CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jun 1918, p. 7

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L~ZRTVILLED PýXNT, TmVtISDÂY, IJ E20,1918 On Tueeday, 3une 10, a knitting bc@ LAAKE VIL5LA vas belti et Mr. anti lire. Wmn. Golf's. It vae rather a surprise la them, as welI Dr. C. W. Taboti attendeti a meting @4evsryoneloe, un a vcii large number of the Illinois Miedicai .Auelation, of vas on baud tu do knitting. Mr. hGl wbch 1e Ia a member. on Wetinesday *ullerlaiteed the ladies with munic anti aIl anti Tbureday of tant wssk. kintis ai refreshmenit. At 10 P. m. a Mr. anti Mr@. John Phillippi anti M,@. marcb was piayeti anti ail gathereti mb Taîbt pent Salurday nlght anti8 Sun. tbe dlnlng bell, w hem, Mus. Golflai day witb relative. In Chcago. 'Re- plat.s laid for ail preeenl, e.mving tee Norma, Lena anti Bertha bebra came creami anti cake andt ben the biggest t1e tirtof1the week tram Junution City surprise of &1-lt îraueplredt t h li ustaependi the aummer with b humgrand. Mr. anti lrs. Glle ltwentletb uedtilng mother, Mir@. Bowling. IS aenniermary. But a. au une knew It no Mr. anti Mrs. Birny Mt-bell and prent. were prought, but 111e> lied 1the famil>, ofaiiego, sel.-'> jpý,leSc gooti yl lanti bel ulebesaifail, uho of the Avery iauiii. hope they lise long enough ta, celebrate 'Mr. audti Sre. Gluiore. of ILizeseil, ', .re thir diamonti weddlng. guesta uf ilr. antIdlira . .iian Il.. ýett Mri. anti Mrs. Maurice Brown retumnedtihe ima ai thie wppet ta aur village Frlday evening to mass A uuubr fàan. bore, lnclutilng t1ehon their bouseboldt iure ta Geneva, Wald tail>, lmIse.Tettie Grlmshaw, MI wbere ILjI. Brawn ha. a position with Gertrutie Koppen, (herîmutie Weniee anti hl Clb., Rarbaugu Lumber Ca. Bon Bliokies Blulla Kerr attentiedth 1e elgbtb grade g' wili accup the Harbaugb bungalow at gradnatlng ezerciésata Ares laet Satun- U22 luglsde. I-i n4 ,Some clietiulcoalb@4 arriveti, none Ire. Jame. King has been qufle Ill the les ha. been delivereti. pu.t we.k. h W, K. Kimbail iandtamily motamedto l Mlr. anti Mre, Fred Sprlng, oa iilibnrn piet Mclienri ltant nday anti attsudeti the @pent Ilut Fridai wlth Mie Mary Kerr. îimi etrcns. We wish to correct a slateaetmati ed1 l.HR.dricke famtly, Misa LAura Rom. tactweek a a @&ythatl). 9. liansha. whi moui anti Miss Eleanar Kinsalamatareti ont soit! bIs building, but onîy bis stock, min ta MeiLenry, Woodelock, Harvard, tu Mu. Davis af Milwaukee.,o 1 Richonti, Ringwood anti Jahnsburg an The Chlirens day exercises wene tht 8mânlay. opledidt, aIl lb. childuen taking their aeri A roads meeting was hel the t 11own- parts excepionally well. Tb@ Allendale coin shi hal tnt rldy ad terewil bea bnd ndchoif vers aIea much enjoyeti. lan shlpbai iai Fidaiant 11e,.wbllLe bati ntimei dance helti ID the Kaping pavillon on Mir. anti Mrs. C@.baaMrtin, t1e Minées lui, June 28, for lb. beneli faIext.ndting th1e Plots,lire. 1D. R. Mauser anti lr@, an noieRilinga r>at (comlngiuom Wauke Viekens were Waukegan viellars lent T gaz) talIngitie anti FoiLake, practi.. week. t foi cally connectlng a main roasi tran. the A meeting uas eitil Monda> evenlng car 8heridan ruai tram Waukegan ta Lake b> Inbereateti people for the purpoee of i Genra, iaklng a short cut ai a goot i tiuseiog 1the rê-organizalion aif1the rich mony miles. AI preeent ail wagon anti bank. Ziot auto %refie bas la go 11> the way 0i Word recelvetirecentli tram jim o Mcaenry or Johneburg. uhere the new licKerizle anti Fred Barîlîet-atâes Ihat den, baddge la bult acrons th1e river et Nipper. 11e> andt Ieir campany have arrivei nie slnk. This ulli cave a god many mii..saWly ln France. aIrp anti save gaeéolln. for pleasure eeekers. Reinebach-Lonard chel go do Dol forgel 111e day anti place. A ceny prelty homne wedting 10k ad Came one anti ail anti bave a groodt te. place Salurday evening, June 15, ai1the Si LasI Sanda> w.. a record breaken for, bhume of Mr. anti Mr@. Jame. Leonard, vlt béat for Ibis hune of 1the @@&@on, i)8 ben I beir tianghter, Ie.u Pearl, became thb degrees lu 1the ebatie as 1 1). m. Sud. th. ebride ai 'arl Relnebach, ot Chicago, ta fountabas anti welle were ln greal île 1Key. tnyder, of Luxe Villa M. E. b dtonmait. cl.uru.h. rossi the mrarriage service. The 1the li. Truman Willy ha. eeo ver> Ill brlJe usi very bmculingiy at-limet lnaunil but st preseul uritîuu a sont of danger white net anti bridai veil anti carrieti a anti ie canvaiesrung. ahauen bouquet ai uhite mossanti E F. Mlhaffen uu@ain outawn Friday, eueet pea. The bridai couple wu@ being calleti upan 1>Jlire. IB. Hendtiirks aulendet by Mise Ruby Leonard anti Who ha. beena aiug. 'Walter tleiubebath. Mr. ant i lim E. F. Bush -are nîîw la Ait-cr the ceremony, a tbre.caume. their new cottage on t1e aId Haran tiutiter wuseserved sndot eM :301te bridai ianm. couple departeti b>eatom Waukegan. lir. Helen l'aubanmy andi taughtbere The out-'af-toun gueeta uer,.- Mica.'. bave maced tilu te 'Ru I le 'Camîîany's Leurs anti Elle Ilinbech. Malter anti bocuding bou%@ anti are baartitng the Henry lteluebacb, istar antilrot bers ai tua men Who amre unluth 1e iethe groom; Ma-a @Aima Jensen, ail of bouse. Chicago, lire John Leoiî,rd, ubase M. Rudtuth, auner (ilithe Park terro, husblnt in u a traiuitcamp lu nou î'ccuplod b> t'hse. LuIz, wue@sa Albama; M. anti lire. Jut lbrler. pleaâant saIber In aur village Tuetiay. Mur. and Mme. Jack Miler, Mir. eut lire Fred Hodgkin@,&Ili a! Chicago, t-be ladies r-OL 4- of the bride. The Lake r 1 Villa guseo u er,.: M. anti Mm. Dlîsuela, Mise Celle Wot, of Elgin, la epentilug Mitsses Hlb e n a feu ts .w-Ith MNe@ Mabel Hiroulîtno. TiiFc.'gombsreiihecita1, Mu. anti lis. John Krelcbmer asdThegloresdou Jusnmeiv4, ubis lave lortu Wil Ketchuier, ai Wisconsin, vîs4itat et losadn ue2,wllavfra the1he lion..' ameJohn Mlitior Suntis>. camup lu South tarallua. The bridiewu@e Mr. nd ro, Mle WanerandMr.boa nanti reareti be sutha. man> Mm.~~~~~ ~~~ anilreeîej'ge udM oceude 1% 1. wishbar anti ber huebanti anti Me. Eemi Paddock uîolored ta1 (ua%Lake@ Sanda> ta cee Jo.' Wag- proapemîl>, bealth nti liappineas. ner, Who le eletianeti ut Camp t)'we. Mr. eterStatteld uasa Wsuke-1R U D L K Mm. AI.(inîbrie antiieou, o! Wenke- gen, bave been vtiting uit. Mr@. J ohn LADY IIFARS Stadtieldth 1e past ueck. Mie Clama Iloing spant Suntiay weh Gta Ilalidar ut Itreat- Lakes. F O R T E John Brown epeut Friday ln Chicagoý MILLBURN 1il Mie. Mande Clevelandi returned home Thursday from Iowa anti will @penti e ew dase wth the home foike before freturning tu, Chlosgo. MI@@ Helen Safford returned home from Weston, 1 H., the pea1 week. Mr.Edoa Pember. of Ohio. ia @pend- 1 Ing alew weeks wth ber father, A.'B Stewart. Uir@, Caddock fi entertaining ber mother anti other company, tbis w ek. Mie. Un& Mînto of Chicago, là spending ber vacation with the home folk@. Mie. Pearl Clevelandi spent several daye witb 11sf, lir. Levi Wat a Round Lake, returning home Friday. The social anti entertaoment gven by tb. A. F. club of the SundAy sehool, wae a great suoesss. The contributed 0888 to th. local Red Cross saciety. A lew cake. were auctloned, netting $42.75, the btgbe.t bld was 811. A. Wrlgley ai Greet Lake@, playeti several piano seiec- tion whlch were arestly enjoyeti. lira, IeonTaylor andi son of Lily Lake, are vîsting ber father, A. H. Stewart, for a few week. Miss Vivien Bonner la enjoylnor a vaca. tion with ber parents, Ur. and Mrs. J. H. Donner. The Cangregational cburch met Tues.. day a% Ivaphoe to hold île annuel con- vention, 1hle ysar ilaeathe fiftletbi sannîversaui. The first one wn heolt llfty jearesega ett Mlîbura. Dr. and lire. H. E. Jamisan and danghter, Dors, were Chicago vistais Wedneeday. FIRST IN LAKE COUNTY-Ibs IndpWe..t lire. El!izabeth Bandee, io! Round Lake, le In recelpt of the tollowiug lttgr tram ber brother, Frank Kretscmen: April 21, 1918. Someuhere lu France, Dean Sialer Elizabeth:- This la Sunda> eveffing anti 1 am tbink- lng o! you anti the folk@ at home. Il 14 rsining Ibis evening anti auch veather generally causes my tboughte ta Iavel bamev.rd, but 1 do not get homesick. i have ne destre to came baek home ountil Qrman> la thomaugli bouton anti unable ta curry an another uer for centuies ta came. The longer 1 star over bore andth1e mare 1osee anti leaun of Germen cruallîles, the mare determîneti 1 am ta help 1the Alie. defeal 111e bar. barona Hune. 1 voulti rether neyer retarn. ta tbe United Statue.than se. the flune vIn ibis war, but then 1 am coming heek ta 111. ates, na you cau se. vho la ging ta ule, accarding ta My vleus. The question@ whlcb io n ak Ia yaur March 6, letter-are lune. Il iounocn aalaî the Red Cross, do sa, dear @luter, for lb. Bed Croas t. a Gotisndtu t thon- sande at homeiosaanti peenîloe people uho bave been tiiven tram Iheir houm.. The Red Crase also acte as parente at chiltinen ubass parente bave been, pot ta deat byb>thie cruel Hune. 1l inount uit. about th. manl atrocl* ons acte uhlch tbe Hune have ni. mittet inlaBelglnm, tra.. lb. censor vouli d nt lot un> letters paoe îhrongh th1e malls, 1 bave taîketi wth manur French, EuglIsb anti American soldiers who bave retarueti iran. the tuant anti 1e trs. of cruelties cammîtteti h 1e Hune are enougb ta make a tellaus@ blond bal vttb rage. Lave anti bet visesta ail, tram brother. Frank Kretsê"hmeS- dis( bee atm ler me] Ri AÀBRILFLIVVER" IS Tu INVNTION Of3 ZION CITY M eident of Zion Has Made Severai Tests of His Mos- quito Type Airpiane POOR MAN'S MACHINE cores of People -Have Wit- nessed Experiments Con- ducted on Lake Shore ro a Lake County man me> go th" nnom of perfectin gtbe fi 'poor ns" airpiane, a type o! iiyi-ug craf t at will compaeata bt$ buqbic Uouind asier," 1the well known 'lin izzle." A Zmon City Young man, empioyed a n" af 4ie tactorles thare, itL i. mreti, lias conalmucteti a modal of bat lhets confident will comn- etely revalutionize 111e *îbn, gaima, acing iL ulîbun ranch of tose of miteti meen.Ho han demonatral' b is model on sevsral occasions suti hile 11e bas nal overcome ail lh. lnom objections b.e teels that lie le 11the way ta ultimate succens. He. la one of many who believe ta i vîtith11e nezt few years the rial trmeel wiii become much more >mon. Ho belleves that t11e lime Dol far disetant vben every veîlthy an ulin have bis aimpiane for bath islnes anti pleasure. This présent&. 1intereetlng ploblemt. The average man coultimoat effarti pay the present btgh price chamget q an almtvlne-but ho icoulti mol re la b. tieprlveti of the pleasure skimmlng lhrougb 1the air if bis cher aelgbbor wre dabug co. The on City yoiug man la entieavortng salve th1e prohlemn anti bolieves ho an tbm rlgbt tmack. Ho le confl- rnt his Invention ulill Permit 1the anufacluma o! a "Mosquito type" o! rplane uhlcb cen be solti neariy tas cap as th1e popuier-prîceti "Henry" id le figures lhey' yull ho jusl ae Lie as the. larger modela. Scores of Z" iasCty reslienta have Inssod the trials o 'fthe modal on te lake shore Ibeme. Ai yet th1e ing power bas mat beau porfecteti snch an cett hit 1the plane can litteti mbo the air but it %kima avec ie uef.ev et the rate of 30 ta 40 ies sn liur. The inventor le not scouraged becanse 11e bas uat yet n able to gel hie machine lt th e ras ho eayq that la one of the ebmp rtietails ta h.' worketi out. Every meeldent of Le'ce county will ich wlth keen interest 1the devoiop' nI of Ibis lutIe 'aet'lal H-enry." 'ENEWS AÇQUAINTs ANCE WITII AN EGi AFTER OiNU; YEAR George Raymond Lux Tells about Year's "Fast" andi then Eats Dozen at Time VISITS AN OLO CASTLE (G-rg.- flivsmoud Lutx, a wep kin n 'Çat-aarlorh ht%, uriîes avery inier 'atinelIti, r franm the French btle liIa' i.mrtoltter ',rs. ,ilnnle Lui exerîtu ram Ilhbeh tolinu: W%.' have bcd ice tisys of nie wvalher ant i htines speemgoodndetalt h-ý '.ioîptng count lun1the mud. . p avit are having green ceg iîttitîca tram salir garten. I sould lk.- ta lie ltpe -shah misthe cege- tatlî-fs lhere foc i dont thlnk w.' vill gel unv. The eopa are iaoking very gond. the tri-ru are green anti everytilng IF vary preîty. Suntise. Mac l19 four o? th1e boys and myseif toacwaik te a village fleur by. We houghi lice doz. eu eggs, lth' firsl I have hat Instoe 1 lefI the slates Jan. 20, 1917. W.' het a French unnian rook thern for us ani thev sure didtatste gooti. We each bail c dozen. Sane appetîle! W.' aiseavent throngh an aId cnsile fhsl hati been au art musenîn at onue lime. AIl th.' villages home are pretty hadly shot up e sthey are shelleti con. ttnucily. 1 have ceveral of 1the sony entra thal 'Fritzle" bas seul le us anti ha does flot rare uho gels lhem.Y dont quite like the wey 1he bas af hendtng out bis stouvenirs but 1 tnav for every onue ho seudef oser ho gets about tan un retumu. 1 have rend ln papera Rame af the letters th1e baya bave urltten home but theca baye are not bere et th1e front, for the boys horseait the front dont gel la go ta Ibe plates noma af the boys have spoken affi tbey nc tiaubt are tua hunntret i lleg tram any activlly. Haa Clarence goDe ta camp? i tant lhiuk ha cen etandi the bard knockiu. Sleeping out doare anti being ont un al kInda of iceather le Do joko Part o fthe lime ue cleep on th1e floar. If there la any. anti then ve have buulkusani.' o? the lime. I hava sean limes uhen e goati dry board voulti have looket auful gooti. The boys are vomking bard aund feeling very gond. Hou dopue George Ruf like army ]Ife? 1I ulîl unIe hlm a feu uines W. gel paîti bere ln Flrench money. Fi've francs anti .71 centimes equal e dollar. tam learing ta "parle voua Francalse" e 11111e anti hope bo gelc i cen talk. Have Jusî recelveti anolh. or leller dtaetiApril 21 audbhanl you for the tee, bati same for my sup- per, matie il myselt ant ili sure dit teste gooti. t ase receiveti more pe- pers anti have rerelveti bolb packagee yin s;po)keof for ubich 1 Ihanli yeu WiImrendi pepers tanlght or 1111e evenIng. W.' dont have eny llghtj tker? citer dark se anytblng va do la doue lu dayllzbt 1-il twrite exaln bu a feu dais liple yu are al veli et home. Wilth lo£_t al GEO. RLIt WARREN RED ce'. IIELLO(iIRLS ARE ANNUAL MEETING i ELPING WIN THE At the annual meeting ofteWar WAR; NEED MOI ren breh of Red Croes Tu. d.y fevp. iilng. the cbeirman of the, n r, ro, i. mittee for the puat year ga- t l>'-fo Manager Ford of Teiephoi Noing eot:veKaiîtng. Company Appeais to Public Nnt-iesweaters; ,2 utilers. oAsitWr 8.3 pair csacks; 64 wrisatleti,.1:1 trench t.sitWr caps, Il helmes totaI 319. Hospital Supplies osi NAVY DEMANDS ARE GRE1 Sixty-two suits pa!aaa. 2-hs tai shilda, 25j nightîngeîalp,.2, iospi. tai shoes, 25 bot water hoiiile envers. 1.5 ahmulance piliows. laid. 177, Fiflv comfort kits, 179 rlwit gar- nients. Net total. 724. XNOIW WIRTH E IE VIL 15? lIE IS ABOVE, NMT BELQ'W That is _What Overseer Voliva Declares and Tells How it Ail Came About Valiva hit aristocracy S'indav gondi anti praper. " About al 1he' aristo- cracy nome people have i4 co.jlah aristocracy," bie mld. "A lot orjfflee arîstocafex haveni't got as nuîih ceose ai; a jay bld." A lot of the stylieb wcnsn whn se pommient In sclety a' ait dled1 up, says Voliva. 'lhey w- flxed up, painted, padded antid dcrated wti Jeweilry So that they are ".'arfully anti wonderfully miate." There t.. nothing like that ln VZon. According la Vlisa, thp dti.'ltlint so far afler ail. He inhubi ith air1 ,tbove the eartb andi ther lu, where bis empire la. He has 1 'glana of dernons who do hts-bddtnic and tlïese, hordes of dtipmona are saýipng iow- er and lower. The tievld ' Rta. lafieti wiliu a subordintute Po,-rion in heaven so he waz aisea ou? and he in mow the prince snd poser of the ep- per air. Hoil bs several ilueqsusnc as satan, 11the evl. diabnies, arcb- encmy of mankind, and many othors. le fell tbrough pride and "et-auge lie could flot rmeIen iheaven h.'proforreti ta rifle tbe earth. Michael 1the Arcangelis lu t,, battle with the deviti Adtisiana-d- andi he will averpower t111m and irihp theni In tie earth where setr will be bound durlng th1e millIu m for a thousanti years. Ail sz'tîa- power will then he al<en front h m .o that hie wili net ho able to r." je the pet). ple andi everi'hody will ha'., chance Io te goond sitbaut boe i -alýicotiby the devil. TRAIN lITS AUTO AT DEATiI CROSSR ING; MAN IS KILLED' Highland Park Resident Kilied Instantly by St. Paul Train at Russell 1FRAÏ1K DeWOODY CAR HIT' 'Rear End of Auto Demnolished;' DeWoody and Another Man Have Close Escape One mai,- 'as ..illed lustantîs- anti Iwo others hail reniarkably closc os. craPes when 'i forth baunti liy.-r. Paul rondati. ml, tii automobile ai "deatb crassing,, Ut--cil, late Mon- day afternoon. Thi dead man le Oto Miller, agýd 10, s plasierer, r.'. sidlng t Highiit. <1 Park. The other occupants o fth it.1taa iere: Frank T)eWoatiy of eliach, aonner of the car, enel.C. J. Dexter, a storekeenor at Russell. The croasing le an esppoially bati one for buildings 1l" close bo the trarkc obscure th, slew ot antoists In the case of train, uîtproiching trom the South. The toti of deatlis atiIbis crosalng alone ha reaoheti elgbt or teD. DeWaody wa.s diling bis car %est when truc kb lite train. In speak- lng of 1the malter ioday ho Salti ho icas observlng nial Itosible precau- tions. "My car wes golnEr af e speed of not In exceed i cx miles an boum." lhe saiti. «There wa., a strong wlnd blowlng from the north. PLs pre- ventesi me from hearlng the approachl of -th1e train or any warning wlsltle If one was blown. My md li. he 90 for as the details of the accident are concerneti 1 titi fot Soisthe train-al 1 remember le a whlzz rend th1e auto ices hurledtot one aide. 1 flot ean rememher nrhther 1 wal thrown out or ichoiher 1 mot ont."* Alîhongli hurle-tIta-the opposite aide of the lracks andti umiiid eom- Pletely arounti the -iuto was nfot oser. turneti. The rear end 0f the car wes demoIlshoti. Miller, icho had bous ltu DeWooiys employ for sOno lime, was rldlng In the rear tst. Deter waa ln front wih the' driver. Millem's bodiy ias cerriedti bthIe walting raomaa4 Ruissell, but Il was founti that tinath icas Ifistaitanoous. Anl effort in binz matie b locale a brother who La helievedti 10resida neer Chicago. -The croslng nt Rssell lx oint pro. lecteti by gaies or weralng derices of any kind. tocai autaists have lied close catis there on a number of Oc- casons. Washington, Junc 13.-A resolu. lion proposlng an ameiiiment ta the' Constitution 10 give congress por to prohibit or regulate th1e employ. ment of chuîdren imnder 16 years 0r tige icas introduced lnu the Hanse yes- 1ul by.Rapratatlve Mson of Illinois. one Pointed Out that Phone Service Is One oi the Biggests As. sets in War Service Are telephone operatorafirelping wln the wSr? Sure they are! The Importance of t, lepiione coin mlunlcatlan iandti he assistance I-en- dereti h 1e "girls ai the cicîclis Jal as Important as are Lb.' railroad.e wbere 11e "men ai the switrb" naie th d tia ili uccesul railroati oî"'ra. dion. Manager Charles T. Fard ort lit W4tnkegan district ofth11e Chicago Tel- ephone Comp5any, ha.',sent a -formai lettar ta minièters, teachers anti others umgng them ta assicI 111e tale- Phone Companiy In gettIng girl oppi- tome for varions exc.hanges in the district. Amomg 1the t1inagslha says bu thebott.1er,are these: Atlivilies ai 1the GreatUAkeýs Train. ing Station anti other Waukegan in- dustries, engaged in goverument %%ark are snCb that the telephano tratfli bas9 groitty Increaswet anti ie ticedthp1 Services of more teiephone operators. We have maoy gooti positions open anti il bas ectirret ta me ta eck you ta ait us Iu rea,*hiug girls aultabie for Our uark. The vomi ta interesting ase ieli ceq Important anti mas- ueilbl lcouilered patriotîr. for the tolephone la reêog-1 nizeal by lbg governninent ce a fl"ees Aary aId In the condutinof tthe icar, --bu or military anti ecouomic e ,as- ana. Cele for aid. calil for pieaslire, rails for business cals for lift, or deatb. ail Intermngle anti the tce-s lPbone aperalor le the guide, conatto lor anti engineer for ibise train of though4c. The empioymue-t is vper. maent anti fot subloct ta siark see- son. short hours or an indefinIte fu- ture. In short. ue neati girls for a real profession. Pramotion for the. aMibtians le certatn, as thée are many supervisory. clerical anti e. Cutive positions sith blgber pay co,>' sauliy opening np. W.' rpqutre brieht, self-resperting YoUng %%amen avec 16 ypars of age, wi-tb ut Icet a grammar echool 0dm' cation; liiose ichose ighl, hearing,' apeech ant goueral health are normal. We aloi ta select our olierators from th-e bcdt clasu of Young woamen, seek lng eniplo>oi,'ui ExPerloie'.trela ft required, as ica bave a apecial departmi-ut for jrae- lice ut telephone switchboarts eut for careful cxpla.uatlan of ittet hou laý wark aasily anti correclly. Thil selmol work le utade ias pic-a-ant ta possible andtihe1, sttdeut i q;aîd uhile train., Ing. Thé hbucrs of tuty are shuri. andt are broken hi' r-s.t perlots anîl the lunch perioti There are miny varIa1 tia cý of the 'working boucsetai te out fice stuc,. ti is nec,-ssarv ta give con- ttittinst'-leîhone servicie holh day aul uleht. Oileretars 'sork lu quartera e -pt.. ciails dealgned wtth a slec ta th,'ir r ont tort anti .-eifar,-. Sni table (II ir- fera for rccuiug anti ealtig are pro- SENSATIONAL INCIz DENT AT ZDON AS TWO IGNORE FLAEi J. J. Smith and W. J. Payne say They FoIIow- Merely thei Lord's FIag, not One of Any Nation FELLOW-WORKMEN TAKE THEM TO SEVERE TASK Andi Women Join in by Daub- Ing YeIIow Paint Across their Backs as they Try to Get Home Wben 1the crouti uhlicas"hebp- Iug in th. raIsing of e fiag ai 111e Cook Elecîrîcel plant et M.on City on Fitiay eflernoon vas tlI by tbe superintendeutît ta "1111 hale" as the national anîhein music rang forth anti tvo emploies of 1the plant dit net reepont, Ihe8e tua men uere et ouais the lai-gels 0f penetmatlng looks, 11ey were th1e center of a petu-lalie ont- humatfI luIbstiatIon vhich titi nol luli taun tac e long bime. Anti, la pay lbem for thoîr Insult in the nation andti ta ht it stands for tbeee mcen uere t-hie mornlng treneet to a receptian uhicli tbey 'neyer vaut te go thJrough again Hero's ubat they veme matie ta do: They were matie to kvieel lI1the uas in front of1the large Amoeav fiag andi make obeosnce tb Ilseveral Mmes. Aller tbey had kîssedtihe. figagnd In deop 'humnlllly b.d bowoti their backe ao0 oftevi 11151they llkely now have sîiff notke; aller bhey hati donc deference lte1the colona 10 the com- plot. satisfactions of the croudti hey wore then permitted te gel up snd starl for home aller whlch, ailt1the way towvard llheir rosidievces, ljiey were dtubeti wilh y.lew peint, which was bhrown et therm tram palle car. uloti by the yauuig womnen emPloyes of the plant Il ua-4 the moat gansaI anal Inci- dent of the kindti Iat bas oser teketi ulace ln Zion City ai accarding Lu reports the tua men In question huit been abtaun that they have gaI la 11e patriotir If they are golug ta li'.o rage Payne dîid- al noUice- it.but Ithese yung icome n bat huckela cf ycilaw paint anti as 1he twa mon etartell 1aay tram the crouti anti hasienetl 1towari their home the yaung womett foloilow seiy behInt anti uîth brulabes koît lhrowitg paint et theni as Ihey ioide their uay along tiie streets. liy lbhe Iim ,.hey hati gone bome they uer.' Vrelly ical dauboîl IP Tta1,undterslooti bath mon are lia- hi e l lae their Jobs cf 1hé' Cook Elecrical company as a recuit or itir It lu stuteti that neither Smithit1 ras-ne are mouihers of anc of lb. chitrchb In Zion City. lu fart. they sec-m ta hase itiîs no? Ihelr aun m Iiicli they are trylng ta lis-e np t1 ('amîi) Grant.,itîn,'15-0.' huit iir,'tGernian huterneti prîsonerq of 'sac arrilel lIt n ampIotay tinter lîpýisvy gîirrîlTItiy vere t ransferred uc-, re m PFort \icPhersoî. Ga., anti iNere luiniedlatt'iy placet In the 'di vsional guarti lous.' uhere lbey sili lie quartr-red tîntil their own bian ctî. complet.' a siockate. lu the. uteant inut- th1ev ailho unI t t work 'conslructting thî'hue'opiti air boxlug arena thet la te hîîvî' bts loi- liai apening Tiîîrstay, Jîîly 1tti. W'lth thoîr salor cuit5 andl caps lthey pr- sontet a ficitre ltitieui of thi- Gerý means hieard go mucli about. Want, For Sale. etao de In 1the IN OEPENDENT u.ech MM000 penson weekly. VISITORS AT «iT. LAKES ON SIJNIAY" With 37,000 Men at Station,. it Means that There is Enor- mous Throngs Daiy lndicating th',. grpat m"a'v vlaitoru that go to ("r'eat Lalces clally. it If, lparnýAifrom Gro a t akes =uLo Sîîndavther.' w e'2t,0~OMvSeto 'lher(, worfe2,01M aunmwbltee an* lhey .'ame from ail over the couftgý. Tfhere was a perfect strean et ylg tors anid automobiles and by atrse ýar aillthe day long on Sunday.- At the present time f here are3 ment enrolled et Great Le.kes sta. This 1, the larg.'st n,îmber of U»s. thal his bepn there ai anyu lime since the stationhas been lu oPp'B. lion andl marks a new figure for IW natal station in the United 19ttiK Tb(, men hpive bepn comlng la the, by the huindredi for the past couple, of weeks but et no time ba" PM iumber reaebed the presea& sh0wuw S E L -. .s Zih RAY N. SMITH Ubsiyvile, SU. BellSy ystem IN a face to face conversation, facial expression, a kindly manner, a merry eye, often take away the- effect caused byý a strident or unpleasant tone of voice. In the telephone talk, these characteristics are flot brought into play upon the listener's mind. A quiet, pleasant tone >over the tek- phone helps to bring about mutual understanding and good-will and in- creases the efficiency of telephone service. The Voice with the Smile Wins. CHiCAGO =£LPHONE CObWANY 1 1 even Lni Zion City, UT!ffVtEC Tlîe namtes of the mon ln questton, 1iUII l ja are: 1E PNF J. J. SMITH, age 50 years. f~ Elbrt raneiasbdbeen, PARA TiREFII Eleetrical plant., A large pole wasý M À erected andi the compsiny purchased e fine Bilk fiig. The bead officers tram the (7hirago office came ont for the Great Lakes Has Formafl day andi It icas arranged that a bugler Tkn' o andi jackî frtrcam (aîp Lgan qhoulILes osPr crme ta Zion City to ussd51 ln the for War andi Year After lSag falslug. CNET When tlîey came ro the part of ilhe BAND CNET odn coremony icher, the "Star Spangleil a nfer" w5tt ta b.' sung, lit ordth latCptM fetSyheWIPr-- t here might flot be anyltotîr ho Cp.MfetSy eW r. wouid forget thp c.tiriesy whi h aii. vide Enertainment for Pea- iccys Is shown the national antliem. i nN CiaoPr t he tUperint . ut(eltttoit ev( rt ho.Iyt,) pei .CiaoPr b.' ready ta rais, flîcîr hlî.îa s th,-. tIl s lape st It ta lbase bac tg-ee ' music rang forth. ciosed beticeon thp Naval qtation au- As sonaulth' iralin siarit tl ttthorities and the directort;a? WOst fioryhody litteti their bats Inmi Par'i, Nortb Chicago, whereby »0 - dtately wiih the cxception of tlie'. e gov,11,-ment îsi<,-î oser for j peniet two, men. of the war and a year thereafler,'of Refusedti laSalule IL. Fo..c Park. The superintendeut desîgzîaîd The tact that l'une Sant bas tion* theecslly andi laid Ihem lota11,Il,,., througb Capt. liitett ofGroat tboir bats icheuiton bath of lhem Igtkes. la going ta mean a gond lhIî--- tusplieti that they "would violIlift their for citîzens of North Chicago toa e hâte- for ny song or any -fing.'" They corhin extent. Of course. th1e park saldti hey were 1'following the fiag ot i wei bede-nie t athe public for a the Lord and flot sny nation." Lime during the week, but a.ccord Ing The crowd ar once bocame in. ta Catit. Moffeit, he te gaing ta throw coised antd [t loakoti for a few nain- the ';ark open for th1e puhILc'al&opd nates as though ibere was gotng ta WedhecdUy, Sauîrtiay aflernoon £115 he sometising dolng. Hloiever. the Stînday, anti evertiybady will b. ooe>. superintentient calmedth Ie men tiown dia.lly Intted ta go theme. The s anti they left the thlug ceet for the will bc troce ta them andti 11e l lime belng. have evemy useo0f il the lame s i1 They aIl returnoti ta thir work anti bati hefare. 111e day passed quleily without env F'urîhermore, Osipt. Moffett sa.~- furiher mention of th1e incident. nounces ihet under hie present pIeu.ý The employes ofthlIe plant diti not the big Great lales bandtillI gise forget the Incident and accordingiv concerts ln Focs Park as welIauas t tlîey mute plans ta sep. that the men tbh' station, t.hut; by the naval eti.lo were forcedta o how Iheir deference taking aver tubesPark il monos 114 ta Old Glory lui due lime. Actord- In th1e future during the sumaer Ce lngiy, thia noan as the men uuére dis- certain diays .the publie ulîl have thet misseti fromt the plaint a rrouil got ativautage of a very fine bandi concet.' together anti surraountied Smith aund1the details of which uil ha annaunoed Payne. Tbey protinceti a large fiag frramlimte ta lime. sud laid JIt on th1e grass near the tac- l deevlops alan thlat thie goverm. tory. Grabbing bold of the Iwo meu ment hec ecquireti ail th1e property on - they tld thent ta kneel tiown andtih1e eset aide of th1e ralîroedtmefske îaw ta Ibis beautiful emblom wbich runniug ta the E. J. & E. teacks. Plot la belng respecteti s much through- one strip of land bas been left wbib out te uomid a i te preseut LIme by tlie goverumont bas Dot tacaan over. aid patriote. This tucludes a great mauiy acreas Mi The men etai rel refuscd lta do &qas enumber of buildings. Up to tid tbey icere bitten but whela they saw tirmë t hati not been lcnown It U th1e lemper af 1the crowdti ley recoli- cIe Sami hati takon over ali"tie 1111t. gideredti ieir tiecision anti kneling an erty, the untierstantiing being thet go the graste bowed ln humiliatlng deler- feu pioces lied been left out. New,' ence saveraIltimtes. accortilng ta Captain Moffett 470117 At ]agi the cowd uas satîsiieti anti plece La under governmeont coutri tld tbem they coulti gel up anti go for th1e perlati af the uar an dat koas home. for s partatitherea!ter. Girls Throw Peint. Ail the lime ,iuterested spectator', Inclutieti ia ozen yaung women uho -E T T OU A war'i lu the Coaok factory. Smith andiI L T TIO S N 'Pok.w. ! B ; Y tg f, b bu E 17 ti t

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