CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jun 1918, p. 10

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'hé OU s HIS Mid-Summer Cicarance Sale Is probably >oegnpa I~I onr nx0Ie of 14vjig to Wrfix!epfl0, p the~EbwC. car T- iinnMMinAmg0m Ju ne 20A K#J&,merClearanice-SWliéof-'- ____ CtotWni Men's Suits Reducebd to-- Silk ooew Regular $5.00 kis zmade of -. , plain and fancy striped ejîks in the newest styles are offered in this -sale at ea<,h $2.98. W** oUkrta $1.98 Made of fine quility' gabardine and pique in many pretty sityles, are ii offered in" uselat......... 's Ne Offerings Moot -.W( FOR this Sale we will offer one big lot of odds F and ends in men's suits, values to $25.00 at the very special price of $12.45. Don't fail to inspect these suitý if you want to economize on your clothing. Young Men's Suits Reduced to- TTESE suits are odds and ends of our stock, Tbut were values up to $15; miake your se- 17ection now at the remarkable low price oif $5.98. Men's furniLg Um.'a Work Shirt Made of blue chambray, -ud ail sizes, reduced to.......... Sport and Dresa Shirts In a good range of patterns,85 %Il sizes, $14?5 values .......8, Balbriggau Underwear Shirts aud draivers, $1 and $1.2Z5 val- ues, special for this sale at per garment....O ài1k iàse *Houe i Blaek and fauey, fast Colrs,-35 regular .50c values ........5 (3 pair for $1.00) Extra Qualfty Boue Blac'k snd colors, 25e and 35e values, special for this sale, per pair....................17 Clearance NulnDrawers Good quality wusnîs drawers, lace andl cm- broidery trinuned, al mies, special 29 Corset- covers Lace spd emubroidery trimu-ed corset envers iu many pretty styles, spe- cilfor this sale c Env.......o. ...t39C Thvey are &una c in q.althy are sinsan(Iof are pretityinnc ad ret ptlau sud m e %'t *broidery at ....9 Mualin Petticoats Here is a real -',îap ini Childen's1 M. Aa. Boys' a"0or BUtS Boys, white duck sailor suit, with long pants. bine collar and trlmrmatg. ail mies. spectal for titis saisle 7 Boys, WoolSutu wool suits lu a0 aobéY Mixtures.,>Oses 8, ta l ara.j specla i- und for A thi au al..........."a» Boys, mm..Put. A large assortment ot boys' knee vants, ail sea si4a bita. serge, duriug titis sale............ eOirmsa gngbodisroe le mmruy pettystylos a1 pS ter»atm 2 o Ztua FTue. w cii for this sale ai...................9U Under4iwn flounce oprett.y embroidery ..... Fine numlin petticoats with deep flourice of pret-. à ty embroiderv, also pF,,tty coats at eaeh . ***7p Muglin Gowns Slipover aud- open front styles trimmred with fine laee and cmbroidery, ope- S cial for this 0& siale at ,.....- - Tub 811k Petticoat Pretty tuîb sflk petti- 'coats with double pmucel. 8Spe<'ial for- tii Za sale at caeh... Mid-Summrer Clearance Sale of Higrh-Grade Footwear Whfte Canvas Oxfords Ladies' white canvas oxfords vlthb&had-turued soles and lslgh apoël bhols. aima2 es 5~t 7. Regular $3560 valie, ftuulu ths sWlq,'pgr pair ...... 2.87 1hi 0aOavas Shoea Ladies' fapldegesiowl~ auvas bonts wth 9 Incb tom. lzghade h= ois miaises, regular .2 7 $4.00 value, dui#fue Ib sais, par pair ... 2 U4les' Btrap Pu"&a ,LadJes' 2 a" 4 strap pbps. patent or duli ieather, Red Cross 96&ée[n veryfaiubonable laits, welt and hsitd tlrud s"es. 51gb spool heels, regular $5.00 values <trinag tht saie .«*.. *..... A.kle arapPump=a Misses' kid4$gup metai ankie strap punipe lnu ilon 11 to 2. Theïe imi are ail leather and str'lctiy up in the' minute style0; <uring this 16 sale, the pair............. ....1 6 KXbl 'Canvas ohm. Misses eXtÏ* xi-ES out canu aos lacs style and the very neW*d ti. izes 9 te 2. rogular $2 50 values durtiq. 4b.saie...............6 .Whhe CanvasIpS Miss5e' sud ula*lrsuswhite u!aspumps wth leather soies and 'héls. uses S to a 'Thisinlathe Dup that everyone ban been lookiug for. RogulaIo $1.76 valu durtng tbi sale ................ .1.29 Uku's Gnvaa OxfordsW Men's whlio M fgaqfords vtt uer heels sud soleri ail slzdset, 0B 1.00 valueslu duriug tits a"le, peè, PSU .................. 1 Cliildren's Pressat 98c lid of lius quéiity fan. cy ggiap.somo Miid N red Loutie styles, saies 2 te 6years e chil&çp,'s Deu Made of plqansd taucyI voiles a"4 gîngitame Pizes 2 te 14 years; ifà. red Louise,- styles ................. ()ne lot of odds aud endi of our chldren'e coatsinl a good rangs of six., Mid eOMO at ach.. ... 8 Mad¶ of black and white cecks , and sergeslu rnany pretty styles, suzes 6 n14 years ..........4.98 Smocks at 1-98 A large ssotek <kwhite aud colored vsocks are offered lu tb>s clearance sale at the loy Pric, cf $1.98. Ssocks at 2.98 whi' dte l fs aok uail the most approved plyfoins baud embroldersd patternu. are offered iu a large rangte of styles and sises for 29 Ihis4 pale at sach ......................2, a Coats at $7.7,5 One large lot of odds anîd ends of faney mixtures, velour, eheeks and serges lu a good range of styles, colors aud aizes are offered for quick clearance at $7.75. Coats at, $11.75 These coats are made of poplins, ser- ges and mixtures and the styles arc so diversified that it will he easy te inake a selection here at $11.75. Coats a t $17.,50 These beautiful inodels arc made of wool velour, gabardine and trivotine iu ail the nhost wanted shades and the nw est styles. These moats ýare ail higli grade garnipnts anîd arc greatly underpriced at I Women's Worth $ w om EN'S and higit are ()ffered in tid ored styles in a. to fit auy type low prie of $17. grade, man taiIk tually worth $36, Wounen' s. Higis Gras T HESE are t mnade of a and poiret twills file newest stylet styhislî 4lk suits a t $24.75. Mil)-SUMMERJL CLEARANCE voile 1Bloumes$1.00 An exquisite selection of blouses 'inade of fine quality voile i a large range of prçtty styles are offered at eacli... Lingerie Blouses $1.'98 Lingerie blouses of voile and or- gaudie,i the finer qualities are of- feî'ec in a large assemblage of beau- tiful styles at the low price of ............... $80 Beds, $16.25 Veralise Martin bedsi wltb soUid bruis tri1ngaiuglt s, $30 values for 'if $25 lbrary ?abli, * Highiy g*nisol moudoak * library table wth lower gbelf, and drawer, sat, 2814g incIs vin leSlm. 1. fer' Sale of AI

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