CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jun 1918, p. 5

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LIBERT YVILLE INTEPENDENTTJRD, JUNE 20,1918 A COMPLETE UNE 0F CORN MACHINES Janesville, Deere and International Plantera and Cultivators Large Stock. Priced Right Schanck Hardware CoO. PINEAPPLE--- Delicious Indian River, FIa., Pineapple, reasonably priced. RANDALL'S GRAPE JUICE--- GlId Medal Brand; an ideal warrn weather drink; a good subatitute fSr lemonade, 50c a quart boule. E. H. CORLET MEAT5 AND OK<OCERIES Two Phones-339 and 340 Uibeetyille, lîinoas -------------------------s s:s sss sss sss An Appreciation 1 wish -to îhank friends and patrons for the liberal patronage and many acts of kindness and aympathy shown me durîng the recent illness of his wife. 1 assure them that 1 shall in the future, as in the past, striveto ment a continuance of their patronage by making reasonable prices and a square deal my guicling prînciplé. S. J. DEINLEIN [IRST 0 - RESS FA WMRKF 90 ROC[Ri1 Miiwaukee Ave. Complete Line cf Fi uits and Vegetables PHONE 31 Libertyville, 111 I. - RAY N. SM1TH Libertyvill, f LIELL H. MORRIS. AttorneY. ADJUDICATION NoTlÇE. Publie Notice ln berely given tbat the Sub- oriber. Executor of the lest WlIil ndTsstamxent of Carles Bock dereaaed. Wi attend th Ocunir Court of Lake ounty. at a teruthereof t0 ha holden at the Court Houzes lu Wauksgfan ln Wad Couuty. ou the Brt Mouday ut Augut -Dent, 1913, wheu sud wheram&H vermout having lafims agaim t aad mtaIs are notified aud requested lu presat the&ame b laid Court for adudication. ALFRED G. MAKTHKI<. Ezecutor. Waukegau. tIllunois. Jue 20. 1918. Joue 20-27 Juy 4 CAurc/zch bte Presbyterian. The ragular molmnlng aad ev.nlng mai. vice. yllha balld at this churcb on Sunday. Specialmuale by the choir ai botb services. Bel. Earl C. Mrgan, pamitor. Mthodst.Lpiaaspl. NazI Bunday, June 28, Chldre's Day servie@*s vil haohueysuaithe M. E. Inrc. t h. mormisg ut il o'clock s.T. Bm Rea Ilyl prearh a short @@rmoiaol the toplc "Our Chlldisalu War Time." Critlan Bapîiom will be ak Iinistered tb chiidren anS adulte sund there will ho appropriats anS spécial music. lu thé evening at 8 o'clock a splendid program wil ha gîvan b>' the children of the Sunday achool. Some patrlotir fetures vîli ha eaperilly iutemestlng. The public la cordiali>' InviteS. "Co-operatiou with the Bunday Bebool" viii b he1.ubjari of the Epvortb Lagueleseanneut Sunday ovening ai 7 o'rlock. (.0. B. Falt yuil lead th. meeting. Ail are cordially inviteS. The choir robetirma willI h a ebweek Thursdaj svening at 8 o'clock. Ail mombere are urgeS ta attead. CANNOT REPUDIATE wu s. S. PLI3DEiI IL P. Ssdgvlrk. Lake Co;aDy War gavinga oharman, wviftes th foUoving lai a rMoent ltter toth ie ndepsadent.e ,*WiII you klndly malté a spelan sd procin.nt mention of the lut that people Who signeSplues flfor the par. ohameo War Savinge stampe prlor ta Jounr lst cannot tancel thae» bw 00s as ta repledge thamasîves for th. e cn ai thae chool blîdran Who are vorkin for the primseln the War Savinga aiamp Content. Sorne of the poeimasters are complain. lu tst tiev mis havlng trouble olU@lc. lagon o15 pledfséanarue Peis s to repudiats ih.m so as ta Pieds.esy Thesepiedsafil not b. e m pted 4y 9h. ~ ~ ho Scmtts we l auod "ta Pe pid e aebeau repqdaledfor tii LIbertyvI1le NewsI If you know of an item of local interest, kindly telephone No. 1 Lina up and aigu up onl National War faites Cara Eningber la ospendia to-day Mies@ Marie Englebrecht @pent Tuesdal Savings day. la Waukegan. orV5loig ln Waukegitn. Mire. George Trigasç was a Waukegau Protect jour soldiers witb War Mima Pearl Gerred speul Tueeday' visîtor oU Tueoday. Bavinge etamps. eveng xlu Waukeffan. Misa Fannia Lîgtbody @peut Friday Fred L. Protine nt Chicag, ýw ,,ýn_ Mr@. H. Albrecbt ot Prairie View, @pont aiternoon ln Wankegau. day witb relatives boe. Sunday witb local irIends. Miae Stella Lang.orthy aras a Chi- Make every day a thrit day and belp. Mise Betty Jocbbelnj spent the week- eago vietor on Tueeday. yOUr government end the war days. 1 end with friends lu Chicago. lire. Aime Todd, Jr., weA a Wauke-' The littho Misses France@ and Erma' ' Miss Auna Rittuer of Lake Forest, gan visitor on Satnrday. Bafemanu, are uoib ifi wli the mulops. pent Tueeday wlth local frîenda. Robert Wrght oi Camp Grant, apeut Mr. aud lira. Tony Morei, annouuce Mis@ Helen Pater@ attended a pi -uic at Suuday at hie home hoe. the birth of a son, on Tueeday, J une 18. blogama Lake on Suuday aiternoon. George Pairie. of North Chcago, wae lMr@. M. L. Protine bam reeived word Mr. and Mr@. Paul Ray and chlldren *a ocal vstor on Bundai. that ber sou, Phl, bas arrlved eafely lu returneéd Wedueedas from Lake (leneva. L. A. Walker, the Ford man, apent the France. Leouard and John Wllia of Chicago, pant wsek at Bloomîugton. Mis@ Adah Ncha« bas be-eu appoiuted @speut Saunday at the Fred -Joekhelm lire. John Luetr ad daughtsr, Feru, ragular subttuts clark at the local home. recoutil vlslted relatives at (irayslake. postoffice 1 . Corp. Thomas Scboeffet, ofl- Camp Mir. and lira. Chap. Tyroli, of, Wau- War Savîn e tampornave Ilices Grant, $pont the week-end wlth local #egau, a&bd John Cola motored to Elgin The pbîîosopby of te . . . s aviriends. o Tuesay. "&a sve M. and lMra Aime Todd, Jr, atleuded igo lad roechuer, qajNortb 'Chif-aeths cirrus lu Waukagan on Tuesday Misa lady viaior a ib. Another wart.ime Iuuovatiou-locaî vnig rago, waa a Bunday vstrs h grorersaire ow sslling bananas attoln Rbr mma fjuegu a George Triggs home. cents a pouud.RoetakmnoWukawaa Mir. and lira. Fred Krueger and tam. lranMs.sryegriirocou% local vîilor. lly, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ! ud. Ispt ud>athtang lr. HnrSegar'.ît e en e @.Rose Alkoter aud daughter, Misa Frank'Lightbody home. trom auea vitoso Pledge yourseif tw s&a to the utmost William Whimore and daughte? 1Mody aud to buy a delinite amount of War Minnie were Waukegau 'leurs oun lMr. and lir@. Sidney Thayft, of An. daviuge @tamps each monili. Tueeday ev.,ning. tlorb. were reeuitvisitoroeta the Frank lla iowena Smala bas returned tu Mre. Ralph Cols and sou, 1.-t Tliursday Dyer home. ber work a% Field'@ iletail, alter a week's morning for a week'à viel ith î rela tives Misa Edna Shapter attended the tuneral vacablon .which abs @peut at ber home at Rlagsway, Win. lofi Sdney Loomim at Praàirie Vie-w on bore. ~~R,, Frilday alternoon. lir%. W. (3. Wells andi son Aubrej anS Mme. Wm. Laycack returned Tuesdayj svsuing [rom a week's visit ait Buffalo, Iowa. lira. Elmer Lawrence and tva littis daugbtere, returnsed the laster par~t of 46% Wevk f ma ahort viit W lth relak. Lilval at Grevu Bay. Wis. Mir. and tlre. E. T. Langwortby a- uiouuw thle arrivai of a son, Thomaé Eaàrl, ou irtday, Jane 14, at thu lahueman rospitat La Chiago. Sirs. John Cola and son, Mit chell. and I tom au extended visit wlth relatives ln Nebraska anS Iowa. The littho daughter of Mir.and lire. Henry Baker, Who bas been rjuite il], la reportedse somswhat bett-r, The Miémea (race and Etbel Wbeeier, isatolle Carlson aild Adab Nicholea spent Wsdueaday lu Chicago. lir. and lMms.Barry liaraae- have moved luto Nichale flat, on thc corner of ilwaukee Ave. and Broad m ay. Mr. and litre. Gordon Rtay r.urned on Mm. Itaidesu, laI t on isaturdal for aiaenwrsdn a imr, ae tw.. - id.' ,it ir teh ilivu l u 1r o sligaiDa oilae diaujapaliti and pla.-eo lu southera lu- diausb. Mia lisyme Jenkîns leaves tbe liti09 the wtee,kf.r a severali weeke vacation irona ber watt as the local poétoiflce. Mdies Adah Nîicholae wil li 11ber position in ber atleue.t Lire. iLîy Wright wae talion seiouuly ili the tire L ult iia seek ai the houlet relative- , aigertun, Wls., whaee b Wright fanili> bad gone fur a two weeke vii . kr . % r ,ttin ha.,ini, a mLo Mn r.anSdlMre. Frank ure.bigo are meking an indetinuis e-îay ai the home of lir. Ingrishe sister, Mec. El. T. Mason. E. A. Bsbup and tarnil.ý 1.-t Wednee- day morninu, for a two weeLs aubtrtp to Indiana, where- îhe-i will viit relatived. Libertyville ie platiîîu a big War Savinge stamp drice-, wce cauvaaesre wllcover the entir.- illage t10 secune pledges for tamp-. 1roni bis warlL en aeoitanb cashier at Miss Doria Webb of Mntana, who le the Lakte Couty National Biant. bere for an extenled , ii with relatives, MrLi. and lire. Juhn Lawrence are lun C îei. ndg tiois e wt reuel rec.e-pi ua lette-r tram their son, Lieu- CiaoaSAlig.iBibs tenant Guy Lawrence, wbo le wib hle The Lake Countý batkbu a large IA. E. F. ii lronce. The lester whicb le pîcture 01 Gst,-e Naval Training I dtedMay3tl, tlleo! ieu. LwreceStation, taken ai ai, elevation of 800 being in the- boqpîtal as a recuit ut [ring teo ipa uii-raidw **gaesed' tad pleurley. but that be- A dplighttui parte was given ton the expfcz.d lu leave in a iew daye. kindrgarien cbîliretiiat the bVme or The (le-v. ad Lire. Earl Miorgan bave their teacher, Misaslancbe Kimbal, un iioved iuto the- Preubyteriau IManse and Friday moruing as tlh, îloing event ut Mir. Moargan ilas talion op hie wurk as the yean. Prlby terien pastor. Hie mormons are The local Cbapt.-r ( E ti. were enter- full o! snap and irue religiou@ vîgar, aud tained by the Gravlale Chepter ni that lie bide tain ta have a m muccumeeul order Tuesday even.-ui.sxteen membere pastarate bere. A reception wil ha of ibis Chapter attciidinq. given lu honor of the Morgau*e at the The annual1 pli-nfieof the M. E. thon-h churcb thisee-niug at 8 o'clock by the Bunday ochool will 4.- l ia Diamond rhurch executive commitee. Ail fionde Lake nei week Tiu.iiay, Jue 27th. ut the churcli are cardiaily InvitaS. Automobileesciii le-a, e the churrh ai 18 -.W. E. DfceLer and W. C. Trggs n*t.ined a'clack eharp. - ou Monda< morDnurntrmTrout Lake, lu) the nortbern part ot Wisconsin. where The many trieuSe imo Elwoodî Boken they epent an ejoyable weak fliug. will ha pleased lu learzn that hle 1in- DTbe-y made numerous gond rathee, proof pravinx very napfilly suddvw. brougbt o l wbivh wae lurnieibed by their eding home train the Jane- LiAlis@ter bospiial 1a ahîpment o! hiab home and bringing a et Waukegtan on Tu-e-sday. b @ring witb ttiem. whicb weredlmtributed Ramer Hendee of A iltfoh, @peieea Damona friends. 01f course, they rouIS day of lust weck vlitlng aid friands h ave boughit the 5mb-but no on. le arhe.. Mr. Hendee le lu bis 93rd jean rmean enough even tohi5t Sncbathing. anS la as young appearlng and acting as r un aecordaucewitb President Wison's the normal men of! eeenty. proclamation, woman allen enemie. are John Crankhite of Loveland, Calif. regiseilu. the retratlon prlodatart-,11ld au friende bfe,- act Saturday. lMr.i Ing lait Monday morniug anS loelng on Cronkhlta,* a former resideni airibis nofl Wedneeday evening. Ail natives, rammunity, wvi@eleS ta Evanelon hi elisimns, denisene or sabjects of the ithemrlous llneaa o! a sister, lira. Chas.1 Imperlal Germaunogverument baing flartisît. 1temales ai 14 jeare nid and upwarde are requirsd ta regisier. Poalmaster J. R. 1rs. E. H. Wellesud lir@. F. finydani Attentaitle reglmrar for Uhaerblvilla. Up apent lest Friday wltb lire. K. liDonald, ta to-day 6 femaleGermau alian suemila Who la atayîng aitheb home of a aicsslu biaSt registered ai th. local posiioffios. Chiago. lira. McDouaid la lu very poori Walter Whitney, a Lake county boy, Chiago aid itaklngtratnmi 0 barn twenty-twa jeara &go uai DljondObcgsprai. Lake, la maklng bis mark la the qorId. Egeelsior Camp, R. N. A.. haiS a clama Leaving Libertywll! onme is . b.adoption of twelve mmaeai tlibelle rvent ta vork for a pacllng concer, hall. Wednesday evenig. Mis. Jasais 9traveling out of Kaaem City. Lrtgi hao Cblîsrom oi Evanston, loca depety, au etered tb.einmploy of the Ef4aadard 11vu a iD aitane. Refreobm«e t e Ccompany, tailascharllafIilldabibnî. ssrvsdbl tuthelarge numbar vho attendisd. ' infi station ai Juaclion City, Ir". A meIng 0f the tovashlp h Klitingilutha servicesof bisecountry, mbool board vas beld ap *lb hgb tha, vith tibmesbundred otthero, rffasnl7 mbool on Monday afiernoos. Mrs. (j. 9 ookS ai emination Ms&aallumer and C. Guilely vaselected asrt«y *0ualî Wu vsOUa 0i ihirtl tu paisM BSMO 90 tha vecancy causeS by the slale. Libertyvllle Moudal m niaf to vfail a Of prof. H3. E. Uuderbrink, vho'w@èa -daày wlih hie motbur aid othar relatives LaJisdlngo tb. National army. TIraty. aid friensud, laavït he.@M"rneveniag for ivo applications hava beau. recalad KaisasClly, and trous Ihers ha Smgoa. f rosi> persons aspiriug ta srmare prit.. Puget Soucid, Waah., whêreba ira th@ 1 ipal 1h. oomlng year. but go yai no U. -8. navy wltb the rang of Itret.cless1 action in the matter bas bas takou by gantiera u au Amrme dutmoyer..- ,, itb bgr. Dr. E. J. Brown recently moved bis houfshola goode to, Waukegau, Whe-re Se wlil maire hie future home. Mis (race Wheeler ot Langsbalm, Calîfornia, ig.viting Miss Ethel Wheeler and other relatives. for the sum mer. Mir. and lira. Paul Morris reburned an Tuesday eveniug from a honsymoon trip. 1'ey will reaide lu Libertyuille for the present. MisesAuna, Elizabeth and lia AI- kofer and Mire. H. Lawrence @peut Sun- day witb fleter Isadora Nadelhoffer, at Xavier@ aeade-my, Chicago. The Ever ltedy claie met at the home of Mattie Llghtbody on Mouday even- lit. AIl membero who were preseut speut a mosi enjoyable eveuing. While hiechanirs' Grove road was ha- Ing aradpd on Wedneiday, one o! the four boises drawiug Ibe grader waa badly Injured by béing thrown lui a djtch by the- e-viug lu ut a hlgh cem- baulment. Thbe borsa belonged 10 Arthur Erucknian. D>r. andIlire E. H. Smith, accompnied by their nie-ce-. Misa (race Snitb. leit Sunday rnurning for a two week-. auto tripi to Kentucky. The Smith party was au--onipauled as far as Chicago hy lire. A. B. C'ook and ber ester, lins. nre who took a train there- for M me. Monroe-sl home lu hieridian, N. H. where- îbey wili spe-nd the sommer. 611 i-hhe RAY N. SMITH THREE MONTHS' STEN. OGRAPHIC COURSE, comlplete, commencing June I., Arrange for res- ervations by phone, or in- terview Mrs. George Me- Donald, Area, 111. Phone 130. rr4mWt llt, haL y.u~ r~r LT ~Pu1,1ic CmioncmcJVq ïn Banko s îthe underly n pc-îple ofiieNarîonàl BU&uL' '1The s{aliliV 'of ils Iaws lias 1,en pnwven V'a test of fifiyc4rd %a wafcLful etify»rnGowmmd le onyaur motuey-i'n ouwNd!"RniLp "U E ------------------L UB-- la the name of my new catalo. Write, phone or oeil for a copy. HERE ARE TWO 0F ITS MANY CLUBS' Everybody"s............. 1.50 BOTH FOR $2.00 Current Opinion........8$3.00 Review of Reviews-...63.00 BOTH FOR $5.00 MRS. A. TODD, JR. Independent Office Phone, No. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BUILINGMATRIAL-FOR SALE ais(d (;i lui-h W. P. FloorItig 4-lue-i liard pines Fiîoriuig 6<ci -bBari] Pin.'Ceiling <liS 10 aud l2-foot 'l'iinbero 200.000 ) ee-t Bard Pinîe- Tiani ler, fflt8 1814 mi. Soiu ;tipf, fitinge sandl ash ii i,,a 1 e-, I eit-Ii m ilig. 51052 leet 3-bar 11' ne-b Pipe- tance 8 inch Dlrop Siaîug Staire. 4 1<) 12 feet lu width 2%4m sud 2xilc 100,010 tee-t 2ix6 Floorinq '5-itile Aofiot Fence, witb ceaa poara 500< lineai tee-t Iron Foucet 200l piei-es Seeli, Widows and Doors :1000 hingei grand stand Seat. 10.0001 brick Buy NOW, while the asaqrtment is complete Salesman on Premises AT LIBERTYVILLE RACE TRACK RUEL WRECKING CO.' LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Chicago Office: 7337 Stan y Island -Ave., Chicago, ID. phone.. Hyde Pa&k 1726 Independent Cfassufled Ads Paqj. AUk &nyu uer 0ol li - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- -- --- --- -- - -- - --s s-- us -- SPECAL JNE ARGAINS Im MANI UNES~ L.adies' Silk Dreas Skirts, in messaline, ta"et and poplin, in plain black and handsome novelty stripes, w $5 OO& aml the new package effects, priceci at e.0 t 75 Ladite' pocket books, large lot of bage and purses-an assortment cf ail the seasons novelties-in ail shapes and leathers. 1 0 Several sizes in the lot and aIl of them bargains, at $10 Special lot cf fine thin-blown table glasses, neatly etched patterns, in - four styles, cheap at 10 cents each, but wé are seiling them at six for .............4 cents Buy War Saving& Stampu Regularl1y. We *di1 theàn, W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY --- -- ---e - - - -- 1

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