CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jun 1918, p. 12

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-----.~ LIBMflTVVTLtt1 I RnPV.s1-i1Np 'r1THn Il V-rTra. on -iii i~~~~~~~~~~~~ UN.-_____________________ I'OOKCK ENTER. .P. GraiaM of Long LaLke, Ili. fumer vrodle campion trapebooter. tt te pace for il insihean cho bgagea aavay eft the day pigeons lu gturia,'. shoot of the Gr-eat lAkes Tntp & Glu club. Mrs. Oraham brohe 91 birde out of 1~0tu.EdIeCormick, a Liber. te4l . .,proteasional. took second hagese vth a mark ?f 69 broken out M*ara1 Graham kmd *cEorodeilk pet on anue"bion of double shoot- hg. Graham bvmzkli a etraight 25. uhile Mccormilcmmea*-tvo out of 29. MOT A "LIVING WAGE', 1Traînmon on the Chicago. North Shore ant i 2lwiaukeseiectric piMiroart am oe.deavoriug ta get âa1 Increase in *&M or 15i cents an hour. They .laim tat the presettoraie rnila cents au bour in not even a living *«adomt at uiniese they are grantsd moi.tby vii -have tW eeei more lut~veemployment. T'h.e esctic line, it lasalit,.la_ hav- hg fb.e sanie diflicuity that other Unes are experlencing ln getting com- paent men to MI1 the positions -made vacant tbrough the draft. For that rose=a It in heleveti that the heails of theCocmpany viii bie vling Io con- aider the mtter o! increased wagi'. te bou lthe experlenced men vho W". t&ruteiU n tgve ptJielr positions ed acceit empioyaient Iu petlt.loniug for the increase In wngs tie tralnmen are poiuting out that ordimary laborers are getting at Ieat 50 cents an mour. They say tbey woud have Do dimfculty in get- tcg poations vhlch-woulti pay larg i r'es fltisan làiey are recelilng at -the prirst line. The ihnti-gaSloflleague Of illinolq cet Tuesday f9rmaliy threv down the baers fer tih. fal cansnign ly open- Ing la Illinois an oMfce or heatiquar- 441-a ln eveiy ceenty of the stete. In WWauiogfl the heetiquarters viii ne et &oi."y', snd thc local superi Izor vwlfl Mbe lu charge cf Lake ountv ,e te toiloing statemeut regard- *Net content wbth drylng up nine Sm eoftan townships, Uie Illinois Anti- *oi00. Legue plsiaa gW ta om-andze tbe eastie tate tu, sendi a dry legisia- <Use 10 ie %tâte bouse neat f ail. - Lake counIr ofita vasopeneti auê i Mthe local Y. Ni. C. A. 1vC. J. Kaney et Aurora. Plans -a m ady bebt gmdetIoscure tàmdatons for dry men at the legià- pýim3i a luSeptembere" à -t t>..lant session.» 5fr. Keerney e -s b >ig bravai-y delegaloe f ront ý48N beke every progressive Ma tempemlSa more. Even protsc- Me mmuice equsted by ecretary Dana&Mi oci. Lovitan vere rp- imitai wit>. slight cosoieratton bv M>e e el BSdiiofChicago. It le 5»VUimMoIS' toms and obe viii use littu e fUteiiS- ntI-ng il> Dote SOMeà tovnzbip viii have wbýt i cosu ithe key mon- Who Wiii di- lea Mwer huhic tos-nahip andi then «" . wcma« wfl alaoe have a cap- tant vetag muer thre hey u-"n T u ppoe a to have the l'-ague ouwy the macatieca of thre caui dîiatça fWrthe . I*sltr lt ae- rW reeforenceata bouze &"it thi-u's lme iprimcary. issue an .ndlyrs» lo» bau a ditioiiai lst ofprlz- «e beang ofleredtu Inthe nhS i hildiea Wr Savinesprize uestet babg immotei la Lake, cou- ty. a"minla vbhevery peplilof the cOMMats lreedy Witekenly IMlnteti- National Envelope Co,, casb. $A Lae Forest. DeerlUili Restaurant, cash. $2. HaM rYein. cash, $4, Vincent SuaiUtaTheater box caAty. Vtnceint Suarta Store, box candy. 8125. eGo. L $5. Youiig & Silili cash, $2. W. W. Griffa. Cash, $1. Dr. Parmenter, ca&h, $2. C. T. Gunn Co.. cash, $5. Blackier -Market oasqh, $5. liarder Hardware Co.. cash. 12.5,0. O'Neill Rardware Co.. cash.,20 John E. 1jaggett. cash, $3. Dr. G. G. Fi-snch, cash, $2W. flit National Bank, cs", $,. John GrMlit & Sous Pstoliiiy, -year. $1,000. P.FKrrigan. cash. $2. QuMly.-ire Co.. cash, $2. Public Service Co.. 6-lb. Pehctrlc Iifttons Bakery, cash, $2. Gao. bhrs-, merchandiae, $25"i 3. L. Smith. cash. $2. Atteridga lisi-ket, cash, $a. James Gardon, chie! of tpollcp. caâh James ?4tchell. fountaîn peu. $2.,0 L If. W.Sfeeldel. cash, $2. v'uai J. Weabaui, fauntatn Pen, Andeu-mu Bras.. cash, $5. ,ALEX UZN o Q06-208-210-212 North Stot, lWaukégan,lhun ois 75c Coriset Covers- In Muglin and Silk ala &"i vahable sainorst 47c The Second 'Week of Our- Sensati onaiJn Silk & Wool Suitsto 125 at $15jCoat'pto 650 at $8,89 Suits to $30 Flue vool corges, poplîns. gahaus dineis anti velours ln the hast color- luge ai 1l.9.75 To be able to seil dependable, desirable suits these days at $15 is a really great achievement. The a&"Prment incuites a varlety o1 lik suite as Weilias WO@I POPlinO, Serges end uovuty fabrlce ln good colore ad styles. This lot is comprised of &14atb; froili OUr own stocks ýeand sone, special purehases in a fairly large variety. Het ar ere, po plils &cuixtuestwclnbtitd &Md shirred affectsanad ail colora. G Suits up to 18.50 at Here are some verY .~ 9 good-iooklng suite in r wanteit material. sud ta range of izs at 1 9 Suits to $37.50 Poiret twills, French serges. vooli jersey suits, velours and sllk suite in: ail styles. 1125 Suits o $45 OSur Ounest suits up ta $46 are ln. cluded i n this lot lu styles Ilke those lllustrated. 29.50 In Waukegan's Largest Waist Shop- New - 1.50- Waists at 97c' 'Comarlon"-lthother vaisti gtocki -le aur haset salesman becaume hen yau can betfpr realile fthe values vs are gtsîng you lu these crlsp uev valets of plain v bite voilex or pretfv stripe and ligured effects. Waifts to $3.25 -at '1.98 iltylisi lingeries and pretty pussy vlllow lap sis ln very becoming styles and al calars. Waists -at 'ý liantisome georgettl ,ilk crepe de chinesa voiles snd orgaudies. Waists to $10 at $7.7.5 A really voudei-ful assortmsnt of the mont beautîfui creations Imaginable elaborately trimmed snd fashioneti from Ounest uilka. to $5 Waists to $7.50, 2.98 -at 150 Le Bilk crepu.s andi Deiicately tlnted geargef te crepc as veli as pretf y vith a profusion of tilik anti beadppd G ~ embroidery, lu al sizes. Waists to $16.50 at $10.7.5 The sulis. t hé, coloringa, the styles. the mode ofcm- hallluihent-all are differeut, Individual anti hesutiful. Plain colorx anti exquisite combinatlons.1 In Our NEW Corset Shop- A Sale of $1.50 Corsets at s These very low priced corsets can !e had in mecdiuim andf low busted cifecta as wéll as in athictie or dancing corset with, ea%£C top. 75c- Brassieres- IWomena IreguWar76c lu gootes l stylea nlcely tu-lmmsdc viti "ac.and alias C OR S ET-S Up ta $300 -at $1 Dtscontlnued numbers ln on@ of our regular $3 lluep Iln gond stylen and mont &il aises. The asiinrtnisnt te lilmted, 50 hurry. i $150 B*'a.ieres- Womin a brsas$sre of extra fiua mate@aa~ vlth 9llosouc ni7 c embroldery tope- lual Front 5> Back fwace CORSETS Up ta $300 -.-at '2.50 These corseta ln echer etjis are >hubstantially con. istructeti aud Impart an easy, comfortable grace ta thel vearer. In plain aud hi-o- catiet affects. Fittingo FREE Brassieres to. 2 Thoanisdomlcrealtia et aun iayy lacs. ot mu.ilins4 ;0 *ud pili.cieps echines lu doce or0flqtyltie. Coats up.ftô $10. at- LJ An asortment of atitis anti ende lu coats; of gonti fabricesud tesd al styles. Theri. are' nearly alil szes I the lot but not lu aU styles of course. .9 Coats to 18S50 Coats t!.?9.50 luclude in l this lot are silk StYlish vleu oatsk aru>' taffeta anti sili poplil coats as rloth. Trench cmae gabs lues, veil as serges, wool poplins etssdevss1h b I nov stylas. e.12,o75 8.5 1.50 Dressé"s-5911 Children'is pretty wasi dresses ln sizes up ta 14 ln glng haiu» snd percales o! wanted colore sud hecouulug styles. D RESSES TO $3 DRESSES TO $5.75 Strlklug uew -at- Cotton Rajahs@at plaids, checks rmercerasti et- plein colora andi l fects, glngbams c 0rn b 1 nations piquen, chats. vif h beits. pîsats AU braym, ln a varies4 8 pouch Pockete * assartiment of etc.VJ new style».si Sale of White Dresses -at 11.98-2.98-1-5.75 Quaint. Eveet littis styles la voiles, os'gandies and batistes vlth ravi of Ingertions. laces, smhroidery, ribbons, bits of smocklng andi Rome hava littîs pockets. Whbite Dresses 1 to:$102t Ott ) Coats to $40 (Gais of tllvertiines trI fines, cool vo lotir-s 411011 l ot coverts andi mixt tre»s: bell 'îali d but ton trimme ., Children -s Coats +Price & Less -Coats to $4 at Sizes to 4 Coats to $5at $20-95 Coats to SI10 at 7 Gingham Dresses Wamien'e andi misses dresses Iu he. eomlng atylep lu large plaids, checkrs plain colon anad figureti. affects.- Wash Dresses to $3 $ Ou. table full o! goodloking tireus' oddts sud ends lu voiles. lawns, etc. that have been lilghtly salleti lu showiug. Wash Drefsse up to $1 É;ingbams,'Voiles sud lavus, fasioueti Into the prettiest of Inexpensive summer drenges lu ail sims andi colora. 1$14 Silk & Wim Dresses Bt 9.75 Silk poplins and lait dresses asvell as tireg of wash fabrie wltha drapes, coatees, etc.' Women's and mnisses' dresses in a variety1 pretty styles, good colors and 1 "'2Ac li.qlld>afa 5 uf X 6.5;ï *values o LU iaU t,---------------------- I « Dresses up to $22.50 in silks or w I orings and kinds. Pannel effeets, I fitted bodices, odd shaped collars, Stylici dresses up. ta $30 In softt t 4 arsesu ta$0iafron >ummery georgWtte silk crelses ani 41Ij>J int evenint styles In a leildtrin', cool sumnuer sllk Ini Plaids, 'strîpes ia f fcharming madelà lI deS. plain colora ati White. cati colora, finest fabrics. i 5c Talc. Powder The famous Jap Rose l A really excellent powder andithe . ta- sortment Islilmited.

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