CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jun 1918, p. 7

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'OPPEIJ RlISDAYý fArest imd., ap to lait 68 the happlest on Tuesday ho rrled ta Eth.l Vaukegan, but Y. The arrest egan at Mon. llciîlng an tise Put ai% end. ddtng arrange. red people, Vaukegan tisI natter UD vlth ta gel hI@ la. ie eounty Jal fOllowlng hep all. She and m0 vere gîvon before polka or ]ate Thurs. ~EO vas con- and tise seven Waukegan ta ,"Lewts muld. uiêiy and v. 'rIled Tuesday., ng &bout the tier fi-cm ber d been locked JNTY h. Y SUN ow price ilie ent with 4* vac. irons, and. 9 i-un Co tTERT Y VflLE INDEPENDENT, TKURSDAY, MMTN 6,1918 INuLumiDe IThe chaol 01fox aI Lke la nov coied for th. e oOn- Me. Dolta G. Sherwood bac let Our bai-g, riturnlng ta &%ntloch, Saiturday. Jame@s Byet ha tara downtheftram» .tnwtcure wbhwua.debmaged by hi-e laut wintéi- and la lie place laoi-sttng a two-ustary concret. block building. Ho yl eonduci bIs saloon end restaurant bueusoa the ground floor and vîll e- aide ln tho second îuory. Mr. and Mr*. H. Headrcei auedd the Baalern Star clapIer et Orayalake on TuWea>' evenlng ah lat veek. Nlck Babur's sale va. beld SaturdaY. Som@e ai the gonds trougt a far price. witel others went ver>' cbeap. Mr. flâne- Ia conllnsut lu a boopitel ta Kenas, sud la aflicieut wish droay. Ilite Eloanor Kînisla vlîlted wlth William Kercbmen 0,cer Sundey ad at- ten.led tb. Vlo picolet A fiue ibower of rein laid the dent on aur sireets, Sunday afiernoou. On ae- couài of crnd, alilbelng 1bti lle, It la not lîkol>' tbat eny etrcet olliag vîli be done this jer, unle sdld by properbly aunera lndlvlduelly. Quit. a nuniber oi cottage owarmare ~'¶~wUt ha-'~fl rauWd oui- laboe, but a. the cty 11gh ichool do net lose entIl the latter part of ibis Montb. @@verni cottaes are @ii »vacant. There are a good meny cottages for- rent ut present, &ailf aibch vere accu- pied lait yeer. Voeo It seem Possible Ihbat peuple forget aur fremb air region and attracive sommer cottage for fam- III recretlon, or WIte .bariId van tbe enu eof l Cropâ lu this vuenty are lookîng veil, andt, culas. drîtuglt ate@Ivse atici- là -l LA-kEVILLA Word rwepstir reclved firux î. and Mi-.. lloyd CulverIn Michbigani au- nounce lb.arrivai af a&son late IDlMay. Mr-. an& Mr*.. Honry Atwell annonuce tbs blrth ai a daughtpr Tueoday, J une 4. The LWIwe' Aid ejoyed a yen pies. gint &Iternaoe it lire.Geaorg. Pitmea Wednuaayof luit yack. Div Umr. nyder t114 toue wlIh scbo' vornt 1*11 Suober andu le ho liii for the suinser. émEn e t.IPatter éaitatSiîaàda) w'[th bI@ ptretba bir@ Mr*.. y M. Bamîta Cîtnt .unday <t i [OaukParx filends ira. Frai-at KNRur entertalned a ew ladies as lber bornie un lait Friday citer. Mrn. John Mibeli and MIss Kathi-ja. of Llbrty viii, called on finonde hene an Frlday. Miss Genevieve Edmonda, i ofK& le vitlng relatives, the tiovlnga, bers. The solltars, wha are aloo the col- letari, for the Red Crio auction af JnIy 13vtiloaa eaon yoa. Ar eu ready? -- Childi-en'a day viii b obierved sa. an- o&[ et the M. 9. churcb oei; unday. Aithougli %bis la veek laie, for varions ressons. i-au wl» llnd It very lniere.tlng ta attend tbIs servieat 10:30 nuxi gandal. -The Ladies' Aid vîli hold anotben on, of Its papular bakery sales on gaturdey. Sciool vîli close on Frldey. Lest Saturdal an salibîtt iifbe work don@ durlug the pani yaar b>' the. puptts w bald and a ambor ai vlltoro wvesen. pâe.a boutfliy.leid ut everyting. tertained. W. are pi-ana o! ths grade of Ir. and lins. J. Hl. taizil hami-radtcing work don@ bl aur oebool. ever the arrivai uofa, daugbier. Botb Oliver Wiltiou la home rom bhi e ctiot aicîber and eld are uoig ei. Dr. work et ChamnaliCn; Jaumes letnard la Palmer ofll:aied a. tork. aiseabasme front Chîcago. hi-s. Mary . Jackson Wa@ vittug Anotber buineoss eal vbfch came as wlihrelatives and Inicails tri Saluwanad a greca umPI-te aemade Monda>', Kenostia lait veek vbeu [D. B. Manier moid l@ tsstock ai Aloi Tweed tis ee it-aling, but lm con- guide and alors bntldtuig to a gentte- valesceat attIbis vrîtuuig. [san rin Miltwaukee. Mi- ilauzer sud W. K. Kiiobil inîttori-il lt I,, eFi.-famuity bat-e made-mabu>' rtenidm durîng et, fds> - u ý Ltes H y t letti d iti teir t&' L ithe store sud vu tuupetucëy lire. Ktiutaîi Bi arents. wiltititse- tvictniby. Hawver, Mits. Ltur.-ii,- ltii îîî.It tto itl ti 'w- -SuSo ut %leb tit ij. u-î--tr -n- ber parents in Llu-nî> i iiti, tSuttà3-. ri AltizTwci tfil t ii. tiL.Twe-ed, ad 'ir, atdMu-Irýittliamlitansd Mrn lis Mar> IJ1 i ititiotntiAt - bc a I sd i'ri YP'i -r> cujtyed an autoîutrip Uiciat ufI l f îiiuutu. a ltil --r ttigltitoCltei<uu'tuti seurnlltilitis -taàti- iiiH.ý - at,- ras-illu ! ['1- Plpoutrtt t -tguvurs liai-c a niarpî tisi itiic- litblý ft,- illi1 - - -- - - I-MiIk Producers Gather at El- LaiI lueblimtrîsacited buailest la gin to Discuss the Entire Chicago,. &ondsày Il MILLB3URN IMilk Situation Fulàr t m iir, usib itattdito the 1_______ Mdymtiet% t tnt, rm* Id&te ast su-i-- Atar j'tE.P A. laîiff iturned bt-unie init Mllk u gîutng Up agatruIf hbie du the ceeilinu> -ive creesîî tii V. ius-ei tut îe 1 -iorrii- A uiertcanhoi stai 1-riday. rmanda of 4îuotallit: producers who tmu iowwd b>' dani-ng sud a iii> gutod ttîîî. itis B* U al,.Bflrd are.-iîiliaiii bei- 1 lintThuruda>. Juine 6, are gran A ltte-r frntmGteorge Tieet tltu i i rsaeii-. )Wbuahi.a. lu- ViMliiabîu, Ili. cd Store than 250 local organtz3 I nons o ni mlk itioducern a liotu fatber, Att-z Tis-sd. sdates bîsilct Le it linMr. teu. ralto-Iani -hii-iireturned hIndanaandtWiscnt-tn vu-ne reprt aud sorkirng -ve i-ny ay tUtn Lu aut tt llovsigton. 'isutoii, the iaSt-ft et-d. Wbit trIeiil end Su "Soms-wbuu ri n rauis - liitud toi- ai-ik, crit, tiere are rumotitihat $2.87 pi Geotîge Misé IRatb Poltlock apeht a fi-v laya la bundrt-d pîuînds wII hae asked ai advai:ce 0fr$1 aven ast year and i En.i-t Robarte is nuio n 5ah. :hat- Chivago tiht. veet. r.-ntut at-un the aver'tge of the las bteekip, guardîna oui- s-atiru ctuiit. MW@s Ale im fKt-touls, '-petit theie -eatfourin ioltha. tiucrd it s-i-l, Enule. end nttie bul- of P. N. taair. I i h-mîrniag sestion IL vas thi tii-rge Mlletr, itar mail carrie-r, Ladt %lriirlCarbnnn cul Sunday vith the i deciston of the delegates that ber- Il«. 1,Jrgej klie b3 ighaittc, uriayboul fok.alter-i-the charge fon mut vîilI I~otiirue ittd > lgbnibgSanta, bui- lia. nd ona hasît of $2.20 per ude wbilc inthbbbarn iori-uately thebuLarna LytinStewart asddaituighit-,, pouniifor mlii on a butter ft bs dtd aot i atcb ltre A citv. bleii 'Aam lu oI iiagit, «pentile b,- ci-keud it Wtbi litof ci tî n it. Thte ueent basîs t tb. ositl uitt itis iothi-r tee ttî alitusaad fattuer. A. 13. àtowarl i 1 lit tirr etu-itFor each 1-10 af mas pullt Itrought it nit. <[is Cas Ximsuluira Huttîlgradutaifrott te tuier ienttt-dr tbts standard the pi- th @c(udnimlitutetubeai M.Mli- %Waukccuua itgtu ectîttti thibsiek. dacur s entited tha -an aivance ao! lb. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (e aicis îsîru- tibtitl ttt peri-rliiipound-.. If tbe 3 pi loi- $uaday. Inta tcutn llit s oilMr. sud %Irw.E.E. lt..iniîCh i i tuerty. ce-nt.t andard is adoptadIL vîilmres foad a tuiiiuaic ii nuurury detiitatiti-v 11le- ere week -an iit surs <sit tie mnir- ixhun-ut-ernilk. il Is exphaite- or «Il, suiti as ta si use ni-rxpltidtiîg dYn- iiitCtle bu-au-ethure ut-il be a re-iiitant Rs affile.lil iàtdtiig i.i uit, LýpotedJ, ilîak lirtlitlien inarà 'A %% illitlt-. t vti ati-i of 2oî t-t nc-nt for each 1 10 i lit nestrti-i ai ths si.- <utI Il -uto le:, 1 -per cent ovin 5 tpen ct-St tostea tag a uiintul i6i)it trileIuit tte e-ot -i-i t tl w eIl 5i ui-I a i t tprei-nt port tai i-s laIt- i ethe uis îuto iiI L- tteIîrtaliiui . talth a afecoon esoIn Ihp eldu- dainger. jTht- i àuri.t--ig la- A tttht utnda3 91teu -tu-h Mude iutar-tballot est , iîtiî t ', . . -î it. t, otttt, i i /J iu-io rcauIre î cii P Iïi aliut iiut:--if tu-lui li-- t hoîtght should IL Vhc-. uiite ititictu lin tiii i . utii it lj. IV li- fr-itîYt r-u a d Wý:lJ'l, Llii., APf-tu5--itl, Wii ti-tsiil i o nui- t .. Ii t ti .li i fi t l te hl i ii e It i d I!"l; *itýr W . t l - - -l, Iý th, l- ' i h ,,,,1 1n %y ------ -I r-i E. - l t19,000 TONS - -. - ~ i - --OF IARD COALIIAS Thore waa t l ilnjg dnlchmen." cro- quet, bail, quolts, sud îome took advan- "ago a1 the vater. Ibi chldreu bad beau ba«, lothe. pin runnmne asud tbnee- leggea racers. For pisle., each ruier recilved ove jacks and a bath. Wbcn- @ver the people get together, tbey have a RoodUtims. tVive ai the mnen, with their bu-eut mon, book ithe alternoon o u ui-n joy the gond fimes vlth the eilîdren. This sbows the rlgbt alut of sirit. Tbatgb theruv a. no une perfect lor the yeai-, lua tIendenuts. icvral made goo t ecrde: Name Times Dais et PtiitTartis AtoNal àgariba Amanl ................ t 0 4% Catberoic Portaégy---------....i1 I Mdary Portegy------------......2 2 Giertrude Purtegy---------.....2 Wtllie Thomasi................. 6 1% Shirley Thom .a.................. ecile Ameuna-------------....... i Leroy Rieboit................. 3 3 Thoe leadlng their cans are: Neilhi Partegy, 7; Emama Doieer 5; CIeî Amena, 4; Lloyd ffchrock, 3; Albert De- Meyer, 2; Leroy Riebock, 1. 'lhomo reeivîna ten an more hundrede for the fast moniji are: :ele Amau ~ 4Jq~n~j~%tDelioyer. Ewtm !DeIfyer, L.Fay t#l.becik. Mait-cDey- er, Florence Kaoieley and Mdaigai-elMdet LAMES CORNERS The annuel meeting of the Wairen Ccmtery asogaitan vili b.held t aithe bomne ai Mesdames Meicai aand Zîrmoer- man, <Qurnee, Joue 19, 1918, et 1:30 P. m. There wulil h. election aialileni for the jean and other important buoIness. The Steurni achool hau thel beti pcte Suaday, la unnagam ood. Tbai- va. a very large ttendance. H. 0. Hartleo. tormerly princpal ai the Bîradley bugha gtiool, Kankakýe county, bis parchased the M. P Scnivur farm juaut ve.sti aif(iurnee. le and lais iamîtly took poss,si.on, Satiurday, mou iag tîcr hou.eioid ef lecisj tlere last wee-t Tht-ne are 4() acnes ta the farto whicb is salil 1< ba ane of the tineat pîèccis af ]and iu tthe coanty. PRODUCERS SEEK TO BOOST PRICE 0F TilEIR MILE Att, - i RUiSELL -- i t'- il- - t i t - tît-itit lit, - I t il - ----I tui~. - i. .iaulLA" - ~ WOv ITI t - - I i - I - - i I -- Wit.t, U t. et i t, --- ~ -ti ll - -J " M1,4Ilt- i dmocy tIu-t lier ..iiil u Ktt - i - -i I -i t tV i -- Fretil\u tiuilil Ou-q .1l < iitiior 0 -ur.u ul- gur li it - u s- i i ' lit t ta 011litiu ast) gae titi,-ll 1 t ik i11 i I >U lit-t 'S grtuI- ii'ar t, i lu I t k tîe s i Ni et) u 1 tlit- lot i t--,rt. i l- , îtit eint ad al1lot oitti,-. -Io - 1 i - 1i iruo. -uu - li- tîî 1 ol, i -: - t, t l ittu cir~-zoe ut--,l- .l Aidasîsetitu r-rui..tiiiuiit55t.uii-a lra. bKeu.tvsdi ifliuniey, mtljucti -1fe i. --t - i1lu . uu usfoi-trAiu da>- cietiligie ls tiru- ie. lays Itut et -axit h ter deugliler. r.. -t - t t - t - Ii olw iv N îj-- NOleat8ii til i bt-u- u-ili ua Shirt hNMaNnatlu iio tt -Tilurci Litct, Càitdrus it,> t-t ugrluili l itnifgut Mnr.. L [ Eddiug enb<itaia.d tain- I "f tttw mi tiI ofIlii-cotil im -lu t 11a i ýroe nie uatn. pany tfi-cs aukegan Sunday. t ,il11-i1 îlte i i n i ii lIt- ; IttýItIt C. J. Sdic andîili«tter tu-rs tallers at oii ulc nitigi h v-iter oflitllt i iiînînediat-Is "Yet Long Lake lua@t Stitiday alturiîuan. LLJGATUC Thuîu-e alo putt l te coal n(tNvus"Ii a'm.tIti Ur. aud lins. Merdth and huIs - he on tti- tai- tîte-those viii, wailtt iEl~ diauightt<r of Evaneboni, are appeadinir Seboal clased, FrIdey- lune 7, wtib a until fiti wten wihl be thei-loui-s ceveral dais vtth friende in Ibl i ltntY. plcntc en tho hent ai the rIver. There ,,ho are taklIng the chances ' TIi- ever th( Broks lflbal aiihe ebîdrn-firL thai coal hoals- are arrnlg unsureê IMA@ 0. L P. C. vîli meet at the Bo v&'erè'È i l f hmellrn reutuentty Is batlcd vtth aattvfactrtit'" hiome Vrtday eventng, Juas 14. vbO O.4qsd lb. bOuntiful Plcnlc dianer. hene. We deci(1 MI»@ Uzzte Chard vIsîted ber slter la toppuul ç8 vlth pleaty of te eem, ater caawiey~ bur.yvlile ltctSatita>'a. vhtc l esajoyed thé, gamnes and traix s. ludeitenceut reader? fSE QOIlM te P840 - - - - ii ~ - iii - S- - i --- - i fil t - tu tu--t - -l Il i t-r ~ltt- 1. - lii i i-t it-utso -if it t iii. hIc it i fiîîîî- i -o-i-rd tut u lu-ut. Iy t ig ii i itu adcrowud o%-,e' Ijutîtai -îîîtîrnov nlght. Wu 1 f* nu-lîbit Dan talît me t- t-te tu 1Vt-biho uv as floti nstie t-'idborne ber siother )I.- tt oi e 1- l , l -t f i. l - -1 w -1,--h-il" i i i t-i .w- c Igfor tlit I--t-' r;. esi., idei thi-tteu i gt ,j nmet nd Ser Wesônlthuonth us our aAîn tt)oiltrirLXC -arly perkcr a-s po,,;lY ý, .îtîrour rators arc tîlL with object iii view. lit. - YOU Caa co-opcratc irimaking the service smtfçctory. -When there is anydir>ig wrong, cali up the' chief operator a~t once and steps wvil1 be taken immectely to correct it. ~~ CHCAGO TILIEPHONS CÔMPAkY 1 1 1- ~O@W~G~~ê- --- -- cz I e -i i i~~rjou ôhet iblhe R EAiaC UlDrpresident wiliilie t,&iffii a "w ia ttilg he tabl .e. Bl)lIP JE15 UI RT cancy having occurred tbroua tb« N~! .. ~tact that Arnold Nolan nowr la M k The Life W ork IIwWdtt iknson! 1 aked gi6l WJTII OVER ARU* ' ar agi baker steoncerned Aââa.4W of Nancy &A.d hie. maawserm weree terrible et~~ ~~~T ba bread se that the suppl iliy ê troam livide on a ranch thiat hi@ aunt A~~ i L U ekedot woiii4ni . et hjm est out. IdiculousChneFdPr.. boy: Just the ciame 'asever, alwaiYu_____ iSevemI changes were made l ý gr Imm MNACVOISAbD I Jliu g Ii5ibo(1y.S"ld ies 4m Bakers Allowance ttas Been 1fmaimumprie ellesdwhi gte . '1 M owet uter uilipereh'r a lUtile wtife.' pried e a1.à htpe 2 f12loud ______________________ "Thit2i tâtenice;- agreed Nancy, go- Cut to Seventy Fer Cent- j awereThetaimum pari4 2et (Cpilîh4 lmb .cGtÙro 'Owepu, tng tuVstiiire. alre slie ckauged loit a DalyShortage Occurs fleur r 21-ponsa V» e à p m lrtol sot renad_______ hT uced te $1.95, a rediicttan 0!1 0 's,, Aller Reven l eunevei3tliîlug loteled idir. IialMles i i betoelier CHECK FOOD VIOLATORS The price af rye fleur i tu & »ml1 ý itancsoene Te'oent. - rîce of navy beans was redc" l towhadianed ut iiiV- Dd "I wourrif lia e oîteailea Several Grocers Get toe Big a,1 cents, a rýurucian oiftour and t*m Wilktn.<îu haA changedti reat deaL. murmurait. Margip on Flow' - Seil latcnsprpud Aérhaps that le why I i-u In-coîxung Site woii ler4m]ShortsWeight on Srifler was mnewat o a isatwAntent suppar w e e ad. to-Id lier h1îin Shortla ____ on_____ De trllel ownMan erm. tme lts and 10ed donf l lto lier stirprilsad Thei wecly meeting atihe auIREADS PAPERS TO0 4own the blU t'Îlete ai liu nue iwiere aîrong. wlttî tit uuiteeabout day ntgbt develaped three hlghly îln.! IIT~ lits welç"ome as a royal n-. But Stijlhlm wblch gave oui- the Impression teresîlng facts-thtngs Tot Interest te KAAD TWYVC uaniJiK~ 1,i Il ait eed trange and uniûlke what thut iteh.wOuld rNicht un iid take love every reedent of the cty-J le bat exectd.or aaythta« eil athu t buwislîed. ulit- IcRST-That there la a growingAM N iT f lie bilai coule home nethiiIIIIIoe us u asintg. For a muomnut ube tleuught shortage af bakery bread ln Wauke- X N HED À 'ý 'Po. a gig ee ga.i tecause bkr aebp u nur rlrh-neltbel a falluri, aor,' bo.lie 31 on ekiaiher--a.ngi wh a - on a et avebatce a pfur but entIrely consclous of tbtîuc n ehdidu't atîv was aiîiosî t iiî,ulted. on a O ber cet a numrai f uclihr fW um s that vaa heglnatug to hietbill athouh t They pIByed anid ialig U<the odangs. cers in the ctty are vtolating the na- Dioer Tw BysS quitteu111 aII019oua of the fact that-the uth4 tA sat on the ittirch &IInd îalked tlonal food ruts aifloet charging over Dso r w oso îi mdth Of MM d ubody tIlt had UII tlatp. TryaâSitbe à;,uld, ai'-eoculb.1one Cent a pound profit pu gour. Duburjue Are KilIed « conne te !fm b.od lipraved 1M vastty. net. fuera the conversation froua tue THtIt)D--That sevéral grocer, seli _ *D lii uat could hardlY heile-e lher eyes. Subjeet <f hai-elt, and bei- WoII<. lie 1 MNr%.Afredt Fînel oi Wadsworth,~ ML F SLIR lie wu se) maly and yet e-ao gea- qulzpd lier per8ist&ntly about the la i patient at the Mellater hsptaîrA IY OF SLIR tLe that aie uiistd te bug hlm whe- lirai-y andt the uniteut lier work and rint aithIe lte County hos.Atal. .ke me il uch frnk.tlwrL,.Tha seemei tobet he hi4 NI. lt'nnet asked te have this coi- idog bcWmne nekar Sbc peda,_ran. tere.t iniut a d. Alto l ic hi etien made becau.»e recent3 the I n the Case of Carl BêeI1er.3 f t~kImg hg-nn. *hathe seme ~j.upprnnot t bi~uiiiiut yîthvti Sun mentionred tlat ,se was lat the H n ieBohr ir i tlike bei- owD-4he sou ahe nlWbt irst lima tnalier lifete ube~ t.iith county hogpital. The reliait ta that HeadFvBrt rs ëi e bve al. subJect veRrisome. lier ILIte Work' ber frienidm have been sendlng bier With Pershing Abroàd * A<rotly, that Orsit aventîîg he drew sbe-had ac*quirud Ihe tihabit of callu finuiers and have been ealltng ai the from hder tfe hioor of mil the aid kt Il bad beten s) fiscialli)g, aisfi- counlv hospital and ieelng thai thr, Wankegan. Jne 1 rfriands.aktpg about tlit-nue and ed ta hier tmnririu-ii, alo ileehail werre goiig te apy lher a litt1e atten- When Gus Schletcher tht. mornisij ibat. But tbre qu"iadon iloq,-b hle moatsuedt lunLisili nreiwure. But tien whiteeaIl was ln the boupiti!. pickcd up the Chii-ago paper @d a-te.ýd ta ask kepi &dgtîts ag ----ha se5ed IkSSêeII wittthe tiMin that she wants thcm te kami- Just where founi n fie iist ai kttled lu action la tintil there vas ii-eft tar she cred for aîitbioig i-tse,,i te o ttieail s sts < he), wont make the UOflIX> Ilurupe. bis heart pulsatellî t a raptE ànqtIite about. extti~lilg tfoNcire 'l e gru m 'ýe-sary trip ouiith 1e country Or clip for therein becrecegntedl, send gtowers te te wrong place, Lignies ai tva af ibs cougins Who dv. "lad whait about Wiîîry Lnne? - Ii thiiughtrfuOi pîîr*tra - ietti-tl e potlitole by meibsure and cansumers fallu-n vlcttms ta the terurie b*Mu I uobcn e'@ m wgn ii îtu.uxý"I sg aunugoul e hi ilùiut shît a bor fre<quntlY get no mari. iban 12 that la belng waged there nieu. R~ stàk o ol inw.Thje îî-ùex vctoii ig l..itA -îirly poiîndsasa pravided by law. dort and CIi-mena W. Schutel~ tqnhal ahe t tun "subit< goj-. wltliut teiePhoiiiig. aid i sitse Shortage of Briead. ai tlîem are tram Duhuque. la. bi * iustt. "Slw"s m14 thé h-il ,f the new camel dowti hea trtse anîd t,.ke il ie utr Since the bakersta Waak-cgan have Conneettan vlth the deatit oi Bevers. eiîgrty.tiien placeit on a 70 pi-r cent allow- daif, it Is tntereattng ta knw tbd I "Engy @MW 1 wax ta tic Ilear teaauanceaiofoflur they bave bal ta de-.lhe w 0eaisxboher. vho veE> for tie îsirt.y tonaghl," bt- sinilît.. .%.i creasé the production ai bread pro- flghting ina France wlth the,Âe* - __ &tn Sdctnlvrotîitl-,-sl~iii tîctpontikately .and the-esut i t t it antroops. lie ad four bro4 I iii~ br m bt are wtruîî ~inis-t-the suiïoly of breail rag short here were wtth Pcrsîhng when h.e Was 1» 1 lir nu iItara 11<-t i"rwruitie- nearly everu' day. Lent Saturday Itt Mexico and -ifttr the generat got V, uAess. YOU naY hu(uîttir lifàýs 1develops, thera w.s flot a a laiofte France I i e huatcounted u %Nurk.'* h atmitt kîoklag deep, it. bler 1bread ta bie liaitatter 6 oclock in the members af the ttver&dorit amly * ljjlivélred, gray eyes. at ikd9,1dinii &to'evenlng. vould bave foulaitthere Waal six" À hits heurt, lbt 'in gutag Ii te uc rie i lr.flgbttng wtth the United States. ayý; k î -s. îîsIt -t h.w - as brouglît out at the focao aldsIh aaetaits og afk-rwd i *meeting tîtat scevrai gracers tn the and a soldler ail the way hoa~ r j ntI luîw attr u-iîuîscu-u-ittu it îy are chargtag mare than the na That lue and is coustn. 1neW un -tcîifv "b " r-te-t ' hor îr ti~Ionat tood rulîng permîts as a protit i Schuster, should lbe ttsted ta for tlerOir One iviL per pouad sth ficMime lot of men wbose nane -4u*i tîîtiliiior of maxtinumînprofit jpermittel by tht' ni1g ivea out on thse same day a miàence Il .-ýui--]-wii-l hi-tt alioi tioral adminîstrition. Soine groce:si rallier atrîgatar. It would Indu Mtrtil-ittl-î.1.,ur . î utt-w-bti li ai e lour whtch co.t asi-Ii ttthcy vere tlghting tthe r ..........1 iuttiî'. r-E t î a J'il.% îi iii-- i t sl , 1 her b-irrel. Others i-i-i-cii tly rendues. eh i Du Vit.îiî.tîtas, -tiourse, dtUic uuuuct îiTîfitiîieg of filuIr t In bconai-etton wtth Cari-M deail tente ir t.îitîii i,- utî îî-i s lie cii i t ii nd tIr $9 pi-r barrît et Iluitnt erest ing li t nov thatlis fat hillytSI nitsulu Ii. îllckti, ~ iteloitu o pir-tasedt ti, .hi-lp,r vas a caplain ila-aGerman aril fortii utnsIl-îurtuugîl r-îiri-'t lour. in -ornie cags.are1utah l' bI ng tuu Franco-Prussian war and t seiTît tu the ri me Ire IstI 11w îmnidiatety aiterwards hi- came thîî-îî agul liuî t t cu hrmmaltch mori- IbIs country and. rataed bti l So i u t ij he iî-i Oeiliîarîy trîthe or this ru-a-on the waxtîoutuna r -Thc trany of fate la ni> zuiil tti- clttlerliiut --iîle-. ttrig- of uthile gour uit-i owcred by th" pronouncu-ilnta nttng th. tact î~ giî,ltîtîiît~iat roughll ii.sla1tiÏtt4locît foodndtinistrattonanda:ijviola ant #ibts titîethe Beversdorf brotbeg shluit,tifthe low falit rmotta. Dan lion-I of tltione- cent i-r ruund 1711- ' are lit aFac ihlga li-id NanciyLs qîilîr,,te.tliigtînt wvirilfit tu-l 5e loattd anîd *rfsecrîted. thte <-utnîrtr i vbch thpir -tatW.p tîcr i)-mtuî-ked ai 'L o i-ait for Tite' tiur -tltirt.ige, so ian as Wauke watt a soldier many y-irs bot V in itr týy g I silit anit, gan lIscoîc-rned. tuas passid. Ner lteversdorf waa sovn or Mr. SN c t4:1ntrilit-ri heabusendaneecrs mothrs brother. Scituster reatuîîtIti buse tutiru i lofu;ti- aIihle preseat time. a son ai Mr. Schletcher'a fatherts ed orle iepstili Short Weight Potatoes. ter. Bath had ltved [n Dubuquue. .A lungît tule ai't, Nauio-- -1I prionî- Sf t-irai cases have baens raprted for mnaîy years. l'et-t lut l till itIjick tli ti icit à u hi wnunît ta theî-local fnod admninstration oi bcyou i l tti toit î soe-lcill. ierenît 10 grocert;alun gîve short vetght (on ittandtîiitl itgt-it. titnit-luî ut'l it y ou poit ti-. Tluv sli potaltotes by- A cala itn ta loge saloons et 's hîuuiveîî't tîtîiîg,.i lit tilt. 1ttris utuu' ri inqtetid of welgbt and thje Lakte and ather ne&rhy aummer It îîuthuî1ig Il. t iui--ulit r. 1.>- 111t . ,î grusîtat the i eiglit otten tailli sortie uas iaunched Sundsay - 1oii cti ut '-borto ýt I15 pounils. Soins grocers. 1ev. Thomias E. qaîyte. ~ta*- o Looked i, ie Darkened House. cu ki e h-it tiiri fau. for il ti tîyeiut's10 s12 poundalte LA*(e Couaty Law aW place!etts touttîcre IlluI ttc-West, aundIl1;Cagp cIaso s tibru iy. f ~tui It-it-e nat agrnud to lii tuttg tai- totuuoruiu to i t-ci.oiti charge the saine price League., The Rev. Quayle yen er ibrirl. f yoi ivise au] a gmudsu 'II gili grtîîerti uvlo uetta fult peck. These m.Ide a tor oithe dIstrIct. o ntr succeas hstî ui o f it.Seetos ih) -Eu yuît .blt -iî Iluirt- -.irM îa ittle vio-laîtionts art- 10 lue t-bected up and tng eu-tdetce whtch lhe vIl) tuiri d. ve itn lu-Ii itt. cnut inys shîs iîit. tîîi lit- 1rottt wi-dluvîîrt--,ut in prot-leuttan, net nnîY la 1h.- sit'.i te tutloraey eilAke A 9otng taeîîî,t-M - I--r iti-s a-ork' .uu tîu-iil fîtiellt-ut. ut lttfIItlY. liielr titi-foodt administratioanruttng,- ly. or And it-îî lu i - ii t î Wîilkitnson "tlt tîavt-i - lit loy lui tolit-t. II t t tu bat t lut)îî într thbu- Welbtîî anaî I. - l .11 ligbteul hi,-i .,,,I sticolledut ît ati lin a t% u r i t- ttrk - 1 tail th uItt- ut i îsu -Irt t Vit The ttller , te ta bà, along thei- tnet- - - iýtr strcu-s. ttiutlly anoit t itt t l -t-u tIlt-tttt î the. rl pc rtîl to tit o cliy t-cite'-. vt Ina l he ie toi-neta IL-t ntuwit edcor-ler. Tii-rt- tLr( i ;:i lllritînt-utireht-rachtitis cnt-t- 1 CouuayClu t k lien Si utL Z 'Ttierà- t t\%I-. I litî.ti ithefui tb Nît du--N-thi ibtltgri lt î lit7 t uc.7 SHOES l ii- f-i-tld NMeeting Tonight tîuîuî- tîtutu i t tu %%t-î , ,I tl theîu 11114 ii- tt,.-t îiltiîl i d i t tltes lh w ,1 r> -n ý ,i n -l il t io îo i h o an i Ii . t i:,- ilt i r làt- uitut tun it - itttt tt-îtî ittî Itihtu tlu-\ iI lu il t.î, loi i l t tt - , i i t i,ît-tter or ilet ing Lbry il, I ittt i ogi-u1Lît i tti liictî tii tlîi 11-I L, i i. 4 -11 , N:11., -tut --à - i ifiiiuît ituit tt i-1ylig ou-r t..g- u, L i I li. i- tI ii I the oîu f p she tuas tt%%t3 -lu- iiit- -i llî i ItIil iî t uîivut . ty-tiree. Et-ir "I L 1ttît t- t- iL-iit - - li -r t - i - i ~ - î ti ti ti t l u - - i ,I l t, 1 - l 11 1 l_-1i -- ol -------- hoi lit. lii - b,111I lol ýi. -- t l ti. iki i V, -Tho 1 V l L 1 NiE service, like La.

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