CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jun 1918, p. 1

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LIBRTY VIL LAKECOUNTY INDEPENDFI<) TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVIIiLEa L-AKE (OUNTY, LLLINOIS, TIIURSDÂY, JIJNE 20, 1918 ______________________________________________________ M _____________________ M FIVE MILE ZONE FOR DISREPUTABLE WOMEN AT SIAT'N. Suggestion that Menace be Kept Away fromn Boys at G. Lakes Made by Eger BOARD SEES DANGER New Law Makes it Compul- sory to Care for Diseases but flot at Co. Hospital This î>erer ils giad to noîte thc' qui k reeponse cof lithuaoîrd îof 5111- erviiors toarie- sug,--%ti<n mail-hy Court, ly P. i(i-lin ifrown that tpe has talles ru a-ci,?th> eccs.'9Iiy .'r case saneaiaisru--e a-es are tirrocl imuir Ir, thé. rornts- r»tak>. charge cf If! acrrîtancea e-tIi h.. new law t-rus rîttng -.rrh a cour.-,- The boni,? di t i iii. marry minutes to decil" ht w t >idri't bha tii>prorpar thlng iUi t-il»- suri ce as to tir I-Ake çourty honipitai a,? accordifLily on enesdav auliorinil 11r- ilring cf a s, Itf il, iouiib lnWaukc-gan whvra ortable attendants wtll tek>' cisrg, rf eny of thisc-- arur-rny ranci- min 'nIris--r lInrth, oinity au Ir t i' ' tri- ia t hci l i l se-iy. Iff 'w ,ttheTic as.,-ii' ivtahli>. ,into r h.. ilin! * v hospital jf wouulo't lia1lu, z rintil tii> ri-tir rîrlol weoul,? havap ' Iai-', i.>«'- whi,-h wuulii ii berd >? T îr!1ii-at-. Th.-',î 'i;iin b» Supýervs0sr Eger that t->- huard tae>-up ihtheaoffi ceari et Criat Lakes 1h.. mattar of e, taushilng sonne sort o? a womens zone aiîout 1h>- station l> îi newhici mîgi t bh1' ail conqidered and which l. as importent as la the dry zone as ipertatnl ng lu liquor. 0f course Il wouid h.. a liard proposition ta han- dl.' harder Ihan that of tiquor, but aith.' sanie lima the menace lten,:r .idea,? r.s-ire dangerous thta thre Ilulîbor teniptation. If Uncie Sam wanted Io do sa ha coutld coucaive nom.' sort oîf e plan wlereiv a zone would ha rreatad an,? women o! the characier that ara meant lntri coul,?b li-lminited? from tuat parti. euler terrrtiry. In hii-.Co r necton it waq focrfully sbown tote 8 e rvIaor-' Wrdna-'day that W'aiikî ari and Rorkford are ln the' worst posrition of eny rourites liu lhe rtalý- -ruse ln Rockford tiarei le§ n big roniorimant and? aI Wauk-I gan le nu- Great L.ates station. Both cittes errordtigly have hia,? a respoli- sibility thrust Tpon thani that have not comae ta any othar courityIntr1h>- state. I other words, thes coin>- ties, Lake and Wtnnebago. have beari torcad ta handle the situation whtch bv tirer-adent ha, neyer been ancoun- tara,? before by any cannîils Intr1h.' etile. The goveroment therefor has thrust open Ibsa counitles certain r.'- sporilhiltties which cannot be avol,?- ed. However the government doasot ask the courittes ta follow any eer- tain course In handllng Ibis dlîcate situation, It merely issues an order te do il. Accordlngly greal expense l% thraast upon the two countes *Îta ques- tion and? the otfficils are force,? 10 combat a naw situation whieh bas no0 parellel. There are faderaI 1ficers I Wau- kegan ail 1he' lime looltig aftar'thbis situation an,? naturally thay have no particular consîdeaetîon for Lake cnunty officIlo ezcaptbng1ta el tbem tiraI Ihey must do nseand se Icom- plianca wtb thé. faderai ordars and lt la up ta the LaIte ceurity officiais toaici accordingly.. TsaIt lawbY lntahle'case of th@s up ervisors action Wednesday whereby no0 venereal disease shaît be permit- ted Io go talb.' CouniY 1Isospital, ta timely and important. It shows tIsat thre sopervisors are a uinit tn tryiiag ta keep lb.' bospilal and a proper place for anybndy and everybody ta go when tbey are lit. Waukegan ,Junea 14. There waa a rasolution introdure,? and acdolted aItih morning session ai -1lie board or supervisora provid- tsg for thse commîttea on state chant- ties -00 ealoo taka on lIse duties of audidtna. tie bille a! the rma,?an,? bridge 'committee. Tira,.'bis have tieretofora been auditedl by lb.' mis- cellaneous claIms committee. Ail bille for lbhe past quarter were or- dered pald. ,Chaîrman aMetiar namad Batretow. Crapo and? Paddock as delegates and Strattan as aternata, ta the state convention of rounty clarks andl supervisora to a be l, ln Rock Island July 30, 11 an,? Aug. 1. A nsolutt i, was passe,? ampowe,-- Ing the Roadt and Bridge committe.' to, condamn any property necessary in the building of -lb.' new concrte' road on Sheridan Raid lnstaad of hmv- Ing ta watt to brlng any euch mat- tare up hefare tIse board. The board adJourne,? sinjet ta lt.' ,rili o! the chair. The Rgovernment noeds your monay; you ne-d War SavInge stamps. CIIURCJI WILL liOLU À UNIQUE REUNIONSUNDAY On Doit 8unday evening, June 23, 'nt sigbt o'eiock, there WiIl be a unique gathering at the Mt John's Evangelical Lutheran ehrch, Broadway and Park Place. Thon who bave heen eontirmed tbeiç4qýffl th 44;qqeg of the church ln 189 7 bave receved âpecli Invitation@ lu tihe farta of pretty eouvenir hooklete contalnlng the Damese ofaitl >*o.i!lnpd. ett frIendseand members are heartJl3 Welcome. A servie flau wlth tour stars Ie tu ha dedlcated st the c-ame tIme. ('haplain R. B. Kumntck. of the Great Lake Naval Traiung Stati on, le 10 make the FOOD DIRECTORS REVIEW MIAT THE PUBLIC SIIOULD DO Officai -Notice that Ibe Cream Cones Cant be SoId Mon- day or Wednesday AS TO THÉ SUGAR RULE People Can Get 25 Pounds atm a Time for Canning Pur- poses Explains Webb dedie&Uory address. 1'Te tour staresjLni,>- coTnty food amnsrtrI represent John Krunîrey, Otto 8>halleur i h-sof the variou.i woener Charles Sc-hultz and Arthjur S8-hwaodt . ommittp- on foo,? conrserv-ation an,? 1 The>-service» are tt lulathe. nature ilPr-(uiiicin met lntr he N'ddî-rn WViri- rt-union éservIreo. the..loi-ai iaetor, R.1).min hllIntriboirt% viii> n Thiurrîay1 nihfhT ho- meatin>- havinz bpen liueriger, Who niiw bas serve,? at tht. iot>i h 'îrn,ý Foordmnî~rt church for teo, Years. présa tutg un G rit' "Il was a confi-reno," Matthew 10: 32. Tl 'h..Yîung !solstegis wdons and 1 n3fpîratlon sull ni~wirh 1ralt(prprig r." \Ir. Cri,?- tlîis affair, imntredo tu serve reireltiiieuits .î>>1*(lrrfin rning the meetitng and to have ageneral get-togeth@r social i ;,nn rtrIi the > principal -.peaa- gathering aller the servicem : or, '%'.F.Webb. o! Ctîiiazo Foliowîugai,' tie 'îir t r- at on casses M.. , 1hmailp a fercefrîli,pi-aI tth-" sdninistraiors !*,,work wil'il 1898 ýrilI greati r fntersi arnd a strter cri- liud,ih Stolzuiiaurj. llo4rt 1itz, for, 'une::: ýn fthp ruIp laid? dow. i)v Pau;iiîe si>, Juban'i reltow, bora Tr.,- th,-r lenat ffoui dminl.tration. u tow, Emrnma Segert, Ida Segert, Auna inzliinil k tie- imîîrs-,d hi.'aîitn' Schrt-de Lul9trawittt.0>1»orosfart.among Pwhteh Pihro'îl.. l.uiatrawo,'thei>-foliow>ing: i, at h> hiz thIn n b >va tI Joîhn. NanLis5ei, Henry Suaimen, tHenry <'hivaizo-',?north tshoraerio.trt the stcna, i t izon, ann lahri-ng mîan i.' asked to gel along Anna'.Nuiîi.-in Lîchttte, s h on>- and one-haif pounids of 190 * hfat fIrr per week. nnd ail othrr arpe a>ki'd to refrain tram usig tt Emma Goiieell Kutiluin, Carl La-eriîy b re b t. I Iuriri clii>-canrilng'r 2., 1903 tounds of sugar rnay bp bougbt, for Louis Muman anIng purposes. tB eti.'tma. Re. 1904peat urders may be fllled hy lb.' gro- cr r o fer iis he feels bils alutmerit Ray Gousséli, t.roy Knlgge. Barman .1sjvj i irmit. Llcieold, Henry Krumrey, (C&rl -umsea, 1Daiers r. iflour are- iilowpd nîreo- Miaule Nunisen Sage, Martha iKraseI ;chth-. cf ihPir u'uai sir-is-. Bakers éandahi, Ana Gadks Kuagma. ar- aiiowed 70 per cent of their us- tial needs. 1906'rh-r s74prcn haln'r AntonSchwarsenhberg. William Fariner, fi. i>7 ir"utwetti' EdmuuidSchwarzenberg. Edward Kuuke, irA criani con>-> should fot ha sold Msartha Barchet. ori Mrînuavs or Wed"'days, or any 1908 d iv aflar p. m., liv ariybedv. Virtory bti>,itemade cf 7.1 p-r Clara Kuschi, Fred Kuake. Arthur cnt 'ýr lour" and? 25 Iii r cerit of &-hwandt. Edwin Schwandt, Masilda ut ite.- Barchet. John Krumrey. Rlobert Gadie, Nfaximiim profil ailowed un a bar- Iteintiold Barchet, Anna Fénaer, Emma rai cf flour is $120. Nummn Huveiam, LorsJade, ary Candie ail eggw belore ellIng.: Nurnen eavlkap. oraUade, arydoni sivasir ega: "Il the, clearn ne Bnshlng. and usè tlira dîricrias, 1910 t'se- liittî-r an,? miii> freeltv in place Htenry Bosen, Paul Barchet, Catherine or wheat.:1 Boysen. Little Nagel. Short tlai» were tiier made hy 1911 %frs. V A. Nfuriori of Waukera.n; Mrm. Orpha Hardirig of Ares; Mise John- Mildued Schwandt. Lîllie Schwaadt, t-Inn of aukegan an,? S. A. Adams Bertha Kunke, &delta Kusch, Edward of Chir-ago. the last riama,? beirig of Jahas. the Bureau of Eriforcement of the Na-' 1912 tionai Fo,? Administrationi. Avins Boyoeu, Heritta Krumrey, 1 Mra 1-Hardirig tuai, o fihe plans Amana al are beig made to giva caannng Aniada Rdke.demonstrations tri .ibartyvilla on 1913 June 26, 27 arid 29, wben demnonst-ra. Albert Sichultz, Ferdinand? Tegtmeyer, tors wlli teaah woxnen fromn the dl!- Elsee Schwaudt, Adeia 8chwandt, Elsie foenrt townsnhips thaenivateries of, Rak.carnring. Thesa townshiip deiegate.A Radks. ll go home an,? give almlar de- 1914 mnrstrationa i1rthpir lorailtifs. A Liltta Fet. Auna Kusch. cnmm Ittee was ramed ln finance the. 1915 irnderla'ztng te0 pravide çaah achool Adolph Boyseu, Walber Schultz, Ray- district wih a cannlrig outtit. mond Bossîtchar, Walter Kuester. Abert Fant Advisor W. E. Watltti askad SchwndtAuget ýhwact, beodre he. foc,? admînýl.trators 10 help (pro- Schwndt Auget ichandt Thodor *d]>-farmerq wlth erîhtitute halp Kunke, Arthur KuschOlga Lleeke, Aima duririg harveel arid sllo.flllng pertod. Sebulas, Ama Tegtmeyer, Lanora Holesel,? that ho thought wltb a 11111e Gosel. outsid>- haIp and the. aid of the oys' 1916 Worklng r.erve, the labor prohlemt tI Laké connty could blia olved,saa Edward Zersea, WalterRadke, Edward fer as lt>- farmers were concerne,?. Sawuech, Ltte Gureke, Aima Schwandt, Fuel Admînltrator Pas? MacGuf- Marie Boyseu. fin impresqed the audience 'wth the 1917 o fthe coal situation. Ne ReterZeren Aell KestrMath, cal,? ha had mrade every effort ta Esh ZrekeWilla SchandueterMa arn something definîte tram the Gurse, illam ëhwads.national fuel administration and oth- 1918 ars, es-an the govarrior but so Tai Abert Heuning, Albert Radke, Lydia1 ha,? learne,? orly onle thii'g-that Schwandt, Kathryn Mtcal.. thpra would ha very lit.' bard coal for Lake canunt yand Ibet the people abail er bagin n0w to plan to use soft ceai. DRAFT BOARD SENDS 7 MEN TO UNI VERSITY On Mdonday alternoon the local draft board sent lb.' folowiug mon te North- western uuiserollv, vIre th ey vIli be given seciat tralffng ng u heconetructbon a! seraplanes: Henry C. Rugies, Lihersyvilla. Emil Hakaon, Lake.Fore. Jackson Bannett. Llbertyville. Barry L. Soransun, Round Cake. Hiram B.,Wellman. Fully fanm, Wau- kegan, Lau J. McCrthy, Foiiy farm, Wau- kegan. 1 itobt. F. Roustan, Round Laka. Onu Sun,?ay alternoun lhe menihers af lhe Epworth and Junior Leagues of thre Methoduekt churcli deoratad 1h.' graves ufthle tirea Methodiet minlelers vira are hunie,?In Lakeelde emelery. Thay are: Ras-. John Davies, Rave. James and John B. IMacOuiffi. Rev, T. E. Reani gave a hriaf hletory of the Ilises of the decease,? nluisters. The ladIeso!t the Liberty ville Auxtaiiary efthle Red Cross are planning lu holp tire joca Thrifî and War Slamp Csa-. paigu committea. tlach taxpayar ia to, ie sled lu ptedge tbe equlvatent o! hie on her taxes lu ha pal,? before tIh ast 01 December tus year. Tiers e stlilIsevarai îhouuaud dollar@ lu be raise,? ln Ihis district beiore the quota ailttabore te reace,?,. ýNEW FOOD RULINiSICA1TLE ASSN. IS Pertiining ta Sugar Dune 10 the slnking o! aà great ameint o! sugar ta uic re-eut eubimariae allai-k along Amner-jr-n shîîres, sugar supplies are gai lute urtalie,?. Sales for hoseol iiik i dion are again limite,? 10, twu pounds ru the.'villages aud tOve pounde ta ruribl dietrîcté. Nul nmire than unelot et 27, -pounde o! sugar for canning may ni- ottaine,? hy one bouée. hoid wtlhous tire vritten cousant of their local Foi,? .dmistrator. A Il certigicates tor renning sugar given to the mail order Iiii,,eà vilii e turnad itl the Food Adiiiitratiou. The indivIduai ration of tlîre îîîunds par month ta- cludes browu anid ail other as veil as granduiated sugar. Meailand Dairy Producie A rigI,? econoniy ta meat ile requeste,, ual to, exe,? oie an,? <n-hall poaude of meat lper week ls'r parson shouid he serve,,Includlîg tuhe oua. Subtituts milk, cheese, eggs and tieh for meat. ge dalry productw treely eepcaliy for the children. Nuttrinir ean taka the place. of pure butter. Frani-.'te on a oua pound mail hasie tncI-ldieg borse flash. Hoteb and other eatiîîg lbeuse@ muet nol sarvad hbolled heef more flian tvo meals weekly, heef steak more iiian ona meal weekiy and roast liacîmore thaananemeal wsekfy. Suhmtiliitî- pork for heef. Use beau, ltberaliy. Une ail the s-i-g-cablëe possible. Use local supplie.' aud save transporta.- flIon. luy et anme. Conservation te nul practîce,? for the purpose o! tiinai l ca5uomy, but la çrovIda fou,? fori use un the othar sIda o! the Atlantic- Always bear iniinuta hat thaserecom- mandatlone qre sutîject 10 chanige wlth the change 01I ,-idîittone. United States> Fooid Adminstration. DISTRICT NO. 1 SENDS 7 5 MEN 10 CAMP MONDAY Sevênty.ise rîîî0' vIll be sent from Dlelrict No i1 t' Camp Griot an neýxt Monday, ieas-iiig t 8:1-2 a. m. Today 1h.' draft iuiuriile humity engage,?Ilutha wo)rkini-Iderît te theaillng o! th@ ha. latd cati It 1- tiîolughl Ihît by nfgbl tIral ainoti->-, l ha dîspatche,?. At ipreas limeae list o! the name o! the seiecta wiîo l'ais Monday could n01 ha 1procured. ladepanut reider? E31COON. PERMNNTLY OR. 4IANIED AT LIBVLE. Lake County Ifoilstein Owners Adopt by-Iaws and Push Dairy Interests Here EXHIBIT AT COUNTY FAIR H-olstein caIla ,readene of the oounty. havlng forme? a t..mporarY organization 01n1Jsme 8, met tln the village bull et Libartyvilla on Satun- dlay aflennoon an? formed e permanu- enil organixatlan, 10 ha known as the Lýale <'ototy Hoistaîn-Fniesian CatUae Breedersr assoctU>ln. The meeting .which vas well at- tende?, wa.s preided aven hy George R. W'hite, taînpomary pnesldent, and? Lakte County Farma Advisor W. E. Watkins. tamporary secratary. The first business lrawnsated vas the eah- tion o! officers for lb.' coming year, which rasulte? as follava: Prasidant, George R. Whîite o! An- tioch. Vice presidon,, .J L. Niobol4on o! Ingîr or,?.. Sacreîary, NV. E. Wetkins of Lbr- tytille. Treasurer, Thomas Eger o? Anea. B<send of direclors: Gordon Ban- ner, Lakte Villa; Horace Vosa, Gur- riea; Lia,? Rttzentlear o! Prairie Viev. Bylaws and a constitutîions were adoptaeriad the annuel meeting, ich viilha sîgnalxe? hy e chickes dirinen and othar social features, won nal for 1h>- second Tuesday ln Jun., avery yvar. Two dollars wae named as the assonaI due@, but aay dalry fermer hy paymelll o!f iva dollars la tlie ,att- a.siociatin maay become a inrmben f o! th alate -an? aaunty as- soiatiote. Thpa naw organi7atlon hopes ta push Lakea î-uîraty te the front as a daity district. It starte off wiîb a good mamhanishlp. ,whila thea nov -ueli. -'<nown Waukesha association atm-rted, wtl oniy ciglil membars. The orgen- tratioin yul ha uatlning ln bts effort 10 Irdirra Lake county fermer, b dia- Car? arul an,? grade? stock for pure- bra,? Iioislabus. It plans to bave a spl,,ndiri e'hlhit o! Holstelns ai lb.' voumty fair. "Accommodation "aes» aiha lialîl fnom tUme tu limeaend -îstting tours' are planned. On these ttours membars o! the association wil) Ysi-lt lntarasting datry farmne bta e rui?niiglmiing rourties, gettng fIrrit- ShindIn îformation ragarding Holati-in tcattla. INDEPENDEN'T WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 ,PER YEkR IN ADVM ITO iOLD FOOD àPRESERVATION SAYS DEMAND FOR TRAINED WORKU SCIJOOL fiFRE1 NE VER WAS1 Th-- Lake r<mnncy food admlnletratlon 1 anud the-Lake county Woman'e, Cer-' nittee, airt.. i ouuii ut1Dai.-nsp wilii h6id a ci)untV ..chool of food preserva- tlon st Llliartyville on Juns 26, 27 and F. L. Hatch, ot Spr i'ng Grave, and wili form a aas of a serle, of local conserva- tion niaattnge>',In the county. Loyal workerm are urged to attend and get the lateet methods ot food preservation. Corne planning to carry the bmessage bavk to the home town@. Tickets for the.. irtire coursetwill he eold for the numnal sum of twenty.five cente, landa su h.o aeed t dsfray eipes. Mre Hateh give.4 her sers-ires lu Lake eounty fur thiti work. 0.C. Gridley don..t.'s the 'us.. ot SI&'hall and? the Food .îdîinfilration deiîatem a canner and dirier tu b.' gisen t,' ticket hoiders and tu lie]i) Lake t-ounty sgs-e the splendid fruits and, vegetabiet4 now betigraised,?inaLake vouity. Tite progrglu le ae follows. Wedneaday. June 26. 2 P M. l)isecossion ot equipiuenit-eanne.r, ruli- twr rings, jars: Fruit: Canning wllh sugar; vanag with sugar dubeititute; catnng without eugar. Prewers-eo. J1arn,. Jellie. Marinalades. hloning fruit ju01>-. Vegotahe. G reens. Disceussion: Why food @poil@. Yeaot. Bacteria. Are home canued producet Save? Thuraday, June 27, 2 P. M. Meate, chart ahowtng cut@: Chcken- dry pickInu; cuttîng ap; caunalu: Roof1: Canning and drylng. l'ork: Canning; hame; bacons. $uage; Fiah; canntng; saltIng; emoking. Friday June 28. 2 P. M. Ustag twu type§ ut dryerm: Fruits; vegetabe; soup mixtures; fruit paste. Container@ for drtad lîrodur-ts. Plans fur communlty drying plant Standardisation of produéts for mar- ket. Sweeto for suidiere. ISugar beet syrup. DIVINE JIEALER IS PLACE» IN JAIL The Sprlugtteid. lM., Journal on st Sunday priate? the loiloving couceru- ingý the troubles of Dr. W, Havkins, sell-etyted divins heaier, vho Ibis spring visite? Antioch t10 priclca hié powars of heaing, advertbeiug blé vi ildely lu Lake conty navspapari. The piper at,: '"Dr. W. flawkins, dtvlne healer, hie addittouai troubles, aud le nov i prie- oner ta the county jail on a charge ofe worklng a confidenc-e game. Ha wkius vas areued ou Frtday ou complatal of an tusector for the @tata department ofl regîsîration and education, chargad vbth heaibug human almenle wltiîout a 'A few bours iatar, a warrant vas sworn ont, charginâ hlm ilwU worktng a contidence game by macu ring cash froua parsons vhu hecame hie patients. Haw- kbns vas re-arresîed and vas remanded tu the county jali ltu defînit of 81,000 bond. ".Hawkius, has vlehied a flamber of ailes tIn the state, and bà ta probahle Ihat addittouai charge@ witthbepreferra,? agaînet tum." FOOD M EETI NG AT FOX UAKE; HOTEIKEEPERS ORGANIZE 1 ýrrangenlent have beau suîade ssith local Food Admtistrator Wm 0. Nagel, 01 Gran% township, co-operatiag with e iiu. P. Reiani, vice presideut of th.' 0Cake County autel Keepers' and lakars' Massociation, and wllh other local fou,? Laduuiinis§trat-ars'of western Lake couucy n u bol? a meeting 0f hotel and restau. rt kffepers and baker, at Fox Cake, IWedadav evenlit, June 26. it lget State Supt. Francis G.--I Delivers Address to20 Graduates CONTINUE COURSE, HE SAY Exceeding1y Fine Program AÏ Given; Large Concourse of People Were Present An Ide-el early sommer day toget er with the hntiful location end 1 lntprç'np ii>-iiassemls- cf peopleq is-.'d>-d rmalte1tii c-'irrty selleotfi tîil cf lai-t Salurday at Areas1la lettPr day for the-echoois of theec y tv10n o'lock in the- 1001USD larr"P gaîhhuig of children and pg Pent h adclarrivo,? îonith>- grounds M fr30> rienutil pasr rou-i Ihey oq tîia,? to comae: the straet cars w« lviii 1 C>iPactty. an,? there ws srorv., oif automobiles. Thp Çi-rtnnlal pageant girlon? Bix schools of the rounty waa Ilb featýiru.Much credit ista ta a rM ePd iipori 1h>- teachars and pupîls tel parxrts; tijat mur-h tisse andi tCene ha,? hein expende, w« -i danvail b% the inanier In whichr Ilin- 0>-ni- pt<yrd. The foliowing schools and teaffl lonk lthe sIx utIle piayq of threj gi-ont. The Chiidrein of the lliin-M échool. Miss Tîbhlts. teachar; thorna Farm scbool, Miss ul lanicier. The Chiidron of thaendc-4 ne>- achool, Mise Raeside gad Noriandr-r, leachers. 'The Children of tire ptoa Hlgbwood eýchool, Mr. Nelson, tU er. The Unrderground Ralroad-4O fmi schoel, North Chicago Xèmie. son. NMiss Neahaus, teaohers. The C'iltdren of' the Civl W W'auronda school. Mise Poole. t Childran o! thte Greot W.;- Bluff -chool, Mise Kerr, UlmPia lenchenagae The Alendalebodgva t' rograni lu open thae ercmiae. mnrning and plnayed lbthe ' miisic for pageant processions. The exercises of thre aftemoOcé«" gan at 2 oglock atter the::1il an,? parents ha,? had an opeI enjnv the contents of thre lu i 1. - i" Thre Ibrea mambers of thre eleaS ha,? parents ln tIsa program *er. d an beocuse o! excellent achol exîmtna.llon records. Axeei W. berg of Wtnthrrp iHarbor sobwoOt, tIse salutatory for thé OMM Blanche M. Schuler of ii mehool. gavae theavaledletwry;. lies>- young people Midelcai weil. Bernnar,? M. Decer of N C'hicaigo, deltvared t lam ]We<lci lion. H-Pe poke on the' subjeo Thnlft; lils daUvery marke,? hb one of tie excellent numbars 0f. pmograin. State Supanintendeiat Fracie iBlair gai e a splendid address. ire> gratîulala,? the Yoiag- P9oPlaO cm compîration o Etbe elgirI yeare of aqrbool wor kan,? urged mail ta a greal effort tb coasplal ltae ~i-hool work In tira carl fouin 1 for tiiplte of the tact tIsat groig iîrndq are bhii-Lgmde u Younig people 10 go t w= kt= 0s an bcd baan a lime wbea Y-oflag ple wllh preipm.&i~wl ae< ar opporlunîis offeed them. Mr. Blair gai,? tiret somettal. wllil hIbe e"home eoMlng" a!Of te ln lb.' service udhewtl i riglat tbask eoder fows oI Rtayed ai home ,"what bava en 4 la keet tIse sobooaand chut open; vIsaI bavre y-eu beau. * vhile 1 have benau w&Y b Malté iown an,? my cummuuity beller- urge,? ail la detarmItne tl e b. ta rander a gond report Of Flcwartship. - Two Isundra,? young peOpla r"c Iheir diplurmas et te lb.cOa t O progr>im. *TIse pregram !ellows: - Siir- llindale BoYu' RAni. Song, "America," «Comaeb migbty Klnx'% iudIame. ilautatory, Axai Wiltians Neg <'lasq Dechanaatloii, Bernuu--i Dacke'r. Addrs, :[o. Ir. G. Elifi, Mél erintandant of public luslriiaiQ 1CentomaiIHymn aHl WIMMI plis tramth mlb otir ache.?. Ne cago, directed hi Mies Uff Valedictory. Blamche EstehleI Group of songs. audience. Premeatation of dipiceas. Mlusic. AIlensale Boys' aUD, elamps-lf tiey gave and huy lutueociik l.N inmn hIi of 1th. utniiost of their ahlitly, arr,?buy l tu.'- lakery Division o!flthe United? SlatomIDoefiat forget thît Wago1111 ___________the_ Food Admtnstratlon wiif adkre.aIha stamps are not for chîiran oa. If i'. ai any îbews vin>., yaasu viI eeting. Ail grocarymen are ua lui- o! the eqnaudarointe dos.bdls find la the Libartyville Iadapendaul. vlted to the meeting. ups. VOL. XXVI.-NO. 25 Lake County'-s Big Weekly- Gm"1a QeeGretIu 0"oIfraWekes in ounty Combined

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