BEk ws ~ port*the aumber o!fs'isitons fuçinliteite camttp everifiweks mmaisb 1 lait ÈSuudiy-s of May ut 2,(10 700 ha Ilt lte groundl s @rarnpiug un fila. On Decemshlu'îaDay anid Batarday, pitsytng wlas t fttwii slwm«U 'o thte allandauce avas aliittutat as iiig. vWgr as te otitur cailtdret. As 10 thei< verue inliei;iug ,ID i-a Itlal te purpoqi' of the -d"bt» theivirar5 te îre.-rves itavehuôt benconserve andi PtflPitae aild DeaV acquimesi long catougi toludetarminet but in tlie foreclqansd t1ba-tn vi hisur svailbiliity umis bean ufuicieutlh>animl.-tisisotibâisisormerlyctj proved to guaiiu tu-' eir exceeding ta these woods. Quali sud phcasto usafuléess te te atuian in an>' Inpeud- have lready been ttrotiýght boc* lute Ing emergency. 11,thlb. oueg(n their alIve %w14d1,. À few tiser hafi andl prdtiuctioîi'3f food: lu their use beeu obtainafl. Bona of thte str%%mu b>' ntlltary servi(--,slth l.e xles-an d lhites wlfl ha storked a-ft Mi.u Sien and ppo1jjt,.it. a f iospitai worbi, IHacde addi<g B intae atlractIvenfs ieC lb., forait, aouf l -of great value, lbheprasara'cs sud litur edwe.,te"at Last Oetober t National $beep vaue toý4it publie, tiI preservati<spt snd NVaag buLeau s'uae.ab couna--aud production et wild lite v iiil*~ try 10 gave trom siîgitlar 10.000 eva mately adstid10te aggrsgste food u«P lambs about to Le ecusigueti alinte p>Y. markets froni tas -,lu tËle Nothwest. 1 have nat .îttemtl)It4 10 aaîuteatea rTe gavemnor ut Ilnoiss a ailfed 1bta eadrantagas of Public .parks tetet Itdtrest the utunl(iisi uthorMtes u(!peopileai aInrge. T'r iteneesàly %for d clllxeus lu ttc pur-haseili hte s itep. recreatl 1 udresl. of pur% air, ti Tlhe Forent Prcterva Bisard offerat oudurlt, atonee vaîl u ansd &&d1 Govarnor Las-dute u-* of suct of -te epri týr preserves nawerus adfipted td themteil turi uesln came aofîiteep uti ttIlter ,tlrcbased 50Phlitslut>'sine'ma' ope tltiketI Titase siteci' t-cm,' Pisueilon one <fcnuty AvlI de0de ic laacquît.,'lier egrilL ef th. preseca-es n iuredra-clfor, dùrlng tiiae tomests. The 'people of Qpek thse wliaber. wi'îai tue lanuith ie ba)d Cotuty wîuulul tala- great plerasupe Lit nov numsturs abo.ut 800- Laslt wegk oalting tMeir pliau) udc a-EàUt th. sýeep ms1w,'-ttrred an&s a olcli aatural lpprks of Ltlke VonntZ. S ef ovçr 2,5M* pouada a-as =ba! of' Or filuest pileserves bor'der7Mf Next ywear titIs taool îProduction wiîî couly lIn a nd ti t Oulti round osa.. probabl>' ha (?out,i-d and ltae nuu*er perfect Plin10cOntllauue tese *1 ibu4c1> of sbaep îargeîy ilucrese<1. -vuedforcit. hile your tarritor>'. u IN mi la, lipla Why We Fight Reane m.nv avmSphlt lhe ta Deor the Halvas DY CLARENCE L. SPEED Bécretry of lthe War Conamlt'. of th. Union League Cit etofChicago>. Wa are fightiug Garmany, for ose titlng, because Germafy. baving Split lthe world ln haIt, la now seling le devour ltahalbove,.;separael>'. Site ban diven a wedge etraigit throtngi tic heuyrt oJ Eîîmope.asurI nto Asie. and-is sealing te extend lIltotete Pas'- ian guI!. Titis la noýarcldenlsl happening, due te -bbc downfall of Rusain awdlthe Sud- dan shiifting lunlthe fortunes of wa. germau>' planuet i ilail de-tares ag. Site made no effort te leep lthe plans secret. Sit ld us ail about l. Site b adl a reputation for mallug plans a nd ti lcîluf ls tepm, finmon. geaier- allen la another;t lltee wrd pald no etteihtit. IlT cpéeamti'teooprtlpos- terous eu- for German>' te alttmpl. As long ago as 1895 a pamphlet «Pan-G3ermuany sud Central »Dirupe About 19W.,"ovas plubllshed la oehm Co dbad wide circulation. Itl hldlb. hlen Mitaleuropa plan bar. an tel- loses: «Planad UtRode (themmi Ie - dam to b. estaisited i a Russas em- penne) vi i gr.. le bave narmies of tiefr owu. sud yul! meeluve ~Iheir Germen and Ausafln garri. hpon.Mlad, as vali sauln Little ksl the. postal snd telograpituer-- leue as wefl aulte ralva>'. vill!bu li German itandi." Iu 19,11 Tnnuitrg'sboulktmreùte a 111n7" asptlisited. This vas ,u> ir.years bainre lthe va ' but ft. - hovedti ltIlthee a ut a Germen Mltteuropa ibt! fot beau aliowed la Iseglilsi.t. Il Sa: "neic ev lngdom aof Puuhnd la made up aifltae former Russ4an por- flan of lthe basla of ttc Vistula, andi et Gaflia, sud fiorm a parl.of ltenov Austria.» Bfoa- btaeplan itaq growudunc. titan! Rusai ' collapse dmopiied wa-ol. prov- ices ,lu thelap " theitkaiser, anti new GeNsanuy plans ls empire ou a astanle vicit wouid tivar thal of an- nient Rorne. -Il hs'to embraee lb. orig- l Central Europe, initabilei b> soTup 73M,0000 Gemnssmal.elb. Black ses a Gesmnan laIe, sud ecxleud elear lee »Prsian gulf ttrougb tee vassal'st "ales of Bulgarieand Turkey>. Thea Gemean goverument fftarted te but Il! aciteme for a Mîttleauropa lu.- te effet -yeams ao ie Pn il itegan the eonstruction of lthe Beiln-to.Bmgdad uiilwsy. UlIe ebla stoo t u the *%y, sa Sembla, vas aitackei'manth e vômit ri s pbangedti orar. lu lthe oppoilte corner of Europe Buigin ioas invadel sud crushei. lThe worid tiientbougbt Ilse titis vas ouI>' bK. caps. Begluinofferedthelb. gusst route te Ftmuè.: but aluti>'ofi Pel (1- teleuropa plan of >'e.t ag sshows 1hâ1 Belginm vas ludludeti u Inte acieme bt..onques. "Bow doenaumilti.afffet Amerteet" ,bu. ma>' ail. <ermeu3' vas a laIe cerner ln lthe iam>lly ut grant nations. moof th e uncW llized m-orld ied beau pre.empeatib>' otiterDirions buer. abe arriveti. Oermmany vanleti col- onlee. To .geltthein siteweulti have te tale Item avay irom someenelsie Afriea sud Southt America offemud 1he bout fields for German colonisa- line. %gland possasseth b e ietpart of Aines-lthe ports lanvitîcith@it whtite man mig4,hope tl e ..l.and thice. England ied a migit>' anti a dIMîspeaion l told- vitl se bad. evan loiough she d410 Dotmitow Ia disposition la figt fer more. Thar. ramainati Souh Amarien. It Vas dîvided amoug veal nations. l vars proleclei only b>' the Monroe doc- tibe. TiIs Monroe doctrine was a mèeati bg le Americnis, but, nut beinu' backeti up b>' mlghty amias sud fleets, vas net aven a "aerapof Paper" 10 lte Germans. Cas snyoee tiubl. aitotîlalGermas>' sueceeti lu veldiug foi a migty> empire lte 73.00,0 Gle-mians sud lh. 100,00%4000 Initabi- tante outhlie vasal andconquerei states of bar Mîtteleumopa, ltaI ber neit mtep would be loward lthe aest? The ver>' fnct ltat site bitiIbis em- pira waulal presuppose lthe defeal ot nglai. 5 FitaI no Brillih fleel vould stand betweeu us andtiGermany wvien lte lme came for lb. kaiser taeacuti hlm legians aeroslte Atlantic. "As % lthe Estl, on lu lb.West.* ua a melott è. o etrcaul veels, bas beesi mucit heard'ia Gerusan>. At a contaresica of btaenaeonaî hUerai par- t>'. held ilt Marcit et Ibis year, lthe toi- ieowlng amaringl>' iraul declarma vas madé: ýOur'policy- bas been' alirecteti te ~aVing the goverument and maies-l> 3ra sa-ny- rom lb. reucbilag repeilu- fr0 0 et uy If). <PeAue '$thouian- tuexat.)pusand imdern&ftes). lunbtaI ve bave succeded. Peaeiebasoust beU matie lunlte ilslunder candi. thous lunfoat coutandictlon 1e bbé pol- Icy et mly ig sud ias recelvedti ii support and suent of ail the burgeole paeptieir4 Iu obber vurds, all'German>' la n0w plainrAfg bot annexatiaus ant iindein- ailles. m'sb'asvlI t eate ber vtu -lucupl- TillE TO STOP WORI( 0F BUES 'INSECTS, ETC, e is' J. D. Tibbals Sounds a.Warnà ing to People that they A Must Protect Gardens ' Protection of thte Garden V hied--At this time of the year is much fromn the rivage# the Worms "d l1 n.ýects. There la .sa at titi.lmýe a e tndency ta Ise th, free s faIthe hoe, Tiieet feel callcd uPon ta warn you pmÇ the i- from the negiect of pro4 care. The weeds niu .9t le titoroughiyW moved by the intelligent use of11w s bac anc garden rake. Don't dlg tm', 9dpep w it the, hoe, scrape the weedel o09 th, grolind then use lthe rak. 1remove the e eds into tht paths carry hm in a hap and viten .th utiaht % drled um tiem. In t »~ say ru waill uake their props.gatiib more' diflicult and rexnove thelr . stance menace. "The reason forubi low hoeing ls ltaIlthe ground b. cor. -ered with a dry mulch- af dry Mla and thte moisture below will conil, U and nourisi the 'plants botter. 6 The danger of insect s lnHnw ef and sa are lthe inseets. The lnm4tW lire of two lud.q, titose that est 1» r pant fiber, and Ihose titat stick 'tw plant. Thorefore ta know how m*$. what ta use as a preventative o.. must observe: When bugg arrive lie sure and stalve kTa fi.nd out how they eat. Ail those titat bite with poison flsht, WI'th Caustics, suckers treat.11 rThe cabbage is now being scourired wdih thetecut worm. Mion the toma- ta snd other plantsa of that specea. Thvir enemy Is te caithage maggotà lthe product front lthe egg ofr the cib. bage coot fly. This egg le s hd la tii. cre, je-sa tfthe grotund aud wheu 1IL Is latched, it attseka the root a"I iOw(-r part of the stem. To prevent tits attack place a « leeve" of II1W ', Ppler around the plant. Thtis acta as a liarrier and as the niaggot la tae, le'ts it Catnaot gpt ta the plant 11 destroy it. it la well ta place, about the. plan ,d lrt lthat you know has net. been Infegted wit thlie eggs, such » that taken front the seed box. 1, have found that "Tangle-foot' fly pa. j ui(per 1.9 a gond eleeve for It Ile hable eto stop other 'ereping thiage'"es well. For thte destruction of the 'utmi* lng Insects" the use of nicotine, t.. the leaves o ftobaeo, steeped la Per, witen cooled spray wIth thle N ciuid. Nicotine may bie bougtt g drug aud seed stores. One ounice b1wt île makes lwo gallons of spray wlb > mixed with ihal mucit water. C(lse& 25e per bottîs-. Bug dusl la a Veéy gond remedy. Us9ed dry pawder lus end dusted on tih. plant. Thte duty that you owe yoursoif es Weil as your nelgbbors la to bo sie ta itndp)ick the old "gSlus.", orT3oloi, do patatoaibug: Tis Pest la bers now, and If you wiU carefully gatbea " them. and destroy Item wjll w*lt -quai care se*< for their egge tha" 153' i a cluster on the under aide of lte leaf, sud destroy titem aiso be-~ fore they can hateh, you wiil gave- yourself sud neigihbors a demi ( ,work sud annoyance. Wiutbe ynung bug arrives yi', cîde. Personally, 1 prefer Bordgesa aud Parie Green mixture as a upMe for the potato. UIse one tablenDOas- fui for a gallon of water. Bordeaux mixture used dry loaa migitty gond preparation for &Il ail things as blackrot, milde* pou, bigit lest, rust and suci fauuw diseases on both fruit sud Diat.. Reroene emulsIon will destroy suck- lngt insects, It le a gond reemdy for' Sau Jose scale. when lme su1pbjmp lo added. Now friends, the kindnesoft bis splendid newspaper bas been ALu vain, my labor sud core af prepers- lion ot this article la i vain, and worse yat your laitor lu tire plantssg of your garden or field la in vakIn f you do not give attention 10tu growlng crop aIttIls tima of d=~ ta Its lite *and maturlty. Ail thi0l titings are eosy la obtain and ueit you Witt make thte effort. Spray and hoa faititfully aud God Witt. give the- harvest. J. D. TIBBALS, Ilirector. MOTORCYCLIST IS, INJURED WlEN filA ChINE tITS A[U" Wtaukagan June 6. Mari Trepanler , aged 17, ot 334 Uàn. coln avenue, recelved paînful Injbr-. les Thursday uight sbortly before 8 o'claeck when the utotorcycle be w&a r1ing west lu'. shlngtau stUet cemsied Into an automnobile driven b? * R. N. Lltwiier of 220 North Couaty street. The accident occurrud n West of Blttrick street. Tr-panier was iturled aImait a0*- der the wheels cf the. auto. A loeg jsgged eul was ripped lu hm fore. head. exteuding ta the e'<ulL Cori. cussion of lthe brain rendered lbia semi-cousclous. Thoe motorcycle wua wreckéd aud tria lefItefnder of-tI4 ju'im il MA ---jr or --- - --- --- -- --

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